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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Thing is Stennick you are talking individual wrestlers gimmicks etc and main eventers not an entire division and the way its treated and represented. It also works both ways especially when mentioning trips, some guys are made into main eventers by the company and others by the fans and then the company sometimes latches onto it. Its works both ways not fans influence the company but the company, especially in a monopoly situation like this, influences the fans. Still al I was saying was that the E gets a relative pass for booking the women like crap because they always book them like crap. Plus as long as no one seriously gives womens wrestling a platform in a more serious way while being a big enough company we will never know if it can or can not draw. If TNA was doing ratings in the two's and had better attendance and they would have treated the women during the early days then we would have known if it could draw or not. Hehe yeah Final but its a fun one lol. I see where Peter and Stennick are coming from I and they are right for a majority of the argument but not 100 percent imho.
  2. I do not think so either but she was over enough to be used in that way so that can be used as an example of how over women wrestlers and with that women wrestling can be and I do not think it was soley based on hotness. Yes T and A plays an important part but it is not that one necesarrily negates the other. There are plenty of hot women that can wrestle they just need to be presented in the right way and that has never been tried by the E or WCW and as long as it has not been tried by a very big company you can not say one way or the other if it can not work.
  3. Ehm no the E's rating is down Big time. And the Ko segmants are or where some of the highest rated each show. Still given a that TNA has a low rating that is not saying much but still. Also eventhough it was the kayfabe era if PWI felt they could sell issues even exploring that idea in the kayfabe era that doesn't make it less valid that they did so. If they legitimitly thought they could sell issues with it and they made it the front cover piece as they did that means she was over enough for that at least.
  4. Hey Katie Lea and Natalya are hot imho and can go to a certain extent. Hamada and Sarita come to mind as well.
  5. Women with great boobs who can legit wrestle? lolz. Plus the female audience is increasing although its still mostly male. And legit is more a way of treating it and presenting it. WWE could present it much better even using the same talent they have now.
  6. Hell there are PWI's claiming that fact. Its not that I say its true but she was very over given the whole Lauper connection etc. Trish, Chyna and to a lesser extent Lita where pretty over as well in recent times. Hell I will leave this to Remi as he is the expert hehe. Still as it has never been seriously tried there is no evidence either way if serious womens wrestling can be a draw on a major scale.
  7. I think this discussion came up a while back in the E thread as well. It is because I think a good tag division can draw. Main eventers are the main draw but not the only draw. Evidence would be the highpoints in wrestling in the 80's and 90's, yes there was always a strong ME scene but it was accompanied by a good tag team scene. As far as women's wrestling goes there is little evidence as it has never really been tried. But given Richter's induction in her peak she was near as popular as Hogan.
  8. He would be good in the talent department and as a third chair on ppv deal or something. And yeah TNA bashing goes way to far sometimes and is kind of a hobby on the net. So is E bashing though but to a lesser extent. They get away with a lot more stuff because they are no1 and do the same bad stuff all the time that its kind of a moot point. Like their non existent tag division and their excuse for a women's division. Well the AJ vs RVD match not being epic kind of left you wanting more and I think that is what they where going for plus commercials always screw with it.
  9. BTW Logan RVD will be doing house shows and is a more established talent then AJ and that is a fact. So he is not a bad choice as new champ and AJ had a hell of a long reign. Longest TNA champ ever.
  10. That is not being said on here at all. Maybe other sites. Just that they could have executed it better but given the fact that RAW was weak because of the ash cloud they took full advantage. Kind of a coinflip consideration but both sides have valid points. I would have gone with Bigpapas version and that was my idea as well but I just threw that out there as a consideration.
  11. Thing is that if you did Stlyes vs RVD next week and had the title change it would have been spoiled all over the net, that might have been a consideration. And unfortunatly TNA does not spend a lot in marketing in general and yes that is a very big flaw budget wise imho. All the money that has gone into The Band and OJ and the Nasties and Morley etc would have been better spent there imho. The two shows that have been marketed heavily have done pretty well though. Well at least the first one hehe.
  12. Seems Daffney was injured heavily during a dark or webmatch when being powerbombed by a student of 3D school called Miss Betsy, hope she will be ok. Source PWI.
  13. They get a set amount for each show with a bonus for good ratings for what is now about 2 and a half more years. Still at the moment their main goal is increasing their fanbase and their television show is the main outlet for that. Once that fanbase is big enough I expect them to become more ppv focused etc. Still all numbers except ratings are up since the regime change so they are doing something right just not right enough imho.
  14. I think ruining it is kind of an overstatement. It did not feel as great as when they did it with AJ but it did not take away from the win either and added a small bit too it.
  15. He is not doing to bad as a heel so far imho although some explanations do need to be forthcoming. On Bischoff you missed Lockdown which apperantly squared everything between him and Hulk. Bisch still has heelish tendencies though and we will see these again soon enough I bet.
  16. Yep just a lot of guys or some guys reposting trying to be funny etc. Actually this week the which was the better show one was not bad. Just the Impact report comments section and others as well turns into who can bash this the best contests. Yeah the articles are pretty good even if I do not agree with everything but it is generally well written and layed out. Byers as a wrestler of the week voter pisses me off though. If you have one guy not voting for TNA but voting for E and Indies and international alone, with the E dominating his voting, you need a guy not voting for E but TNA and Indies and International alone to balance him out.
  17. Well it depends as soon as the rating is not as high as RAW they will come out in droves again. Just not here fortunatly.
  18. Lol yeah their comment section is so annoying smarkish its crazy. Great Impact and yeah it was all a bit much but it was damn entertaining and that is what matters.
  19. Have not seen Impact yet but just saw Lockdown and despite the screwy stuff it was very entertaining imho.
  20. Ya but one can chose your history and given as this is not a full history of the draft and one can chose other highlight pics wilts point still stands imho.
  21. I do not think he is talentless but as has been mentioned before there where better alternatives within TNA and posibly outside of TNA for the same role and push who would have done better and not named Nash. Edit: Finally saw Impact after my computer crash and I really liked it. Sure car and fireball are a bit over the top but still it as cool imho. Was I the only one wishing for Joe to come out for the Main Event though after Lethal got beaten up?
  22. Well to be fair they are trying to get the title over by getting him over. Sadly neither is working and they could or should have known that.
  23. 50 year history of WWE 2 ME women, 3 od years of women in TNA multiple Knockout main event matches or angles. Trish vs Lita are clear exceptions that prove the rule not the other way around. What matters is average time on show and how they are presented. TNA on average has done better with that. Didn't like the whole lockbox thing as it was russoriffic and a cheap way to mix up some storylines. If they had to do it why not make it a no1 contender shot instead of the title itself? The open contract could then have been non title and with stip of your chosing. Angle vs Anderson was great, rest of the show meh.
  24. Yeah but that is the problem Raven+ Stevie + 3D+ Rhino pretty much cover the whole fanbase Dreamer has. I think Daniels could have gotten over with the casuals if they presented him right eg more full on fallen angel and as a true ME threat. He wasn't that bland imho just not the typical wwe star quality look but a look that can really work in TNA.
  25. Nasties and creed are still on the site as well. And TNA is notoriously bad at updating it so doesn't mean much.
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