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Peppermint Rage

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Posts posted by Peppermint Rage

  1. Good point. Reigns does come off as smug and annoying. Maybe he should try that the next time he's heel (if he ever turns heel again).


    And I should've known you were joking but oh well. Once again, didn't mean to use your comment for my own soapbox. Reigns becoming the next John Cena (stale character, basic promos, and all) is just very frustrating and I really hope that doesn't happen.


    It's no problem, although honestly cena's not to bad his character is bland and stale but he's shown he can cut some good promos when he needs to, and is good (not great but good) in the ring.

  2. Reigns turning heel and joining them won't help. He needs character development badly! He's been the same frickin' character ever since he came in with The Shield. And the goofy crap he did (like suffering suckatash on a past episode of Smackdown) is not what I'm talking about.


    WWE creative need to give me, and many other fans, a reason to like Roman without having to resort to some backstage special on the WWE Network that I don't give two sh*** about!


    As a matter of fact, I want to see Reigns show more than just "I'm part of a huge Samoan family" and "I'm super badass!" And don't get me wrong, he's actually growing on me. The Last Man Standing match against Big Show was great and entertaining. In fact, that feud could've used at least one other gimmick match since their normal matches were so unbearable to watch.


    He just needs better writing. Period. That's all. It's almost like the same writers that do Cena's crap (that's if he even has writers) are also doing Reigns' character development. It's boring and doesn't make me want to see him. Actually, I really hope WWE hiring Jimmy Jacobs as a writer will help Reigns and some of other guys that need something different. I'm not saying Jacobs is the answer but its good to see they're getting someone that actually KNOWS how wrestling works. Apologies for using your comment for a rant but I needed to get that off my chest.


    it's not just his writing his promo's seem like their written to sound strong and badass, but when he talks he comes across smug and annoying, but if they put roman with Naomi and Tamina (maybe even the usos) he'll have better performers to carry him again and was meant as more of a joke than anything

  3. Well I do believe Dana has potential (definitely not realized yet but it's there) it bothers me to see her going over better and more over performers.


    KOTR is different, mostly because WWE is currently in a bad spot they don't have a lot of big stars and need to rebuild which simply means they don't have the names to make KOTR as special as it was, so they have to focus on building stars, which KOTR can do, it was a good show and should boost everyone that did well (Bad News, Neville, Sheamus) perhaps in a few years they will have built up the roster enough for it to be amazing again instead of good.

  4. I disagree. Once they quit having reigns quote Looney Toons lines he has been improved. The last few weeks have been good.


    Everyone just shits on Reigns because its the cool thing to do right now. If they would give him the Goldberg "bad ass that doesn't need to talk" approach he would get miles.


    he's gotten better in the ring I give him that(there's still a pretty big list of better guys there though) he's still awful on the mic though (better than the looney tunes stuff) as i said before he seems like he doesn't know how to come across as anything other than annoyingly smug, which is particularly bad since the words of his promos make it seem like he's supposed to be powerful, intimidating and badass. he looks like it but he simply doesn't act the part.

  5. I will admit that Roman has gotten better in the ring and every ppv match he's been in since Fastlane has been good (although in my opinion Daniel and Brock definitely carried him) however there's still multiple people on the roster who are better in the ring and I can't think of anyone (at least anyone that's been on the mic recently) that's worse on the mic... I mean does he have any emotion other than smug prick(I don't care if that's not an emotion).




    Edit: Hell yeah Sandow is back

  6. Naomi's finisher is good when she nails it but this week she didn't. She hit it way too soft and I don't think Nikki sold it right. That was the botchiest divas match since #givedivasachance started, which is a shame. Still no Charlotte but at least Naomi is finally being pushed. She needs a bit of polish but the division is lacking babyfaces with AJ gone.


    Ryback was there to take the pin instead of Reigns. But the match was only 5 minutes and it was obvious Orton was winning so the whole main event was a letdown.


    I like Naomi and honestly I'm happy about this finish because i think we all know the rear view was/is pretty damn stupid

  7. thanks everybody who responded, my general rule will be to only hire people who are liberal and unemployed (with a few exceptions when they feel right like Toni) in a promotion based around, as mike would say, "batshit crazy ultraviolent hardcore shit" it's an integrated product so even Joanna will be included in that chaos.



    edit: i always wanted to have a game where i manage to train the minor annoyance into someone useful and than having him become The Major Threat.

  8. here's some more alts i made up still happy to hear anyone's thoughts on these


    Madman Boone




    Mikey James








    Robbie Wright




    Roger Cage


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