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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Or purist/ psychology fans like Stennick. Nothing wrong with that mind you.
  2. Lolz at the Hogan comment. Just looking at the US television rating's are we and even those are slightly up if you take the monday night skirmish and rebuild out of the equation? Can they use Hogan in a smarter and better way? Yes. Should they release him? Nope. Is he being paid more then he has delivered? Probably.
  3. Ah ok read it wrong. Well a cage match isn't considered that high risk any more is it? Plus it gives you more editing time if you do it earlier, I think that was the reasoning.
  4. Still there are differences between heels and how you book them and the level of cowardliness etc. I get the cowardly heel act for Miz and it works for him just thought Lawler was taking it a bit too far and early as now Miz doesn't look like a threat at all.
  5. Nice K-1 GP not as spectacular as other years but Aerts taking out Shilt was a great match as was Ghita vs Saki and Spong vs Overeem. Gotta love the Dutch dominance hehe. Final 4 all Dutch and five Dutchies in the final 8 hehe.
  6. I think, not sure, the injuries where sustained during the cage match not prior too it so that would make that point moot. Glad to see you are enjoying it LT. TNA still needs to do better to get me back though.
  7. Name you used in the response? As I always like to read your stuff, even if we don't always fully agree.
  8. Nastie Boys Bubba The Love Sponge Bischoff Roxxi ( Kinda as was rehired pre Bisch/hogan then fired then rehired then fired again.) Chelsea Miss Tessmacher Jimmy Hart Okada ( Don't know when his loan started.) (Checked it and it was Jan 2010 so he counts.) Rosie Lottalove Some new refs including Brian Hebner and Jackson James aka Bischoff Jr. Still to debut: El Zorro Tom Mercer Reid Flair And I think you are referring to on screen and more then one appearance?
  9. BTW anyone know any more about new TNA signing Tom Mercer?
  10. Ah come on Peter he wasn't arguing that. Many others is not necessarily millions and millions or even the majority. It more implies a large minority if anything.
  11. Thinking off doing a full pro and cons review for the year. Not sure about it because I can't really comment on the last two months.
  12. If you can't not have him be on the show at least do it Sting style or like Hilton suggested slow escalation style. Nexus hasn't been bad but hasn't been great either. Also where was the period of Nexus trying to prevent the attacks and sometimes succeeding until Cena found a new way etc. It's like the writers went: "Damn Rumble and Mania and Trips return coming up better hurry this along". Some story parts where rushed or just skipped and others where dragged out. Chris Kreski is turning in his grave.
  13. Glad that TNA was apparently paid up front for the tour. Sounds a lot like Foley's African adventures hehe.
  14. Don't know if that was meant to be ironic but TNA has the odd, and imho bad, habit of letting people win on their way out.
  15. They have had some mini splits in TNA before as well. But this is the first full on one in TNA I can recall.
  16. They care just as much as normal, they are just positioning Miz as a weak champion atm. Due to the fact he won via MITB after Orton was attacked pre match and was injured during match against Barrett that he won.
  17. Jesse Quit/was released. If I remember correctly. If that was Gordy's son. They really dropped the ball on MVP though.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYhojbmK6fw&feature=list_related&playnext=1&list=SL Playlist with some of the best matches. TNA Wrestling still has a lot of them on the web. There is also a season 2 I think.
  19. Ok I haven't watched after BFG either so I can only lay out what happened before then. Cornette was the original GM and Jarrett had no power other then being the founder. Foley came in and as an investor and was made the executive shareholder by Dixie and Cornette was gone. Suddenly as founder Jarrett had some power but Foley was the "real" general manager as executive shareholder. Then when Hogan and Bisch came in Hogan was Dixie's business partner and in charge of the wrestling and Dixie revoked all the powers that Jarrett as founder and Foley as shareholder had. So now they where just minority shareholders/ founder. This means that from that point on Hogan was in charge of the wrestling aspect and Bisch was his appointed GM for a comparison think Dixie as pre campaign CEO and majority owner for real Linda and Hogan as on screen minority owner Vince, with Bisch as Theodore Long. Now the whole goal of Immortal was/is to take over full control of TNA as they feel Dixie is/was meddling too much in the wrestling aspect and/or Immortal was just greedy and wants everything. Now Dixie signed over full control of TNA on before the glory but as long as the legality of that is still in dispute neither side can exercise any of the "extra" power that comes with it. So Immortal have robbed Dixie of some power but have not gained that same power as of yet. I know this is in very brief and I haven't followed the latest episodes but this is as far as I can surmise it. Picking apart Russo's brain it's an experience you want to forget lolz. (although he does get some unfair flack as BFG, Turning Point, Final Res 2009 was him on his own booking for the first time and was good.)
  20. Not saying it's on that level of bad yet. But the whole belts don't matter skit is very much from that period.
  21. *facepalm* And its getting more WCW the dying years by the minute.
  22. Oh come on lets not start this again here as well. And yeah I like Abyss as well. Not ring Abyss but in general I like him. He gets way too much flack from the IWC imho. Kinda to be expected when Hogan calls you his Cena though, automatic backlash.
  23. He didn't really say that though he said more that he did not need a long run at this moment. Miz will probably loose it in the chamber which would give him a decent run and not tarnish him too much seeing as it was against 5 other guys. With Cena or Trips returning at the rumble and the other at the chamber or earlier.
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