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Everything posted by Hive

  1. Does it really matter who gets a title shot when it only results in a 3-minute loss anyway...?
  2. Heh that clip is awesome. It was stupid to have the hottest heel of the company waste time feuding with a midcarder anyway... and need help from two others doing so. That's the sort of stuff they should (and seems to be doing now) use the older veterans for, like Triple H and Undertaker. I never got why they didn't throw Shawn Michaels into a feud with Morrison before his exit, either.
  3. Wow... Smackdown got exactly ONE new interesting guy: Christian... while losing Jericho, Edge, Morrison and The Hart Dynasty... crazy. Though I suppose Kofi Kingston is okish as well...
  4. I'm like that. I love watching Rey Mysterio, but not when he's picking up wins against guys like Batista, Kane, Big Show, etc consistently. He's a great cruiserweight, and he should fight similar people. Wrestling is fake, sure, but I still prefer when they try to make it just a bit believeable.
  5. Everyone expected that to happen as a sure thing, so I actually like that they didn't do it.
  6. The Undertaker is getting really old though, and can't work as much as he used to... RAW, being the talkshow of WWE, would suit him excellent. Both him and Batista should be moved there, perhaps moving Randy Orton to dominate smackdown.
  7. Matt Morgan does everything Rob Terry does, only better. And how many of that type do you really need?
  8. I wasn't talking specifically about last night's episode, but more in general terms. Wasting a good rub from people like Hall and Nash on guys like Eric Young and Jesse Neal, having Rob Terry squash Tomko (who a few months ago had a world title match against Styles and were involved in the main event scene), using Orlando Jordan just for the controversy of it, using Bubba... well, just using him... stuff like this bugs me.
  9. Judging from the recap, last night's Impact actually sounds pretty good and interesting. Was it so? Though I wish they'd get rid of Hulk's friend Bubba and Orlando Jordan. And stop pushing dull and boring people like Eric Young, Rob Terry and Doug Williams.
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hyde Hill" data-cite="Hyde Hill" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>According to some sources in TNA and Viacom, yes I have them now as I have not been idle, Viacom is close to signing The Rock away from Disney for their movie division and they will be using TNA as a vehicle to promote his movies.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> In other April 1st news, I have personally just bought both TNA and WWE. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  11. About time they did something with Swagger, though really really weird to do it out of the blue following having used him mainly for stupid bouts with Santino Marella for a while.
  12. It's kinda hard to click like a superstar when you're feuding with Santino Marella and is otherwise just occational jobber to the stars. I wish they'd do more with him, he's one of my favourite WWE workers.
  13. So... Edge wins the title at Wrestlemania, Christian wins the money in the bank match, and the fans finally get the Edge vs. Christian match they have longed for so long...?
  14. Are you in all seriousnes saying you could see those two, who are among the most loyal company boys WWE has, jump to TNA? Why on earth would they do that? They already have the light schedules and I doubt TNA would pay them more. Why suddenly become disloyal to WWE for no good reason?
  15. My bad, I thought last night's Impact went out live.
  16. Orlando Jordan has no business going over Samoa Joe. Wtf was that about? Why Hogan brought him in is beyond me...
  17. What makes Morgan a better main eventer than Dinero, though?
  18. Still, what else do they have for main event material? They can't do Angle-Styles forever. And Dinero has what Hogan is looking for; charismatic both in the ring and outside of it. He's good both in the ring and on the mic.
  19. So.... are they going to push Mr. Anderson as the #1 contender already tonight, you think?
  20. ...yet at the same time, the all-knockouts special they did got sub-par ratings.
  21. Wow. Just read spolers for the taping tonight. What's up with that finish to the main event? Why on earth are they doing that? I thought they wanted to be different than WWE and being a serious competitor to them... but instead they're constantly copying them and more importantly giving them free PR again and again... I don't get it. If anyone does get it, please explain.
  22. An estimated 150.000 people died because of this earthquake in Haiti, a nation not exactly doing well as it was. Earlier today, I read a report about old, sick and immobile people lying around helpless in the ruins of a retirement home without food or medicine, with rats eating off their over-filled diapers. In comparison, you're sitting at home being cozy while chatting online about something as trivial as wrestling. All I can ask is... are you serious? I mean... really?
  23. Bubba The Love Sponge seems to have gotten himself fired due to stupid comments regarding Haiti, awesome.
  24. That match is something wrestlers should aspire to replicate. It may not have had a number of flashy moves or great technical wrestling, but it told a story perfectly. It had great selling and logic.
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