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About miffy

  • Birthday 08/20/1990

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  1. They're not aligned with each other any longer after Wrestlemania
  2. The 90s one is really well observed! Actually makes me a little nostalgic
  3. Is it possible to have this added as an option to the pre-booking screen alongside the one-by-one option that currently exists? It'd make it a lot quicker to add everything in one go and then just change the order on the card. Thanks a lot (Apologies if this has already been addressed)
  4. The change to moving angles about has helped a lot, but not having the option to tell the autobooker not to book title matches is still a pain. If that's not possible, it'd be nice if there was some quick visual clue that a match was for a title, have it coloured gold or something similar
  5. Is there a setting somewhere to prompt the AI to rotate locations? I can find one for a house show loop but TV tapings always default to the same area whereas in 16 it'd move around
  6. Sorry, I might have worded it badly. The autobooker is making title matches for me but in 2016 there was an option to tell it not to, I'd ideally like the same option here but can't see one.
  7. Just getting to grips with this now, two options I'm accustomed to in 16 are for the autobooker to never book title matches and for a brand split, doing the visual picks one by one. Are both options no longer present or am I just not seeing them? Thanks
  8. These all look amazing, fantastic work.
  9. I realise reading this that I've used your stuff for a very long time now without thanking you so whether you carry on or knock it on the head, your hard work is and has been very much appreciated. Cheers
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