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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. The reaction probably happened with the beer and all but what set him off is not mentioned and for Henry to go off something must have been said or done. Also one beer soaking himself his friend and girlfriend and the card. That must have been more then a half a liter beer.
  2. Yep and Katie Lea can really go in the ring, its not like they would be picking up Ashley Massaro or someone like that, both not very over or good in the ring.
  3. Well the non nastalgia dudes in TNA have that same passion in TNA imho so I do not know where you are getting this. And TNA gets that passion out of its workers with a lot less political and cutthroat backstage style then the E so in some respects they do it better.
  4. Yeah but that is taking a highpoint uber promoted show for TNA standards and 3 hour one against their worst two full head to head. I could do the same and the E has done 8.1 against 3.0. I know that there is a long period between those and a short one between the TNA ones but it is better to take averages not high and low points. Pre Hogan Bischoff they did a 1.0 average on Thursday then they averaged 1.2 on Thursdays and now 0.8 on Mondays. Also not trying to sound disparaging but if you take percentages on low numbers it is much easier to get dramatic up as well as down. Also it was a 1.5 rounded up and 0.6 rounded up if I remember. It is near 2 thirds but not totally there. 1.46 and 0.58 or something. 3 times 0.58 gives 1.74 which TNA never managed. Even rounded numbers 0.6 gives 1.8 not 1.5
  5. International revenue is a big part of their increase in revenue also other ventures as licensing, merchandise and online with their video library etc plus increased corporate efficiency. Also making stuff more expensive so a loyal fanbase buys it anyways helps.
  6. Just look up the ratings they got during the monday night era and have a laugh. Conversely financially they are stronger then at that time and stronger then ever. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Monday_Night_Wars_Ratings.JPG For much of 99 and 00 they where averging in the high 5's and low 6 now they are down to low 3.
  7. Anyone have a source for the ratings they got at that time as I have looked around and could not find any. The only one I know of is this one and it goes back as far as 2005 http://100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/pages/nwa/impactrat.htm Edit: Just found wiki saying they had an average of 0.2 on Fox Sports. But given that they started with an average of around 0.7 their first year on Spike and averaged around 1.0 their last thursday year they have had some growth. Just not a lot.
  8. Just wondering where you got that 0.1 from? And please a more friendly tone from both of you keep it civil. Instant you are right in some points but are too influenced by the IWC and your own opinions in some cases. Stennick you are inflating some of your figures and not giving them context but are right in the most of it as you are looking at it from the E's and the casual fans point of view which is the target audience.
  9. They lost more then just Kong though, the KO roster is pretty slim atm especially considering LVE can not do anything but stand and be generic pretty. And yes they would need to make room for Shelton, hell they need to make room atm period on the male side of things.
  10. Yep he won't be a Main Eventer in TNA either but a good guy to have around and uppermidcarder or something. He simply lacks the mic skills and the it factor for ME but that is not a problem not everyone can be a ME or have that potential.
  11. Yep good points Stennick and I am saying this as a TNA fan hehe. Altough you slightly inflated some of the numbers. Batista, Cena and Orton work for the current WWE product and most casuals like them, plus the E's profits have never been this high. If their current formula is a long term succesfull one is another debate and their popularity has wained indeed but I never expect them ,and neither should others, to go out of bussiness due to others becoming sucesfull and I do not want them to go out of bussiness at all.
  12. Concering the WGTT reunion its because its the most obvious thing, seeing a lot of Shelton AJ and SHelton ultimate X as well. Edit: On helms and Haas and Burchill who where released at the same time is the 90 days up yet? As I do not think so, so not conclusive as to what TNA intends there. First booking idea I had was Morgan and Shelton as The Gold Print lol. They could compliment eachother well and both missed boats by the E etc.
  13. That didn't work for Helms though hehe. I think Mike Knox is a good candidate for the next crop. I think Carlito and Primo will become the new sympathy jobbers. Edit: Next to Knox also possibly Masters, Kozlov, Ryder, Jillian, Rosa, Dudebusters, Finlay, Goldust, Cryme Tyme, Tiffany, Regal, Jackson, Archer, Tyler Reks, Curt Hawkins. Some going backstage some back to development but thos would be my prime suspects.
  14. Plus NXT not getting another season and having to work those guys in. Makes me wonder who the new sympathy jobbers will be. Apperantly Matt Hardy is grumbling as well. First three of the six could possibly work in TNA Yang, Funaki and J no imho.
  15. Yeah there is one region where the possibly comes into. Allthough the KO division can use some strengthening after the loss of Kong, Flash and Roxxi. And what I have seen from Katie Lee she is pretty good in the ring and good looking.
  16. Katie Lea Burchill, Micky James, Shelton Benjamin, Kung Funaki, Slam Master J and Jimmy Wang Yang released by the E. Source the E website as reported by 411. First three could possibly be good additions imho.
  17. Katie Lea Burchill, Micky James, Shelton Benjamin, Kung Funaki, Slam Master J and Jimmy Wang Yang released by the E. Source the E website as reported by 411.
  18. Yep Heyman is no Booking god but he is the best booker out there period. Would be a great move imho. As to the who else question? Some of the guys here and within TNA I would say Raven.
  19. Yeah but Batista has a better look then Terry. More menacing and better star quality.
  20. Yeah Abyss and Jarrett seemed the grandmasters of promo and wrestling compared to him lolz. PS thanks Cappy.
  21. What about me? What about Ra.... Hyde? lolz. Nah I get what you are trying to say its just important to seperate what you like and what you think and what you think the majority likes or thinks in discussions as long as that is clear then there is np. For example I love your hatred for Anderson as its actually contrary to your general balanced nature hehe. But you do make it clear that its your opinion and give good arguments for it at the same time.
  22. As with Hardies theme blame RVD for that one as its the song he uses on his website and podcast and that he likes. You can blame TNA for letting him chose it himself like with Hardy though.
  23. Now we are getting away from the original discusion, the fact remains that while WWE has the oppurtunity and in some cases even the talent to do both they chose just to go for eye candy. Both is best but since the E always just goes for Eye Candy and screw stories, wrestling and character they get away with it more because that is what they always do like Bigpapa and I pointed out.
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