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Everything posted by Irishwhiskey119

  1. Why not? You can go in and edit the workers of rival companies now. People just need to have discipline and not do it.
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jean-vic" data-cite="jean-vic" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The potential to create anything is infinite, I agree, but what percentage of created products actually succeed? Wrestling fits a certain mould. Always has. Were there minor deviations within what we define as wrestling? Indeed. Compare the territories. However, historically, wrestling has been a relatively restrictive product in terms of what we can expect to see. <p> </p><p> Now, I understand that there are people who enjoyed the customisation aspect of prior games. I get that. I don't fully understand the appeal, but then I like sims. I like realism and immersion. However, I do respect the rights of others to like what they like. However, this community has long been calling for greater immersion and greater realism and Adam has finally given us that. This game has been rebuilt from the ground up to meet the demands of the community. Sacrifices have to be made. To create a realistic, immersive simulation, some customisation needs to be removed, in my opinion. The terms of what constitutes wrestling need to be narrowed to truly reflect the realistic definition of wrestling. If this game works best by removing the customisation of one element, then that element needs to be removed. I'm sorry that you can't create a Japanese comedy fed where every wrestler is based on anime and every loser gets ejected from the arena in a cartoonish manner, but NJPW is the top dog in Japan for a reason. It's wrestling. </p><p> </p><p> I'm loving what I've seen from this game so far. Dave Meltzer would give it five stars, but he still prefers Okada v Omega. I hope the community can come to love the game for what it is and find enjoyment in what we have been given and not get hung up on this one point. But, who knows, maybe Adam will put it back in.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Wouldn't make much sense to omit companies that have a potential to fail into the game world.</p>
  3. Maybe i missed it but since you probably know can you dig into how the products in 16 actually worked? I think that's a big part of the problem is not opening up the logic and formulas behind it. Not necessarily sharing code or trade secrets but understanding what is actually affecting what with those settings. Would probably help alleviate the criticism if people recognized how useless the feature was like you are suggesting.
  4. Which is because of the surprise factor and the star factor of seeing so many pop out after the countdown. Along with well choreographed (for the most part) sections of the match for eliminations. You're almost booking a bunch of different short angles within an on going match to get to the result. I do think the game needs a unique surprise element for debuts and Rumble entries, which may or may not exist in 20. I haven't messed with it enough yet to identify but i'm going to assume that it's something that probably could be done better and would counteract the "poor match" opinion and all it's dings to provides a good rating. Really every modern Rumble should have a good rating because of all the well done spots and psychology they applied to the mini angles throughout. The early melee battle royals, not so much.
  5. I actually very much like that type of variance because a lot can happen differently with angles, acting and promos. I'd imagine consistency skill can work in unison with the show variables to fight against it.
  6. <p>These have always been my favorite images to use.</p><p> </p><p> Is there a zip file with all of them in it? I have a different computer now.</p>
  7. Appreciate the answer. A little strange since so much is editable in-game but will just have to really scour the mods prior to starting to make sure the right workers are set to retired or not. Was useful to go in there and make the adjustment if one was classified wrong and i forgot to go through all the data prior. Not a huge deal though.
  8. So i'm not sure if this data is affecting the AI's management or scores but i assume it does. I assume it adjusts their parameters even if it's slight but this is organic change by the AI a year into the game for TEW 2016 (RW Mod). The ROH AI adjusts two of their current levels 1. Modern (Key Feature to Heavy) & 2. Hyper Realism (None to Very Low) during a 1 year span. Is this type of movement still possible in 20 with the templates? If there is some change off of a standard style a company holds for years and years i can appreciate that i suppose but it's not quite as good as these type of settings that allow some fine tuning and THEORETICALLY their organic evolution in game so the world feels alive with that aspect. I appreciate the creativity and insight by those making the product options but whose to say the settings for a particular product are even accurate? It's not like these things are void of subjectivity in certain areas.
  9. I definitely used it. Getting the right products and potential moves for AI companies was mandatory for every save i played.
  10. Might be a dumb question but is the intent of taking out the drop down in worker editor for "Active" "Retired" etc. be because the check boxes for ROLES is sufficient enough to do the same thing without making it an official retirement in game?
  11. Pretty damn cool that the AI creates stables in their own companies organically. Definitely looking forward to this feature once the bugs are all sorted.
  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Skummy" data-cite="Skummy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If you can find me an "Eye Candy" match between two workers that, in-game, would have "100" for Sex Appeal that gets as strong and sustained a crowd response as a match between two Entertainers/Brawlers that would have close to 100 in those stats, then maybe I would agree you. But it doesn't happen. A match rated on "Eye Candy"/"Sex Appeal" will always necessarily be restricted, both in-game and in real life, unless you're running a promotion where that's your <em>sole </em>focus.<p> </p><p> Penalised doesn't mean that the match is rejected outright, just that you're working against expectation. There's a reason those matches were called "piss break matches".</p><p> </p><p> Otherwise, it would be game-breaking to be able to take wrestlers with no other talent, but 100 Sex Appeal and book them in matches and angles based on nothing but that, they'd be getting higher ratings than matches and angles based on Entertainment, Overness or any other stat for the vast majority of performers in-game. And that's not close to realistic.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> So much of the criticism of not being "able" to book certain matches I honestly feel comes down to people overestimating what constitutes a segment being "penalised".</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well i think the mud wrestling and some of the bra and panty matches were well received as far as entertainment. At least initially in the attitude era out of shock value, they likely drew a lot of attention and brought a lot of joy to many early on. As they kept doing it then it became stale and lame.</p><p> </p><p> I guess that leads to a question on whether a sex sells match can be poorly worked but still garner a high rating like a comedy match could just due to reaction.</p>
  13. What disappoints me about it is not just that it sticks you in a box but it does with the A.I. as well. I assumed that the game would have some fluid movement with potential product changes for the A.I. as time goes on, whether they are trying to re-brand or freshen up their product. I'm not a big fan of having to stick with the same product forever and i'm more thinking of the entire game world and not just the user here. The numerous product options are great but it's not needed when you can just use every combination of the sliders and have logic to move them for the AI so the potential of what they can do is much more vast. 16 had min and max settings to keep a particular one from getting too wacky and i find that to make WAY more sense than these set products. I can't wrap my mind around who thought that was a better idea because the way 16 opened up freedom with angles and gimmicks was genius and the right thing to do. Similar to auto booker, i just hope that the boundaries can be pushed with potential. I can see Adam did a great job in implementing logic w/ a bit of randomness because you need it but i do wonder if it's a little too narrow in potential. You can always give us the ability to set auto booker logic ourselves too, although i'm sure that would take time to create. The fact that we can fill in already started cards with auto booker is an outstanding addition though, really like that as long as it works well and it's not too limited in direction.
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rebby" data-cite="Rebby" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Was reading the manual and read 'Your Office > Creative' section. Damn, Adam, tell us how you really feel.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Just read it, that's funny. </p><p> </p><p> Definitely shouldn't be putting limitations on how people play their game. I've actually been pushing two people on my "time decline" list in my current 16 game but on the other hand i do see the thought process in making people identify the decline themselves through results and worker profile. He provides us with enough tracking to see the changes.</p><p> </p><p> Still though, the product limitations really don't sit well with me so i might have to wait a little bit to see how improved this one gets. I'm already pretty happy with 2016 version, just would be nice to have all the good additions that are in 2020 with it and not the bad decisions that take away.</p>
  15. I don't really qualify these as issues. Unless it's multi-player games that you are concerned with. We can already go in and edit so much of the game world already so i don't have a problem with this, just be disciplined and stay out.
  16. Good post Clownsy I don't have anything of value to add to it but i do think that how the game has handled overness for established stars and how far they drop or rate of drop or their re-increase for comebacks is something that could use some rate fixing.
  17. I'd like to be able to add more strictly to create more diversity with the AI and if the AI is dependent on the templates then just allow us the ability to alter the AI booking. I'm sure that dominoes into booking skill for workers but this is something that probably shouldn't be limited in potential of outcome. The more that can happen the better the replayability and holding interest longer.
  18. I really like it. As long as it doesn't handicap the AI from pushing low perception talent.
  19. Best i could find was click "Contracts" button to the right of the search button on the roster page. Lower middle of screen.
  20. I see it's dependent on how many schools there are and the quality. I like that. As long as there isn't caps on how many can be generated overall i'm happy.
  21. I don't see an option for rate of new workers anymore. Is that a fixed setting now too?!
  22. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Special One" data-cite="The Special One" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>When I try to start booking my first show I just get "Run time error: 3265" and then it closes. Anyone know how to fix this?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Put that in tech support forum</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=269" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=269</a></p>
  23. Oh ok, i'm just seeing this now. Product limitation is DEFINITELY an issue. Appreciate the added options but the only real answer is to give back the freedom, i'm sure there's a core reason that it is limited but if there's a way to switch that back or easily allow a bit more freedom to the sliders and %'s it really should be done.
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