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Posts posted by Jaysin

  1. 4 hours ago, Fleisch said:

    Am I missing something (or not understanding the request). This is what is in the mod;


    It doesn't open in 2008, it is open in the mod. Are people using someone elses venues for this? If so, please don't comment here that the file is wrong - it isn't.

    I think you're confused because I'm not talking about Korakuen Hall at all. Tokyo Dome City Hall/JCB Hall is a completely different venue that holds wrestling shows. I was simply suggesting another venue to add.

  2. Also, Revolution was pretty dang good honestly. 

    The 12 man on the pre show was a cluster fudge though. Way too many people involved.

    The All Star Scramble had some weird moments were the younger talents looked incredibly lost when the veterans weren't in the ring.

    Very thankful Sting won his retirement match and ended things his way. He's the reason I'm a wrestling fan and I was afraid the Bucks were going to insist on winning. 

    Sting once said that after he finally retires he'd love to join a promotion's creative team. Wondering if that's still the case?

    • Like 1
  3. 21 hours ago, CQI13 said:

    The promotional poster showing BOSSton as the city gave it away. It has popped ticket sales but what is the long term coherent story coming out of it? Remains to be seen.

    I think Mercedes Mone/Sasha Banks is super botchy and dangerous, but having her debut against Serena would be a good way to protect her from herself. Deeb is one of the best in ring performers regardless of gender.

    • Like 2
  4. 33 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

    Oh dude you gotta get Brad armstrong to ditch the arachnaman gimmick. and fire the patriots, outside of a US tag title win their pretty much unknowns in wcw history.


    Also can we get a look at what the rosters looking like Or who's the current booker right now?

    You do understand that jobbers are very much a huge part of wrestling right? Every roster needs people that can lose. It's not always about the biggest stars or best in ring workers. Every promotion needs jobbers. 

    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, sonny912 said:

    Except for when Jim herb and Bill Watts are f-ing everything up you mean.

    There was still quality in ring action and so many hidden gems scattered through out. 


    Arn and Eaton/Larry Z are both such fun tag teams in 91/92. 


    For a lot of us, 91/92 is when we became fans of pro wrestling and will always be special. 

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

    Man, I want to give this movie a chance because Bill Skarsgard is a good actor, but Jared Leto Joker crossed with DMC reboot Dante is making it really hard to hope for a good Crow reboot.

    I read a blurb of an interview with the director where he said Bill's look is inspired by the celebrities popular with Gen Z and that really put things into perspective. This movie isn't meant for me, it's meant for the kids discovering themselves just like I was when I saw The Crow as a kid. I'm still going to give it a shot because I'm a sucker for Bill and even the mostly garbage Crow sequels have good elements. 

  7. I don't think things like this should be done unless the programmer has an understanding of sexuality, gender, etc because otherwise it is problematic. Like when TEW2020 was first coming out, there was a feature where workers could randomly change sexuality and there was no control. So noted homophobes like Ultimate Warrior could potentially switch to homosexual instead of hetero. It's fine for the cverse, but for real world mods, we need some control. 

    Maybe make it so there's a box you can tick in the editor to prevent them from any changes? Or an attribute? 

    This is a wonderful idea in theory, it just needs hammered out. 


  8. 2 hours ago, Boerenkool said:

    Another small question. While scanning through the fight analyses screen with the feedback I saw multiple fighers getting a negative message because they where holding back. I understand negative scores because of inexperience but where does the holding back message originates from?

    Just like in real life, some workers phone it in on TV shows because the show isn't seen as a big deal to the worker. 

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