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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="liontamer" data-cite="liontamer" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Read the spoilers for the first time in a long while and the ME of both shows and the big reveal has me scratching my head. I understand and saw parts, but not all of it coming and didn't think it was going to be part of the storyline for 2/3. I'm interested to see how it comes off on camera, the written report sounds akward, but the people involved have the skills to make it work.<p> </p><p> <strong>Also, I find the stats post above interesting, but questionable. How can Matt Hardy already be 3-7 in TNA? Or did I miss something.</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am pretty sure this includes house show results and Hardy was losing to RVD on the last run. Don't know why because those are almost meaningless. I might actually watch this impact.</p>
  2. I like this direction better then the original MEM idea and with that return I think I am ready to give TNA another shot. Too bad they had to be possibly forced by the E and to book it convelutadly again but still, this is more a direction I would like.
  3. First off all remember its all rumour at this point, further opinion highlight: He could still work for both though as ROH lost the tv deal he just couldn't do ppv any more likely. Still really hoping its true as for longer term and former TNA fans AJ, Joe, Daniels = TNA. And I really feel that TNA should focus on getting the people back who have given up on them at this point in time.
  4. According to some sources spoiler highlight to read; Daniels is back! He wrestled on Xplosion to beat kendrick and was sighted by fans as playing the role and being backstage. Still rumour though.
  5. Ron Mercer who they brought in from the independents and debuted in a double J double M A segment as Red's "little" brother when he is in fact quite a big guy. They found him via the gut-check challenges and the independent who he headlined for moaned that TNA was stealing their talent. I may have given up watching it but I am still holding out a small simmer of hope. Really hope the on the road Impact does well. Going out of the Zone "successfully" could mean huge things for TNA in the short, middle and especially long term.
  6. You have also left the spoiler in your reply to me. Highlight to read: And no don't want the MEM back either
  7. We covered something similar to this a while back. Yes TNA gets more criticised then the WWE for the stuff they do but there are multiple reasons for that. One of the core ones Bigpapa pointed out is that the E has a very stable identity so you know what to expect and not expect and what fits and doesn't fit. A point I once made is that in part because of the E having that identity people who are dissatisfied or want something different beside the E project those wishes upon TNA. EG TNA being the only mainstream alternative people looking at it want TNA to be exactly what they want TNA to be so they criticise on the basis of what they think it should be or what it possibly could be. Furthermore its general brand perception, at least on the internet. Where its the cool thing to bash TNA any way you can and find as many ways to do it as you can. This is partly TNA's fault because of their product, partly the fault because some of the internets favourite fall guys are employed by TNA Russo, Bisch, Hogan and partly because some leading IWC pundits seriously dislike TNA. As I always maintained if you look at it from a distance and categorize in Good, Normal, Bad in the WWE out of ten you will have 1 good 8 normal and 1 bad things. In TNA you will generally have 3 good 3 normal and 4 bad things. Thing is for my personal taste that balance in TNA has gotten worse. Before I could stomach the bad with the hope it would go away and the fact I saw more good stuff in TNA. But lately the good has lessened imho and the bad increased. Although from what I am reading they are getting their act together a bit more. Not as much to bring me back as a fan yet though.
  8. Remember any heel faction ever? Plus now the don't hold all the gold anymore.
  9. Meh you can't really rely on recaps though. Seems the people here that actually watched it liked it.
  10. Yeah shoulda gone there first as well here you go: October 1, 2003 - TNA: Jeff Jarrett & Dusty Rhodes defeated AJ Styles & Vince Russo.. October 8, 2003 - TNA: AJ Styles defeated Dusty Rhodes to retain the World title when Dusty passed out during the figure-4..
  11. As in American Dream or Golddust/Black Reign Dustin Rhodes? Dusty used to be in a position of authority in TNA but can't remember him having a match.
  12. Yeah but need to re watch it to make a true opinion. But to be honest the promo is better then the actual show. You won't learn much more about how TNA works/ed unfortunately and the booking is really an aside to the whole thing. Plus the KC crew and Dutch where horribly under prepared in some cases confusing the Jan 4th show and the First Mondaynight skirmish episode and other factoids.
  13. If anyone is interested in the Dutch Mantell Guest Booker shoot pm me.
  14. I didn't say that athleticism was that important. It was in response to lazor saying McCool was athletic. McCool is just horrible and didn't belong in that list without the note, still there because of Taker and to have an established name. Also didn't know the list was in order of talent.
  15. Depends on how you define athletic. I look at flexibility and smoothness of movement. She has neither and it has nothing with being tall and thin and "fit". Rhaka Khan was more athletic then her. And no I would also have this opinion if I did not prefer TNA as you hinted at. I think Madison is also overpushed and Tara is past it.
  16. Improving from crap to less crap is not a great improvement imho. Athleticism? WTF she is like a walking piece of cardboard imho. Still personal opinion.
  17. It was talent based not politics based wasn't it? At least put that after the name. EG can't fire her unfortunately because of Taker.
  18. Rumours going about that Kong has signed with the company. If true hope they use her well and it could really help the divas division. Kong, Beth, Nattie, Melina and Gail could do something with that.
  19. What other one? As far as I have heard it was just the live show because of lack of editing time/effort on TNA's part.
  20. Dammit no more Reaction as Spike has cancelled it. Dot Net reported it first, Bisch confirmed it.
  21. All because one person once COMPARED them stupidly to cast members people actually think they are being treated as such. But yeah they need to get out of the zone eventually. Drawing around 1K outside the zone while less profitable is still long term more profitable and inductive for growth and actually knowing who gets good crowd reactions then staying in the zone.
  22. In what way? Only percentage of arena filled would qualify but given that the Zone is smaller and free and with people doing it as part of their visit to Universal it doesn't really compare well.
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