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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. A thought just struck me last night now that BFG is coming up what BFG could have looked like. I found it somewhat unsettling. AJ vs RVD for the world Angle vs Joe for no1 contender Hardy vs Daniels Grudge Anderson vs Pope vs Wolf TV title Guns vs Beer Money Tag Title Lethal vs Kaz X Title Kong vs Flash KO title Morgan vs Abyss vs Rhino Monster's ball LAX vs British Invasion vs Gen Me vs 3D TLC No1 Contender Kendrick vs Red vs Moore vs Young Ultimate X No1 Contender Sarita vs Hamada vs Wilde vs Tara No1 Contender Not in order but you get the point. Didn't even hire anybody just some not fired.
  2. Too bad Lesnar and Lashley and Shelton and Steiners and Haas didn't use it:p
  3. Nope nowhere else just a bs rumour seeing as Wolf was backstage and all and Gen Me was already informed yesterday they would have to work. it's probably injury mate plain and simple.
  4. You should say wrestling in general then. But why throw away money?
  5. Read the report and it seems that as long as you can overlook weird finishes that this was a good ppv.
  6. ieboochie. Yeah Daniels or Joe would lead and Flair and Bisch would be the "supporters". And thanks I hadn't explained that part. It kinda ties up all the loose threads and in the end delivers a nice "originals" vs "originals" war. Anybody else have thoughts on this? More so on the story then the people revealed as They/Them.
  7. Just a theory on who "They" and "Them" are. Ok it's like this, thanks Christian Cage, Bound For Glory a group of former TNA talent, Daniels/Brown/P.Williams/London, comes out and lay waste to Hogan, Sting, Nash, EV2, Hardy and another top face(s) and run off Dixie and Bisch. Samoa Joe joins them explaining they where the ones that kidnapped him way back when. This makes 6 of them including Abyss and ad in Kendrick for a tag makes 7. Now you have two heel groups running wild on TNA with a lot of faces laid out. Bischoff convinces Dixie to give him full power over TNA so that he can protect her and handle things while Hogan is out. Once this is done it turns out that Bischoff is behind them/they. This brings out Nash and Sting saying they where saying it all along and that Hogan was in on it. They get beat down heavily. Once all hope seems lost. Out comes Hogan and he actually was not in on it, he tries the rescue but fails miserably. Hogan is then forced to turn to Flair and Fourtune resulting in a Flair led Fourtune vs a Bischoff led "Them" with the old guys phased out and the other talent stuck in the middle or not choosing sides. Just an idea and off course it would be spread out over a couple of months but it could definitely work imho.
  8. They did but it was on Xplosion apparently. Also they will get their shot just not now. This is not "face-palm" btw this is "act of god" meaning beyond TNA's control.
  9. Ok sorry must have misread that. Also No London Brawling due to personal issues. Hope they are ok and replaced by Gen Me.
  10. Kurt Angle vs Jeff Hardy- Let's hope Angle and Anderson can recapture Lockdown magic. Anderson vs Pope- Whoever turns fully heel wins this one. Motor City Machine Guns vs London Brawling- The Guns take this, but London Brawling probably gets the last laugh by laying a beat down at the end or something. Yep AJ Styles vs Tommy Dreamer- AJ wins and Tommy does come back. lol Sting & Nash vs Jarrett & Joe- Don't care except for Joe so Joe wins by beating all three! Douglas Williams vs Sabu- Sabu is way to inconsistent and old. Rhino vs Abyss- Rhino can still go but Abyss is more over and greater talent. Velvet Sky vs Madison Rayne- Sets Up the title match at BFG
  11. Actually the fans chose those matches via poll not TNA themselves and prior to the DVD coming out Guns and Beer Money had just one 2 vs 2 match which was short and on Impact.
  12. Interesting work Tiger and like the reasoning behind everything. And yeah the numbers should be seen as maximums and totally agree on the television title and x division stuff you where saying. As in both are of the same level just for different type of wrestlers. In retrospect I should have structured it like that. Self as always nice and unique choices. PS the numbers given are indeed guideline maximum's so going under it or going over it by 1 are not a problem. It's just so there is a clear format and people do not go overboard.
  13. ROFLMOA! And BTW I actually watched Smackdown. Apart from Christian's opening promo and Punk's facials it was snore imo.
  14. Fair enough on both accounts. Come on other people I know you have ideas!
  15. I personally like RVD as an on screen character, didn't like his comments on TNA either, and don't mind Hogan as a support character and like Bisch as an on screen GM and think he has done good stuff production wise for TNA. I seriously thought about Del Ray and Rayne but in the end my loyalty to the original KO's and my love for zombie hot won out hehe, same reason James, yes TNA original but not perceived as such, and Katie Lea aren't on there. For the rest I would totally dig that roster. And why no love for the Alpha Male Monty Brown? Promo: remember this was off the hip as it was to fill time after a fire in the Impact Zone during a live ppv. Glad you liked the format though. If more people submit theirs we could end with having a vote, where you cannot vote for your own off course. Also thought it would make for a fun and easy break after all the "business" discussions.
  16. Ok let's talk something more basic for a change again and talk roster. I was wondering what people on her would think off this roster and what roster they would make themselves using the same format. Plus we are only talking on screen characters and perception ( why Jarrett is in that category as he is perceived as being "old"). Option A: Main Eventer 6: AJ Styles Samoa Joe Daniels Angle RVD J. Hardy Uppermid 6: Wolf Anderson Pope Abyss Morgan Monty Brown X Division 6: Kaz Lethal Young P.Williams Dutt Aries Tag Team 6: Shelly and Sabin MCMG Roode and Storm Beer Money D. Williams and Magnus British Invasion Homicide and Hernandez LAX Kendrick and London Hooliganz Max and Jeremy Buck Generation Me Female 10: Kong Flash Love Skye Sarita Wilde Hamada Daffney ODB Roxxi Legend/Occasional 5: Hogan Flair Sting Foley Jarrett Jobbers 5: X: Red Regular: Rhino Tag: Neal and Moore Ink Inc (Also regular and X) Female: Tara Commentators 2: Tenay Tazz Backstage 2: Borash ( Also ring announcer) Hemme Ref 4: Posey Thomas "Slick" Johnson Tucker Authority 1: Bischoff Ring Girl 1: So Cal Val This would mean: In: Daniels, Brown, P Williams, Dutt, Aries, London, Homicide, Kong, Flash, ODB, Roxxi. Out: Jordon, Terry, Von Erich, Rayne, Chelsea, Tessmacher, Shark Boy, Kiyoshi/Suicide, Okada, Eckos, Bayless, Reid Flair, Nash, Dixie (as on screen character), Raven, Richards, Dreamer (as on screen character), J Hart, E and B Hebner, (Tomko), (3D), (Sabu), (FBI), (Sandman). As you can see this version is heavily TNA "Original" influenced and structured around the idea of at least 6 competitors per belt. The women have some more as they are a totally separate division. I would drop the women tag belt though. This roster is purely personal preference and not fully focused on what would possibly be best for TNA so please take account of that in your comments and maybe in the roster you would make. When coming up with your own roster please be realistic. So please no Stone Cold, Rock, Lesnar, HBK, Goldberg and preferably (,but not a rule,) no Jericho, Ross, Batista or people currently under WWE talent contract which is not running out. I would be interested in hearing your comments and seeing your rosters. Easy copy paste: Main Event 6: Uppermid 6: X Division 6: Tag 6: Women 10: Legend/Occasional 5: Jobbers 5: X: Reg: Tag: Female: Commentators 2: Backstage 2: Referee 4: Authority 1: Ring Girl 1:
  17. Apart from production the product is at least at the quality level of the E so awareness first imho. In the end it is still wrestling. Once average people think wrestling and think wwe and tna, then you can focus on making them chose between the two by being different. As far as the 'old' guys go, as long as TNA is laterally, meaning other countries, and awareness expanding they need established big names on the payroll once that is done to a sufficient degree they should focus more on Identity and creating brand names. Awareness is not inviting people over. Awareness is making sure people know you exist at all.
  18. What could make sense if having a post cartoons noon, the other 'traditional' wrestling slot, pg show for TNA to hook the kiddies who can then 'graduate' to Impact so to speak. Either Xplosion or a PG edit of Impact. Saturday night is a bad bad place though.
  19. Also to ad on that Paul's speciality is in creating Brand Identity and not brand awareness or (monetary) engagement, Paul was great in promoting ECW being bigger then it actually was which was actually the downfall of the company if you look at it objectively he overexpanded too fast and was banking too much on future income, meaning if I build it they will come, well people did come but not enough by a long shot and when they came they did not spend enough. Yes TNA needs work on it's identity but it's main problem is still awareness. Maybe once the awareness is at a sufficient level TNA could/should switch more to identity but right now that is a secondary focus imho. And for someone who is an identity guru to come in and want 10 percent of your business when identity is a secondary priority is just a no no. Heyman saying TNA was not ready for him is a good image protection line but just bs. He just does not want to do wrestling period and his skill set does not match TNA's current priorities.
  20. Overall a decent/mediocre show. Still they did build all the ppv matches pretty well. Still can't wait for EV2 and Nash/Sting/Jarrett stuff to just go away! And Hogan and Flair going back to supporting characters. Liked that this week how Flair was supporting Fourtune and not hogging the limelight.
  21. Seems they replaced their regular show with a bound for glory online kickoff show. Dixie will be doing a Q and A and exclusive interviews with wrestlers. http://www.tnawrestling.com/news/item/2148-thursday-bound-for-glory-kickoff-show
  22. Reading from 411 mania apparently my version had some reaction stuff in it which the live air did not have so ignore my comments on that. Richards beating Abyss? Really? Even if it was lucky it shouldn't happen. Rhino looked good. The rest of EV2 (Dreamer, Sabu) was made to look decent which is a credit to Fourtune.
  23. Wasn't a large part of it on Impact though? Or was that just my version?
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