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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. They will but in 3 months unless they have the balls to challenge that rule. But as it is a paid 90 days and are allowed to do non tv or ppv events no real reason to do it as a performer.
  2. Nope fired is also 90 days, see Anderson Anderson, Ken. Depends on the contract etc but generally is always 90 days.
  3. Or it is for the WWE Network The Network! You know that E channel they are exploring.
  4. Don't think they hyped Lashley via twitter or just as a surprise not a game changer, the last big twitter ones where Angle, Hogan and Monday's which where big news not that Mondays or Hogan have worked so far. Bisch has been doing good work except for his fondness of bubblegum (OJ).
  5. As long as I keep creative control it's ok, brother, brother, brother, brother. Lolz. On Danielson it makes me think of the blame Canada stuff from the first South park Movie. Too bad I am not good with photoshop etc to change it to blame Bryan or something like that and put his mug on the shirts instead of the maple leaf.
  6. Yep recent set of taping's has been a less is more approach to Hogan.
  7. So it seems that the Slammiversary surprise and the big change, which will also start at Slam apparently, are two different things. So probably a signing, Dreamer I guess, and another big one, no clue but lotsa options. Seems the Bryan firing and Hogan's overhyping have kinda stole the thunder from this one.
  8. Actually the TNA thread has a lot more posts so its a lot harder workload. Hehe.
  9. So it is more about the legit nature of the choke then showing a choke at all? Could be.
  10. I reached out to TNA President Dixie Carter for clarification on the "TNA changes" comment that we've written about tonight. When asked about whether it would involve a creative change as we theorized earlier in the night, Carter responded none of the theories making the rounds were correct and the change was something on a much larger, grander scale. It was described to me as "true change." While there is rampant discussion going on within the company about the situation (and we've heard a number of theories), the reality is no one in the company knows what Carter has up her sleeve as she hasn't disclosed it to anyone. Carter is holding all her cards extremely close to the vest, so no one knows what the true nature of what her tease is. While Carter made it clear this situation is not something specifically designed for Slammiversary (although she did tease a surprise for that PPV, which apparently is a different matter), all of this certainly does add a lot of intrigue and mystique to this Sunday's PPV. We'll have full coverage of TNA Slammiversary all this weekend. Source PWI. Hmm really depends to what rumours she is revering too. No more ppv is the only one I have not seen yet which could be described as such a game changers.
  11. On the choke stuff, Hasn't Christian used the rope choke in most of his matches since returning? He never got any flack for that.
  12. Actually since the return to Thursday it has gotten a whole lot better. Less Hogan and less ridiculous stuff and more wrestling.
  13. Yeah and not too bad a name either. Just somewhat generic, not that that is bad.
  14. Yep releases generally get ignored if its not a loser leaves town situation or big name ala Jericho, Michaels etc.
  15. Heard the rumour that when Bisch and Hogan came in they talked about the name change but said no and the main name discussed was IWF.
  16. TWA! TWA! TWA! TWA! If they pick that they stole my suggestion and I will be proud as a pea**** lolz.
  17. We shall see. If he is truly gone then it is weird given all the time and effort, relatively, they put in the guy.
  18. Actually it says Daniel Bryan has been released. So they hired Bryan Danielson possibly.
  19. Source PWI. There goes Heyman sniff sniff. There comes live and or second show and or touring.
  20. It's difficult as I do feel they could benefit from a more established star working with them, maybe not mastermind but jumping on board, to give the rub. But at the same time he should not overshadow the rest of the group. Really needs some good booking.
  21. Yeah that is coming from multiple sources. Still why not, Bisch is not so much storyline but more format and Hogan has seen the less is more light it seems.
  22. Tried getting EB to open up on facebook on his current status with Paul. No answers unfortunately. Best source I know is the book in where he appreciates his creativity but dislikes his dishonesty. Well now that he would not also be the owner he has a lot less incentive to be dishonest or he would be dishonest in a way that would benefit TNA and thus EB.
  23. Well depends on the context hehe. Russo at that time did go a bit overboard with pushing the new/young talent etc. non established vs non established draws little non established vs established is good idea, established vs established is a safe bet. In a very very simplified kind of way.
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