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Posts posted by Prophet

  1. I saw him high five punk. First time they went to the floor.


    Yeah, but even then, they were trying to swing away from the barrier. And Cole said he was celebrating with "the Chicago faithful." I understand he's (assumedly) not under contract, but his name has been mentioned enough recently to validate Cole saying the word Cabana once.


    I will say, though, that if my biggest gripe of the entire show is simply the misinformation of a "fan" in the front row, it's gotta be a pretty solid show. lol

  2. What was the deal with Cara, seemed a waste, or was he legit injured?


    It might be simply a way to write him out of the match early, due to the language barrier? Guessing it's much more difficult to communicate through the translator in such a big clusterfuddle of a match. And since it happened after his big rally, I kind of assumed it was in the same vein as Edge's early exit, but because of his inability to communicate.

  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Stennick" data-cite="Stennick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So I'd say the two biggest realistic results are Cena drops Punk cleanly for the victory, or someone cashes in their money in the bank. <p> </p><p> That being said lets not talk about what you think WILL happen. What in your mind would be the biggest HOLY BLEEP moment ever.</p><p> </p><p> Is it The Rock costing Cena the title? Is it Punk somehow leaving the night with the title? What is the thing everyone feels would be the "oh my god" moment? </p><p> </p><p> For me personally if Punk found a way to leave Sunday with the title. Again I know its not happening but thats what makes it an "oh my god moment".</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Biggest Holy S ... Moley moment? CM Punk dominates the match. Launches Cena into the corner, and runs in to do the high knee/bulldog combo, and Cena ducks out of the way, beginning the dreaded "5 moves of doom." Cena hits the shuffle, and Punk does that woozy rise, so Cena can go for the AA/FU, when Punk starts kicking his feet, causing Cena to lose balance, and drop Punk, who reverses into a GTS, and while holding Cena up, accidentally takes out the referee with Cena's flailing feet.</p><p> </p><p> As Cena reverses out of the GTS, Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana charges the ring after hopping the guardrail. Great moment where Punk and Cabana smirk, while Cena does that "I'm so worried" feint that he does. Punk gets ready to end the match and fulfill his promise, when Cabana turns him around, and hits the Colt .45, dropping Punk, giving Cena the title, and as Cabana backs up the aisle with a smile on his face, Vincent Kennedy McMahon pops out to congratulate his backup plan.</p><p> </p><p> Is it a good idea? It could be, but probably not the way I'd go. Would I be shocked, though? Yeah, I think I would.</p>
  4. I think the biggest appeal that Ryder brings is that he's different. Creatively different. I remember someone earlier in the thread describing how so many fit into molds (ie- fun babyface = Evan Bourne/Kofi Kingston/etc.), and Ryder is a break from the norm.


    And his web show has shown his creativity. If I had any pull in the company, I'd air his "this is your brain" parody commercials weekly. I just think that the fact that he's something fresh works for him, and he's shown that he has the creativity and personality to make that work for him.


    I'm also kind of glad that he's turned (albeit on his web show, and subsequent match with Primo), because as great as I think Ryder is, the persona doesn't lend itself to being heel. Never been a fan of heels who try to be bad, yet get the crowd to root for them.

  5. I wouldn't be surprised to see Punk win, and like last year, have a briefcase cashed in. Like Punk wins his match, they do the MitB three matches later, and (for the sake of argument), Morrison wins, and announces after he is announced the winner that he's cashing in.


    It definitely opens the door ... personally, I'd be okay with Punk winning, and walking out champ. The GM vacates the title the next night, and after he gets his rest and relaxation, Punk walks into a ready made story when he wishes to return.

  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zeel1" data-cite="Zeel1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's true enough that he doesn't really have an agenda or a goal, but I wouldn't say he has no reason to be doing this. The feeling I got was that he was simply tired of taking all of the fan's ****. I mean, as many here have recently said, they always hated Cole. For pretty much the entire time he's been on WWE TV, people have hated him for various reasons, and it seemed to get worse and worse every year. I read his character arc as basically being that for that decade or so, he was just trying to pander to the fans, talking up the people that they liked, talking down the people they hated, just trying to get them to like him, and for so long they just didn't accept him. It only makes sense that eventually he'd just be all, "You know what, **** you guys too." Now he's just venting all that pent-up anger and enjoying every minute of it. Basically he's doing the exact opposite of what he used to do, talking up people like Miz and Del Rio, hating on guys like Mysterio, and doing pretty much whatever he can to troll the fans. It makes total sense to me...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I may not have made my meaning of reason clear. I understand the story arc, and actually agree with it, in that sense. Like I said, I've never been a fan, and with everyone chanting JR's name everytime he got the chance to lead, it was an inevitability that he'd go off the deep end, as it were. I don't dispute that.</p><p> </p><p> By reason, what I meant was, that eventually all that bottled heat gets transferred. McMahon to Austin, King to Bret Hart, Heenan to Flair, etc. Cole passed his to King, as a way to get Lawler his WM match. And then passed it to Swagger when Swagger got fed up and walked. But they were small outlets ... King's WM moment is over, and isn't remembered fondly, and Swagger's still low man on the totem pole, playing a heel role when he walked out on a heel role. In both instances, they've fizzled. It happens, and opportunity is still there, but now there's no real reason.</p><p> </p><p> Either Cole moves out from the booth, and becomes a part/full time manager, who gains from the constant backlashing that Cole receives every week, or Cole starts a new feud with someone. Either way, he needs a full outlet for all that accumulated hatred he's bottling, because like him or hate him, Michael Cole is not in a role right now that's conducive to his being one of the biggest heels in the company. </p><p> </p><p> It doesn't seem like there's an endgame planned for all this, and he's just an annoying voice filling up four hours of television, when that same focus could be used to make someone like Swagger a legitimate contender again. Or better yet, he could build someone from the ground up. Tyler Reks for example, has all but disappeared. He's got a good look (in my opinion), solid skill, but he's not built for mic work. Unless it's a four minute promo of him seething and spitting. You give him Cole, Reks becomes hated, Cole builds him up with purpose, and in 4 months, you have a major contender for Kofi.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BloodyKnuckles" data-cite="BloodyKnuckles" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>While I haven't watched much wrestling lately, what I have seen I have enjoyed of Michael Cole. Unlike most, I actually didn't hate him as a face but he is shining in his role as a heel. I love how he's the Miz' number one fan and marks out for him, I also think how he insults Daniel Bryan and refers to him as a nerd is awesome. Bryan is a guy who is always going to struggle connecting with WWE audiences and I believe Cole's dislike of him only helps him get over with the fans.<p> </p><p> I disagree completely that Cole doesn't serve a role by doing what he's doing, a heel announcer imo has always helped get babyfaces more connection with fans by giving them more reason to remember them. I believe he helps put over both the Miz and Daniel Bryan from what I've seen, and he's also pretty funny. (I watched the 2011 Rumble the other day, and he had me cracking up several times during the match. "I respect Bryan, I just think he's a nerd and he probably never had a girlfriend")</p><p> </p><p> That's just my two cents on the issue though, good debate and I can understand the issues that some have with Michael Cole even if I don't agree with them myself.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Saw this post post, and wanted to add that while I don't completely disagree with this, I think it lacks an element. Bryan's a perfect example, actually. On NXT, when Cole ripped the "internet darling" for being a TV-less nerd, and Bryan responded, it was a boon. Bryan gained the crowd, but that interaction led to the transfer I mentioned earlier. Even Eve chasing Cole into the Cole Mine gave that confrontation. Cole kissing up to Ziggler on guest commentary even transfers a little, but in the larger scheme of things, without a focus, it's being a jerk just because. </p><p> </p><p> And all of these points, which may come across confusing (for which I apologize), aren't an argument to stop heel Cole. I prefer the idea of Cole as a heel, he does seem more natural in this phase, I just wish they would utilize it better. I think announcer/manager Cole would be hugely beneficial, wherein he can rip all the fun loving babies he wants, and mobilize the fans against one main antagonist. Or maybe I simply long for the days of Bobby and Cornette, and the Mouth roaming ringside.</p>
  7. I think the biggest problem with heel Cole now is, there's no reason for it. Heenan, King, McMahon, Heyman, Cornette ... they all had agendas, and until Cole has an outright reason, it lacks sense. This is what I mean.


    Heenan and Cornette were both managers who either had current clients, or option to scout new clients. Heenan would tear into Hogan, because he had reason to, Hogan had the belt, Hogan would duck the Family, it made sense.


    When Heyman was heel color guy, he was aligned with the Invasion, he was self aggrandizing ECW, he was justified in tearing down the faces of WWF/E. And McMahon was trying to mold the company into what he felt it should look like. Which turned Austin and others (including the dreaded Union) into protagonists. Still, clear cut agenda.


    As for King, when he began commentating, he was still active. He feuded with Bret Hart, he outwitted people in Rumble matches by hiding under the ring. He made the most sense to be heelish as a commentator. This also holds true during Perfect's run. All of them have reason.


    Cole doesn't have that reason. He's heel because he's friends with the Miz? He's friends with Cena too, something they touched on during the heel run of Michael Cole, which was forgotten the next week. Which brings me to another point. Cole is wildly inconsistent. One week, he's horrified by a beating that took place in the ring, and the next week, the victim deserved worse. One week, Miz went too far when scolding Alex Riley, and it was good for A-Ri to stand up for himself, the next week, Cole's demanding an apology from Riley. It almost seems like he loses perspective of which role he's supposed to play.


    My point is, until they lay out a clear reason for Cole to act like an obnoxious jerk, some self interest that ties it all together, it will always come off as the loudest kid in the class trying to shout down the teacher for no other reason than he has a mic in his hand.

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GruntMark" data-cite="GruntMark" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The Miz/Cena arc for the night turned out pretty lame. A No Holds Barred match against the guy who until three segments ago was Michael Cole's lackey? Thats far from AWESOME.<p> </p><p> Especially considering this was the focus of most the show and almost all the backstage segments.</p><p> </p><p> And to top it off, Cena didnt look any more beatable after the match than before. Which would have helped, since I dont think anyone actually expects The Miz to win.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Unless he like...threatens some hostages.</strong></p><p> </p><p> Pretty forgettable Raw overall I think...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I thought the same thing. Like Sunday, halfway through the match, where the Miz is in peril, the video screen is going to light up, and A-Ri is going to be in some undisclosed location, holding a puppy hostage, and forcing it to watch the 1998 Brawl for All ... match by ridiculous match, until Cena gives up to save the puppy's sanity.</p>
  9. Undoubtably a concern.


    But Im not a big fan of Prince. Besides having a fun name.


    I have to admit, it is a fun name. Little surprised we went for Prince, what with my influence with the Giants front office and all. Not shocked, the Giant secondary is a walking M*A*S*H unit, but I really thought we'd go offensive line.


    And from a purely nostalgic pov, I was kind of hoping we'd pick up Ingram. Just be nice to see that name in big blue again.

  10. My biggest question is, if you're moving Show to Monday, assumedly to bolster the upper ranks in the same way Kane has for a long time, why jump the tag belts? Unless they're doing the split champ story, which was Jericho/Show in 2009, right?


    And my biggest upset was only getting to see Ryder for all of 3 seconds. Everytime Smackdown got a pick, I kept hoping the Woo Woo Woo Kid would pop up, and I could cheer about how he was getting television time, and a possible push. All we got was a fist pump when Rey got drawn.

  11. I went into the whole Edge thing expecting some kind of classic Edge moment. The way they promoted it, there was no way it was a legit thing, ya know? And then Edge would come out, and before he began, Del Rio appears, taunting him about retiring, instead of facing him (ADR) in a rematch. And Edge would reply with something cute, like "I'm going to retire ... my theme song!" or something.


    And then it got serious. And I was shocked, and Edge walked up the ramp, and paused, and for a moment, I thought "Ohh, you got me good, Edge. Sneaky S.o ..." and they went to commercial. I'll be honest, it kind of winded me. Like hitting a concrete floor, flat on your back. Guess it's the out of left field nature of it all. Kind of surprised by the way they laid it out too, `cause the announcement seemed to have killed my "enthusiasm" for the main event.

  12. I hate it but love it too: big money match that SHOULD be held in Florida.


    Ahh, but Extreme Rules is in Tampa, Florida, so they didn't have to wait a whole year!


    I'll admit, when Rock first said they were meeting, I was a little shocked ... what with it being a "dream match" and all. Wasn't until he mentioned the biggest stage that it made sense. Now it can simmer, with occasional reference, to keep it in our minds, until the full on press next December/January.


    Also have to admit that Sin Cara jumping into a feud with Sheamus is kind of awesome. Unexpected, but awesome. At least if it is a feud, where he shoots for the title. Makes Bryan's dropping it seem a little more sensible.

  13. Pretty much why I hated the match. At no point did they get me to believe that HHH was about to win. Huge difference from last year, where there were several points in the match where I thought HBK was about to win, despite logically knowing it wasn't going to happen. HHH/Taker was never able to get me to suspend that disbelief, so for me, it was just a series of finishers, bumps and weapon shots that held no real meaning.


    I didn't see it that way. I'm not disputing the series of finishers, bumps, and weapon shots, but the meaning aspect. The whole build up of "win or die trying" was the thread that ran through the match. In so much as that they came out intent on living up to that. It was very much a one upsmanship match, trying to hit that final move to eventually "kill" off the other. That sort of idea may not appeal to everyone, and definitely won't work in every match, but I think in this instance, it sort of told the story. But that's just personal opinion.


    I also just realized that Josh Matthews is going to quit now. Poor guy got screwed by circumstance. lol

  14. It wasn't the greatest Wrestlemania ever, but it had moments. The Miz vignette, with the televisions, illustrating his "most must see champion" ideal was brilliant.


    And Taker and Hunter wasn't a bad match. Think they tried too hard to try to surpass HBK/Taker, which may have gone against it ... if that makes sense, but it wasn't a bad match. And albeit sore and winded, I don't believe Taker is injured. If he is, that's really sloppy work to lift the guy up like that. Especially if it was neck/back related.


    I dig the formerly Dashing Cody Rhodes flair too. The elephant man appeal of the character is rather intriguing. Missed Snooki showcasing her inner Muta (and everything else about the match), so I'll need to try to find a view of that. Other than that, I follow most people's views ... sad that Danielson/Sheamus got bumped, disappointed in the mishandling of the Corre match up. Even the beating of Cole was a bit disappointing, although the use of the Cole Mine was great.

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