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Posts posted by Jaysin

  1. 16 hours ago, Remianen said:

    No. Alicia Strong was more of a 'what if Hulk Hogan's daughter....". Remember, Alicia pre-dates Charlotte. Ashley was still playing volleyball when Alicia Strong was introduced. I don't think even Adam could've predicted what she would become back then.

    She might be based on potential of Brooke Hogan becoming a wrestler but her heel turn has to be inspired by Charlotte imo

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, CQI13 said:

    Maybe barely raising the shoulder after 2, Joe with a crazy look of disbelief on his face, then straight to the choke would have done more for Hook (while protecting the world champ’s finisher). Unless the plan is for Hoe to be a transitional guy and we don’t care to protect his finisher. Fine with that too.

    What came of the Undisputed Kingdom? Are they raising hell? Asserting their dominance?

    Roderick is going after Orange's title and Adam Cole is cutting promos for Wardlow. 

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  3. 9 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

    mmm don't know about that lol it seemed to me like Rollins' classic match

    To be fair, Rollins is ALMOST as immature as TK. He's a corporate boot licker who tows the company line no matter what. Trying to make Jinder look credible to stick it to TK is certainly in line with his projected personality. Immature is probably the wrong word to describe what I'm referring to, but it's the only one coming to mind. 

    I like Rollins as a performer, but his out of character stuff drives me nuts.

  4. 2 minutes ago, MightyDavidson said:

    From what I saw he was barely blamed at all.  I mean folks here blamed him but otherwise there was a massive stampede toward "CM PUNK BAD" with hardly any mention of Perry.  Not that I think that Punk is entirely blameless mind you but he's hardly the only one who deserves blame.

    Oh I know Punk received the brunt of it. I thought it was unfair then and I still do. Punk was still in the wrong, but he's the one who lost his job, Thankfully for him, WWE's giving him an even bigger platform to finish his story since that's the trend. 

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  5. Instead of gimmicks being only one thing, Swagger or Legitimate or whatever, I propose a new gimmick system where you click the gimmick and you can assign it to be Swagger and Bad Ass or Legitimate and Swagger via tick boxes. 

    Each gimmick could have two components, but it's not mandatory to have more than one.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Bigpapa42 said:


    One could spend a bit of time in the Editor and switch everything over to it being a third brand. It wouldn't take a huge amount of time. But it would lose the developmental aspect to the set up. 

    Not sure if using the "developmental" brand designation does anything, but that's what I do for NXT as a brand. I also keep the company in the data as NXT Live and it was basically a glorified house show loop. The titles and Takeovers were part of NXT the third brand, while the NXT Live company was untelevised events touring. I book NXT as a brand and then let the AI handle the live show tours for my super green workers or ones not known in the States. 

  7. Watching Raw finally and Truth is such a gem. His career has been such a roller coaster. It's a shame that it's unlikely he'll ever get a main event run in WWE at this point, but he's still amazingly entertaining. If I remember right, a wellness policy violation or injury derailed his only real main event push in WWE. His NWA title win felt so good back in the day and it would have been great seeing that on the biggest stage. 

    • Like 3
  8. Two questions:

    1. Any chance I could use some of these for an original universe I'm working on


    2. If so, any chance you have the original renders or pngs of them handy? I'm using a plain white background for my mod, but I'm definitely okay with doing the work to remove the backgrounds if you have the originals.

    Credit would be given of course. Also, the Dirty White Boys look incredible there.

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  9. 1 hour ago, CQI13 said:

    So Cole was the Devil? I mean, it made sense, but I kind of wished they'd called an audible when the whole thing went tits up with all the injuries. At least it's not a UE reunion, so there's that.

    I'm not even a big Kyle O'Reilly fan, but I'd much rather see him and Bobby Fish than Taven and Bennett who have less personality, star quality, and in ring ability than KOR and Fish.

    It's like expecting a Horsemen reunion and getting a Magnificent Seven reunion instead.

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