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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Yeah but that is/are one/some the big question(s) eh. Who is watching and /or spending money on TNA and why, who is not watching/spending money on TNA and why not and what could make them watch it/spend money, who is not aware of TNA and what would make them aware and what would make them watch it/spend money? Reportedly the results of the survey TNA did suggested that the ECW brand still had value and fans that where not watching might be persuaded to watch TNA if something was done with said brand.
  2. Huh? That was not being discussed at all. The discussion is if at this time it is preferable for TNA to switch to more television specials ala clash of champions/Saturday Night Main Event or stick with 12 ppv's. And yeah ppv's are not a large part of TNA's income at this moment nor will they be in the near future. The notion that you have to be fully ppv focused is an antiquated one. Even the E gets more or near the same out of their television rights deals at this time. Anyway on the ECW stuff I am kind of ambiguous I like the idea behind the storyline and am curious about the execution. But once we get to the stage of matches I do not see many good ones coming of it especially if they are not Hardcore. Plus I would not like to see any TNA talent lose these matches, which would lessen the effect of the storyline if the TNA talent always win. And in the long-term apart from RVD and to a lesser extent Dreamer and Rhino I do not see anyone in the ECW camp who can actually give a rub unless they feud with the under-card.
  3. On the possible spoiler: Lol seems I am prophetic still isn't Abyss vs RVD a lot more logical.
  4. Ehm if 0.05 = 14k then 0.4 the difference would be 8 times 14k which comes out at 112k people not 30k.
  5. 1.09! Although it is down it does seem to be they are regaining their old size of audience.
  6. On Nash as a colour guy, I liked him when he did it in WCW but his TNA stint with Booker T I personally did not like although what I have read a lot of other people did. Still Nash has reportedly been smart with his money so once he quits he is probably really gone
  7. Yep Brand Identity is still something TNA is struggling with but atm they seem to be focusing all their attention on brand awareness and with the quality of the shows lately, if they keep them up and the stories have satisfying conclusions, said lack of identity does not have to be a problem. BTW Richards is a relatively new addition to TNA and Raven only returned full time recently. So its mainly Rhino and 3D, and to a lesser extent Pat Kenny, that can be equally or more identified with TNA. Is Jerry Lynn's contract with ROH an exclusive one btw as he could fit in here well as well. Also seems that TNA have finally learned that with wrestlers perceived as "legends" that less is more as they are rotating them in and out. Nash and Jarrett talk but no Hogan and Bisch Foley returns but Sting is suspended. Ok now that it seems that the ECW guys are not Abyss's they/them who the hell is it? Hogan and Bisch and co? Which would mean they are the same they Sting was talking about. Anyway looking forward to some multiple stable storylines.
  8. Because it was a good plan gone wrong. The stip was if Velvet or Lacey interfered Madison would lose the title. The plan was to avoid this by having biker girl interfere. The ref wrongly or rightly assumed it was one of the above and she lost the title. Just because a plan went wrong does not mean you are no longer (new) allies.
  9. Yeah a couple even, they called them bimbo brawls if I remember correctly. One with ODB and one with Roxxi. Dates: June 5, 2008 - TNA iMPACT: ODB defeated Velvet Sky w/Angelina Love in a TNA Knockouts Street Fight.. ~~~Roxxi Laveaux & Gail Kim attacked Velvet Sky & Angelina Love until MOOSE debuted to align with the Beautiful People! June 8, 2008 - TNA Slammiversary: Gail Kim & ODB & Roxxi Laveaux defeated Angelina Love & Velvet Sky & Moose.. June 26, 2008 - TNA iMPACT: Moose (aka Mickie Knuckles) defeated ODB in a TNA Knockout's Bimbo Brawl! July 3, 2008 - TNA iMPACT: Moose (Mickie Knuckles) defeated Roxxi Laveaux (bloodied) in a TNA Knockout's Bimbo Brawl!
  10. Probably too big a financial risk to do that last part at this time. And yeah they had a Las Vegas Hard Rock cafe, yes that was Bisch's intended spot oddly enough, show there in 2008 when the Impact zone was getting revamped for HD and got the bigger tron and singular stage entrance.
  11. Ehm wasn't it Bisch that moved WCW to Disney? I do not think he hates small arenas but if he hates them at all more small arenas that do not allow for good production value and have a very low rotation of audience. Anyway I do not think he hates on them at all, he just said ECW was too small for him to pay attention too when a lot of people where claiming he stole what they where doing. He stole more from Japan then anything else imo. Anyway if you want to ask him, his facebook is open again and every monday before a ppv you can call mondaynightmayhem toll free, for US citizens, and ask him.
  12. Most????? And yeah Bisch has nothing to do with this. As far as competition goes everything that is either entertainment or sports is competition, the closer the product is in terms of who they appeal to and with what they appeal to potential customers the closer the competition. While MMA competition might be overstated by some, especially fanboys like Meltzer, it is still competition.
  13. AJ Styles has been named the top wrestler for 2010 on Pro Wrestling Illustrated's annual PWI 500 list. He becomes the first wrestler in TNA history to rank #1 on that list. Congratulations to the Phenomenal One! The issue hits newsstands August 3. Credit to Pro Wrestling Scoops from TNA Asylum. If this is true: "excellent" Mr Burns finger motion. Hope Angle comes in second hehe. They are the two best out there atm in a major US promotion imho.
  14. Thoughts so. And yes this is padding the post count lolz.
  15. Still as no one knows when TNA's ppv deals expire it is kind of moot talking about it just yet. Still as you know I agree with you on that Peter that it should be seriously looked into. Still I hope Xplosion becomes a full fledged B show on a different day with Reaction before or after it. That could really help revenue etc. BTW is Explosion in the new format shown in the US already or not? Would be interesting to know its ratings.
  16. This remains the most important. No matter how low their buys if it is more profitable to do ppv then television specials or nothing then from a short term profit standpoint they should keep doing ppv. Even if ppv is more profitable if the margin is not to big then it might be smart to move to more television specials as an aide to growing their fanbase. But this has been covered a lot. Too bad a certain ref doesn't work in the ppv division or we could have asked maskedpropaganda lolz.
  17. I know that the buys are very low or bad in comparison to the E, but I am talking about bad buys for TNA standards. The Slammiversary 7k one for example which was complete bs and I do view as "hate" along with the other stuff I mentioned. And yes agree on the revenue streams and those are improving given that tv rights are their main source of income and they just expanded to the middle east.
  18. Guys if we are going into the nitty gritty please move this discussion to the MMA thread. Personally I can not say much on the topic as MMA is not big here. I have watched some both new and old and I like the old stuff a lot better. Otherwise I like K-1 as ground and pound bores me and it has more action and the Dutch rule it hehe. Now back to TNA and screw the rumours about bad ppv buys, low morale, financial trouble etc etc etc. Haters will hate even if they call themselves journalists.
  19. Well they did lose a lot of momentum coming out of the failed Jan 4th till return to Thursday experiments so that is not surprising. Tellingly the Thursday ratings are not what they used to be on a consistent basis yet so even with the low conversion rate TNA has the total number should be lower if all this is true. I just hope they, or if he comes in Heyman, don't panic and go for major change again as lately they have been very good and the latest rating is hopefully an indicator of organic growth. We do not know the real ppv buy figures anyway so hard to speculate on them. And yeah in time I expect UFC buy rates to get around boxing numbers, depends on a lot of factors though as boxing does a lot more on free tv and there is lot more competition within boxing.
  20. Well their buyrates have never been that high, the question is if they are up in comparison to the last two years and are they high enough for ppv to be the most profitable option in comparison to tv specials. Any info I have had from non Meltzer sources say they are.
  21. Yeah really hoping this is the first step in organic growth via word of mouth due to good programming. And that with the Lebron announcement as a competitor. Still watching the ppv will give thoughts later maybe.
  22. Christopher Daniels wrote this on his Twitter: "According to PWTorch, I'm not one of AJ and Frankie's mystery opponents for TNA tomorrow. Which sucks, now my flight to Orlando is pointless" Source TNA Asylum. Let's hope that it is Daniels. The other one rumoured is Bentley. So both ex tag team partners.
  23. Agreed but still do not think he should have the title at this point. I am actually partial too good face runs with titles as "The chase" while a proven system has been kinda overdone. I really liked AJ's face run in part because of that.
  24. Have to question that given all his injury woes. Also of the perceived non TNA originals Angle, RVD and Hardy are still bigger names imho even-though Anderson is hot atm.
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