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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. I think I saw Daffney on Xplosion before I stopped watching. So she is around just way at the bottom of the KO rsoter.
  2. Not to take anything away from LT's excellent explanation but wasn't it PH that pointed out that it didn't matter unless TNA actually explained it on air? Excellent use of reaction I agree but won't be watching. Once the relevant guys get more time/attention and the nostalgia guys less I may come back. If Hogan and EB and Flair and Jarrett and EV2 and Foley actually fade to the background of this story I would return.
  3. It will probably only be for the live shows, for the international viewers that is. As then TNA does not have enough time/money/effort to edit the show in time. For the US I understand why they do it, rating's bump and break viewing habits, but TNA has gone kinda overboard imho.
  4. Well what the talent is paid is all guestimates and TNA does pay for travel etc. in general. which is why they like their talent Florida based and they shoot the shows in a row and which is why going on the road or live with the show is extra costly for TNA. The 300 bucks is probably per appearance and with 4 impact taping's a ppv and let's say 5 house shows that is 3k a month with travel and lodging paid for. That is not too shabby.
  5. Source 411 Ok so not as bad as having it on at the same time. Still doing that next week and promoting it this week also on MTV would have gotten a lot more bang for their buck.
  6. Source PWI. Still questions remain if with a different "They" it would have been better or if this will rating will decline or grow over time or if the rating went down through the whole show aka putting people off.
  7. Jenna Morasca *cough* *cough* at least J Woww is still "relevant"
  8. Or as you said the fad will have passed. I rate celebrity appearances under the marketing column so to speak and not the talent column so her appearance has little to do with paying or not paying other talent etc. And if there is one thing TNA needs to spend more on it's marketing.
  9. It was a good advertising move for just 15k, too bad they had her appear on the second hour and MTV and TNA themselves didn't promote it more. Now if they can have TNA wrestling be featured on the Jersey Shore show itself then that would be awesome for TNA. And no I don't personally like it but it is "hot" right and also on a Viacom entity now so use it.
  10. It's more an editing thing. They didn't have the time or put in the effort/money with the live show. Hopefully TNA can edit it for their foreign markets without ReAction. If they don't then that is just dumb. Seems to me the promo's where very good but didn't explain much. I can understand having a promo heavy show to explain the fall out but then they should actually explain stuff!
  11. Ah come on Stennick you can do better then that your Flair funeral was brilliant. Yeay Dexter's finished d-loading gonna watch that! Hope but not expecting TNA to pay this off anyway I'll read here and a review and untill they consitantly get closer to the no 1 to 8 ordering I posted a while back I ain't coming back. Still like to discuss wrestling though.
  12. PWI is reporting Nikita aka Katie Lea has signed with the company. Good one seems the KO's are getting some love again. Still letting Kong, Flash etc go in the first place was a mistake. PS Sharky is not released just moved to ref and agent and removed from the roster page, same goes for the Suicide character.
  13. Lolz Stennick. And if they wanted a heel champion why not Anderson or Angle? Oh because they would be more obvious? Well who else has prominatly been face for most of his wrestling career or tenure in TNA? Hmm Sting, ooooops, Pope? Nope started heel, AJ? Oops, Joe? Oops, Daniels? Oops. Kaz? Ooops. Turn turn turn turn turn turn turn guh. I think on the whole roster the only one that has been consistently heel or face are Taylor Wilde and Madison as Shark Boy has just been released and Daffney is more a tweener.
  14. THIS, like I said in different words. And fill up the plot holes left behind.
  15. Yeah they are notoriously bad with their roster updates. I don't see Kong though but Roxxi is still on there yeah. In the background Black and white/grey for Abyss, Bisch, Hog, and Jeff? Oh come on. Next thing we know Joe will feel betrayed by everyone and he starts playing the Sting role, hell they maybe go so far as having Sting give him his bat and Joe starts hanging around in the rafters ffs.
  16. Ok that makes more sense but as Stennick said you can make anything make sense. Sting talking about Hogan and EB wanting power was clear from the get go even-though the way they progressed it was as muddled as hell. Still didn't mean that Deception and "They" where the same thing and doesn't explain a lot of other thing's with Joe's kidnapping being a prime example or makes it a good or interesting move. Also I have no faith in TNA actually explaining the things you just pointed out but instead just moving on and leaving people in the dark or trying to figure it out ourselves like you just did the effort to do, kudos on that btw, fact remains that nostalgia and relevant over guys from elsewhere still dominate TNA screen-time etc wise by a big margin and as papa pointed out this does not feel "fresh". Unless the nostalgia trip lessens I ain't coming back. On RAW doing 2.9 they did below that 2 and 3 weeks ago. And normally WWE does higher against football, wrestling in general is gradually loosing its fanbase/popularity. Our biggest hope unfortunately is TNA and it will take some time again before they will get a clue (again).
  17. Hmm the new spoilers look more encouraging, might have to retract my opinion on the old ones.
  18. Neh it's not fly by the seat of our pants its more just dumb and bad booking even-though it's planned out.
  19. Because in Stennick's case he did watch the show and if you read the right recap's they include everything. I agree that some people just read spoilers or read/listen to/watch online commentary and base their opinions on that. And that is just bad. But if you read the full recap from say PWI which just reports what happened and is very complete you know what is going on even subtle small clues as with the camera not catching where Abyss destroyed Hardy and dragged him out to the ring later. Or obvious ones as the Angle vs Hardy finish at No Surrender before BFG now makes sense as Bisch was looking for any reason to make it a tie. The rematch on Impact either EB and H got lucky or they bribed the Hebnars. Still there is a lot left that does not make sense and fooling/surprising everyone, which they didn't just slightly with Hardy and the Hogan is still in hospital, is no great feet. And on the spoiler: Having read it it comes of as Fourtune being the NWO black and white aka B team, it depends how it plays out though but that is the most obvious one. Hopefully they eventually resent the role and go face against "They" but we shall see. Until something along those lines happens not watching and not giving real attention or money.
  20. Hehe thanks wonder if others agree. We where close on some-things just different in our approach so to speak. If you read back we actually agreed on a lot of things only I was also just pointing out the other side of the coin or mitigating factors etc. Anyway pretty much done with discussing TNA per se but I do enjoy discussing wrestling with you guys. So might pop in from time to time. But for now the Hyde, Stennick, Peter, DJfunk and others debates are done. Hope you enoyed it as much as I did. Edit: To be fair he has done some good stuff as the cutting down of the amount of segments which improved the flow, ReAction type angles and ReAction in itself but all the good is outweighed by all the bad. Of the big 3 this year (EB, Hulk, Russo) it's actually EB that has done the most good imho. What TNA needed in that time period though and still needs was someone ala VKM who could take the good and use it, tweak the potential good and just say NO to the bad. Same as for instance Angle he has good ideas from what I have heard him say, read and hearsay but at the same time he thinks Red could be the next Rey Mysterio. I really hope Bruce Prichard can become that filter seeing how close he has been with Vince for so long. Ok now I need to let go seriously old habits die hard. F you TNA.
  21. Yep and it's not just about freshness to me either. It used to be for every 10 things TNA did it was 2 good 5 mediocre and 3 crap. I could live with that as I could ignore the crap and focus on the good now it has become 2 good 2 mediocre 6 crap to me and the crap cannot be ignored any-more as it has such an extremely prominent place. Ad into that the hope that eventually that crap would become less or go away (false I know) and that hope having completely ended for now I just don't care any-more. BTW Self how can you drive to a Dragon Gate show while living in the UK? Did they do a UK tour or where you in the US/Japan at the time?
  22. Actually pope was pretty low on the pecking order but getting a push and he got his main push under EB and H while all the new stars came in. Just clarifying not caring about TNA again. Pope's push was/is actually one of the good thing's they did booking wise. PS If anyone is expecting a rant, I am not the type to do that and have cooled down enough. If anyone wants a review of EB and H era so far let me know. Not bothered to write it if anyone else isn't interested.
  23. The order of importance right now in TNA: 1. Nostalgia acts. Hogan, Sting, Nash, EV2, Jarrett etc 2. Guys who are still relevant but got most of their exposure elsewhere. Angle, Hardy, RVD, Anderson VERY VERY BIG GAP 3. Guys who are relevant and got their most exposure in TNA. AJ, Joe, Abyss. Gap 4. Up and coming talented guys. Morgan, Pope, Kaz, Terry (crap). Gap 5. Women's division. Within division sex appeal and ex e rule. 6. Tag division. Gap 7. Gimmicky/sympathy stuff. OJ, EY, Ink Inc, Robbie E etc Gap 8. X Division. How it should be and how I would like it. 1. Still relevant and exposure elsewhere 2. Relevent and exposure in TNA. Small gap. 3. Up and coming talents and head-liners different divisions. 4. Tag division 5. X Division 6. Women, with focus on in ring skill and sex appeal secondary and as anti what the division is about. Gap 7. Nostalgia 8. Gimmicky sympathy stuff jobbers.
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