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Everything posted by lavelleuk

  1. ZEN only hire free agents and their own graduates, so I'd recommend opening dojo's for both too. The good thing with ZEN is you can take any random free agent and give them any stupid gimmick you can think of, so anyone can be a decent hire as long as their gimmick gets over, and if they flop they still gained experience from working in the company so it's a win-win.
  2. I had a great save with SNP, I think in the '18 version though. Backstage rating quickly down to 0, so many fights, drugs, fallings out as I just let it all happen haha
  3. I don't think any of the originals who loved the company would want anything to do with Bach, Morgan or DAVID lol
  4. Thank you! I have always been an SWF guy, but there are two other promotions that have caught my eye so far, one being RSW from '22 Sadly, there is a good chance that DAVID suffered a quick and painful death Honestly, the "full" version of this mod won't be for everyone, but the tests so far have confirmed that in '26 there is more of that "anything can happen" feel. I may have said this before, but it does feel like TEW is really made for a bigger database, especially with tiny/insignificant promotions. You can really see and feel the difference that can make
  5. They're great, especially The People's Church, thank you!
  6. I love that, thank you so much for posting! I am really glad you all enjoyed it!!!
  7. I was hoping someone could help me with a couple of stable logos for my CVerse mod please? They can be AI, and because I know how annoying words are with AI they can just be symbols, no need for writing I was hoping someone could make: Almighty Dollar - Rich Money led group The Dark Imperium - your cliche supernatural/occult style "cult" The People's Church - Melvin Otto led group. He's a new age/hippie style cult leader, things like tee-dye and peace signs Anyone attempts to make these would be hugely appreciated!
  8. I may be wrong about this - but did someone create an "Almighty Dollar" stable logo? From the old Rich Money/Remo SWF tag team? I thought I had seen it, bit nothing came up on search so I am probably wrong!
  9. 2026 UPDATE I have come up with a plan for the 2026 release that I think will work pretty well. As I mentioned before, the 2026 mod has a hell of a lot more promotions, that is already bringing excellent results, and feels more how TEW should work. It means new workers are finding jobs, unknowns are having more chances to make it big, and it isn't the same old workers every save becoming popular. However, due to load times there will be two releases, a normal release and an extended one. On top of that I was already planning to do some region specific releases, as in testing I have already found having just a very loaded USA (for example) makes things run better than having every region open, but with less promotions in each region. I know those versions might not be for everyone, but at least there is the option. Because I was already thinking of doing those versions of the mod I have decided it would make sense to release "Beta" versions of the mod as I complete each region. So for example, I am currently working on USA, once that is done I will delete all the foreign promotions/workers and release as a USA beta. That way I hope I will get feedback on any mistakes, as well as feedback on how promotions run. So if, for example, SWF is too easy or too hard I can work on balancing stats before a full release, rather than releasing a potentially broken final product. It also means people will get versions of the mod sooner, which I know some people want! So at the minute I am working on USA, and I have already fully completed SWF, TCW, BOH, B-Wild and RIPW. Due to roster sizes and nature of BOH that is the three biggest companies done already, so things are on there way finally!
  10. That whole batch is genuinely some of the best AI renders I have seen for TEW, but this one is just god tier!!
  11. 120 companies is incredible work, even before you include the graphics and the extra details like actually coming up with events for them Really impressive work!
  12. Using 1.46 (Part III) I have provided screenshots below, but I have a worker who is eligible for the companies Hall Of Fame, but for some reason he isn't showing up when you check in game. He's in the data, and guessing it must be an issue with that worker as his tag team isn't showing up either.
  13. Yeah she's from my mod...and that render is terrifying in all the right ways!
  14. I really like that, could see a real life wrestling school using something similiar!
  15. Oh right, is that school a batman reference then??? They're all really appreciated!
  16. Is anyone able to change the "Supreme Rumble" logo to an "Xtreme Rumble" on please? Not sure how easy it is, but it would be greatly appreciated
  17. They all look really good to me, thank you! I had downloaded a boring red background/white stripes placeholder for the Estrella school, it looked terrible lol That Cat's Lair one one looks really good, but anything with cats wins me over lol
  18. I've gone with the second one for now! That dojo won't show up in the 2018 game, will only be in the 2026 one
  19. They both look great, thank you! No idea which I'll use lol
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