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Everything posted by Croquemitaine

  1. WEEK FIVE SCHEDULE ALPHA DIVISION (1) The Mastodon (3-1, OVR 487) vs. (5) Brandy McDonald (2-2, OVR 498) (4) Nuclear Templeton (2-2, OVR 494) vs. (2) George Mastachas (3-1, OVR 486) (3) Mel O'Hallister (3-1, OVR 503) vs. (6) De'siree Mitchell (2-2, OVR 476) (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-3, OVR 483) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-4, OVR 489) BETA DIVISION (8) Pulsar (1-3, OVR 456) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (4-0, OVR 535) HARDCORE MATCH: (6) Billy Norris (1-3, OVR 482) vs. (2) Blood River (3-1, OVR 488) (7) Big Scott Weathers (1-3, OVR 465) vs. (4) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-2, OVR 487) (3) Jean-Paul Ouilette (2-2, OVR 490) vs. (5) Angela Wassermann (2-2, OVR 455) GAMMA DIVISION (3) Terrance Stevens (2-2, OVR 456) vs. (1) Christian Priest (4-0, OVR 539) (5) Diego Rodriguez (2-2, OVR 483) vs. (2) Lucas Molina (3-1, OVR 455) (8) Erick Gibson (0-4, OVR 465) vs. (4) Diamond (2-2, OVR 467) (6) Indigo Rose (2-2, OVR 456) vs. (7) Markus Clay (1-3, OVR 454) DELTA DIVISION (2) Monty Dhillon (3-1, OVR 498) vs. (5) Jun Onoo (2-2, OVR 459) (6) El Tornado (1-3, OVR 431) vs. (3) Kichi Hida (3-1, OVR 439) (1) Lance Heartilly (4-0, OVR 420) vs. (4) Scott Stevens (2-2, OVR 409) (7) Nocturne (1-3, OVR 404) vs. (8) Devil's Delight (0-4, OVR 414) A lot of these, I'm voting with my heart instead of my head. Not that my head's been reliable...
  2. A short time after week four has concluded… Daphne Ellis: I’m backstage with Angela Wassermann, coming off a tough loss to “The Juggernaut” Brian Blackfield. Angela, how are you feeling? Angela Wassermann: Nicht gut. My head has not felt this way since I left cage fighting. Herr Blackfield truly comes by his name honestly. DE: It looked like your gameplan coming in was to keep out of his reach, wear him down and go for a submission, either the stump puller or your cross arm breaker. Do you think he was ready for that? AW: Nein. I started the match well, kept him on defense. But Herr Blackfield… he came in the same way he always does—your plans mean nothing, his attack is der Blitzkrieg and no one has held up to it. It is something I must consider for the rematch. I need to focus more. DE: After the sorting of tiebreakers and the like, you’re fifth in the Beta Division. Going forward the rest of the way this season, who other than Blackfield do you see being the biggest hurdle for you to cross in this division? AW: Alles. Not a single man in this division is an easy opponent. I have barely managed to stay in this division twice now. Ich denke nicht, meine Glück einmal Saison andauern… pardon. I do not think I can have that luck again for another season. I simply must do better. DE: I see. One final question. Have you considered a potential partner for Tag Team Turmoil next month? AW: …Ja. I have. But that is between myself and the person I’ve spoken to. DE: I see. Thank you, and good luck the rest of the season.
  3. So it seems that loss was just too much for poor Monty to take. He's had a nervous breakdown... and emerged with a new personality! So everyone, please say hello to The League's newest superstar: MOUNTIE DHILLON!!! Dear God yes, I'm kidding!
  4. A video making the rounds on social media: The video opens on Monty Dhillon looking sombre, sitting alone in a dark stairwell. His voice, when he finally begins to speak, is quiet and introspective... I won't lie. Things didn't start well for me in The League. I didn't want to be in Delta Division. None of us did. It was the bottom. The basement. We were the designated curtain jerkers and bathroom breakers. We didn't like it, no, but that didn't mean we couldn't do something about it. We weren't friends. Hell, some of us hated each other, but there was a mutual understanding... We were going to MAKE people care about Delta Division. Monty looks up, his voice gaining intensity... And we did! We may not have put on the best matches, or the flashiest matches, but fans knew... if you watched a Delta Division match... you were gonna see a FIGHT! No holding back, no time-wasting, no mincing about. Just big moves and bigger hits! We were giants, or fought like giants... Monty briefly looks down at the image on his shirt... We put it all out there for the fans, and I think... I believe... they understood that. Representing Delta Division was a source of pride. We made it a home! Monty looks back down, lowering his voice again... But that was two seasons ago. People moved on, or out... new players came and went. Molina stopped by for a cup of coffee before moving on to better things. Anarchy did the same going the other way. Christian Priest... Monty pauses and shakes his head... my forever rival, ascended and left me behind. So now it's Season Ten, and I look around and realize... I'm the only one left! There's no one else here from the days when Delta Division meant something. And I realize... it's not a home. It was never a home. It's more like... a freakin' bus station! Everyone coming and going. No one sticking around. Except me. I'm stuck here. Trapped. Going nowhere. Like some poor sap selling cigarettes and lottery tickets at a dirty kiosk next to the toilets. Monty stands up, his voice rising and his intensity escalating... I can't take it anymore. I have to get out of here. I NEED to get out of here. Monty walks forward, the camera backing up... Delta Division? Hah! I don't even know who you people are. I just know one thing... you're standing between me and the way out. So understand this, punks. This season... I'm not just coming for you... Monty points straight at the camera as he shouts his final line... I'M GOING THROUGH YOU!!!
  5. WEEK FOUR SCHEDULE ALPHA DIVISION (3) Brandy McDonald (2-1, OVR 498) vs. (5) George Mastachas (2-1, OVR 481) (8) Daniel Simmons (0-3, OVR 489) vs. (2) Mel O'Hallister (2-1, OVR 499) (4) De'siree Mitchell (2-1, OVR 476) vs. (6) Nuclear Templeton (1-2, OVR 490) (7) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-2, OVR 483) vs. (1) The Mastodon (2-1, OVR 483) BETA DIVISION (1) Brian Blackfield (3-0, OVR 531) vs. (4) Angela Wassermann (2-1, OVR 455) (3) Yoshii Nakamatsu (2-1, OVR 487) vs. (2) Blood River (2-1, OVR 484) (5) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-2, OVR 485) vs. (7) Big Scott Weathers (1-2, OVR 465) (8) Pulsar (0-3, OVR 450) vs. (6) Billy Norris (1-2, OVR 481) GAMMA DIVISION LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (5) Markus Clay (1-2, OVR 454) vs. (1) Christian Priest (3-0, OVR 533) (3) Diego Rodriguez (2-1, OVR 483) vs. (6) Diamond (1-2, OVR 464) (4) Terrance Stevens (1-2, OVR 452) vs. (2) Lucas Molina (3-0, OVR 455) HARDCORE MATCH: (8) Erick Gibson (0-3, OVR 465) vs. (7) Indigo Rose (1-2, OVR 452) DELTA DIVISION (1) Monty Dhillon (3-0, OVR 496) vs. (2) Lance Heartilly (3-0, OVR 413) SUBMISSION MATCH: (7) Devil's Delight (0-3, OVR 415) vs. (6) Jun Onoo (1-2, OVR 456) (3) Kichi Hida (2-1, OVR 436) vs. (4) Scott Stevens (2-1, OVR 410) TABLES MATCH: (8) El Tornado (0-3, OVR 429) vs. (5) Nocturne (1-2, OVR 405)
  6. My only real predicition for this week is that... this will be one of the two weeks I drop at the end of the season. 🥴 WEEK THREE SCHEDULE ALPHA DIVISION (3) Mel O'Hallister (1-1, OVR 495) vs. (4) Nuclear Templeton (1-1, OVR 490) - does Nuclear's desire for revenge finally overcome his inability to defeat O'Hallister? (5) Brandy McDonald (1-1, OVR 493) vs. (8) Daniel Simmons (0-2, OVR 489) LAST ONE STANDING MATCH: (1) George Mastachas (2-0, OVR 481) vs. (2) The Mastodon (1-1, OVR 479) - Tougher pick than it looks. Mastaches is 4-0 vs Mastodon... but 0-2 in Last One Standing matches. (7) De'siree Mitchell (1-1, OVR 472) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (1-1, OVR 484) BETA DIVISION (6) Billy Norris (1-1, OVR 480) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (2-0, OVR 525) (4) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-1, OVR 485) vs. (5) Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-1, OVR 481) SUBMISSION MATCH: (3) Blood River (1-1, OVR 481) vs. (2) Angela Wassermann (2-0, OVR 456) (7) Big Scott Weathers (0-2, OVR 459) vs. (7) Pulsar (0-2, OVR 449) GAMMA DIVISION (4) Diamond (1-1, OVR 463) vs. (1) Christian Priest (2-0, OVR 527) (7) Erick Gibson (0-2, OVR 465) vs. (5) Diego Rodriguez (1-1, OVR 479) (2) Lucas Molina (2-0, OVR 453) vs. (3) Markus Clay (1-1, OVR 454) (6) Indigo Rose (1-1, OVR 453) vs. (8) Terrance Stevens (0-2, OVR 449) DELTA DIVISION FIRST BLOOD MATCH: (1) Monty Dhillon (2-0, OVR 491) vs. (2) Scott Stevens (2-0, OVR 408) (4) Jun Onoo (1-1, OVR 456) vs. (6) Nocturne (0-2, OVR 400) (5) Kichi Hida (1-1, OVR 433) vs. (6) Devil's Delight (0-2, OVR 415) CAGE MATCH: (8) El Tornado (0-2, OVR 428) vs. (3) Lance Heartilly (2-0, OVR 409)
  7. Remember, if the regular site is down, you can try our alternate url at https://pissanttshirtcompany.com 😜
  8. Thank you to whoever nominated me. It is hugely appreciated. 😂
  9. I haven't done either, but there are complete sets of PGHW events available. If you can't find them in the 2020 or 2016 mod forums, you can download Lavelleuk's alt-2020 mod because I know they're included with that.
  10. ALPHA DIVISION (4) George Mastachas (1-0, OVR 477) vs. (2) Mel O'Hallister (1-0, OVR 495) (3) Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 493) vs. (6) Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 479) (6) Nuclear Templeton (0-1, OVR 486) vs. (5) Daniel Simmons (0-1, OVR 489) (6) De'siree Mitchell (0-1, OVR 466) vs. (1) The Mastodon (1-0, OVR 478) BETA DIVISION (2) Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-0, OVR 485) vs. (1) Brian Blackfield (1-0, OVR 521) (3) Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 479) vs. (4) Angela Wassermann (1-0, OVR 451) (7) Blood River (0-1, OVR 477) vs. (5) Big Scott Weathers (0-1, OVR 459) (5) Pulsar (0-1, OVR 449) vs. (7) Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-1, OVR 477) GAMMA DIVISION (2) Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 521) vs. (6) Erick Gibson (0-1, OVR 463) (6) Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 449) vs. (5) Diego Rodriguez (0-1, OVR 475) (1) Markus Clay (1-0, OVR 454) vs. (6) Diamond (0-1, OVR 457) (3) Lucas Molina (1-0, OVR 448) vs. (4) Indigo Rose (1-0, OVR 453) DELTA DIVISION (1) Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 487) vs. (5) Nocturne (0-1, OVR 400) (5) Jun Onoo (0-1, OVR 452) vs. (8) El Tornado (0-1, OVR 428) (4) Kichi Hida (1-0, OVR 432) vs. (3) Lance Heartilly (1-0, OVR 404) (5) Devil's Delight (0-1, OVR 415) vs. (2) Scott Stevens (1-0, OVR 404)
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