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Everything posted by LoNdOn

  1. Wow, R-Truth in a WWE title match? They don't care if they get any buys.
  2. I assumed he had killed himself via drugs OD when I read what Jaysin put, but I thought I would ask.
  3. No I don't. Gave up on TNA a loooong time ago. The in-ring matches were very average and for Wrestlemania, quite frankly it was unacceptable. Shame really because Royal Rumble was awesome and Elimination Chamber was pretty good as well.
  4. Wrestlemania was a joke. Really disliked most of the show. Undertaker/Triple H was good but that far from saved the show. Easily one of the worst PPVs I have seen in quite some time.
  5. I was fuming when Cena hit the AA on Rock. Rocky will get his revenge!
  6. What she is doing she is doing well, I just don't like her.
  7. Quick question: Haven't watched TNA in a while, but when did Anderson take Flair's gimmick? Talking nonsense at 150mph, sometimes funny, othertimes Madison Rayne levels of annoying... (seriously, her voice is like a cheese-grater to the nads)
  8. The Rock always had one foot touching the ground when he hits it. The Miz flat out jumped with him.
  9. To be fair, I made that guess as the match was halfway through.
  10. I'm guessing Miz comes out to the rock's music from the crowd or something and jumps Cena again.
  11. because he beat two different guys on one wrestlemania (19) A-Train and Big Show so that cancels one of his two-fers.
  12. I just saw the line-up of NXT..............utter crap. I have lost my faith in humanity. If you are giving people a second chance where is Percy Watson? why is Darren Young there if he is already on the RAW roster regardless of how regularly he appears. I assume they already have plans for Bateman or his injury means he can't go. Hornswoggle as a pro almost made me cry; I seriously hope Titus O'Neill eats him. There is a reason that these guys weren't voted to win! Byron Saxton is good.........don't give a furry rat's ass about the others.
  13. I personally thought that The Miz portion of the show was pretty good and I enjoyed it when he hit the Peoples' Elbow. Having said that, the Cena bit beforehand was pretty weak up until he revealed the shirt. I quite liked the Rock's sattelite promo the week prior although it would have greatly benefitted from being in the ring.
  14. I think if she was the anonymous GM she would not have been as distraught when she got the boot from Smackdown. Plus the Raw GM has been fairly level for the most part with regards to face/heel divide in my opinion.
  15. They want a flashy high-flier and for all his merits, Del Rio is not a high-flier.
  16. I really like the name Sin Cara as well. That mask is fricken sweet; it puts Mysterio's to shame. This has me really pumped to see what they do with him.
  17. I like the idea of Barrett with the IC strap, but not too thrilled about the prospect of Sheamus winning the US title. I'm hoping DB is in the money in the bank match at mania, that is assuming they are going to have one.
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