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Everything posted by TheOmniWarrior

  1. Anyone else get the feeling that HBK is gonna win a wrestlemania with a roll up or lowblow or feet on the ropes or something like that?
  2. Donald Trump should buy TNA and sell it to vince in a week for double what he payed for it.
  3. Anyone getting the feeling of WWE names jumping ship to TNA soon? I have a feeling Carlito and Primo might end up there soon
  4. God... Danielson jobbing to Khali... KHALI! And Khali hasnt been on TV in a month, maybe more... and no excuse for Danielson this time. He is NXTs William Regal
  5. Is Kozlov a face or a heel? At end of ECW he was a face I think but last week on Raw he beat up Cena, and didnt show any hesitation like Mark Henry did. Or is Kozlov a tweener?
  6. He did edit his post. Before that it said something about there not being a spoiler or something
  7. Found it Source: http://www.wrestlingnewsworld.com/tna-news/tna-epics-moved-again.php
  8. Did TNA Epics not debut yet? Its 8:08 here and UFC is still on. I thought epics was supposed to go on before TNA?
  9. Was that old guy spike? geez the years didnt treat him well
  10. Anyone know where theres a stream to watch impact live?
  11. Steve Austin stunners VKM Cena Orton Triple H Some random guys from the audience Michael Cole Michael Tarver Carlito Christian Zach Ryder Another for Vince One for Shawn One for Taker Another for vince A pair for Legacy Another for Vince One for Swagger Another for Viince JBL shows up with beers. They drink. Stunner to JBL and another to VKM the end. that many stunners all in a row.
  12. Are FCW workers contracted to WWE? What I mean is do they follow the same 90 day no compete clause as the wwes main roster?
  13. Any word on when (spoiler in white) Joey Mercury is supposed to come back
  14. With all the re-signings, new signings TNAs been doing lately I keep expecting to see Matt Bentley or Petey Williams to come back. And on the brand split thing I think it could work if the secondary brand revolved around X-Division and the main show revolved around the "main" workers and such
  15. Is Heath Slater really Elmo Benson from the C-Verse? Think about it.
  16. NXT is making me worried. Danielson is 0-3. Pretty soon he'll have to be called Daniel Regal.
  17. I was kind of hoping Santino would put the knife in the wrong cup
  18. Was the Regal/Bourne match good? I was watching the competition at the time.
  19. They need to have Christopher Daniels suddenly obsessed with unmasking Shark Boy... or Suicide
  20. Abyss needs to crawl into a corner and die. TNA has Mick Foley they dont need a parody of Mankind with a ring that gives him super powers.
  21. does anyone know if http://thesportscourier.com/content/tna-impact-3410-results-spoilers is complete results? I mean for a two-hour show to only have 2 matches... I have to have missed something? Is TNA maybe getting an hour only on thursday?
  22. If I didnt know any better id say she got a new face from a plastic surgeon or something. Some drastic changes
  23. Did anyone else find smackdown unwatchable on Friday? It had me so bored I fell asleep through half the show and woke up on Kane getting a win on McIntyre. Thats when I turned the TV off. @Pat Cant seem to find the photoshoot
  24. Im confused about something? Why is TNA pushing abyss? Hes boring in the ring and on the mic. And for some reason they have him main eventing one of impacts biggest nights?
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