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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Yeah Mach-1 in California but it isn't full on developmental ala OVW, DSW or FCW so to speak. Just that TNA has first view on their students kinda and sometimes TNA can send some wrestlers to train there which right now is only LVE.
  2. Re-watched that part and you guys are right it was the Wolfpac sign to just Nash and ignoring Hall and Xpac, my apologies. I agree on Taz's reading though and that people shouldn't read to much into this for now.
  3. Well the whole patriotic thing vs non patriotic thing has been done to death and isn't for everybody's tastes. But the way it has been executed has been very good imho. And I agree on Orton btw. He is still Snoreton, Boreton to me dammit! Edit: On the nevermore type stuff, yeah that is possible but I just don't want people reading too much into it and getting into another they never did anything with that type read.
  4. Thought I would repost this: Bad stuff so far: the Nasties. Morley and OJ. Hogan, EB, Jarrett, Foley getting too much screen time. Going overboard with AJ becoming Flair and Abyss becoming Hogan and the magic ring. Too much Hall and X-Pac. Not enough time given to matches. Either do a squash or storyline match or at least give them 5 minutes. Daniels push down. Bubba and the plants. The Kong incident. Good: Rest of the stories etc have been very interesting and entertaining though imho. Plus the pacing and presentation have gotten better. Instead of cramming 3 hours into 2 hours its now 2 and a half hours lolz. Still long ways off to realizing their full potential. RVD and Jeff Hardy! Too much bad stuff that overshadows the good stuff making the net balance 0. (Again.) I was leaning towards positive over the last two decent shows and no more nasties but losing Daniels definitely puts it in the negative now imho. Edit: agreed Linsolv.
  5. Well would you read 220 pages of backlog if you are a new member? lolz. But yeah that site you mentioned would be better for a rant.
  6. Not just this thread. And yeah chill. Hope it helped getting that off your chest.
  7. They have come a long way, some wrestlecrap from the early TNA days: http://www.wrestlecrap.com/classic20.html Edit: Angle didn't do the pac sign he gave Nash a fist bump as a show of respect for the MEM days and proceeded to ignore Hall and Pac. It was in no way intended as a heel tease.
  8. Meh I found the one I posted funny, you kinda need to see the ones they had done before though. The TNA made one was crap, so dumb that they didn't make it clearer that it was an example video. Not that that would negate the crappiness of it.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yUdQf3Cxp4 This one is better and funnier. EB posted it as he found it funny. Their other stuff is funny as well. Edit, I agree peter that is what I meant with those comments I used as an example small shots here and there are np. Or do a really big angle like the DX stuff but you have to do that well and time it well etc etc so is risky. Best save that once they get in the 2.0s if they ever.
  10. It really depends on the shots and how they are presented. This vid is not a good one. The two passing EB comments and some of Taz's have been good.
  11. Yeah it was made by TNA as a comedy example for a fan competition they are running. Unfortunately it was not funny and in the clip itself that was not made clear.
  12. Yeah more product what it could/should be and sometimes was lolz. Still a blow to TNA imho even if they where not using him to the full of his abilities.
  13. <p>Daniels was pretty established and he was still very fit for his age, he had at least 5 more good years in him. And nobody draws anymore as an individual, product or a group of ME's draws and Daniels was perfect for the product and had ME potential. Yeah Peter they dumped him back to midcard which was a shame but I was hoping he and Kaz where earmarked to re elevate the X-Division and then he could move up again.</p><p> </p><p> Can easily blame this on the current regime though, although he had been misused in the past.</p><p> </p><p> So lets see signings and gone:</p><p> </p><p> In:</p><p> </p><p> Good: RVD, Hardy, Anderson, Flair.</p><p> Mediocre: Moore, Kendrick.</p><p> Bad: OJ, Venis, Nasties, Hall, Xpac, Bubba, Hart.</p><p> </p><p> Out:</p><p> </p><p> Good: Daniels, Kong.</p><p> Mediocre: Creed.</p><p> Bad: Nasties, Venis.</p><p> </p><p> Not talking about how they have been used just their talent levels.</p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="pate" data-cite="pate" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>CHRISTOPHER DANIELS UPDATE<p> By Mike Johnson on 2010-04-04 13:18:34</p><p> Since a few readers have asked, Christopher Daniels was indeed released from TNA this past Wednesday. He immediately contacted Ring of Honor and made the deal to debut at last night's Big Bang PPV.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF******************CCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Credible as its PWI.</p>
  15. Nah have been making profit for around one and a half or two years. Even if Spike pulls the plug with a proven record of 1.0 ish ratings unopposed TNA could find another home. As long as the Carters want TNA around it doesn't matter. TNA sells the television right fees to Spike and Spike then tries to make money using ads and the internet traffic apparently. TNA gets a flat rate with bonuses for high ratings. Wrestling was cheap content comparatively in those days and was a very proven draw in those days. The promoters did the tv for near free and Vince would even pay the stations and use it as an ad for their House shows and big events. TNA makes the most of their money off the television rights fees percentage wise.
  16. Except TNA had more wrestling last week then RAW and Smackdown combined lol.
  17. Yeah Cornette is executive producer so does production stuff and assists the booking team.
  18. Don't think Daniels has left, at least don't hope so. It seems TNA has mended fences with ROH lately as they have been allowing talent to appear on their shows as long as it wasn't tv. Maybe they have extended this to online ppv. If Daniels has left or is doing this without permission in order to provoke a firing I would be pissed at TNA.
  19. Last two weeks have been very solid actually despite the ratings.
  20. Just a small note that Kurt Angle is not the only Olympic gold medalist to wrestle. Anton Gesink won gold in Judo and wrestled in Japan, Angle is the only one with a gold medal in wrestling though and is a lot more recent. On Danielson, both sides are right imho. He has tools which could help him succeed and he has characteristics that impede him. Its highly unlikely that he will be a top main eventer but an uppermidcard occasional main eventer could/should be attainable. And yes writing/booking will play a big part in that.
  21. Yeah Jan 4th was plastered with that energy drink I almost forgot.
  22. In TEW terms I think lazor was talking about Star Quality and not charisma/mic/acting which Danielson does have. As far as the 88 percent goes well I think much of the E audience listens to who is the loudest and most established. Who are the two loudest on NXT about Bryan? Miz and Cole and there hasn't been much positive reinforcement of Bryan having character. The only thing I can remember is that Jericho said he was a good worker and the focus on his in ring acumen while continually losing. Still who is to say that if they had him debut just on WWECW and ran the same pole he wouldn't have gotten 100 percent no.
  23. As far as I know via reporting on the net the programming in that slot used to be in the 0.8 range or something
  24. Yeah their DVR numbers are apparently down if they are correct and the Observer is bashing TNA (what else is new).
  25. <p>I think Bischoff dislikes the claim Heyman makes about stealing storylines and talent and Heyman resents the fact that Bisch won't own up to it. Them hating each other is a whole other level though. I have asked on the facebook what Bisch's current feelings towards Heyman are after having worked with him in the E but no answer yet. Which is probably a good thing because if he really dislikes him he probably would have said so as he has bashed some he dislikes on facebook so far. HTM, Juve and Vampiro as examples.</p><p> </p><p> On the direction, I hope they know the direction and we are just not seeing it yet or they are adjusting their direction according to some of the results. Hello and goodbye Nasties lolz.</p><p> </p><p> Edit: If Bisch and Russo can work together again why not Bisch and Heyman?</p>
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