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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. In over run if I remember correctly on a show that was drawing well anyway.
  2. On the spoiler highlight to read: Just realised that their next house show will be in New Jersey, Lethal's home town, still posting this by TNA pre Impact is not smart imo. Having it happen just after his win and getting his momentum semi restored is not smart imo. Posting it on facebook and now TNA website and thus aknowledging it is not smart. If they wanted to increase house show attendance via a title change have the KO title or the tag KO titles switch as they aren't cared about much nowadays or the TV title since AJ is not defending it and it frees him up for the world title. If you want to keep the belt within Fourtune then just make it an elimination three way and have Morgan win it. If you wanted Red to have success in his home town then make it a non title win. So I understand the decision and it is not really a big deal but it's just not smart booking imho. Also sorry for the initial overreaction. Lethal could also be injured or something though which would explain it. Not that I wish something like that on Lethal
  3. Also not so much saying that it is either Either or Or (lolz) but that it does have an effect, also not discrediting or disagreeing with Peter more adding.
  4. So you are saying Kong wasn't a draw? If more people where inclined not to watch then people liked seeing her then Ok. I for one liked seeing her as part of the total product.
  5. Spoiler from a house show. Yes you read that correctly. TNA Wrestling BREAKING NEWS: The Amazing Red became the NEW TNA X Division Champion at Thursday night's live event in New York City, using his flip piledriver finisher to defeat Jay Lethal! Check out photos from Red's big win All I can say without giving too much away is WTF.
  6. If a woman is hot + can wrestle = fans like it more. If a woman is ugly + can really wrestle + Has it factor (Kong) = enough fans like it. If competitor is only B ( just hot) and you have A (hot and can go) you have extra attraction. And I am talking base ratings not segment ratings.
  7. Didn't Kim vs Kong draw some good ratings? And it isn't so much that it draws on it's own but that it can maybe draw as part of an overall identity, same goes with tag team and X wrestling. It can help in brand identity by either being more slutty then the E, which it seems they are focussing on now. More competitive then the E, Kim vs Kong. Or when it was at it's height both TBP + Kong vs Kim. Let's just reiterate my point in that it can possibly be a draw as part of a total product but not on it's own. The fact is that there is little evidence of this as it has A) never really been tried and B) the wrestling audience has been conditioned to look down at it. Also on the major/big signing I want to make it extra clear that TNA itself never commented on it being one. It was the sheets that called it one.
  8. Last quote on from Dixie on the talent signing. Which according to PWI and TNAsylum is Micky. Dixie Carter Just signed a new talent contract on someone you guys have been asking about. Stay tuned! August 30 at 7:00pm via Twitter · Comment · Like · @TNADixie on Twitter Asylum said this was James at the time. So she never said anything about a major signing. It was a major change that she mentioned just pre Slammiversary and it will be revealed at 10/7. And in the BFG kick off show she made it clear it would be a major change and not a surprise (talent). So there will also be a change apart from the talent.
  9. NFL did a 10.92. Source: http://www.pwinsider.com/article/51096/raw-ratings-ouch.html?p=1
  10. Well I mostly posted it just for the info and the Ouch came from it being a low rating for WWE and a direct quote from PWI. I just wanted to make clear I was not gloating etc. Agree with you on the general trend etc it's why I highlighted the IF part. Still going below a 3 is rare for RAW whatever the circumstances except if it's new years day or something like that. But if it means that me preferring TNA means I can not be critical of the E that I think is ludicrous. Especially here.
  11. I AM NOT GLOATING! FFS. If you thought I was then that is your problem for thinking I was and my problem for not making it clear as I did not think people on here would see it that way. RAW for better or worse is wrestling's flagship show and a 2.8 is bad news for all wrestling fans if it is not a one time thing as it means total interest in wrestling is waning. I have never praised TNA when they get above a 1.0. Anything above last years average is good, just good not praising, and any rise above the week before is good. What's wrong about liking to talk and discuss TNA in a forum where I can discuss it with people who's opinions I respect and can make them clear and not go on rants or are trolls etc etc? If I respond on that too much that is opinion. I decide what to do with my time and what entertains me. So every post I make on every subject somehow is about how I prefer TNA to WWE? Get outta here.
  12. Shhhh no politics on the boards on Adam Ryland will close the thread. It's not so much the process he likes but the opportunity for viable feedback which TNA does not have being in the Impact Zone and not being Live.
  13. Not so much a hypnotist but when Raven was making his Flock in WCW they alluded him having some mental hold over them. More like a cult leader.
  14. ?? what's your point???? And if you wanted a blooper with pyro: Undertaker at the Elimination Chamber ppv.
  15. Lol where was that? Online or in real life? And what was his responce? And you are right btw lolz.
  16. Meh I like it as it's unique. Maybe my inner Self is acting up. Matt Morgan behind the scenes on his Good Guys part: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8wGUMC5FG4&feature=player_embedded This added to the family feud and some other stuff seems that the new marketing manager knows what he is doing.
  17. I love you Hall but let the memories be mate and move on. ======= Ehm Hernandez is there for cross promotional reasons not to learn how to work. While he isn't the greatest around he is light years ahead of Terry and I think he has a better look. I guess you mean Scott D'Amore and yes his Border City Wrestling merged with another company and now he is the head of Maximum Pro Wrestling which is due to the merger as far as I know the premiere indy in Canada and he has left TNA in order to run it a while back. Excellent for World X cup though if or when they run it again. NJPW, AAA and Max Pro. Maybe get FWA as well? For training purposes TNA has a deal with Mach 1 in California it's apparently where Lacey is training to get less bad.
  18. Maybe it's just the ones I chose to watch or read recaps off but it seems this has been happening more lately the E not filling the full 3 hours. Is this lack of talent for long matches? Lack of good booking and/or Road agent work? Cost cutting? Or a combination of all?
  19. Actually on average of the 2 hour A shows Impact has the most wrestling for the whole year. Smackdown averages longer matches though. They have even had a week where they had more wrestling then Raw and Smackdown combined and this is excluding the Whole F'n Show. Source: By the numbers by PWI.
  20. Thing is there is plenty of talent within or even outside TNA that are more deserving of air time then him whatever his potential. If TNA had a dev territory where they could keep him for say 2 years and had the funds to do so then sure, otherwise cut him.
  21. Not the most trustworthy site but equal with the torch at least imho.
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