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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Even Sheamus is not that unique from a character standpoint just accent and look.
  2. Yeah its always hard analyzing ratings as you actually need minute by minutes or at least segment per segment to see what people tuned out to and what made people to keep watching. In the end it doesn't matter that much though as good overall shows without any crap on a consistent basis draw best.
  3. Yeah I know that was just an initial gut reaction. So not thought out at all.
  4. Not debating the mainstream appeal, but what also really hurt was the bad booking following the Jan 4th show. They kept losing and losing the gained audience week by week. For every improvement they are doing bad stuff as well. How the hell can Hogan, Bischoff and Russo collectively book so bad? Well lets hope that if this experiment fails Dixie finally turns it over to Heyman. If he fails a "new" guy should be given the opportunity.
  5. Or they just let us fill in the blanks. Floundering in ECW and got a chance to get in good with the boss -> heel turn.
  6. Damn what is with the ME scoring so low. People seriously preferred to see a contract signing over AJ vs Hardy? Bad rating but kinda expected with Stone Cold around still also seems the TNA faithful so to speak are turning their backs.
  7. They won't die unless the Carters aren't interested anymore. They make a profit and pull in decent enough ratings also Panda Energy is worth a lot more then the WWE.
  8. It wasn't advertised to the masses so to speak they just released it on facebook. And yeah creatures of the night is/was takers thing so I thought that was weird.
  9. I would have been fine if paying the Nasties and giving them screen time came with the deal but then why not make them Hogan's bodyguards or hell make em part of the weak ass security team. Not even as one of the tag teams do they ad anything to the table. They simply take away time.
  10. And an other unbalanced Impact this week, what a surprise lolz. Bad stuff so far: the Nasties. Morley and OJ. Hogan, EB, Jarrett, Foley getting too much screen time. Going overboard with AJ becoming Flair and Abyss becoming Hogan and the magic ring. Too much Hall and X-Pac. Not enough time given to matches. Either do a squash or storyline match or at least give them 5 minutes. Daniels push down. Bubba and the plants. The Kong incident. Good: Rest of the stories etc have been very interesting and entertaining though imho. Plus the pacing and presentation have gotten better. Instead of cramming 3 hours into 2 hours its now 2 and a half hours lolz. Still long ways off to realizing their full potential. RVD and Jeff Hardy! Too much bad stuff that overshadows the good stuff making the net balance 0. (Again.)
  11. And miss the good parts? AJ vs Jeff Hardy among other things? And no not defending the Nasties they need to go!
  12. Peter they where disappointed, as far as can be gleaned. But devastated is a huge over statement.
  13. Just started a no more Nasty Boys on TNA tv group as it didn't exist yet. For those interested to join here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=365995766913 No offence is meant I just find them detrimental to the TNA product and dislike seeing them on my tv screen. Not in a heel way or personal way. Would appreciate any advertising for this group. Do not know if it will help but you never know. If anyone could make a picture for it would be great.
  14. Yeah I get that but when Bisch uses expletives to make that point, plus the fact he has been pretty straight so far on his facebook and Meltzer's general bias against TNA I ain't buying it. Plus other equally reliable sources reported the morale to still be good although they where slightly disappointed at the rating. A well not that it matters. If it ain't on PWI I don't buy it even if it is true lol and even PWI isn't infallible.
  15. Yep and also Metlzer/WON is full of it. Multiple other sources including Bischoff and Foley have claimed the opposite. They where hoping for a little more then a 1.0 but where happy enough they got it and that the key demos are up
  16. Yeah it comes into effect when it runs out. You could see those 90 days as paid overrun so to speak. They can't break the 90 days and not get paid though they would be sued for breach of contract even-though the contract has "expired". Also WWE loosened the rules a while back so as long as you don't appear on tv its ok. Tommy Dreamer is a recent example. Still wondering what would happen if someone chose to break the 90 days rule though. But I guess the expenses aren't really worth the extra surprise factor.
  17. Andy Douglas has apparently retired, too bad as I liked the Naturals and wouldn't have begrudged them another run.
  18. Yeah he has done multiple shoots where he was very positive about both ROH and TNA with him thinking ROH would fit his style more. 90 days and now less people.
  19. I thought having the Saturday replay be an edited PG version for the kids would be a good idea. This would make it possible to build that audience and at the same time give one an extra reason to watch the original broadcast. I know it would be costly but kids do buy more merchandise etc and it would allow them to grow up with the product and become loyal customers. Would need a lot of bleeps, blurs and some edits though. You can then fill that time with video packages and fill in the missed storyline with commentary.
  20. Yeah in a match it should be a clean win with a half a dominate note so to speak not a burial. In an angle he can destroy him no problem though. He wouldn't automatically gain that level but it does help if done well.
  21. Anyone else think Charlie Haas would be a good addition for ROH? He can work the style and has some name value still and has experience to pas on.
  22. Or Brooke becoming one of Flair and AJ's ehm lady friends hehe. Could be entertaining but would take time away from what actually matters so better not. But if they HAVE to use her that's what I would do.
  23. People care about the nasties because of tv time they are taking up and they where not needed to solidify 3D in any way imho. What kind of booker I am. Well this is my most out of the box idea to date hehe. That's why I suggested Bischoff as well. Problem with that is that EB is heel and Hogan would be hard as he is a know friend to those three. He could work though as well. On using the crowd, have some plants as the vanguard doing the actual shoving and have the rest simply be body mass. Also rehearse it beforehand and make it clear that anybody that gets out of line will be banned for life and get charges pressed against them. Yeah the drunk idiots would be a problem but seeing as they won't be moving out of the Impact Zone for a while and the regulars take up the seats where hassling is possible I don't think it would be that much of a problem long term. Ok so you are not a fan of worked shoots ok that is fine. But remember the vast majority of viewers are not IWC. It would be something never seen before and would create massive buzz. Yeah its totally out of the box and is hard to execute well but I think it would make for exciting television and really ad to the anything can happen atmosphere. And of course get rid of some of my pet peeves on TNA tv atm.
  24. Also what do people think of this idea as a worked shoot? Say the nasties and bubba come out and he goes Bubba Army, Nastize them sign again followed by pipe down nerds. The other fans throw him over the guardrail. Nasties and bubba come down to defend him. Whole part of the crowd riots and kicks that plant, the nasties and bubba out of the building hopefully never to be seen again. Maybe Dixie or EB comes out after security restores order. And say well the fans have spoken you guys are fired. I think that would create a lot of buzz.
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