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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Ad the snippet that Reid has signed with TNA according to him and it's fun all-round. With the him being himself part, it is true that they just give bullet points for the promo's again instead of scripting it all which is a notable improvement.
  2. Hehe yeah but the 411 comment section is chuck full of idiots. And I am talking more about writers and people who's opinion slightly matter, then the 411 comment idiots.
  3. Yeah my bad. He said: "I haven't requested to wrestle anybody tonight bro."
  4. That is something totally different and you know it. We are not talking indie level here.
  5. Actually they get/got around 2 mill watching in the US so its more then a couple mill but that is for the other thread.
  6. Yep and if its bad the main course is ruined. As is the whole experience. The top guys can't exist without the lower guys. And the top guys draw a lot less when the rest of the card is not as strong.
  7. He said he was looking for him all over not all day. Big difference so not a problem. And Anderson is just more likeable as a heel imho.
  8. Or its still running. The paq is mine. Mixing pack with kliq.
  9. Did you guys also have the very, very long promo for the UK tour as well? Plus anyone else find it funny that Young is now aligned with Hall given the promo Joe gave when Hall no showed and Young stepped up to fill his shoes? Puppet was more entertaining then all the stuff Swaggle has ever done combined hehe. Nice continuity with Jeff saying he didn't have a match and then the match against Wolf. ffs. Also not promoting that at all during the show?? Nice match though for the time given. Really hope its a false face turn with Anderson. He is much better as someone you like to hate then like to like. If you get what I mean. What is with the heel vs heel ppv matches? One ok but two? And shame that king of the mountain is gone as it gave decent to good matches and was a part of TNA's identity. If they had tweaked it a bit by making it full elimination and no need to pin to hang up the title for example it would have been less gimmicky and thus even better. Overall decent Impact. Not great but not bad either.
  10. Yep and while your main stars are a big part of the brand they are not the whole brand, they are the sizzle on the stake or the sauce if you will, but if its not supported by good meat and vegetables and isn't cooked aka booked right then it draws less. Kinda what I was trying to say.
  11. Actually they do, especially in the current days. As the overall product is more important then just the top guys. Just look at all the highpoints in wrestling. Yes you had your Hogan's and Rocks etc but at the same time there was also a strong tag division and/or hardcore workers and/or cruiserweigts. Edit: Also as a promoter if there where not any Bobby Eaton's then there would never be any Warriors as there would be no one to make him look good.
  12. That is a better one. Although problematic for some heels as they tend to sell less even though most of the WWE heels are cool heels now. Also the utility workers get kinda shafted in that system, eg the guys that round out the product and make the other guys look good.
  13. Yeah I do know, I went a lit overboard to make the distinction clearer, but in general they are viewed in a very positive light.
  14. Not caring and not being forced down your throat are two different things. It is being forced down your throat but since you do not care it doesn't matter to you. Plus they pretend it is more then just a lame social network.
  15. First of all its always popular to rag on the top babyface. No offence meant just an observation even The Rock and Austin had severe detractors. Also there seems to be a flavour of the months heel in the IWC as well from time to time. Anderson then Orton now Miz. And ragging on TNA has been "in" since Russo came back and ROH gets praised to the heavens. Cena is not as bad a worker as the IWC think he is, but he is not as good as the WWE make us believe he is. Also Cena is not the problem its the entire writing/booking and direction of the WWE. Cena being the figurehead at this time is just the one catching a lot of the flack. Numbers are definitely down, just look at the ratings, but they where down before Cena arrived as the main event face. Profitability on the other hand is up and that is the E's main goal. This has mainly been done due to greater efficiency, international distribution and new technology. Is their current heading a long term sustainable development? Well they won't go out of bussiness that is for sure but profits will stop growing and will eventually go down or bottom out. But as long as TNA does not get its head out of its behind or another company pops up they will be no1 for a long long long time. Hell a strong no2 would even force changes but that is not happening either.
  16. Tell that to the legions of people that are part of it, the site stuff that is. And for not cramming it down your throat start counting the number of times it is said over a broadcast. Its a lot! And I dislike the term a lot and to top it of they stole it from TNA lolz.
  17. Nope the match against Matt Morgan when he had Red as his partner.
  18. Also wasn't the legdrop Hogan's secondary finisher in Japan? His premier was his lariat. In Japan workers generally have multiple finishers of multiple levels. Which I quite like to be honest.
  19. Yep he is definitely not doing it for the money, but more as a way to get the possibility of shilling his shows to Viacom as an ulterior motive.
  20. Could be they did it backstage and will edit it in. If at all true. Hope she does better then her mediocre tna run.
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