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Everything posted by Hive

  1. After reading a bit about the matches and results, I was really interested in this PPV. Then people started comparing it to the horrible Wrestlemania from this year, and claimed that was a better PPV, which made me lose all interest again.
  2. Has anyone seen this video of Punk arguing with a "fan" in Australia? It's awesome! Watching Punk yell "You have a vagina!" at some moron is priceless. Check it out:
  3. Am I the only one who thinks it's a travesty that they keep jobbing The Miz to Alex Riley?
  4. Interesting viewpoint. Though I still think a proper tag team gimmick on people who aren't exactly merc movers could do well for sales as well. Not that I actually *know* anything about the business side of wrestling...
  5. Again, I must say I do not follow your logic. Why would a tag division be a huge investment? They already have the workers, and it's not like some face paint and matching attires would ruin them. You say it would require too many "changes in the company"... come on, I'm not asking them to re-structure their organization or drastically change their product or direction of the company. I think you're being a bit too dramatic here.
  6. Yeah that's my point: nowadays, WWE just uses tag teams as a lazy way to get two people feuding later on. They often break them up way too soon and the feuds rarely get enough heat to really take them places. Also, it's outright sad that this list isn't longer. I mean, it goes how far back? 4 years?
  7. I completely disagree with you on this. Just because WWE hasn't showcased any proper tag team wrestling for many years doesn't necessarily mean that their audiences won't appreciate it. How do they know untill they try? And I don't quite get your logic here at all: you say that the fans just accept anything the WWE throws at them. Well... if WWE then began throwing proper tag team wrestling at them, why would they not accept that as well? I'd also argue that tag team wrestling is GREAT for kids. When I started watching wrestling, I really really digged tag team wrestling. Seeing two guys with matching gimmicks throw double team moves all over the place was really awesome to me. But I don't blame kids of today for not digging WWE tag team wrestling, as it's just two random guys in ordinary wrestling trunks doing their singles stuff in the same ring. There's nothing special or exciting about it. I honestly don't think it would be hard at all to get a proper tag division in WWE again. They easily have the manpower to do 10 tag teams if they want to, they have tons of guys never shown on tv and lots of promising talent sitting in FCW. And since there hasn't really been much tag team wrestling on tv for a very long time, they could easily just re-do succesful tag gimmicks from the 80's and 90's. Not all of them would work today, of course, but I'm sure that lots of the big ones would.
  8. Adding to this, they could have Swagger still cheat a bit behind Danielson's back with Danielson trying to make Swagger forsake his still somewhat heelish ways. Kinda like the storyline WCW did with Sting and Lex Luger in 1996. I think enough time has passed to repeat that concept.
  9. I completely agree. These days, tag teams in WWE are basically used as an excuse for setting up a fed between two former partners later on - and most often, it's sooner rather than later. Back in the old days we saw people get extremely over as a teag team with chemistry, matching attires and gimmicks and double team moves. Look at how huge The Road Warriors got, for example. Individually, they weren't really main eventers (though did occationally dabble into the main event for singles matches)... but together, they were at the very top of things. I don't think a proper tag division would be that hard to get in WWE. Let's say they're able to sign The Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money Inc from TNA and re-form The Hart Dynasty as well as keep The Usos around, the foundations would be there. They could throw Swagger and Danielson together in matching patriotic attire, having them work under a patriotic gimmick as hard-working American wrestlers who use skills to get ahead in life and live the American dream. Corny, I know, but USA never seems to get tired of patriotism. They could also try to put together a couple of big guys lacking charisma to make it on their own and throw some paint and funny costumes on them in a Road Warriors/Demolition/Ultimate Warrior gimmick amalgram. It worked before, it might work again. I would personally tune in to see this tag division on WWE television each week.
  10. Yeah I agree, Christian is in a better place now than he has been in years in WWE. Maybe even his best position there ever. When else has he been consistently main eventing and feuding with a world title holder who also happens to be one of their current top guys?
  11. What annoys me about that feud was that Orton single-handedly not only beat Punk but an entire stable of evil heels. Pretty hard to take them serious as dangerous heels when they're outfought being 4 or 5 to 1.
  12. I don't like Cena as a performer. I think he's extremely bland in the ring and I hate his gimmick with a passion. And don't get me started on his wrestling attire... I'm really not into rap or hip hop or whatever. But... I achnowledge his insane value to the company. Could someone else in the wrestling world today become as over with the fans given the same push? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. But what I am 100 % sure of is that noone else could be as important to the company as Cena is. That many is a true company man who breathes WWE. He's hard-working, devoted, loyal, easy-going, stays out of trouble with the law, does no drugs (that we've heard of), does tons of charity and other great PR for WWE... I imagine that he's any promoter's dream. If I were Vince, and had to choose between pushing Cena and someone who is perhaps more talented as a wrestler but has more risque attached (like Orton, whom I actually like a great deal), I too would choose Cena. It makes the most financial sense.
  13. Wow. Maybe it's just me, but... is that really considered to be a *good* match? Half of it is armbar variations and the other half, while certainly not being bad (but not spectacular in any way), is pretty much Danielson's work. I did enjoy Cena as a heel though, first time I ever saw him in such a capacity. And much more awesome wrestling gear he had back then... I mean, yellow pants? Pure gold.
  14. Holy f... this pic is ridiculous! When I first skimmed it, I nearly thought it was a young Sid Vicious.
  15. True that. It's a highly subjective topic, and using the word "overrated" was actually a poor choice of words by me. Winter is certainly fairly hot, but compared to so many other female performers she does very little for me. SoCal Val on the other hand... wowza.
  16. Meh, Winter is overrated. She's not even in my top 20 of hot female wrestlers/wrestling personalities.
  17. I, for one, completely agree with you that even though the weight difference between HBK and Cena was pointed out to be insignificant, Cena *looks* bigger and bulkier than HBK and certainly has more of a "big guy look" overall. He looks stronger and more badass and he looks far more muscular.
  18. Yes he is. But I repeat what I read yesterday: they talked about Destination X, but it fell through.
  19. I read yesterday that TNA and Lethal did talk about him participating at Destination X, but that the deal fell through.
  20. I just finished listening to the Randy Orton radio interview posted some pages back. Good, fun stuff. He really sounds like a pretty fun and cool dude. Some funny stories.
  21. Thank you, Captain Obvious. You do realize that the comment about HBK getting his behind kicked in bar fights was a joke, right?
  22. Seriously, that guy should not be on tv. He has the dumbest gimmick paired with the most boring look and in-ring presentation I have seen for a very long time.
  23. Cena has way better mic and acting skills than Orton, and possibly a better dedication to the business (though Orton strikes me as being extremely dedicated as well). Everything else, I think Orton does better than Cena. Punk is better on the mic than both Cena and Orton combined and far better in the ring. Without question. But... and this is a big "but": he lacks the "WWE look", which both Cena and Orton has. He doesn't look like he could walk into a bar and beat up everyone in it. And his "non-WWE build" is often mentioned as a key reason why he has not been pushed as much as so many others, and why he has often been wasted in stupid and irrelevant storylines and surrounded by career midcarders... and I can see the reason behind this, somewhat. But still... a guy like Shawn Michaels, who became one of their biggest stars ever, proved that smaller guys with a different look and great in-ring skills can be as huge, if not even bigger, than most "big guys". What did HBK have that CM Punk lacks? The only thing I liked better about HBK was his finisher, other than that I find Punk at least as good, if not better, than him. He could be the future "Mr. Wrestlemania". Anyway, I'm not quite sure what my point with this rambling was (if I ever had one)... except that I think WWE is dropping the ball BIG TIME if they really end up letting Punk leave. While I can see why WWE doesn't think having the main event filled with guys that has Punk's "puny" look, there's certainly room for one or two: and since HBK left, there's a void for that kind of guy... a void that can, in my opion, only be filled by either Punk or Morrison within the current WWE roster. And Punk would by far be the best choice.
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