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Clark K

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Everything posted by Clark K

  1. This was really informative. A little surprising as well, since I rarely see workers develop much without regular matches. Could it be because the guys in your test have higher than average potential? I would also be interested in seeing the results of the other tests. Seeing how quickly workers develop by working on house shows would also be pretty cool
  2. Its a bit gamey, but you can just add a new player to your game and choose to control the worker who you want to return from hiatus. Have him take over some insignificant company and then have him step down immediately. Then you hit the "leave game" button to make him AI controlled again.
  3. I would describe Oscar Vera as a very good prospect in TEW terms. The big problem with newgens, is that most don't have any where near as balanced a stat spread as Vera does. Too many people have good SQ but terrible mic skills and in ring stats. Others have a terrible look and single digit Psych, but a 45 in technical. Most don't spawn with any stats above the low 40's. Even fewer have multiple stats above that range, and almost all newgens are terribly deficient in at least one key Area. This problem is compounded by the slow pace at which workers develop their skills. Even prodigies, wrestling many times a month, will likely only see 4 or 5 point attribute increases yearly. Fundamental skills like Basics, and Safety can and do go up very quickly, but not other stats. A newgen whose best in ring stat is at or around 30 (which is common), will need around a decade just to become half decent in ring. Since it is often hard for young, untalented workers with low pop to get booked, many prospects don't get enough matches to even attain that modest level of stat growth. This tends to kill long term saves as eventually, there just aren't enough good workers to go around.
  4. As a medium sized company, how many shows can i hold in my home region per month before i start to get attendance penalties.
  5. I always wondered whether a written non exclusive deal would at least prevent the worker from working elsewhere when i have a show that day
  6. I was wondering if there was a penalty for taking too long to pull the trigger on a turn. If so, how many segments does it usually take before the penalty kicks in
  7. I actually can't get it to work. Is it supposed to download as an MDB file?
  8. Assuming broadcaster sizes are equal, is it more profitable to have your monthly events on cable PPV or your own broadcast network
  9. Is it just me, or is the AI not using turns at all. Im about 4 years into a RW watcher save and I've yet to notice a single turn. It's lead to a situation where most rosters are drastically imbalanced in favour of babyfaces. Especially in the main event and upper midcard levels. Its also beginning to wreak havoc on AI booking
  10. When i download the new patch, will the changes made effect my saved game? I think i saw somewhere on the forum that some of the Beta Patches didnt update saved games
  11. It ranges. But yeah, it is worse for poorer bookers. I gave Cody 90 Booking Skill so AEW wasn't quite as repetitve. But i was still seeing the same 2 or 3 match ups main eventing every card and still quite a bit of repetition in terms of matchups. Also, even for good bookers, it seems they choose who to push at random. Im seeing Moxley, with high SQ and pop, getting jobbed out. While the Dark Order, with their highest SQ being 55, have 25 wins and 1 loss
  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaded" data-cite="Jaded" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Have you got latest patch? Adam did some work on women's AI booking as it definitely was an issue prior to this.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Yeah, I'm on Beta 19. AI booking in general has improved in many ways. Yet the repetitveness and randomess is a bit concerning. It's not uncommon at all for Micarders to beat Main Eventers or for Main Eventers to go on unrealistically long losing streaks</p>
  13. AI booking seems to be pretty repetitive. I've been running a quick observer game, just to get a preview for how the AI behaves in general. I'm in week 3 in March and ,just as an example, Charlotte faced Naomi in all seven of her matches
  14. I was trying to install TEW2016 on my new computer but i think ive used all the licenses im entitled to on my Order ID. What should i ddo about that
  15. the game keeps freezing when i try to advance a day. It freezes while trying to clean up the worker history file. Is it something i should just be patient with and wait out
  16. thanks for the replies, guys. That actually could be the cause as far as USPW and SWF go. Although, it is also happening to a created Japanese fed with PGHW's product. Its actually happening to about 5 or 6 feds
  17. Unlikely, since one of the feds i was referring to is USPW. I would assume they can afford the highest levels in terms of production values
  18. Does an announcer or colour guy's overness effect anything? Also, iv'e noticed that some A.I. companies are getting lower show ratings then their segment ratings should add up to. I was wondering why that was? I know from checking the editor that it isn't because of low booking skill and i also have roster and booking penalties turned off.
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigpapa42" data-cite="Bigpapa42" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Where are they holding the shows?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> All over the world actually. Hadn't noticed that.But the shows they put on in their respective home nations and regions are also getting lower show ratings than i assume they should be getting. Im talking about SOTBPW and USPW by the way</p>
  20. I've noticed a lot of A.I. international level companies getting mysteriously low show ratings. If i look at the segment ratings i find that the show rating is consistently 7-10 points lower than what it should be. It isnt that the rosters are too small either. Any guesses as to what might be causing this
  21. I'm about 9 months into a watcher game and there hasn't been a single Canadian indy show yet
  22. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaded" data-cite="Jaded" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Are they only working for you, or elsewhere too?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Just me. I have all my main event workers on written deals. It usually happens after a show where they didn't gain any popularity. I usually get them over easily enough but usually a few days after a show without any pop gains, I'll notice a drop off of a couple popularity points. More of a minor annoyance really</p>
  23. Why do some of my main eventers lose popularity between shows? Im running weekly shows as a cult level promotion. It's happening mostly to younger main event guys like Aaron Andrews while more established guys like Marat and guys lower on the card have been fine.
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