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Everything posted by Jaysin

  1. Roxxi lost and is now out of TNA. Hopefully that doesn't stick. I love Roxxi. Good match though
  2. That's horrible. Madison is a fantastic in ring worker and her mic work is getting better by leaps and bounds. I've watched her for years(she was on CAPW on public access). Lacey is the weak link in the Beautiful People sure, but she has her hilarious dumb blond moments. Some are just dumb, but she does get a good laugh. She's awful in the ring, but with any luck, she gets better. Velvet is constantly improving in the ring, and well, look at her. She makes most women look like slag!
  3. Prediction time RVD© vs Sting- I bet Sting takes the belt from RVD. They've done a good job building up Sting's new character. Winning the title would get him closer to removing the "veil" over everyone's eyes. Douglas Williams© vs Brian Kendrick- I'm going to go with Kendrick on this one. I just have a feeling on this one. No real reason behind it. Matt Morgan vs Hernandez- Herndandez gets revenge for Morgan putting him out of action Hardy & Anderson vs Beer Money- I'm gonna go with Hardy & Anderson winning this one. I still think Anderson's gonna turn on Hardy, but I don't think it's going to be this soon. Kurt Angle vs Kazarian- Angle definitely wins this one AJ Styles vs Jay Lethal- I'm gonna go with AJ on this one. Roxxi vs Madison Rayne©- I'm going with Roxxi. Desmond Wolfe vs Abyss- I want Wolfe since Abyss won at Sacrifice.
  4. Kurt Angle vs Amazing Red was a better match than anything WWE has put on in a long time. It's nice they gave Red the rub like that. The RVD/Sting brawl at the end of the show was really well done. I kept going back and forth on who would "stand tall" at the end of it. "Deception" scrawled across the title reminds me of back in the day when Hollywood would spray paint nWo on the WCW title. Not sure if that's linked to what Sting's over all goal is. The eight man tag match was fun with a really nice finish. It was a nice lead in show for Slammiversary tonight. I can't wait to watch.
  5. DGUSA, ROH, hell, he even has friends in TNA. You're right, there's no way he'll go that long before working again. It's too bad he can't be on television for 90 days or he'd be the hottest commodity for a company to rope in right now. Especially with Slammiversary Sunday.
  6. I feel the same way about Batista. Which reminds me of a house show I went to where it was King Booker vs Batista. I went nuts when Booker came out. I'm HUGE Booker T fan. My brother, some drunk dude, and I started a Booker T chant and this little kid got SOOOOO pissed at us that he threw his drink at us. It was awesome. Also reminds me of when I went to Unforgiven 2008 and it was Michelle vs Maryse started over half the arena got up and went to the bathroom.
  7. Now I want to see Kaval kick his talentless "pros" faces in... Layla and Michelle are two of the most untalented "wrestlers" the WWE has ever had.
  8. If it's not a work than the WWE killed the angle in less than a week. I thought they'd at least get a good month out of it
  9. Gabe Sapolsky posted on his facebook "It's not a work". Not sure if that matters or not.
  10. It's probably a work. It's creating a bigger buzz for the angle. Danielson has already dropped the name "Bryan Danielson" on TV once to get it in the minds of the casual viewer.
  11. I'm not cynical, I've just gotten used to WWE's "creative" team. It just amazes me they put all that effort into that last angle that they couldn't write a good show to lead up to it. It was god awful television at it's worse. I watched NXT Tuesday and I was let down we didn't get to see Joe Hennig vs Low Ki. From the videos on youtube I've seen, Hennig could be awesome in the ring and well, Low Ki is Low Ki. He's been awesome for years now. What I don't understand is how Cole hated Danielson for being an ROH/internet wrestler while he praised Low Ki to the moon!
  12. So how long can the WWE go without ruining it? I give it less than a month.
  13. If Homicide wasn't such a prick backstage maybe they'd follow through with that. He goes and complains every chance he gets.
  14. I feel like that's going to happen and why they took the belts off Matt Morgan. It didn't make Morgan look bad by him losing to the Guns because well, a pissed off Samoan destroyed him, then the Band capitalized. The Band is obviously not in their prime anymore, but them putting over the Guns could really elevate the Guns stock. If the Guns would have beaten Morgan it would have hurt Morgan. At least that's the way it looks to me. I don't know, I think Pope is gifted enough in the ring and on the mic to get the fans back behind him again. It won't take much. He could smile and the crowd will be on his side.
  15. So, I just watched Kane's funeral promo for Undertaker from Smackdown yesterday. Best thing WWE has done in a long time. I really hope they elevate Kane to full fledged main event threat and gets a go at Swagger now.
  16. She deserves the paycheck yes, but she doesn't deserve to be a laughing stock. She's a hell of an in ring worker and the majority of WWE's female wrestlers are jokes. Hell, even Melina who had so much promise has gone down the drain. She's gotten so sloppy in the ring. I'm afraid she's going to hurt someone. Beth and Nattie are about the only two really talented divas left.
  17. My friend was there and if that did happen, it wasn't shown to the live crowd. I hope Victoria won't go back to the company that turned her into a sumo suit wearing joke that falls on her ass on a regular basis.
  18. I've seen them in clips from OMEGA on the Hardy Show. I'm thinking about just taking a screen cap of that, but then I'd have to go watch the Hardy Show and try to find an episode that actually has a clip from OMEGA. That seems like it might be a needle in the haystack kind of situation. *edit* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ivovaetFUc Found this one on youtube, it's Matt Hardy(Surge) vs Jeff Hardy(Will O' The Wisp) in a mask vs title match. Matt is wearing the title in the beginning, but the camera man never really gets a good shot of it.
  19. I can't decide if I'm going to create my own design for the OMEGA title, or do one based on the actual title. I can't find a picture of it at all now.
  20. Since I'm currently jobless and have way too much time on my hands, I'm going to attempt making a belt again. This time using Fullmetal's tutorial and Fireworks. I won't be able to start until later tonight, but I'm going to try and make the OMEGA Heavyweight Championship(and if that goes well, the rest of the OMEGA titles as well) since I can't seem to find a good enough picture to use for the dynasty I'm working on. Not that anyone really cares, but I figured I'd share anyway.
  21. My requests are for my diary: OMEGA World Heavyweight Championship. I've tried endlessly looking for pictures of the title and haven't turned up any results. Preferably designed like the "Big Gold Belt" but incorporating the Omega symbol(the Latin letter, whatever you wanna call it ) OMEGA World Tag Team Championship. Maybe done in the style of the TNA tag titles. OMEGA written in the center where TNA is written and the OMEGA logo kind of going around the globe in the center. OMEGA New Frontiers Championship. The belt it's based on. Instead of having the Titans logo, have the Omega symbol on the side plates and in the center top thing. Replace "Titans" with OMEGA all in caps. Get rid of the D-Line thing and incorporate "New Frontiers Champion" in someway. Totally up to you how to do it.
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