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Everything posted by 20LEgend

  1. Awful was a huge exaggeration actually, don't know why I put that
  2. Well I thought this years WrestleMania was awful and the fact Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole, as well as Snooki were on the show, yet Sheamus and Daniel Bryan were in a crappy dark match / battle royal made me sick. Not to mention the Rock's 10 minutes at the start that could have been used and the annoying, stupid segments with Snoop Dogg. If the matches had been better I would have accepted it but IMO they weren't.
  3. People will always complain. It didn't live up to the huge expectations IMO, but it was still a great PPV compared to most others. But it is still good. I preferred it to this years WM tbh
  4. 31/2 hours because of that PPV. RVD/ Lynn made up for itself towards the end. I REALLY, REALLY think Joe in a three way would have been much better. EY is awesome. Shark Boy!!! Also, I thought Joe really looked like he was enjoying himself. AJ Daniels, had a burnt out crowd as well as missing Joe and being a bit long, would have liked BK vs. Abyss to be longer, making it seem less and less like BK would win, but I enjoyed that. I'll have to go back and watch the main event as I was SUPER tired, but I enjoyed it. Just remembered, Ultimate X was underwhelming, but contract match was sweet. As for the crowd -ve Everybody chant +ve Sign them all chant. Did I also here "Hogan Boo! Wrestling Yay!"
  5. If you go on Directv webiste, the page I'm assuming you were on says "Available Formats[?] : SD , HD" By default it has a tick next to HD, if you select SD on the site the price is 34.99 http://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/main/7/18917392487.jpg
  6. I've just read something (which was about the price for Slammiversary) which says it was $35 SD and $45 in HD, so it might be the same for this. Edit: Just read on wiki GenMe vs. tba at the PPV, is this true, or has someone made his up
  7. There was a time when I really thought he was trying to be like Steve Austin, and then I saw his shoot where he spoke about Austin being the guy who got him interested in wrestling so I thought he was bound to be influenced by him. I find him fairly annoying, especially during the "where's my rematch!" time.
  8. I ordered the rise and fall of ECW a few years ago, they are fine didn't have a problem, they are the the official licensee of UK WWE DVD, so they should be fine. I haven't seen the Nitro DVD though
  9. - Mexican America suck. IF they bring in Chavo. Keep him away from these losers. - Joker Sting is growing on me, but I still am not keen as other people seem to be. - Good X match, better than last week, think I preferred the 1st one with Aries in. - Angelina is back normal and accepting it?!?!?! - Steiner is better as heel, but silly considering he came in as part of They V2 against Immortal. - D-Von winning wtf - For me Gunner is losing his bad ass mystery the more he speaks but he's still okay. - Rob Terry turn lol. - Jerry Lynn!
  10. But I thought he only gets fired if Punk leaves with the belt, if ADR wins it before Punk leaves, Cena won't be fired... I think
  11. Thanks. Also what is with double taping? Edit 2: Just read about Aus tour Edit: Great promo gunna listn again .
  12. I completely agree, when he was an actual storyline character it was crap, but his commentating different and picking out the mistakes of the others (sinc lets face it they are hopeless ) is funny, he is often right, rather than the others who just say heel are bad, I like faces! As for the promo yeah amazing one of my favourites (granted I haven't seen the This Is Straight Edge (Where can I find it?) but I enjoyed it a lot!) I hope that this was all written/ devised by Punk after they gave him a little brief and then looked over by whoever. Makes it a lot better if he came up with the content, which I reckon he did. Also, the Colt Cabana shout out was awesome as was the best bit IMO about The Rock headlining Wrestlemania and him not making him SICK THAT WAS AMAZING!
  13. His tweets don't look like he's ready to retire, dunno where he'll go, certainly not against him in TNA (EDIT: or ROH for that matter)but the way he's talking about why he left it seems TNA aren't much better at that tbf.
  14. I think you could be right with him winning it and then someone cashing it in on him.
  15. I think TNA would survive if they did thing different to WWE, nothing too drastic, but in a way as Heyman said of pushing youth over older guys. With Panda Energy and their great relationship with Spike, I reckon they could do well. I see what you mean, and making money IDK, but I don't think copy WWE would be best for their future, but maybe to stay secure in where they are and if they accept being a second rate promotion and are happy not to be the biggest it would make sense for them to carry on how they are and be WWE lite.
  16. at Christian, The Miz and R-Truth. Then Teddy ruined it with the most predictable match ever!
  17. When I watch WWE on the headphones, one side doesn't have the commentary in so I just put that headphone in and just watch the action and listen to the promos without commentary it's that bad, I enjoy it though, you can here the referee and they basically just say back it up and hey watch it, it's pretty entertaining.
  18. That not really the point. Did you watch the video? If you did, would you prefer that to what TNA put out now (if you even watch it) , regardless of what you think of him. Nobody here said he was a genius, in fact everyone has basically said it's basic stuff. It is logically and for me, (and from what I've seen elsewhere about this video) it is an improvement, which could have come from the mouth of Dixie Carter, or Eric Young , or Jeremy Borash for all I care, the fact is what he said makes sense (to me ).
  19. I was wondering when I watched this the other day, do you think he A) Would fire RVD & Angle (since both are 40 +) and he'd only keep one, or would he not class these as legends, in the case he does count these a legends does he fire Sting (I imagine at the time he would have let his contract run out.) B) Could he fire Jeff Jarrett? And if not would he keep him as his legend? It's not huge stuff from Heyman, but watching it would have been awesome (I'd imagine)
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