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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Too soon to say those have failed but all before them have and note I wrote SO FAR eg these guys I couldn't say for now. Although Tensai and Brodus aren't looking good for those spots so far. Rybeck is not a big man hes a power dude.
  2. I'd agree on Morgan as he is more their type of worker and all the big men in WWE are on their last legs and their replacements so far have failed. Shelly will be in jobberville. TNA is more enjoyable then WWE right now apart from Punk and if ya like him Bryan and to a lesser extent Christian and Jericho. Rest is just a snoooze fest. TNA just has the shittiest brand perception in the world within the IWC. I'd rather have to endure some bad and get more good then get some good and a lot of snore.
  3. Hope Shelly doesn't go anywhere and TNA has used him pretty well and consistently. Still as long as it's not a more reputable site I am wait and see ish. Would be a shame to see him go. On Flair I can't really comment as I don't have a good objective opinion on Flair being European and only being introduced to him during the Monday Night wars when he was kind of a joke already. So personally if its true good fing riddance and hope he doesn't go and pollute WWE t.v. even further.
  4. It's case by case mate. For some good wrestling examples planned: Arquette WCW champ, Katie Vick, Unplanned: early 90s Steriod scandal, Benoit.
  5. Yeah it's one of my major gripes with the E. Total manipulation of facts and history especially when unnecessary.
  6. HBK feud? Or did you mean worked shoot? BTW it was the TNA lawyers not Hogan or EB's personal lawyers that sent the letter, and yeah they over react although he did break his non disclosure on Brooke prolly.
  7. All Ring Ka King episodes had already been taped once this started just not aired. And yes there is such a thing as bad publicity. Steiner is just playing to the smark crowd so that he stays relevant and they come to his shows and buy his stuff. Apart from the Brooke Hogan, which leads me to believe he still has contacts withing TNA or it had been in the works for a while, he has just been rehashing standard Smark stuff. Oh and the 609 stuff from Bischoff WCW days but who cares about that.
  8. 15 time tag champ, 1 TNA belt as well with Scot Steiner. And no Cole, King and Booker all suck. Grisham Striker as the last good recent pairing on t.v. imho.
  9. No but that's the one most are suspecting she is swooning about. Meh I don't care for Madison and actually think she is very very over rated and pushed as well, two different things. So doesn't matter to me ez fast forward if they pair them up.
  10. Garrett was minor or not even on the show the last couple of weeks, but yeah before that way too big a role and it put off a lot of people watching. It's just a shame as apart from him they are putting on pretty good shows. But surviving the battle royal for long didn't mean that much imho. It was just something people noticed because people wanted him gone quick and I don't remember him really eliminating anyone apart from Devon and that was via smarts not skill, he was just hanging on all the time. I am thinking he will be in the Madison Rain boyfriend storyline to keep him on t.v. from time to time but not have a major role.
  11. As long as Garrett and Brooke stay in minor roles I am happy. If it wasn't for those 2 they are actually putting on some very good shows and Nostalgia isn't as much in the spotlight as before. I don't count Angle, RVD, Anderson, Hardy, Ray as nostalgia plus it seems that TNA's own talent are being presented as more on par with those guys as before which was my other big gripe before. But yeah classic TNA gotta take the bad with the good. Still better then the E for me though apart from the short Summer of Punk and return of Brock. (piqued my interest, hotshotted and most of the rest was still crap and gone again me. I'll just keep checking ppv's when they have good matches advertised but the shows are a snore for me.)
  12. Cleanly? Apart from RVD all where cheating or bad luck on part of the challenger. And yeah Tenay has really gotten too flat and Tazz isn't helping much. They are still better then the other 2 teams out there.
  13. Don't read about it more then say Smackdown doing the same. Live apart from no spoilers also gives a better feel to the show imho plus management gets an idea who can really perform live and who can't. Yes going on the road would be the biggest and most important step but also the most costly one and one that short term will not be cost effective. Long term it is necessary though.
  14. Which is excellent news and long term can really help the product. First full time live for long term next on tour full time and Xplosion as a B show in the US as well. And as usual with TNA 2 steps forward 1 step back. Brooke Hogan will be the new Knockout GM. Definitely bad for brand perception could be good for brand awareness. No idea on how she will perform and if they find the balance between being too dominant (Karen Jarrett) or an afterthought ( Brooke, Brooks). Anthony Nese also quit to go work in Japan and Earl Hebner signed a new deal. Meh.
  15. If you go more often could you please punch that Hogan Mark for me? His signs and attention grabbing made a lot of 2010 shows less enjoyable.
  16. Meaningless like I said boils down to who you believe dirtsheets who have been saying it for 10 years now, when it was only really true one time, or people actually in the company. Sacrifice was a great ppv well worth watching Tag Opener, Hardy Anderson ( except for the Hebner botch), AJ Angle ( except for the shady Heel - Face allignment and zero build for the feud) and especially Aries vs Ray and RVD vs Roode where good. 2 very good /great matches and 3 good ones very entertaining with Angle vs AJ among those 3 from a pure match perspective being very good/great. Shame the crowd still sucks, man it has me wishing the crucial crew where back. Yes they sometimes tried to get themselves over and would cheer any TNA original even if they where Heel but they would at least react heavily and get more of the crowd to react.
  17. The financial realities of probably making a lot of money? Ah well endless debate that as it revolves around who you believe more but please don't state it as fact as it isn't. Don't know this big mo dude but given the style of bellator he could do a 6 month on and off schedule or something ( 2 months for training), plus unlike other " athletic celebs" he is going to OVW first so he shouldn't be a total scrub when he debuts.
  18. Just saw the spot that got Kennedy fired and remembered that when he signed with TNA a lot of the IWC, not so much here, said it was a bad move for TNA because he would get injured a lot again and cause friction backstage. Neither happened and he is now a good to decent main event / uppermidcard guy.
  19. Meh one can move can't one? Lol. Netherlands here and thinking of applying.
  20. BTW job opening at WWE that some of our board writers and others may want to check out: http://wwe-careers.com/wwe/jobboard/JobDetails.aspx?__ID=*E4214F878373E462
  21. Big is over stating it but it would raise eyebrows she said. ( I immediately went into dream mode of course, eyebrow raised means Rock in TNA! lol.) Like the fact that Sting is getting the acknowledgement and it can only really benefit both companies.
  22. Yeah it's not so much the mark thing more the kid, not analyzing as much maybe some fantasizing. And the 14, when everything is at its coolest, thing. As a "smark" you have the control yourself "how" you enjoy the show, analyzing can come later, although it is hard at times like for me at ER with the obvious, for me, tells.
  23. Ad into that that Andy was already signed before they started lolz. And Austin Aries didn't get in because he was too short reportedly but Matt cross is shorter.
  24. Yeah it happened with other tough enough's as well and the diva searches but this one is probably the most glaring.
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