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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Yep last year they averaged around 1.1 - 1.2 so that is what they at least need to do to have the same size of first time viewers. Some are arguing that they have lost fans but that they have been replaced with paying fans. Say loss of 0.4 non payers gone and 0.2 payers gained. Still this is hard to verify. The big bad is the merchandising. Their sales should be much higher now, while they are higher but not as could be expected, with Hogan and RVD and Hardy. Their contracts should/could pay for themselves. Same goes for extra international expansion. They have signed a contract in Saudi Arabia now but if that is because those names are on board now is a question.
  2. Daniels was being used though up until they terminated him. Not used well, but used none the less. And lets not get into the argument about how good he is or isn't as we already had that around his release. Fact remains he was a big part of TNA's brand identity and given that that is one of TNA's weak spots it was stupid to release him.
  3. Actually that isn't the same crowd any more, the guys in the pit and near crowd mikes have been replaced. Doesn't detract from the vast majority of your argument though
  4. First off all that is reportedly of course and it was reasonable if they had used him right and/or saw enough in the guy. The second two where not there so yeah I can see the cut. But there are plenty of others on high paying deals or even higher paying ones that could/should have been cut before him.
  5. Hmm cappy the good promo's of Anderson in that other company haven't changed your tune one but has it. Cena and Orton both disliked him and where just waiting for a chance to get him gone. That gave them a reason to speak up and he was gone. It wasn't really the cause of his termination but the proverbial drop that overflowed the bucker. And when the two top young stars in the company do not like you its bye bye time.
  6. Well I can rotate some guys and gals and still get the same result, only Daniels is irrplacible imho. Still if they had focused their product in that order and on those guys I think TNA would be doing a lot better.
  7. He is still under contract with TNA but I think rather then the dates thing, it is about rotating the Legends in and out which would be smart, plus TNA tends to give more latitude for outside projects with Foley finishing his book and the comedy stuff. Once the book is finished he will probably be back to make a major impact and thus also promote the book.
  8. Yeah that was more my point. It wasn't in defense of TNA in any way. As Russo always seems to cross the line in a bad way as there is a fine line between complicated and confuluted, suspense and makes no sense, original and ridiculous etc. And Russo booking for Hogan and EB and before when he was booking for Jarrett always crossed the line towards the second one too much. Weirdly when he was head of creative on his own it became a lot better as the period of Hard Justice till Final resolution was the only time it was just him being head booker and the Bound For Glory till Final Resolution has been their "best" booked period in recent times.
  9. Hehe yeah but one can be predictable and non edgy as long as it is well done. Its just when you are always predictable and non edgy and the performance level is always decent but rarely great that it becomes stale. Too bad the IWC always seems to want to have their cake. eat the cake and sell it too it seems.
  10. Hehe yeah, its just easier and more accepted to criticize then look at the good. And yeah like the Lethal push. Him vs Kaz who seems to be going heel could be interesting for the X title. And on that positive note. Remember that lame 8 reasons to watch Impact at 8 thing they made? Which was apparently for a contest in which you could send in similar stuff and they would pick a winner. Well I had been working on one , but since they scrapped the idea and released one of the workers I would mention I thought I would post it on here and see what people thought. Hadn't done the video part yet but here is the draft story board, also remember this is before the Lethal push or the Daniels and other cuts: Eight reasons why TNA Impact at Eight if for (pronounced as four) You! 1. The wrestlers everyone knows and can really go. Jeff Hardy, cut to higlights. Rob Van Dam, cut to higlights(cth). Kurt Angle, cth. Mr. Anderson, cth. 2. The TNA original wrestlers you should know and steal the show. AJ Styles, cth. Samoa Joe, cth. Daniels, cth. Abyss, cth. 3. The up and comming wrestlers that will make their presence known. Desmond Wolf, cth. The Pope, cth. Matt Morgan, cth. Hernandez, cth. 4. Real tag team wrestling that is the best in the world. Beer Money, cth. MCMG, cth. British Invasion, cth. Generation Me, cth. Lethal Consequences cth. 5. The wrestlers of the X Division who define the no limit lifestyle. Kaz, cth. Eric Young, cth. Homicide, cth. Red, cth. 6. The best women's wrestlers in the world that will knock you out! Kong, cth. Tara, cth. Hamada, cth. Flash, cth. 7. The legendary wrestlers that support TNA and ad to the show. Hogan, cth. Flair, cth. Foley cth. Sting, cth. 8. And finally why TNA Impact is four you is because it gives you violance, cut to hardcore stuff and blood mainly involving not previously mentioned people. Sexyness, The Beutifull Poeple, Sarite/ Wilde, Daffney and ODB doing their things. Real and diverse characters, cue promo and catchphrase higlights. And last but not least total wrestling action! Cue to wrestling highlights. Those are the eight reasons why TNA Impact at eight is for you! Make the change and cross the line!
  11. Plus a cut like that was unnecessary, just slam it over his head and he goes down, keep attacking, he hulks up and lays Wolf out. Points at Chelsea, says you are mine now and walks off. Next week or same Impact we see her scrubbing floors or something. Most problems solved.
  12. I agree 100 percent that it was a worked shoot, but to ad legitimicy they could have not told Striker what Bryan was going to say. The WWE do stuff like that sometimes.
  13. Pope earlier in the year and some of Angle's promo's have been outstanding as well imho. Especially the one where he told the story behind the medal.
  14. Not necessarily but it hasn't helped much either, really hoping for a Abyss turn on the hukster and AJ on Flair.
  15. Yeah they kinda put themselves in a catch 22 there. If Abyss does not claim her then the stipulation for their match becomes (even more) meaningless but he is a gentleman. If he does claim her, eventhough he has a legitimate gripe against her, he comes of as a bad guy. Hogan booking and Russo writing for Hogan just is not working.
  16. Hey I like Law And Order. But I like it for what it is. Simple fun and drama. You like Heath why?????
  17. Maybe the rating is not that great but it is still income from television rights fees. And as with Spike its relative rating for the network that is also important. It was just an example that TNA has quite the international distribution and that gives them a good amount of income.
  18. And what has her being Canadian got to do with her being cut? Its such a funny pairing Sarita a Canadian with a Latino gimmick and Taylor Wilde a Canadian with a proud American gimmick. It depends where they are based and if they are being paid for travel.
  19. Yep shades of gray is true, problem is it is a balancing act so that it doesn't become a big ball of gray. Cough Russo Cough.
  20. Yes he is old etc but at the moment he does stand out from the pack and the fact that he is British does ad to his lustre. Is that enough to keep him around? That is a different question. I do think TNA's income is more international then 80 but since TNA never releases hard figures we won't know. And as far as I know they do not have a TV deal in Japan so Japanese workers do not get that bonus. Also Doug was brought in before Wolf so yes now that they have Wolf Doug has lost some bonus so to speak. Was just countering the statement that he was totally unmarketable etc which is not the case. Is he very marketable? Nope but that is never the case in any company and I liked the British Invasion tag team and what Doug is adding to the X Division at this time.
  21. he British Invasion T-Shirt when they where still active lolz. 8k at a house show in the UK which is a record attendance, television rights fees, high viewer-ship in the UK which makes it easier to sell overseas like their recent Middle East deal. TNA also airs in many other countries like Australia and India. TNA does quite well internationally do not underestimate the income that generates and the importance of it. All international viewing figures are up for instance with the Hogan era, merchandise sales are up, ppv buys are up, house show attendance is up, international distribution is up. Everything is up except the US ratings, is it as up as could have been hoped? No. Is the US rating figure the only thing that matters? Hell no.
  22. Beer Money is bank and you do not need to release Storm for Roode to get a singles push. Plus LAX appeals to the Latino market. So I would never release those guys without adequate replacement.
  23. Yes he does he is a Brit and that is TNA's second biggest market plus because of his technical skills smarks like him.
  24. On Air talent: Some asap some phase out definitely: Nash, Hall, X Pac, Terry, 3D, Richards, Kiyoshi, Neal, OJ, Okada, Von Erich, Rayne, Chelsea, Tessmacher, Hart. Possibly: Red, Kendrick, Sharky, Moore, Magnus, Raven, Tomko, Rhino, Hebner Sr, Hebner Jr.
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