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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Reaction has not been scrapped just delayed from the original plan. And why should they publish their ppv results? They where not really all over beating ECW in the ratings either, plus ratings are already public as Spike pays for them and not TNA and ratings are more ingrained as a measure of success. The ppv buys are probably not as low as reported nor high enough to scream off the rooftops as a promotional tool, as far it is a useful promotional tool at all that is. All those low reports you see everywhere are intended as a way too get TNA to release their numbers and TNA is just ignoring it which they have every right too.
  2. Because dirtsheets have the same motives and sometimes even more so. Yes the "truth" will be somewhere in the middle off course and I take both with salt. But having seen the shoot I could glean what I thought to be truthful or near the truth and what was more promotion etc. And that is the most any of us can do.
  3. Also of note in the shoot was the fact that TNA does have a drug policy in place, including fines for mary jane. Still as Stennick pointed out you have to take it with a pinch of salt but I would believe her in that setting over any dirtsheet.
  4. Lol what total BS. On a more positive note. Got to see the Carter Youshoot and you can see she has had media training hehe. Still was interesting to hear that ppv buys are/where up and even did record numbers and the monday wars shows did record overseas numbers. She also said they make many millions in profit from ppv. So all those extremely low numbers out there are probably bs. For the rest I would have to listen to it again. On a sidenote much of the crappy matches and angles that have been blamed on Russo where actually Dutch Mantell or JJ when they still had power. And apart from the KO lockbox stuff since their removal their has been less tomfoolery.
  5. Well TNA has been praised lately plenty as well. At least in this thread, generally online is another thing though. And agree with the sentiment that this should be the end of it. Maybe a storyline at most and then finito. And yeah Stennick TNA has had an alarming pattern of doing stuff like this. They put on a string of good shows but they do not get an instant ratings increase, so then they wheel out the nostalgia and the ratings are higher for a short while but then quickly fall, making them lower the nostalgia level and go for good shows again. For some reason they do not realise that it is not the nostalgia that is drawing but the string of previously good and fresh shows. Then possible new fans tune in and give them a chance and get confronted by the nostalgia again and quickly tune out. Maybe I am wrong and it is the nostalgia that is drawing and then wearing off but that means that using it does not deliver any sustainable growth.
  6. Hmm I would disagree there as her matches against Daffney and her New Years Eve matches and tag matches where good imho. Dragging a good match out of the BP, all four, is hard for any performer even with Madison who is the least bad imho.
  7. Hmm Mixed tag feud anyone? And ok my bad, or they where pulling your leg lolz.
  8. I remember Remi writing that Hamada has fine English so that is not the problem. And if anyone knows female wrestlers around here it is Remi.
  9. Ah well he does remain featured and having good matches against fellow high contenders. They just need to find a storyline for him if one is not already in the works. And god do I hope they can get Daniels back.
  10. If you like that get the highspots interview with him and Kendrick freaking hilarious.
  11. Agreed, I really dug AJ's non tat look. Fit his character and wrestling style better imho.
  12. On LAX I like em either way as singles or tag. But as I am a big fan of tag wrestling I would prefer a reunion. Just picture this: Beer Money Guns LAX WGTT Hooliganz British Invasion Inc Inc Gen Me 3D That is one kick ass division.
  13. Good rating and given that the increase was mainly in that demo I think it might have more to do with the consistent quality over the last couple of months then specifically the ECW stuff given that nostalgia should not appeal to that large an extent to that age group.
  14. TNA is not copying jack**** or better yet they are copying everything. Because everything has been done in wrestling.
  15. I really feel that instead of promoting Dixie´s twitter they should be promoting TNA today and or the webmatches etc.
  16. And maybe, like me, he does not think McIntyre and Sheamus are awesome/good.
  17. Would also be a good test to see what kind of numbers such specials would draw and possibly how much money they could make selling of the rights to said specials vis a vis ppv income.
  18. Ok seems you have different tastes, which is ok. To me and many others as far as I have read, who do not blindly hate on TNA, it has been pretty good the last couple of months.
  19. Ah good old Meltzer, for me that means the good old facebook term IGNORE.
  20. Not from Spike directly, although possibely they pay part of the wages, but having those names onboard good possibely been a factor in signing the new Middle East deal which is pure money. Those same names are also the top merchandise sellers. And according the the reports I have heard and trust all numbers, including ppv, are up. As much up as TNA had hoped? Nope. Are they back in the red? Maybe, and even if they are they have a big safety net. After the move back to Thursday/ post sacrifice the booking has been good and we have been seeing good matches on Impact. This is probabely the best I have seen TNA in a long time so lets enjoy it.
  21. Because it has been discussed to death multiple times already.
  22. Ehm if you just watch a single or maybe two shows you never will as TNA for better or worse doesn't do the endless rerun stuff. And seriously the booking has been very good. Only small opersonal gripes left for me rather then general ones.
  23. Yep but as of now they have to fur fill their contracts to the ppv providers and I have no info when those run out. So until that time it is kind of a moot point. Hmmm I think I have said this before lolz. And yes Rhino and Raven and Richards have been on TNA television and as pointed out have been off of it lately but it is also by associations and actions. They are presenting themselves as being apart of TNA atm and they have a strong past with ECW so it is logical enough.
  24. If it is true, the non stream part, then yeah. Thing is with the streams they cannot check from witch country people are watching etc. China for example where the E is active and TNA is not yet.
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