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Posts posted by Voeltzwagon

  1. @DAVEFAN95 Sadly in the current save Sneer is out of the business entirely.


    Also want to give a heads up my schedule on posting is going to slow down. In the past year or so I have been dealing with some health issues and this past week I got hit pretty hard. While I was doing 2 or so shows a week I am going to try and cut back to posts on the weekends. Also those that follow me and @Big Roguey resurrected a joint diary we were working on. That one is going to be updated much slower as a whole due to both of us having stuff keeping us busy. Expect to at least see an FCW post from me tomorrow or Sunday.

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  2. @HiPlus In a weird way where I am at in FCW a lot of the time I feel I have too many people in the Main Event that can challenge. And not only that there are ways around it. Peverell lost to Brody, but Mutant did promise him the first shot at the title if/when he wins it. In Kip's case who knows when he might get another chance. That remains to be seen.  Brody's reign has been a bit on the ho hum side, but he actually puts up good scores. Even with bad chem he and Peverell outdid most of the roster aside from the most recent match with Kip. In retrospect I should have gotten him either a mouthpiece or let him do some promos.

    @619 Harlem just stopped caring because less than a week after his release he gained weight and became flabby. Him not wanting to lose to anyone not named Mutant and him having no chemistry with Curtis Shaw just made him expendable. In fact that loss to Jesus is the last match he has had and in the save I am currently in early 2023 so it has been almost 2 years without a single indy show even.

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    FCW News for March 2021




    A day after FREEDOM of the City FCW have decided to part ways with Harlem Haynes. Best known for his work in Canada, Haynes joined FCW in December of 2017 and since then things never really worked out. He was put into a team with Curtis Shaw only for the two to show nearly zero chemistry as a team so they were rarely put in matches together. His biggest flaw was his attitude and fact he rarely wanted to lose without making a big stink about it. In the end Harlem just thought he was a bigger name than he was in Puerto Rico and he could never look past the fact the tiny island is a much different landscape than Canada. The highlight of his FCW career will be his match against Mutant for the Puerto Rican title which oddly was the one time he didn't complain about losing as Mutant was apparently the one man on the roster that intimidated Harlem. It is highly unlikely he will be see in FCW again.




    Juggernaut Jones is fully healed and cleared for action once more. While he was cleared before the show it was decided to keep him limited to give him a few extra weeks to heal before wrestling a full match. Jones had torn his ACL back in September and he was feared to be out a year, but a successful surgery and the fact  Jones is a freak athelete halved the recovery time. It is perfect timing for his return given the departure of Xavi Ferrera and the reveal of House Handsome's newest member. It is expected he will make an in ring return next month.




    The biggest news coming from Freedom of the City would be the debut of what looks to  be House Handsome's newest member.  Jamie Atherton is a skilled worker who spent over a decade with ACPW before deciding to leave in October of 2020. He felt he had done all that he could for the company and was seeking new challenges. It was early 2021 that FCW had come into contact with Jamie with plans to make him a new member of House Handsome and pit him against Xavi Ferrera. The two would have a struggle to see who would be the true second command of House Handsome, but the hiring of Xavi obviously changed plans. It is expected now Jamie will slip into the role Xavi had previously held. Jamie is a great worker as well as talker that can do a bit of everything in the ring. His downside would be his size given a majority of FCW's roster are heavy hitters. It could be a blessing though because that means he offers something different to the crowd with his intense, high flying style. If he can get over in FCW remains to be seen, but he has been put in a good position to start at least.

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    FCW: FREEDOM of the City

    Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

    San Juan, 576 Attending






    Kip Keenan is out first and he is quick ask Puerto Rican Power to join him in the ring. Kip knows Mutant isn't ready to wrestle and so Giant Brody has no opponent tonight. He says the fans deserve a title match for the Puerto Rican title while also pointing out his last attempt to take the title from Brody was interrupted by Xavi Ferrera who won't be giving him trouble anymore. Puerto Rican Power grants him another chance at Brody, but if he loses he will be waiting a good time before he gets another chance. Kip is more than fine with that because he is confident without interference he can slay the giant and he will win the FCW Puerto Rican championship for a second time.




    The first match is not a pretty one. The only plus side is the quality can only go up from there. It was short at least given Kanishoki's limitations and it is more to show the violent nature of Carlos Gonzales who may be outsized, but not outmatched. He beats on the former sumo with some big hits and puts Kanishoki away with a Flat Out.




    After the victory Marco comes out to confront his uncle. He doesn't understand what drove Carlos to do what he did, but he isn't going to ignore the fact that he owes his uncle a beating for what he did. He challenges Carlos to a match only for Carlos to say Marco doesn't deserve a match and he should quit before he makes a grave mistake. Carlos is feeling generous and won't be giving him another beating tonight. Marco should go elsewhere. He isn't good enough for FCW and without Carlos protecting him he has little chance of survival.




    A heavy hitting fight marred by once again by a disinterested Harlem Haynes that doesn't look like he is happy about something. He isn't really selling Jesus' offense which only seems to be making the large latino very unhappy in his own right. The match seems to end up shorter than expected and Jesus wins with the 187 Neckbreaker, though Harlem rolls out of the ring almost instantly after getting pinned and wanders off.






    The tag titles are on the line as the new champs make their first defense. It seems like a tall order for Young & Wasted to get an upset here and it might not be much of a surprise they are outmatched here. Aside from a few flurries of offense this is mostly the Original Ganstas getting to show off and get themselves a convicing first defense.  Bret Kyle is disposed of and it is Taylor Norton that falls victim to The Drive By. The champs retain.




    This brings out the Puerto Rican Boys first who are looking for a rematch. They learned a lesson to keep a close eye on Sayeed and they believe they can win the titles back. Before they can say much more Streetz comes out on his own. He claims that The Puerto Rican Boys had their time in the limelight and lost. He says instead Half Ton of Terror should get a chance to prove themselves instead. Sayeed Ali speaks for the OGs and says they'll make it a party and face both teams. Curtis and Sanchez actually instead of looking perterbed look to relish the thought as if the trio already have plans on how to handle taking on two teams at once.




    The first match of the evening to really deliver and get the fans into it. Both competitors work well together and the styles blend in a seamless manner as well. A nice back and forth contest between both men with ADB coming close to getting the win several times. He perhaps took too many risks in the end because missing on a frogsplash attempt allows Cougar enough time to recover and go on the attack. Eventually he hits I am Cougar, Hear me Roar and puts ADB away.




    Another short brawl follows up the previous match which quiets the crowd down a little. They are firmly behind Ox, but they haven't seen enough of Ricardo Menendez to see him as a threat and given the shortness of the match it is clear things are being done in a way to hide the many weaknesses Ricardo still has given he is so green. Ox is a capable hand and he lets Ricardo get a few good hits in before taking over. He puts the youth away with a Ten Ton Splash after about six minutes.




    This brings Ox calling out Cobra. He had no beef with the man previously and if Cobra wanted a fight all he had to do is ask. This brings Cobra out with Martyr at his side. Cobra explains for years he has sat by and watched things unfold. He was looking for the perfect time to make his move. With Martyr he has found a kindred spirit. Afterall Martyr is God's Chosen and no one knows the relationship of God and humanity better than a serpent. Ox was just chosen to be made an example of and it is nothing personal. He is just going to be the first of many and in time other will see the light and join with God's Chosen and himself. Next month Ox will be the first of many to fall. The pair leave as Ox stares them down seeming uncertain finding out the serpent and the psycho are now working together.






    El Toro De Oro makes his first defense of the People's championship and much like the Original Ganstas earlier it seems more a match to establish the new champ. That being said this is a much competitive match than the first one they had when El Toro De Oro debuted for FCW. Both men have improved in the ring and El Toro has gotten more popular. USAce still needs seasoning, but he is showing steady improvement and the match isn't perhaps the best, it is certainly entertaining and gets the crowd into it. The champ retains as USAce once again falls to the Spinal Shocker Gore.




    Business picks up with Davis Wayne Newton getting his hands on Handsome Stranger. This match so far has been the best one of the night and the two veterans go all out to get the fans fully invested. Handsome Stranger does try to be underhanded, but DWN hasn't exactly been a saint over the years and expects it and delivers an eyepoke at one point himself to show that playing dirty isn't beneath him when dealing with House Handsome. Things are going pretty well, but like most House Handsome matches there are always things to watch out for.




    Like a returning Juggernaut Jones capturing the attention of everyone. He threatens to try and get into the ring which in turn distracts David Poker. It was probably never Jones' intent to really get involved.




    That is reserved instead for a new face to FCW. A rather cocky looking man in shades slips into the ring while DWN has the advantage and Poker is distracted. He blindsides DWN and starts to work him over and delivers a big DDT before slipping out. It gives Handsome Stranger time to recover and add insult to injury on DWN with a Catalan Twist before picking up the victory.




    Mutant comes out before the main event to address the crowd about his injury. He believes he could have competed tonight and have won, but Puerto Rican Power told him to hold off. It just means the fans have to wait another month before he reclaims his title. He will be watching closely and he doesn't care who wins tonight though he admits taking his title back from the man that defeated him would feel a lot better.



    He is caught off guard though when Bradford Peverell joins him in the ring. Bradford admits he had his doubts about Mutant months ago, but them having to take on House Handsome together over the past year has made Bradford come to respect the big man. He wants Mutant to regain his title and all he asks is he gets to be the first man to challenge Mutant. He offers his left hand as if showing he isn't pulling any tricks and not going to surprise with the Dream Left Hook. Mutant hesitates and shakes it. He tells Bradford to be prepared. Next month he gets his title back and after that he and Bradford will be enemies at least for one night.






    In a show that perhaps more downs than ups in terms of match quality, this one blew everything else before it out of the water. It has by far been the best match of the year with both men continuing their long standing rivalry with no interruptions from a third party this time around. Both men have the working boots on and they are  showing they are perhaps two of the best workers in the company. A great back and forth one with Kip managing to outsmart Brody to keep the advantage several times while Brody uses his brute strength when he can to dominate and toss Kip around.  It is perhaps the toughest fight Brody has had during his reign, but he seems to weather the storm. Kip comes so close a few times, but Brody gets a rather surprising running boot to the face to stun Kip enough to get booted again and knocked out cold. A single handed chokeslam is delivered as a statement and the champ retains.

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  5. At the time I had thought long and hard about the Gateway to the Gold. In my mindset I felt a quick win then a vacate was more harm than good. Honestly Brody has been a better champ score wise than I could imagine. Even a bad match with Bradford Peverell almost scored a 60.  In my eyes a smaller company like FCW can get away with ignoring things because right now they have 500-600 people in the arena and 8k watching on stream. If I was TCW, SWF, etc things would be much different. In this case Handsome Stranger was more 'Well there is always 2021' and we'll see how that one goes! Though minor spoiler in that case. The winners in 2021 and 2022 have much better luck.

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    FCW News for February 2021




    The main event was marred by an injury to Mutant who ended up with a swollen calf muscle due to Bull Wrecker messing up a move about halfway through the match. Mutant fought through the pain though the match suffered for it. Thankfully it ended up not being serious and if anything Mutant might be kept to a non wrestling role through March to give him time to properly recover. Mutant apparently believes Bull Wrecker messed up on purpose to hurt his career, but such accusations seem unfounded and Handsome Stranger says accidents happen and he doesn't believe anything malicious was intended.




    Arthur Dexter Bradley has returned to FCW and it seems like it will be for more than a single appearance.  ADB had a two and a half year run in FCW about a decade ago that was pretty forgetable, but it seems he is being given a second chance now that he has had a few years to hone is craft.  This was mainly seen as a move to further fill out the undercard, but ADB performed well in his first match and if he continues to impress there is no reason he might find himself in a better position as Handsome Stranger often rewards talents that work hard.




    Perhaps the strangest debut for FCW this year was that of Molokai Milk. Outside of his home state of Hawaii Milk is barely known in the US. He has primarily gained a reputation in Australia over the years, but has since returned to the United States. Apparently his hiring was due to a surprise friendship that sprung up between Molokai and Ox Mastadon. After some talk of wanting more veteran talent to help with the younger wrestlers development it was Ox who pitched getting his friend hired. Molokai won't be a common sight in FCW as he more has a backstage role with the company, but he may occasionally show up to give someone some shine like he did with Martyr.




    Many were probably surprised by Xavi Ferrera's match this past month's show. It of course was a solid match, but what many people didn't know is was also Xavi's final match with FCW for now. A few days prior Xavi was one of two talents to sign with USPW and in his case it is a reported three year deal. This could be considered a blow to FCW, but perhaps more so to PSW who was pushing Xavi as a serious main eventer. It seemed he was destined to be a main eventer to FCW too, but Handsome Stranger didn't pull the trigger fully just yet. It does also change plans with House Handsome who was about to introduce a new member and create some tension between said new member and Xavi. How things will play out now remains to be seen.




    The bigger loss for FCW perhaps is that of Bull Wrecker who also signed with USPW. Bull Wrecker was finally getting pushed into the main event picture where it looks like he and Mutant were going to have a long rivalry in the coming years. Bull Wrecker was even given the honor of being the first Gateway to the Gold winner in the company, but he never got to claim his shot and win the title before leaving. It was rumored he was to win the title soon, but now Handsome Stranger is left adjusting plans further. Bull Wrecker will be having a second stint in USPW now with his new five year deal. Given his age that might be the last big contract he will see. While everyone is glad he is getting one last run with a big company many still wonder how FCW would look in the near future if he and Xavi remained.

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    FCW: The Fight For FREEDOM XIV

    Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

    Bayamon, 563 Attending






    The show starts with Bradford Peverell asking Puerto Rican Power to join him in the ring. What Bradford is looking for tonight is a chance at Giant Brody. With both Mutant and Bull Wrecker busy he feels that the Puerto Rican champ shouldn't get a night off. And while Peverell lost his chance at the Gateway to the Gold he feels he has proven himself after finally defeating Handsome Stranger not long ago. Puerto Rican Power tends to agree and says tonight Peverell gets his chance and he should make the best of it because another shot might not come anytime soon given so many members of FCW are proving their worth. Peverell thanks the boss and promises this is not a chance to be squandered. He looks focused while leaving the ring and goes to prepare for his match.




    The Gonzales Family face the intimidating duo known as Half Ton of Terror in the opening match. It still seems Carlos has a problem with his nephew and it could just be a lesson in tough love because he letting Marco take the brunt of the punishment in this short match. When an easily tired King Kong Kennedy is possibly the best worker there is no surprise things are kept short and sweet. Marco tries to fight valiantly, but he is just outsized and outnumbered given Carlos does little to help. One Dead Drop later and Half Ton of Terror win.


    Though what happens after the match is perhaps the more important part of it all. Carlos berates the battered and beaten Marco before physically attacking his nephew as the crowd boos loudly. Marco is called a disappointment and Carlos states he is glad Shawn didn't get to see what became of his son. Carlos leaves with a look of disgust as Marco lays in a heap in the middle of the ring.




    Hector Galindo faces off with someone that hasn't been seen in Puerto Rico for quite some time. Arthur Dexter Bradley may not have had a lot of success, but it is enough that the fans react. It is a pretty good match more focused on the high flying offense both men are known for, though Hector is staying true to his word from the other month saying he is adjusting his style not to be as high risk. A good return match for ADB, but he can't seem to put away the veteran.  Hector may be using a few less high risk moves, but he still uses his Shooting Star Press to put ADB away this evening.




    No one seems familiar with the man introduced as Molokai Milk, but the fans certainly react to the man he faces. Martyr stalks to the ring with a baseball bat in hand, though he drops it before getting into the ring and the match starts properly. It is a short demolishing of Molokai who gets little to no offense in. Martyr just overpowers the older wrestler and puts him away quickly with a Vengeance Driver.




    Ox Mastadon starts to head to the ring soon after the bell rings. He is looking for payback, but what he doesn't expect is Cobra coming out of nowhere to blindside him and attack. Ox is the bigger man, but Cobra chop blocked him in the legs to start his assault and he lays into Ox. Eventually he turns to look towards Martyr who is still in the ring and is just staring. Cobra gets a evil smile and just turns about. Martyr watches and then his head tilts as if listening to someone before he leaves the ring and steps over the beaten Ox Mastadon to go after Cobra.






    The People's Championship is up for grabs and it features some of the best workers on the roster. It is no surprise this ends up being pretty much the best match of the night as all four prove they deserve holding this title and even more. Each man is given a chance to control the match and it often teases close falls with someone breaking it up. All in all it seems like anyone could win and Rudy may not even have the chance to be involved in the result. At one point Joffy and Rudy are outside fighting with El Toro De Oro down and out. DWN leaves from the top turnbuckle to wipe out Rudy and Joffy along with himself, but he is first to recover.




    Only for Handsome Stranger to come out of nowhere and blindside him. He beats on DWN and shouts at him about being disrespected. He wants the ire of House Handsome?! He has Stranger's full attention now! He tosses DWN back into the ring. There he is met with a recovered El Toro De Oro who hits the Spinal Shocker Gore. Rudy struggles to try to get to the ring in time to break it up. There is a new champion this evening.


    El Toro De Oro celebrates with Rudy looking dejected as well as Joffy. DWN is in pain but has rolled to where he can stare down a cocky looking Handsome Stranger who trash talks some more and tells DWN to be careful what he asks for before leaving.






    Another title match comes up next in the form of the tag team championship being defended. It is the Puerto Rican Boys facing off against the Original Ganstas with their leader Sayeed Ali in their corner. It is a pretty good brawl with Kid San Juan often on the side of a beating and Island Boy Apollo getting the chance to often tag in and show off his impressive strength. All four men are good workers, but Apollo tonight shines above them all. Perhaps Sayeed senses this and at one point when the ref is distracted he pulls Apollo off the apron and gives his team the advantage. Apollo chases Ali, but he stops and realizes Kid San Juan falling victim to the Drive By from Curtis and Sanchez. David Poker is counting and can't focus on the fact Ali keeps Apollo from getting back in the ring. Two matches in a row the title changes hands. Brody can't be feeling too comfortable at this point.




    Kip Keenan looks to get some revenge as he faces off against Xavi Ferrera. This match is on par with the four way from earlier as both men deliver even if Xavi often feels checked out during the match. Back and forth they go and often Xavi seems to wonder where his fellow House Handsome members are to help. None show and it only frustrates Xavi who is forced to rely on his own skills to try and win this one. He comes close, but it just isn't in the cards and Kip mounts a big comeback in the last minutes of the match. Xavi is staggered with some big hits and then Kip puts him away with a Belly to Belly suplex.






    Peverell is getting his shot and he is making the best of it. The only downside is these two just do not work well together as a whole. Timing always seems an issue and there are times where they just seem to miscommunicate. In spite of that they are both good enough workers that they don't let that ruin the match as a whole. It isn't near as good as the previous match or the four way, but they still manage a serviceable semi-main event match for the Puerto Rican title. As much as Peverell tries he can't seem to fell the giant, but the pair do tumble over the ropes and fight it out for awhile. The result is Brody managing to heft up Peverell and powerbomb him onto the floor before getting in the ring. Peverell struggles and he seems he might barely beat the count, but his back has taken too much punishment and he can't get into the ring to beat the ten count.




    It might not be for a title, but these two behemoths in a cage does scream main event. A contest between former partners that were even tag champs at one point to show who is the more dominant power. It is a down and dirty brawl with little in the way of wrestling too. Just big hits and punishing slams with both men looking to take the other out for good. The match was going well, but near the end there is an obvious problem when Bull Wrecker fumbles picking up Mutant and it causes the latter to fall awkwardly and favor his leg afterwards. Mutant isn't happy and Bull Wrecker legit looks worried for a moment before he quickly refocuses. The end seems rushed and Mutant is hobbling a bit, but he still manages to find the strength to deliver a Tina-Turner to a tired and bloodied Bull Wrecker to end the bout.



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    FCW News for January 2021




    There were two new additions to the FCW roster that made their debut at FREEDOM Fighters. The first was the young rookie, Ricardo Menendez who was trained by Phoenix III. He has been wrestling since July of last year and only has a handful of matches under his belt. Standing at around 6'2 and weighting at around 250 he has a good size that can step up to face off against the big boys without looking overly outsized. He needs a lot of work, but given the amoung of great workers in FCW he should learn quickly.  He can do a bit of everything, but it isn't great at any of it just yet. What he does have is an innate charisma and apparently good on the microphone. He might not be a feature on main shows often, but in a few years it may be interesting to see where he stands in FCW.




    Perhaps the more surprising addition to the roster was Masked Cougar. Mostly known for his work on the West Coast, it is being said Masked Cougar left CZCW in October last year while looking to try his hand working elsewhere. FCW came calling first and apparently a few days after he signed with IPW as well. Cougar is a skilled veteran that many could benefit working with and perhaps his only reason he has never been a bigger star is his size. It is unknown what plans FCW have for the masked wrestler, but he should certainly be an exciting person to watch when he does appear.




    The latest member of NYCW to show up at an FCW show is The New York Doll. Overall he did well in ring and behaved well backstage. He and Rudy Velasquez had one of the better matches that night and in turn it sounds like NYCW got Sayeed Ali in the trade of talent. Ali wrestled for NYCW a few nights later in a losing effort to Geoff Borne. Aside from the initial trade the relationship between the two companies has worked out well for both sides.


    Overall January's show wasn't as big of a success as previous months, but that could be the fact FCW overachieves so often even a good show like this can feel like a bit of a letdown these days. Many new stories were starting and FCW are in talks to further their contract with WrestleWorld which runs out soon. A few other names may soon show up as FCW is looking to pad out their undercard with some additional names.

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    FCW: FREEDOM Fighters

    Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

    Bayamon, 504 Attending






    House Handsome is out minus their glorious leader to start to the show. It is Xavi who takes the microphone to address the state of House Handsome. They are far from done and El Jefe will be back soon enough. Tonight Xavi faces Ox Mastadon and will defeat him easily. House Handsome remains strong and no one is going to stop them.



    This brings out Davis Wayne Newton who begs to differ. He sees too many cracks and he is surprised the house hasn't collapsed. Though he has interest in finishing off House Handsome for good and challenges one of them to a match tonight. Xavi stops Juggernaut Jones from accepting and says DWN isn't worth their time.  He tells him to go back to competing in the preliminary matches because that is all he is. A preliminary guy. DWN doesn't seem happy at all and claims if they won't give him a match now he will find a way to force them into one soon enough.




    The first match of the new year features a new face taking on Joffy Laine. The new wrestler is announced as Ricardo Menendez and while he has a good look and shows some charisma, his in ring work is a lot to be desired. It is easy to see why his first match is against Joffy Laine who does well to make the new guy look much better than he is.  Joffy lets Ricardo get some offense in before taking over. The youngster starts his career on the losing side with Joffy putting him away with a Death Spiral.




    The Bombay City Rollers face off against the team of Curtis Shaw and Sanchez Villano with Sayeed Ali stalking around at ringside. This is obviously the OGs getting a chance to show off their new tag team. There is nothing pretty about the OG's style, though Villano bursts out some actual wrestling while Shaw is mostly just delivering heavy hits.  Sarja eventually gets singled out and Shaw hits him with a backbreaker and leaves Sarja resting over his knee while Villano comes off the ropes and kicks Sarja in the head, a move the duo dub The Drive By. The OGs pick up the win and Sayeed joins them in the ring.


    Sayeed says this is the first of many victories. He has his eyes on a different prize, but he calls The Puerto Rican Boys out. They have the tag titles and that is exactly what Curtis Shaw and Sanchez Villano want. Now that Shaw doesn't have dead weight for a partner this will be easy. Capturing those titles is just the first step of the OG's run of domination.




    Another new face shows up in FCW in the form of Masked Cougar. A small and exciting talent that gets Ricochet Ramone as opponent. It is a fast paced, high flying match between the two and at times Ramone has a hard time keeping up with Cougar. Cougar may not be well known to the Puerto Rican crowd, but by the end of the match he has certainly gotten the attention of the audience. He ends up putting Ramone away with I am Cougar, Hear me Roar.






    Rudy Velasquez defends his title from one of NYCW's talents in The New York Doll. Much like Masked Cougar, NYD isn't well known, but he is exciting enough to get the audience interested in the match. It was a good mix of wrestling and some high flying thrown in mostly from NYD's side. It isn't enough to dethrone the champ, though. Rudy is just too tough and overtakes NYD before finally putting him away with a Street Cutter.




    After the win Ox Mastadon comes out. He is looking to move on to his next challenge and he wants to face Rudy for the People's championship. Joffy Laine soon emerges and makes his intentions known he wants that title as well. Rudy says they are both welcome to try, but he isn't giving up his belt any time soon. He also tells Ox maybe he should focus on tonight with his match against Xavi Ferrera. If he wins maybe he will just get a shot at Rudy next month.






    The Puerto Rican Boys defend their titles against the Gonzalez Family. A decent enough match with the champs controlling most of it. The main story may be the way Carlos seems to be getting annoyed with his nephew in parts of the match. He gets so annoyed to the point when Marco is in trouble and being put away by Welcome to the Island, Carlos doesn't even try to break up the pin and only gets in the ring afterwards to berate a confused Marco. The champs seem a bit surprised, but let the two family members talk it out and leave with their titles intact.




    The semi main event features Xavi Ferrera facing off with Ox Mastadon. This is a big difference in styles and while Xavi isn't exactly a small guy, Ox makes him look like a lightweight in comparison. It is a lot of quick attacks on Xavi's part and trying not to get caught by Ox. It works for the most part, but there are times when Ox manages to get his hands on Xavi and he uses his size to just batter the smaller wrestler.



    This brings in Juggernaut Jones who starts to come to the ring. Ox sees it though and when Jones tries to get in the ring he gets bumped right back off the apron by Ox. He may expected House Handsome to give him trouble, but what he didn't expect was  suddenly being assaulted from behind by...




    Martyr has a chain wrapped around a hand and he punches Ox right in the back and starts to batter him. Ryan Holland quickly calls for the bell, disqualifying a terrified Xavi who was already getting out of the ring. Ox pushes Martyr away, but he only gets a moment reprieve before the chained fist hits him in the head and busts him open. Security jump in the ring to try and help Ryan Holland pull Martyr away or at least give Ox time to get out of the ring. Martyr soon stops his assualt and seems pleased with what he has done and slides out of the ring to leave through the crowd.






    These two men are no strangers to one another. Brody and Kip spent part of last year facing off and at least for one night they reignite that feud over the Puerto Rican championship. They easily pull off the match of the night with a good mix of brawling and technical wrestling. Brody even breaks out his plancha after sending Kip out of the ring.




    By the time both men are back in the ring Bull Wrecker is approaching looking like he might cash in now that both men are worn down. Though he has the attention of both men he stops and decides not to enter the ring, but instead just watch. The match resumes, but both Kip and Brody keep looking over in Wrecker's direction.




    Though they don't have to worry about Bull Wrecker because someone takes care of that little problem. Looks like Mutant still has a bone to pick with Wrecker and decides to jump Wrecker before he could possibly join in the match and win the title. The two big men are going at it while security tries to pull them apart. The match is still going on though David Poker is distracted.




    Distracted enough that Xavi Ferrera slips in and blindsides Kip. He gets a glare from Brody and he quickly backs away. He just motions to the dazed Kip as if saying 'all yours' and he leaps out. Brody does capitalize on it and he gives Kip the Single Handed Chokeslam. He shouts at Poker to get his attention and covers Kip to pick up the win and retain.




    Puerto Rican Power comes out annoyed in general how the show ended. He manages to stop Brody from joining in on the brawl outside and he looks around for Xavi who seems long gone. He shouts for Mutant and Bull Wrecker to stop this instant. If they want to fight so bad they can fight next month in the confines of a cage.


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  10. 22 hours ago, Herrbear said:

    Really enjoying the write up.

    Thanks. Always enjoy your support over the years. Also thanks to everyone else reading this diary. Big thanks to @619 and @HiPlus for their post show commentary. It has been a fun time and glad both work and my health have allowed me to run with this. I have things booked through 2021 and hopefully it remains as interesting as 2020 to you all. New show hopefully tomorrow if time allows. Time to get 2021 going!

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    End of the Year 2020 Awards

    Wrestler of the Year: Wolf Hawkins

    Tag Team of the Year: Nicky Champion and Running Wolf

    Young Wrestler of the Year: Hurakan

    Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Jack DeColt

    Female Wrestler of the Year: Brook Tyler (2)

    Independent Wrestler of the Year: Razan Okamoto (2)

    Company of the Year: EILL (4)

    Most Improved Company of the Year: FCW

    Match of the Year: Wolf Hawkins def Benny Benson on TCW Presents Total Wrestling

    Card of the Year: EILL Festival del Homenaje

    Manager of the Year: Floyd Goldworthy (2)

    Announcer of the Year: Duane Fry (7)

    Colour Commentator of the Year: Emma Chase (6)

    Referee of the Year: Tsugiharu Odaka




    Perhaps a big surprise to many is FCW winning the most improved company in the year of 2020. Fairly unknown outside of their home country, FCW started to offer their shows on WrestleWorld starting in march and have been steadily been gaining followers outside of Puerto Rico while the number of fans at shows have pretty much doubled over the past year. Many credit it to the booking of Handsome Stranger who used a mix of great wrestling and wild, bloody brawls to keep fans engaged and attract new eyes on the product. He and Puerto Rican Power can only hope to build on the success in 2021, but even if things start to even out they consider it a big feather in their cap for winning such an award.



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    FCW News for December 2020




    The year of 2020 has come and gone and many feel that Handsome Stranger had one of his best years as booker since he took over after the tragic death of Shawn Gonzalez. The year saw several long standing storylines play out as well as a shrewd use of his talent. The fall of House Handsome itself was a fun story and while they are beaten it isn't just quite the end of the group. What may happen over the next year is unknown, but Juggernaut Jones will return in a few months and the rise of Xavi Ferrera is in the cards. There should be quite a few stories starting in January and it will be interesting to see who ends up feuding with one another.




    December saw the debut of a new group. The Original Ganstas are led by Sayeed Ali and include FCW mainstay Curtis Shaw along with newcomer Sanchez Villano. Villano is mostly known for his work out West, but he had a falling out with the company he was working for at the time, IPW. Originally it was said Sayeed was going to just team with The Harlem Knights, but continued issues with Harlem Haynes changed plans and Sanchez Villano was hired to take up the third spot. Just what sort of chaos the trio will inject into FCW remains to be seen, but it seems already The Puerto Rican boys have been targeted.




    It is weird to think of the Puerto Rican title as an afterthought on most shows. FCW treats their main title with the utmost respect and even though it was sandwiched between two major matches the fight between Giant Brody and Animal Harker played out well. Brody and Harker are familiar with one another from their time in Japan and given the working relationship with NYCW it only took a few calls to see the big man show up in FCW. He may not have been well known in Puerto Rico, but the fans love big men and got into the championship match even if they were a bit tired after the last man standing match and trying to keep their energy for the main event. In the end it was a good way to put Brody on the show and give him a nice defense before he moves onto the likes of Mutant and Bull Wrecker.




    It seems like Amo Del Gato's second stint in FCW is a short one.  Amo was hired by CILL a few days before December's show and soon afterwards asked for a raise that was unreasonable from many reports. Amo obviously is more popular in Mexico and should make more money there, but apparently he was asking for money closer to three to four times of what main eventers in FCW were making. It was reported he was looking for money similar to what Fredrique was being paid while not offering the same return the ex FCW star offered. FCW decided to part ways with the luchador and it may be the final time he is ever seen in an FCW ring.

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    FCW: One Night of FREEDOM

    Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

    Bayamon, 486 Attending






    Puerto Rican Power makes his presence known to start to show and starts to lay down the rules for the night. He is not wanting to see any interference in the last man standing or cage matches. On top of that Giant Brody will defend his title against a surprise opponent and the only person allowed near ringside if Bull Wrecker if he chooses given he won the Gateway for the Gold and can cash in at any time. Anyone else that would be breaking these rules will suffer severe punishment such as heavy fines and even termination. After laying down the law her poses for his adoring fans and makes his way to the back so the show can properly begin.




    Amo Del Gato faces another member of The Latino Kings in Hector Galindo for the opening match of the night. It is mostly a short, fast paced bout looking to get the crowd warmed up. There is nothing special with both men getting to showcase their moves and it would seem Amo Del Gato just has some bad luck against the Kings because he also loses this one Hector after failing to beat Rudy last month. Hector hits a nice looking Shooting Star Press and picks up a win.




    The second match breaks down quickly with Martyr being involved. DWN tries to stick and move with his offense, but it seems to do very little in slowing or even manging to stun the maniac. David Poker tries to keep order, but gets caught up in the action and gets knocked out with an elbow by Martyr. The masked man continues his assualt and he tosses DWN outside and looks to grab a baseball bat. DWN is looking helpless when help arrives.




    Kip Keenan charges in and slams a chair into the back of Martyr which certainly gets the maniac's attention. He turns about just to eat another shot from the chair which staggers him. Kip shouts for DWN to get up while going for another shot that staggers Martyr further. DWN gets a chair of his own and while it is perhaps not the most valiant way of handling a problem sometimes it is just about survival. Martyr has a high pain threshold and even as both men wail away he stays standing for another two or three shots before being brought down to one knee. A tandem of shots finally causes Martyr to go down letting Kip and DWN to toss Martyr into the ring. Poker is finally coming to his senses as DWN delivers the Fisherman's Suplex. A three count and DWN picks up a win and Martyr seems down an out at least for now.

    Kip joins DWN in the ring and they shake hands. Enemies in the past it seems that the threat of someone like Martyr can cause unlikely alliances form. If the two remain on good terms remains to be seen, but they walk away together without seeing Martyr raising a hand upwards as if clutching for something. Poker decides not to remain in the ring as Martyr gets up slowly and looks about then upwards. He seems to nod in understanding at something only he can hear before he wanders off through the crowd and into the back.




    Joffy Laine meets Ricochet Ramone of House Handsome in a nice little match set up to allow the crowd to get a breather after what they just witnessed.  The night is only going to get crazier so the two are here to pace things with a good match between the pair. Joffy is just a good all rounder and seems destined for bigger things at some point, but Ramone is scrappy and the former tag team champion isn't to be taken lightly. They both get a fair amount of offense in, but it is Joffy that comes away with a win this evening. He plants Ramone with a Death Spiral and picks up a well earned victory.






    The rematch for the FCW People's Championship finally happens. No more injuries. No more excuses. Most importantly no Juggernaut Jones at Xavi's side as the big man is still out due to injury.  This match is close to the first encounter in quality, but maybe suffers for the fact Rudy is having a bit of an off night. Not enough to ruin the match, but there is a few points where he just seems to have a mental pause and forgets what he was supposed to do. Even with that the two put on a good wrestling match that mixes brawling, some technical wrestling and some high flying as well. Xavi is desperate and tries to pull out every trick in his book, but Rudy isn't exactly mister clean himself. He knows those tricks too and isn't against giving Xavi some of his own medicine. It is all about timing, and Rudy finds the perfect time to strike, slipping out of a suplex attempt and quickly reversing it into the Street Cutter. Rudy wins and House Handsome's night keeps getting worse.


    After the win Hector, Jesus Chavez and G Killa join Rudy in the ring. When Xavi sulks to the back all four of them heckle the beaten opponent and Rudy ends up hefted onto the shoudlers of G Killa and Jesus Chavez to hold his title high. Rudy is on a roll and it is going to be hard for anyone to take that title from him.




    The street fight between El Toro Del Oro and Ox Mastadon is up next and this match is more of a outright fight compared to the previous two contests. The dislike both men have for another is on full display with some violent hits and use of what weapons they can get their hands on. El Toro fights like a man much larger than he is and some of the hits he lands such as a running powerslam on Ox Mastadon is impressive. He misses the Spinal Shocker Gore though which derails his momentum and causes him to crash into the corner hard. It dazes him and Ox charges to smash De Oro into the corner and then slam him. He then Delivers the Ten Ton Splash and all that finally manages to keep El Toro De Oro down for the three count.






    The tag team titles are up for grabs and The Puerto Rican boys face off against The Harlem Knights. The former seem to be having issues as they aren't just having timing problems, but in general they seem to be shouting at one another and it almost looks like a fight is almost going to break out between them. This leads to the champs having a relatively one sided match even if they are outsized as a whole. It all goes down hill when Curtis Shaw refuses a tag from Harlem and jumps off the apron. He just watches from ringside as Haynes tries to win the match himself. Even if he a tough guy, the two on one get the better of him and he falls victim to Welcome To The Island.




    And almost instantly as the bell rings Curtis Shaw jumps in the ring to attack his ex partner while The Puerto Rican Boys are attacked from behind by Sayeed Ali and a unfamiliar face in FCW. They seem to be working with Shaw in this case and beat down the three other men and send them out of the ring. Ali stands in the middle of the ring with Shaw on the right side and the other man on his left. Ali shouts the trio are 'The Original Gangstas' and they are going to run this place.




    One of the most anticipated matches of the year. A final chapter between two men who have seemed to not be able to get rid of the other. It was expected to be violent roller coaster and it certainly becomes that. Everything goes and both men are built to take severe punishment. And even though a Last Man Standing match the sheer brutality only lasts close to twelve minutes, but given how both men fight it feels a lot longer and given how worn down they look by the end it probably wasn't destined to go on long. Battered, bloody and beaten both men are slugging away before Mutant gets knocked into the ropes and launches off into a big lariat that almost beheads Bouncer. He nails the Tina-Turner and it isn't enough. Hell's Bouncer begins to move. A second Tina-Turner gets a longer count, but it is not enough.  Mutant assaults Bouncer with a chair before slamming him onto with a Third Tina-Turner which finally is enough to keep Bouncer down. Mutant is barely able to stand himself as his hand is raised, a tired, but pleased smile showing behind the crimson mask. A big step was taken tonight and now he can focus on getting back his title.






    It is rare when the Puerto Rican Championship is in such an odd spot. It is sandwiched between the two big bouts of the night and yet it becomes a good interim match that is a nice fight between two big men that doesn't go long and isn't a chaotic, bloody mess like the previous match. Animal Harker isn't well known in FCW, but the fans are never against seeing two big guys throw hands so they are into it. To no surprise Bull Wreckers shows up, but he remains at ringside to observe. There is no interference, but his presence certainly has the attention of Brody. It is a tough fight, but Brody comes out on top. He takes Harker down with a single handed chokeslam and retains. Bull Wrecker just gives a smirk and gives a bit of an applause as Brody stares him down. It seems there will be no cash in tonight as Wrecker heads to the back, seeming pleased with playing some head games for now.




    It has been going on for well over a year. Bradford Peverell has been dealing with House Handsome since the fall of last year and finally in December of 2020 he can perhaps find closure. It all started with him and Kip losing the tag titles to Relentless, then the constant attacks and clashes with House Handsome that saw Bradford often beaten, but rarely broken. It turned into him and Mutant finding themselves two men fighting to keep House Handsome from fully running wild and Bradford Peverell has remained standing to see House Handsome lose their titles and most of all he has their leader in a cage this evening.  There is as much animosity here as there was in the Last Man Standing, but this match plays out much differently. There is wrestling, but also the sense of desperation. Handsome Stranger pulls out everything he can and finds himself alone and relying on himself. Bradford Peverell is cagey and defiant. Handsome Stranger is doing all he can, yet Bradford seems to keep fighting and getting momentum as the crowd gets fully behind him.  Handsome Stranger shouts for help, but those of House Handsome seem to fear Puerto Rican Power's punishment more than their leader's ire. Both men are tired and Handsome Stranger despite all the trouble seems to stand tall. He motions he is ready to end this. As he reaches for Peverell he is met with a shot to the gut that knocks the air out of him. His eyes wide as breath escapes and he is stunned, but staring in abject horror as that left comes in. The Dream Left Hook connects and a worn out Bradford Peverell falls onto Handsome Stranger and wins.


    The crowd erupts and Peverell is slow to get to his feet. The roar of the crowd may be the only thing giving him the energy to stay on his feet as he raises his hands and lets out a cry in victory.  Over a year of pain overcoming the odds, but finally House Handsome has been delivered the biggest blow they could imagine. Is it the end for House Handsome? That is yet to be seen, but for tonight the fans celebrate with Bradford Peverell.

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    FCW News for November 2020




    One match didn't go as intended at this month's show when Xavi Ferrera ended up injuring himself at a PSW show earlier in the week. While he was willing to perform and work through the injury, FCW felt it was best to just push things back and allow Xavi to fully heal. The injury itself is a bruised eye socket so he should be ready by the time December's show rolls around.




    One surprise of the night is the man who would take Xavi's place in the People's Championship match. Amo Del Gato has not been in an FCW ring for over ten years at this point and even back when he was signed with the company he didn't really stand out among the crew of luchadors they had at the time. He had been working for OLLIE up until late October when he decided to move on and work elsewhere. FCW were quick to get into contact and bring in a veteran presence to help work with the younger workers. Amo Del Gato is older and much improved since his last stint so it should be interesting to see what the future holds for him.




    The other surprise addition to the roster comes in the form of Sayeed Ali. Ali had been working in PSW and was having a decent run in 2020 with the company as the PSW National champion. After losing the title in June it was said he had a falling out with booker Alex Braun that culminated in Ali walking out on the company in July. There was interest from FCW from the start, but they decided to give Ali a few months before approaching him with a contract offer.  Many expect Ali to do well in the company and it wouldn't be surprising if he holds gold sooner than later.




    It seems what has been a wild year in FCW has finally built up to December having a rather stacked card where many feuds look set to be ended.  Giant Brody will be facing off against a mystery opponent while Bull Wrecker could possibly cash in on his title shot, Mutant and Hell's Bouncer and set to have what should be a ultra violent Last Man Standing match, Handsome Stranger will face Bradford Peverell in a cage, and then Ox Mastadon will have a street fight with El Toro De Oro.  Those as well as the Xavi and Rudy Velasquez match are all the ones known as of this date so the card could get even more stacked as the likes of Davis Wayne Newton, Sayeed Ali, and Kip Keenan are available as well. All in all it looks to be a great end to wild year for FCW.

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    FCW: FREEDOM To Choose

    Announcers: Dane O'Hara and Cueball Lynch

    Bayamon, 439 Attending






    Puerto Rican Power is out first to talk about Mutant and Hell's Bouncer. He has sent both men home to rest up because next month they will face one another in a Last Man Standing match. The winner will certainly be up for a title match against the winner of tonight. Bull Wrecker has not yet to decided to challenge for the title with his automatic shot for winning the Gateway to the Gold so Brody will instead face Bradford Peverell tonight who was the runner up. He soon leaves only for....




    House Handsome comes out and talks. Or mostly Handsome Stranger and Xavi talk in this case. Xavi is sporting a shiner mostly hidden by his shades, but says due to an injury he will not be taking his title back tonight. Rudy gets to feel like a champion for one more month before the inevitible happens and Xavi becomes a two time People's Champion. Handsome Stranger then says Relentless will win their title match tonight and he has plans to finally get his title back soon. House Handsome is strong as ever and they will prove it tonight.






    The show starts off hot with a great tag team title bout. Between these two teams and the Latino Kings show that FCW has a good backbone in the midcard with their tag division and with newer teams coming around it will only get better. All four men get a chance to shine and it seems often Relentless would regain their titles. A competitive match with several big spots, but it is Island Boy Apollo who seals the victory. He manages to toss Rob Reynolds out of the ring like a lawn dart and it leaves Ramone to be overpowered by Apollo. Ramone is planted with Welcome to the Island and The Puerto Rican Boys retain.




    G Killa gets a singles match with El Toro De Oro and it is a slug fest that slows things down after the last match. Both men are heavy hitters and it is a nice back and forth brawl between the pair. El Toro gets the advantage as time goes on and he eventually puts away the newest Latino King with a Spinal Shocker Gore to pick up the win.




    Ox Mastadon soon emerges to congratulate El Toro De Oro, but reminds him there is unfinished business. As of right now both men have a win and it seems to call for a proper way to settle things on who is the better man. El Toro De Oro agrees and with some back and forth being done the pair soon agree that next month they will meet in a street fight.




    The giant sumo Kanishoki finds himself facing off against someone new to FCW. Sayeed Ali comes in looking ready for a fight and takes it straight to the big sumo. It is a short little brawl mostly used to show Sayeed Ali's talents as well as his strength. Kanishoki is n't exactly small, but Ali manages to heft the man up and deliver his finisher which is dubbed the G.B.H. Driver. After laying out Kanishoki the newest member of the FCW roster celebrates by jawjacking with the crown and promising there is much more to come.




    Half Ton of Terror take on the strange team of Cobra and USAce next. This is a slow and plodding match with mostly Cobra trying to hold it together. USAce and Gulliver still need more seasoning while King Kong Kennedy just doesn't have the stamina to do much more than a few big hits. It is USAce that is the one that ends up being powerslammed by Gulliver followed by a big splash by King Kong Kennedy, a combo t hey have dubbed The Dead Drop to pick  up the win.


    After the match Streetz talks both men up. King Kong Kennedy was a man without direction and Gulliver had no place to perform. Streetz has brought both men together and promises in due time they will hold the gold. King Kong Kennedy is a prove champ and Gulliver will prove to be a better partner than Ox Mastadon ever was. He states Half Ton of Terror will be unstoppable before the trio leaves.






    With Xavi out injured Rudy Velasquez ends up defending his title against a face that hasn't been seen in FCW for quite some time. Amo Del Gato was never a huge deal, but he gets a bit of a nostalgia pop from the crowd and shows himself to be a capable challenger in what turns out to be one of the best matches of the night. It is a fast paced affair that sees both men going all out and showing off just how extensive their movesets really are. The champ seems to be in trouble a few times, but manages to get a good comeback at the end. Amo came close to winning the title in his return, but Rudy manages to lay him out with a Street Cutter and retain. It seems he and Xavi will clash next month in what should be another crazy match.




    Bull Wrecker usually is a man of few words, but he comes out to mention tonight he is going to watch intently to see what happens. He will strike when the time is right and he will finally get what he has been wanting for many years, the Puerto Rican Championship. While he wants it now he admits he will be a patient man and not waste his chance. He says Brody should have eyes in the back of his head because tonight he might have to deal with the Bull.






    Giant Brody takes on Bradford Peverell for the Puerto Rican championship and Brody gets a reality check that keeping the title will be no easy feat. Peverell may not be as big, but he is still a heavy hitter and these two beat the complete hell out of one another with some big strikes mixed with powerful slams and suplexes. The match isn't overly long, but it is such a slugfest it doesn't need to be. It is quick and to the point and keeps the fans invested and squarely behind Bradford Peverell who comes close to landing his Dream Left Hook only for Brody to barely avoid it. Things are going along just fine until...




    Handsome Stranger tries to get involved. He is up on the apron, but Peverell knocks him off. It is just enough of a distraction though and Brody boots Peverell right in the face to knock him silly. He is stunned enough to be hefted up and Brody delivers the Single Handed Chokeslam and retain.





    Handsome Stranger looks to add insult to injury afterwards, but Peverell starts to fight back. The two are slugging it out as security along with Puerto Rican Power come out to break things up. Puerto Rican Power can see these two have a problem and he knows the best way to solve it. Next month both men will meet in a cage match. Handsome Stranger looks stunned, but Peverell seems more than pleased as the show ends.




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    FCW News for October 2020




    FREEDOM's Gate was a success on many levels for the company and it is said both Puerto Rican Power and Handsome Stanger were pleased by the results. They had a crowd well over four hundred people and their viewership on WrestleWorld was the most ever for a show at almost ten thousand fans. The result seems to mean the tournament will become a yearly staple for October and the event will be considered perhaps the most important one of the year for the company.




    And of course the man that was given the honor of winning the first ever Gateway to the Gold tournament was Bull Wrecker. He has been a staple in FCW for years and he has worked hard to improve both his physique and his in ring work. The result is a well deserved big win that no one else will be able to replicate and with his ability to ask for a title shot at any time over the next year means it seems he is destined to win the big one. This win established Bull Wrecker as a main event player and it doesn't seem like he will be pushed down the card any time soon.




    Perhaps the most surprising part of FREEDOM's Gate was Giant Brody winning the Puerto Rican title for the second time. Given Brody splits time between FCW and BCG in Japan many might not expect FCW to put any sort of title on him since he tends to prefer Japan over Puerto Rico. Yet there have been adjustments made to allow Brody to not miss any of the big FCW events and he will be a fighting champ. It will be interesting to see where things are going with Bull Wrecker winning the tournament and obviously Mutant wanting a rematch. Of course there is Hell's Bouncer lurking about too. It may not be a great time to be the champ, but Giant Brody is a big enough man to handle it.




    Half Ton of Terror were a surprise team that appeared a few months ago. King Kong Kennedy had been in a bit of a rut with his singles work given his stamina and it seems Handsome Stranger came across some videos of Gulliver during his time training with 21CW. Gulliver has been shown to be very green, but teaming with a veteran like Kennedy and in a way they make a newer version of the 937lb Express. More so when Streetz comes into the equation. Streetz is a Canadian manager that was brought into FCW and given the task to put the two men over. So far he has been a good talker and as a whole the team has been protected by putting them against good workers while Gulliver gains experience. Will they ever win some gold? It is too early to say, but King Kong Kennedy isn't getting any younger so this may just be a vehicle to help Gulliver get better in the ring and get a solo run.




    Some other new faces are in the form of Parvin Kishna and Sensational Sarja, collectively known as the Bombay City Rollers. These two are in FCW due to the friendship of Handsome Stranger and Kashmir Singh who spent many years in FCW. These two are some of Singh's prized students so while India is looking forward to a promotion to finally start up the two youngsters came to Puerto Rico back in January and have been working the opening matches before the main show since. Both are still green, but have a great look and seem to have a bright future ahead of them. It is a work in progress, but in a few years the pair may one day hold tag team gold.




    October also marked a new relationship with FCW. Handsome Stranger has worked out a deal with World Level Wrestling that will allow the two companies to send workers to one another on excursions. In this case it was less for FCW to have a place to send workers, but once again something to help Kashmir Singh and his trainees out. Another prize student of Singh named Princy Rupy has been signed by FCW and sent over to Japan to compete and gain experience. With Rupy's excusion and the fact Parvin Kishna and Sensational Sarja are working with FCW means Signh should have some well trained talent once India gets a large promotion going.

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