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Posts posted by tobin834

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    <img src="https://i.imgur.com/yHmvA2n.png" alt="Chapter One" align="middle">




    Announcer: Rob Naylor

    Commentary: Rob Naylor & Noell Foley

    Backstage: Noelle Foley





    The show opens with a shot of the small crowd packed inside the small warehouse off in Brooklyn. The camera shots are tight cut and fast making it seem more chaotic then it truly was. A small disco ball is above the ring so it's used to project lights everywhere on the dark warehouse. The ring with the most light shined onto it made it stand out in a sea of fans. The generic, royalty-free theme song of Empire Championship Wrestling is heard playing.


    The camera quickly switches to the backstage where “The Most Marketable Man” Richard Holliday is seen arriving to the building in a full suit. Holliday looks very put together and confident as EMPIRE backstage correspondent Noelle Foley comes running up to Holliday. Holliday looks annoyed he has to take his air pods out of his ears as she stops him. Foley asks Holliday if he's ready for his match tonight against former WWE star Nick Dinsmore. Holliday scoffs at the remark after he hears “star” and looks at Foley for a second as if she is crazy before answering. “star?” says Holliday. He continues to say Dinsmore never was a star and they made a fool out of him on national television while in WWE. Holliday said Dinsmore was a never-was and he finds himself on the way down, clinching to whatever attention he can get and whatever fans even remember him. Holliday says he finds himself accelerating to the top in just a few short years, taking out anyone in his way, and doing it with a class that has been unseen in decades. Holliday says this is where the past gets run over by the future. He then dismisses Foley and tells her to say hi to her dad for him in an arrogant way before adjusting his clothing, putting in the air pods while looking at her annoyingly and turning the corner. Foley looks disgusted and sends it back out to the arena.





    Bruce Maxwell wasn't listed on the regular roster but as they say in indie wrestling, “bring your gear, you never know when you might need it.” This happened to be the case on this night for both Tim Zbyszko and Bruce Maxwell. Ace Austin and Tracy Williams was originally the plan but both had prior commitments at the last minute that left two spots open. Both impressed, but it was Zbyszko who would win the match in 9:31 via pinfall in a match that frankly, wasn't very good.


    The match wasn't the important part though as after it, Tim Zbyszko was celebrating and out from the crowd Anthony Gangone ran into the ring and attacked him from behind. Gangone, wearing a black leather jacket and looking rough, stood there looking at the shocked crowd in attendance. Gangone continued to attack Zbyszko until wrestlers from the back ran him out of the ring. Gangone ran out into the crowd and left that way with cameras close to him as he repeatedly said “You know why I did this!!”





    KC Navarro is backstage with Noelle Foley in front of an EMPIRE banner. Navarro is jumpy and full of excitement as Foley smiles at his energy and looks on. Foley introduces Navaro then asks him how he's doing tonight. Navarro says he's doing great but he didn't have anything scheduled for the night. He was hoping to find something and he ended up convincing his good friend Jordan Oliver to team with him tonight to try and capture the EMPIRE Tag Team Championship titles. Oliver is seen strutting into the shot. Oliver has a baseball jersey on that is unbuttoned and a bandanna around his head. Navarro points out both of their individual skills, their familiarity with one another, and the fact that they can trust one another to have the match if it gets to a two on one situation. Oliver jumps in and says him and KC go back a long ways and tonight good friends will make a better team, and walk out as the new Tag Team Champions. Both leave the shot hyped as Foley sends it back to the inside the warehouse.





    Afa Anoa'i Jr is in the ring already when we come back out to the building. Just then Gory's music hits. The strange man in the half-mask walked to the ring with a strangeness that Afa Jr didn't seem to like, pointing at him while saying something to the referee. The referee didn't look to be ready to say anything to Gory. As the bell rang Gory quickly jumped out of the ring and walked around for a second, further confusing Afa Jr and frustrating him. To the blind eye Gory seemed to be hesitant to get in the ring with the bigger samoan, but to the trained eye Gory was a genius. Realizing that Afa Jr's short temper would work against him, and frustrating Afa Jr until he got impatient and rolled out of the ring in pursuit. Gory rolled into the ring being quicker than the large samoan, and got the upper hand that way by attacking Afa Jr while he was on the ground rolling into the ring.


    The match would end up going Afa Jr's way for the most part and he would defeat Jason Gory at the 13:20 mark with “Lights Out.”




    Richard Holliday was sure confident in his entrance into the building earlier tonight. Holliday not respecting Dinsmore or where he's been. Holliday was the first to come out to the ring where he waited for Dinsmore. As Dinsmore's music came on in the building Holliday mockingly laughed but the fans were happy to see the former WWE star. Dinsmore did not look like the character he had portrayed in WWE, Eugene. Instead, Dinsmore was here and pointed directly at Holliday as he came to the ring. He had heard Holliday's comments earlier in the night and was ready to make the arrogant kid pay for it.'


    Dinsmore and Holliday brawled for a good portion of the match. It was Holliday who grabbed a handful of tights to win the match at 15:06. Afterwards, Holliday rolled out of the ring laughing and using his index finger to point to his head as if to say he had outsmarted Dinsmore. The crowd really let Holliday have it on his way out.





    Lance Anoa'i and D'Lo Brown had a great match that lifted the crowd. D'LO Brown was the guest for the evening as he signed autographs before the show as well. The two went back and forth with Lance Anoai getting a lot of time in this match as well. In the end Brown would end it with a Lo Down at 12:02 that he can still hit. At the end the two showed mutual respect for one another and shook hands.




    team tremendous vs. the heavenly bodies vs. the awakening vs. navarro/oliver


    The main event of the first show was to crown the EMPIRE Tag Team Champions. The rules of the match were simple. It was a tornado-tag ruled content where tagging wasn't necessary. If one partner gets pinned or passes out, the other partner is eliminated. Match ends when there is one team left in the match.


    As the Heavenly Bodies made their way to the ring, in a smaller box in the corner of the screen Noelle Foley was with the Awakening, Stockade and Matt Tremont. The big men talked about how they weren't here to joke around, wear robes, or have some fun with their friends – they were here to kick @$$ and get paid well for doing it. They then walked off the set and to the ring.


    The match itself was started and immediately the Awakening threw Dan Barry out of the ring. This made the bigger Bill Daly roll out to protect his partner. From there we had a two way contest for about five minutes between Team Tremendous and the Awakening, and Navarro and Oliver taking on the Heavenly Bodies in the ring. Oliver and Navarro were too quick for Dustin and Justin Corino, and it showed. The two friends were using beautiful tag-team combinations to get the upper hand until finally Oliver pinned Dustin Corino, leading to the Heavenly Bodies elimination.


    From there Stockade, having just threw Dan Barry into the ring steps, rolled into the ring to take out Oliver and Navarro. As he stepped in, the two grabbed him and threw him to the ropes in hopes of a tag-team combo. Stockade stopped himself impressively, knocking off their timing, then ran full steam at them with a double clothesline. He was quickly joined by Tremont and the two took control of the situation – specifically Navarro's knee. As Navarro began to hobble around, it was Oliver who took control of the situation in impressive fashion. Using speed and quickness, he took both men out of the ring and got a second to catch his breath. That was until Dan Barry rolled into the ring. After a one on one for a few minutes with Barry, Oliver was able to roll Barry up and get the pinfall, eliminating Team Tremendous.


    As Oliver rolled off of Barry who had just been pinned, the Awakening then took advantage of the situation by taking out Oliver. They beat Oliver senseless and used every combination on him until it seemed like it was all but wrapped up. Navarro still lay in the corner, obviously hurting from the abuse to his knee. The Awakening then picked up Oliver and threw him over into the corner where Navarro was. They were just toying with the two at this point and were ready to wrap it up. As Navarro came back to his feet he would courageously fight off both men until Oliver could rejoin him. The two began to use their quickness on the two larger men who were exhausted by this point in the match. Oliver then hit Tremont with the double knee in the corner, and quickly kipped up and planted his foot on the jaw of Stockade, knocking him out and quickly pinning him for a three, and winning the EMPIRE Tag Team Championship titles!! The fans were going out of their mind, sent home happy.







    - Used Holliday far too much on the show

    - Production Values hurt quality of the show

    - Live Event Experience hurt quality of the show

    - Broadcast Quality hurt quality of the show

    - Music Quality hurt quality of the show

    - Not enough interesting storylines

    - Lost Popularity in 1 region

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    [] WWF has agreed to a contract with Johnny Grunge.


    [] It is now being rumored that WWF has offered a contract to Tommy Dreamer and this now sheds light on why he lost a loser leaves ECW match last night.





    [] NO NEWS








    - Rhino defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri to retain the ECW Television Championship

    - Balls Malhoney defeated Spike Dudley

    - Full Blooded Italians (w./ Tommy Rich) defeated Danny Doring and Roadkill to win the ECW Tag Team titles.

    - Super Crazy defeated Christian York

    - Jerry Lynn defeated Rob Van Dam (with Bill Alfonso)

    - CW Anderson defeated Tommy Dreamer in a loser leaves ECW match.

    - Sandman defeated Steve Corino to win the ECW Heavyweight Championship





    [NJPW] Hiroshi Hase has won the IWGP Heavyweight Championship last night.


    [AJPW] Jushin Liger has signed on to a PPA agreement.





  3. <p>I am interested in starting a writing project with someone (or two someone's) with created wrestlers. This is something outside the bounds of TEW completely as I just got a MAC and am unable to play TEW anymore from my knowledge. Regardless, I wanted to bring this idea I had of mine and see if it's something that anyone would be interested in.</p><p> </p><p>

    I am basically looking for a booker/writer to help me run a promotion that is run with the help of poser images. I have some graphic design ability and I am able to write and book, but I was looking for a few individuals to be creative with and see how far we can run this. </p><p> </p><p>

    Poser images are usually associated with an efed. I don't want that though. I want to write the cards when we want to write the cards, and not be hassled by efed wrestlers who all think they should have won.</p><p> </p><p>

    I look forward to hearing from you guys. I can give more details for those interested. Please PM me if interested.</p>

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