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Posts posted by RatedRKO16

  1. Its my feel good show. Most my faces go over here and a lot of feuds end. The rivalries for the past year are put on as the best card. Sure, some heels win, but faces win the most. The show always ends in a "feel good moment."


    That being said, I'm working up to my first wrestlemania that will finish with a heel winning the championship. He will attack his opponent and another face (returning from injury) will make the save. They will celebrate in the ring...which will be my feel good moment.


    Side note: I've always thought having a heel win the main event of a season finale should give some sort of penalty. Fans typically do not like this.

  2. Like the title says, I have Michael Hayes. He was suspended for a while and in the meantime Terry Gordy left because he is a free lancer. Hayes is back, his contract is coming up and I'd like to have a Fabulous Freebirds team. Buddy Roberts was always my least favorite of the 3 and is 41 currently. I'd like to get someone younger with the "Freebird mentality" to tag with Hayes.


    My other option would be to have him join Rock N Roll Express as a 3rd member since the gimmick would be somewhat similar. Maybe would involve a heel turn.



  3. <p>I'll use what I've going on in my games as examples...</p><p> </p><p>

    Savage vs Ventura</p><p> </p><p>

    Savage has been champion for almost a year. Ventura has been bad mouthing him at every turn from the commentators desk. Savage won at a PPV but Ventura finally snapped and jumped into the ring viciously attacking Savage. Its being told that Ventura is jealous of Savages success. Also this story is to give Ventura one last run as a competitor. </p><p> </p><p>

    Steamboat vs DiBiase (then Steamboat vs Backlund)</p><p> </p><p>

    So this goes back about 6 months. Steamboat hired Arnold Skaaland to manage him. DiBiase won the IC championship with Undertaker as his menacing manager (a way to introduce Taker). He has been doing Dibiases dirty work all the way to helping him win the title. Dibiase beat quite a few guys until Steamboat came along. Taker accidently hits Dibiase during their match and Steamboat gets a quick roll up for the win. After the match, Backlund jumps the barrier and attacks Skaaland then an already hurting Steamboat. This story will go into Backlund blaming Skaaland for his world title loss by throwing in the towel all those years ago. (This is a story line I was prepared to do months in advance)</p><p> </p><p>

    In the tag team division Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson have dominated every other team. They won the titles in a tournament after British Bulldogs were forced to vacate bc Davey Boy failed too many drug tests. So almost a year later, he is back. Arn and Tully have proclaimed they have beat every team in WWF. British Bulldogs music will hit. They will claim they should still be champions and those guys have never beat them. </p><p> </p><p>

    There is a lot of inspiration in the years of WWF and WCW. Going back and watching videos about past story lines can help give ideas. I'm usually listening to a YouTube video while I play TEW. Its also easier once your game is started and you have something to build off of. The first month or two is the hardest booking imo.</p>

  4. I always push Nikita Koloff even though he was pretty over. But I try to make him a monster heel.


    Had a 1991 game that I pushed Ludvig Borga to the championship. He won King of the Ring, Royal Rumble and the main event at Wrestlemania while remaining undefeated for almost a year.


    Present day games, Kenny Dykstra and Alex Riley are always pushed. 2 guys I always thought should have been main eventers.

  5. The NWA switched the World Title from Ric Flair to Hiroshi Wajima two months into his career, who then proceeded to botch a move on Harley Race and put him out for a year with a spinal injury.


    That was the only singles match in five he's won since winning the title (never having defended it since), and it was only because he dropped a man on his head.


    This is comical.


    Went Sin Cara was in WWE batching moves, I wanted that to be his gimmick.


    It would also be great in this scenario. Wajima always retains because his opponents get injured from a botched move.

  6. If I want to book and old fight, like Flair vs Hogan ‘91 bout, with essentially several fights in one:

    1. Hogan wins fair and square but the judge finds a weak reason to keep it going.

    2. Flair wins dirty with a metal ring he later hides in his pants.

    3. Hogan wins fair again, this time ending the bout.


    Should I book something like this as one match or three?


    1) How about Hogan wins but Flairs foot was on the rope and the referee didn't see it? So he can claim Hogan never actually beat him.


    2) Ring? Brass knucks!


    3) Sounds good.


    Just my opinion but I'd make this last 6 matches instead of 3. Lol


    Definitely wouldn't book it as one match if you're trying to stay true to the time period.

  7. TEEMU... I think a lot of us read what you said by it was a legit review and one a lot of us relate to, me included. For every reason you listed, I am sticking with 2016 for the time being. Already booked a month the past couple of nights. Enjoying that autobooker... although not so much that it doesn't fill up the rest the matches. But, it's the one thing I have to live with. The game feels a little less alive, but it's so much more user friendly I'm having a lot more fun playing this game. I really hope in the future the things you listed get fixed and we can all jump on the TEW 20 bandwagon.
  8. I'm going into Wrestlemania 3. Andre won the Rumble as a heel but sold his title shot to DiBiase (no Tunney forfeit of title). So DiBiase goes on to face Savage for the World title.


    Andre is challenged by Nikita Koloff who claims he can slam the big man. (Hogan has been fired for causing riffs).


    This is all good and everything. Koloff should be the face. Problem is, he's still the Russian Bear, an anti American. So essentially its a heel vs heel. I think Andre would be the fan favorite, but he just sold his soul to Dibiase and has attacked Savage, my top baby face.


    I'd have someone else slam Andre and get the rub for Andre's first loss, but the only other realistic one i have is Warrior who is green in the ring and only Midcard status. Andre will be furious if Warrior goes over.


    Nikita is more over and could solidify himself as a main eventer.


    My problem is really just the heel vs heel thing.

  9. <p>I'm excited and nervous for the release. I really do hope things are mostly fixed and the main issues we've been begging for the past month have been addressed. Release goes as planned. Most people love the game.</p><p> </p><p>

    Really don't want to read the forums if that isn't the case.</p><p> </p><p>

    I'm not buying the game in this state. However, I really hope I login to the forums on Saturday and people are praising Adam for his hardwork in making a disaster of a beta turn into a solid release.</p>

  10. There's two very different booking styles that I have - I have the game mode, where I just optimize everything and can get cards done in mere minutes. Then there's the diary booking, which is very time consuming but at least the cards are logical. Somewhat :o


    That is a much simpler way to put it. I don't do diaries, but in the games I'm most interested in, I'll book like I'm doing one. It takes a lot of time to properly plan how to get to WrestleMania 10 to Wrestlemania 11,as I write down my aimed matches for my next big show next year. Then it's time to book backwards and see if there is a logical way to get there. Go to the Rumble, who needs to win, then SummerSlam, who needs to win, King of the Ring. Then, many times, end up right back where I started editing the result of WM 11. Do it again. And again. Come up with new thoughts. Ideas. Book the whole thing. A month goes by someone gets hurt or suspended. Re do everything I just mentioned.


    Its a process if you want to make something make "sense". If you're booking just to play a game, I totally see how it could take 5-10 minutes with the autobooker.

  11. I think maybe I should consider starting a new thread (if there’s not one already) finding out exactly HOW people book and layout their shows because I just take WAY too long, and always have.


    It’s probably my own biggest frustration that it legitimately takes me way too long to book each and every show in ANY iteration of TEW.


    Need to learn to streamline the process somehow.


    Dude, I'm with you.


    Idk if this is your issue, but I know with me, I over plan and try to get everything too perfect. My plans are 6 months in advance and I, like you, only book one A show a week with 1 PPV per week.


    Paying this much attention to detail, imagining exactly what the wrestlers are saying, what the angles look like, etc. really adds the amount of time it takes.


    I've come to the conclusion that the people that can book so fast are playing the game differently... they're playing it as a game. They're putting in matches and angles to get the highest rating. They turn wrestlers because they need to turn, they change their gimmicks because they've become stale, etc. etc. They're playing a video game.


    I definitely try to keep things as if I were booking real life and put as much effort and attention into it as such. Maybe this is what you're doing as well.


    And for the record, there's nothing wrong with either of these methods. Neither is right, they are just two different ways of playing the game.


    Note that I could be wrong as well. If someone can play the game with that much attention to detail and book in 5-10 minutes, color me impressed.

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