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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ampulator" data-cite="ampulator" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>On the WWE fans not liking a technical match... they certainly don't like "Pure" matches. That's sure enough. But because of WWE's lack of intense wrestling right now, the punch-kicky stuff they did with Austin and the Rock doesn't work so well because... it's so powder-puff. Even when Big Show punches someone nowadays, it looks weak. Unfornately, in-ring-skill-wise, WWE has caught themselves in corner. They could use workers with more psychology and/or technicality, because the punch-kicky stuff they are allowing is boring and weak-looking, but on the other hand, their fans aren't trained to see much psychology or technicality. What you get is fans cheering or booing when a wrestler comes out, but being a silent during a match.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As I said it also depends on the level and the presentation Swagger vs Christian had some chain and mat wrestling and the fans really responded.</p>
  2. Dude it was quite clear that in wrestling terms in this example chairmen would equate to headbooker/writer for a show which Heyman was for Smackdown during a critically acclaimed period. Heyman is a very good booker but a crappy owner. In TNA he wouldn't need to handle the owner stuff as Dixie and co do that and Bischoff could help with the non directly wrestling related stuff. Dixie + Bisch + Heyman and Hogan as a figurehead could work very well.
  3. <p>Look I agree on the point that that type of wrestling match is rarely presented and under appreciated by the WWE wrestling fans etc and I liked the implosion of the court but that implosion was barely happening before they had that match so at the time it was full on heel vs full on heel and they got it instead of Lashley vs Finley which did have storyline going in. I am just saying that not 100 percent can be blamed on the style of the match resulting in the boring chants. Its a good example just not a perfect one and I think that given time and reason etc that style can be enjoyed by WWE fans.</p><p> </p><p> Fully agree on the E fans being more into look then skill though on a base level.</p>
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Linsolv" data-cite="Linsolv" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah, but the NXT crowd looks like they are all on an oxycodone drip all the time.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Which is the same crowd as the Smackdown crowd fyi.</p>
  5. I agree Self but entirely pinning the silence during Regal vs Finley on the audience isn't totally right either. Christian vs Swagger on WWECW for example ,their first or second match up, while not being so mat wrestling heavy as Regal vs Finley it had a good amount of chain and mat wrestling and got a good pop from the crowd. Regal vs Finley is a very obvious example though but its a pretty flawed one.
  6. <p>Sorry but Finlay vs Regal was a boring match, did it have some good mat wrestling etc, yep. Did it have any storyline going in, not really as they where both heels in Booker's court and Regal replaced Lashley the breakup happened later on. A good technical match isn't automatically a good entertaining match, not that it can't be. Angle vs Wolf for instance was entertaining and technical at the same time.</p><p> </p><p> But if "professional wrestling fans" wanted pure technical wrestling without story and entertainment they would watch Olympic wrestling. That's one of the reasons UFC is doing well is because they are building fake animosity between the opponents but presenting it as legit because they have legit fights.</p>
  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TommyDreamerFan" data-cite="TommyDreamerFan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>...This annoys me. Okay I hated Bubba on there as much as the rest of you, but if they wasted the time bringing him in they should of done something with him before firing. And if you were going to fire this guy, WHY WOULDNT YOU DO IT WAY BACK TO KEEP AWESOME KONG?! GOD DAMN!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Lol seems I got you guys with the double dupe, first an obvious one and then an innocuous one its still April the 1st mates hehe.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Still Fire Bubba!</p>
  8. Yeah I knew it was an easy one but I had to try, still good excuse for anyone that wants to bring him in using TEW lol. Also the same source that claimed the nasties is now claiming Bubba is gone. Whoot.
  9. According to some sources in TNA and Viacom, yes I have them now as I have not been idle, Viacom is close to signing The Rock away from Disney for their movie division and they will be using TNA as a vehicle to promote his movies.
  10. So this puts the total of active "real" tag teams in the E on 2 right? Hart Dynasty and Croft and Barreta aka Dude Busters? As given Lawlers commentary during Dibiase vs Christian it seems Rhodes and him are fully through as well.
  11. Thanks brash, seems I was misinformed about the coverage of homes that Bravo and Sky Sports get. Still if the difference maker isn't "free" ppv's then what is? And yeah I agree that doing free ppv's in the states is a double edged sword.
  12. Really hope TNA doesn't overreact due to the two low ratings and goes back to being legend and storyline heavy and jamming everything in that they can. The last two shows have had a good pace and angle/match ratio, not perfect yet but very good, so it would be a shame. If people remember this happened more often with TNA in the past, they would have a couple of good shows with low ratings and then a crappy one with a higher one. I think this wasn't so much because of the content of the crappy one but because the two good ones got word of mouth going and got people interested in trying TNA again and then when they do watch they get the same stuff that turned them off resulting in a slide in the ratings again till the next couple of good shows in a row. Plus contending with a move to Monday and pre and post mania shows. If and we know with TNA that is a big if they keep this quality of shows up they should be back in the 1.0+ in a couple of weeks. If they do keep this quality and they remain in the 0.6-0.8s then I wouldn't know.
  13. Sky ,the WWE's channel, is in only 5 percent less homes or so then Bravo reportedly, so pretty much everyone carries it and only RAW is in a bad slot as it is live. TNA house show recently did 8k attendance. Also many of the WWE ppv's where or still are free as long as you have that channel. Just saying that the closeness of the viewer numbers cannot be explained by those factors alone. If the free ppv's are a big factor I would start doing those in the US asap as TNA won't loose a lot of money since their buys aren't that high, although not as low as sometimes reported. They can then get money off of selling the rights fees to the Sunday night specials and once the fanbase has grown and people know the quality of those shows they can move them back to ppv. Don't know the length of TNA's deals with the ppv providers though as can't seem to find that info. Trying to get answers from Bisch on that idea and the length hehe.
  14. Gabbo a gentle reminder don't quote spoilers that have been posted in white per the "rules"
  15. Too bad we don't get the minute by minutes as that might slightly give a clearer indication who is offputting. Its harder to claim draw though as a number going down means people who are watching not wanting to see something and switching away, while people that get added either come back after the offputting stuff or come from somewhere else and are not turned off by what they see. Only if something is heavily promoted beforehand and during the show can one somewhat asses draw quality so to speak. Its a science in and of itself hehe. And like PeterHilton said in this day and age its more overall product quality then specific segments that really matter, only if during a minute by minute there is a nasty drop can one say that a certain performer should not be featured. These last two Impacts have actually been good but given the woeful Impacts before these two combined with the go home and post mania show low ratings where to be expected. Plus it is somewhat debatable how accurate Nielson actually is, for the sample size they use I read somewhere that if 17 people switch its a 0.2 change in the ratings. They need to increase their sample size and preferably also data gathering methods imho especially in this day with multiple televisions per home and television via the net not to mention DVR. On the UK from all the data I have seen posted TNA is indeed much closer to WWE in popularity, Smackdown and TNA generally trade no1 and RAW is third but that can be attributed to the bad time slot. Some people say that its also because WWE is on a channel you have to pay for on a subscription basis but people that can watch Sky is only slightly lower then those that can watch Bravo so that is not a big factor. Even taking that slot difference into account TNA is a lot closer in viewership in the UK then in the USA and sometimes even beats them, the same can apparently be said in other markets for instance India also shows TNA having similar or better numbers reportedly. The only real difference is that TNA ppv's have always been free since they started in the UK but that is/was also true for many WWE ppv's. WWE has been just as dominant in the UK as the US for around the same time so that isn't really a factor so apart from the ppv's it could be something cultural or Bravo is a better advertiser and channel then Spike in comparison to the other channels and each-other. Any UK viewers out there have other theories? Take into account that this is from what I have read on 411mania and PWI and other available sources on the non wrestling aspects.
  16. My personal's: Christian Morrison Kofi MVP Matt Hardy and Shelton just because. And since you are new the way TheOmniWarrior did the spoiler thing is how its done here. Warn that there will be a spoiler and then put it in white text so you need to highlight it to read. On the spoiler well I rate Swagger above Sheamus and McIntyre and I like surprises so lets see how it goes. Would it have hurt just to give him some build beforehand though?
  17. Yep TNA would have to make a deal with Spike where Spike somehow makes it that the commercials don't overlap. TNA sells the television rights to spike TNA does not get paid or has control over the ads etc.
  18. Yep that has been their main failure losing the 1.4 audience after the Jan 4th show with very poor booking.
  19. They won't die for a long time yet, 3 year deal with Spike and a flat rate for the ratings, they might be moved back to Thursdays. Reasoning behind Mania is because the so called war at this moment is mainly to increase brand awareness among wrestling fans and Mania is the period most tune in.
  20. Hell even in the 80's some heels where getting cheered the WWE just tended to muffle it away. There is nothing wrong with it as long as the face is also getting cheers. The days of heels getting universally booed and faces getting cheered are dead and buried. As long as its clear who is the bad guy and who is the good guy and they have interesting characters and an interesting storyline and put on a good match it really doesn't matter anymore in the current day and age.
  21. That is true about the WWE but lately they seem more intent on the money in the chase stuff. But using a cowardly heel instead of a brutal one.
  22. Another decent to good Impact that makes 2 in a row. Too bad there is no chance in hell the rating will be good given the post mania raw and shawn's farewell.
  23. Think the only team that could have used that was Lethal Consequences or after their Terry Squashes the British Invasion and even then it wouldn't have been a big of a rub. So really not minding if PWI has reconfirmed it.
  24. Too bad he already lost last year hehe. Ok it was on the preshow and a tag match but still.
  25. The Lethal Powers and EY vs The Band maybe instead of the nasties? EY can be channeling Brutus the barber or something lol.
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