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Posts posted by krautz

  1. 33 minutes ago, SuperBooker420 said:

    Disappointing. Why even make a mod if you are going to put your personal feelings into it and not include actual wrestlers?

    If you want him in that bad, take the extra 5 minutes and import him from another RW mod. Questlove spends his time updating this mod, final say on any of it should be his.

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  2. With a awesome graphics pack from @justtxyank coming up and a sweet looking 86 mod coming from @jhd1 I've got inspired to do some cuts for a 96 mod I'm playing and I thought I'd share. I am going to try to aim for the same style that is being done by @justtxyank with his pic pack considering I prefer that style and use it. 

    Any feedback is welcome, won't take requests but if you need something post it and i'll do my best to find it.



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