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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. No idea but it was a nice sign. Not as good as Triple H Fears Divorce though.
  2. Don't think it was on here. Only thing I posted was that the visual on jan 4th was good with Hogan telling them those times where over. Expected them to get their rear ends handed to them next Impact and ride off in the sunset or at most at Genesis. Neither happened. Now they just need to go as their is already too much nostalgia and with Sting, Hogan and Flair they pretty much have the same fans covered especially if you just kept Nash. Yep on the Bubba stuff thats why I typed If he was shooting should have noted that is a very big if though.
  3. Who says Hogan's intent isn't exploiting. He isn't doing it for his own peace of mind its exploiting the idea of putting a definitive end to the whole thing instead of the fizzle out it got in WCW and WWE. If that is a good idea is a whole other matter.
  4. Grrrrr not over yet it seems. Or at least now isn't "official" anymore.
  5. One on Pro Wrestling Insider which imo is the least unreliable source around. The band on thin ice was during a Bubba radio interview with Hogan. If he was shooting it seems Dixie and Spike really dislike them and Hogan dislikes Hall but he wants to bring real closure to the NWO storyline in TNA. I heard the show on Youtube ill see if I can dig it up. Here is part one of three Peter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtLz-9VwOgw Hogan also said the Foley punch was a shoot as it was scripted to be a shove hehe. Thanks Foley.
  6. Jumps for Joy!!!! PWI confirms!!! And it seems the Band is on thin ice as well if Hogan was shooting with Bubba.
  7. Reportedly Rey's entrance got botched he was supposed to be catapulted by an elevator on to the stage but it malfunctioned so he climbed out of the hole. Cameramen yeah it was not just their fault also production snafu's. On enjoyment it was decent but it wasn't great, enjoyed 24 a hell of a lot more and in some respects even 25 despite the lackluster main.
  8. Yeah it was Apollo Creed related but blame the talent himself for that one not Russo. He used those trunks etc in the indies and wanted to use them in TNA. TNA ok'ed it off course which is their responsibility but its not 100 percent on them. PS if you want to do some ranting and flaming there are plenty of other sites out there where that is the norm and or acceptable lolz. When I want to put my 100 percent mark hat on I go there as well but still keep civil. Never got the appeal of the swearing and personal attacks. Not implying you went that far. Edit: Also rumor going about that the Nasties are gone, fingers crossed and waiting for true confirmation.
  9. Hmm ok then instead of calm try uber calm. This is not a calm statement. Please arguments etc. Also on this board yes we are wrestling geeks and what we personally like isn't a reflection of the mainstream but a lot of posters on here are able to look at things from the marks perspective which is the right way to be critical. On Creed not the guy I would cut but the roster is bloated as is and there where worse choices.
  10. On one depends on the room you are trying to attract but seeing that they are trying to attract the mainstream yes its bad. But there have been unfair criticisms on TNA in the past because "reviewers" totally missed something that was quite glaringly obvious. On two yeps and its so frustrating that the bad parts are so glaringly obvious. TNA could just use one guy that acts as a BS filter and it would be so much better. Hogan: I want to bring in the nasties because... No! Bischoff: I want to use OJ bisex gimmick No! Lets have AJ be mentored by Flair Yes Lets turn AJ into a little copy of Flair No! Lets have Hogan give Abyss back his confidence Yes! Lets use the ring not only be symbolic but actually have the power and give abyss the american made theme and yellow and red flakes on his shirt. No! And so on.
  11. Hear! Hear! Everybody chill. Both Stennick and Tommohawk are making decent points but are either overstating them or getting too aggravated. Relax and lets hope this weeks Impact will be as good as last weeks despite the OJ stuff. PS number wise house shows are up, merch sales are up and ppv buys are up and ratings where, unfortunately lost them due to bad booking, up. Not by shocking amounts mind you.
  12. Lolz. Joke is one no one. 8.000 people payed for a house show in the UK and Lockdown has already sold 4k ok this isn't the E in numbers etc but people do pay for TNA.
  13. As far as I know Sharkey is on ppa and he also refs. A lot of TNA's workers are on ppa's which allow them to work for smaller companies as long as TNA is ok with it but the contracts are binding so not in a TEW sense where WWE could just pick them up. Not saying TNA is anywhere near the E financially on its own. But all the dying rumors etc is such bs.
  14. Don't know as we don't have the DVR figures etc. And don't know what we can glean from that. I think more people are aware of TNA they are just not watching which is step 2 and a problem.
  15. I think but can't be sure that even for a casual who watches for 2 to 3 years it becomes kinda predictable and stale. I am not saying one is superior to the other, actually the E's is atm, but that they both have their flaws. TNA is becoming less all over the place though it seems.
  16. OJ is Bischoff's project btw not Hogan. He is the Nasties and the Band. Also the whole Monday night thing is to raise public awareness for TNA, which is/was one of their major flaws, not their need to destroy the E. Yes they want to be no1 in time but for that to happen we are talking years and years. Thommohawk I assume you are talking about the blind haters that pervade the IWC not the informed critics we mostly have here.
  17. I think the E and TNA tend to be on both sides of the spectrum. The E is overly predictable and TNA is over swerving, turning, shocking for shock. Its about finding a good balance imho.
  18. Meh difference of opinion. I think it killed the crowd instead of cooling it off and it being Wrestlemania you can actually have a couple of good matches after one another at the end.
  19. Vince fears Dixie sign in the Wrestlemania crowd tonight. That is two ppv's in a row hehe. Look for it when Bret celebrates and goes to the top right corner.
  20. Yeah sorry about that had forgotten the name of the song. On George know he was dead but the way it was announced it was like she got in. With the harts it was representing with George it was she is in the hall.
  21. Look sure you need to give them a break but give them the tag title match or the three way not the freaking diva cluster. Also don't be so damn serious.lolz
  22. Lol Lazor I know about the peaks and valleys etc but you put the worst of those valleys after the first peak not as the third to last.
  23. Yeps Cole was terrible Lawler was Lawler and pretty quiet and Striker was hit and miss. Hated the whole trained and worked together story on Edge and Jericho. So they are from Canada so they must have come up together??? Plus confusing Jericho with Christian. And then making up for it with the different career path statement which actually discounts what you said before. Either believe the lie or apologize for a mistake don't contradict yourself. They really brought the show down. Too bad Striker doesn't have chemistry with Cole either to compensate for his crappiness. Only one so far that could work with Cole was JBL imho.
  24. Not for wrestlemania it can't and WWE's popularity. And its B- in the current TEW even with your overrating of some parts.
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