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Everything posted by dbritton987

  1. I was looking over everyone's diaries here and see how much fun some are you having, and dangit, I thought it would be fun too! I don't see a TCW Diary on here, and seeing that I haven't enjoyed any company more than TCW right now, I figure that's a good place to go. Unfortunately, I don't really have time to dive deep into the real world mods and such. I wish I did. But, I enjoy nothing more right now than coming home after work and putting together one or two TCW shows. So, I'm going to hop into the diary in November 2013, give a quick summary of what has happened for the first 10 months, and then try to give an update after every PPV Show. I think I'm going to call it "TCW: Making Mr. Cornell Proud." Seeing that Cornell seems to want his nose in everything!
  2. Hey guys, just two small requests that maybe someone can pull together. 1) Joshua Taylor w/Sunglasses - I have him teaming with Danny Fonzarelli in TCW, but they're the only team I have that really looks like an odd couple. Preferably with large sunglasses, but hey I'll take what I can get! 2) Joss Thompson in a Suit (Sunglasses optional) - This might be floating around somewhere, but Thompson is my newest member of the Syndicate and future replacement of Wolf Hawkins when he turns face. So I want him to fit in. Thanks!
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