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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Yeah they switched to that story after but is also pretty much BS. Doesn't have more skill now and the WCW and WWE styles where always different. Even Jericho had to adjust and from a non push perspective his WCW work was better imho or at least in ring.
  2. Always love that quote on one of the lets bash WCW video's about WCW not knowing how to use Show and that because WWE did he went there and that WWE used him better lol. He was way more effective in WCW.
  3. ????? Dude is as straight as they come and if WWE doesn't manage to make a star out of him with their larger mark fanbase its fail on their part. They need a new good big man desperately.
  4. Weird that so far they are all more identified with that promotion, at least by the non pure WWE fans.
  5. On stennick spoiler: I think DDP once said that he pitched that idea or it was pitched to him and for some reason they didn't do it or that it was planned as the second feud. One of many many stupid moves in that time period.
  6. The reshuffle of the roster continues under the new creative regime as Moore asked and was granted release, he had indicated he wanted to focus more on his tattoo stuff in the past, as well as Morgan strongly hinting on twitter that he is WWE bound.
  7. Spoiler on tonight's nostalgia return: DDP! Bang! Self High Five! The True People's champ! Anyhoo always loved the guy when I watched WCW and he is still in decent shape so look forward to seeing it. Hope he gets his WCW music though better then his E one.
  8. Great article on TNA by PWI imho. Spread the word if you like the current product imho, along with money the only real power we have as fans. 9 reasons impact wrestling has become a show every true wrestling fan needs watch
  9. Angelina Love has been released by TNA, amicable split. While I find her a better worker then Sky, Tess, Madison and Rosita and she was one of the original KO's, her role was pretty much played out, having done almost everything there is to do in the KO division and the Lesbian time travel vampire zombie stuff pretty much killed her and it was time to freshen up the KO division so I understand it. All in all good worker but understandable.
  10. Game of Thrones has been a kickass series so far imho.
  11. With the current writing team I am pretty sure it won't be straight up Storm in the lead whole time and winning.
  12. Joey Ryan best worked shoot since Summer of Punk 2 and this one is all TNA and isn't being rushed. Love it. While some people may not like the soap opera aspect of the AJ Daniels etc stuff it has been entertaining for those who do apart from the execution last week which they repaired a lot this week. TNA is really emphasizing the total in their product lately giving something for everyone and focusing on a core set of talent. I call them the TNA Twelve: Roode, Storm, AJ, Daniels, Kaz, Joe, Aries, Ray, Angle, RVD, Hardy, Anderson. Last weeks execution and the lack of named tag teams aside TNA is rocking. PS Sonjay is back woot! Can't wait to see who is back next week ( Petey, Low Ki, Lethal, being my fav.)
  13. Ok this one of the best before the bells ever focusing on Aries: http://www.tnasylum.com/2012/06/before-bell-destination-x.html#idc-container Before the bells are generally good but this one is great imho, check it out.
  14. Plus I guess these are all their matches and not just once they where a main eventer? But like you said its really interpretation etc. Ah well I felt like this debate had been explored fully a while back so didn't chime in.
  15. Another factor is the general tendency for WWE to but someone into the main event scene for a while, see how he does, bring him down again, see how he reacts, push him up again, and possibly repeat. Punk had to go through that like 3 or 4 times.
  16. Because he wasn't as successful as they hoped him to be given the push he was getting or as you perceived him to be, would be my short form answer.
  17. Lol couple of days ago I was running an analogy of the current top WWE superstars with the "next" generation top guys in my head for fun. Cena = Nash, Punk = Michaels, Bryan = Bret, Sheamus = Hall, Orton = Taker, Show = Sid. Off course the analogies aren't perfect but they are very similar.
  18. That is more a flaw within TEW overrating wrestling skills even within an almost pure popularity product and the fact that the gap between Cena and Punk atm is bigger then A - B+ as perceived by the largest part of WWE fanbase. But that is getting more into TEW mechanics and the definition of overness etc then the actual debate.
  19. It could also be Torrie Wilson instead of Victoria, which would make more sense as she and Kidman where in the process of breaking up at the time. I am inclined to believe him that he saw things like that from his perspective but don't really care.
  20. Quite a good piece covering the AJ/Dixie/Daniels/Kaz/Lynch stuff with my more detailed observations in the comment section. http://www.tnasylum.com/2012/06/lynchpin-to-story.html#idc-container
  21. Schedule and backstage atmosphere that passively encourages working hurt.
  22. Just slightly atm they learned from their past mistakes there by not going overkill and having blood, swearing etc actually mean something. But the higher intensity and danger in TEW terms matches are still there. It's more less stale then more edgy if you catch my drift imho. Ok misread that then as you used also and it was in the same list of some I did think you took as criticism. Anyhoo if/when Storm beats Roode for the title for BFG it will be a hell of a moment.
  23. It wasn't too bad except for tonight and yeah Dixie isn't the best on screen but the backstage shots she did weren't that bad. Hogan tape thing was just pure rumor from one of the least reputable sites around. So what? Journey there will still be fun and they might decide to change it up you never know till it happens. Apart from Kneejerk jobber Robbie E all the contestants are good ones and the rules are better this time. And yeah there is still crap on TNA but there is less crap and the focus has been shifted a lot. With Hogan(s) in supporting roles, GB in the undercard now and the "names" being used to mainly make their own talent. That was my biggest gripe before and for the large part has been fixed. If you watch the shows from Lockdown till one past Slammiversary there isn't much cringe worthy, Dixie in ring one time and the endless Robbies vs Devon (+GB) stuff, and a lot of good stuff. WWE is just plain snore with one decent storyline and a bucket of crap to me.
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