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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Well if they are going for eight people I am leaning on: Roode ( total swerve that would make total sense for once), Jarrett, Morgan, Masters, Jay Bradly, Wes Brisco, Petey Williams, Allissa Flash. But it changes every day what I am thinking lol. Although some names do tend to pop up a lot. I am pretty sold on Roode atm though.
  2. Another solid show with a great opener and some good wrestling and lots of storyline advancement and some insider jokes and loop hole addressing. Execution of some of the angles left somewhat to be desired but overall a solid show. Liked how Aces while still mentioned where not as overbearing thus giving more room for ppv build and other stuff as well. PPV is looking like a stacked card. Aries vs Roode - World Title Rematch AJ vs Joe vs Daniels vs Angle - Ladder Match Storm vs Hardy vs Ray vs E - Tables Match Anderson vs RVD vs Magnus vs Pope - Falls Count Anywhere King vs Ion - X Division title match Tessmacher vs Madison - Ko title match SuperMexWarriors ( Hernandez and Chavo) vs Dixie Dicks ( Kash and Gunner) - Prolly no1 tag contender match. I would leave the card ad that so that the 5 "big" matches can get plenty of time. But wouldn't be averse to Ryan vs Snow or a TV title match or KO Tag match.
  3. One of the announced Hardcore Justice special point four ways, highlight to read: AJ vs Joe vs Daniels vs Angle. How to make the unbreakable 3 better? ad Angle lol OMG! Stips will be announced tonight on the show.
  4. The poster wasn't the final straw it was raw 1001. Sorry if I didn't make that especially clear. Thought that that would be clear because a poster being the reason would be just dumb.
  5. The actual night of champions poster: http://indemand.com/shared/indemand/327989_lg.jpg Speaks for itself and after seeing what they did with the extra hour I am out, won't comment on ongoing stuff but will comment on general discussion. Too much filler and meaningless and bad stuff to compensate for some of the ok stuff. And its not just the wrestlers its the entire product its just stale as can be.
  6. Well none of the three (you forgot Velvet) have been officially released by TNA with a press statement. And TNA is notoriously bad at keeping that roster page up to date. You can pretty much bank on Flair and Velvet though but Morgan could be that he re upped and they are doing worked shoot for the aces and eights thing but also unlikely.
  7. Meh wrestling. It's more how they present them imho. Mexicools and Cryme Tyme vs Hernandez/Homicide LAX is a big difference to me. And its not like Chavo wouldn't make a good partner for Hernandez much like Williams was for Magnus he can help him get his basics down better etc.
  8. True D Lyrium and the onus falls on the regulating bodies for the rules they use. The murky bit is if you get duel citizenship just because you want to play for the national team or other sports related advances or because you really want to become part of the country so to speak. As we can't see into people's minds about that we can only guess. As in principle just because someone has been nationalized it shouldn't exclude him from representing the national team. The other murky part is the heritage thing you touched upon where it is hard to truly say if someone has kept in touch enough with the heritage and put forth solid criteria for that. All in all it is annoying but not something that is preventable. What grinds my gears is when its done in reverse as well lol. K 1 is the best example where almost all the top fighters are Dutch so to help hide that fact anyone who is first gen or second gen Dutch is encouraged to fight under the originator country flag. Again can't see into their harts but it is striking.
  9. Good show again with a nice variety. It was a bit full with the more segments then normal and many things going on. All the matches where very good t.v. matches, except for Madison's performance CUT her already! don't mind the longer/bigger tv matches much as ppv matches will be longer and generally have a bigger hook behind them and no commercials. They have actually balanced building for ppv and tv more in the last 4/5 months with more focus on ppv then before. Chavo got a good build on entry like a new guy should and it looks like we have gotten 2 new tag teams Gunner and Kash and Chavo and Hernandez are both very good pairings and ad depth to the solo divisions and Kash and Chavo can help Gunner and Hernandez get rid of the rough edges much like Williams did for Magnus. Killing multiple stones in one go here so very good move. Also liked that Chavo focused on praising TNA. He will become a good utility player for the X and Tag division pretty much a Kid Kash ++. Sam Shaw should have been a no because at best he is a developmental talent, if they make that official I am ok with it though, but also because the Gutcheck idea needs more No's to make it seem harder to be successful. Don't go by the live reaction or even fan voting too much btw. Fans are greedy so anyone who doesn't totally suck and plays a heel will get positive votes + fans like to see the dream come true thing. Joey Ryan story continues to be fun. Decision segment should have been done next week instead of same week giving a better reed of the fan reaction, as much as it factors in and given the stuff I said above, and it would have helped the pacing of the show with one less segment imho. Aces and eights continue to be intriguing and while still intrusive (as they should be) it was less then last week, next 2 weeks I would limit them a bit more to give more time for ppv build and then ramp it up again after. I am worried about the reveal though as to who it will actually be and what their motivations will be. If it is who is most rumored they should be a midcard faction and not a main event faction in terms of exposure etc. But we will see when we get there, for now its fun. Storm seems to be going into a role similar to Sting in connection with the aces and it intensifies his feud with Roode even more. So overall very good show but a bit crowded and I really liked the last 3 matches a lot and that they built to the next show. Kenny King ftw hehe. As a big X fan what did you think of that match Self?
  10. Do know about the lawsuit, nothing about the low balling though. That seems to me to just be more negative speculation which can't be proven either way. As long as there are no actual statements specifically to that effect from the released people I'll view it as just that.
  11. Hmm noticed the different product focus before they went live in the competitions case but I agree that it will off course be a slow process. But 1001 should be an episode where indicators like that exist such as the use of the extra hour. I really really hope they use the extra hour for making the midcard more relevant instead of more social media, sponsor shilling and kiddy pandering.
  12. Nice catch, I did know it was just a rumored one but for a rumored one its good.
  13. Yup really good one. And in retrospect RAW 1k was a lot better then I gave it credit for at the time. I was in a really foul mood because of some family situation and I was looking for stuff that wasn't really there as I was hoping we would get some product change indicators. The Nostalgia was good even if clunky at parts and I am glad Punk is probably back to being Punk even though the execution of it was just ok in my eyes not great but not bad either. Its just a shame they wasted a whole year pretty much to get us back to where we where a year ago with Punk. So while I am glad as free speaking Punk is better it is basically a back to square one move and not an evolution or something "new" or anything like that as was last year or with early Nexus. If the whole CM Punk midcard WWE champ thing was intentional from the start they really played the whole IWC ( ,not just the typical smarks but whole IWC,) very well but it was still a dumb move. Let's make someone less good and underpush him intentionally so when he goes back to what he was in June it will be good. And btw Punk didn't need this year to establish or (re-) establish himself dude was already plenty established. But most likely around the time after No Way Out they decided to go with all the chatter on the net and turn it into the "big" summer angle with the hints Bryan, Eve and Show gave and intentionally putting MITB as the ME over his championship match. While that was done ok I wasn't really happy with how Punk reacted to those hints as I prefer turns in general to come either out of left field but with good reasoning and execution behind it, be strongly hinted at but not confirmed, or come naturally. They kinda went middle ground on the whole thing so for me it came of a bit weaker then it could have. Again not saying that I don't enjoy Punk being back to Punk but just think it could have been done better and its not as big as last time around. Guess for product change indicators and how they are going with this I will have to check 1001. If I don't see product change indicators to my liking enough or more to my dislike and this storyline and the AJ gm thing doesn't compensate enough I am definitely out until the general chatter of people whose opinion's I respect is that things have gotten better and/or different.
  14. BTW anyone else catch the Rick Rude indirect reference in the DX segment? And it seemed that X Pac really wasn't supposed to be there with that whole 1-2-3 thing between Gunn and Shawn. Which is pretty good as helps suspend disbelief if he was or was not meant to be there.
  15. Devon couldn't care less tbh both on business and personal level. He should focus on the 3d dojo imho and maybe TNA can help with that. Ray great worker and will be great road agent once retires. Keep at all cost. Not the biggest velvet fan personally but undeniable sex appeal and tenure and mic skills means she is pretty much perma over much like Ray but just using different skills. Also keep even if the KO division is kinda stale atm and Tessmacher is pretty much filling the same role. We shall see though as the roster reshuffle is ongoing and as long as what comes in is equal or better then what goes out its ok.
  16. Same here, and the new logo is as bland as it gets. Edit Spoiler: Also a new set according to PWI. Long overdue but if its as bad as the song and the logo..........
  17. So what are people looking forward too and hoping for RAW 1000? Only really looking forward to the Cena vs Punk match tbh although, albeit watered down, nostalgia is nice for a bit. Really hoping it will be the start of a change in the total product.
  18. Don't think it will be a main event stable but more a midcard/ uppermidcard stable, with last weeks show more to establish them as a disruptive threat instead of the norm and dominating the show ala MEM and Immortal. Instead of rejected gutcheck just rejected wrestlers in general. disgruntled current and former TNA employees and maybe some guys the E missed the boat on. But you are right there aren't many "big" names out there to be the leader unless its a current TNA ME guy but I don't think so. ( Jarrett is not ME for a long time)
  19. And to me it looks the exact opposite. But Sin Cara's track record doesn't help him with the perception. But since none of us have tried to perform the move we can't say either way.
  20. Well the Directv vs Viacom thing is finally over. Such a shame it happened during such a hot time for TNA. Think A&8 where meant as an intrusion and it actually helped show flow as wasn't as full as last month with many short matches. It will probably lead to Sting and Friends vs Aces and Eights at BFG. I do hope they keep these kind of shows to a minimum where they over shine too much but a faction does need to make an impact to be successful.
  21. Yeah but it all could be a "work" in that he has resigned with TNA and is part of Aces and Eights for instance. Given the worked shoot and social media stuff TNA has been doing its a legit possibility. Yeay suspension of disbelief back. On Shelly yes he didn't re up his contract, question is why. Hope he comes back down the line. Another good edition of Impact - the bad actress. Edit: Aces and eights any thoughts?
  22. He could become the Doug Williams to Herandez's Magnus as well. Chavo + Hernandez, Kash + Gunner, Daniels + Kaz and later maybe the Dynasty (Ryan and Scorpio Sky) and ANX and maybe a reformed British Invasion. Gets the tag division up and running again plus ads room to the roster and depth to the other divisions. And if Shelly comes back, we don't know the circumstances of the release but that is in the far future, Guns as well and with Angle around WGTT are always an option. But the last two are just pure speculation the other ones are pretty easy. Massive roster reshuffling going on in TNA atm so interesting to see how that turns out in the end. At least the guys they are focusing on the most are the right ones atm.
  23. Well he should get a decent push coming in as any new talent should to (re) establish him just hope it won't be a too big one. Haven't seen the new creative do something like this yet so will be interesting.
  24. Am I the only one that thinks the boob job has made the one look uglier? I liked the largely natural part and twin part of their subjective beauty.
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