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Everything posted by Novacain

  1. If anyone can give a rundown of big changes, new stars, new companies, or worker deaths I’d very much appreciate it. Just started a 9 hour shift.
  2. A bit late to this but I’ll give it a shot. There will be a lot of inspiration from the 2018 cornellverse mod, which is awesome. USPW: Biggest company in the world, but dealing with enormous issues in the locker room, as egos have led to giant problems and high roster turnover. Nicky Champion has gone from company figurehead to leaving the company after backstage politicking. The women’s division still exists, but has been heavily de-emphasized, leading to the loss of the vast majority of its high tier talent. SWF: Spiraling out of control. The SWF after losing 2 of its star home growns seems almost exclusively relying on older talent, with Jack Bruce still headlining. They have had guys seemingly ready to take over as top acts, but indecisive booking has led to Valiant, Des Davids, and others treading water. TCW: Stable. Rocky Golden went from getting John Cena/Roman Reigns heat to becoming universally beloved when he resigned with TCW over bids from the other power players, and he, Wolf Hawkins, and Aaron Andrews have became almost unturnable babyfaces for being the pillars of the promotion. TCW has scouted well and has tons of talented young up and comers, including Matthew Keith and Jay Chord as the young lions who have pushed into the top of the card. The team of Logan Wolfsbaine and Ernest Youngman are viewed as the best tag team in America. NOTBPW: The men’s division is in a rough spot, as Sean Deelay, Cameron Vessey, and Ricky DeColt do there best to keep the main event producing. But it’s the women who have became the reason for NOTBPW’s rise, as they were the main benefactor of USPW women’s cuts, with the story of Alicia Strong trying to match her fathers longest title reign being a gigantic story, as she now approaches 2 years as NOTBPW women’s champion, with classics with Amber Allen, Sara Marie York, and Lauren Easter main eventing major shows. CGC: Dead due to Alex’s ego. SOTBPW: Chanpagne Lovers hiatus from the wrestling business has slowed there momentum, though not completely. El Lion has emerged as a worthy ace, but the US expansion hasn’t gone amazing, and there inability to take Gino Montero and Mr. Lucha III from Ollie has led to actual competition in Mexico for the first time in a decade. OLLIE: Gino Montero and Mr. Lucha III have emerged into some of the biggest stars in Mexico, as there feud over the top belt has put on multiple classics. Other talent has also used this to elevate themselves, as Lucha and Gino have seemed to make army’s against one another, and just being involved in the rivalry has elevated many. Ollie has a TV deal and a growing fanbase, and 2 cornerstones that rival any one else in the world. 21CW: Strength to Strength. Still like playing on easy mode. Only weakness is the lack of a true super worker as Cornell and Matrevers are a little on the old side. Olsen and Burton are either main eventers or on the cusp, and Buff Martinez has became a true top of the card act. RAW: The controversial one. After a string with no Swoop on top and injuries to other top draws, the shocking story of 2018 was the sobering reality that RAW was owned by a TV Network. And with the ratings down, RAW was cancelled, thus completely shocking the Australian wrestling scene. 2 startup feds have formed, and APW has used this to push themselves right up as well. The Aussie scene has 3 companies that are high regional, each running vastly different styles of shows, and it feels like war is a certainty. WLW: The company that weathered the Tsunami best, WLW has shot up to leading the Japanese wrestling business. But it hasn’t been perfect, as a riff formed in 2019 between Magnum Kobe and Emerald Angel. Angel, having more political sway, ended up ousting Kobe from the company, but this has led to Kobe being the worlds most valuable freelancer, working shows across the world. BHOTWG: The biggest loser of the tsunami, BHOTWG’s roster has been gutted. Almost all major gaijins have returned home, A good portion of there junior roster left for bigger pay days in WLW, and multiple of there heavyweights followed Koshiro Ino to the US. PGHW: PGHW made some hard decisions to keep there heads above water (that was unintentional pun but I am sticking with it), but is has overall lead to a windfall of being the “Kings of the Heavyweight division” While Koiso, Mushashibo, Kunomasu, and Diaz were let to retire or move on, Kawashima, Ugaki, Jimbo, Makiguchi, SATO and Kitoaji were kept as the new centerpieces. The result has been a new PGHW six, as PGHW seems to be repeating there initial rise of to popularity on six great workers much like they did in the late 90’s. Individual worker stuff: The Bumfholes left SWF, and went separate ways wanting to strike as singles competitors. One has became a star, the other seems stuck in the midcard and is getting increasingly bitter. Sayeed Ali has basically become the face of the COTT, and his ability to show up in a territory, cut a promo to build to a big match and then put up great main events has had people calling for him in big promotions. Ali however has said he is a 4C worker for life, and will not sign a written contract anywhere.
  3. And the file for this is gone and my hard drive died again. And not the version we put up is down.
  4. Joining the crowd: Had the mod before my hard drive crashed last year and loooooved it. Would really love it if somebody, anybody, could reupload please.
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