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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Dixie is at it again! From facebook: "Just signed a new talent contract on someone you guys have been asking about. Stay tuned!" Many possibilities here but my money is on Katie Lea.
  2. Last 8 seconds gotta love it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQwjCTHZwfE
  3. Decent episode some good stuff some bad. Not going to nitpick through all of it. Actually felt last week was better despite the rushed tournament. Hope Dixie's on air role is over now.
  4. Only thing I have heard is when Anderson "botched" the backdrop according to Orton both he and Cena went to complain and because it was both of them he got fired.
  5. If they go back to the Kong vs Kim days I would not mind. But the BP focused show I do mind. I like(d) them in their original formation as the anti KO heels that rarely win but get their heat back via angles and being "hot". Not as the centre of attention and with 3/5 of them out there.
  6. Seeing as Delirious just became ROH head booker ain't happening and I would not want to see happen personally as I do not feel he has mainstream appeal. Joe and to a lesser extent Daniels have/had moved on from the X Division. Red and Evans are too much spot monkey for my liking. Personally I would have Lethal, Kaz, Young, P Williams, Dutt and Aries make up the main singles competitors for the division. With the Bucks, MMG and Londrick as mainly tag who also feature in the division as well as Williams from the BI and Homicide from LAX. Ad in Ink Inc and Sharkboy as sympathy jobbers and that is a very strong division. The problem remains time and attention though. Maybe scrap the KO's or once Xplosion gets picked up in the US and goes full hour move one or both of them there. Seems that sometimes people overlook the fact that by adding the KO's the X Division automatically got less time.
  7. I thought Ashley actually cheated on London not the other way around. But that is from London's mouth in his great highspots interview with him and Kendrick. London: "In WWE it's not so much the cream that rises to the top. It's the Jizz." ROFLMAO
  8. Well a lot of the X division guys have moved on to either Tag or Heavyweight division so atm it is kinda thin but if Lethal and Kaz have a feud that could help. The women need strengthening and need to move away from BP focused action imho.
  9. I think they ship from Nashville so the closer the better. Just out of curiosity which t shirts did ya get?
  10. See I wrote Dixie said they where doing them. Nice timing for RVD though lol.
  11. Yep and I would chose him personally. For the top guys they are so close it comes down to personal preference in the end.
  12. Excellent. Hope this will improve their marketing. What happened to the old head of marketing? Edit: Also hope they sign Katie Lee and didn't Del Ray have a try out recently?
  13. Hmm pretty old news. But yeah for all I like about him as a performer he is a bit conceited.
  14. Still think Cappy's friend Anderson could/will turn. And given that Angle vs Anderson was so good at Lockdown that seems like a good bet for the final. Otherwise I would put a rocket on Pope. Seems quite clear at this point it will be Hardy vs Abyss and BFG and with the Angle storyline and his court date he ain't winning.
  15. Yeah I talked about something similar before and I really think it is B that is the problem. TNA has had a habit of doing stuff like that. Good streak of shows with 'low' but over long period slowly climbing ratings. Then right at the peak throw in Nostalgia heavy and get one or two good ones in a row and then a drop off. I think it is also a question of demographics. The night with the brawl at the end with EV2 was high in the 12-17 demo who where attracted by the good string of shows, then they turned out for the pre ppv show but a lot of nostalgia guys in the 18-39/49 bracket turned in. Then after the ppv those guys left and the 12-17 demo stayed for the Whole F'N show. After the whole F'N show they are back in their normal range as the younger demo was burned by all the nostalgia stuff and the older demo had had their nostalgia shot. Unfortunately Spike itself seems to target the 18-39/49 demo more then the 12-17 when if you are looking for long term and sustainable growth as a Network and Show/Promotion the 12-17 demo should be targeted imho.
  16. To you. And no offence but as far as I have read you have your own unique taste. But I get your point.
  17. Yeah I was thinking the same thing. After a resounding loss (like last week) have the EV2 guys proclaim something along the lines of: Our time is over and we did what we wanted to do, but you disrespected us and our spirit so we found some guys who do respect our work and they will take our vengeance for us. Leading to Lethal, Pope, Guns, Hernandez to come out ( for starters). They can still do that though.
  18. Nah no match just kick the crap out of him and end his career. But if a match is necassary if anyone can carry him ala Michaels its AJ. ( Or Angle).
  19. The silly EV2.0 stuff, in your words, didn't take up too much time fortunately this week. And agree with Morgan he should talk. That is the weird thing with Fortune most of them could already talk on the mic or can now like AJ only exception is Kaz. Still can not wait till they proudly proclaim they have kicked out or marginalised all the 'old' guys and then AJ says: 'Except for one'. And then they all turn and beat the stuffing out of Flair. At least that is my 'dream' pay-off.
  20. I think Fortune atm is more concerned with getting rid of the old guys then the titles atm plus they believe in their own hype so to speak which is why they did not assist their two entrants in the tournament Williams and Morgan. Plus those two are the fringe players/latest additions to the group. General Smarks will cheer for Fortune, nostalgia marks and smarks will cheer for the Old Guys, marks will cheer for those coming off most sympathetic which atm is still the EV2 guys and Hogan and Jarrett. I personally like it as it is not as cookie cutter as normal plus if they had a whole heel faction of former WCW/WWE stars trying to dominate again it would be MEM2.0. And yeah Dixie has no place being involved in storylines except maybe uber uber rare occasions like when Sting man handled her. Her role is what Bisch, Hogan and to a lesser extant Jarrett are for. Stil I enjoyed the show 5 good to decent matches 1 KO storyline match leading to a possible original BP reunion and some nice angles and beat downs. My only real personal gripe was the lack of Joe, Wolf, Hernandez (who would have been better then Terry).
  21. Yeah I am much the same I cheer Fortune on hehe. But I can see what they are doing as it is clear who is supposed to be the heels. Williams Angle needed more time imho but I liked the semi final matches and Dreamer looked better then ever during his WWECW run. But yeah that should not have been the main event imho. Plus was the title on the line or not? Or is that the idea for extra heel heat. AJ having a TV title that he never defends? Contrary to his own statements I think.
  22. Hmm bigger guys then him had no problem before. He blew it because they asked and urged him to practice to get out of the cage and he said he did not need the practice and he could do it. And then well you know the result.
  23. Seems like Tomko and Rosie Lottalove are also gone as they have been removed from the roster page. It has also been updated removing Daniels, ODB and Hall & Waltman.
  24. <p>To be fair Bisch's response to response to caldwell's BS he meant it as eaygrat pointed out. Lack of established stars not critique on youth movement.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Critical?<p> Wednesday, 18 August 2010 Eric Bischoff </p><p> “TNA consultant Eric Bischoff published a blog on ericbischoff.com yesterday critical of WWE's recent "youth push" based on low TV ratings on Monday's episode of Raw among adult males.”</p><p> </p><p> This was the opening paragraph on Wade Keller’s site posted by James Caldwell.</p><p> </p><p> Critical?</p><p> </p><p> Where exactly was I critical of WWE’s recent youth push? What harsh words did my blog utilize to critique the talent, scripting or strategy of building new stars?</p><p> </p><p> Hold on a minute, let me go back and read my blog again. Maybe I did.</p><p> </p><p> I will be right back.</p><p> </p><p> Nope. I was right. I was not critical of WWE’s current “youth movement”. What I DID do was point out the fact that established talent (and many of those over 40) rate well in the key demos (M 18-34 and M 18-49) and I used WWE’s current ratings and recent comments to Wall Street that support this fact.</p><p> </p><p> Now I know this may feel like a criticism to guys like Caldwell who find facts like these to be an affront to him and people like him, because it flies in the face of the lemming like dialog that is so popular among his readers, but I assure you there was no malice in my words.</p><p> </p><p> The fact (I am using this word a lot lately) is that I applaud WWE’s efforts to build a new generation of stars. They have done an amazing job developing the developmental territory in Florida and while I think NXT is a patchwork mess of “kind of a reality, kind of a wrestling show” from a creative and production perspective, I also applaud the investment and effort to showcase young stars there.</p><p> </p><p> But I also know that using established stars to help bring credibility, awareness and experience to younger starts is the correct formula to successfully target key male demos. History has proven it.</p><p> </p><p> The numbers don’t lie, they don’t have an agenda, and they don’t try to attract headlines on IWC sites in an attempt to gain favor.</p></div></blockquote>
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