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Peppermint Rage

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Posts posted by Peppermint Rage

  1. While I agree with Jaysin it should be noted that the next shows up to Wrestlemania are traditionally very smarky. Even though I personally like Reigns I believe he is going to be booed out of the building in the next few weeks. Get ready for either HHH or Ambrose to be ridiculously over.


    this as well, I'd also like to note that i don't hate reigns, i think he's not bad and has improved quite a bit however his mic work, although better is still awful and people have made it clear that shoving roman down peoples throats is only gonna piss them off more, i think cena's great, but i hated it when he was superman, however at least he rose to that point over time, with roman wwe just put roman there immediately and refused to understand that maybe iff he had some actual stuggles getting to the top, people wouldn't hate him so much.


    also there are just so many people that are more entertaining than him.

  2. The majority of the fans cheer for Reigns and at every show you can see countless shirts of his in the audience. This whole "everyone hates him" thing is getting ridiculous. There is a vocal minority that boo him, but he gets cheered a lot and gets good reactions.


    i disagree, there was a period where people cheered him, but sinse the rumble his best reactions have been a small pop followed by lukewarm reaction all round, and that's at his best, at his worse... did you hear tonight?

  3. Triple H vs. Reigns has very blatantly been the plan since before the Rumble, so I'm not sure how you could have expected any different result.


    idk i figured them may make a change considering they don't want people to boo the main event of mania and they don't have have mitb to fix it this time, i mean why tease the fans with someone they actually want and then have the guy they want us to like beat the guy we actually like, supriseing, no, doesn't make it less stupid.

  4. Triple H got cheered when he made his entrance and cheered whenever he interacted with Reigns. This crowd was even more Reigns friendly than most are.


    I agree that the story didn't need the title, but it adds more importance to the feud.


    Like I said the other day, there wasn't even a remote chance that someone other than Reigns, HHH, or Lesnar was going to win. Being predictable isn't always a bad thing. Quite a few people were made to look like stars tonight in my opinion. Kalisto, AJ, Ambrose, and Owens all came out of the Rumble show looking like legit stars regardless of the results of the match.


    reigns had been getting cheered recently, but it's been getting weaker every raw, now there booing him again... the beloved face of the company right there...



    importance that could better be placed elsewhere.




    first off my complaint was about the rumble match not the rest of the show, the rest of the show was great, I agree with you that predictability isn't always bad thing but the rumble match is a time where it is, when you advertise the match every year and say "anyone can win" i know you don't really mean that, but i do expect it to be unpredictable, instead we get the one thing so many of us expected... I also don't have a problem with trips vs roman at mania but as the main event... it just make me sad.

  5. was pretty disappointed here, how long will it take wwe to realize that the key to a good rumble is unpredictability If most of us can guess the finish going into it it feels like a slow slog until that happens, at least keep the other possibilities around 'till the end,why was bray out quite a bit early compared to the few others we felt had a chance, with brock it made sense, as they were setting up a feud and took people off guard, the way i see it the crowd reaction tells the story here, roman and trips got boos and silence, bray, brock and aj and ambrose were who the crowd cared for the most here there were others as well. the rumble has pissed off the crowd 3 years in a ****ing row.
  6. I'll say this, I believe the best characters (with rare exceptions) are relateable, and I personally don't find Roman's character at all relateable, the only time I've liked him post sheild is when he was in that clip where he was singing to his daughter, I like goofy dad roman, I don't like bad smug promos (admittedly there's been less) or the unstoppable I can beat any obnoxious odds you throw at me roman, I mean he beat a man who is supposed to be a legitimate challenger, despite getting hit by his finish twice every pin attempt on him being fast counted, and two screwy referees.
  7. http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee489/asaemon/TEW%20Alts/Extreme%20Deluxe%202.jpghttp://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee489/asaemon/TEW%20Alts/Extreme%20Deluxe.jpg


    I enlarged the rerender since the original one looked so small. I think that i did the same with Fearless Blue and the rest. I added some facepaint to the other one.


    any chance I could get this without the nose ring? thanks in advance.

  8. Everyone knows records are meant to be broken...but at least find somebody who would've represented better. Paige would've have been a better canidate...Layla would've have been a better canidate if she didn't retire from getting poorly used...Hell they could've paid Trish Stratus a boat load of money to come back and really legitimize that title. Hell I would've stomached Alicia Fox better than Nikki....



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