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Posts posted by mrwright86

  1. I need a stable name for the trio of Steven Regal, Fit Finlay and Lance Storm in WCW in 2001. They are a babyface group, the kind of base for them is that they are respectful to you if you are respectful to them, but as soon as you aren't all bets are off. A little bit of Blackpool Combat Club vibes I guess. I've previously had Finlay & Regal in a heel stable called The Commonwealth, so that has to be out.


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    January 28th, 2001
    Conseco Fieldhouse - Indianapolis, Indiana


    WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
    WCW United States Heavyweight Championship: Goldberg © vs. Diamond Dallas Page
    WCW World Tag Team Championships: Edge & Christian © vs. Billy Kidman & Paul Wight
    WCW World Women's Championship: Joanie Lee © vs. Lita
    WCW World Television Championship - Extreme Rules: Rhino © vs. Rob Van Dam
    WCW World Trios Championships: X-Factor © vs. Steven Regal, Fit Finlay & Lance Storm
    Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart
    Eddy Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett
    Booker T vs. Scott Hall
    The Hardy Boyz vs. B.W.A.


    Feel free to leave any predictions. I'm happy to finally get around to my first pay-per-view and then move on to kick-starting the brand extension!

    EDIT: somehow forgot the include the Bret/Benoit match! @DHK1989, just letting you know so you can update your prediction

    • Like 2
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    JANUARY 25TH, 2001


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    Paul Wight & Rob Van Dam defeated Rhino & Edge (11:57) - Billy Kidman was in the corner of "The Giant" and RVD while Tammy Sytch and Christian were also at ringside. Following Kidman's win on Nitro, the momentum was in their favour as Tony Schiavone speculated about the future of the WCW World Tag Team titles were Kidman & Wight to win this Sunday at Souled Out. In a not-at-all shocking turn of events, Tammy looked to distract the referee during the match while Christian attempted to physically get involved, turning the tide in the direction of TSE. In the end, Wight delivered a huge chokeslam to Edge, which RVD followed up on with a Five Star Frog Splash off Wight's shoulders to take home the victory and perhaps give them the advantage heading into Souled Out

    Christian ran into the ring, but despite landing a shot on Rob Van Dam, he was quickly cut off by Billy Kidman who immediately renewed his acquaintances with! Wight stood by and seemed to enjoy the sight of Kidman laying into Christian, but suddenly Wight was then blasted from behind with one of the championship belts by Chris Candido! Candido celebrated, jumping around and drawing Tammy Sytch's attention to him as he asked if Sytch saw what he had done. Sytch had indeed seen, but more than that, she had seen what Candido didn't and that was the lack of effect the blow had on Wight as he spun Candido round and drilled him with a huge one-handed chokeslam!

    Shockingly this wasn't over though as once Wight had gotten back to his feet, he turned and walked right into a Gore from Rhino! Rhino pounded his chest but then he turned and fell victim to a diving kick from the second rope by Rob Van Dam! RVD then hopped to the top rope, lining up another Five Star Frog Splash only for Edge and Tammy to pull Rhino to safety!


    Jeremy Borash was joined by 3 Count, with Shane Helms set to challenge Ron Killings for the WCW World Cruiserweight title later tonight. Helms was serious, which is a departure from the usual fun-loving, dancing 3 Count that everyone has come to know over the past year or so and said that he is more than ready to set right the wrongs committed by "The Truth" and Chilly Willy several weeks ago. Helms talked about how close he was to winning the title, but that was then, this is now and this is his time! Helms then stormed off, leaving Shannon Moore & Evan Karagias to shrug before Karagias sent a warning to Chilly to stay out of the match


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    The Hardy Boyz defeated Kid Kash & Jason Jett (5:35) - The Hardy Boyz returned to action, following their beat down backstage by B.W.A. and looked as good as ever in a win over Kash & Jett, a duo who have had several matches on WCW Saturday Night but couldn't match the brothers Hardy as Jeff secured the win with a Swanton Bomb to Jett

    After their victory, the Matt Hardy grabbed a microphone and proceeded to call out their Souled Out opponents, Erazo & Low Ki, saying they didn't want to wait until this Sunday! When there was no answer, Jeff then called them out, saying they talk a lot about wanting payback, yet when they get called out for a fair fight, they have nothing to say!

    Finally, B.W.A. answered the call and Erazo & Low Ki walked out onto the entrance way. The Hardy Boyz urged them to get in the ring, but it was clear that wasn't on B.W.A.'s mind as Erazo said that once again, Matt & Jeff want everything done on their terms. He said that isn't how it works anymore, from now on, everything that happens will be the way B.W.A. want it to go down, so while they could come to the ring and give the Hardyz another beating, they're going to wait to get what they want on the big stage, on pay-per-view at Souled Out. Erazo then made it clear that everything that happens to Team Extreme from now on is on them


    In the back, Gene Okerlund was joined by Sonny Siaki and Miss Gorgeous George. Gene questioned Siaki about what comes next for him now we're just one week away from the official split from Evolution, and Siaki said that was a simple question with a simple answer; he's going to enter the NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship tournament, meet Shawn Stasiak in the final and may the best member of Evolution win and after that, he will build his version of Evolution on Thunder. Gene asked about this, noting the sight of Evolution scouting wrestlers at live events and asked whether Siaki has been doing the same. Siaki said that he has been, but while Stasiak is still looking, he already has a core with the likes of Mike Awesome and Chase Tatum whereas he is starting from scratch. But not to worry, he has already done phase one of his recruitment and just like Stasiak said before, we'd meet them soon



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    WCW WORLD CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Shane Helms defeated Ron Killings (5:42) by disqualification - The frustration felt by Helms over the outcome of the six-way match that saw Killings win the title was clear for everyone to see. Despite this, he definately threw himself into it and the announcers were impressed by the change in demeanour from Helms to a more serious and focused wrestler as opposed to his regular, fun-loving attitude alongside the rest of 3 Count. Killings though also knew what was at stake and after his successful title defence just three days ago against Juventud Guerrera, he was not going to lose the title under any circumstances. Helms came close on several occasions, but when he hit what many consider to be an incredibly dangerous move, the Vertebreaker, Killings had no chance to kick out. But he didn't have to, as Chilly Willy hit the ring and attacked Helms, causing a disqualification!

    Chilly Willy didn't let up on his attack, putting the boots to Shane Helms as the fans booed. But as Chilly took in the reaction, Helms got back to his feet and laid Chilly out with a running dropkick! Helms started laying into Willy before letting out a yell, dragging him to his feet and dropping him right on his head with a Vertebreaker, leaving him laid out alongside Ron Killings! Helms then grabbed Killings' WCW World Cruiserweight title and raised it in the air, making it clear that his issues with Killings & Chilly are a long way from over


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    Bret Hart defeated Lizmark Jr. (4:20) - After Chris Benoit's impressive win on Nitro, it was Bret's time to warm himself up and build up some momentum. The former WCW World Trios champion Lizmark Jr. proved more of a challenge than Johnny Swinger did against Benoit, but ultimately Bret was too much for him and one Sharpshooter later, Bret was the winner

    Gene Okerlund met Bret Hart in the ring, congratulating him on his victory before asking how he was feeling ahead of facing Chris Benoit this Sunday at Souled Out. Bret said he was feeling good, he was ready to go and excited to face Benoit on pay-per-view. He talked about their meeting on Thunder last month, and how it was a different set of circumstances, what with everything that was going on with Chris Jericho at the time, but what that does show is that he can make Benoit tap out! Bret said that he heard what Benoit said on Nitro about making him tap out, and that's great, he welcomes the challenge but told Benoit that he had no chance of making The Hitman tap out, but despite all that, he wishes him the very best of luck


    The second hour of Thunder kicked off with Rey Mysterio Jr. and Eddy Guerrero in the ring together. Eddy pointed out that unlike on Nitro, Rey is right here, suggesting that neither Jeff Jarrett nor Kurt Angle would be interrupting him tonight! He talked about his and Rey's history, noting that they've traded titles, wins and losses but more than anything else; respect. He accepted that Rey might not always agree with his methods, but that's fine because he knows that Rey has his back, just like Eddy has his.

    Rey then talked about the importance of Souled Out and him being in the main event, challenging for the WCW World Heavyweight title, something just a year ago would probably be impossible. But everything he has done since coming to WCW has made it so he cannot be ignored or overlooked! Rey said that there has never been a Hispanic World champion, not in ECW, not in the NWA, not in the WWF and not in WCW. He said that was going to change "soon", hopefully at Souled Out, but he isn't stupid enough to think that it's going to be an easy ride. He called Kurt Angle the best wrestler in the world and said that his ankle was hurting "for days", so he knows what is in store for him, but more importantly than that, he knows what is at stake and that is the hopes of a whole group of people who are behind him! He said that tonight, he and Eddy set the tone for Souled Out and promised not to let the fans down


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    TAKA Michinoku defeated Jushin Thunder Liger (9:53) - The announcers noted that The Jung Dragons, CIMA & Dragon Kid as well as Kaz Hayashi & Jimmy Yang had been banned from ringside, but that Kristina was there in TAKA's corner. The one-and-only singles encounter took place almost seven years, just two years into TAKA's career in NJPW's inaugural Best of the Super Junior tournament and it was of course Liger who won that day. This time however was different. Kristina was vocal during the match and had a direct impact, distracting the referee during a Ligerbomb that meant when the referee did spot the pin, Liger had TAKA pinned for three seconds already and TAKA kicked out just before the three. Kristina then played no further part and it was TAKA who got the victory, perhaps the biggest of his career when he connected with his patented Michinoku Driver for the huge upset victory


    Fresh off his impressive, yet tainted victory on Nitro, Owen Hart was with Jeremy Borash and talked about how it was one of the highest profile matches and wins he's had in months. But despite that, he now knows what went down and so right here and right now, he's offering Booker T a rematch because he knows if that was him, he'd want a chance to rectify it. Borash suggested that with the upcoming NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament, it's likely that they will meet each other, providing of course that they win their qualifying matches, whoever they might be against. Owen said that he's talked a lot about the circumstances around his one-and-only World Heavyweight title reign in "the other place" and how it doesn't feel right, so the opportunity to win a title in the right way, under the right circumstances means a lot to him and he's not going to let it pass him by


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    Abyss defeated Joe Gomez (1:08) - Sadly, Joe never stood a chance as one Black Hole Slam later and he was done

    The American Nightmare and Daffney joined Abyss in the ring, but it wasn't Dustin with the microphone, as he stood beside Abyss as surprisingly Daffney took the lead. "David" she said between giggles, looking shy as she said it before blowing a kiss down the camera, and with that, The Nightmare Family departed!


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    Spike Dudley defeated Little Guido (7:04) - Looking to impress his brothers, Spike gave it everything he had against the leader of the Full Blooded Italians. Unlike Little Guido, who had the entire F.B.I. in his corner, Spike was out alone, perhaps trying to make a point but the presence of Big Vito & Johnny Stamboli soon came into play as they attempted to get involved in the match. Almost immediately though, this led to the Dudley Boyz to run out and for a fight to erupt between the four men! This continued up the ramp and to the back while in the ring, April Maritato slid her brother a pair of brass knucks, only for Spike to avoid the blow and follow up with a Dudley Dog for the big win


    Tony Schiavone threw it to the back where Gene Okerlund was standing by with Diamond Dallas Page. Gene brought up how so far, both he and Goldberg have dropped each other with sneak attacks, yet he can see that despite this, they both have respect for each other. DDP said that he can only speak for himself and said that he has a lot of respect for Goldberg, for everything he has accomplished in such a short time and you can't knock the fact he held the WCW World Heavyweight title for a whole year. But the fact of the matter is that it was him who ended that title reign, that undefeated streak so he knows what it takes to slay the beast and that it was time for him to wear the WCW United States Heavyweight title once again


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    Taz defeated Kanyon (2:49) - The intensity that Taz brought to ECW and saw him hold the ECW World Television title on four occasions and ECW World Heavyweight championship once was on display here for all to see. Taz showed no sign of intimidation in going up against someone like Kanyon, going so far as to completely disrespect him during the match with a hard slap across the face. Taz threw Kanyon over his head multiple times with incredible suplexes before locking in the Tazmission, one of the most deadly submissions in all of professional wrestling to force Kanyon to not tap out, but to pass out!

    Dave Penzer went to announce Taz as the winner, but "The Human Suplex Machine" snatched the microphone and shoved him away before declaring, "beat me if you can, survive if I let you!"


    Just before the main event, the announcers took the time to run down the final card for Souled Out, taking place this Sunday, live from the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana:


    • WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
    • WCW United States Heavyweight Championship: Goldberg © vs. Diamond Dallas Page
    • WCW World Tag Team Championships: Edge & Christian © vs. Billy Kidman & Paul Wight
    • WCW World Women's Championship: Joanie Lee © vs. Lita
    • WCW World Television Championship - Extreme Rules: Rhino © vs. Rob Van Dam
    • WCW World Trios Championships: X-Factor © vs. Steven Regal, Fit Finlay & Lance Storm
    • Eddy Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett
    • Booker T vs. Scott Hall
    • The Hardy Boyz vs. B.W.A.

    Tony Schiavone also revealed that Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper would be on hand and would speak live to Gene Okerlund to reveal the twelve qualifying matches that would take place over the next two weeks to determine the six entrants for Nitro and six for Thunder in the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament


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    Rey Mysterio Jr. & Eddy Guerrero defeated Kurt Angle & Jeff Jarrett (14:22) - As expected, the match was a high intensity affair, especially following on from Rey's comments earlier tonight. Rey and Eddy didn't wrestle like they had big matches this Sunday, they threw everything they had at their opponents in an effort to win the match and "set the tone" as Rey said. Knowing full well that Rey has a pinfall victory over him already, Angle clearly had no intention of a repeat of that as he went right after Rey's ankle, the same one that he targetted one week ago, now in an effort to ground Rey but also to limit his impact at Souled Out with only three days to go until the pay-per-view. For his part, Jarrett followed suit as he applied the Figure Four Leglock, weakening Rey's resolve but it was Eddy who disregarded the referee's jurisdiction and broke up the hold with a boot right to Jarrett's face! The match would eventually break down but in the end, history repeated itself once again in identical fashion as with Rey screaming in agony while locked in the ankle lock, Rey was once again able to counter it and roll-up Angle for another three count!

    Once again, Kurt Angle couldn't believe it. He was in shock and took a couple of seconds before turning to the referee, screaming that it wasn't a three count. Unfortunately for him, the referee didn't agree and the decision was final, prompting a furious Angle to look around for Rey Mysterio Jr., only to find him half-way up the ramp, hobbling but with a smile on his face. If Rey can repeat this feat at Souled Out, we will have a brand new WCW World Heavyweight champion!



    Shawn Stasiak, Mike Awesome & Chase Tatum defeated Scoot Andrews, Chris Chetti, & Reno (5:21) when Stasiak pinned ChettI
    Las Apaches defeated Kaori Nakayama & Aki Kambayashi (6:36) when Mari Apache pinned Kambayashi
    Lenny defeated Averno (5:52) via pinfall
    Haas Brothers defeated Andy Douglas & Kid Romeo (6:18) when Charlie Haas submitted Douglas
    Buff Bagwell defeated Scotty Mac (2:22) via pinfall
    Evan Karagias defeated Perro Aguayo Jr. (6:53) via pinfall
    Madusa defeated Lisa Marie Varon (5:02) via pinfall
    Jerry Lynn & Justin Credible defeated Hayabusa & Ultimo Dragon (11:28) when Credible pinned Dragon

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    JANUARY 22ND, 2001

    WCW returns to Alabama with just six days to go until the Souled Out pay-per-view, coming live from the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana! The new voice of Nitro, Joey Styles welcomed everyone and introduced his broadcast colleagues Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and "The Professor" Mike Tenay before throwing it straight to the ring where Juventud Guerrera will take on Ron Killings in attempt to regain the WCW World Cruiserweight title!



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    WCW WORLD CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Ron Killings © defeated Juventud Guerrera (9:03) - Having lost the title in his first defence, Juventud was desperate to make amends. As usual, Killings had Theodore Long by his side but that didn't seem to phase Juvi, as he threw everything he had at Killings, coming close several times as the fans made clear their support for the former champion. Killings however was clearly intent on not replicating Juvi's record and losing the title at the first defence as he tried to use the ropes, the tights and distractions from Long to win the match and once again, Killings' bending of the rules worked. Long's distraction of the referee allowed Chilly Willy to hit the ring from behind and deliver a low blow, allowing Killings to hit Consequences for the win


    Theodore Long and Chilly Willy entered the ring and Long handed Ron Killings his WCW World Cruiserweight title as Willy shoved the referee out of the way. As Long and his associates celebrated in the ring, the fans began to cheer as they spotted a furious Shane Helms running to the ring! Helms slid inside, decked Willy and then attacking Killings! He pounded away until Chilly recovered and pulled him off, allowing Killings to strike him from behind, turning the tide into a two-on-one beat down!

    Soon though, Shannon Moore & Evan Karagias charged out from the back and the sight of them sent The Cold Truth scurrying from the ring. Moore & Karagias checked on Helms, but he wasn't in the mood and pushed them aside and demanded a microphone before challenging Killings to defend the title against him on Thunder!"


    Joey Styles threw it backstage where Gene Okerlund was joined by both the Nitro General Manager Roddy Piper and his opposite number on Thunder, Hulk Hogan. Gene noted that Souled Out is just six days away, meaning the following night is the start of the brand extension and the beginning of the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament. Piper said that Gene was right before pointing out that as the WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle can appear on both shows, this means they Thunder and Nitro will be rotating their pay-per-view title challengers, meaning that as Thunder is technically challenging first, the first main event of this new era will see a Nitro wrestler challenge for the title at SuperBrawl XI in February!

    Hogan responded by saying that he is confident that Souled Out will set the tone for the future, with Thunder dominating and predicted that Goldberg will retain the WCW United States Heavyweight title while Rob Van Dam will beat Rhino for the WCW World Television title and bring them both to Thunder! Piper didn't agree and for a moment, tensions threatened to overflow until Gene settled them both down. He then gave further detail to the upcoming tournament, revealing that there would be qualifying matches taking place over the first week following, Souled Out with every match on both Nitro and Thunder being a qualifier before the tournament kicks off properly, round-robin style the following week! Hogan said he couldn't wait and repeated his claim that this would be the biggest tournament in WCW history, but with Piper one-upping it and declaring it "the biggest tournament in professional wrestling history...period!" before promising that the winner would be from Nitro!

    As Hogan and Piper began to bicker again, they were interrupted by Spike Dudley, who shook the hands of both men and apologised for interrupting. He then asked Roddy Piper to sanction a trade for him to Thunder and explained that he didn't know what happened, but he should have been drafted with his brothers and that he wants to be with them on Thunder to challenge for the WCW World Trios titles. Piper said that he would like to keep him because he could see him as a challenger for the WCW World Cruiserweight title, but he can see how much it means to Spike and offered to release him from his Nitro contract! Spike was shocked, thanked Piper and Hogan then offered his hand to Spike and said "welcome to Thunder brother"


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    Joanie Lee defeated Allison Danger (1:04) - Big boot, powerbomb, lights out for Allison Danger and another dominant victory for the WCW Women's World champion


    Microphone in hand, Sherri Martel and Madusa joined Joanie Lee in the ring and Martel first heaped praise upon Lee for her dominance again. She then turned her attention to Thunder last week, commending Lita for his impressive win over Rhonda Singh, but as she said then, Lee and Singh might be bigger and more powerful than your average woman, but that's where their similarities end. Singh was a means to an end, and sadly her usefulness ended last week and Queen's Court has no further need of her services. She then told everyone, especially Lita to remember Souled Out, because that would be the first title defence in the most dominant reign in the history of professional wrestling


    In the back, Gene Okerlund had another guest and this time it was X-Factor. With X-Pac set to face Steven Regal momentarily, Gene asked Pac if he was concerned about Regal's words on Thunder. Pac laughed and asked Gene if he looked concerned, because no, he's not concerned one bit! He said that Regal is tough, but he has to catch him first and he is quicker than anyone in WCW. X-Pac himself then sent a warning, this to Regal's teammates Lance Storm and Fit Finlay, suggesting they stay out of the way otherwise they'd get hurt


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    Steven Regal defeated X-Pac (11:06) by disqualification - Regal made pretty clear his intentions last week on Thunder and there was no sign of playing around, just a purely focused and perhaps sadistic individual in action. Pac's attempts to rile Regal up failed completely, as the veteran from Blackpool, England had seen everything his opponent had to offer and took his time, working to inflict pain on X-Pac. Finally, Regal was able to lock X-Pac in the Regal Stretch, and with nowhere to go, X-Pac would gave no choice but to submit. However, just as he was about to do so, Justin Credible and Jerry Lynn ran up and broke up the hold, forcing a disqualification!


    Jerry Lynn & Justin Credible continued their beat down of Steven Regal and were soon joined by X-Pac in a three-on-one assault. The beatdown continued and as it did so, the announcers questioned the whereabouts of Fit Finlay & Lance Storm until a few seconds later, both men stumbled out from the back, clearly having been attacked! X-Pac laughed before turning back to Regal, who was now struggling to his feet but still defiant as he demanded X-Factor hit him again! X-Pac seemed to shrug, turned to Credible and the two connected with X Marks the Spot to finally put Regal down! X-Factor then posed in the ring with their WCW World Trios champions held high


    Cameras caught up with all three of the Dudley Boyz backstage, and Bubba Ray was pretty much reading Spike Dudley the riot act for letting the team down on Thunder. D-Von did not look happy either, while Spike was clearly apologetic and told his brothers that he would make it up to them by winning his match. He also had some good news; he has officially been traded to Thunder! Bubba Ray looked surprised and D-Von demanded to know who for, and Spike revealed that Roddy Piper had apparently sanctioned the move without asking for anyone in return because he could see how much it meant to him. The Dudley Boyz didn't seem to buy what Spike had said, or rather had been told but then told Spike to not let them down again against Little Guido on Thunder


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    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Dean Malenko (8:49) - Perhaps he was still feeling the after effects of Goldberg's spear from Thunder, but DDP had his work cut out for him against one of the greatest technical wrestlers alive today in Dean Malenko. A good back-and-forth match ensued that also cut to the back to see Goldberg watching on a monitor before DDP snuck out the back of a suplex to catch Malenko with the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere for the victory


    The second hour of Nitro kicked off with the arrival of Jeff Jarrett. His demeanour left his mood open to interpretation following his disappointing loss on Thunder, but when Jarrett spoke, it was with a smile as he recounted smashing his guitar over the head of Eddy Guerrero at the end of the show last week! He brushed off the loss to Rey Mysterio Jr., blaming it on the injury he sustained during the match, noting that if that hadn't happened he would of course have won, before saying he would just have to win the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title instead and take his shot at the WCW World Heavyweight title once he had done that.

    Jarrett was then cut off by the arrival of Eddy Guerrero. Despite what happened on Thunder, Eddy walked out with a smile and told Jarrett that "you got me good" before offering his hand. After considering the offer, Jeff went to take it, only for Eddy to pull back, turn serious and tell Jarrett that he was never going to shake his hand! Eddy said that he knows Rey Mysterio Jr. isn't here tonight as he's recovering from the injury inflicted by both Jarrett and Kurt Angle, but if he was here, he'd probably act a bit better, maybe even show Jarrett a bit of respect after the match, but that's because Rey is a good man, "and to be honest, I'm not all that good", telling Jarrett that he'll get payback for what he did.

    Before Eddy could go on, WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle walked out and joined both Eddy and Jarrett in the ring. Angle ran Eddy down for what he claimed was trying to steal Rey's spotlight, noting that Eddy had his shot and he lost and then on Thunder he got involved in business that once again didn't concern him. Angle turned to Jarrett and said that it would have been a much better main event if he had to face Jarrett, and he agrees that Rey only won by fluke, but there's nothing they can do now before picking up on Eddy's comment that Rey wasn't here tonight and how after Thunder, Angle owes Eddy one for his attack. Angle and Jarrett stepped towards Eddy, who smirked and said he can see what's happening before immediately dropping Angle with a right hand! He went after Jarrett, but before he could do much, Angle jumped him from behind and a two-on-one beatdown ensued with Jarrett laying Eddy out with The Stroke


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    Chris Benoit defeated Johnny Swinger (2:31) - With just six days to go before one of the biggest matches of Benoit's life, he looked to gain momentum with a victory over youngster Johnny Swinger with the Crippler Crossface


    After his win, Chris Benoit called for a microphone. He said that everyone who has followed his career and knows about him will know he prefers to do his talking in the ring. He said that he's heard a lot of talk about his match with Bret Hart at Souled Out being a dream match, and that's true, it's a dream for him, but more than that it's a chance to finally get to where he deserves to be; at the very top of this industry. He said that he has all the respect in the world for Bret and he knows The Hitman feels the same, but when the bell sounds, he is there to win and more than that, he wants it to be definitive, he wants to make Bret tap out!


    Joey Styles received word of a commotion backstage, and when the cameras arrived they discovered a brawl underway between The Jung Dragons and Kaz Hayashi, Jimmy Yang & Jushin Thunder Liger! The arrival of the camera crew didn't seem to make a difference as TAKA Michinoku, CIMA & Dragon Kid continued to fight with their rivals, in a fight that had clearly been instigated by them. Finally officials arrived to separate both groups and as Liger was being held back, he yelled something in Japanese towards TAKA, who responded with some choice words of his own


    After the chaotic scenes backstage finally calmed down, Joey Styles sent it to the back where Jeremy Borash was standing by with Lita and the returning Hardy Boyz. Borash hyped Matt & Jeff's match at Souled Out as well as Lita's WCW Women's World championship opportunity. He then asked Matt & Jeff about their condition following the beat down by Erazo & Low Ki, but this just frustrated the brothers as Matt replied that they really don't get B.W.A.'s issue with them, saying they beat them to unify the ECW and WCW World Tag Team titles fair and square, and sure, they might not be happy about it but everything that has happened to Erazo & Low Ki since then is on them, not the Hardyz. Jeff said that one week ago they sneak attacked them, but at Souled Out they'll be standing face-to-face in the ring, and last time that happened, they walked out winners and the same thing was going to happen this Sunday.

    Borash turned to Lita, who said that she doesn't have to worry about Matt & Jeff because despite what B.W.A. did last week, she knows they are better men than Low Ki & Erazo and she guarantees their victory, just like she is going to do against Joanie Lee. She knows better than anyone that the odds are against her, she saw what Lee did to win the title and she's seen her make short work of everyone's she faced, so she knows. But that doesn't matter because she wants this match and she wants this title and she wants in more than The Glamazon does, and that's what will get her through and see her win


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    Ric Flair defeated Hector Garza (13:52) - After Garza's insulting words about his relationship with his son David on Thunder, Flair was fired up, and it certainly showed as he lit up Garza's chest with brutal knife edge chops. Garza however showed that, just as he did when he faced Diamond Dallas Page a few weeks ago, he has the ability to hang with the top stars in WCW as he took Flair to the limit. Despite this, Garza made a mistake and that was all it took as Garza missed his patented Tornillo, allowing Flair to follow up by targetting the knee and eventually locking in the Figure Four Leglock to pick up the submission victory


    Footage was shown from live events over the weekend, showing Evolution standing just behind the curtain or in some cases out on the entrance ramp watching matches. Back live, Evolution were with Gene Okerlund and he asked Shawn Stasiak about their activities. Stasiak answered plainly that they were doing exactly what he said they would be; scouting for talent. He said that over the past few months, they decided to split Evolution with Sonny Siaki heading up a group on Thunder while he, Mike Awesome, Chase Tatum and Mike Sanders remain on Nitro. In addition to that, they got rid of a lot of "dead wood" in the form of David Flair and Chuck Palumbo, with Stasiak not missing an opportunity to mock their loss on Thunder. As a result, they are recruiting and they have their eyes on a couple of people. When Gene tried to get the information as to the identities of these people, Stasiak laughed and told Gene not to worry, everyone would find out "sooner rather than later" before he and the rest of Evolution walked off


    Before the main event, the announcers hyped Thunder with the just announced main event of Eddy Guerrero & Rey Mysterio Jr. taking on Jeff Jarrett & Kurt Angle. In addition to that, TAKA Michinoku would take on the Japanese icon Jushin Thunder Liger, Spike Dudley goes on-on-one with Little Guido, Edge & Rhino against Paul Wight & Rob Van Dam, Bret Hart and Abyss in action, as well as more to be announced!


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    Owen Hart defeated Booker T (13:56) - Before the match, both men shook hands as a sign of respect. As expected, the match was a high quality, back-and-forth affair with multiple near falls for each and the fans support split down the middle as both Owen and Booker are fan favourites. But the turning point came when Booker T looked ready to secure the win as he followed up a big missile dropkick by lining up for the Axe Kick, but as he bounced off the ropes he was blasted from behind with the ring bell that was swung by Scott Hall! Quicker than a cat, Hall tossed the ring bell aside and escaped into the crowd, meanwhile in the ring, Owen recovered and unaware of what had just happened (as was the referee), scooped up Booker and drilled him with the belly-to-belly sitout piledriver for the big victory!


    The lack of ring bell didn't seem to elicit much of a concern for the referee or Owen Hart, who celebrated his victory before taking leave of the ring. As soon as they were both gone, Scott Hall snuck out of the crowd and attacked Booker T! Booker was defenceless as Hall put the boots to him before dragging him to his feet, hoisting him up and drilling him with the Outsider's Edge! Hall then posed in the ring as Nitro went off the air

  5. Update on Perry Saturn and other injuries following Thunder

    January 19th, 2001

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    by Mave Deltzer


    We understand that former WCW World Tag Team champion Perry Saturn has checked into rehab for drug addiction following an incident at Thunder last night. 

    Apparently, Saturn turned up in no condition to work and was scheduled for a match on Saturday Night. WCW officials were not happy, but were also sympathetic when Saturn was confronted as he didn't deny his issues and in fact asked for help.

    Saturn was drafted to Nitro as part of the draft lottery, although not along with his Revolution tag team partner Dean Malenko so it's unlikely this will have any detrimental effect on Malenko going forward. Hopefully Saturn will get the help he is needed.


    Jeff Jarrett suffered an ankle injury during his main event match with Rey Mysterio Jr., which explains the match winning hurricanrana looking a bit off. It's understood that it was more of a twisted ankle and happened when Jarrett caught a diving Mysterio midway through the match. Fortunately, while Jarrett struggled to finish the match, it's believed that he will be back at 100% by the time of Nitro, where it's speculated he and Eddy Guerrero will have a confrontation of some kind, although nothing has been made official and no match has yet been announced.

    As for other injuries, AJ Styles suffered an abdominal injury back in December during his match with Owen Hart on the Boxing Day edition on Nitro. He has been out of action since, but is currently pencilled in for a return following Souled Out.

    Chris Jericho is another name that is currently injured, having suffered a bruised tailbone during a live event during the week. WCW didn't have any plans for him at the moment (at least until when the brand extension kick starts after Souled Out), so have elected to give him time-off to recover. Interestingly, Jericho had a booking to work the All Japan Pro Wrestling New Year Giant series tour and despite his injury, he worked a match with "Dr. Death" Steve Williams and Stan "The Lariat" Hansen, two men who aren't exactly known for working light. Despite this, it appears as though Jericho has emerged from this match relatively unscathed and his return timescale remains at about 3-4 weeks.

    Kevin Nash is another absentee, having been missing since his Starrcade loss to Rey Mysterio Jr. that resulted in his head being shaved. We understand that this is purely for storyline reason and that Nash is being held off returning to TV to build him back up. Interestingly, following the brand extension, when he does return he will not be alongside Scott Hall for the first time since jumping to WCW back in June of 1996.


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    JANUARY 18TH, 2001


    Thunder kicked off in epic fashion with the arrival of a pissed off WCW United States Heavyweight champion Goldberg! There was none of his usual theatrics as he walked to the ring with a purpose, tossing his title into the ring before snatching a microphone and demanding that Diamond Dallas Page come to the ring and meet him right now!

    For his part, DDP's response was immediate as he walked out to what seemed to be a mixed reaction as noted by the now exclusive broadcast team of Tony Schiavone, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes and finally, back at the announce booth, "Macho Man" Randy Savage. DDP had somewhat of a smirk on his face as he took his time walking down the ramp and entering the ring. DDP asked for a microphone while on the ramp and upon receiving it, asked Goldberg to "back up big man" before finally entering the ring. Goldberg then told DDP he has one minute to explain why he shouldn't just break him in half right now! DDP smirked again and told Goldberg that he wasn't here to apologise, but he would explain because he's not stupid, he knows that the spear Goldberg hit him with was an accident, he holds no ill-feelings about it. But it reminded him just what he has to fight against at Souled Out and the truth is, after that he wanted to remind Goldberg what he will face as well! He knows Goldberg underestimated him at Starrcade over a year ago, but he also knows that while Goldberg isn't the same as he was back then, he knows Goldberg still doesn't think DDP can beat him!

    Goldberg answered and said that he appreciates his honesty, so he's going to be honest with DDP as well; DDP can't beat him! He's not underestimating him, he knows what DDP is capable off and knows just how deadly the Diamond Cutter is and when he hits it, it's over. But that doesn't matter if DDP can't hit it, and at Souled Out, he won't hit it and he won't win. DDP said that Goldberg is confident, maybe cocky, but so is he and he doesn't share Goldberg's belief because the Diamond Cutter can and will come from nowhere, and he will be the new WCW United States Heavyweight champion!

    Goldberg said that it was pretty clear they both have their thoughts, they're both confident so suggested they head to Souled Out next Sunday and leave tonight the way they should have done on Nitro. With that, Goldberg extended his hand to DDP, who considered for a moment, looked around before finally shaking the hand of the champion! The two men showed their clear mutual respect...before Goldberg yanked DDP back and when DDP spun around, he walked right into a huge spear! Goldberg immediately hopped back up to his feet, smirked and said "oops" before picking up his title and walking away


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    The Full Blooded Italians defeated The Dudley Boyz (10:10) - Spike Dudley was in the corner of Bubba Ray and D-Von while Big Vito and Johnny Stamboli had both Little Guido and April Maritato by their side. Dusty Rhodes talked about how big of a win this would be for the FBI were they able to beat the former WCW World Tag Team champions before nothing they were huge underdogs due to the superior experience the Dudley Boyz possessed. However, that was exactly what happened. Little Guido attempted to interfere, prompting Spike to pull him off the apron, kicking off a brawl between the two cruiserweights! However as all this was going on, April then got onto the apron to yell at the referee, distracting him and Bubba Ray, allowing Stamboli to deliver a low blow before Big Vito followed up with a spike DDT for the win and the huge upset!


    Footage aired from Nitro this past Monday night where in the backstage area, Chuck Palumbo met with his old Evolution teammate David Flair, who seemed to be in a much better mood, perhaps as a result of being drafted to Thunder while Evolution ended up on Nitro. Palumbo told David that he was happy to see David in a good mood and suggested that as they are both on Thunder, why not bring back "some of that old Evolution magic" and work together? David considered for a moment and said that he liked the idea. Back live, Tony Schiavone announced that Palumbo & David would team up later tonight to face B.W.A.


    Gene Okerlund was joined by Jeff Jarrett, who following what went down on Nitro, will face Rey Mysterio Jr. in tonight's main event with Rey's Souled Out WCW World Heavyweight title match at stake. As Gene was about to ask a question, Jarrett demanded that he shut up and said that you were looking at the man who will finally end this joke of a run of Rey. He pointed out that Scott Hall failed to end him, Kevin Nash failed as well "and got his head shaved by a damned midget!" Jarrett however guaranteed that he wouldn't fail like them because after he beats Rey tonight, he will take his place at Souled Out and would have a worthy pay-per-view main event, not a joke and an embarrassment like we have now!

    Jarrett made clear that he doesn't have any relationship with Kurt Angle, in fact, he's got some unfinished business with Angle after he "stole" Jarrett's WCW United States Heavyweight title at The Great American Bash two years ago, so facing Rey tonight isn't for Angle, it's for him and after he wins tonight, he'll get his payback when he beats Angle for the WCW World Heavyweight title!


    Up next was Lita against Rhonda Singh and during Lita's entrance, Tony Schiavone recapped the attack on the Hardy Boyz by B.W.A. on Nitro and noted that they are not here tonight due to injuries sustained in the attack.

    Once Lita was in the ring, Singh made her way out accompanied by Queen's Court, but Sherri Martel had a microphone in hand, meaning she had something to say. Martel said she was impressed by Lita's guts, but not by her brains because in the unlikely event that she wins tonight, she still has to face WCW Women's World champion Joanie Lee at Souled Out and that will be a totally different experience!


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    Lita defeated Rhonda Singh (5:55) - The size and power difference was evident from the get go, but so was the speed advantage for Lita as after surviving several power moves in the early going, she was able to avoid a big splash, land two dropkicks before dropping Singh with a Twist of Fate which she followed up with a Litasault to pick up the win


    Immediately after the match, Joanie Lee entered the ring and stood across from Lita. For her part, Lita looked ready to fight, despite everything she had just been through and the effort that had taken her. Then in a shocking moment, Lee turned and blasted Rhonda Singh with a big boot! She then dragged her to her feet and showed her incredible strength by laying her out with an incredible powerbomb! Both Sherri Martel & Madusa were laughing outside the ring, where Martel repeated the words "totally different experience"


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    B.W.A. defeated Chuck Palumbo & David Flair (11:09) - While Palumbo & Flair's relationship goes back several years, they lacked the tag team experience of Erazo & Low Ki, who in addition to be being close friends have been a tag team for several years now. Despite this, David looked like he was getting back on track following his humbling loss to Shawn Stasiak at Starrcade and the emotional damage that and of course the betrayal and loss of his girlfriend Stacy Keibler did to him as he came close to a win, almost getting a submission victory with a textbook Figure Four Leglock on Erazo that he only escaped thanks to Low Ki. Unfortunately, David's momentum was stopped dead when he fell victim to a Ki Krusher from Low Ki before both Ki & Erazo followed up with the Brooklyn Stomp to David, allowing Erazo to make the pin


    Chuck Palumbo checked on David Flair, clearly disappointed but helped his friend to his feet and recognised the appreciation from the fans as he helped him from the ring.

    Before they could leave the ramp, the music of The Nightmare Family hit and out skipped Daffney for her in-ring debut! Daffney stopped right in front of Palumbo and David, turned towards David and blew him a kiss before skipping back away to the ring!


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    Trish Stratus defeated Daffney (8:20) - The announcers speculated about the exchange between Daffney and David Flair before turning their attention to the goings on in the ring. They noted that both women are the same age and that they both entered professional wrestling at about the same time, but that after that, the similarities completely end as evidenced by their respective looks and actions. Despite the absence of The Nightmare Family and this being her in-ring debut in WCW, Daffney held her own for much of the match, giving as good as she good but ultimately a Stratusfaction was the deciding factor in giving Trish the hard fought victory


    After his return on Nitro, Ric Flair joined Gene Okerlund to talk and said that he is feeling reborn after being back out there! He said that he feels better than ever, reinvigorated and ready to do what he said on Monday night; win the NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship!

    Flair was then interrupted by none other than Hector Garza! Garza told Flair that while he has been gone, things have changed and declared himself the face of Thunder because, "who is prettier than him?" Flair smirked and told Garza that he might be pretty, but he's no "Limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling dealing son of a gun" like him; "The Nature Boy"" Ric Flair! It was now Garza's time to smirk as he took off his sun glasses and said that last time he checked, Ric wasn't "The Nature Boy", he lost that to his son David, asking how David is after yet another embarrassing loss? He then stopped himself, remembering that Ric and David have no relationship! This caused Flair to snap as he ripped off his jacket and tossed it aside before challenging Garza to face him on Nitro!


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    Billy Kidman defeated Christian (12:45) - After what happened on Nitro, Billy Kidman was looking to get some measure of revenge after TSE's attack on his partner Paul Wight. Considering Christian's history as a tag team wrestler, he showed, just as Tammy Sytch said, that he is an equally impressive singles competitor as well as he and the former two-time WCW World Television champion had a hugely competitive match. Unsurprisingly, Christian's tag team partner Edge attempted to get involved, tripping Kidman once, which drew Wight's attention, but it was the second time that he did it that saw Wight storm over and grab him by the throat! Fortunately for Edge, the referee spotted the altercation and managed to convince Wight to back down before ejecting both Wight and Edge from ringside! This allowed the match to continue, going on for several more minutes before Kidman managed to avoid a spear from Christian and drilled him with a BK Bomb, giving Kidman the opening to head to the top rope and land a picture perfect Shooting Star Press for the victory


    Steven Regal, Lance Storm & Fit Finlay were with Gene Okerlund and it was pretty clear they, especially Regal, were in foul moods. Regal said that a few weeks ago they put X-Factor on notice that the WCW World Trios championships were coming to them, and nothing has changed there. But after Nitro, something has changed and that is just what they are going to do them at Souled Out, because before then, they were going to beat them in a good old-fashioned wrestling match with the better team winning? Now...now they are going to punish X-Factor! Regal grabbed Mean Gene's microphone and directly to the camera said that X-Pac wants to play games and use a title belt in their match, well more power to him because now Regal wants X-Pac on Nitro and he can't wait to rip his bloody head off!


    For the first time tonight, Thunder General Manager Hulk Hogan headed to the ring. He soaked up the appreciation of the fans before saying he didn't want to take up too much time because they have "a hell of a main event" coming up. But he was out here because Souled Out is just ten days away and he wanted to announce another huge match for the pay-per-view. Following their obvious issues over the past couple of weeks, Booker T will go one-on-one with Scott Hall! But before that, this Monday on Nitro and for the first time since Starrcade, Booker T will be in action against someone he has high expectations of, someone he thinks could win the NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship, another of the huge names Thunder has to offer; Owen Hart!


    A video package aired, once again hyping the debut of Taz in WCW but this time, more information was given. It was announced that Taz would be making his WCW in-ring debut in one weeks’ time, live on Thunder where he would remain as a member of Hulk Hogan's Thunder brand!


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    Rhino defeated Shark Boy (0:32) - This could hardly be considered a match, because as soon as the bell sounded, Rhino charged and connected with the Gore for the super quick victory


    Tammy Sytch entered the ring with a microphone and raised Rhino's hand before gloating about his dominant victory. She then predicted that we would all be seeing this exact scene in ten days’ time at Souled Out, but the only difference is that it will be Rob Van Dam lying at a heap by her feet!

    This of course brought the challenger for Rhino's WCW World Television title as Rob Van Dam noted that Rhino's win was of course impressive, but no offence to Shark Boy, he isn't a fish, he's "the whole damn show"! Tammy said she didn't care about RVD's list of nicknames and bragged about how the title is staying on Nitro with Rhino and after Souled Out, RVD will walk away sad and disappointed without any title to bring back to Thunder. RVD said that it's been way, way too long since he last held singles gold, noting it was in fact around this time last year that he lost the ECW World Television title but all that means is he's hungry for it, hungrier than Rhino and any member of TSE!

    Tammy then mocked RVD for his comments, saying while RVD was busy losing the ECW World Television title, Rhino was gearing up the win the ECW World Heavyweight title, a title RVD never held! RVD smiled accepted that Tammy was right, he then thanked Tammy for bringing up their time together in ECW because he thinks that maybe Souled Out is the right place to revive some of that "extreme history" and suggested that their title match be contested under extreme rules! Tammy looked worried for a moment, but seeing the look ofalmost ravenous hunger on Rhino's face, that look soon turned to a sadistic smile as she turned to RVD and said that they accept the challenge!


    Thunder returned from a commercial break and welcomed back by Gene Okerlund. He hyped the main event that was just moments away, before bringing up the big announcement moments ago by Hulk Hogan, Gene's guests were the two men who would compete in the main event on Nitro; Booker T and Owen Hart! Gene noted that this was a big opportunity for both men, noting they are both coming off a disappointing Starrcade with Booker coming up short in the WCW World Heavyweight title match while Owen finished third in the pre-show battle royal. Owen said that he wasn't looking backwards, he was looking forward and said that with the draft, he has been seperated from his brother Bret and despite what people might think, he's happy about this! He said that he loves his brother, they held the WCW World Tag Team titles together but it was his time now to make a name for himself because he has his sights set on the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title!

    Booker T seemed to be a bit put out by Gene's comparison of their Starrcade outings, but said he agrees with Owen that it's time to move forward and just like Owen, he wants that NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship not just for himself, but for what it means, noting there has never been a black NWA Worlds Heavyweight champion, so he wants to make history. He then turned his attention to Scott Hall for once again bringing him up on Nitro, saying he'd take him down at Souled Out. Gene noted that while the format and entrants of the tournament have yet to be fully revealed, he imagines that both Booker and Owen will meet in the process and suggested that Monday night would likely not be their final meeting!


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    Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Jeff Jarrett (15:29) - Following Jarrett's comments earlier on Thunder about his goal to get even with Kurt Angle, it was obvious that Jarrett was going to hold nothing back in this big main event. Jarrett looked to exploit every rule as far as possible, utilising the referee's five count to the extremes, sending Rey crashing into the ring steps and using the barricades as well, trusting that the referee would let the match continue, to which he did. Rey was kept grounded as Jarrett targeted his right leg, obviously in setup for the Figure Four Leglock but he was never able to lock it in as Rey, despite being clearly hurt was able to escape on the three occasions that Jarrett went for it. Frustration boiled over for Jarrett when Rey kicked out of a neckbreaker and he stormed out of the ring, only to return with his guitar in hand. The referee immediately stopped Jarrett from using it, yanking it from his hand but as the referee went to remove it from the ring, Jarrett removed the turnbuckle covering behind his back and proceeded to send Rey into the exposed steel ring post! However, seconds later it was Jarrett feeling the pain as he went for a splash in the corner, only for Rey to duck down, sending Jarrett face first into the steel! Rey pounced on Jarrett's pain by heading to the apron and connecting with a springboard hurricanrana into a pin for the victory!


    Rey Mysterio Jr. emerged victorious, but it was clear that Jeff Jarrett had done a lot of damage to his leg, as had the springboard hurricanrana as he held his knee before using the ropes to get to his feet. Suddenly he collapsed in agony as Kurt Angle chop blocked him from behind! Angle laughed before stomping away at Rey's injured leg and locking him in the ankle lock! Rey was in clear agony as he struggled to break free or to reach the ropes, but Angle wasn't letting up as he continued twisting and turning until Eddy Guerrero charged out from the back to make the save!

    As soon as Eddy hit the ring, Angle released Rey and went toe-to-toe with him, continuing where they left off over one week ago! Eddy quickly took control, sending Angle reeling towards the ropes but just as it looked as though Eddy was going to take Angle out, he was blasted right across the head with the guitar wielded by Jeff Jarrett! Jarrett stood right over the laid out body of Eddy Guerrero, the remnants of his guitar in hand as Angle stood across the ring smirking as Thunder went off the air

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    JANUARY 15TH, 2001


    Monday Nitro began with the arrival of Shawn Stasiak, Stacy Keibler, Mike Awesome, Mike Sanders and Chase Tatum; Evolution. The fans booed as their made their way to the ring, but it seemed to be music to Stasiak's ears as he asked them to boo even more because he loves it! Stasiak immediately mocked his old partner David Flair for his comments recently about not wanting to be on the same show as Evolution and suggested that perhaps he had broken David after he beat him at Starrcade. But Stasiak moved on and said he had "bigger and frankly better" fish to fry as he talked about tonight's main event; him and Awesome against Diamond Dallas Page and Goldberg! Stasiak said that Awesome is pissed that he hasn't received his rematch for the WCW United States Heavyweight title and even more so about the fact the title is going to Thunder so he won't get the opportunity at it after DDP and Goldberg's match at Starrcade. But he's got it all in hand because he spoke to Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan and due to Awesome being overlooked, they have agreed that when, not if, they win tonight, the match at Souled Out will become a three way dance with Awesome inserted into the match! He said that is is a joke that Evolution, the number four draft pick for Nitro is only now being highlighted but it's fine, because Piper is now going to see what they are really all about.

    He then turned his attention to other matters, noting the absence of Sonny Siaki and reminding everyone of their mutual parting of ways with Siaki preparing to "lead an Evolution" on Thunder and said that it unfortunately leaves them looking a little bit light. He then promised that they are no recruiting and that they have their eyes set on a number of talent, promising that just like they did before, Evolution will rule WCW, "but this time, I'll be there as the WCW World Heavyweight champion"


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    X-Pac & Justin Credible defeated Steven Regal & Fit Finlay (12:06) - Following Lance Storm's victory over Jerry Lynn last week and the beatdown by X-Factor that followed, it was announced that the two groups will meet at Souled Out for X-Factor's WCW World Trios titles. The presence of Lynn at ringside played a pivotal part as he had the referee distracted when Regal had Credible locked in the Regal Stretch, a hold that had Credible tapping out and after that the tide turned in X-Factor's favour. Once again, Lynn's antics distracted the referee but this time it drew the ire of Storm who went after him, kick starting a fight outside the ring, but this allowed X-Pac to grab one of the championships and, with the referee distracted, blast Regal in the face with it and make the cover just as the referee turned around to administer the three count


    Gene Okerlund introduced his guests from Tammy Sytch Enterprises as Gene announced that on Thunder, Christian would face Billy Kidman. Tammy hyped her man, saying even though everyone sees Christian as a tag team wrestler, people will soon realise that both Edge and Christian are top quality talent who can give everyone a run for their money one-on-one. Christian addressed Kidman and said that he couldn't wait because he really enjoyed watching Rhino rip him in half last week and while he isn't quite as "jacked" as Rhino, he's got something special in store for Kidman as well.

    It seemed as though the interview was over, but Chris Candido had something to say and he wasn't happy about what happened on Thunder when he was the "victim of an unprovoked attack", so he went to Nitro General Manager Roddy Piper and issued a challenge so he is facing Rob Van Dam tonight! Tammy seemed impressed, however, Piper himself walked in and said that he loves Candido's fire, he's a big fan but that's not exactly what he said. Candido seemed confused, so Piper explained that Candido had come to him seeking revenge for what happened, so he made a match, but Candido never specified RVD, so Piper assumed Candido wanted Paul Wight, which is who Candido will be facing later tonight! A smiling Piper walked off, leaving Candido absolutely shell-shocked, if not flat out terrified


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    Jushin Thunder Liger, Kaz Hayashi & Jimmy Yang defeated The Jung Dragons (8:56) - It was just a couple of weeks ago that Jushin Liger made a shock appearance to save Hayashi & Yang from an attack by The Jung Dragons and after securing a win over CIMA, a big trios match was the obvious next destination. As you would expect, all six men took to the skies and showed off their incredible abilities, with Yang delivering a breathtaking diving hurricanrana that had even the announcers on their feet. Kristina attempted to distract her former teammates, and it worked, causing Hayashi to confront her outside the ring, leading to to being jumped by both CIMA and Dragon Kid. But this wasn't the decisive factor as ultimately Liger's experience proved more valuable as he was able to score the win over Dragon Kid with the Ligerbomb


    Jeremy Borash was in the back with Bubba Ray, D-Von and Spike Dudley and he pointed out that as a result of the draft, they are now separated with Spike on Nitro and Bubba Ray and D-Von on Thunder, despite the option to be drafted as a unit. Spike answered and said that they made a mistake, he knows his brothers were drafted together and he accepted that he had probably made a mistake when filling out the form they were all given. But Spike said not to worry, he has spoken with Roddy Piper and he's hopeful that a trade will be arranged and that they will be able to set their sights on the WCW World Trios titles. Bubba then said that whatever happens, he knows that Spike can take care of himself on Nitro, just like they can on Thunder and just like they will on Thunder against The Full Blooded Italians


    Up next was the match between British Bulldog and Scott Hall and Hall made his way to the ring first and upon arrival, asked for a microphone. He addressed the splitting of The Outsiders as a result of the draft and revealed that the reason it happened was because Kevin Nash hadn't returned the form they all had to fill in, meaning even though he wanted The Outsiders to continue, it needed both men to decide the same thing.

    "Oh well, it is what it is" Hall said before reminding everyone of his accomplishments by himself; a former WCW United States Heavyweight champion and a four-time Intercontinental champion, "yeah, I named their belt, and what?" Hall added. He said that unlike some people, he isn't defined as a tag team wrestler because he actually has a singles career that was worth a damn! "Unlike some people, if I was in the main event of Starrcade challenging for the WCW World Heavyweight title, there'd be a new champion man", making clear reference to his recent issues with Booker T.

    Before Hall could go on much further, out walked his opponent for the night, an accomplished singles and tag team wrestler and as noted by Tony Schiavone, a former NWA Worlds Heavyweight champion; the British Bulldog!


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    Scott Hall defeated British Bulldog (11:43) - The two veterans might not have matched the speed that was on display in the last match, but they certainly showed their vast wrestling knowledge by taking it slow, looking for the right openings and turning up the pace when the time was right. In the end, Hall added an impressive win to his belt via pinfall after the Outsider's Edge


    Gene Okerlund was in the middle of the ring and introduced his guest; WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle! Much like the reaction to Evolution earlier tonight, Angle received boos from the sold out crowd but unlike Shawn Stasiak, Angle told them to shut up and show him some respect! This just prompted more boos, which seemed to further annoy Angle, but he gathered himself and answered Mean Gene's question about the upcoming NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship tournament, something Angle didn't seem especially concerned about. He recognised the history of the title but said that is the key word there; "history". He said that title might have meant something once, but it doesn't now and the only way to make it mean something is for it to be held by someone who can bring proper prestige to it. Unfortunately for that title, as he is WCW World Heavyweight champion he is ineligible to enter and therefore no matter who wins it, the title will remain an irrelivence until The Great American Bash when he unifies it with "the only title that matters, his WCW World Heavyweight title"!

    The champion then turned his attention to his Souled Out opponent Rey Mysterio Jr. He pointed out that this time last week he was getting ready to beat Eddy Guerrero, Rey's buddy in the main event and retain his title, just like he'll do at Souled Out. Angle said that seen as he had to defend his title in a high profile match against "an undeserved opponent", he thinks that Rey should have to defend his right to challenge for the title as well and thinks he should do so this Thursday on Thunder!

    This brought out Rey Mysterio Jr., who stayed on the stage and told Angle that Eddy was not undeserving, in fact, he was long, long overdue the title opportunity he had and on another day, Eddy would have won and Angle knows that! Angle refuted this and reminded Rey that unlike when Rey pinned him, it wasn't a fluke, he made Eddy tap out so there was no question about what could have been because everyone knows that Rey will never be able to repeat what happened and pin him again by fluke! Angle then cut off Rey and say that he just made a challenge and Rey hasn't shown the proper respect to answer it! Rey replied that he earned his title opportunity fair and square by what he did at Starrcade and on Nitro on Boxing Day, but if it'll make Angle shut up, then fine, he'll put his shot on the line on Thunder!

    Suddenly Rey was blasted from behind as a guitar shattered across the back of his skull, a guitar wielded by Jeff Jarrett! Jarrett got right in the face of the now laid out Rey and yelled that he was taking his rightful place, it's his time because he's "the chosen one". In the ring, Angle was laughing before introducing Jarrett as Rey's opponent for Thunder!


    The second hour of Nitro kicked off with the return of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair! After soaking up the applause, he thanked the fans and admitted that when he left the ring at World War 3 after losing the three-way match against Sting and Kurt Angle for the WCW World Heavyweight title, he considered hanging up the boots. After what has been one of the toughest years of his life, Evolution turning on him, his family issues being brought onto the national stage, losing to his son David at Bash at the Beach, he was ready to retire. He took time off and then those few weeks became more and more and suddenly Starrcade was round the corner and he wasn't wrestling, and do you know what; it didn't matter. When he realised that it didn't matter, that was when he made the decision that it was over, but making the decision and telling people of the decision is a big, big leap, so he held off, but his mind was made up; he was going to retire.

    Then the announcement came about the brand extension and while it got him interested, it wasn't enough, he was going to go through with it but then he got drafted to Thunder and at that point he realised it was too late because he had a commitment that he had to honour. But the truth is, his heart wasn't in it and when he got the call from Hulk Hogan to come to Thunder last week, he was going to tell him the truth, tell him everything and he did, he spilled his guts to a man he hates but a man that he respects and he isn't ashamed to admit that he was crying. But then Hogan told him something that changed it all, that re-lit a fire inside of him, a fire he thought was gone because he told him about the NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship tournament! He reminded everyone that he has held that title eleven times, three more than the legendary Harley Race and with all due respect to Race, to Dusty Rhodes, to Ricky Steamboat, to Jack Brisco, to Terry Funk and all the rest but that is HIS title! He then said that eleven isn't enough, he is going for number twelve, he will win the tournament, he will be the final NWA Worlds Heavyweight champion and he will be the man who brought respect back to the title before he goes on to win the unification match and become the undisputed WCW World Heavyweight champion!


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    The Cold Truth defeated Shane Helms & Shannon Moore (8:40) - It was clear that Shane Helms is laser focused on getting a fair shot at the WCW World Cruiserweight title, a title he believes would have been his were it not for the actions on Chilly Willy during the six-way dance last week on Nitro. However, this result will not have done his chances any good as once again Chilly was the deciding factor as with Moore looking for the hot tag, Chilly yanked Helms off the apron, giving Killings an opening to catch him with Consequence for the victory 


    Shane Helms rushed the ring to confront Ron Killings, but Theodore Long got between the two men in attempt to cool the tension. However, this was just a distraction as it allowed Chilly Willy to attack Helms from behind, who subsequently dropped him with the Falcon Arrow, allowing The Cold Truth to make an exit just before Evan Karagias arrived to help out his 3 Count partners


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    Mari Apache defeated Lisa Moretti (5:27) - It was another chance for the Women's division to shine, perhaps for one of the final times on the Nitro brand as Mari Apache followed her sister Faby's win on Saturday Night with one of her own, this time against the veteran Lisa Moretti


    In a darkened room, The American Nightmare was surrounded by his Nightmare Family, Abyss and Daffney and shared some vague comments about "watching somebody" and "knowing they need help" and how "he is the one to save them", without going into any more detail than that. Dustin then stroked Daffney's hair and revealed that she would make her in-ring debut against Trish Stratus, saying everyone talks about how beautiful Trish is, but to their eyes, none are more desirable that Daffney


    Lita was in the back with Jeremy Borash to talk about her WCW Women's World title match at Souled Out and she repeated her words from Thunder, warning Lee not to underestimate her, saying she was more than willing to show that she can complete against a bigger opponent by challenging Rhonda Singh to face her on Thunder!

    Just then, B.W.A. interrupted the interview and it immediately prompted Lita to get ready for a fight. However Low Ki calmed her nerves, saying they were just here to talk. Erazo told Lita that she was debasing herself by associating with the Hardy Boyz when there were real men like them right here. Ki and Erazo crept closer as they talked, forcing Lita to back up but she showed bravery by telling them that Matt and Jeff were twice the men that B.W.A. were! This led Erazo & Low Ki to start laughing, "oh really" said Erazo as he grabbed Lita by the arm and dragged her away! The camera followed and they only had to go a short distance to find Matt and Jeff laid out in a mess on the floor! Lita pulled away and ran to check on them as B.W.A. asked who the real men were and Erazo told Lita they'll be waiting for her call!


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    Paul Wight defeated Chris Candido (0:35) - As expected, this one didn't last long. However, Candido attempted to explain the situation to Wight that he didn't want to face him, he wanted Rob Van Dam instead and to his credit, Wight listened intently and nodded along before grabbing him by the throat and drilling him with a huge chokeslam for the win.


    Unsurprisingly, Paul Wight never broke a sweat but within seconds he was swarmed by Edge, Christian and Rhino, all attacking him at the same time! "The Giant" held them off, even having Edge by the throat, ready to deliver a chokeslam only for Christian to distract him as he hit him in the back with one of the WCW World Tag title belts! Unfortunately for Christian, this didn't seem to phase him as Wight released Edge and turned to Christian, his eyes set on Christian's throat but he was stopped dead in his tracks when Rhino delivered a Gore that saw Wight crash to the mat!

    Finally reinforcements arrived as both Billy Kidman and Rob Van Dam ran out from the back, sending TSE scurrying for cover as they regrouped with Tammy Sytch on the entrance ramp. Kidman dared them to come back and fight, knowing he only had to wait three nights before his match with Edge on Thunder


    With just moments to go before the main event, Nitro General Manager Roddy Piper walked out and revealed that it wasn't just the wrestlers that had been drafted but also the announcers as well! He said that during the commercial break he and Hulk Hogan spoke with all of the contracted announcers and revealed to them where they had been drafted to. He then introduced, starting from right now the brand new announce team of Nitro; "The Professor" Mike Tenay, the legendary Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and introducing to WCW for the first time, the man who for 7 years was "The Voice of ECW"....Joey Styles! All three men walked out together and upon seeing Styles, an "ECW!" chant went up in the arena! The brand new Nitro announce team took their seats and Styles said that this was a huge night for him and he couldn't wait to get started while Heenan asked Tenay "who's the kid with the glasses?"


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    Diamond Dallas Page & Goldberg defeated Shawn Stasiak & Mike Awesome (12:34) - For the third week running, Goldberg is in tag team action and for the second time he is teaming with his Souled Out opponent. Mike Tenay noted the respect shown between both men but perhaps more importantly the confidence that each man has that it will be them walking out as WCW United States Heavyweight champion. Joey Styles reminded everyone that Stasiak and Awesome came into WCW together back in February of 1999, so despite everything Goldberg and DDP have accomplished, the tag team experience edge goes to the Evolution duo. Goldberg and Awesome renewed their rivalry, picking up where they left off in brutal fashion with both men showing their pure, brute strength.

    But the decisive moment of the match came when Goldberg had Stasiak in his sights for a spear, only for the Evolution member to pull DDP right into Goldberg's path! DDP was down and Goldberg was distracted for a moment, but that was enough for Awesome to attack from behind and land an Awesome Bomb before dragging Stasiak on top for what they presumed would be the three count, but Goldberg kicked out at the very last second! Stasiak then looked to finish his opponent off, dragging him to his feet where he looked for the Stasiak Plant, only for Goldberg to drop out the back and caught Stasiak with a spear! He then turned to Awesome and without missing a trick knocked him off the apron with another spear before picking Staisak up and drilling him with the Jackhammer for the win!


    Before Goldberg could celebrate, he was jumped by Mike Sanders and Chase Tatum. Unfortunately for them, Goldberg absorbed all of the blows and laid them both out with a double clothesline! Fortunately for them though, this just served as a distraction to allow Awesome to strike from behind and his power was far superior to that of Tatum or Sanders. Awesome then looked once again for the Awesome Bomb when out of nowhere came Diamond Dallas Page with the Diamond Cutter! DDP made the save for his Souled Out opponent, clearly recognising that the spear during the match was a mistake as he helped Goldberg up and shook his hand...only to pull Goldberg in for a Diamond Cutter as well! DDP hopped right back up, smirked and said "oops" before Joey Styles signed off Nitro for the first, but surely not the last time with his patented "oh my god!"

  8. On 8/30/2022 at 11:02 PM, DHK1989 said:

    Hope we see more soon after this whole change-over of the site.

    Definitely will! I had the next show ready to post two weeks ago, came here to post and realised the board move (which I completely missed!) was going on. I've then been on holiday and have only just had a chance to get back on, and I've seen a lot of the formatting has been muddled up, so need to work out how it all needs to look now, but hopefully the next show can go up today or tomorrow. 

  9. NWA update following Thunder announcement

    January 12th, 2001



    by Mave Deltzer


    After the announcement by Eric Bischoff about the upcoming NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament, there have been a lot of questions about the future of the National Wrestling Alliance.

    We can confirm that World Championship Wrestling have indeed completed the purchase of the NWA and all associated copyrights, footage and of course championships. This means that historic titles such as the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title that dates back to 1948 is now owned by WCW.

    The plan, as per Bischoff is for a tournament to take place, seemingly similar to the G1 Climax held annually by New Japan Pro wrestling and once a new champion is crowned, there will eventually be a unification match with whoever the WCW World Heavyweight champion is at The Great American Bash pay-per-view, itself an NWA conception. This wouldn't be the first unification match involved the WCW World Heavyweight championship as Kurt Angle unified the ECW World Heavyweight title last September by beating Rhino. The WCW International World Heavyweight title was also unified back in 1994, but that title barely meant anything anyway.

    Interesting to note is that WCW have unofficially been a part of the NWA since around May last year, which is when the last recognised NWA Worlds Heavyweight champion Doug Basham (no, really) was forced to vacate the title and it has sat dormant ever since. In addition to that, the NWA World Junior Heavyweight, the NWA National Women's, NWA National and NWA National Tag Team championships have been defended at WCW or Championship Wrestling from Georgia (WCW's development territory) live events with WCW development contracted wrestlers LuFisto and James Storm & Chris Harris holding the NWA National Women's and NWA National Tag Team titles respectively. It's unclear what the future of these championships will be.

    Another question that had been asked is whether there were any plans to revive the NWA, what with the start of the brand extension. The answer appears to be yes, the original plan was to make Thunder the NWA brand and bring in the NWA championships to that show, but ultimately it was decided that as of January 2001, the brand of "WCW Thunder" is more valuable and more recognisable than the historic NWA brand and it was decided it wasn't worth the financial risk. A similar reason was used after WCW purchased ECW at the start of 2000 and eventually closed it down in September of the same year (coupled with poor ratings in the Saturday night slot and buy rate of the several pay-per-views held).






    JANUARY 11TH, 2001



    Tony Schiavone welcomed everyone to Thunder and threw it right down to the ring where WCW President Eric Bischoff, Nitro General Manager Roddy Piper and Thunder General Manager Hulk Hogan were all already standing in the ring. Bischoff noted that he's sure people are wondering what exactly this new "huge announcement" is all about before showing off a black fabric bag that he was carrying. He said it had to do with this before pulling out the classic NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship! Bischoff gave a brief history lesson about the National Wrestling Alliance and said that up until 1993, WCW was a proud member along with numerous other promotions. However since that day, the NWA has fallen from relevance and has frankly been seen as a bit of a joke and ultimately no longer exists. Bischoff then accepted that WCW played a big part in this in how they handled their withdrawal, however he is standing here today with this championship because it's time to return some dignity to if not the NWA, but at least this prestigious championship.


    Eric Bischoff then revealed that on January 29th, the night that brand extension officially begins there will also be qualifying matches ahead of a tournament to crown a new NWA Worlds Heavyweight champion! In order to pay proper respect to the championship, the tournament will be under round-robin rules with a Nitro block and a Thunder block with the winner of both blocks facing off at WCW's brand new pay-per-view event Sin on March 25th. Bischoff explained that the purpose of this tournament is not to introduce a new World championship, but to pay proper respect and give someone that honour of being recognised as the final NWA Worlds Heavyweight champion because three months later at an NWA original event, The Great American Bash there will be a unification match with the WCW World Heavyweight champion! Bischoff said that WCW is proud of it's history and will pay proper respect to those that paved the way as a number of former NWA Worlds Heavyweight champions will be on hand at both events to present the championship.


    Hulk Hogan then took the microphone and said that this tournament was going to be the biggest one in WCW history and promised that a Thunder wrestler would walk away with the title. Roddy Piper laughed in the background before Hogan continued, revealed that while the brand extension doesn't kick in until the night after Souled Out, they are both in charge of their respective shows and as this is Thunder, it's time to reveal the main event. "All this talk of nostalgia has got him feeling hyped brother" before announcing Chris Jericho and Sonny Siaki teaming up to face "my number one draft pick" Goldberg and for the first time since World War 3; "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair!


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    Bret Hart & Chris Benoit defeated The Cold Truth (Ron Killings & Chilly Willy) - Nitro's number one draft pick Bret Hart teamed with another top ten pick in Chris Benoit as the two Canadian stars worked together well against Chilly Willy and the new WCW World Cruiserweight champion Ron Killings. Killings was clearly full of himself after his win on Nitro and may have been somewhat distracted at times, but it came down to Chilly and Bret Hart and despite the distraction attempts of Theodore Long, when Bret had Chilly in the Sharpshooter, there was only ever going to be one winner


    Following the match, Gene Okerlund met Bret Hart and Chris Benoit in the ring and asked Bret about being Roddy Piper's number one draft pick. Bret talked about going "way, way back" with Piper and said that he's grateful for the level of respect that it showed, promising to not let Piper down. Gene then brought up the NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship and Bret noted that it was the only major World championship he has yet to hold so he is 100% declaring himself for the tournament.


    Just as Gene was going to sign off, he was stopped by Chris Benoit who wasn't especially impressed about being ignored, revealing that he too was entering the tournament and reminded Gene that while he may not have been the number one draft, he was still in the top ten. However that wasn't what he wanted to talk about, he wanted to talk about what Piper said about him not "breaking the glass ceiling", because it made him think and the fact is that Piper is right; someone with his abilities should have been World Heavyweight champion by now. "And who's fault is that? It's mine, nobody else's" answered Benoit, saying it was time for him to make be the champion and the best opportunity he has to do that is to beat "the best". Benoit immediately turned to Bret and said that as far as he's concerned, Bret is the best, it's not a discussion and when they faced off last year, he felt it and he lost. But now he was challenging Bret to face him at Souled Out! Bret talked up Benoit as having "every tool" to be the best because he has everything that the Dynamite Kid had, the power, the speed and he has the technical ability that only the Dungeon in Calgary can create, so he accepts Benoit's challenge! The two men shook hands and Gene announced it officially; Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit at Souled Out!"



    During the commercial break, Theodore Long was assuring Ron Killings & Chilly Willy that the loss didn't matter, all that matters is the WCW World Cruiserweight championship around the waist of "The Truth". However they were then approached by a furious Shane Helms along with the rest of 3 Count. Helms confronted Killings & Chilly, telling them that he was coming for them because Killings knows that if it wasn't for Chilly, he'd be the new champion. Long stepped between the two groups and told Helms to back off because despite whatever Helms claims, he isn't the champion, never was gonna be and Killings is "so you need to take your little friends and walk on" before he, Killings & Chilly walked away, leaving Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore to try and calm Helms down



    Queen's Court was backstage with Gene Okerlund, who revealed that Madusa had now been medically cleared and that her first match back would take place later tonight against Lita! Madusa said that it's been over a month and she's been itching to get back in the ring "and it's so, so right" that her first match back is against Lita. "No offence Sherri", but she disagrees with Sherri Martel that Lita should get a title shot next, but that's not her call and she knows that at Souled Out, "The Glamazon" Joanie Lee will end her. But that poses the question; will Lita even make it to Souled Out? Sherri Martel explained to Gene that she appreciates Madusa's honestly, in fact, she wants that challenge because that what pushes them all to be the best! Sherri, Madusa and Rhonda Singh walked off, leaving Gene to look up at the towering Joanie Lee, who glared at him before making her exit



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    Rhino, Edge & Christian defeated Rob Van Dam, Paul Wight & Billy Kidman - Following their issues on Nitro, it was confirmed that Rob Van Dam of Thunder would get a shot at Nitro and Rhino's WCW World Television championship at Souled Out, making that the second championship that could not only change hands but also homes at the pay-per-view. Tammy Sytch was at ringside, but during the course of the match, TSE's other member Chris Candido came down to try and get involved for the team as he slid one of the WCW World Tag Team championships into the ring towards Edge, only for Edge to try and powerbomb Kidman, which never works as Kidman reversed it into a face buster! This would have been the end were it not for quick thinking from Christian to make the save at the last second! Shortly after, Kidman lined up Edge for a Shooting Star Press, only for Christian to pull him to safety, leading to Kidman jumping down where he was immediately met with a Gore out of nowhere for the victory!


    Chris Candido, looking to make up for his error earlier in the match entered the ring right after and started putting the boots to Billy Kidman. With Kidman already essentially unconscious and Rhino, Edge & Christian celebrating their win with Tammy Sytch, Candido soon found himself alone in the ring with Rob Van Dam and a pissed of Paul Wight! Candido begged off, but Wight didn't care, grabbed him by the throat and laid him out with a huge chokeslam! The punishment wasn't over however as RVD shrugged, hopped up to the top rope and landed a picture perfect Five Star Frog Splash, leaving Tammy Sytch and the TSE furious on the outside.


    Hector Garza was lacing his boots, preparing for his match with Diamond Dallas Page later when he was met by Psychosis, Super Crazy & Perro Aguayo Jr; his Luchadores Enojados team mates. Garza stood up and Psychosis asked what happened and whether he made a mistake with the draft, but Garza said no because it was time for him to make a name for himself. He said that with no disrespect meant to them, he had outgrown the Cruiserweight division and said it makes him sick to see the likes of Eddy Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr. trying to stake a claim as the face of luchadores across the world when that should be him! He told them that while they might no longer be together, they will always be Luchadores Enojados, and with that they all fist bumped and embraced.



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    B.W.A. defeated C.W. Anderson & Chris Chetti - After their shocking arrival on Nitro, Low Ki & Erazo showed WCW fans what led them to become ECW World Tag Team champions, beating Hayabusa & Ultimo Dragon to do so as they made short work of their opponents, finishing off Chetti with the Brooklyn Stomp



    Immediately following the match, Erazo snatched the microphone from ring announcer Dave Penzer and introduced themselves to the WCW audience; Low Ki & Erazo, B.W.A. which stands for Brooklyn With Attitude. He said they've "done some bad things" before getting to this point, but this is their place, right here in professional wrestling. He said that they arrived in ECW and made an impact, they won the ECW World Tag Team titles and were just about to start their legacy when the Hardy Boyz ruined it. He reminded everyone that they won the titles on August 30th and lost them September 2nd to the Hardyz in the unification match. He said that night was supposed to be their night, they were going to walk onto Nitro with the WCW World Tag Team titles, but it didn't happen and until last week, they were gone. He said WCW didn't bring them in, so they went to Japan, they dominated over there, won championships but while the Hardy Boyz were making the money, taking the spotlight, living it up, they were sleeping in their cars! They should have had the money, it should have been them at Starrcade and it should have been them becoming big stars and now they're finally here in WCW, they're going to take it all away from the Hardy Boyz!


    Just as Erazo had finished, the music of the Hardy Boyz hit and Matt & Jeff ran out! They made a beeline right for the ring and went straight after Erazo & Low Ki, laying into them with rights and lefts and had them on the ropes as the fans cheered them on. Matt & Jeff then lined up for stereo Twist of Fates, but Erazo & Low Ki were able to pull away and escape from the ring, leaving the Hardy Boyz clearly frustrated but still ready to fight


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    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Hector Garza - Garza came into this with a big, big point to prove after his comments to his now former team mates in Luchadores Enojados, and he more than did that against the bigger star DDP. While Garza is aiming to move away from being labelled as a Cruiserweight, that doesn't mean he was going to change his style as he used his superior speed and athletic ability to keep DDP on his toes, and it was clear that at times, it was a struggle for DDP to keep up and it looked as though a huge upset was on the cards. But one moment, one mistake was all it took as Garza went for and missed his patented Tornillo and when he got back to his feet, he walked right into a Diamond Cutter to hand the very hard fought victory to DDP as the announcers praised Garza's fighting spirit


    In the backstage area, Gene Okerlund introduced WCW United States Heavyweight champion Goldberg! Gene asked him about being "the face of Thunder", and Goldberg smirked and said that "I'm the face of WCW Mean Gene" before saying that he's going to make Thunder the top show around because he will be here each and every week and beat everyone in his way. Gene asked him about teaming with the returning Ric Flair tonight, as well as facing an old enemy in Chris Jericho. Goldberg said that he doesn't need to talk about Jericho, he's done enough talking on him but as far as Flair goes; they are very, very different people, both inside and outside the ring, but the only thing they have in common is their hunger to win.


    Gene then turned his attention to the announced NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship tournament coming up and noted that he has been informed that champions are excluded from the tournament, which Goldberg isn't happy about, saying he is more than capable of representing his title while challenging for another one.


    Laughter was heard off camera before Diamond Dallas Page approached! Carrying a towel after his gruelling match with Hector Garza, he told Goldberg not to worry, he'll get his chance at the title because after Souled Out, DDP was going to be WCW United States Heavyweight champion! "Oh is that right" said Goldberg and a now deadly serious DDP replied "yeah, it is" before walking away


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    Lita defeated Madusa - For her first match in over a month, Madusa didn't look as though she had spent that long away from the ring at all. The challenger for Joanie Lee's WCW Women's World championship looked good as well, not showing any signs of distraction from the issues between the Hardy Boyz and B.W.A. this week and despite the experience difference, Lita was able to pick up the big win with the Litasault


    After having her arm raised in victory, Lita called for a microphone and said that ever since being named the number one contender, all she's heard is that she's not going to win the WCW Women's World championship, and this isn't just from Sherri Martel and Queen's Court but from nearly everyone. She said that Matt & Jeff believe in her and she knows her fans do, but the most important thing is that she believes, and she does believe and beating Madusa tonight reinforces that belief! She then warned Joanie Lee not to look past her and to not underestimate her


    Footage was shown from after the conclusion of Nitro where Jeremy Borash attempted to speak to Scott Hall about the shock result of the draft that saw Hall on Nitro and Kevin Nash go seperately to Thunder, but Hall ignored Borash's questions, simply walking past before shoving Borash out of the way, getting in his car and driving off!


    Another video package aired, highlighting the impressive suplexes of Taz before reminding everyone that he was coming soon



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    Lance Storm defeated Jerry Lynn - Tony Schiavone noted that these two highly technical wrestlers had only crossed paths once before, back in May at ECW's Hardcore Heaven as a part of a four-way tag team match, but never one-on-one. As expected, it was a technical affair with but with neither man afraid to go to the air when called upon. The match could easily have gone either way and with Steve Regal & Fit Finlay at ringside to counter any potential involvement from the rest of X-Factor, it ensured a fair match continued that saw Storm able to catch Lynn in the Canadian Maple Leaf submission for the victory


    Within seconds of the submission, X-Pac & Justin Credible hit the ring to put the boots to the victorious Jerry Lynn until Steven Regal & Fit Finlay ran out to even the odds. With Storm laid out, it was two-on-two and even, in fact it was edging towards Regal & Finlay until a recovered Lynn came from nowhere and blasted Finlay between the eyes with one of the WCW World Trios championships! Regal momentarily turned his attention towards Lynn, at which point X-Pac and Credible attacked from behind and the three men delivered a beat down that culminated with Credible and X-Pac delivering X Marks the Spot to lay Regal out alongside both Storm and Finlay


    Before the main event, it was announced that on Nitro, WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle would be there live, Scott Hall will face the British Bulldog, Steven Regal & Fit Finlay will take on X-Pac & Justin Credible and after their confrontation earlier tonight, Shane Helms will team with Shannon Moore to face Cold Truth on Nitro!



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    Goldberg & Ric Flair defeated Chris Jericho & Sonny Siaki - The young up-and-coming Sonny Siaki was looking to make a name for himself after stepping away from the main group of Evolution, but with Miss Gorgeous George by his side, he still continued to work "the Evolution way". Coming up against the groups founder in Ric Flair gave Siaki something of a point to prove, but unfortunately for him, Flair also believed he had something to prove following his recent prolonged absence. Goldberg and Jericho also renewed acquaintances, but Jericho did everything he could to stay out of the WCW United States Heavyweight champion's grasp, but he did fall victim to a big spear from "The Man", sending him tumbling out of the ring.

    Ultimately it came down to Flair and Siaki and while Siaki looked on top, posing after dropping Flair with a big powerslam, he neglected to pay Flair the proper attention as he showed just why he is the dirtiest player in the game as he caught Siaki with a chop block from behind before locking in the Figure Four Leglock to score the submission victory on his return match to WCW

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  11. 5PtO1SK.png


    2. Ric Flair

    3. Booker T

    4. Rob Van Dam

    5. Estrellita

    5. Faby Apache (Las Apaches)

    5. Jacqueline (Sisters of Pain)

    5. Jazz (Sisters of Pain)

    5. Joanie Lee - WCW WORLD'S WOMEN CHAMPION (Queen's Court)

    5. Lisa Morreti

    5. Lita

    5. Little Jeanne

    5. Madusa (Queen's Court)

    5. Malia Hosaka

    5. Manami Toyota

    5. Mari Apache (Las Apaches)

    5. Rhonda Singh (Queen's Court)

    5. Sherri Martel (Queen's Court)

    5. Starla Green

    5. Trish Stratus

    5. Yuki Miyazaki

    6. Owen Hart

    7. Rey Mysterio Jr.

    8. The Nightmare Family (The American Nightmare, Abyss & Daffney)

    9. Chris Jericho

    10. Kevin Nash


    Billy Kidman (w/ Torrie Wilson)

    British Bulldog

    B.W.A. (Low Ki & Erazo)

    Chuck Palumbo

    David Flair

    Disco Inferno

    The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley)

    Eddy Guerrero

    Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido, Big Vito, Johnny Stamboli w/ April Maritato)

    The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy)

    Hector Garza

    Lex Luger

    Randy Savage (w/ Elizabeth)

    Shane Douglas

    Sonny Siaki (w/ Miss Gorgeous George)

    Steven Regal, Fit Finlay & Lance Storm

    Stevie Ray

    Stevie Richards

    Tonga Fifita

    X-Factor (X-Pac, Justin Credible & Jerry Lynn) - WCW WORLD TRIOS CHAMPIONS








    Bret Hart 1.

    Sting 2.

    Tammy Sytch Enterprises (Edge & Christian, Rhino & Tammy Sytch) - WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS & WCW WORLD TELEVISION CHAMPION 3.

    Evolution (Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler, Mike Awesome w/ Mike Sanders & Chase Tatum) 4.

    AJ Styles 5.

    Averno 5.

    Blitzkrieg 5.

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. 5.

    Chris Candido 5.

    Christian York (w/ Alicia Webb) 5.

    CIMA (The Jung Dragons) 5.

    Dragon Kid (The Jung Dragons) 5.

    Elix Skipper 5.

    Evan Karagias (3 Count) 5.

    Hayabusa 5.

    Jimmy Yang (Yang & Hayashi) 5.

    Joey Matthews (w/ Alicia Webb) 5.

    Juventud Guerrera 5.

    Kaz Hayashi (Yang & Hayashi) 5.

    Kid Kash 5.

    La Parka 5.

    Lash LeRoux 5.

    Lenny 5.

    Lizmark Jr. 5.

    Perro Aguayo Jr. (Luchadores Enojados) 5.

    Psychosis (Luchadores Enojados) 5.

    Ron Killings (w/ Theodore Long) - WCW WORLD CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION 5.

    Shane Helms (3 Count) 5.

    Shannon Moore (3 Count) 5.

    Shark Boy 5.

    Super Crazy (Luchadores Enojados) 5.

    TAKA Michinoku (w/ Kristina) (The Jung Dragons) 5.

    Ultimo Dragon 5.

    Yoshihiro Tajiri 5.

    Diamond Dallas Page (w/ Kimberly Page) 6.

    Scott Steiner 7.

    Paul Wight 8.

    Chris Benoit 9.

    Scott Hall 10.


    Alex Wright

    Brad Armstrong

    Buff Bagwell

    Chilly Willy (w/ Theodore Long)

    Dean Malenko

    Ernest Miller

    Hugh Morrus

    Jeff Jarrett

    Johnny Swinger

    Jushin Thunder Liger



    KroniK (Brian Adams & Bryan Clarke)

    Norman Smiley

    Perry Saturn

    The Prophecy (Christopher Daniels w/ Midajah, Mike Shane, Todd Shane & Steve Corino)

    Ravishing Perfection (Curt Hennig & Rick Rude)

    Rick Steiner

    Sione Vaihahi

    Spike Dudley




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  12. <div align="center"><div style="width:1300px;padding:10px;border:20px solid #000000;margin:10px;">



    JANUARY 8TH, 2001



    This historic edition of Monday Nitro kicked off with WCW President Eric Bischoff standing at the top of the stage with podiums representing both Thunder and Nitro either side of him. He promised that WCW would never be the same after tonight before introducing first the General Manager of Nitro, Roddy Piper and second Thunder's General Manager Hulk Hogan! The two men soaked up the incredible reaction from the fans, even sharing a tense handshake before they headed to their respective podiums. Bischoff then said that they weren't going to hang around, they were going straight into the draft and as a result of a coin toss, Thunder has earned the first draft pick which means that Hulk Hogan gets the honour of drafting the very first wrestler. Hogan thanked Bischoff and said that he had thought long and hard about how he wanted to assemble his roster and, frankly there was only one name he could start with.


    But before Hogan could make that selection, WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle stormed out! Angle was furious and told Hogan and Piper that "your little draft can wait" because he had serious issues he wanted to address! He immediately complained about what happened on Thunder with his pinfall loss to Rey Mysterio Jr. Angle complained that first of all, Rey was using the ropes, then that he also had a handful of tights but then beyond that, Rey wasn't even the legal man! Of course, each and every one of this claims was false, but that didn't stop Angle complaining about "the injustice of it" all, but what it did lead to is both Piper and Hogan leaving their podium and approaching the champion with Piper reminding Angle what tonight is about; a new era for WCW. Hogan said that he and Piper do not get along, "in fact we hate each others guts" but they came together to come up with a great main event for tonight, one they actually agreed upon together that they can now announce. Angle presumed it involved him, to which Piper pointed out that he was right, in fact it will be Angle against a man he came face-to-face with last week on Thunder; Eddy Guerrero! Angle was about to talk when Hogan interrupted him, telling him to shut up! Hogan then said they weren't done because in that match, Angle will be defending his WCW World Heavyweight championship! Angle was furious and complained to both Hogan and Piper but neither seemed to care, so he tried his luck with Bischoff, who brushed it off and said "they're running the show", prompting Angle to storm off!


    Now that was out of the way, they could finally turn their attentions back to the draft and pick up where they left off with Tony Schiavone announcing that we would hear the top ten picks tonight with the top three for each show right now. Hogan said that this was a huge deal, so he knew there was only one name he could go with; his first pick for Thunder is WCW United States Heavyweight champion Goldberg!





    Roddy Piper was impressed, telling Hogan that he "got the big one", but Piper said that was fine, Hogan went for the most powerful man in professional wrestling, he's going for the very best wrestler in professional wrestling and announced Bret Hart as Nitro's first pick!





    Hogan laughed and praised Piper's pick but said that his next pick might well disagree with his claim and drafted Ric Flair to Thunder!





    Now was Piper's time to laugh as he said "good luck working that relationship" before turning his attention to his next pick, saying is only one name you think of when you think of WCW; longer than him, longer than Hogan, and unlike Flair, a man who has been here since day one and never left; Nitro picks Sting!





    It was Thunder's final turn for the time being, so Hogan considered for a moment and said that even though his next pick came up short at Starrcade, he is certain that before 2001 is over, we will see him as WCW World Heavyweight; Booker T is heading to Hogan's Thunder!





    Roddy Piper was left with the third and final draft pick for the moment, and Piper said that it was time for Nitro to get some gold. He said that he isn't a fan of this group, but they have the most momentum of all in this company, what with them holding both the WCW World Television and WCW World Tag Team titles, so he is drafting Edge, Christian and Rhino; Tammy Sytch Enterprises!





    Hogan actually looked frustrated, like he had made a mistake or missed a trick but quickly refocused and applauded the selection before Tony Schiavone took over, hyping tonight's show with the blockbuster announcement of the main event pitting Angle against Eddy with Angle's title on the line!"





    AQQtBmh.png VS. J5u0rkq.png VS. d2u8nTS.png VS. rbyPKDB.png VS. 2xVHf50.png VS. u7tzCXT.png


    WCW WORLD CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Ron Killings defeated Juventud Guerrera ©, Chris Candido, Lenny, Super Crazy and Shane Helms - This match was conducted under elimination rules until two men remained, at which point it became a standard one-on-one match. The first man out was shockingly the former champion Candido, as seconds after an impressive second rope powerbomb to Lenny, he took the opportunity to check in with Tammy Sytch, only for Juventud to toss him out! Candido was in shock, more so when he saw the look of disappointment on Tammy's face as she walked away and he scurried along after her! Back in the ring, Lenny recovered from the powerbomb to show that he could well be a major player in the Cruiserweight division moving forward when he countered a hurricanrana attempt by Juvi and eliminated him, ensuring a new champion would be crowned. Unfortunately for Lenny, he made a fatal mistake of posing, giving Helms and Crazy the chance to team up and dump him from the ring. Helms and Crazy then went after one another until Killings joined the fray, working with Crazy to try and dump Helms. Fortunately Helms rallied, knocking Killings back and after sending Crazy to the apron was able to hit a springboard dropkick to eliminate him, bringing it down to just Killings and Helms.

    The two held nothing back with both knowing the value of what is at stake, but sadly for Helms, the decisive factor proved not to be either mans skill, but the sneakiness of Killings' new ally Chilly Willy. With the referee distracted by Theodore Long, Chilly snuck in the back, delivered a low blow and a Falcon's Arrow to Helms, allowing Killings to hit Consequence for the three and to win the WCW World Cruiserweight title!



    Theodore Long immediately snatched the WCW World Cruiserweight title and ran into the ring along with Chilly Willy and handed the title to it's new owner; Ron "The Truth" Killings. By now, Shannon Moore & Evan Karagias had made it into the ring to check on their partner Shane Helms, who initially looked devastated, but that turned to frustration at the sight of Killings with the title, a title he came so close to winning



    Returning from the commercial break, both Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan were back at their podiums again for what Tony Schiavone revealed would be two further picks with the second for each being the choice between the Cruiserweight and Women's division, with Piper and Nitro getting the choice due to Hogan and Thunder getting the first draft pick earlier tonight. Hogan said that Piper has a pretty strong roster so far and admitted that getting TSE and the two championships they bring with them would have been a pretty sweet deal, but he had a plan and he's sticking with it because his next draft pick is someone who has been on a roll for months here in WCW. Someone who from now on can claim the name of "Mr. Thursday Night"...Rob Van Dam!





    "Damn" said Roddy Piper before laughing and saying "this is kinda fun" before turning his attention to the first of his two selections. He noted that when he picked TSE earlier, he said he didn't like them, not one bit but he can respect talent. His next pick is similar, it's another group, but this set of people he likes even less than TSE! They might not be have any championship gold right now, but he's sure they will again, especially with the winner of New Blood Rising in their ranks as Piper proceeded to draft Mike Awesome, Chase Tatum, Mike Sanders, Stacy Keibler and Shawn Stasiak; Evolution!





    However Piper wasn't done as it was time for the divisional draft and due to Thunder winning the toss to make the first pick, Nitro gets to select either the Women's division or the Cruiserweight division. Piper said that this was a hard one because from what he's seen, as far as he's concerned the women in WCW are some of the toughest around! "Joanie Lee, she scares me man" he said before saying some of the women have done things that he has never seen before! He admitted that this was almost a coin toss and that he'd have been happy either way, but that said, the excitement of the Cruiserweights just edged it for him!




    Hogan applauded Piper and said that if it were his pick, he was going to take the Women's division so he is more than happy



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    The Hardy Boyz defeated Tonga Fifita & Sione Vaihahi by disqualification - Fresh off of an impressive win over Dean Malenko a week ago, Jeff Hardy reunited with his brother Matt in an attempt to continue building momentum. The announcers noted that with the way the draft has gone so far, Matt & Jeff are in a dilemma as their partner Lita has been drafted to Thunder while the WCW World Tag Team titles are on Nitro, so whatever happens will cause a problem. However there were problems much closer at hand, as when it looked as though the Hardyz were on their way to a win, they were attacked by two men wearing hoodies and face masks! The referee immediately called for a disqualification and awarded the match to Matt & Jeff



    Despite the disqualification, the assault continued as the two unnamed assailants continued their unprovoked assault on Matt & Jeff Hardy! One of the attackers hooked up Matt, lifted him upside down and drilled him in a sickening manner down right on his head! The other man, having delivered brutal stiff kicks to Jeff then delivered a brutal fisherman driver! The two men then regrouped in the middle of the ring, removed their hoodies and masks to reveal themselves as former ECW World Tag Team champions Low Ki & Erazo; B.W.A.!




    At the sight of Jeff stumbling towards them, Erazo dragged him to his feet while Low Ki went to the top rope. Erazo then hoisted Jeff up in a powerbomb position, but it was Low Ki that delivered the impact as he dove off with a double footstomp into a powerbomb that Tony Schiavone identified as being the Brooklyn Stomp! B.W.A. stood tall and surveyed the damage they had inflicted upon an impressive arrival in WCW at the Hardy Boyz expense



    Gene Okerlund was with Chuck Palumbo ahead of his match with The American Nightmare a little bit later, and Chuck said that it didn't matter to him where he ended up, only that he still had a score to settle with Evolution. The interview was interrupted when David Flair walked in and the two friends slapped hands with David wishing Palumbo luck for his match. David went to leave, but Palumbo stopped him and reminded him that regardless of where he ends up, he has "a damned bright future", suggesting that maybe they could watch each others backs if they end up on the same show. David thanked Palumbo, but simply said "thanks, maybe" before walking away



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    Joanie Lee defeated Yuki Miyazaki - After the WCW Women's World champion's attack on Yuki on Thunder, Tony Schiavone revealed that Yuki had requested this match. She hadn't asked for a title match, but the announcers noted that if she were to win, she'd jump right to the front of the queue. Unfortunately for Yuki, Joanie Lee was never under threat and in fact she just looked like an animal playing with her food before she finally decided to end the match with a big powerbomb



    Sherri Martel and the rest of Queen's Court entered the ring to gloat about the sheer dominance that they would bring to the Women's division, now exclusively set for Thunder. She ran down Roddy Piper for not picking them, claiming that Lee is a bigger star than anyone in the Cruiserweight division and that he was right to be afraid of "The Glamazon" because she would snap him like a toothpick!


    Martel then turned her attention to Lita and told her that she had been given an opportunity at Souled Out because Lee had personally hand picked her, but the truth is, they aren't worried. Lee already beat the best this division has to offer at Starrcade to win the title and while Lita might be good, she just doesn't measure up to Lee, "so work hard, give it your best, but it's not going to happen"



    The second hour of Nitro began with Nitro and Thunder General Managers Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan back at their podiums to make their next two selections. It was Thunder up first and Hogan took the time to praise the dominant display from Joanie Lee moments ago, but now it was time for Thunder's next draft pick and he said that his selection is someone who, for the vast majority of his career has always been overshadowed or compared to his older brother. But now his brother is on Nitro, Owen Hart will get the chance to shine on Thunder!





    Piper told Hogan that he made a good choice, admitting that he was hoping to bring Owen to Nitro but that's how it goes sometimes. His selection however has the opportunity not just to shine on Nitro but to bring even more championship gold to Nitro! He then proceeded to draft none other that then man who will challenge Goldberg for the WCW United States Heavyweight title at Souled Out; Diamond Dallas Page!





    Hogan took a sharp intake of breath and said DDP is good, "damned good, but that title ain't going anywhere brother"! Hogan then said that his next draft pick could well be short lived because he's picking the man who if he wins at Souled Out will be able to appear on both shows as WCW World Heavyweight champion; Rey Mysterio Jr! The announcers noted that Rey was not listed when the Cruiserweight division was highlighted, meaning he made the decision to back himself and with this drafting, he will not be tied to the division he played a huge part in bringing to the forefront of WCW.





    Roddy Piper commented that maybe it would be Rey against Eddy Guerrero at Souled Out if he wins tonight, but that's for later, right now he's going to make his pick and once again, it's someone Piper doesn't like. "That seems to be a theme" added Hogan, before Piper said his pick is someone who is probably should have been a World Heavyweight champion by now, but for one reason or the other, he hasn't been. Maybe on Nitro, he can earn that chance and proceeded to draft "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner!






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    The American Nightmare defeated Chuck Palumbo - Chuck Palumbo was more than ready to make a name for himself, but fresh off his impressive win over Sting at Starrcade, Dustin had promised that his rise would begin tonight. Dustin played mind games with Palumbo, crouching in the corner, not moving until Palumbo was almost on top of him. For his part, Palumbo went in hard, looking for the big win but ultimately the experience factor of The American Nightmare was more than enough for Palumbo as he picked up the win with the Dream Breaker



    Abyss and Daffney entered the ring the celebrate with The American Nightmare, who slithered backwards off of Chuck Palumbo. The Nightmare Family then left the ring and headed up the ramp where they stopped at the sight of David Flair coming out, clearly on his way to check on his friend! David looked eyes with Dustin for a moment, but surprisingly Dustin ordered Abyss & Daffney to step aside and allow David a clear path to the ring



    Backstage, Eddy Guerrero was with Gene Okerlund and talked about how this kind of opportunity is long, long overdue for him. He said that he came to WCW five years ago and asked Gene if he knew how many chances like this he has had? "Cero!" he answered, pointing out that he has never had a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight title and while that might have eaten him up before, this is a new time in WCW, a new chance and he's going to take it with both hands. He asked Gene if he realised how big of a deal it was for someone like Rey Mysterio Jr. to get a title shot, not just anywhere but on pay-per-view? He said that it was huge and claimed that everyone in Mexico would be watching because it transcends borders! With all of that said, he questioned how huge it would be for two luchadores to headline the first big pay-per-view of 2001 for the biggest title in all of professional wrestling? He can't even explain it, "which is why Kurt, this is bigger than you, bigger than me, this means everything" and vowed to walk out of Nitro tonight WCW World Heavyweight champion!



    Nitro returned from a commercial break to find Gene Okerlund standing by with Steven Regal, Lance Storm & Fit Finlay as well as WCW World Trios champions X-Factor and Gene announced that on Thunder it would be Lance Storm taking on Jerry Lynn. X-Pac then cut off Gene and asked who Regal thought they were? He said that they are the champions, the first real champions "that mean a damn" since the very first ones, saying they are a proper team, they have each others backs before pointing out that Regal and his friends don't even have a name!

    Regal smirked and said that Pac is right, they don't but they have something X-Factor doesn't and that is the respect of each other and the respect of their peers. He said that Lance Storm is a man who was wasted in ECW, if he had come to WCW several years ago he'd have been a bigger name and a champion by now. But the point is this; on Thunder, Storm is going to make Lynn tap out, now that isn't a threat, it's a promise and then very soon after that they will get their shot at their titles and we'll see just who walks away



    Both Paul Wight & Billy Kidman were in the ring, ready for their match with Tammy Sytch's hand picked opponents. Sytch walked out onto the ramp with WCW World Tag Team champions Edge & Christian and said that it was good to see them ready, looking like a team but the truth is they aren't and everyone knows it, especially them. But it's fine, it doesn't matter because they aren't going beat her hand-picked team, a team that Kidman is very familiar with before she introduced the dangerous duo of Brian Adams & Bryan Clarke; KroniK!



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    Paul Wight & Billy Kidman defeated KroniK - The announcers noted Billy Kidman's history with KroniK and Tammy Sytch having brought them in as essentially "hired guns" last year, but this time a chance at the WCW World Tag Team titles were at stake. When Kidman was in the ring, the match swung towards KroniK but after Kidman made the hot tag to Wight, everything changed and very quickly the big man caught Clarke with a huge chokeslam for the win and to give them a shot at the gold at Souled Out



    As Paul Wight was getting to his feet, Rhino ran out and when Wight was up and turned around he walked right into a huge Gore! The WCW World Television champion pounded his chest before turning his attention to Billy Kidman, lining up for another Gore but suddenly Rob Van Dam's music hit!

    The man who felt the Gore from Rhino last week ran out to the ring with a steel chair in hand send Rhino and the rest of TSE out of the ring, running for cover as RVD begged for Rhino to come back and face him



    Tony Schiavone revealed that he had just been told that WCW President Eric Bischoff will be on hand to make yet another huge announcement! None of the announcers had any idea what it was about but from what Schiavone had been told, it was going to kick off Thunder



    The main event was almost upon us, but before that it was time to finalise the top ten drafts for Nitro and Thunder. Tony Schiavone reminded everyone the televised draft had been completed, the remainder of the roster would be drafted via a lottery with the finalised rosters available on WCW.com later tonight. Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper were back at their podiums and Hogan said they wanted to make this quick because while it's important, they want to get to the main event as soon as possible!

    It was Thunder to pick first and Hogan drafted The Nightmare Family, bringing Abyss, Daffney and of course The American Nightmare to Thunder. He admitted to being a bit wary, but regardless of any personal concerns, he can see just how far Dustin can go and could well be a future WCW World Heavyweight champion.





    Piper followed up naming the largest athlete in all of professional wrestling as Nitro's latest draft pick, as "The Giant" Paul Wight heads to Nitro. Piper added that it was time for Wight to get back on track!





    Hulk Hogan was clearly disappointed at having lost out on his former tag team partner and WCW World Tag Team champion, but he moved on and drafted another name who is, in his words, "the cockiest guy he's ever met" and drafted Chris Jericho to Thunder!





    Piper followed up with Nitro's ninth pick and asked Hogan to cast his mind back to November of 1997 when the Hart Dynasty arrived in WCW. He said that he was a part of it, as was Jericho but there was someone else in that group, someone who for whatever reason has never "broken the glass ceiling", but now on Nitro, he's going to have every chance to do that as Chris Benoit is Nitro's ninth pick.





    It was finally time for the tenth pick for both shows and Hulk Hogan and Thunder were up first. Hogan said that his last pick is a tough one, and frankly when he checked through the list, he was surprised because he didn't expect this name to be alone as ever since he's been in WCW, he's stood side-by-side as an equal with his best friend. He said that they have A LOT of history together, not all of it good but maybe this is what he needs, a fresh start and so Hogan drafted, alone, Kevin Nash!





    Roddy Piper couldn't hold back his smile as he told Hogan that he had the exact same though...but about Nash's partner! Piper then drafted Scott Hall to Nitro, splitting The Outsiders for the first time since their arrival in WCW over four years ago!





    Piper said he doesn't know why they weren't listed together, but that's not his problem, he's got the best of the two! Hogan disputed this and hyped up Nash's size and power with the two men bickering for a few seconds before Hogan shut it down, saying they can continue this later and frankly we'd see who got the best deal over the next few months, but right now it's time for the main event!




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    WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Kurt Angle © defeated Eddy Guerrero - This was a match that had a lot of hype and a lot excitement as soon as it was announced earlier tonight, and with Eddy's comments, the importance of this match could be felt clearly. Despite Eddy's reputation as a high-flyer, he is an incredible proficient mat wrestler as well and he surprised Angle by going toe-to-toe with the Olympic gold medalist in pure wrestling. During the course of the match, Rey Mysterio Jr. was seen watching on a monitor backstage where he was clearly supporting Eddy with the camera catching his excitement when Eddy went to the top rope for a Frog Splash and his disappointment when Angle got his knees up to counter it. Eddy gave everything he had, coming close to a win with the Frog Splash attempt and even closer several minutes later when he, similarly to how Rey scored the huge win last week countered the Ankle lock into a roll-up, but this time for a very near fall. The clearly flustered champion left the ring to recompose, where he then grabbed his title and returned to the ring, only for the referee to take it away from him, leading to Eddy getting another incredibly near fall! Angle was now furious and went on the offensive with the match swinging both ways and exhaustion showing on either side. But when Angle went for an Olympic Slam and Eddy rolled through and countered with an arm drag, he followed up with a brainbuster and went to the top rope, once again looking for the Frog Splash. However this time, Angle rolled out of the way and Eddy had to counter in mid air, rolling through only to tweak his ankle. This was like blood to a shark for Angle, who immediately pounced and locked in the Ankle lock! Eddy was in serious pain and while he endured for longer than many, he ultimately had no choice but to tap out and give Angle the victory




    WCW WORLD CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Ron Killings defeated Juventud Guerrera ©, Chris Candido, Lenny, Super Crazy and Shane Helms (13:25) to win the WCW World Cruiserweight title

    The Hardy Boyz defeated Tonga Fifita & Sione Vaihahi by disqualification(4:06)

    Joanie Lee defeated Yuki Miyazaki (5:18)

    The American Nightmare defeated Chuck Palumbo (7:05)

    Paul Wight & Billy Kidman defeated KroniK (9:30)

    WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Kurt Angle defeated Eddy Guerrero (16:43) to retain the WCW World Heavyweight title

    </div style>

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  13. <div align="center"><div style="width:1300px;padding:10px;border:20px solid #000000;margin:10px;">



    JANUARY 4TH, 2001



    Tony Schiavone welcomed everyone to a historic edition of Thunder where we would find out the identity of the General Manager of this very show momentarily! There was a couple of seconds silence until American Made blarred out on the PA system and out walked "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan!




    Hogan slapped hands with fans at ringside before heading into the ring where he soaked up the adulation of the fans, who clearly missed seeing him around, having been away from WCW for such a long time.

    Hogan thanked the fans for the great ovation and announced that he is the General Manager of Thunder. He said when Eric Bischoff called, he didn't hesitate, saying it's no secret that he's been dealing with a number of injuries over the past year or so. Hogan said that when he tuned into Monday Nitro, he like everyone else was excited for the announcement because he knew what was coming. He said that when Monday Nitro debuted back in September 1995, he was in the main event, defending the WCW World Heavyweight champion and ever since then, he's been a huge part of the show "from the red and yellow to the nWo and back again" and he thinks that played a pretty big part in the success of that show. Now two years after it's first edition, Thunder is right up there with Nitro as the two top professional wrestling shows in the world...but that's going to change, because when he takes over Thunder, he's going to make it the number one show!


    Suddenly the sound of bagpipes filled the arena and laughing Roddy Piper walked out, smiling all the way down the ramp until he got into the ring where he just started laughing again. "Of course it's you" Piper said, reminding everyone that he didn't know the identity of Thunder's GM before getting acknowledgement from Hogan that he didn't know about Piper until he watched Nitro. "The more things change, the more the stay the same", adding that they just can't get away from each other. Hogan admitted that seeing Piper walk out on Nitro made him sit up, but after a minute he smiled! He said that everyone knows their history, everyone knows they do not like one another ("Oh I hate you" Piper added), but Hogan noted that they bring out the worst and best in one another every time they have locked up. Piper agreed and said that he is very much looking forward to kicking Hogan's ass once again with Monday Nitro before offering Hogan his hand! Hogan took it, shook and said he feels exactly the same "but don't worry brother, I still have the red and yellow boots...and the black and white ones!"



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    Rhino & Chris Candido defeated The Misfits (Stevie Richards & Norman Smiley) - Despite the apparent awkwardness at the reveal of the formation of Tammy Sytch Enterprises and Sytch giving up Chris Candido's WCW World Cruiserweight title rematch clause to get Rhino a shot at the WCW World Television title, Candido and Rhino worked well together as a team with Candido getting the pin himself



    Tammy Sytch entered the ring following the win, but she didn't come alone as new WCW World Tag Team champions Edge & Christian were with her, but in the ring, WCW World Television champion Rhino delivered a huge Gore to Hugh Morrus, who had been checking on his fallen allies! Sytch looked very happy before gleefully hyping and introducing Rhino and the WCW World Tag Team champions Edge & Christian. She talked about how they defeated the two best tag teams in WCW, not just at Starrcade but also at World War 3, calling them the best team on the planet and that they were going to go from strength to strength under the TSE banner and hyped them as huge stars who will be in action in the main event later tonight.


    Tammy then announced some good news for Chris Candido; she has gotten him a shot at the WCW World Cruiserweight title on Monday Nitro! Candido's face lit up but then dropped slightly when Sytch revealed it would be as part of a six-way match, but told him not to worry because she would be in his corner, just as she always is and always will be and together they will bring more gold into TSE.


    Just as TSE were preparing to leave, they were stopped in their tracks by the arrival of Billy Kidman and Paul Wight! Wight told them to hold on just a minute because they heard Tammy talk about great teams and figured they were talking about them! Kidman said that his and Torrie Wilson's issues with Tammy go back a long way and they never really got proper closure "seen as your last man kept hiding and you ran away to ECW!", which is why they think it's only right to get some closure now as he and Wight are challenging Edge & Christian for the titles! Edge answered by saying they don't deserve anything close to a title shot, pointing out that they have barely teamed recently and the last time they did properly they lost...to them! Tammy then whispered something to Edge, who said that they would be willing to put the titles on the line but only if they beat a team of their choosing on Nitro. After some short conferring, Wight accepted the challenge and the match was set for next week



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    Scott Steiner defeated Danny Doring - Less of a match, more an experiment in domination as Steiner was on Doring as soon as the bell sounded, wasting no time in throwing him around the ring before locking him in the Steiner Recliner for an impressive victory



    Gene Okerlund was backstage with Evolution, who had specifically requested this interview time. Shawn Stasiak first of all took the opportunity to mock his old friend David Flair "for being such a loser" that he can't even bear to be on the same show as him! Then he turned to later tonight, the tag team match with him and Sonny Siaki against Lex Luger and the British Bulldog and said that this would probably be the last time we see them team together. Gene was surprised, then Siaki revealed that after the announcement of the brand extension, they realised that Evolution being restricted to just one show was all wrong so when they declare themselves for the draft, he will not be aligning with Evolution! Make no mistake though, this isn't the end of Evolution, Stasiak said that the truth is, the time has come for Evolution to expand and he can think of no better way to do that then to split with Stasiak on one show and Siaki on another. Siaki said that he already "has his eye" on some recruits, but tonight it's about Evolution and it's another chance to kick some old asses!



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    Lita defeated Yuki Miyazaki - Two weeks ago Lita secured the win for her team in a eight-person Women's division showcase, but it was after the match that drew a lot of attention as WCW Women's World champion Joanie Lee walked out with the question being, who was she focusing on? In the ring, Lita had her hands full against the top class Joshi flyer Yuki Miyazaki, who has more than proven herself in WCW and even has a victory over Lita under her previous guise from back in September. But tonight was Lita's night as she caught Yuki with a Twist of Fate before following up with a Litasault for the victory



    Lita celebrated her victory before helping Yuki Miyazaki to her feet where the shook hands in a sign of respect. However, WCW Women's World champion Joanie Lee then walked out, flanked as ever by Sherri Martel! Lee walked right down the ring, but neither Lita nor Yuki backed down when she arrived.


    Martel told Lita not to worry, she's safe but that they're here to answer the question about who will be "The Glamazon's" first challenger and after her impressive win last week, the answer is her! Lee wants only the best WCW has to offer, and while she absolutely doesn't come anywhere near the champions level, "you're pretty good" and so at Souled Out, Lita will get a chance to make a name for herself.


    Suddenly and without warning, Joanie Lee turned and drilled Yuki Miyazaki with a big boot! Lita immediately went to check on her opponent as the smiling duo of Lee and Martel left the ring



    Despite beating Sting at Starrcade, The American Nightmare has yet to appear live on either Nitro since. The trend continued here with another video of Dustin stood with Daffney and Abyss stood either side of him as he promised that we wouldn't be missing him for long because he would be on Monday Nitro, not just for his match with Chuck Palumbo but for the draft because he was very interested to see where his "family" goes. He said 2001 will be a big year for the Nightmare Family, starting in four days



    Tony Schiavone threw it backstage where Gene Okerlund was standing by with Theodore Long, Ron Killings, The Sisters of Pain and his newest client; "Everybody's Homeboy" Chilly Willy! Long introduced him as such and said that he and Killings are the Cold Truth before Chilly pulled down his sunglasses and said that ever since high school, he has always been the coolest man in the room and that while the place may change, the facts stay the same.


    Long then announced that Killings would finally get the respect he deserves on Monday Nitro when he takes part in the six-man match for the WCW World Cruiserweight title, but following Chris Benoit's interference in their business, Killings had a message for both Benoit and Bret; later tonight, Chilly makes his WCW debut against Benoit but after he's won the title on Monday Nitro, they want to celebrate on Thunder by beating both Bret and Benoit in a tag team match!



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    Shawn Stasiak & Sonny Siaki defeated Lex Luger & British Bulldog - Rolling back the years to when Luger & Bulldog first "allied" back in January of 1995, they worked well together as a team as the announcers speculated on whether this could lead to them teaming together on a more regular basis, if they get drafted to the same show of course. With Mike Sanders, Miss Gorgeous George and Stacy Keibler at ringside, Luger and Bulldog had a lot they needed to be weary of, not least their opponents in the ring but when Luger had Siaki in the Torture Rack, it looked over, especially as Siaki began to tap! But fortunately for Siaki, George was able to distract the referee, allowing Sanders to slide a steel chair to Stasiak who proceeded to blast Luger in the back with it! Bulldog went after Stasiak, but in the ring Siaki recovered and showed his impressive strength by drilling Luger with the Siakalypse Now to secure the big win



    The second hour of Thunder kicked off with the arrival of WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle, who told the fans in Columbus to cheer louder because "unlike that fake" Hulk Hogan, a real American hero has finally arrived! Angle then turned his attention to the main event later tonight where he would team with "his close friends Edge & Christian" to beat Rob Van Dam, Eddy Guerrero and his Souled Out opponent Rey Mysterio Jr. He wanted to correct a misconception; he is not underestimating Rey, not at all, in fact, he completely understands exactly what to expect from Rey at Souled Out, the problem for Rey is that it isn't good enough to beat him. Now he respects Rey, "you're great for what you are, but that's the difference; I'm just great" and said that while the Rey he faces at Souled Out isn't the same Rey he faced this time last year, he isn't the same either because every time he steps in the ring, he gets better and better.


    Angle continued to gloat about how great he is when he was interrupted by one of the men he will face later tonight; Eddy Guerrero. Eddy began to snore before mocking the fact Angle keeps saying the same thing over and over and that by now, it's pretty damn boring! Eddy said he wasn't here to talk about how good Rey is, he's been in the ring with him, he knows better than most but honestly he just wanted to stop Angle from talking! Eddy then turned to leave before Angle yelled that he can't just come out here and talk to him like that and then leave, "I'm a friggin Olympic gold medalist!" Eddy smirked again and told Angle, "you keep doing that" before walking off, leaving Angle absolutely furious!



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    Christian York & Joey Matthews defeated Ultimo Dragon & Hayabusa - Yoshihiro Tajiri was in the corner of Hayabusa & Ultimo Dragon, but AJ Styles was not with the Phenomenal Ones due to an injury sustained after his match with Owen Hart. York & Matthews did look somewhat lost, looking to the absent Styles for guidance but while Alicia Webb at ringside did her best, it wasn't quite the same. However they scored a huge stroke of luck when suddenly outside the ring, Tajiri was attacked by Scott Hall! He slammed him hard into the steel steps, distracting Ultimo and allowing Matthews to roll him up for a big win!



    Scott Hall didn't seem to care about the ongoing match or that he had cost Yoshihiro Tajiri's partners their match as he continued the attack on Tajiri outside the ring. But Hayabusa saw what was going on and went right after Hall, catching him off guard with a dive through the ropes! Hayabusa delivered several right hands before making the mistake of turning to pump up for the crowd because when he turned back, Hall levelled him with a big clothesline!


    Hall then tossed Hayabusa into the steps and lined the prone Tajiri up for the Outsiders Edge, only for Booker T to run out to make the save! Hall dropped Tajiri and dared Booker to come and face him, but Booker stopped short and after a brief stand off, Booker told Hall to turn around. Hall looked confused until he was spun around by Tajiri and for the second time in less than a week he was cover by green mist! Hall wiped madly at his eyes, all while Booker stood by, smirked and shrugged



    Up next was Chris Benoit against Chilly Willy, but before the match both Benoit and Bret Hart joined Gene Okerlund in the interview area. Benoit says that he doesn’t know who Chilly Willy is and he doesn't care, all that matters as that he's going to make him tap out! Bret then thanked Benoit for his help last week but suggested that he had it all in hand. Benoit accepted that but reminded Bret he'll always have his back and he knows that Bret would have done the same for him, which is why they are accepting the challenge to face the Cold Truth on Thunder next week! Bret said that he knows Benoit doesn't need it, but wished him good luck anyway for his match



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    Chris Benoit defeated Chilly Willy - For someone making his in-ring WCW debut, especially against someone as technically proficient as Chris Benoit, Chilly Willy gave his opponent a run for his money. However, even though Theodore Long did his best to distract Benoit, Chilly was no match for Benoit and when he locked in the Crippler Crossface, Chilly had no choice but to tap immediately



    Footage aired from after the main event on Monday Nitro where Diamond Dallas Page and WCW United States Heavyweight champion Goldberg teamed up to defeat Ravishing Perfection. It showed DDP and Goldberg exchanging looks of respect, but when Goldberg turned around to pose for the crowd, it looked as though DDP had been lining up for a Diamond Cutter! But as soon as Goldberg turned, DDP just smiled and left the ring.


    Back live, DDP was with Jeremy Borash, who asked him about that moment and DDP made crystal clear that he was never going to lay out Goldberg BUT the point is that if he wanted to, he could have, and that's what Goldberg needs to remember at Souled Out because last time they met, one Diamond Cutter took him down and won him the WCW World Heavyweight title!"



    It was almost time for the main event and Eddy Guerrero, Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio Jr. were getting ready for the match when Hulk Hogan approached the three! Hogan slapped hands with each of them and said that when Eric Bischoff approached him about being General Manager of Thunder one of the things he was most excited about was guys like them. He said that he watched the match between RVD and Rey last week and said it was "incredible" before telling Rey that he's backing him all the way at Souled Out against his old enemy Kurt Angle. Rey thanked Hogan and said that it means a lot to him and vowed to win the WCW World Heavyweight title and show the world that "guys like us" deserve to be the main event



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    Rey Mysterio Jr., Rob Van Dam & Eddy Guerrero defeated Kurt Angle, Edge & Christian - Despite the lack of history as a team for Rey, RVD and Eddy, the respect they each had for one another was clear, going back to the personal rivalry for Eddy and Rey and of course the recent match between RVD and Rey. This seemed to give them somewhat of an edge of their opponents, who have got history as a trio and an apparent friendship as well. Tammy Sytch was at ringside directing traffic for her team but it was another member of TSE who played a massive part in the outcome of the match as Rhino, sneaking behind the referee's back appeared from nowhere and delivered a huge Gore to RVD on the outside! The impact of this saw RVD hit the back of his head hard on the floor, but while it was clear to everyone what had happened, Tammy and Angle seemingly convinced the referee that RVD had fallen off the apron! As medics were checking on RVD, the match continued as essentially a handicap match, but while the numbers game was clearly against them, Eddy and Rey had the advantage of causing their opponents to become overconfident. Angle connected with the Olympic Slam on his Souled Out opponent Rey, and while normally he would follow up by making the pin, he decided to take a moment to posture, pulling down his straps before looking for the ankle lock. However, much to his surprise and that of the announcers, Rey immediately rolled Angle up tightly and held on long enough to score a huge victory!



    As soon as the referee's hand hit the mat for the third time, Rey Mysterio Jr. released Kurt Angle and rolled out of the ring to safety, whereas Angle just looked absolutely stunned at what amounts to only Angle's second ever pinfall loss! Angle's reaction turned to fury as he complained to the referee about one thing or the other, but it didn't matter, Rey had the win and was joined on the entrance ramp in celebration by Eddy Guerrero as Thunder went off the air with Tony Schiavone reminding everyone not to miss the historic Monday Nitro next week as the first ever WCW draft will take place!




    Rhino & Chris Candido defeated Stevie Richards & Norman Smiley (5:03)

    Scott Steiner defeated Danny Doring (0:50)

    Lita defeated Yuki Miyazaki (10:28)

    Shawn Stasiak & Sonny Siaki defeated Lux Luger & British Bulldog (9:55)

    Christian York & Joey Matthews defeated Ultimo Dragon & Hayabusa (8:25)

    Chris Benoit defeated Chilly Willy (8:02)

    Rey Mysterio Jr., Rob Van Dam & Eddy Guerrero defeated Kurt Angle, Edge & Christian (13:34)</DETAILS>



    Super Crazy defeated Lash LeRoux (6:38)

    Jeremy Borash spoke to Lenny J, who is now going simply by the name of "Lenny", saying that he has completed his learning as protégé of Chris Jericho and that now it is time for him to strike out on his own, which is why he is entered into the six-man match on Monday Nitro for the WCW Cruiserweight title

    The Sisters of Pain defeated Little Jeanne & Allison Danger (5:36)

    Back with Jeremy Borash, 3 Count were playing rock, paper, scissors to determine which of them would take part in the WCW Cruiserweight title match. Evan Karagias was eliminated first, much to his frustration, followed by Shannon Moore, meaning Shane Helms would take part. Moore & Karagias put their disappointment aside to support Helms and hype him up for the match on Monday Nitro

    Jimmy Yang & Kaz Hayashi defeated Kid Kash & EZ Money (8:08)

    The Dudley Boyz & Spike Dudley defeated Simon Diamond, Nick Dinsmore & Rob Conway (7:26)

    Hector Garza defeated Konnan (9:25)

    Jeff Jarrett defeated Charlie Haas (7:52)</DETAILS>

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    • A coin toss will take place on Monday Nitro to determine which General Manager gets to make the first draft pick.
    • Throughout the course of Monday Nitro, both General Managers will make ten selections each.
    • The remaining wrestlers will be divided randomly in a draft lottery following the show.
    • The Cruiserweight and Women's division will be drafted as a single selection with the fifth draft pick.
    • Wrestlers can be drafted as part of a faction or tag team if each members declares themselves as such - for example if both Matt and Jeff Hardy declared themselves as part of "The Hardy Boyz", they would be drafted together, otherwise they would both be drafted separately.
    • The same rules apply for eligibility to divisions - for example, if TAKA Michinoku declared himself for the Cruiserweight division, he would not be drafted individually or as part of "The Jung Dragons" (divisional declarations supersede faction or tag team declarations).
    • WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle is the only wrestler ineligible for selection as he can appear on both Thunder and Nitro.
    • Unlimited trades can be made following the finalisation of the rosters on January 8th.
    • Rosters and championships will then be locked at 11:59pm on January 28th following Souled Out.
    • The brand extension officially begins on Monday Nitro on January 29th.

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    JANUARY 1ST, 2001



    Monday Nitro is coming live from Atlanta, Georgia and as promised, WCW President Eric Bischoff is here with a huge announcement! As usual, the reaction for Bischoff was distinctly mixed, which Bischoff didn't seem to notice or worry about as he smirked and acknowledged the fans. He talked about how wrestling has a history of "huge announcements", something that Bret Hart actually alluded to last week and as Bret said, they are usually disappointing. The hype is huge but whatever it may never really lives up to the billing; "well I'd like to think this time is going to be different".


    Bischoff talked up the success of Monday Nitro and of Thunder, saying they have both become brands of their own under the WCW banner "which is why that is exactly what they are going to become" with the introduction of a brand extension! Bischoff then clarified that Thunder and Nitro will each run independently with distinct roster of wrestlers, announcers and championships with each programme being run by their own General Manager. The WCW World Heavyweight champion will be the only person who will be eligible to appear on both shows because that championship is the richest prize in all of professional wrestling, no other championship can come close, and it deserves the level of respect that representing all of World Championship Wrestling will entail. This time next week there will be a draft where the two General Managers will compete to put together the best roster they possibly can, with ten picks each taking place on Nitro and the rest of the roster being drafted by a lottery ahead of Thunder with the brand split coming into full force following Souled Out. He said that details of the rules of the draft would appear on wcw.com after Nitro concludes later tonight.


    Bischoff then went to leave but then stopped, realising he had forgotten something; the identity of the two General Manager's. He smirked and said that the identity of the General Manager of Nitro would be revealed just prior to tonight's main event of Goldberg & Diamond Dallas Page against Rick Rude & Curt Hennig, while we'll have to wait until the kick-off of Thunder on Thursday night for the identity of Thunder's General Manager!


    This time Bischoff was finished, but instead of him leaving, WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle walked out! He joined Bischoff in the ring and shook his hand before saying how happy he is to hear what the WCW President had just said. He knew that he was the biggest star in WCW and finally it was nice for it to be recognised by management. He promised to carry this company on his back, just like he has done for the past six months since he won the title and brought prestige to it like it has never know. Bischoff then interrupted Angle and said that while he does believe Angle is the best wrestler on the planet and has indeed elevated the championship, the fact is that in just under a months time he will have to defend the title at Souled Out and if he loses, he will not be eligible to appear on both Nitro and Thunder. Angle dismissed Bischoff's words, pointing out that he is facing Rey Mysterio Jr., someone he has already beaten before and will do again so Bischoff needn't worry, he will still be champion and the face of WCW after Souled Out! Bischoff was happy to hear so much confidence from Angle, which is why he's making a match for Thunder; Angle will team up with WCW World Tag Team champions Edge & Christian to face Rob Van Dam, Eddy Guerrero and his Souled Out opponent Rey Mysterio Jr. in the main event!



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    Jushin Thunder Liger defeated CIMA - After his shocking appearance last week to make the save for Kaz Hayashi & Jimmy Yang, Jushin Thunder Liger looks set to be on a collision course with The Jung Dragons, starting tonight with CIMA. Unsurprisingly, both Dragon Kid & TAKA Michinoku attempted to get involved in the match but very quickly, both Hayashi & Yang also inserted themselves into the fray, going after their former leader! In the ring, the 1999 Super X Cup winner Liger was able to put CIMA away with a big brainbuster



    In the interview area, Gene Okerlund was joined by Tammy Sytch and her clients; the WCW World Tag Team champions Edge & Christian, Chris Candido and the man who will challenge Juventud Guerrera for the WCW World Television title later tonight, "The Man Beast" Rhino. Gene talked about the bombshell announcement from Eric Bischoff about the brand extension that will begin next week and put it to Sytch that this alliance could well be short-lived as they may be drafted to separate shows!


    Tammy replied by claiming that Tammy Sytch Enterprises is going to dominate WCW, that isn't a claim, it's just a fact and after tonight is done, there will be two championships in TSE, more than any other group can claim, so immediately they will "rule this place", saying Bischoff putting her team in the main event of Thunder is further proof of this. Edge said that he isn't worried about draft, saying there is no way anyone could separate the WCW World Tag Team champions and as Tammy as their manager, where they go, she goes.


    Candido seemed a little less confident and asked if he somehow ended up on a different show to Edge & Christian, where would Tammy go? Tammy smiled and told Candido not to worry because A) that won't happen and B) if it does, she is the hottest star in this company so she goes where she wants! She then hyped Rhino as being a dominating force and told Juventud Guerrera to just give it up and hand over the title because he won't survive



    Just the same as last week, a video package highlighted the incredible variety of suplexes and submissions that Taz is capable of before hyping his upcoming arrival in WCW



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    Jeff Hardy defeated Dean Malenko - During the match, Tony Schiavone announced that Jeff Hardy had been voted as the ""Young Wrestler of the Year"" for 2000, following in the footsteps of former winners like Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio Jr., Paul Wight, Lex Luger and Sting. Bobby Heenan noted that Jeff has big shoes to fill but that he has all the tools to do just that. However his opponent tonight is no slouch and Larry Zbyskzo noted that unlike Jeff, Dean Malenko has had success in singles action, being a former WCW United States and WCW World Cruiserweight champion, but after a great back-and-forth contest that saw Malenko show his ruthless, technical side by going after the legs of his opponent, Jeff managed to fight back, overcome the possible injury and land a Swanton Bomb for the big win



    For the first time since winning the WCW World Trios titles on WCW Main Event, right before Starrcade, X-Factor were on hand in the backstage area, having requested this time. Despite their win, they didn't seem to be in the best of moods as X-Pac talked about how it was long overdue that they are champions in WCW but the fact they were relegated to Main Event and not Starrcade is a joke! X-Pac said it perfectly sums up their treatment in this company since day one, as they had to head to ECW to gain some respect. But now they have gold, WCW will have no choice but to make them the recognise them for the stars that they are and give them the proper respect that they and the titles deserve.


    Suddenly, Jerry Lynn & Justin Credible stood up from the storage crates that they were sitting on as Steven Regal, Fit Finlay & Lance Storm all walked in! Regal smiled and had his hands up, telling X-Pac that they weren't here to fight, they just wanted to deliver a simple message; they want the WCW World Trios titles, they will have them, "it's just a matter of time and out of courtesy, we're just letting you know in advance" before they turned and walked away, leaving X-Factor dumbfounded and speechless!



    Gene Okerlund was with Bret Hart ahead of his match with Ron Killings, and The Hitman said that he sees that Killings has the tools to be a big player, but right now he's mouth and his ego is bigger than his talent! Mean Gene then asked Bret for his thoughts on the upcoming brand split and The Hitman was very interested, saying he likes the idea of it because it'll create opportunities for the guys who have had less chances to shine, guys like Eddy Guerrero, The Hardy Boyz, Chris Benoit and even guys he's had issues with like Hector Garza and Kanyon. "Don't get me wrong", adding that his ultimate goal, like he said last week is to be the man at the centre of it all, the WCW World Heavyweight champion and that's exactly what he is focusing on after he beats Ron Killings tonight



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    Bret Hart defeated Ron Killings - Theodore Long joined the announcers to talk about "how big of a star" Ron Killings is and is going to be, suggesting that he was actually working on a rap record with a top record producer! Killings gave Hart his absolute best but The Hitman isn't called "the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be" for nothing as he forced a submission with the Sharpshooter



    After the match, Theodore Long came to ringside to argue with the victorious Bret Hart, when suddenly "The Hitman" was attacked from behind by an unknown assailant! Bret was caught by surprise as this smiling newcomer put the boots to him and was soon joined in the attack by the now-recovered Ron Killings.


    However, before too much damage could be done, Chris Benoit ran down to the ring and send Killings and the newcomer running from the ring. Benoit helped his former Hart Dynasty ally to his feet as Long, Killings and the as-yet unnamed newcomer regrouped on the outside



    For the first time since Starrcade, Booker T appeared in a WCW ring. The announcers talked about how close he came to becoming WCW World Heavyweight champion for the first time in his career, but how he came up short against an incredible Kurt Angle. Booker let the fans cheers die down before saying that he wasn't here for some sob story because even though he lost at Starrcade, he knows that he gave everything that he had and he was closer than anyone ever expected. He said that he's proud of what he accomplished in even getting to the main event of the biggest pay-per-view in this companies history, "but don't get me wrong man, I want to be WCW champion" and said the defeat is just going to drive him on until he achieves his goal!


    "Hey yo" then interrupted the moment as out walked Scott Hall! The fans booed as Hall said took a survey to see whether people were here for him or for "that guy in the ring"? Amusingly, they all cheered for Booker, but Hall didn't seem to notice and claimed it as a victory for him. He said he was out here because he has a match up next and he didn't want to listen to Booker whine and complain anymore, but Booker then cut him off and said there was no complaining; only acceptance. However, he noticed that something, or someone was missing, noting that Kevin Nash hasn't been seen since Starrcade and his "embarrassment" at the hands of Rey Mysterio Jr.! Booker asked if he's too ashamed to be seen out in public without his long locks! By now, Hall was on the steps and he brushed off the comment, saying that "Big Kev is all good" before moving on, saying it's time for Booker to leave the ring and let the people watch what they came here for; him kick some little losers ass. Booker T smiled and stepped aside, telling Hall that the ring was "all yours". But instead of leaving the ringside area, Booker stopped at the bottom of the ramp, choosing the remain around as Yoshihiro Tajiri made his way to the ring



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    Scott Hall defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri - Booker T stayed at ringside for the whole match, but never left the bottom of the ramp and never got involved in the match at all. Scott Hall however insisted on jaw jacking with Booker throughout, apparently showing off to him and taking Tajiri lightly, going so far as to try and pin him with one foot, much to the disgust of Larry Zbyszko on commentary. Tajiri however showed that he can more than mix it up with the heavyweights as a stiff kick to the side of Hall's head could have earned him a win were it not for the momentum of the kick sending Hall rolling to the outside. Hall however managed to regroup and having distracted the referee by claiming Booker had gotten involved somehow, Hall delivered a thumb to the eye before following up with the Outsider's Edge for the win



    Immediately after his win, Scott Hall turned to Booker T and told him that this "is what a winner looks like". Booker and Hall proceeded to exchange insults for a short while until Hall told Booker to "watch this", before turning his attention back to Tajiri. But when he picked him up, Tajiri pushed Hall's arms aside and sprayed a green mist right into his face! Hall Tajiri had a maniacal smile on his face while Hall flopped around in the ring, much to the immense amusement of Booker T and the announcers



    Not for the first time tonight, Gene Okerlund was backstage in the interview area with David Flair, and Gene talked about the highly emotional, highly personal match that David had with Shawn Stasiak at Starrcade that ultimately saw him lose. David said that the truth is that he was betting everything he had on winning that match, he gave everything he could because he thought Stasiak was his best friend, he honestly thought that he and Stacy Keibler had a future together but what they did broke him. But he thought if he beat Stasiak at Starrcade, the biggest even in WCW history then maybe he'd get closure, maybe it would allow him to move on...but he lost. Gene then asked what it means for his future, and David said he wasn't sure before admitting that he can't bear to be reminded of what happened on a daily basis, so maybe this brand extension is the best thing that could have happened and hopefully he'll be drafted to a different show because he honestly can't stand the idea of seeing Stasiak and Stacy all the time





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    WCW WORLD TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP: Rhino defeated Juventud Guerrera © - The announcers made a point that despite what you might believe, there is only a one inch difference in height between the champion and the challenger. But it was the sheer power of "The Man Beast" that had everyone worried, with Bobby Heenan confidently predicting a new champion tonight. However, what Juvi lacked in power he more than made up for in speed as he continuously avoided many of Rhino's big powerful moves, coming close to securing a big win on more than one occasion. But unfortunately for Juvi, it wasn't just Rhino he had to worry about as Tammy Sytch was at ringside and when it looked as though Juvi was setting up for the 450 splash, Tammy got on the apron to distract Juvi. The referee ordered Tammy down but Juvi's attention was momentarily taken from the match and when he dove, Rhino had moved and although Juvi rolled through and landed on his feet, Rhino was up in an instant and drove through Juvi with a huge Gore that had only one outcome; a new WCW World Television champion!



    It was time for the big reveal; the identity of the General Monday on Monday Nitro. There was the sound of anticipation in the arena as the announcers all speculated, when suddenly the sound of bagpipes filled the Phillips Arena and out walked "Rowdy" Roddy Piper!




    For the first time since November 1999, the legendary "Hot Rod" walked down and entered a WCW ring to an amazing reaction from the fans. Piper let the fans have their moment before a smirking Piper said "I'm back" to a big cheer. Piper wanted to make something very clear; he hates Eric Bischoff! But when he got a call and this brand split was explained to him, it made him pretty excited! Piper said that the negotiations were pretty easy, even though he was prepared to go in fighting for what he wanted, it turns out that Bischoff agreed to everything with the sole exception of being told the identity of the Thunder General Manager, so he's going to find out who they are at the same time as everyone else. Piper said that Nitro has been the top show in professional wrestling since day one and he guarantees that it'll stay there "with a little added chaos and rowdiness" each and every week. Piper added that this time next week, Nitro and Thunder will have made their first ten picks and that he's got his eye on a couple of people already, but that can wait as he's going to be on hand this Thursday night to meet his opposition and he cannot wait to get started!



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    Goldberg & Diamond Dallas Page defeated Ravishing Perfection - Despite the fact the Souled Out match between DDP and Goldberg promises to be an intense affair, the two men worked well together as a team, tagging out on a regular basis. Of course, they were up against one of the best tag teams in all of professional wrestling in Rude & Hennig, so they had to be at their best in order to survive. Rude actually almost spoiled the party when he shocking DDP by landing the Rude Awakening, only for Goldberg to break up what would have a certain three count. Rude & Hennig worked well to isolate DDP, knowing the power of Goldberg was something they wanted to avoid, having encountered it just a few months ago but a fatal mistake was made when Hennig took too long going for the Hennig Plex, which allowed DDP to counter it into a Diamond Cutter! While DDP couldn't capitalise to make the pin, it allowed him to make the long crawl and make the hot tag to the WCW United States Heavyweight champion Goldberg! Once in, Goldberg didn't look back, blitzing his way through both Rude & Hennig, showing off his incredible power to lay out both men before finally setting his aim on the legal man, Rick Rude. Following a big spear, Goldberg dragged Rude to his feet and was setting him up for the Jackhammer, only for Hennig to come from behind with a steel chair! But Hennig was in for a shock as he was spun around and laid out with a Diamond Cutter from DDP, allowing Goldberg to hoist Rude up and drill him down with the Jackhammer for the inevitable victory!




    Jushin Thunder Liger defeated CIMA (10:29)

    Jeff Hardy defeated Dean Malenko (11:39)

    Bret Hart defeated Ron Killings (9:47)

    Scott Hall defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri (7:51)

    WCW WORLD TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP: Rhino defeated Juventud Guerrera © (11:30)

    Goldberg & Diamond Dallas Page defeated Ravishing Perfection (13:46)</DETAILS>

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    Just 48-hours removed from one of the greatest pay-per-views of all time, Tony Schiavone welcomed everyone to a special three-hour Boxing Day edition of Nitro live on TNT! Alongside him as usual sat Bobby Heenan and Larry Zbyszko and the three men ran through what went down at Starrcade before hyping tonight's telecast, including tonight's main event being a number one contender’s match to determine Kurt Angle's challenger at WCW Souled Out next month! Schiavone also confirmed that we would hear from new WCW United States Heavyweight champion Goldberg before the night was over as well as a number of excellent matches



    WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle kicked off the show proper and he was clearly happy following his huge victory against Booker T at Starrcade. Angle addressed the crowd and said that he had told them that he would be here on Nitro with the title still around his waist and above all else, he isn't a liar! He paid tribute to Booker T for giving him a hard-fought match, but the truth of the matter is, there is nobody on earth who measures up to him.


    Angle gloated about his victory for a short while longer until he was interrupted by the arrival of Rob Van Dam! Angle was fuming and demanded to know why he had been interrupted, so RVD explained that while Angle had a big win at Starrcade, so did he and by beating Scott Steiner, he's going to be competing in tonight's main event to determine Angle's next challenger! Angle wasn't impressed and said that RVD's claim to fame was being in ECW, a place where he never won the ECW World Heavyweight title, a title he won and unified in his one and only match for it! RVD accepted that Angle was right, but said that Angle has never faced anyone like him before and that there is a reason why he's called "the whole damn show".


    Knowing one possible opponent, Angle demanded to know who RVD would be facing, something that RVD himself was also curious about. After a moments silence, Rey Mysterio Jr. walked out! This prompted laughter from Angle who was clearly not impressed again, asking if RVD and Rey are the best WCW have to offer? Rey shut Angle up and said that he had the fight of his life at Starrcade, by far the toughest match of his career but he's still standing and in case you didn't notice, he is still wearing his mask and Kevin Nash has a nice new haircut! Angle reminded Rey that they have had two matches, coincidentally last year at Starrcade and at Mayhem the following month and who won, "oh yeah, me!" Rey said that a year is a long time, things change, people change and if he has learnt anything from the last three months in battling The Outsiders it's that he can compete against the biggest and the best and win!


    Rey turned away from Angle to face RVD and said that they've never faced before, but Rey knows all about him. RVD said that he knows everyone will be considering this a dream match, it is for him too but without any disrespect, tonight there's only going to one winner and his name is "Rob...Van...Dam!" Two two men locked eyes, while in the ring, Angle was fuming that the attention wasn't on him!"



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    Billy Kidman, Paul Wight, La Parka & Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Luchadores Enojados - It wasn't lost on anyone that Paul Wight was the only non-cruiserweight in the match, especially not the big man himself. But that didn't stop him from getting in on the action when he delivered a big dropkick before kipping back up to his feet! Despite everything, Kidman's team seemed to be having fun and it was Kidman himself who scored the win when he connected with a Shooting Star Press off the shoulders of Wight onto Super Crazy



    For the first time tonight, Gene Okerlund was standing by with three men who competed in the no.1 contender battle royal before Starrcade, but unfortunately came up short; Steven Regal, Fit Finlay & Lance Storm. Regal said that everyone fought a fair fight, which is something that he can respect and while they came up short, they made an impact by eliminating "The Giant" Paul Wight while he also gave Diamond Dallas Page "a damned good run for his money" before wishing DDP well for his WCW United States Heavyweight title opportunity.


    Regal then said that despite not succeeding, that doesn't mean they are done because they are here to fight, and after Lance Storm wins his first singles match in WCW later tonight, they have a pretty good idea about where to go next. When Gene pushed Regal on this, Regal smirked and said "you'll just have to wait and find out"



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    Kaz Hayashi & Jimmy Yang defeated CIMA & Dragon Kid - After their expulsion from the Jung Dragons, Kaz & Yang were looking for some degree of revenge against their former leader TAKA Michinoku and their replacements. A high flying, exciting affair ensued that saw Yang secure the big win over CIMA when he connected with Yang Time



    Immediately following the bell, TAKA Michinoku hit the ring, dragging Jimmy Yang to his feet and laying him out with the Michinoku Driver. Kaz Hayashi was able to land a few blows on TAKA, only for Dragon Kid to arrive and turn the tide back in the Jung Dragons favour as TAKA then delivered another Michinoku Driver.


    The Jung Dragons posed over their fallen opponents, but their victory celebration was interrupted at the shocking arrival of the legendary Jushin Thunder Liger! Liger soaked up the reaction from the fans while pointing at TAKA, before charging to the ring where he single handidly fought a three-on-one battle against the Dragons, knocking Kid and CIMA out of the ring before lining TAKA up for a brainbuster, only for Kristina to pull her man to safety. Liger made it clear that TAKA had only just survived before turning to check on Yang & Kaz



    With Rick Rude & Curt Hennig in the ring, 3 Count made their entrance and as is their tradition performed their "hit" entrance theme. Of course, lyrics were changed up to make reference to their opponents and how both Rude & Hennig came up short in the battle royal on Main Event before Starrcade



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    Ravishing Perfection defeated Shane Helms & Shannon Moore - Despite their pre-match song and dance, 3 Count never came close to troubling the more experienced duo of Curt Hennig & Rick Rude, as they made short work of their opponents with Rude finishing off Moore with the Rude Awakening



    After her unexpected actions at Starrcade, Tammy Sytch walked out to the ring with Chris Candido by her side but with a huge smirk across her face. She addressed what happened and said that the explanation is simple; she has had enough of sitting on the sidelines, seeing others take the glory when she is the greatest manager in the history of professional wrestling. She listed her credentials as leading wrestlers to the WCW United States Heavyweight title, ECW World Television, WCW Cruiserweight and three Tag Team titles "up north", and now she can add the WCW World Tag Team titles to her resume, before introducing Edge & Christian!


    The champions along with Rhino joined their new manager in the ring and Edge explained that what people don't know is that Tammy their relationship isn't a new thing, no, it's been going for months now. He explained that she was integral in them getting a shot at the titles at World War 3 because despite all of their success, everyone in WCW wanted it to be the Hardy Boyz getting the shot. But Tammy did what any great manager or agent does and gave them the tools to ensure they got the best deal and get into the match. Tammy said that it was time to make herself known and let everyone in WCW know that her client list has grown, and that Tammy Sytch Enterprises are going to be holding all of the gold in WCW very, very soon. Which brings her on to another of her clients, the man who will face Juventud Guerrera in a rematch next week on Monday Nitro New Year's Day for the WCW World Television championship; Rhino! She admitted that it took some negotiating get the title match, having to give up their contractual rematch for the WCW Cruiserweight title to do so but it was a price worth paying! Candido beside her looked shocked and hurt, but Tammy assured him that they would "deal with it later".


    Tammy then put WCW on notice because it was long overdue for her to be managing a World champion and she promised that before the year 2001 was done, that was exactly what she would be doing



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    Lance Storm defeated Kanyon - A clash between two former World Television champions, albeit one in ECW and the other in WCW. Both Steven Regal & Fit Finlay had accompanied Storm to the ring but stayed well clear of the action, simply observing their new ally as he showed his incredible technical acumen by forcing Kanyon to tap out to the single leg Boston crab that he has apparently dubbed the Canadian Maple Leaf



    New WCW United States Heavyweight champion Goldberg was seen walking backstage as Tony Schiavone announced that he would speak to the new champion in the ring when Nitro returned for it's second hour!



    As promised, Tony Schiavone stood in the center of the ring when Nitro returned from the commercial break. Schiavone talked up the battle between the beasts at Starrcade before introducing the new WCW United States Heavyweight champion; Goldberg! The fans erupted at the sound of his name but just got even louder when he emerged from the smoke before joining Schiavone in the ring. Goldberg said that he guaranteed a victory and that is exactly what he delivered and for the first time in his career, he is wearing this championship and it feels pretty damned good! It was brought up that Goldberg's biggest claim to fame was his undefeated streak that saw him beat some huge names along the way, including Bret Hart for the WCW World Heavyweight champion and Schievone then noted that Goldberg has not been pinned or made to submit since he returned earlier this year.


    Before Goldberg could respond, Diamond Dallas Page, the number one contender himself walked out! DDP apologised for interrupting but said that he couldn't wait any longer because if they're going to talk about the undefeated streak, it's only right they talk about the man who ended it and that's him! Goldberg smirked and said that DDP is right, he did end the streak and while he didn't see it at the time, the truth is that DDP beating him at Starrcade last year was the best thing that could have happened to him! He admitted to letting his ego take over and said that after Wrestle War, he said and did some things he wasn't too proud of, so Goldberg has two words for him..."thank you!" DDP replied that Goldberg was welcome, but the US champion wasn't finished, because even though losing that night knocked some sense into him, he still lost, and he needs to fix that! He said he was happy to see DDP win because now he gets that chance, so he has another two words for him..."you're next!"


    Goldberg then raised his WCW United States championship high in the air and went nose-to-nose with his Souled Out opponent in what is guaranteed to be an epic clash once again



    Footage was shown from Starrcade following David Flair's loss to his former best friend Shawn Stasiak of Flair being helped from the ring, looking crestfallen at his loss. It was announced that David would be on Monday Nitro next week to address his future plans



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    Trish Stratus, Las Apaches & Lita defeated The Sisters of Pain, Malia Hosaka & Aki Kambayashi - The women's division was highlighted to kick off the action in the second hour as Trish renewed her rivalry with Jacqueline & Jazz. Their issues clearly hadn't cooled and it showed throughout the match, but despite this, all four women on Team Trish had the chance to shine. Lita especially showed what she was capable off as she showed that she had picked up a couple of tricks from the Hardy Boyz as she scored the win on Hosaka with a Twist of Fate



    Mari & Faby Apache kicked off the celebrations by raising Lita's hands in the air, and they were all joined by Trish Stratus as well.


    However, Lita's music was cut off by the arrival of the new WCW Women's World champion Joanie Lee and the rest of Queen's Court! Sherri Martel was beaming at the success of Lee, but she reseved a sneer for the four women standing in the middle of the ring as Lee just stood powerful and firm at the top of the ramp as she perhaps locked eyes with her first challenger



    In a darkened room, Abyss stood menacingly to one side while Daffney stood on the other and cackled in an unsettling manner. The American Nightmare crouched down and said that at Starrcade he ended the legend of Sting. He said that Sting had made a mistake when he crossed his path, something he warned him off but Sting decided that he knew better and despite being given a chance to back off, he chose not to. But now it's time to return to his end game; gold. He may have lost one of his possessions, but gold is his destiny and so all that happened was the inevitable has been delayed, but don't worry, it won't be long before we see The American Nightmare drapped in gold once again



    In Evolution's locker room, Shawn Stasiak talked about how the future is bright for Evolution. He noted Mike Awesome's absence, but said it was only a matter of time before Awesome regains what was taken from him, so he's not concerned and neither should the rest of them be. He gloated about how he had "put an end" to David Flair at Starrcade, mocking David's failure to ""even compete"" with him in the ring, or in the bedroom with Stacy Keibler!


    They all shared a laugh at that before Stasiak turned his attention to Sonny Siaki and his big match tonight where he can show everyone what they already know; that it was Siaki that carried Natural Selection! Siaki agreed and said that he's known it from day one and the fact is that so has Chuck Palumbo, even though Palumbo showed some promise, he could never quite take that final step up because he didn't have the right type of "Siaki-tude" to become a top star.


    Stasiak then pointed out that in just six days time, his New Blood Rising contract becomes active and all he needs to do is give a months notice to whoever is the WCW World Heavyweight champion and then he gets his match, his pay-per-view main event and when the match is over; his title!



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    Eddy Guerrero defeated Shane Douglas - Despite neither man achieving their goal of winning the battle royal before Starrcade, they seemed to put that disappointment aside in an attempt to build momentum tonight on Nitro. There was no Dean Malenko or Perry Saturn at ringside, with Douglas choosing to go it alone tonight and that certainly worked in Eddy's favour as he was able to pick up the win after an always impressive Frog Splash



    Going into Starrcade, Juventud Guerrera was the WCW World Television champion following his huge upset win over The American Nightmare. Now coming out the other side, he is a double champion, having beaten WCW World Cruiserweight champion Chris Candido for the title in a double-championship match and now he was with Jeremy Borash. Juvi was excited about the fact he's holding two titles, but when JB brought up his match next week on Monday Nitro, his WCW World Television title defence against Rhino, Juvi got serious and said that he's pretty sure everyone is doubting him and writing him off, but too many people have made that mistake in the past, saying he's sure that Dustin had that exact same thought a couple of weeks ago, just like Kevin Nash had at Starrcade and look where we are now? Juvi said he knows the odds are against him but warned people not to bet against him



    Ahead of his big match, Chuck Palumbo was with Gene Okerlund and said that he honestly thought that Natural Selection were going to go on to a Hall of Fame worthy team. He talked about working with Sonny Siaki in the Power Plant, and while Siaki always had a cocky attitude, they got on well and worked really well as a team. But it was obvious to him that Shawn Stasiak got in Siaki's ear and poisoned him, so now we'll never get to see just how much of an impact Natural Selection might have had. But that's all in the past, it's not about the present and the future and tonight he was going to show Siaki and the rest of Evolution that he doesn't need them and never has!



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    Sonny Siaki defeated Chuck Palumbo - Following their exchange in the ring on WCW Main Event, just before Starrcade, the two former WCW World Tag Team champions ended up brawling up the ramp and into the backstage area where they were finally seperated. Despite being the one who instigated the turn, it was Siaki that took time at the start of the match to beg off, apparently trying to remind Palumbo of their past success. But Palumbo didn't care and went right to work, but also had to deal with the presence of Gorgeous George at ringside and her several attempts to distract him. Despite Palumbo's best efforts, it was Siaki who scored the big victory when he landed the Siakalypse



    The third hour of this special Boxing Day edition of Nitro kicked off with the arrival of Bret "The Hitman" Hart! Fresh off of his submission victory over Chris Jericho at Starrcade, Bret said that he always knew Jericho had the potential to be one of the very best in the ring, and after their match at Starrcade, Jericho has earned that moniker and his respect "in the ring". He then turned his attention to the huge announcement from WCW President Eric Bischoff that is due next week and said that just like everyone else, he's pretty curious because he's heard a lot of "huge announcements" in his time and more often than not, they turn out to be huge let downs. That said, he's intrigued but more importantly than that, now he's done with Jericho, it's time to turn his attention back where it belongs; to the WCW World Heavyweight championship!


    However, before Bret could go on, he was interupted by of all people, Ron "The Truth" Killings and Theodore Long! "Talking about a let down", said Long who proceeded to call Bret's last six months a let down, listing off his two defeats to Kurt Angle, his "nostalgic love fest" with British Bulldog at Wrestle War, his elimination from World War 3 by Chris Jericho and only now has he managed to win a match of any significance! He then introduced Bret to his client, the future of World Championship Wrestling; Ron "The Truth" Killings, who said he had spent far too much time worrying about what "these stupid fans" want because now it was all about him and his career, so when he heard Bret pandering to the fans, it made him sick! Bret cut Killings off and said that he knows all about him, especially his betrayal of Shark Boy, someone Bret is a fan of, so no introductions are necessary! He then excused himself and said he was going to pander one more time before asking the fans if they wanted to see him "knock Truth's teeth down his throat right here", and when they replied positively, Bret then challenged him to a match right now! Killings seemed ready to fight but Long responded by refusing the challenge, claiming he knows Bret isn't 100% and wouldn't allow him the "excuse of injury" when he lost, but instead proposed a match next week instead. Bret accepted and said he was looking forward to making him tap out



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    Starla Green defeated Kaori Nakayama - "The Star" was not happy about not being featured at Starrcade, but she made short work of Nakayama, finishing her off with the Star Twist



    A video package aired, highlighted in orange and black and showing footage from ECW and over in Japan of a man throwing opponents all around the ring with ease, many of which were much bigger than him. "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz is coming to WCW soon!



    Jeremy Borash introduced the man who will face Owen Hart momentarily; AJ Styles, along with the Phenomenal Ones Christian York & Joey Mathews. Borash noted that AJ had specifically requested this match and when asked why, AJ said that their loss as a trio to the Hart Dynasty at the start of December had been bugging him ever since and now he wants to set the record straight! He said that he has been neglected for far too long ever since his "record breaking" and "history making" reign as WCW World Cruiserweight champion. When JB pointed out that his reign, while impressive, was just over two months and did not infact break any records, York & Matthews got in his face and asked if he realised who he was talking to before telling Owen Hart that he needs to recognise the calibre of the man who is about to beat him tonight!



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    Owen Hart defeated AJ Styles - Following the comments from AJ Styles and The Phenomenal Ones, Owen Hart came into the match ready for a fight. Tony Schiavone said it was obvious that Owen knows exactly who AJ is and what he is capable of and that he respects him and knowing him like he does, he probably respects that AJ put out this challenge. Both Christian York & Joey Matthews were at ringside, as was Alicia Webb and they rotated their various distraction attempts to try and help AJ win the match. Unfortunately for them, referee Billy Silverman had enough of them and ejected them from ringside, leaving AJ furious and ultimately susceptible to Owen grabbing his feet, tripping him and locking in the Sharpshooter to force a submission victory



    Ahead of the main event, Tony Schiavone reminded everyone to tune in next week on New Year's Day for what promises to be a huge night for WCW on Monday Nitro as WCW President Eric Bischoff will have his "huge announcement". In addition to that, Rhino challenged Juventud Guerrera for the WCW World Television championship, Ron Killings will attempt to step up to the experience of Bret Hart while we will also hear from Booker T for the first time after his defeat at Starrcade



    Kurt Angle made his way out to the ringside area, soaking up the boos as he did so before joining Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Larry Zbyszko at the announce table. When asked who he would prefer to face, Angle said it didn't really matter to him because whoever wins tonight, loses at Souled Out when they face him so it doesn't make much of a difference really



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    WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP NO.1 CONTENDER MATCH: Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Rob Van Dam - Tony Schiavone hyped this match as being a dream match for many, apparently including both Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio Jr. However, Kurt Angle on commentary didn't share that sentiment and said that he doesn't get what is so impressive about either of them, which he said as RVD showed his incredible athleticism by landing on his feet from a hurricanrana attempt. The action in the ring was fast and furious, the typical pace everyone will be familiar with from these two across their time in WCW and ECW. RVD came closs with a big split-legged moonsault, but Rey just barely survived as the action continued. Angle claimed he didn't care who won because he had already beaten Rey twice and he doesn't see the hype in Van Dam, asking how impressive either of their offense would be when he snaps their ankle? It looked like RVD was going to win again when he went for the Five Star Frog Splash, but Rey moved at the very last second and followed up with a springboard hurricanrana to pick up his second huge victory inside 48-hours, guaranteeing him a WCW World Heavyweight title match at Souled Out!



    After the match, Rey Mysterio celebrated his huge victory, knowing that he has an even bigger opportunity coming up in just under a month's time! Rob Van Dam for his part looked disappointed, but recognised that he had been beaten by the better man tonight, shrugged his shoulders and offered his hand to the victor! Rey didn't even hesitate before taking and shaking it and then raising RVD's arm in the air, while on commentary Angle was not happy at the sign of respect, signing off this special Boxing Day edition on Nitro by promising to beat Rey at Souled Out




    Billy Kidman, Paul Wight, La Parka & Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Luchadores Enojados (8:26)

    Kaz Hayashi & Jimmy Yang defeated CIMA & Dragon Kid (9:13)

    Ravishing Perfection defeated Shane Helms & Shannon Moore (4:17)

    Lance Storm defeated Kanyon (8:27)

    Trish Stratus, Las Apaches & Lita defeated The Sisters of Pain, Malia Hosaka & Aki Kambayashi (6:46)

    Eddy Guerrero defeated Shane Douglas (9:09)

    Sonny Siaki defeated Chuck Palumbo (11:33)

    Starla Green defeated Kaori Nakayama (5:23)

    Owen Hart defeated AJ Styles (8:46)




    Little Guido defeated Blitzkrieg (7:05) via submission

    Estrellita defeated Lisa Moretti (8:15) via pinfall

    Lenny J defeated Jamie Noble (8:56) via pinfall

    Buff Bagwell defeated Trevor Rhodes (2:49) via pinfall

    KroniK defeated Chilly Willy & Lance Cade (5:20) when Bryan Clarke pinned Cade

    Steven Regal & Fit Finlay defeated Brian Kendrick & Paul London (5:42) when Finlay pinned London

    Randy Savage defeated Big Vito (10:14) via pinfall despite the interference attempts of Little Guido & Johnny Stamboli</DETAILS>

    </div style>


    Thanks to everyone who has continued to take a look, hoping that "hey, maybe this time he's actually posted a show" and left disappointed! Hopefully now I've got one in the bag, I'll get into a bit of a rhythm. My aim is for maybe one a week, but as you all know, things never quite go to plan!


    The next show will be the first Monday Nitro of 2001. I probably won't be doing previews for TV shows, but I definitely will do them for pay-per-views and TBS specials.


    The logo (and many other show/PPV ones I'll be using) are from Fleisch, so credit to him for those

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    ABYSS (member of The Nightmare Family)

    AJ STYLES (leader of The Phenomenal Ones)



    ALICIA WEBB (manager of Christian York & Joey Matthews)

    APRIL MARITATO (manager of The Full Blooded Italians)


    BIG VITO (member of the Full Blooded Italians)

    BILLY KIDMAN (tag team partner of Paul Wight)




    BRET HART (leader of The Hart Dynasty)

    BRIAN ADAMS (one half of KroniK)

    BRITISH BULLDOG (member of The Hart Dynasty)

    BRYAN CLARKE (one half of KroniK)

    BUBBA RAY DUDLEY (one half of The Dudley Boyz)


    CHASE TATUM (member of Evolution)





    CHRISTIAN (tag team partner of Edge)

    CHRISTIAN YORK (member of the Phenomenal Ones)

    CHRISTOPHER DANIELS (leader of The Prophecy)


    CIMA (member of The Jung Dragons)

    CURT HENNIG (one half of Ravishing Perfection)

    DAFFNEY (member of The Nightmare Family)


    DEAN MALENKO (member of The Revolution)



    DRAGON KID (member of The Jung Dragons)

    D-VON DUDLEY (one half of The Dudley Boyz)


    EDGE (tag team partner of Christian)


    ELIZABETH (manager of Randy Savage)

    ERIC BISCHOFF (WCW President)



    EVAN KARAGIAS (member of 3 Count)

    FABY APACHE (one half of Las Apaches)

    FIT FINLAY (tag team partner of Steven Regal & Lance Storm)


    HAYABUSA (tag team partner of Ultimo Dragon)

    HECTOR GARZA (leader of Luchadores Enojados)

    HUGH MORRUS (member of The Misfits)


    JACQUELINE (one half of The Sisters of Pain)

    JAZZ (one half of The Sisters of Pain)

    JEFF HARDY (one half of The Hardy Boyz)


    JERRY LYNN (member of X-Factor)

    JIMMY YANG (tag team partner of Kaz Hayashi)

    JOANIE LEE (centrepiece of Queen's Court)

    JOEY MATTHEWS (member of The Phenomenal Ones)

    JOHNNY STAMBOLI (member of The Full Blooded Italians)


    JUSTIN CREDIBLE (member of X-Factor)



    KAZ HAYASHI (tag team partner of Jimmy Yang)

    KEVIN NASH (one half of The Outsiders)


    KIMBERLY PAGE (manager of Diamond Dallas Page)


    KRISTINA (manager of The Jung Dragons)



    LANCE STORM (tag team partner of Steven Regal & Fit Finlay)

    LASH LeROUX (member of The Misfits)

    LENNY J (protege of Chris Jericho)



    LITA (manager of The Hardy Boyz)

    LITTLE GUIDO (leader of The Full Blooded Italians)



    MADUSA (member of Queen's Court)



    MARI APACHE (one half of Las Apaches)

    MATT HARDY (one half of The Hardy Boyz)

    MIDAJAH (manager of Christopher Daniels and member of The Prophecy)

    MIKE AWESOME (member of Evolution)

    MIKE SANDERS (member of Evolution, manager of Mike Awesome & Chase Tatum)

    MIKE SHANE (one half of The Shane Twins and member of The Prophecy)

    MISS GORGEOUS GEORGE (manager of Sonny Siaki)

    NORMAN SMILEY (member of The Misfits)


    PAUL WIGHT (tag team partner of Billy Kidman)

    PERRO AGUAYO JR. (member of Luchadores Enojados)

    PERRY SATURN (member of The Revolution)

    PSYCHOSIS (member of Luchadores Enojados)



    RHINO (associate of Edge & Christian)

    RHONDA SINGH (member of Queen's Court)


    RICK RUDE (one half of Ravishing Perfection)

    RICK STEINER (one half of The Steiner Brothers)



    SCOTT HALL (one half of The Outsiders)

    SCOTT STEINER (one half of The Steiner Brothers)

    SHANE DOUGLAS (member of The Revolution)

    SHANE HELMS (member of 3 Count)

    SHANNON MOORE (member of 3 Count)


    SHAWN STASIAK (leader of Evolution)

    SHERRI MARTEL (manager of Joanie Lee, Madusa & Rhonda Singh and member of Queen's Court)

    SIONE VAIHAHI (tag team partner of Tonga Fifita)

    SONNY ONOO (translator of Manami Toyota)


    SPIKE DUDLEY (member of The Dudley Boyz)

    STACY KEIBLER (girlfriend of Shawn Stasiak and member of Evolution)


    STEVE CORINO (member of The Prophecy)

    STEVEN REGAL (tag team partner of Fit Finlay & Lance Storm)


    STEVIE RICHARDS (member of The Misfits)


    SUPER CRAZY (members of Luchadores Enojados)

    TAKA MICHINOKU (leader of The Jung Dragons)

    TAMMY SYTCH (manager of Chris Candido)

    THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE (leader of The Nightmare Family)

    THEODORE LONG (manager of The Sisters of Pain and Ron Killings)

    TODD SHANE (one half of The Shane Twins and member of The Prophecy)

    TONGA FIFITA (partner of Sione Vaihahi)

    TORRIE WILSON (girlfriend of Billy Kidman)


    ULTIMO DRAGON (partner of Hayabusa)

    X-PAC (leader of X-Factor)




  18. So after finding out you can do spoilers/details to hide details (thanks to Kimberly & Pipers PIT!) I've completely reformatted the structure, going back to include all of the history on just one post.


    I'll admit that doing this recaps got, let's say, "out of control" and it's nearly two months since I started the diary and I've done nothing "new" on it since then (bar some ideas being put in place), so I was quite keen to just get on with it, so the last few months of 2000 is just a summary of the pay-per-view results.


    I'm going to post a roster and champions list and then, FINALLY I can start working on a goddamned show!

  19. I’m looking for a name of a stable led by Tammy Sytch in WCW in 2000 consisting right now of Edge, Christian, Rhino and Chris Candido. This is a continuation from a 1997 scenario, so in this world she is still as over, if not more so than she was at the height of her fame in WWF.

    The group is somewhat akin to Bobby Heenan’s Family or Jimmy Hart’s. She is the figure head, no matter who she manages or may bring in and she wants it all.

  20. zVTwk51.png

    Recap of November 1997 - December 2000








    World War 3 @ Auburn Hills, Michigan

    November 23rd, 1997


    Bret Hart eliminated Hollywood Hulk Hogan last to win World War 3

    Curt Hennig defeated Ric Flair to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    The Giant defeated Kevin Nash by count-out when Nash walked out on the match

    The Steiner Brothers defeated The Faces of Fear to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Chris Benoit defeated Steve McMichael

    Ultimo Dragon defeated Yuji Nagata

    Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Eddy Guerrero and Dean Malenko to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major incidents


    • Bret Hart arrived in WCW twenty-four hours after the Montreal Screwjob, refusing the nWo's invitation and forming the Hart Dynasty along with Jim Neidhart, the British Bulldog, Roddy Piper, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit
    • Rick Rude jumped ship and joined the nWo as manager of his long-time friend Curt Hennig
    • Saturn defeated Disco Inferno for the WCW World Television championship on Monday Nitro (24/11/97)






    Starrcade 1997 @ Washington D.C.

    December 28th, 1997


    Sting defeated Hollywood Hulk Hogan to win the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Larry Zbyszko defeated Eric Bischoff for control of Monday Nitro with Diamond Dallas Page as the special referee

    Bret Hart defeated Randy Savage to earn a WCW World Heavyweight championship match at SuperBrawl VIII

    Curt Hennig defeated Ric Flair inside a steel cage to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    The Giant defeated Kevin Nash

    The Steiner Brothers defeated The Faces of Fear, The Blue Bloods, Harlem Heat and Jim Neidhart & The British Bulldog to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Buff Bagwell defeated Lex Luger

    Goldberg defeated Steve McMichael

    Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho defeated Brian Adams & Konnan

    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Scott Hall to be named special referee for the Zbyszko/Bischoff match

    Saturn defeated Ultimo Dragon to retain the WCW World Television championship

    Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Eddy Guerrero to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • The battle between Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Sting was about to come to a head at Starrcade, but there was still a lot of time before and that saw multiple attacks by Hogan and just as many appearances from nowhere by Sting
    • After multiple challenges to face Larry Zbyszko, Eric Bischoff finally accepted one; but only if he would get control of Monday Nitro when he wins! After much back-and-forth, it was agreed but both sides wanted to name the referee with Bischoff wanting Nick Patrick and Zbyszko wanting Randy Anderson. A match was set between Scott Hall and Diamond Dallas Page, the winner would get to referee the bitter contest
    • An irate Randy Savage set his sights on Bret Hart, claiming that he had cost him the victory at World War 3, even going so far as to target Bret's Hart Dynasty allies, attacking them during their matches to get Bret's attention
    • Diamond Dallas Page defeated Curt Hennig to win the WCW United States Heavyweight championship on Monday Nitro (29/12/97)
    • Brian Adams made his debut by attacking Chris Benoit and joining the nWo after claiming Bret Hart forgot about him when he left the WWF in solidarity








    WCW/nWo Souled Out @ Cleveland, Ohio

    January 25th, 1998


    Sting defeated Hollywood Hulk Hogan to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Kevin Nash defeated Ric Flair

    Scott Hall defeated Larry Zbyszko

    Curt Hennig defeated Lex Luger

    Bret Hart defeated Brian Adams

    Randy Savage defeated Chris Benoit

    Buff Bagwell defeated Diamond Dallas Page by disqualification in a match that had been for the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Booker T defeated Saturn for the WCW World Television championship

    Raven defeated Ultimo Dragon

    Juventud Guerrera defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. for the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • After his loss at Souled Out, Hollywood Hulk Hogan decided to take some time away, leaving Kevin Nash in charge of the nWo
    • The Outsiders defeated The Steiner Brothers for the WCW World Tag Team championships on Monday Nitro after Hollywood Hulk Hogan interfered (19/01/98)
    • Ric Flair set his sights on destroying the nWo one-by-one, starting with Kevin Nash
    • Raven assaulted following Saturn following his loss of the WCW World Television title to Booker T
    • Dissension was clear between The Steiner Brothers with Scott blaming his brother Rick for the loss of their titles to The Outsiders, with Ted DiBiase attempted to act as peacemaker






    SuperBrawl VIII @ San Francisco, California

    February 22nd, 1998


    Sting defeated Bret Hart to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship after interference from Scott Hall

    The Outsiders defeated Ric Flair & Lex Luger to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships after Scott Steiner attacked Luger and then his brother Rick Steiner and joining the nWo

    Buff Bagwell defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Eddy Guerrero to win the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Randy Savage, Curt Hennig, Konnan, Brian Adams & Scott Norton defeated Roddy Piper, Jim Neidhart, The British Bulldog, Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho in an elimination match

    Rick Steiner defeated Scott Steiner

    Goldberg defeated Steve Regal & Fit Finlay

    Goldberg defeated Dave Taylor

    Raven defeated Booker T for the WCW World Television championship when Mortis attacked Booker and joined Raven’s Flock

    The Faces of Fear defeated High Voltage

    Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Juventud Guerrera for the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • The issues between The Steiner Brothers escalated when Scott Steiner walked out of a rematch with The Outsiders for the WCW World Tag Team championships, leading to Rick Steiner demanding a match to settle their differences
    • In his first appearance since Starrcade, The Giant revealed in a sit-down interview that due to injuries sustained in the weeks before and during his match with Kevin Nash, he may have to retire from professional wrestling






    Uncensored @ Mobile, Alabama

    March 22nd, 1998


    Kevin Nash defeated Sting by disqualification in a match that had been for the WCW World Heavyweight championship when The Giant returned and attacked Nash. After the match, Hollywood Hulk Hogan also made his return and shockingly turned on Nash and reunited with The Giant

    Bret Hart defeated Scott Hall

    Scott Steiner defeated Lex Luger

    Roddy Piper & Chris Jericho defeated Brian Adams & Curt Hennig

    Ric Flair defeated Konnan

    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Steven Regal. This match was originally scheduled to be DDP receiving a rematch against Buff Bagwell for the WCW United States Heavyweight title but Bagwell sustained an injury and was not cleared to compete

    Randy Savage defeated Rick Steiner

    Eddy Guerrero defeated Dean Malenko

    The British Bulldog defeated Scott Norton

    Harlem Heat defeated Raven & Mortis after Saturn accidentally hit Raven

    Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Disco Inferno to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • Hollywood Hulk Hogan’s shocking return, reunion with The Giant and attack on Kevin Nash was followed up the following night on Monday Nitro as Hogan took back control of the nWo and kicked out Nash, Scott Hall and Syxx. Hogan & The Giant earned the right to challenge The Outsiders for the WCW World Tag Team titles at Spring Stampede
    • Ray Traylor betrayed Rick Steiner, joining forces with Scott Steiner and rejoined the nWo
    • Raven continued his verbal and physical abuse of The Flock, resulting in Saturn once again accidentally costing him his WCW World Television title against Booker on Monday Nitro (23/03/98)
    • Disco Inferno & Alex Wright formed an alliance and set their sights on the WCW Cruiserweight title by claiming “a win for one is a win for both”






    Spring Stampede @ Denver, Colorado

    April 19th, 1998


    Hollywood Hulk Hogan & The Giant defeated The Outsiders for the WCW World Tag Team championships after Hogan used a chair on Kevin Nash and Giant chokeslammed Scott Hall off the stage

    Sting defeated Randy Savage to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship via referee stoppage

    Buff Bagwell defeated Diamond Dallas Page to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship when Tammy Sytch made her debut and sprayed mace in the eyes of DDP

    Scott Steiner & Ray Traylor defeated Rick Steiner & Lex Luger

    Goldberg defeated Saturn. This match was originally scheduled to be Goldberg facing Raven, but the leader of the Flock substituted in Saturn

    Steven Regal defeated Booker T for the WCW World Television championship

    Curt Hennig defeated Chris Jericho

    Dean Malenko defeated Eddy Guerrero

    Disco Inferno defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. and Alex Wright for the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • WCW President JJ Dillon stripped Hollywood Hulk Hogan & The Giant of the WCW World Tag Team championships after their heinous actions they took to win them. He then announced a tournament that would begin the following week
    • Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman (formerly Syxx) dubbed themselves The Wolfpac. Their shared issues with the nWo led to a very uneasy “the enemy of my enemy” type of understanding with Sting and Diamond Dallas Page
    • Tammy Sytch, the former Sunny of WWF fame aligned herself with the nWo and Buff Bagwell
    • JJ Dillon was found laid out backstage with no sign of the assailant. The nWo denied responsibility and Dillon stepped away from his duties with WCW due to name an interim President in the coming weeks






    Slamboree @ Worcester, Massachusetts

    May 16th, 1998


    Sting defeated Randy Savage to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Hollywood Hulk Hogan defeated Kevin Nash

    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Buff Bagwell inside a steel cage for the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Canadian Dynasty (Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit) defeated Los Guerreros to win the vacant WCW World Tag Team championships

    The Giant defeated Sean Waltman

    Bret Hart defeated Steven Regal

    Goldberg defeated Raven & Saturn in a Raven’s Rules match when Saturn walked out during the match

    Los Guerreros defeated Scott Steiner & Ray Traylor in the semi-final of the WCW World Tag Team championship tournament

    Canadian Dynasty defeated Curt Hennig & Brian Adams in the semi-final of the WCW World Tag Team championship tournament

    Disco Inferno defeated La Parka to the retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • Ric Flair was named interim WCW President in the absence of JJ Dillon and announced that Hollywood Hulk Hogan had earned the right to challenge Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight championship at The Great American Bash
    • The issues within Raven’s Flock continued to escalate and finally exploded after Saturn walked out at Slamboree, leading to a vicious beatdown on Saturn in the following weeks








    The Great American Bash @ Baltimore, Maryland

    June 21st, 1998


    Hollywood Hulk Hogan defeated Sting to win the WCW World Heavyweight championship after special enforcer Mike Tyson decked Sting and joined the nWo

    The Giant defeated Kevin Nash

    Randy Savage defeated Bret Hart due to a distraction from Scott Steiner

    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Brian Adams to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Goldberg defeated Meng

    Hector Garza defeated Disco Inferno to win the WCW Cruiserweight championship

    Canadian Dynasty defeated Scott Steiner & Buff Bagwell to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships (Buff Bagwell replaced the injured Ray Traylor)

    Saturn defeated Kidman

    Hector Garza won a Cruiserweight Invitational to earn a WCW Cruiserweight title match later that night

    Steven Regal defeated The British Bulldog to retain the WCW World Television championship


    Major Incidents


    • Legendary heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson was announced as the special enforcer for the WCW World Heavyweight title match at The Great American Bash. Tyson and Hollywood Hulk Hogan almost came to blows the week before the pay-per-view but shockingly, Tyson turned against Sting, helped Hogan win the title and joined the nWo! As a result of Tyson’s knock-out blow, Sting suffered a broken jaw and would be out indefinitely
    • Saturn began his quest to rescue every member of the Flock from Raven’s grasp, starting with Kidman, who was told he would be kicked out if failed to beat Saturn
    • Diamond Dallas Page continued his weekly WCW United States Heavyweight title open challenge
    • Goldberg’s impressive undefeated streak continued as he ploughed through The Faces of Fear
    • Steven Regal attempted to recruit The British Bulldog to join his group of fellow British wrestlers
    • Jacques Rougeau & Carl Ouelett returned to WCW with the former answer Diamond Dallas Page’s open challenge
    • Eddy Guerrero refused to continue teaming with his nephew Chavo Guerrero Jr., telling WCW management that he is not a tag team wrestler
    • The investigation into the identify of who attacked WCW President JJ Dillon continued with Ric Flair vowing to find the perpetrator









    Bash at the Beach @ San Diego, California

    July 12th, 1998


    Bret Hart defeated Hollywood Hulk Hogan to win the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Buff Bagwell defeated Scott Hall

    Scott Steiner defeated Diamond Dallas Page to win the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Goldberg defeated Scott Norton

    Rick Steiner defeated Ray Traylor

    Canadian Dynasty defeated Curt Hennig & Brian Adams to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Kidman defeated Raven in an impromptu match

    Mortis defeated Saturn

    Steven Regal defeated The British Bulldog to retain the WCW World Television championship

    Hector Garza defeated Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • Following Hollywood Hulk Hogan losing the WCW World Heavyweight championship at Bash at the Beach, Buff Bagwell shockingly kicked Hogan and Eric Bischoff out and assumed leadership of the nWo! He blamed Hogan’s lack of focus and the huge mistake of bringing Mike Tyson into the group as the final straws.
    • With Buff Bagwell taking charge of the nWo, changes were on the horizon Vincent was kicked out following a lost to Goldberg and Tammy Sytch revealed they had two new members coming imminently
    • Goldberg’s long undefeated streak finally drew the attention of the nWo and after he beat Scott Norton, he wanted all of them leading to a challenge from Randy Savage for Road Wild
    • The Flock finally began to come apart when Kidman broke free and told Raven that he had had enough of Raven’s actions





    Road Wild @ Sturgis, South Dakota

    August 8th, 1998


    Bret Hart defeated Curt Hennig to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Buff Bagwell defeated Kevin Nash when Sid Vicious made his debut, attacked Nash and Scott Hall and joined the nWo

    Sting & Lex Luger defeated The Giant & Konnan. After the match, Luger shockingly turned on his best friend, claiming he was sick and tired of being “the back-up”

    Scott Steiner defeated Rick Steiner and Diamond Dallas Page to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Goldberg defeated Randy Savage by disqualification

    Steven Regal & Fit Finlay defeated Canadian Dynasty to win the WCW World Tag Team championships when The Faces of Fear attacked Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

    Eddy Guerrero defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr.

    Saturn defeated Raven in a match to determine the fate of The Flock. With Saturn’s win, The Flock is no more

    Hector Garza defeated Juventud Guerrera to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship

    Major Incidents


    • Sid Vicious’ arrival in WCW at Road Wild by joining the nWo shook things up and he claimed that people had been begging him to join the nWo for years but he refused due to the presence of the “egomaniacs” Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan. Curt Hennig stepped up to the plate to challenge for Bret Hart’s WCW World Heavyweight title at Fall Brawl
    • Ric Flair was officially named the permanent WCW President and revealed that his investigation found the nWo to be responsible for the attack on JJ Dillon. His first official act was to make a War Games match at Fall Brawl pitting Diamond Dallas Page, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & Rick Steiner against the nWo team of Buff Bagwell, Scott Steiner, The Giant & Sid Vicious
    • The shocking betrayal of Sting by Lex Luger was explained by Luger as not being personal but about him getting the respect that he feels he deserves but if he had to take out his best friend to get it then it was a price he was willing to pay
    • Stevie Ray believed he was holding his brother Booker T back and said if they were to lose their next match, a WCW World Tag Team championship match, Harlem Heat would disband. They would go on to lose, leaving Stevie to tell Booker that it was time for Booker to strike out on his own
    • Steven Regal formed The Commonwealth along with Fit Finlay, Dave Taylor and The Faces of Fear, newly rechristened as Tonga Fifita & Sione Vaihahi
    • Chavo Guerrero Jr. wouldn’t let the end of Los Guerreros go and challenged his uncle to face him again at Fall Brawl where if he wins, Los Guerreros reunite and will go after the WCW World Tag Team titles
    • Following the break-up of The Flock, Mortis renamed himself as Kanyon and remained by Raven’s side. Scotty Riggs and Sick Boy, now going by Scott Vick decided to stay together as a team; The Great Scotts.






    Fall Brawl @ Charlotte, North Carolina

    September 13th, 1998


    The nWo (Buff Bagwell, Scott Steiner, The Giant & Sid Vicious) defeated Diamond Dallas Page, The Outsiders & Rick Steiner in a War Games match when Booker T cost DDP the match and joined the nWo

    Bret Hart defeated Curt Hennig in a 2/3 falls match to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Goldberg defeated Randy Savage

    Sting defeated Lex Luger via count-out after Luger walked out on the match

    Billy Kidman defeated Hector Garza and Rey Mysterio Jr. to win the WCW Cruiserweight championship

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Eddy Guerrero to force his uncle to reunite Los Guerreros

    The Hart Dynasty (Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Jim Neidhart & The British Bulldog) defeated The Commonwealth (Steven Regal, Fit Finlay, Tonga Fifita & Sione Vaihaha) in an elimination match


    Major Incidents


    • Bret Hart went into his match with Curt Hennig with an injured knee but survived and emerged victorious. The nWo however weren’t done with Bret and his WCW World Heavyweight championship as nWo leader Buff Bagwell was named his next challenger
    • Following Booker T’s shocking betrayal of WCW to join the nWo just a month after Sid Vicious’ arrival, Booker explained his actions as the nWo were different to the old version and now it has the hottest young talent around like Buff Bagwell, Scott Steiner and The Giant. Booker’s betrayal drew the ire of Diamond Dallas Page, who laid him out on multiple occasions with the Diamond Cutter
    • WCW President Ric Flair announced that the winner of this November’s World War 3 would receive a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight championship at Starrcade
    • Despite Ric Flair’s claim to have solved the mystery of the attack on JJ Dillon by placing the blame firmly at the door of the nWo, Buff Bagwell categorically denied it
    • Lex Luger continued his vendetta against his former best friend Sting, assaulting him after walking out at Fall Brawl and then again the following night on Monday Nitro, injuring his knee by smashing it into exposed concrete
    • New WCW Cruiserweight champion Billy Kidman found himself targeted by a new Japanese faction led by Sonny Onoo; Kaz Hayashi, Jado, Gedo & Minoru Tanaka, collectively known as TNR
    • After being dumped as manager by The Faces of Fear, Jimmy Hart began scouting for the next tag team for him to take charge of, scouting the likes of The Great Scotts, Christian York & Joey Matthews and High Voltage
    • Booker T won the WCW World Television title by defeated Steven Regal on Monday Nitro (07/10/98)






    Halloween Havoc @ Vegas, Nevada

    October 25th, 1998


    Buff Bagwell defeated Bret Hart by disqualification in a match that had been for the WCW World Heavyweight championship when Bret snapped and ignored the instructions of the referee

    Scott Hall defeated Scott Steiner for the WCW United States Heavyweight championship due to interference from Kevin Nash

    Goldberg defeated Curt Hennig

    Sid Vicious defeated Ric Flair

    Sting defeated Lex Luger

    Booker T defeated Diamond Dallas Page to retain the WCW World Television championship

    The Hardy Boyz defeated The Faces of the Commonwealth (Tonga Fifita & Sione Vaihahi) to earn a WCW World Tag Team championship match at World War 3

    Billy Kidman defeated Kaz Hayashi to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship

    Raven & Kanyon defeated Los Guerreros


    Major Incidents


    • The feud between Bret Hart and Buff Bagwell escalated with Tammy Sytch getting directly involved and questioning Bret’s status as a Canadian hero, but more importantly as a man, implying that he wasn’t the squeaky-clean family man he liked to portray. This went on for weeks and clearly got to Bret ahead of his match with Bagwell at Halloween Havoc, leading to his loss of control in their match that saw him shove Tammy to the mat after the event! The following night on Monday Nitro, Bret apologised to Tammy and offered the injure Bagwell a rematch
    • Sid Vicious and the nWo accused Ric Flair of lying about their supposed attack on JJ Dillon, and these comments
    • JJ Dillon made his return to WCW and announced that despite Ric Flair’s claims, he found out that the nWo didn’t attack him; it was Flair himself!
    • After weeks of searching for a new tag team, Jimmy Hart answered the open challenge at Halloween Havoc from The Commonwealth and introduced his new team; the young duo and Matt and Jeff Hardy
    • Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn joined forces to compete as The Revolution






    World War 3 @ Auburn Hills, Michigan

    November 22nd, 1998


    Bret Hart defeated Buff Bagwell to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship in a match where the title could change hands on a disqualification or count-out

    Goldberg eliminated Sid Vicious last to win World War 3 and earn a WCW World Heavyweight title match at Starrcade

    Booker T & Scott Steiner defeated Canadian Dynasty

    Los Guerreros defeated Raven & Kanyon

    The Commonwealth defeated The Hardy Boyz to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Diamond Dallas Page defeated The Great Muta

    Minoru Tanaka defeated Billy Kidman, Hector Garza, Kaz Hayashi and Rey Mysterio Jr. to win the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • The feud between Buff Bagwell, Tammy Sytch and Bret Hart escalated when Bagwell shattered Jim Neidhart’s ankle, resulting in The Anvil being ruled out indefinitely and ultimately ending up out of WCW. This led to Bagwell and Bret to pick representatives to face-off, the winner getting to name the stipulation with Bagwell’s rep Sid Vicious beating Roddy Piper, leading to Bret and Bagwell’s match at World War 3 to be conducted where the title can change hands on a disqualification or count-out
    • Moments after Buff Bagwell failed to win the WCW World Heavyweight title, he was shocked at the sight of the return of former nWo leader Hollywood Hulk Hogan for the first time since July!
    • Since his debut just over a year prior, Goldberg has run through everyone in his path and it all led to the moment when he won World War 3, earning a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight champion at Starrcade in his hometown of Atlanta, Georgia
    • Ric Flair continued to show anger at JJ Dillon’s accusations about him being behind Dillon’s attack. When Diamond Dallas Page also question Flair, Flair turned his ire towards him and worked to stop DDP earning a WCW World Heavyweight title opportunity by making him qualify for World War 3 by facing The Great Muta the same night. Despite Flair being successful in stopping DDP’s goal, he wasn’t done and it turned into a personal vendetta to destroy him!
    • Barry Windham returned to WCW, reuniting with his brother Kendal as The Windham Brothers






    Starrcade @ Atlanta, Georgia

    December 27th, 1998


    Goldberg defeated Bret Hart for the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Buff Bagwell defeated Hulk Hogan in a match that saw Hogan return wearing red and yellow

    Sting defeated Lex Luger

    Ric Flair defeated Diamond Dallas Page

    Sid Vicious defeated Kevin Nash

    Booker T won the WCW United States Heavyweight championship and Chris Benoit won the WCW World Television championship in a two-fall four-way dance that also included Scott Steiner and Chris Jericho

    The Hardy Boyz defeated The Commonwealth for the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Minoru Tanaka defeated Billy Kidman to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship

    Los Guerreros defeated Brian Adams & Curt Hennig

    Hector Garza defeated Rey Mysterio Jr.


    Major Incidents


    • The epic collision between Goldberg and WCW World Heavyweight champion Bret Hart continued to build ahead of Starrcade with the two men showing respect and attempting to one up each other in tag team matches. There were also some mind games from The Hitman as he questioned whether Goldberg had the experience to deal with such a large occasion and crowd that will be on hand in Goldberg’s home-town and stadium inside the Georgia Dome
    • Following Buff Bagwell usurping of the leadership of the nWo from Hollywood Hulk Hogan, it was inevitable that they would meet and so it was agreed for Starrcade. In an incredibly tense atmosphere, Hogan and Bagwell signed the contract for their match six days before Starrcade with Hogan promising to show a side that we hadn’t seen “for a long time”
    • The blood feud between Sting and Lex Luger continued to escalate with Sting now going on the offensive after Luger’s attempt to seriously injure him failed. Sting cost Luger matches against Billy Kidman and Diamond Dallas Page during December and continuously gaining the upper hand
    • After all of Ric Flair’s actions, including attacking JJ Dillon, which he finally admitted to doing in order to get the office of WCW President and his vendetta against Diamond Dallas Page, he was finally relieved of his position at Starrcade and replaced by Dusty Rhodes!
    • Hector Garza didn’t appreciate Rey Mysterio Jr. eliminating him from World War 3, as well his loss of the WCW Cruiserweight title without being pinned, blaming Mysterio for that as well and viciously turned on him in a match against Super Crazy & Psychosis









    WCW Mayhem @ Lafayette, Louisiana

    January 24th, 1999


    Hulk Hogan defeated Buff Bagwell. After the match, the nWo attacked Hogan until Sting shockingly made the save for his long-time bitter rival

    Goldberg defeated The Giant and Sid Vicious to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Bret Hart defeated Ric Flair

    Booker T defeated Chris Jericho to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    The Wolfpac (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & Sean Waltman defeated Raven, Kanyon & Lodi to become inaugural WCW World Six-Man Tag Team champions

    Konnan defeated Curt Hennig

    Chris Benoit defeated Scott Steiner to retain the WCW World Television championship

    Hector Garza defeated Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Los Guerreros defeated The Hardy Boyz and The Commonwealth to win the WCW World Tag Team championships


    Major Incidents


    • Just 24-hours after winning the WCW World Heavyweight title, Goldberg defended against The Giant in a match he won but only by disqualification when Sid Vicious attacked him, leading to a brutal two-on-one attack. This led to Dusty Rhodes giving Goldberg the option of which one to face at Mayhem, only for the champion to declare that he would face them both!
    • After Buff Bagwell cheated to beat Hulk Hogan at Starrcade, The Hulkster challenged Bagwell to face him again at Mayhem. Hogan would face and best Booker T in the main event of Monday Nitro just six days before Mayhem, but after the match, Bagwell attacked him with a steel chair!
    • Bret Hart showed humility after losing the WCW World Heavyweight title to Goldberg but challenged him to hold the gold until Wrestle War, WCW’s new pay-per-view event in August that would take place in Canada where he would take his contractual rematch!
      That same night, in his home town, Ric Flair called out Bret Hart and his claims of being the greatest. Years of outside the ring tension boiled over in a matter of minutes as they verbally ran each other down, leading to a long-awaited dream match between the two being set for Mayhem
    • New WCW President Dusty Rhodes announced the return of the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team titles with a tournament that would conclude at Mayhem. Juventud Guerrera, La Parka & Super Crazy, The Wolfpac, Raven, Kanyon & Lodi and the trio of Ric Steiner, Stevie Ray & The British Bulldog advanced to the semi-finals
    • Having made a name for himself in recent months on Saturday Night, Shawn Stasiak made his Monday Nitro debut with a victory over the legend Jim Duggan






    SuperBrawl IX @ Houston, Texas

    February 21st, 1998


    Goldberg defeated Sid Vicious to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Buff Bagwell defeated Sting with Hulk Hogan in Sting’s corner

    Ric Flair defeated Bret Hart when The Road Warriors attacked Bret and aligned with Flair

    Scott Steiner defeated Booker T and Chris Jericho in an elimination match for the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Los Guerreros defeated The Hardy Boyz to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    The Giant defeated Diamond Dallas Page

    Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Psychosis in a mask vs. mask match

    Steve Regal defeated Chris Benoit in match one of a Best of Five series

    Minoru Tanaka defeated Juventud Guerrera to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • Having pinned The Giant in his successful WCW World Heavyweight title defence at Mayhem, Goldberg knew Sid Vicious would have something to say about it so got out in front and challenged Sid to face him at SuperBrawl IX in a match that would pit two undefeated men against each other.
    • Ric Flair was furious after his loss to Bret Hart and demanded a rematch at SuperBrawl IX, claiming that this time he would make Bret pass out in the Figure Four. Bret was more than happy to accept and in an interview Roddy Piper conducted with both men, it was clear for all to see just how important this match would be to both of them
    • Sting made it clear that his goal in 1999 above all else was to put an end to the nWo, starting with Buff Bagwell. Diamond Dallas Page was the first man to join the fight and after weeks on coming to their aid, six days before SuperBrawl IX, Hulk Hogan offered his support and to be in Sting’s corner with Sting’s corner at the pay-per-view
    • The nWo decided that they had grown to big and that there were too many hangers on, specifically focusing on Curt Henning and Brian Adams and told Hennig that if he were to beat a local kid, Rhino Richards, they could redeem themselves. But it was all a ruse as the nWo attacked Hennig, Rick Rude and Adams mid-match, giving the disqualification win to Rhino in his debut
    • Steven Regal targeting WCW World Television champion Chris Benoit for his comments that he was bringing prestige back to the title as he claimed to have done that last year. After Benoit defeated Regal on Monday Nitro, despite Regal’s attempts to cheat to win, Benoit was unhappy, having hoped for a technical encounter. Together they agreed to a Best of Five Series with Regal forfeiting the whole series if he cheats
    • The ongoing issues between Rey Mysterio Jr. and Hector Garza went back to World War 3 and have continued to escalate, including Garza cheating to win at Mayhem. Rey wanted another match but wanted it to be mask vs. hair at SuperBrawl IX. Garza wasn’t cleared to compete but found a replacement; Rey’s long-term rival Psychosis!
    • Following his impressive debut the previous month, Shawn Stasiak introduced his close friend Mike Awesome courtesy of a post-match attack on Barry and Kendall Windham and vowed that together they would turn WCW on it’s head
    • Minoru Tanaka won the WCW Cruiserweight championship from Juventud Guerrera on Monday Nitro when Manabu Nakanishi cost Juvi the match (08/02/99)





    Uncensored @ Denver, Colorado

    March 21st, 1999


    Hulk Hogan & Sting defeated Buff Bagwell & Sid Vicious in a Street Fight

    Goldberg defeated Diamond Dallas Page to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Evolution (Ric Flair, Shawn Stasiak & Mike Awesome) defeated The Hart Dynasty (Bret Hart, Roddy Piper & Chris Jericho) when Ric Flair’s son David Flair attacked Piper

    The Revolution (Shane Douglas, Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko) defeated The Outsiders for the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team championships in a handicap match due to Sean Waltman’s being injured

    Scott Steiner defeated Randy Savage to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Chris Benoit defeated Steven Regal in submission match that was match five of the Best of Five series to retain the WCW World Television championship

    The Great Scotts (Scott Vick & Scotty Riggs) defeated Los Guerreros for the WCW World Tag Team championships when an unnamed female fan delivered a low blow to Eddy Guerrero

    Rhino defeated Rick Steiner

    Super Crazy defeated Minoru Tanaka, Kaz Hayashi, La Parka, Gedo and Juventud Guerrera for the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • The alliance between Sting & Hulk Hogan was solidified when they challenged the nWo to a Street Fight at Uncensored and Buff Bagwell revealed Sid Vicious would partner him in the match.
    • When Goldberg asked “who’s next”, it was Diamond Dallas Page who answered to stake his claim. DDP put his title opportunity on the line against The Giant after the nWo member complained, but DDP emerged victorious to confirm his challenge at Uncensored. The two worked to one-up each other in matches with Alex Wright and Disco Inferno, making their WCW World Heavyweight title match one that could certainly go either way
    • When the Road Warriors returned at SuperBrawl IX and shockingly aligned with Ric Flair, all bets were off but the following night they competed inside a WCW for the first time in years against the British Bulldog & Bret Hart, the shocks weren’t over. Rookie Shawn Stasiak and his muscle Mike Awesome attacked Hart & Bulldog in the match and aligned with Flair, Hawk and Animal in a group that Flair called “the evolution of the Four Horsemen”, thus dubbing them Evolution. The vicious assault saw Bulldog suffer a broken ankle and be ruled out indefinitely
    • Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko answered the open challenge of The Wolfpac for a match for their WCW World Six-Man Tag Team titles but their partner was revealed moments later, courtesy of a steel chair attack as Shane Douglas! The trio united as The Revolution and six nights before their scheduled title match they took out Sean Waltman, meaning the at Uncensored would be end up being a handicap match
    • Chris Benoit came back from 2-0 down to tie up the series with Steven Regal at 2-2 ahead of their final match, scheduled to be for the WCW World Television title at Uncensored. Before the match though, Regal pointed out that Benoit hadn’t been able to make him submit so challenged him to a submission match, something Benoit was more than happy to agree to
    • Scotty Riggs & Scott Vick had racked up a number of wins on Saturday Night as The Great Scotts, but defeated the former WCW World Tag Team champions the Hardy Boyz on Monday Nitro was a major step forward, leading to them declaring themselves as number one contenders. Vick surprisingly pinned Chavo Guerrero Jr. and then the following week Riggs beat Eddy Guerrero by count-out thanks to a collision with a female fan in the crowd
    • After being kicked out of the nWo, Curt Hennig promised to quit WCW if he lost his next match and shockingly, that was exactly what happened as he lost to Billy Kidman!






    Spring Stampede @ Little Rock, Arkansas

    April 18th, 1999


    Ric Flair defeated Bret Hart (1-0) in a 60-minute Iron Man match with the only fall occurring via count-out at 43:21. The time expired with Flair locked in the Sharpshooter and he tapped seconds after the time expired

    Hulk Hogan defeated Sid Vicious in a Lumberjack match with Diamond Dallas Page, Sting, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and the nWo as lumberjacks

    Goldberg defeated Vader to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship in Vader’s retirement match. Lex Luger returned to WCW and attacked Vader following the match

    Scott Steiner defeated Sean Waltman to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Roddy Piper defeated Shawn Stasiak

    Chris Benoit defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. to retain the WCW World Television championship

    Rhino defeated Eddy Guerrero when Edge & Christian made their debut and distracted Eddy

    The Revolution defeated The Hardy Boyz & Billy Kidman to retain the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team championships

    Super Crazy defeated Juventud Guerrera and La Parka to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents


    • Vader made his return to WCW after four years away to announce his retirement…but also that he had one last match left in him and challenged Goldberg to face him at Spring Stampede with the WCW World Heavyweight title on the line! Goldberg respectfully accepted. Vader defeated Raven in one of his final matches and said regardless of the outcome at Spring Stampede, he was retiring but wanted to go out on top
    • Sid Vicious vs. Hulk Hogan was announced for Spring Stampede and in the build-up, the bridges were being rebuilt between Hogan, Diamond Dallas Page and Sting as Hogan and DDP teamed up to face Sid and The Giant on Monday Nitro. This led to the match becoming a Lumberjack match with Sting promising to bring a couple of partners to counter the numbers of the nWo
    • With their feud tied at one-a-piece, Bret Hart challenged Ric Flair to a rubber match at Spring Stampede but wanted it to be 60 minute Iron Man match! Flair accepted but was furious at the suggestion that he couldn’t keep up with Bret. Six days before Spring Stampede, The Hart Dynasty defeated Evolution in a rematch from Uncensored, putting momentum firmly in the corner of Bret
    • The long-delayed mask vs. hair match between Hector Garza and Rey Mysterio Jr. finally took place in the main event of Monday Nitro the night after Uncensored. Rey won the match and with the help of a number of members of the cruiserweight division, Garza’s hair was sheered into a buzzcut!
    • The Revolution cheated to defeated The Hardy Boyz, leading to talk of a challenge for their WCW World Six-Man Tag Team titles but noting that the Hardyz would need to find a partner. Jimmy Hart was up to the task and brought in Billy Kidman, who went on to defeat Shane Douglas that same night leading to Douglas to make derogatory comments about Torrie Wilson, Kidman’s girlfriend. In the lead-up to Spring Stampede, Douglas disgracefully used Torrie as a human shield to block an attack from Jeff Hardy, upping the ante for the pay-per-view
    • Jushin Thunder Liger of NJPW fame returned to WCW and it was announced that a Cruiserweight tournament would take place in May, live on TBS dubbed the WCW Super X Cup. Another Japanese superstar, Hayabusa also completed on Monday Nitro and was announced as a participant
    • David Flair was introduced as Shawn Stasiak’s best friend from the Power Plant and despite trying to forge their own paths away from the legacy of their fathers, they decided to embrace and it be recognised as “the sons of legacy”. David lost his debut match to Roddy Piper on the same night Stasiak also lost to Chris Jericho, gaining revenge for an upset defeat a month ago
    • After months of absence, the return of Lex Luger was hyped on Monday Nitro




    Slamboree @ Louisville, Kentucky

    May 16th, 1999


    Buff Bagwell, Sid Vicious & The Giant defeated Hulk Hogan, Sting & Diamond Dallas Page

    Goldberg was scheduled to defend his WCW World Heavyweight championship against Lex Luger but Luger arrived using a wheelchair, ensuring the match was postponed. However it turned out that Luger was faking the injury and attacked Goldberg, only to be laid out himself instead

    Kevin Nash defeated Booker T

    Ric Flair defeated Chris Jericho

    Jeff Jarrett defeated Dustin Rhodes to win the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Scott Hall defeated Scott Steiner

    The Revolution defeated The Hardy Boyz & Billy Kidman in an elimination match to retain the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team championships

    The Great Scotts defeated The Misfits (Hugh Morrus & Norman Smiley to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Shawn Stasiak defeated Chris Benoit to win the WCW World Television championship

    Los Guerreros defeated Edge & Christian


    Major Incidents

    • The nWo were now on a collision course with Hulk Hogan, Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall and Buff Bagwell made the point that they were a unified front, whereas their opponents didn’t trust one another at all and suggested that DDP bringing in The Outsiders was a huge mistake. Hogan and The Outsiders had trust issues, especially between Hogan and Nash, that much was clear when Hogan left the arena after a confrontation, meaning his side were down a man when the nWo attacked. Hogan apologised for his mistake and challenged The Giant, but when the match came around it was The Outsiders who accidentally cost Hogan the match by getting into an argument during the bout. After agreeing to stay out of each other’s way, they crossed paths again six nights before Slamboree but this time they worked together to take out the nWo, showing that perhaps a grudging respect was forming
    • Lex Luger’s shocking return at Spring Stampede and his attack on the retiring Vader had people questioning Luger’s plans, but he revealed that he was coming for Goldberg and vowed to end his undefeated streak. Luger attacked Goldberg after a match with Steven Regal to make his point, even going so far as to pose with the WCW World Heavyweight championship. This was a mistake as the following week and just six days before Slamboree, Goldberg stalked Luger throughout the arena, finally getting a hold of him and laying him out with a Jackhammer in the ring
    • The night after Spring Stampede, WCW President Dusty Rhodes made a match where Scott Steiner would defend his WCW United States Heavyweight title against a mystery opponent. That opponent turned out to be Dusty’s son Dustin Rhodes who defeated Steiner for the title thanks to interference from Kevin Nash. The following week, Dustin recognised the manor of his win and offered a rematch but he was then attacked by another newcomer, or should that be returning man as Jeff Jarrett returned by smashing a guitar of Dustin’s head! Jarrett claimed that he had been signed to be “the chosen one” and promised a title match, yet Dusty lied and Dustin stole his spot! This resulted in the two being signed to go one-on-one at Slamboree live on pay-per-view
    • Canadian Dynasty picked up their mentor Bret Hart’s feud with Evolution with Chris Jericho going after Ric Flair and Chris Benoit agreeing to put his WCW World Television championship on the line against Shawn Stasiak. Benoit & Jericho scored a big win in tag team action against their Slamboree opponents, but after the match, Mike Awesome did some serious damage to Benoit with an Awesome Bomb on the floor just six days before his big title defence
    • A shadowy figure talked about someone “taking everything” from them and how it has “been a long time” but gave no clue as to his identity or of the person he was referring to
    • Hugh Morrus scored an upset win over Scotty Riggs and then a week later Norman Smiley did the same to Scott Vick, setting up a match for the WCW World Tag Team championships and giving birth to the Morrus/Smiley duo known as The Misfits. Stevie Richards[/b] became the third man later in the match, countering The Great Scotts valet/girlfriend Alicia







    The Great American Bash @ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    June 13th, 1999


    Hulk Hogan defeated Kevin Nash. The two men along with Scott Hall settled their differences and ended the pay-per-view as a unifying force to combat the nWo

    Goldberg defeated Lex Luger to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Buff Bagwell defeated Diamond Dallas Page to give the nWo the advantage inside War Games at Bash at the Beach

    Sting defeated Scott Steiner

    Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Jarrett to win the WCW United States Heavyweight championship in his debut match in WCW

    Los Guerreros defeated The Great Scotts, The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian to win the WCW World Tag Team championships in an elimination match

    Canadian Dynasty defeated The Sons of Legacy (Shawn Stasiak & David Flair)

    Dustin Rhodes defeated Steven Regal

    The Misfits (Hugh Morrus, Norman Smiley & Stevie Richards) defeated The Revolution for the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team championships

    Jushin Thunder Liger defeated Super Crazy to win the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents



    • Sting laid out a challenge for the nWo to face them in a winner take all match at the three year anniversary of the formation of the nWo at Bash at the Beach. If Sting’s team win, the nWo disband but if the nWo wins, WCW is 100% under control of the nWo with Tammy Sytch named President and every cent WCW makes goes to the nWo. This was agreed and Sting finally revealed the type of match; War Games!
      Sting later revealed that standing by his side would be Diamond Dallas Page, the man who has been there since day one and the other three men would be the men who founded the nWo and perhaps want it destroyed more than anyone else; Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. However, the issues between Hogan and Nash run deep and they agreed to settle their differences in the ring at The Great American Bash. In the weeks before the pay-per-view, tensions boiled over when Nash accidentally laid out Sting, leading to Hogan accusing Nash of attacking him on purpose, resulting in DDP and Sting to try and hold both men back. Hogan, Hall and Nash held conference in the ring as they aired all their grievances, with The Outsiders accusing Hogan of only wanting bodyguards, resulting in Hogan admitting to making mistakes but saying that he couldn’t change the past, apologising and hoping that The Great American Bash would result in them unifying once more to destroy the nWo
      It was also agreed that instead of the usual coin toss, Bagwell would face DDP at The Great American Bash to determine who received the advantage for War Games, renewing a long running bitter rivalry between the two men.
    • Having failed to collide at Slamboree, the match between Goldberg and Lex Luger was set for the following week instead. Luger complained about losing a pay-per-view payday but the match went ahead but saw Luger viciously assault Goldberg with a steel chair, resulting in a disqualification and heinous beatdown for the WCW World Heavyweight champion. WCW President Dusty Rhodes wanted to suspend Luger, but Goldberg demanded a rematch and it was officially set for The Great American Bash. Six days before the pay-per-view, Goldberg let out all of his anger by destroying Luger’s huge security entourage
    • Dustin Rhodes was desperate to win back the WCW United States Heavyweight championship and wanted to do it at an event that means a great deal to him and his family; The Great American Bash. However Jeff Jarrett wasn’t so accommodating and didn’t want to give Dustin what he wanted, wishing to defend at the Super X Cup on TBS. Dustin proposed they both find representatives with him naming Rick Steiner and Jarrett named Steven Regal, with Regal winning the match and then attacking Dustin afterwards.
      Jarrett successfully defended the title at night one of the Super X Cup and then proceeded to rub even more salt in Dustin’s wounds by declaring that he would defend against “some local kid” at The Great American Bash instead of him!
    • After defeating The Misfits at Slamboree, The Great Scotts found themselves at the center of attention with The Hardy Boyz, Los Guerreros and Edge & Christian all wanting a shot at the WCW World Tag Team titles. This led to Vick & Riggs losing non-title matches to all three teams and as a result, The Great American Bash would see a four-way elimination match!
    • Canadian Dynasty continued their war with Evolution, leading to Mike Awesome defeating both Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho in singles competition and a win for the Canadian duo over the veterans the Road Warriors. A match was set for The Great American Bash where if either Jericho or Benoit won, they’d get a match with Shawn Stasiak for the WCW World Television title
    • The inaugural Super X Cup took place across the weekend of 29th and 30th May 1999 and saw Jushin Thunder Liger defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. in the final to earn a match for the WCW Cruiserweight championship at The Great American Bash
    • The Revolution found themselves mixed up in a feud with The Misfits after Norman Smiley shockingly defeated Dean Malenko not once, but twice, the second coming in less than a minute! Another shock upset happened six days before The Great American Bash where Hugh Morrus outsmarted Shane Douglas after avoiding being blasted with one of the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team titles, he grabbed it and used it himself!
    • The wrestling world mourned as Nick Bockwinkel passed away









    Bash at the Beach @ Sunrise, Florida

    July 11th, 1999


    Hulk Hogan, Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall defeated Buff Bagwell, The Giant, Sid Vicious, Scott Steiner & Booker T in a War Games match that would see the nWo forced to disband

    Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Jarrett to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Shawn Stasiak defeated Chris Benoit to retain the WCW World Television championship when Chris Jericho attacked Benoit

    Bret Hart defeated Kanyon

    Los Guerreros defeated KroniK (Brian Adams & Bryan Clarke) to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Steven Regal defeated Dustin Rhodes

    Konnan, Rey Mysterio Jr. & Juventud Guerrera defeated The Revolution by disqualification in a match that had been for the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team championships

    Jushin Thunder Liger defeated Minoru Tanaka to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents



    • Quite possibly the biggest even in the history of World Championship Wrestling was just around the corner with the future of WCW and the nWo on the line inside War Games. Having settled their differences, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall stood side-by-side with Diamond Dallas Page and Sting, but having defeated DDP at The Great American Bash, Buff Bagwell attempted to sow seeds of doubt about DDP’s suitability as a partner and called him a “nearly man”. This failed though as the five were all standing together with Hogan even naming Sting as team captain.
      The weeks building to Bash at the Beach saw multiple matches between the two teams but just six days before the pay-per-view, Hulk Hogan and Buff Bagwell agreed to a rubber match, following Bagwell’s win at Starrcade and Hogan’s at Mayhem. However in that match their plan was revealed as Tammy Sytch attacked Hogan with a chair and together, she and Bagwell targeted Hogan’s knee, doing serious damage before reinforcements arrived, leading to questions about whether Hogan would even be cleared in time for War Games!
    • WCW World Heavyweight champion Goldberg spent much of the month doing various charity work, visiting children in hospitals and showing just how great of a man he is
    • With Chris Benoit having earned the right to a WCW World Television title match with Shawn Stasiak at Bash at the Beach, the issues between Canadian Dynasty and Evolution continued to build. Chris Jericho supported his tag team partner, despite coming up short against Ric Flair he played a part in Benoit defeating Mike Awesome, which led to Stasiak accusing Benoit of cheating. This led to Benoit agreeing to come to the pay-per-view alone and leaving Jericho in the back, despite his partners protests that Evolution wouldn’t play by the rules.
    • The 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle shocked the world with his surprise debut at the aptly named The Great American Bash when he won the WCW United States Heavyweight championship from Jeff Jarrett in his very first match in his home town no less! Jarrett was furious and complained about the surprise, but Angle in his first appearance on Monday Nitro said would defend against him tonight! This led to an attack by Jarrett that once again saw Angle come out on top. Angle admitted that professional wrestling was all new to him but said he respected Jarrett and was looking forward to their rematch while Jarrett just continued to trash talk Angle!
    • After several months absence, Bret Hart returned on Monday Nitro, but he was interrupted by of all people Kanyon! Kanyon talked himself up and Bret admitted to being impressed but when The Hitman challenged Kanyon, he told him he needed to “prove himself” first! When Bret won his return match against Fit Finlay, Kanyon wasn’t totally impressed so suggested Bret needed another go, this time with Hector Garza. When The Hitman won that match, Kanyon finally agreed to meet him at Bash at the Beach
    • Despite winning the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team titles at The Great American Bash, The Misfits lost the titles back to The Revolution just 24-hours later on Monday Nitro (14/06/99).
      The new champions had their next challengers set up the following week when Konnan talked about trios matches were “born in Mexico” and brought in Juventud Guerrera & Rey Mysterio Jr. as his partners and set up a title match for Bash at the Beach
    • Former nWo member Brian Adams formed a team with Bryan Adams, formerly known as Wrath and became known as KroniK by attacked the WCW World Tag Team champions Los Guerreros after a match on Monday Nitro. Eddy & Chavo Jr. said they weren’t intimidated and said they wouldn’t back down from them. Six days before Bash at the Beach, KroniK once again attacked and laid out the champions
    • The unnamed man continued to send messages to his still unnamed victim but it was clear that whatever the issues were, they were personal







    Wrestle War @ Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    August 7th, 1999


    Goldberg defeated Bret Hart to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship after an accidental low blow. However after the match, Goldberg showed it was no accident by viciously assaulting the home-town hero

    Kevin Nash defeated Hulk Hogan, Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Hall to become no.1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight championship after Jeff Jarrett attacked Hogan

    Chris Jericho defeated Roddy Piper after using a steel chair. Chris Benoit returned after the match and went right after Jericho

    Kurt Angle defeated Steven Regal to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Los Guerreros defeated KroniK to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Randy Savage defeated Kanyon

    The Hardy Boyz defeated Ric Flair & David Flair

    Dustin Rhodes defeated Shawn Stasiak for the WCW World Television championship

    Edge, Christian & Rhino defeated The Revolution and Konnan, Rey Mysterio Jr. & Juventud Guerrera for the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team championships

    Psychosis defeated Jushin Thunder Liger for the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents



    • After losing the WCW World Heavyweight title to Goldberg at Starrcade, Bret Hart challenged him to hold onto it until Wrestle War in Canada where he wanted his rematch. Well that was exactly what Goldberg did and it is exactly what is going to happen!
      The respect was clear between both men as they talked up their match, but when Monday Nitro headed to the Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, Ontario, Canada it was time to get the first taste of what was in store at Wrestle War as a tag team match was set. Goldberg said he works alone, but named Kurt Angle as his partner and suggested that they would both get booed in Canada! Bret however had someone specific in mind and introduced his long-time partner and brother-in-law Jim Neidhart to team with him and reunite the old Hart Foundation. Angle and Goldberg picked up the win that night in a very hostile crowd but that perhaps gives Goldberg some advantage heading into the Saddledome in six days time
    • Following the history making War Games match at Bash at the Beach that saw the end of the nWo, Hulk Hogan, Sting, The Outsiders and Diamond Dallas Page were in good spirits and WCW President Dusty Rhodes announced a huge match for Wrestle War in Canada; a five way match to determine the next challenger for the WCW World Heavyweight championship!
      Hulk Hogan issued an open challenge to any of the four men, and when his long-time rival Sting accepted, he beat him in the main event of Monday Nitro to build momentum for the big match and then a week later on the first Monday Nitro to emanate from Canada, Hogan, Sting and DDP teamed up to defeated The Wolfpac trio of Sean Waltman, Hall and Nash.
      However when Wrestle War came around, Sting was brutally attacked backstage by an unnamed assailant and ruled out of the five way match!
    • Bash at the Beach saw a shocking betrayal as Chris Jericho viciously turned on his partner Chris Benoit. Jericho explained that he got nothing out of their partnership because Bret Hart clearly favoured Benoit and it was him who got all the opportunities. Jericho showed a more vicious side in matches, winning by submission and refusing to release the Liontamer after his wins.
      However he looked like he had seen a ghost when Roddy Piper returned and said he had been behaving like a jackass and challenged Jericho to face him at Wrestle War! In Canada, Jericho told the fans he didn’t need their support because they didn’t give it to him before and Piper told Jericho he’d see the “true, original loose cannon” at the pay-per-view
    • Kanyon told Randy Savage that he needed his guidance as a spiritual leader to get back on his feet and back to his very best. Savage responded by giving him a piledriver and a big elbow drop. This didn’t dissuade Kanyon however as he offered his services once again. So Savage beat him up again. And then did the same a week later and then with a match looming at Wrestle War, Savage told Kanyon that he was one of the strangest people he had ever met
    • Steven Regal took it upon himself to announce that he was going to be Kurt Angle’s next challenger for the WCW United States title. Angle respectfully responded, saying Regal was someone he was excited to face and agreed to make it happen at Wrestle War
    • The cocky youngster Sonny Siaki stepped up to Monday Nitro after an impressive run on Saturday Night. Along with his valet, Miss Gorgeous George he challenged but came up short against Randy Savage and Diamond Dallas Page
    • Sid Vicious refused to accept the demise of the nWo and came out 24-hours after Bash at the Beach still wearing the black and white. He challenged Kurt Angle for the WCW United States title but lost in less than four minutes in his final match in a WCW ring
    • Rick Rude returned to WCW and replaced Mike Tenay at the announce table






    Fall Brawl @ Omaha, Nebraska

    September 12th, 1999


    Goldberg defeated Bret Hart and Kevin Nash to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Hulk Hogan defeated Jeff Jarrett

    Kurt Angle defeated Steven Regal to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship and advance to the Quarter Finals of the New Blood Rising tournament

    The Revolution (Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko) defeated Los Guerreros for the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Shane Douglas

    Kanyon defeated Randy Savage in a Last Man Standing match

    Rick Rude defeated Norman Smiley in Rude’s first match in over five years

    Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit where if Jericho were to lose, he wouldn’t have been allowed to enter the New Blood Rising tournament

    Mike Awesome defeated Dustin Rhodes by disqualification when Dusty Rhodes attacked Awesome after Shawn Stasiak had attacked Dustin

    Edge, Christian & Rhino defeated Konnan, Rey Mysterio Jr. & Juventud Guerrera to retain the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team championships in an Elimination match

    Hayabusa defeated Psychosis and Hector Garza to win the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents



    • After Goldberg’s shocking actions at Wrestle War, Bret Hart wanted a rematch and revenge, but Kevin Nash reminded him that he was next in line. However, Nash offered to put his shot on the line in a match that Bret agreed to. But that matched ended in a no-contest as Goldberg attacked both men, gleefully doing so and destroyed them both.
      Goldberg gave an explanation for his actions, revealing he didn’t watch wrestling growing up and got into it for the money but he felt the passion from the fans and bought into it. However when he got booed in Canada, he realised that fans were fickle and that he doesn’t need their support, so now he’s out for him and him alone! He said he was looking forward to destroying both Bret and Nash at Fall Brawl. Goldberg defeated Scott Hall on the road to the pay-per-view and this led to tension between Nash and Bret with Bret accusing Nash of still having the same ego as he always had
    • When Sting was attacked at Wrestle War, he didn’t know who did it. When speaking the following night on Monday Nitro, he found out first hand as Rick Rude appeared and viciously assaulted him, culminating in a piledriver on the ring apron! Rude declared that he had sat back too long and let Sting get on with his career and he had ended Rude’s, but now he was back to end Sting’s! Rude declared that the “real” Rick Rude was back and had now after five years finally been medically cleared to return to the ring, saying Sting was about to feel all of the pain he did.
      Rude then announced his return to the ring, but not on Monday Nitro, it would take place live on pay-per-view in a showcase match as that is where he belongs
    • Hulk Hogan and Jeff Jarrett were found brawling backstage the Monday Nitro after Wrestle War, but once again it ended with Jarrett laying out Hogan with his guitar. The following week, Hogan faced Shawn Stasiak in a winning effort thanks to a distraction from Dustin Rhodes but once again, Jarrett attempted a sneak attack, only to be thwarted and have the tables turned by Hogan and a rematch was set for Fall Brawl
    • Chris Benoit said that he thought he and Chris Jericho were like brothers, but that is all in the past and now all he cares about is tearing Jericho limb from limb! After that, Benoit went after Jericho, chasing him down backstage until Jericho escaped by car while also attacking him during a match with Blitzkrieg on Monday Nitro. Roddy Piper attempted to calm Benoit, telling him to hold it until all Brawl but Jericho once again cost Benoit something, attacking him in a qualifier for the New Blood Rising tournament and costing him his match with Rhino! WCW President Dusty Rhodes however intervened and adding an extra something to the match at Fall Brawl between Benoit and Jericho as if Benoit wins, he’d take Jericho’s place in the tournament!
    • Steven Regal took it upon himself to “teach Kurt Angle the harsh realities” of professional wrestling, doing so in a rematch on Monday Nitro where Regal intentionally got himself disqualified and busting Angle in a post-match beat down. Angle offered Regal a rematch for the WCW United States title but said he wouldn’t change how he goes about his business. When both Angle and Regal won their New Blood Rising qualifiers, it set up a first-round match between the two and after a suggestion from Angle, that match was combined with the Fall Brawl title match with Angle saying he was willing to put everything on the line, was Regal?
    • Revolution set their sights on getting championship gold back around their waists by targeting WCW World Tag Team champions Los Guerreros. Shane Douglas also targeted Diamond Dallas Page, with Douglas explaining they were sick of hearing about how DDP was the saviour of WCW after he got the all important pin to end the nWo. Ahead of their respective matches at Fall Brawl, Eddy Guerrero also scored an upset by defeating Douglas in a New Blood Rising qualifier just six days before the pay-per-view
    • The war between Dustin Rhodes and Evolution escalated when Shawn Stasiak attacked Dusty Rhodes, only for the WCW President to fire back before Mike Awesome viciously laid him out with an Awesome Bomb. This lit a fire under WCW World Television champion Dustin and despite the attack, Dusty made Awesome vs. Dustin for the title at Fall Brawl. After the announcement of the New Blood Rising tournament, Evolution gained the upper hand again when a Road Warriors attack caused Dustin to be counted out in his qualifying match against Chris Jericho
    • The New Blood Rising tournament was announced and revealed that there would be 32 entrants with the only pre-requisite being that they cannot have held a World Heavyweight championship, clarifying that the WCW, NWA and WWF titles qualified. The winner would receive a match for the WCW World Heavyweight title live on pay-per-view at any time in the first six months of 2000 with 30 days’ notice. There would be a special one-night tournament consisting of the Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals and the Final taking place live on TBS on September 26th
    • Both Booker T and Scott Steiner returned following the dissolvement of the nWo, but both with different attitudes. Booker admitted to making a mistake and said he was looking to earn the forgiveness or at least the respect of the fans while Steiner and that he would do what he wanted, when he wanted to!
    • Kanyon suffered a broken jaw in his Wrestle War loss to Randy Savage and this resulted in him having to use a white board to communicate. Savage wanted Kanyon in the ring again, this time at Fall Brawl in a Last Man Standing match. Kanyon responded on multiple occasions by writing “NO” on his white board until, following an attack on Savage on Saturday Night, Kanyon finally wrote “YES!”






    Halloween Havoc @ Detroit, Michigan

    October 10th, 1999


    Goldberg defeated Kevin Nash to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Hulk Hogan defeated Jeff Jarrett in a Submission match

    Rick Rude defeated Sting after Sting collided with the exposed turnbuckle. Rude was going to destroy Sting’s ankle but was stopped by a hoard of referees

    Scott Steiner defeated Booker T after Rick Steiner attacked Booker T

    Shane Douglas defeated Diamond Dallas Page

    Billy Kidman defeated Buff Bagwell after Torrie Wilson low blowed Bagwell after he forcibly kissed her

    Shawn Stasiak & Mike Awesome defeated Dustin Rhodes & Dusty Rhodes in a Street Fight match that saw Stasiak win the WCW World Television championship

    Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit with Roddy Piper as the special referee when Lenny Lane ran out dressed as Jericho and distracted Piper

    Steven Regal defeated Kurt Angle by disqualification when Angle snaped and attacked Regal with a chair in a match that had been for Regal’s WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Jerry Lynn defeated Hayabusa to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents



    • Kevin Nash wanted his one-on-one match with Goldberg for the WCW World Heavyweight title, especially after it was Bret Hart and not him that was pinned at Fall Brawl. Goldberg was more than happy to “destroy Nash again” but also set up a match with Scott Hall later that night. This was a setup by The Wolfpac as Sean Waltman attacked Goldberg, leading to Nash laying him out with a Jacknife Powerbomb.
      How wise this was would be called into question the following week when Goldberg attacked Hall before the show, driving his head into a concrete wall. Hall, who had a New Blood Rising first round match against Mike Awesome wasn’t medically cleared by came to the ring but lost in a match he should not have participated in, ultimately being ruled out for several weeks as a result. Waltman stepped up to challenge Goldberg, knowing he was unlikely to win but wanted to send a message. Goldberg did win, but after the match, a huge brawl erupted just six days before Halloween Havoc
    • Hulk Hogan might have won at Fall Brawl, but it wasn’t enough for Hogan as he cost Jarrett his New Blood Rising first round match with Eddy Guerrero and wanted another match with Jarrett at Halloween Havoc! Jarrett said he would only accept if it was on his terms, and when Hogan did, Jarrett revealed Hogan would actually have to “wrestle to win” and that it would be a Submission match! Just before the pay-per-view, Jarrett upped the ante once again by smashing a guitar over Hogan’s head
    • Chris Benoit apologised to Roddy Piper and told him he was done playing the good guy and said he was going to play by Chris Jericho’s rules and tear him limb-from-limb! Despite all that, Benoit did not get involved in any of Jericho’s matches in the New Blood Rising tournament, but did accidentally elbow Piper in the face while attacking Jericho. As a result, a rematch was set for Halloween Havoc with Piper named as the special referee to ensure Benoit and Jericho get every opportunity to hurt one another. Piper conducted “In the Pit with Piper” with both men airing their issues and Jericho expressing his feeling that Piper would screw him, but said nothing would stop him leading WCW into the new millennium before shoving Piper off his chair, leaving Benoit furious but Piper just smirked!
    • Sting’s return at Fall Brawl by laying out Rick Rude with the Scorpion Deathdrop set them on their path to the inevitable collision and Sting accepted his part in Rude’s injury but said he was ready for whatever Rude had to throw at him. In sit-down interviews just ahead of Halloween Havoc, Rude said he didn’t care about winning or losing, only about ending Sting’s career while Sting refused let Rude’s goal get to him because he needed to keep it in the ring
    • The issues between Dustin & Dusty Rhodes and Evolution, specifically Mike Awesome & Shawn Stasiak continued with a Street Fight being set between Stasiak and “The American Dream” himself! Stasiak won the match that turned out to be much tougher than he expected, but it did involve outside interference from both Awesome and Dustin and then declared they wanted a tag team match at Halloween Havoc against The Rhodes’ for Dustin’s WCW World Television title!
      Eddy Guerrero was drawn into the feud, drawing the ire of Ric Flair after he beat Awesome in the New Blood Rising tournament and then doing so again in a rematch on Monday Nitro, courtesy of a shot from the belt by Dustin
    • The New Blood Rising tournament took place live on TBS with Kurt Angle overcoming Shawn Stasiak and Scott Steiner to meet Chris Jericho in the final, who himself defeated Booker T and Eddy Guerrero to get there. In one of the best technical contests in recent memory, Angle won his third match on the night to win the tournament and guarantee him a WCW World Heavyweight championship match in the first half of the year 2000
    • Buff Bagwell and Tammy Sytch returned by attacking Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson, with Bagwell acting disgracefully by forcibly kissing Torrie! This all stemmed from an incident several months back where Torrie shoved Tammy and Tammy hadn’t forgotten. Kidman wanted revenge at Halloween Havoc but things got personal between Tammy and Torrie as they stepped into the ring in a match that saw Torrie win by ripping Tammy’s top off and rolling her up! However Bagwell and Tammy got the last laugh by attacking her after the match and stripping her right down to her underwear
    • Just 24 hours after Kurt Angle’s incredible New Blood Rising victory, his interview was interrupted by Steven Regal, who goaded Angle into defending his WCW United States title by questioning his integrity. Angle agreed and in another match for the ages, the exhaustion of three matches in one night finally caught up to Angle who lost his first match and his title to Regal on 27/09/99.
      Regal rubbed it in, telling Angle that this was the reality and Angle accepted he had made a mistake and his rematch was set for Halloween Havoc
    • Scott Steiner’s attack on his former nWo ally Booker at New Blood Rising brought about questions, which Steiner answered by saying that he took Booker’s denouncement of his time in the nWo as a personal attack and so decided to remind Booker who he is; a nobody
    • The Dudley Boyz arrived in WCW by attacking The Hardy Boyz, followed up the following week by beating former WCW World Tag Team champions The Great Scotts and putting Scotty Riggs through a table!
    • Jerry Lynn made his WCW debut in spectacular fashion by winning the WCW Cruiserweight title from Hayabusa just 24 hours after he won the title! It was originally scheduled to be non-title, but Lynn challenged Hayabusa to up the stakes, but the surprises weren’t done as another debutant made an impact as Justin Credible cracked a Singapore cane over Hayabusa’s head! This led to a rematch being set for Halloween Havoc






    World War 3 @ Long Island, New York

    November 14th, 1999


    Goldberg defeated Hulk Hogan to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Diamond Dallas Page eliminated Sting last to win World War 3

    Chris Jericho & Lenny J (formerly Lenny Lane) defeated Chris Benoit & Roddy Piper

    Shawn Stasiak defeated Eddy Guerrero to win the WCW World Television championship when Ric Flair attacked Eddy with a lead pipe

    The Dudley Boyz defeated The Hardy Boyz in a Tables match

    Buff Bagwell & Tammy Sytch defeated Billy Kidman & Torrie Wilson

    Shark Boy & Ron Killings defeated Shane Helms & Shannon Moore and Joey Matthews & Christian York in a Cruiserweight Showcase match


    Major Incidents



    • Goldberg might have successfully defended his WCW World Heavyweight title yet again, but he wasn’t happy, noting that he has only main evented four pay-per-views since winning the title yet Hulk Hogan has main evented five! He demanded a match with Hogan at World War 3 where he would put Hogan down. Hogan responded the following week and said he still had “at least one big run” left before Goldberg shockingly delivered a huge spear!
      In order to ensure the match would go ahead, new WCW President Eric Bischoff made the stipulation that if Hogan attacked Goldberg he’d lose the match but if Goldberg touched Hogan, he’d be stripped of the title! Because of this, Hogan had to look on as Goldberg decimated Dustin Rhodes. Six days before World War 3, Hogan defeated Kanyon and went face-to-face with Goldberg ahead of the huge match on pay-per-view
    • When Shawn Stasiak attacked Eddy Guerrero with his WCW World Television title, he promised that Eddy would get nowhere near it. However, a match was set, and WCW President Eric Bischoff intervened to ban Evolution from ringside, ensuring a fair match and this led to Eddy winning the title! A rematch was set for World War 3, but before that Mike Awesome defeated Eddy, gaining some measure of revenge for his elimination in the New Blood Rising tournament
    • Kurt Angle apologised for his actions at Halloween Havoc and said he wanted to be honourable and that what he did to Steven Regal wasn’t him. Regal however declared that as Angle had used his contracted rematch, he was moving on and issued weekly open challenges for his WCW United States title but with the caveat that he would only defend against non-Americans! Regal beat Juventud Guerrera, Alex Wright and Hayabusa before WCW President Eric Bischoff announced that Regal would defend it on the first Thunder and that he would honour his “rules” that he only defends against non-Americans
    • Buff Bagwell wasn’t happy with his loss to Billy Kidman at Halloween Havoc and they continued their issues after the event. Kidman teamed with Sting to beat Bagwell and Rick Rude and then a week later, Bagwell attacked Kidman and together with Tammy Sytch once again ripped the top off Torrie Wilson! This combined with everything else set up a big mixed tag team match at World War 3 but before that, Kidman & Torrie were able to add a bit of humiliation to their opponents when Kidman laid out Bagwell with a Shooting Star Press
    • Having defeated Diamond Dallas Page and Los Guerreros, The Revolution set their sights on their next target in an effort to “revolutionise” WCW; Bret Hart. The Hitman answered the challenge a week later and got the first shot in, knowing an attack was coming but he ended up being laid out. Bret defeated Dean Malenko in the main event of Monday Nitro but once again was outnumbered and taken down but again was successful when he locked horns with Perry Saturn one-on-one. All four men had their sights set on winning World War 3, it was agreed that Bret would face Shane Douglas on the debut edition of Thunder
    • In a shocking turn, Sean Waltman betrayed the men he called brothers, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall to align with Justin Credible & Jerry Lynn, dubbing them as X-Factor and renaming himself to X-Pac! He explained his actions Nash & Hall always considering him “the little guy” or the support guy and never the main man, he wasn’t even involved in the War Games match to end the nWo. The Outsiders responded by calling Lynn & Credible a pair of losers before Hall challenged X-Pac to face him on the debut edition of Thunder!
    • As a result of being the man pinned and costing his son Dustin Rhodes the WCW World Television title, Dusty Rhodes announced his resignation as WCW President. In a hugely shocking moment, Eric Bischoff returned and was once again named the WCW President and in his very first act, he announced a new television show, Thunder that would debut on 16/11/99.
      X-Factor cost Chavo Guerrero Jr. his match against Lynn for the WCW Cruiserweight title, leading to Chavo facing X-Pac and winning by disqualification until The Outsiders made the save. Nash & Hall then offered Chavo a spot as an “honorary Wolfpac member for tonight” in a six-man tag against X-Factor, a match they the trio won with the next time they would meet being in the big World War 3 match on pay-per-view
    • The Steiner Brothers reunited at Halloween Havoc with Scott Steiner explaining that he had surpassed every single accomplishment of his older brother, who finally recognised it and accepted that he is the star of the family and that Rick has now finally taken his place by his side. However Booker T has his own brother and Stevie Ray evened the odds to save his younger brother from the Steiners, reuniting Harlem Heat. Stevie explained that Booker was still the man but now he’ll always be there to have his back and they were set to face their old rivals the Steiner Brothers in a now packed debut edition of Thunder
    • Chris Jericho introduced his protégé, Lenny Lane who will now be known as Lenny J out of respect for his mentor. Jericho also claimed that he would be “worst than the Y2K bug”, referring to himself as Y2J. Roddy Piper then challenged Jericho for him and Lenny to face Piper and Chris Benoit at World War 3. Lenny lost singles matches to both Benoit and Piper in the build up, but the duo did pick up a tag team win against newcomers Joey Matthews & Christian York ahead of the pay-per-view
    • The Dudley Boyz continued their apparent vendetta against The Hardy Boyz and faced them in a losing effort on Monday Nitro, although they had the last laugh by driving Matt Hardy through a table after doing the exact same thing to Jeff Hardy the week before. The continued attacks between both teams led to the Dudleyz costing the Hardyz a match with The Revolution for the WCW World Tag Team titles, eventually setting up a Tables match for World War 3






    Starrcade @ Washington, DC

    December 19th, 1999


    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Goldberg to win the WCW World Heavyweight championship and end Goldberg’s 243-0 undefeated streak

    Rick Rude defeated Sting

    Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit for the WCW United States championship

    Bret Hart & Owen Hart defeated The Revolution to win the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Eddy Guerrero defeated Ric Flair

    The Outsiders defeated X-Factor (X-Pac, Jerry Lynn & Justin Credible)

    Kurt Angle defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. after he used the ropes for leverage

    Kanyon defeated Shawn Stasiak, Dustin Rhodes and Jeff Jarrett to win the WCW World Television championship

    The Dudley Boyz defeated The Road Warriors

    Scott Steiner defeated Booker T

    Juventud Guerrera, La Parka & Lizmark Jr. defeated Edge, Christian & Rhino to win the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team championships

    Hector Garza won a Cruiserweight Open Battle Royale to become no.1 contender for the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents



    • Having destroyed Hulk Hogan at World War 3, Goldberg turned to his Starrcade challenge Diamond Dallas Page and ran him down, claiming that nothing had changed for DDP since he beat him back in March at Uncensored. DDP however responded with a Diamond Cutter, showing that he wasn’t the same man as he was nine months ago! DDP said he would never quit, even though he has seen what Goldberg has done to the likes of Bret Hart, Lex Luger, The Giant and Kevin Nash. Goldberg vowed to end DDP’s “impossible dream” and teamed with the Dudley Boyz against DDP and the Road Warriors in a winning effort, further cementing in his mind that he has the total advantage at Starrcade.
      At the contract signing on the final Monday Nitro before Starrcade, DDP said that he has worked harder than anyone to be where he is today and nothing, not even Goldberg can stop him from becoming WCW World Heavyweight champion! Goldberg listed off the names of men who have tried to defeat him and failed, vowing to add DDP’s name for a second and final time
    • Rick Rude clearly hadn’t seen Sting suffer enough and his eliminated from World War 3 at Sting’s hands certainly added to that feeling. Rude cost Sting a match against Jeff Jarrett, beating him down with Sting’s own baseball bat, leading to a tag team match on Monday Nitro were Rude selected Sting’s long-time enemy Ric Flair as his partner while Sting picked Eddy Guerrero as his in a match that saw Eddy pin Flair. The following week, Rude defeated Eddy after Flair interfered but after the match, Sting dropped from the ceiling and laid out The Nature Boy before daring Rude to face him.
      On the final Thunder before Starrcade, Rick Rude reminded everyone why he is targeting Sting and how Sting seemingly ended his career in Japan while Rude was at the very top of his game. Sting interrupted and mentioned the challenges he has had in recent years with Hollywood Hogan and the nWo and more recently the betrayal of his best friend Lex Luger, yet he knows what Rude wants to do so perhaps this will be his biggest challenge yet
    • The issues between Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit were well documented but after Y2J & Lenny J defeated Benoit & Roddy Piper at World War 3, Jericho was ready to move on and expected to be named as the challenger for Steven Regal’s WCW United States title on the inaugural Thunder. However WCW President Eric Bischoff angered Jericho by naming Benoit as the challenger in a match that Benoit subsequently went on to win (16/11/99)! With Benoit’s win, he demanded a rematch with Jericho, this time with the gold on the line on the biggest stage of them all; Starrcade.
      However before that, Regal was entitled to his contractual rematch, but what could have been an all-time match was ruined by Jericho as he attacked Regal, helping an unknowing Benoit to retain the title, ensuring it would still be Jericho vs. Benoit at Starrcade. This had unintended consequences though as Regal and Benoit came together in mutual respect and would go on to beat Jericho & Lenny in a tag team match six days before Starrcade
    • Bret Hart continued to be target by The Revolution and on the first ever edition of Thunder, Shane Douglas scored the win over The Hitman, although thanks to interference by Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko. Bret would then note that the only thing they have accomplished so far is to win the WCW World Tag Team titles and promised to take that away from them, but when Douglas pointed out he doesn’t have a partner, Bret guaranteed that he did!
      Eric Bischoff announced that he had granted Bret his title match and it would be at Starrcade, but as he hadn’t revealed his partner, Bret would have to beat all three members of The Revolution for it to go ahead. Bret beat Malenko cleanly, Saturn by disqualification when Malenko & Douglas attacked but it was after Bret’s victory over Shane Douglas that things got interesting. The Revolution wasted no timing in attack The Hitman but he was saved by the shocking arrival of Bret’s brother Owen Hart! The Hart Brothers cleaned house and the following week, Owen explained that he felt sick “being held hostage” and wanted to join his brother two years ago! Owen wrestled his first WCW match in nearly 9 years with a disqualification victory over Douglas but the excitement was palpable as Bret & Owen have the chance to win the WCW World Tag Team titles live on pay-per-view!
    • Rey Mysterio Jr. eliminated Kurt Angle from World War 3, perfectly legally but Angle didn’t react well, arguing with Rey and allowing Rick Rude to eliminate him. Angle apologised but claimed that Rey used “questionable methods” to eliminate him and suggested Rey should apologise to him instead! Rey wasn’t sure what was going on, but accepted Angle’s apology and reminded Angle of the purpose and rules of the match, which seemed to satisfy Angle.
      Angle eventually arranged for the two of them to challenge The Revolution for the WCW World Tag Team titles by way of an apology in a match that they lost when Rey was forced to submit. This didn’t sit well with Angle, who questioned why Rey gave up! Angle seemed to realise the error of his ways and wanted to apologise again to Rey, but this time when Rey accepted, Angle laid him out with an Olympic Slam, claiming the only mistake he ever made was giving a damn about “little losers” like Rey and that as an Olympic Gold Medalist, he is better than all of them! Angle said he was done wasting time on people who aren’t on his level
    • The betrayal by X-Pac of his former best friends Kevin Nash & Scott Hall continued after World War 3 with The Outsiders costing X-Factor member Jerry Lynn the WCW Cruiserweight title to Chavo Guerrero Jr on the inaugural edition of Thunder. That same night, X-Factor gained revenge when X-Pac defeated Scott Hall and together assaulted Hall & Nash with steel chairs. This served as a wakeup call for The Outsiders, who said they saw their old friend’s true colours and now they wouldn’t hold back. Nash defeated X-Pac by disqualification on Monday Nitro and was able to fend off an attack, leading to a week later X-Pac challenging Hall & Nash to face all him, Lynn and Justin Credible in a handicap match at Starrcade
    • The issues between Booker and Scott Steiner go back long before the break-up of the nWo, even if it was more professional rivalry with both teams belief that they were part of the greatest brother team in professional wrestling history. As soon as they entered the same ring at World War 3 they went after each other, with Scott’s brother Rick Steiner acting as a sacrificial lamb to allow Scott to eliminate Booker. On the first episode of Thunder, The Steiner Brothers and Harlem Heat reunited and collided with the Steiners coming away victorious. After Scott defeated Stevie Ray on the following Monday Nitro, he declared their rivalry over, but Booker T clearly didn’t agree and wanted a rematch at Starrcade
    • There were issues within Evolution thanks to Shawn Stasiak eliminating Road Warrior Hawk from the World War 3 match and what they felt was them being used just as muscle. However, Ric Flair calmed them down by offering Hawk a shot at Stasiak’s WCW World Television title the following week. But this was a setup as the other members of Evolution cost Hawk the match and the Dudley Boyz viciously attacked them after the match, including delivering their own Doomsday Device to Animal! Bubba Ray & D-Von claimed they would destroy Hawk & Animal as they are the greatest team of all time while Flair said they had “outlived their usefulness!” The rub more salt in the wounds, The Dudley Boyz cost The Road Warriors a Street Fight against the up-start Sons of Legacy (Stasiak & David Flair). Both teams locked horns twice more in six-man tag action with them both picking up wins ahead of their epic clash at Starrcade
      Eddy Guerrero returned to action three weeks after his assault at the hands of Ric Flair and challenged Flair to face him at Starrcade!
    • After Buff Bagwell viciously delivered the Butterfly DDT to Torrie Wilson at World War 3, a fire was lit under Billy Kidman who attacked Bagwell during a match with Konnan that resulted in Bagwell suffering a broken pelvis and ruling him out for two months! Kidman showed no remorse, but Tammy Sytch wouldn’t let things lie as she paid off KroniK to viciously attack Kidman! Sytch explained that she would continue to pay Bryan Clarke & Brian Adams until the job was done and Kidman was laid up in hospital just like her man! Despite that, Kidman returned to action against Sonny Siaki and didn’t let their presence at ringside distract him, in fact, he embarrassed them when he launched himself over the ropes and landed right on top of them! However shortly before Starrcade, KroniK got the last laugh as they destroyed Kidman in the backstage area
    • The WCW World Television title might have returned to Shawn Stasiak at World War 3 but in the lead up to Starrcade, Dustin Rhodes stepped up and wanted a match. Kanyon also got involved, claiming he could help heal the issues between Stasiak and Rhodes by taking the title away from them, setting up a number one contenders match. However in that match, Jeff Jarrett interfered and laid out both men and declared himself as the challenger for Stasiak’s title! This led to Eric Bischoff making a four-way match at Starrcade involving all three challengers, much to Stasiak’s frustration
    • Chavo Guerrero Jr. won the WCW Cruiserweight title on the inaugural edition of Thunder (16/11/99) from Jerry Lynn thanks in part to Kevin Nash, due to The Outsider’s on-going issues with X-Factor. He began to defend the title regularly before Luchadores Enojados, Hector Garza & Psychosis (united by having their hair and mask taken by Rey Mysterio Jr.) challenged him for the title. This then led to a number of fellow Cruiserweights to do the same, leading to Chavo suggesting a Cruiserweight Open at Starrcade with the winner facing him 24 hours later for the title on Monday Nitro
    • Chuck Palumbo made his debut on Monday Nitro in an impressive victory over the veteran Konnan, after a number of appearances on Saturday Night with Mike Sanders by his side










    Mayhem @ Raleigh, North Carolina

    January 23rd, 2000


    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Rick Rude to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship in a match that saw Dustin Rhodes counter interreference from Curt Hennig. After the match, Scott Steiner viciously attacked DDP

    Sting defeated Ric Flair

    Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit in a Ladder match to retain the WCW United States championship

    Kurt Angle defeated Rey Mysterio Jr.

    The Hart Brothers defeated ECW World Tag Team champions The Dudley Boyz to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Kanyon defeated Hugh Morrus to retain the WCW World Television championship

    Madusa & Rhonda Singh defeated Meiko Satomura & Yuki Miyazaki

    Booker T defeated Sonny Siaki

    Billy Kidman & Paul Wight defeated KroniK

    Hector Garza defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents



    • Diamond Dallas Page achieved the impossible when he ended Goldberg’s incredible undefeated streak and became WCW World Heavyweight champion. 24 hours later, he had his first challenger lined up as Rick Rude claimed his victory over Sting entitled him to the first shot. DDP had suffered a minor knee injury at Starrcade and had a knee brace on which Rude sadistically kicked at before laying him out with the Rude Awakening before he posed with the title. The attack exacerbated the injury, ruling DDP out until just before Mayhem but this brought Dustin Rhodes into the feud due to Dustin recognising his father Dusty’s close friendship with DDP.
      Being unable to compete frustration DDP, but once he was medically cleared, he teamed with Dustin, Scott Hall & Kevin Nash to face Rude and The Revolution on Monday Nitro before Mayhem. However DDP was shockingly attacked by a masked man, allowing Rude to pin the champion just six days before the pay-per-view. When the man unmasked, it was revealed to be Rude’s long-time friend Curt Hennig back in WCW after a six-month absence! Hennig confirmed that from now on, he would be standing side-by-side with his best friend
    • After his huge victory at Starrcade, new WCW United States champion Chris Jericho held a victory celebration that was quickly interrupted by Chris Benoit who revealed he was taking his rematch on the first Monday Nitro of 2000. On that night, Jericho claimed responsibility for ensuring the millennium bug didn’t strike but in the main event and in his first defence, Jericho lost the title back to Benoit (03/01/00)!
      The following night on Thunder, Benoit was attacked by an irate Jericho backstage, assaulting him with a ladder and stealing his title belt. Benoit hunted Jericho through the arena that night but failed to catch him or regain the title. WCW President Eric Bischoff stepped in to reclaim the title and announced a Ladder match for Mayhem to finally settle their issues once and for all
    • The means in which Kurt Angle defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. at Starrcade were not immediately clear to Rey, but when he did find out, he wasn’t happy and wanted a rematch. Angle however ignored Rey, that was until Rey attacked Angle after a victory on WCW Saturday Night, prompting Angle to claim that he was a premiere athlete and deserves better than facing Rey but if he wants another beating, he’ll do it at Mayhem. Angle would go on to defeated Juventud Guerrera to send a message to Rey ahead of the pay-per-view
    • New WCW World Tag Team champions The Hart Brothers won their first match as champions against the young, exciting duo of Chuck Palumbo & Sonny Siaki, but it was after the match that had people talking as The Dudley Boyz, fresh of retiring The Road Warriors attacked and laid out both Bret and Owen Hart with 3D’s! That Hart’s responded by telling the Dudleyz to face them and Bubba Ray & D-Von said that Bret & Owen might be brothers by birth but that they were “brothers by blood”!
      The Dudleyz sent yet another message, this time attacking Owen Hart after his win over Jeff Jarrett. It turned out they had already bloodied and beaten Bret backstage, leaving Owen all alone with the vicious duo who ended the assault by powerbombing him through a table. In a very interesting turn of events, just 48-hours before Mayhem the Dudley Boyz shockingly returned to ECW and won the ECW World Tag Team titles, add another level of intrigue to the situation!
    • After several weeks away and following Shawn Stasiak and Ric Flair’s high profile losses at Starrcade, Evolution returned and said they had set their targets. The next week, their first target was identified when following a match with Chuck Palumbo, Sting was assaulted by Evolution with Stasiak telling Sting that the evolution of WCW has passed him by!
      Sting recognised their reasons for going after him and went on to defeat David Flair the next week. Once again, Evolution attacked him and Ric then challenged Sting to face him at Mayhem in his hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina
    • Booker T continued his winning ways on Monday Nitro and Thunder but apparently disrespected the up-and-coming Sonny Siaki by just being on the ramp as he was making his entrance. Siaki told Booker to “get out of his way”, which elicited a smirk from Booker, who then returned following Siaki’s win over Ron Killings and laid him out with a Book End!
      “Saturday Night Siaki” complained about Booker’s disrespect and went on to beat Booker’s brother Stevie Ray for the third time (with the first two coming on “Siaki’s show”) before Booker answered his challenge with one of his own; to face him at Mayhem!
    • After weeks of beatings by KroniK, Billy Kidman challenged them to a tag team match at Mayhem against him and unnamed partne. Tammy Sytch accepted, using it was a fellow cruiserweight but nobody could have predicted the identify of Kidman’s partner to be former WCW World Heavyweight champion ”The Giant” Paul Wight! Wight explained he was a different man now and that he wanted to have fun and that despite everything with the nWo, Kidman reached out to him and they got on surprisingly well! With Wight by Kidman’s side, KroniK had little success in taking advantage of the size difference ahead of the big match on pay-per-view
    • WCW President Eric Bischoff had a number of announcements to make following the historic Starrcade. First of all, the return of the Super X Cup, this time held in March and New Blood Rising again in October. In 1999, Wrestle War emanated from Canada but this time in another first for WCW, they would be heading to London, England and be held in Wembley Arena! That wasn’t all though as WCW would pay tribute to the late, legendary Nick Bockwinkel by holding the Nick Bockwinkel Tag Team Classic in May where the winner would receive a shot at the WCW World Tag Team titles the following month at Slamboree.
      Finally, Bischoff announced the return of women’s wrestling to WCW, kicking things off immediately with the exciting Japanese duo of Meiko Satomura & Yuki Miyazaki defeated the veteran pairing of Jacqueline Moore & Malia Hosaka. The following week, Madusa made her return but brought a monster of a woman with her identified as Rhonda Singh and she was not happy about the Joshi women being showcased ahead of her
    • Hector Garza won the WCW Cruiserweight title from Chavo Guerrero Jr. on Monday Nitro (20/12/99) but not without help as his fellow “Luchadores Enojados” Psychosis distracted Chavo. Hector & Psychosis cheated to win again on the first Nitro in January as Garza used his title to blast Chavo in in a tag team match with Psychosis and Hayabusa. Chavo finally got back on track by defeating Psychosis and demanded his rematch take place at Mayhem








    SuperBrawl X @ San Antonio, Texas

    February 20th, 2000


    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Rick Rude and Scott Steiner to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    The Hart Brothers defeated The Hardy Boyz, The Outsiders and Edge & Christian to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Chris Jericho defeated Eddy Guerrero to retain the WCW United States championship

    Curt Hennig defeated Dustin Rhodes in a Street Fight

    Jeff Jarrett defeated Steven Regal after viciously attacking him backstage and forcing a clearly injured Regal to compete

    Sting defeated Shawn Stasiak

    Rob Van Dam & Sabu defeated The Dudley Boyz to win the ECW World Tag Team championships

    Kurt Angle defeated Billy Kidman

    Dean Malenko defeated Chris Benoit after Shane Douglas attacked Benoit

    Luchadores Enojados (Hector Garza, Psychosis & Super Crazy) defeated Juventud Guerrera, La Parka & Lizmark Jr. to win the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team championships


    Major Incidents



    • Following Scott Steiner’s attack on Diamond Dallas Page at Mayhem, it was clear that Steiner wanted a shot at DDP’s WCW World Heavyweight title. DDP responded by telling Steiner he could have it before laying out Scott’s brother Rick with a Diamond Cutter! However, someone wasn’t happy with the match as Rick Rude attacked DDP following his win over Rick Steiner, telling Scott to “wait your turn” as he wanted another shot.
      The Steiner Brothers would go on to beat DDP and Dustin Rhodes thanks to interference from Rude and Curt Hennig and this would lead to a three-way match being announced with DDP defending against Scott Steiner and Rick Rude at SuperBrawl X. However this didn’t fully satisfy Steiner, who demanded more and as a result, Eric Bischoff gave him a one-on-one match that saw DDP emerge victorious. Moments later, Rude & Hennig attacked both men and dubbed themselves “Ravishing Perfection”. SuperBrawl X’s main event would see Hennig, Rick Steiner and Dustin Rhodes banned from ringside and a one-on-one match was set for Thunder, pitting Steiner against Rude with DDP as special referee. But after both men constantly got in DDP’s face, the champion had enough, taking matters into his own hands and laying both men out with the Diamond Cutter!
    • The Hart Brothers successfully defended their WCW World Tag Team titles against Edge & Christian, who had attacked the Hardy Boyz earlier in the night, which led to Matt & Jeff getting involved and costing the challengers the match. That wasn’t all though as immediately after the match, The Outsiders walked out and made clear they wanted the next shot! Bret & Owen were happy with this, but the Hardy Boyz were not and listed off everyone they had beaten and laid out why they deserved the next opportunity. A number one contenders match was set between the Hardyz and Hall & Nash that saw Edge & Christian inadvertently cost The Outsiders the match. Hall & Nash were furious and took out their anger on Matt & Jeff after the match.
      Despite this win, The Outsiders still claimed the match at SuperBrawl X which led to the Hardy Boyz trying to assert their claim. Edge & Christian then made their claim that they apparently had the Hart Brothers beaten were it not for them, which led to them facing off in a match where the winner would be added to the title match. However, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall weren’t in the mood and took it upon themselves to attack both teams. Bret & Owen made the save and because it would infuriate Hall & Nash, they agreed to defend against all three teams instead!
    • Sting might have beaten Ric Flair at Mayhem, but Evolution weren’t done, especially after their beatdown after the match. Sting picked Shawn Stasiak to face at SuperBrawl X but made clear he desperately wanted Mike Awesome as well and challenged them to an eight-man tag team match. Evolution accepted under the conditions it would elimination rules, to which Sting accepted and revealed Booker T, Chris Benoit and Steven Regal as his partners in a match that ultimately Evolution would win, thanks in part to interference from The Revolution
    • Chris Jericho’s victory celebration didn’t quite go as planned as Eddy Guerrero crashed the party and proceeded to eat Jericho’s victory fruit and drink his champagne, much to the ire of the WCW United States champion. When Jericho raged about this the following week, Eddy claimed not to know what was going on, he just loves fruit but now he sees Jericho, he realises that he’s the champion and that he would love that belt! Eddy continued to irritate Jericho, this time by being at ringside for Jericho’s match with 3 Count member Shane Helms, causing Jericho to have far more difficulty than he would normally.
      A week later on Monday Nitro, Chris Jericho’s frustrations boiled over as he and Lenny J attacked Eddy during a match. However, Chavo Guerrero Jr. ran out to make the save, reuniting with his uncle and leading to a match on Thunder that saw Los Guerreros win just five days before Eddy’s match with Jericho for the title at SuperBrawl X
    • Curt Hennig didn’t appreciate Dustin Rhodes’ involvement in the main event at Mayhem and caused a disqualification when he attacked Rhodes in a match with Chuck Palumbo. Dustin defeated Hennig on Thunder thanks to interference from Diamond Dallas Page and the two men clashed multiple times over the next week or so, leading to a steel chair attack by Dustin on Hennig while he was making his entrance! Dustin viciously assaulted Hennig until referees and Dustin’s father Dusty forced him to stop, which Dustin reluctantly did only to challenge Hennig to a Street Fight at SuperBrawl X
    • Fresh off of his win over Rey Mysterio Jr. at Mayhem, Kurt Angle was not happy to discover his opponent the following night on Monday Nitro was against a fellow cruiserweight in Billy Kidman. Angle mocked him and said he deserved a proper challenge, suggesting Kidman’s buddy Paul Wight instead. During the match, Angle’s nonstop mocking infuriated Wight to the point that he entered the ring and laid Angle out with a chokeslam for the disqualification!
      Wight apologised to Kidman for his actions, but Kidman understood them and challenged Angle to face him at SuperBrawl X where if Angle wins, he gets Wight next month at Sin but if Kidman wins, Angle must acknowledge that Kidman deserves to be in the ring with Angle! Angle answered by responded to humiliate Kidman just like he did to Rey. Angle then attacked Wight after his win over Sonny Siaki, proving that Angle was looking past Kidman to the possible match with Wight at Sin
    • Chris Benoit attempted to put his WCW United States title loss behind him with a win over Jerry Flynn, but The Revolution got involved after the match. But instead of attack, Shane Douglas offered Benoit a spot in the group! Over a week later, Benoit finally responded to the offer by telling The Revolution that he respects them all, but that he wants to do things by himself. Surprisingly, they accepted this and all shook Benoit’s hand.
      However, the following week they showed their true colours as they viciously attacked Benoit in the main event eight-man tag against Evolution, causing him to be eliminated. They explained that nobody turns them down and that Benoit just made an enemy of The Revolution. This led to Benoit getting a match at SuperBrawl X against any member and Benoit surprisingly chose his old partner Dean Malenko
    • New ECW World Tag Team champions the Dudley Boyz told the ECW fans that they would never bring the titles back to ECW but that didn’t stop them attacking Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer on ECW Hardcore TV. This led to RVD and Sabu turning up on Monday Nitro to repay the favour and vowing to bring the titles back to where they belonged. With Bubba Ray and D-Von refusing to wrestle in ECW and gloating about being in “the big leagues”, the title match was set for WCW’s SuperBrawl X with the Dudleyz once again invading ECW and bloodying Sabu just days before their title match
    • When Jeff Jarrett cheated to beat Steven Regal on Monday Nitro, it infuriated the man. Regal demanded a rematch but his challenges were ignored, prompting Regal to call Jarrett a coward and take matters into his own hands and decided to meet Jarrett after his match with youngster Chris Harris on Thunder the following week. Regal did just that but Jarrett told Regal that by him winning, it just proved that he is better and they are done and that he owes Regal nothing, refusing his challenge! Regal understandably wasn’t satisfied and decided he would fight Jarrett now, but after a short brawl, Jarrett was able to make an escape.
      The following week, Regal would distract Jarrett in a match with Rey Mysterio Jr. by ringing the bell mid-match, allowing Rey to score the win. This led to the match being signed for SuperBrawl X
    • WCW World Televisiion champion Kanyon turned his attention to Rey Mysterio Jr. and vowed to help “get his career back on track” after his losses to Kurt Angle recently. Kanyon pointed to his success with both Bret Hart and Randy Savage as perfect examples of what people can accomplish when they accept his guidance, but Rey wasn’t interested but did want a shot at his title. Kanyon agreed but cheated to win on Thunder, leading a rematch set for the semi-main event of the Super X Cup special on TBS. This time, Rey avoided Kanyon’s antics and picked up the win and the title (18/02/00)
    • The shocking purchase of ECW by Ted Turner was confirmed as Paul Heyman walked out Monday Nitro after Mayhem and announced that WCW Saturday Night would now become ECW Hardcore TV! This historic episode saw the return after almost a year’s absence of Tommy Dreamer, the ECW debut of former WCW Cruiserweight champion Hayabusa and the announcement of an open-door policy for anyone in WCW who thought they were extreme enough to come to ECW and try them! The first man to answer this was Rhino, who immediately set his sights on Raven and his ECW World Heavyweight title, while newcomers like Homicide & Low Ki, dubbed B.W.A. and “adult entertainer” Val Venis also began to make a splash
    • The Super X Cup returned, but this time it was a cross-promotional affair as ECW sent their best in Rob Van Dam and Sabu as well as NJPW’s entrants of Tiger Mask IV, Shinjiro Otani and last year’s winner Jushin Thunder Liger. The one night affair saw Hector Garza reach the final after cheating to beat Tiger Mask and securing a bye following a double count-out between Sabu and Otani, while RVD beat Juventud Guerrera and the legendary Liger. Garza was looking to win the second of a possible three major accomplishments this weekend as in just two days he would challenge for the WCW World Six-Man Tag Team titles, but it wasn’t to be as much to ECW President Paul Heyman’s satisfaction, RVD won the match and the Super X Cup!
    • The women’s division in WCW continued to grow as Starla Green (Nora Greenwald) arrived with a victory against Yuki Miyazaki and promised that her stunning looks hadn’t gotten her to WCW, it was her ability and that she would be a star on pure talent







    Sin @ Provo, Utah

    March 19th, 2000


    Kevin Nash defeated Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW World Heavyweight championship after Dustin Rhodes turned on DDP

    Hulk Hogan defeated Scott Steiner

    Mike Awesome defeated Sting

    Eddy Guerrero defeated Chris Jericho for the WCW United States championship

    Chris Benoit defeated Shane Douglas after Steven Regal countered Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn’s interference in a match where if he lost, Benoit would be forced to join The Revolution

    Curt Hennig & Buff Bagwell defeated The Hart Brothers for the WCW World Tag Team championships when Rick Rude attacked Owen Hart

    The Hardy Boyz defeated Edge & Christian. After the match, The Dudley Boyz attacked and laid out both teams

    Kurt Angle defeated Paul Wight

    Juventud Guerrera defeated Tiger Mask IV and Hector Garza for the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents



    • Diamond Dallas Page overcame the odds at SuperBrawl X to retain the WCW World Heavyweight title and the following night on Monday Nitro there were a lot of potential challengers. Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Ric Flair, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Sting all staked their claims so WCW President Eric Bischoff set up two three ways for Nitro with the two winners facing off the following night on Thunder to determine the challenger at Sin. Owen overcame Hall and Flair while Nash defeated Bret and Sting, thanks in part to outside interference from both Rick Rude and Mike Awesome. Come Thunder, both men talked up how big of an opportunity this was but it was Kevin Nash who won the match, setting up a big title match with his old friend DDP at Sin.
      DDP and Nash went face-to-face and DDP expressed his concerns about Scott Hall getting involved, but Nash assured him that it would be one-on-one. DDP would go on to beat Hall in the main event of Monday Nitro, but moments laid Nash hit the ring and laid him out with a Jacknife Powerbomb! DDP accepted that he made a mistake expecting more from The Outsiders and challenged them to a match against him and a man he can trust, Dustin Rhodes the following week. Just before the match, Dustin expressed his excitement of teaming with DDP before admitting to being disappointed with his record recently, going on to say that this would be the last time we see Dustin Rhodes for a while. On Thunder in the new Thursday night-time slot, just three days before Sin, Nash gained a huge momentum boost as he and Hall defeated DDP and Dustin
    • “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan returned on Thunder for the first time since his loss to Goldberg at World War 3, but he was interrupted by Scott Steiner who claimed that nobody cared about Hogan and that he was taking up his time. This setup Hogan’s return to the ring in a winning effort against Scott’s brother Rick Steiner that left Scott seething. Scott then claimed that he was more powerful and his arms measured one inch more than Hogan’s and as a result, Hogan challenged Steiner to face him in an arm wrestling match ahead of their match at Sin! The fight was close but Hogan was on the verge of victory when Rick blasted Hogan from behind, distracting him and allowing Scott to lock Hogan in the Steiner Recliner just six days before they meet at Sin
    • Rick Rude was not happy at being overlooked for the number one contenders tournament and took issue with Bret Hart being included ahead of him, prompting his interference to cost Bret the match. He and Curt Hennig then set their sights on robbing them of their WCW World Tag Team titles. In an excellent main event, Bret defeated Rude on Thunder with Owen Hart countering interference from Hennig, leading to a match between Rude and Owen being set for the following week.
      However, just before the main event Rude revealed that he had suffered a knee injury, ruling him out of the match and thus requiring Hennig to replace him. But that wasn’t the most shocking moment as Buff Bagwell made his return, costing Owen the match, aligning with Ravishing Perfection and revealing himself as Rude’s replacement for the title match at Sin. Rude claimed that Bagwell is a “real man” just like them and that Bagwell was just chilling by the pool, waiting for the right opportunity to return to WCW. Bagwell’s return to the ring that next week saw him score a big win over Owen Hart, just days before Sin
    • After Mike Awesome cost Sting his chance to challenge once again for the WCW World Heavyweight title, the match between the two was set for Sin. Sting then had the next laugh as he cost Awesome and the Sons of Legacy a match against the cruiserweight trio of 3 Count when Shane Helms rolled Shawn Stasiak up thanks to Sting’s distraction! When Evolution attacked 3 Count, Sting made the save but this led to Awesome laying out “The Icon” with a big Awesome Bomb. The Sons of Legacy defeated Helms & Shannon Moore the following week but when Awesome attacked them after the match, Sting made the save, setting up an eight-man tag the next week that despite Sting’s presence, Evolution went on to win
    • Chris Benoit was furious about his loss to Dean Malenko at SuperBrawl X that came as a result of Shane Douglas’ interference, and so Benoit wanted Douglas. Instead of the match taking place, The Revolution came out together and claimed Benoit wasn’t “Revolution calibre” before the three men beat down Benoit once again. Douglas then accepted Benoit’s challenge for Sin but on one condition; in Benoit loses, he is forced to join the Revolution! Benoit accepted but this didn’t stop the continuous beatdowns with Douglas, Malenko & Saturn attacking backstage and after a win against Brad Armstrong, even costing Benoit a match against Jeff Jarrett that he abandoned when The Revolution walked out with Benoit picking up a chair to defend himself
    • Having beaten Billy Kidman at SuperBrawl X, Kurt Angle set up a clash with Paul Wight at Sin. In advance of this, a tag team match was set where Angle promised to find someone of Kidman’s calibre, but when he introduced his partner, it was an unknown local by the name of AJ Styles with Angle claiming that Kidman’s level is so low, he just grabbed the first person he found! Wight & Kidman beat Angle & Styles and in frustration, Angle faced Styles the following week in a much closer battle than expected but Angle did of course prevail, but right after the match, Wight walked out and drilled Angle with a huge chokeslam!
    • Chris Jericho beat Eddy Guerrero fair and square, and Eddy accepted this but the win did come about when Y2J rolled through Eddy’s Frog Splash, so Eddy asked if Jericho was happy with winning that way? This led to Eddy beating Jericho’s protégé Lenny J, thanks to Chavo Guerrero Jr. countering Jericho’s interference to earn a rematch at Sin. Jericho regained some measure of revenge by beating Chavo and then shortly after this, Jericho & Lenny J beat Los Guerreros in tag team action that saw Jericho blast Eddy with his WCW United States title and hold Chavo in the Liontamer long after the bell
    • Kanyon didn’t take too lightly losing the WCW World Television title to Rey Mysterio Jr., attacking him during a match with Kaz Hayashi and claiming that Rey “wasn’t ready for this level of responsibility” and that he would have to take the title back to teach him a lesson. Despite this, Rey successfully defended the title against Kanyon on Thunder, but Kanyon still wasn’t happy and a couple of weeks later teamed with Edge & Christian to beat their enemies the Hardy Boyz and Rey in a winning effort. Kanyon then claimed total responsibility for Rey’s title win and that was why he deserved a rematch at Sin, and while Rey obviously disputed this claim, he accepted the challenge and the title match was on
    • Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask IV & Shinjiro Otani put the disappointment of the Super X Cup behind them to win the newly rechristened WCW World Trios titles from Luchadores Enojados (21/02/00). However just 24 hours later on Thunder, while finally giving the previous champions Juventud Guerrera, La Parka & Lizmark Jr. their rematch along with Hector Garza, Psychosis & Super Crazy, they lost the titles to Juvi ‘s team (22/02/00)!
      Luchadores Enojados were not happy but got their rematch a week later on Thunder with Perro Aguayo Jr., son of the legendary luchadore Perro Aguayo replacing Super Crazy and they won the gold back once again (02/03/00). All of these issues also led to a match being set for Sin with Garza defending his WCW Cruiserweight title against Tiger Mask IV and Juventud in a three way
    • Over in ECW, X-Factor were the latest to take advantage of the open door policy by attacking new ECW World Tag Team champions Rob Van Dam & Sabu, setting up a title match for ECW’s March pay-per-view One Night Only. Fellow WCW alumni Rhino was also confirmed to challenging Raven for the ECW World Heavyweight championship at the same event



    WCW – APRIL-JUNE 2000







    Spring Stampede @ Detroit, Michigan

    April 23rd, 2000


    Kevin Nash defeated Bret Hart, Owen Hart and Scott Hall to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Kurt Angle defeated Hulk Hogan by using the ropes

    The American Nightmare (Dustin Rhodes) defeated Diamond Dallas Page in a Street Fight via referee stoppage. Dustin refused to stop his attack after the match and delivered a low blow to his father when he tried to stop him

    The Hardy Boyz defeated Edge & Christian and The Dudley Boyz

    Shawn Stasiak defeated Ric Flair when David Flair hit his father with the WCW World Television title

    Amy Dumas defeated Starla Green, Estrellita, Yuki Miyazaki and Meiko Satomura when Hector Garza hit Estrellita with a DDT

    The Revolution defeated Steven Regal & Fit Finlay when Shane Douglas attacked Finlay

    Luchadores Enojados defeated 3 Count to retain the WCW World Trios championships when Amy Dumas distracted Shannon Moore

    Eddy Guerrero defeated Chris Jericho to retain the WCW United States championship


    Major Incidents



    • Kevin Nash is finally the WCW World Heavyweight champion, even if he did win it due to outside involvement. But Nash didn’t care, saying the title being around his waist is long overdue. This brought out Bret Hart who reminded Nash that his route to being number one contender was also questionable and said he wanted the first shot! Nash accepted, but first had their rematch with Ravishing Perfection to contend with. However this match allowed The Outsiders to show their true colours as they caused a disqualification by attacking Bret and Owen, culminating in Nash putting Owen through the announce table with a Jacknife Powerbomb. Injuries sustained from this attack led to Owen being on the shelf for several weeks, but Bret tried to get revenge by facing Scott Hall, only for Nash to cost Bret this match as well.
      As a result of this win, Hall named himself number one contender and claimed that he would replace Bret in the title match at Spring Stampede, much to Nash’s enjoyment. Bret obviously wasn’t happy but agreed that Hall could be added to the match as long as he had the same opportunity to add someone if he beat Hall again tonight. Nash agreed but when match time came and Eric Bischoff banned him from ringside, an epic match ensued that he could have no involvement in that saw Bret pick up the win!
      When the still injured Owen Hart returned, he was attacked by The Outsiders but fortunately Bret was able to make the save before too much damage could be done. The following week, Bret and Owen discussed their relationship and past with Owen promising to not hold back and make Bret submit if that was what it took with Bret agreeing to do the same before they shared a handshake a look of respect ahead of the huge main event at Spring Stampede
    • After Dustin Rhodes’ shocking betrayal at Sin, Diamond Dallas Page stormed out and demanded answers. But all he got was another attack from Dustin, but now half of Dustin’s face was covered in red and black paint as he laid out DDP with a swinging suplex.
      Dusty Rhodes called out his son and wanted answers as he tried to work out what he had done wrong. Dustin continuously referred to Dusty by his name, rather than call him dad and said that Dusty was never there for him and chose a “surrogate son” in DDP over his blood son. Dustin then said that Dustin Rhodes is dead, he is The American Nightmare before turning his back on a tearful Dusty and walking out without even a look back! DDP attempted to talk to Dustin after this on multiple occasions, but Dustin refused to take his calls or listen at as DDP said he couldn’t fix the issue without talking.
      Things took a shocking turn next as Diamond Dallas Page fought what he thought was La Parka, but when DDP began to bleed and La Parka was disqualified, it turned out to be Dustin under the mask! The American Nightmare assaulted his former friend with a screwdriver, leading to DDP being taken away in an ambulance. Dustin said that DDP is the son that Dusty wishes he had, but the fact is he already had a son and Dusty neglected him before warning DDP not to come to Spring Stampede if he valued his career and life!
    • Evolution expanded on the Monday Nitro after Sin as Shawn Stasiak introduced Natural Selection, Chuck Palumbo & Sonny Siaki and their manager Mike Sanders as the newest members. The problem was that Ric Flair had no knowledge of this happening and while he was happy, he questioned why he hadn’t been told. The answer he received was that “Evolution had passed him by” before being attacked from behind by Palumbo & Siaki! It looked as though David Flair was going to save his father but instead, he joined in the attack!
      On Thunder, David challenged Rey Mysterio Jr. for the WCW World Television title and scored the big upset by winning the title (23/03/00) thanks to the interference from another new member of Evolution; Chase Tatum! The following week, David introduced his girlfriend Stacy Keibler and claimed that his father had berated him for his “lack of focus” and explained his actions by claiming Ric had tried to stop him becoming a professional wrestler, despite it being all he wanted to do. David defeated Konnan a week later and drew the ire of commentator Randy Savage for his behaviour, but Chase Tatum heard his words and viciously assaulted Savage! David then went on to successfully defend the title against Rey but was then confronted by his father’s best friend Arn Anderson, who verbally eviscerated David for his actions, but despite this, Arn had come alone and was subject to another Evolution beatdown.
      Ric Flair finally made his return and shockingly admitted that his sons actions had broken him and pleaded for David to forgive him. Father and son aired their issues but it was when Shawn Stasiak spoke up that Ric snapped, accusing Stasiak of being behind it all and challenged him to a match at Spring Stampede. Savage would cost Tatum his singles debut and then go on to beat him by disqualification the following show, but it was after the match that things got interesting as both Ric Flair and Arn Anderson ran out to make the save for Savage against Evolution ahead of the big match at the pay-per-view
    • Eddy Guerrero hosted his own victory celebration after winning the WCW United States title but went bigger and better than Chris Jericho’s going so far as to arrive in a low rider! Jericho interrupted to complain about his title being stolen but got thrown face first into Eddy’s victory cake and laid out with a Frog Splash for his troubles!
      Jericho went on to attack Eddy in a match with Sione Vaihahi, but Eddy’s response the following week was to point out that Y2J was “an amateur” in the art of rule-breaking before going on to cost Jericho his match later that night against Billy Kidman. Jericho raged and demanded a rematch, but once again Eddy had Jericho’s number, this time distracting him and allowing Paul Wight to lay him out with a chokeslam to allow Kidman to beat him for a second time! Again, Jericho attempted to match Eddy’s games by interfering in his rematch with Sione, but all he managed to accomplish was to distract Sione instead and allowing Eddy to win the match! Sione went after a begging Jericho, who escaped into the ring where Eddy was waiting and laid him out with suplexes and a Frog Splash once again
    • After beating Paul Wight at Sin, Kurt Angle began referring to himself as “The True American Hero” and of course, this was only going to go one way as following a victory for Angle on Thunder, Hulk Hogan interrupted! Hogan said for what he did at the 1996 Olympics, Angle was an American Hero but with his attitude and behaviour now; no way! Hogan said that a real “American hero” is someone who brings people up, yet all Angle does is insult others before challenging Angle to face him at Spring Stampede because without beating him, Angle could never be at that level! Angle went on to accept Hogan’s challenge and then sent a message to him by single-handedly dismantling the Misfits of Hugh Morrus, Norman Smiley & Lash LeRoux. This didn’t have quite the impact Angle was looking for as Hogan said it motivated him even more to beat Angle before returning to the ring to defeat Fit Finlay with Angle at ringside. Angle even tried an attack after the match, but Hogan saw him coming and warned him off, leaving Angle surprised ahead of the big match
    • After Steven Regal shockingly came to Chris Benoit’s rescue at Sin, Regal went to great lengths to explain that they are not friends, in fact both agreed that they didn’t like one another, it was about mutual respect and said that Benoit is the best opponent he has ever faced. The Revolution responded by saying that Regal had just put a target on his own back now and Shane Douglas went on to beat Regal on Monday Nitro, thanks to outside interference from Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn that saw Benoit attempt to make the save, only to find himself beaten down as well. Regal then beat Malenko the following week thanks to Benoit keeping The Revolution at bay and this led to Regal challenging The Revolution to a 3-on-2 handicap match at Spring Stampede!
      A six-man tag was set for the Thunder before the pay-per-view but unfortunately Benoit suffered a shoulder injury during the week, meaning he was ruled out of Thunder and Sunday night. Fortunately Regal and Benoit have friends in high places and Regal drafted in his old tag team partner Fit Finlay for tonight and Spring Stampede while Benoit, who will be at ringside, brought in his former Hart Dynasty leader Bret Hart! Bret explained that he’d always be on hand for Benoit and they were on course for victory when Hart’s opponents at Spring Stampede Kevin Nash & Scott Hall attacked The Hitman for the disqualification
    • Following their post-match attack on Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz explained that they were sick of the “preferential treatment” those teams received and that it was now their time to be front-and-center in WCW before challenging either team to face them on Thunder. It was the Hardyz who answered but came up short thanks to outside interference from Edge & Christian but this was the first of a series of matches between the three teams, always with the other team getting involved in some way, either during or after the match. The major incident occurred when Matt & Jeff Hardy interrupted the match between Edge & Christian and The Dudley Boyz, causing a no-contest before they gave Bubba Ray & D-Von a taste of their own medicine when Jeff delivered a Swanton Bomb to both through a table! Just before Spring Stampede, the Dudley Boyz teamed with the WCW World Tag Team champions Ravishing Perfection in a winning effort against both the Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian, coming about due to communication issues between the losers. However there were issues on the other side as well as Buff Bagwell found himself the victim of a 3D!
    • In ECW, Rhino defeated Raven for the ECW World Heavyweight title while X-Factor won the ECW World Tag Team titles from Rob Van Dam & Sabu at ECW One Night Only (26/03/00). Tammy Sytch shockingly turned up in ECW, aligning with Chris Candido as he walked out on his tag team partner Lance Storm, resulting in the former champions losing to B.W.A at the same event. Another shocking arrival saw Christopher Daniels was revealed as “the man with the prophecy” and he scored a huge debut upset by defeated former ECW champion Bam Bam Bigelow, but not without help as The Shane Twins and Steve Corino were all involved in the outcome of the match
    • Mexican luchadora Estrellita made her debut in WCW in winning fashion against veteran Jacqueline Moore. She followed up with another victory over fellow newcomer Amy Dumas before attracting the attention of Starla Green, who claimed WCW had found their “new favourite”. Green scored a win over Meiko Satomura and then a week later, Green faced off against Estrellita and won after Dumas surprisingly got involved and shoved Estrellita off the top rope. This led to a tag team match the following week where Estrellita & Satomura picked up the win against Green & Dumas thanks to the involvement of Yuki Miyazaki, leading to a five-way match being setup for Spring Stampede








    Slamboree @ Minneapolis, Minnesota

    May 21st, 2000


    Bret Hart defeated Kevin Nash to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Kurt Angle defeated Hulk Hogan

    Ric Flair & Sting defeated The Sons of Legacy. After the match, Evolution attacked Flair & Sting before Randy Savage & Lex Luger arrived to fend off Evolution

    Owen Hart defeated Scott Hall

    The Hardy Boyz defeated Ravishing Perfection to win the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Eddy Guerrero defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. and Jeff Jarrett to retain the WCW United States championship

    The American Nightmare defeated Booker T. Following the match, Diamond Dallas Page returned and laid out his former friend with the Diamond Cutter

    Estrellita defeated Amy Dumas in a Lumberjack match

    AJ Styles defeated Juventud Guerrera to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship


    Major Incidents



    • After Kevin Nash successfully retained the WCW World Heavyweight title by pinning Owen Hart, Bret Hart issued a challenge for Nash to face him one-on-one. When Nash responded, he didn’t seem very impressed by the idea but made a suggestion; if the Hart Brothers could beat The Outsiders, he would defend the title against whichever Hart won the match! Despite some questioning looks from the Hart’s, Bret & Owen worked together well and Bret made Scott Hall submit to earn his title match at Slamboree while also giving Owen a match with Hall.
      However, Nash’s fury led to him destroying both Bret and Owen after the match and this in turn led to an irate Bret walking out the following Monday on Nitro, demanding to face Nash that very night! WCW President Eric Bischoff couldn’t make it happen but Bret wasn’t taking no for answer, going so far as the threaten Bischoff! Nash agreed to the match on one condition; Bret would have to win a qualifier that same night. Bret agreed and won an incredible match with Scott Steiner, despite interference from Scott Hall thanks to Owen Hart evening the odds. Bischoff then made the match official and banned both Hall and Owen from the arena. In the main event, Bret shocked Nash by countering his Jacknife Powerbomb into a roll-up to become a two-time WCW World Heavyweight champion (8/5/00)! Nash was in shock and turned his ire right to Bret as he assaulted him and finally connected with the Jacknife, this time through the announce table.
      It was announced that Nash would get his rematch at Slamboree, but before that a blooded Hitman was thrown through the curtain on Monday Nitro as The Outsiders destroyed Bret once again as Nash vowed to reclaim his title in just six days. Another match between the two teams was set for Thunder, just three days before Slamboree and this time it was The Outsiders who came out on top when Nash pinned Bret after Nash blasted with the title belt
    • Kurt Angle gloated about his victory over Hulk Hogan but conveniently left out the part where he cheated to win. Hogan showed the correct footage and goaded Angle into accepted a rematch for Slamboree. Angle would go on to guarantee his victory at the pay-per-view, this time promising to make Hogan tap out while Hogan said the idea that Angle was proclaiming himself as a “great American hero” made him sick! On Thunder the week before Slamboree, Angle teamed with the Steiner Brothers to defeated Hogan, Paul Wight & Billy Kidman, perhaps giving Hogan a preview of the future as he made Kidman tap out to the ankle lock. A week later, Angle thought he had gotten the better of Hogan again after he attacked him after Hogan defeated Chris Kanyon, only for Hogan to “Hulk up” and lay Angle out with a big boot and the immortal leg drop!
    • When Sting rescued his old rivals Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Randy Savage from Evolution at Spring Stampede, it led to Sting receiving a shot at David Flair’s WCW World Television title. While it wasn’t about the gold, Sting wanted to take it away from him nonetheless. But Sting came up short when Evolution attacked and caused a disqualification, and even the arrival of Flair and Savage wasn’t enough as Evolution once again stood tall. Ric gained some measure of revenge by costing his son David & Shawn Stasiak their Nick Bockwinkel Tag Team Classic qualifier against Harlem Heat, but once again he, Sting and Savage found themselves beaten down once again.
      Finally in Columbia, South Carolina the odds would finally even out as during the main event that saw Ric, Sting & Savage team up to face Stasiak, David & Mike Awesome, Lex Luger made his return to hold off Evolution! The four men stood tall and raised the four fingers and come Monday Nitro, it was confirmed that the Four Horsemen were back in this latest incarnation! Sting revealed that he had called Luger and they were working to heal their issues. Luger won his return match by beating Chase Tatum while Luger & Savage were defeated by The Sons of Legacy (thanks once again to outside interference from Evolution), but this led to Sting & Ric Flair vs. The Sons of Legacy being set for Slamboree, but more than that; a huge eight-man tag match set pitting Evolution against The Four Horsemen live on TBS before the final of the Nick Bockwinkel Tag Team Classic! Flair, Sting, Savage & Luger rolled back the years and won the match with Luger submitting David in the Torture Rack!
      The animosity between father and son continued though as David used his WCW World Television title to cost Ric his match against Mike Awesome on Monday Nitro and to rub salt in the wounds, locked his father in his patented Figure Four Leglock. David went on to claim that everything he has and has accomplished, he had done in spite of rather than thanks to his father
    • Having destroyed Diamond Dallas Page at Spring Stampede, so much so that it was questionable when DDP would return, The American Nightmare soon found a new target in Booker T. Booker made a comment about Dustin’s attack on DDP, which immediately put Dustin on notice as he attacked Harlem Heat in their quarter-final match with the Dudley Boyz and laid out Booker T with the Dream Breaker. Booker wanted revenge and challenged him for Slamboree but once again, The American Nightmare attacked Booker. After a completely dominating victory against Booker’s brother Stevie Ray, Dustin threatened to use the very same screwdriver he used on DDP, only for Booker T to run out and run him off
    • While Scott Hall came up short at Spring Stampede, Kevin Nash retained his WCW World Heavyweight title so he took that as a victory. Hall then mocked Owen Hart for thinking he could win the title. This drew Owen’s ire as he pointed out that due to injuries, they never had the chance to go one-on-one and so suggested that they fix it and do it at Slamboree! The Outsiders would only agree to that match and Bret Hart getting a one-on-one title match with Nash if they won a tag team match on Thunder, which due to Bret forcing a submission on Hall, they did.
      Due to Nash’s post-match attack, Bret got his title shot on Monday Nitro which he was able to win but the loss enraged The Outsiders who viciously assaulted both Bret and Owen backstage, leading to one more main event pitting The Outsiders against The Hart Brothers, just three days away from Slamboree. This time the result was different as Nash used Bret’s title on the champion to pick up the win and take momentum for both hm and Hall into the pay-per-view
    • The Nick Bockwinkel Tag Team Classic kicked off with Chuck Palumbo & Sonny Siaki, The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz and Ravishing Perfection advancing to the semi-finals, live on the TBS special on Saturday night on May 13th. The Hardyz overcame the Evolution duo while Rick Rude & Curt Hennig defeated Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley to make it to the final where, thanks to interference from Buff Bagwell, they won the tournament and as a result had no contractual obligation to defend their WCW World Tag Team titles at Slamboree! However the Hardyz weren’t happy and took out Hennig & Rude with chairs before delivering a Twist of Fate followed by a Swanton Bomb to Bagwell! Matt Hardy then defeated Bagwell on Thunder by disqualification and as a result earned a shot at the titles at Slamboree against Bagwell & Rude
    • Amy Dumas and Estrellita’s issues apparently stem back to their time in Mexico where, according to Dumas, Estrellita held her back in training. Hector Garza called Dumas the hottest woman in WCW and claimed that she had already far surpassed her. Garza’s interference accidentally cost Dumas her match against Estrellita, but when Estrellita attacked Garza it led to the rest of Luchadores Enojados to get involved before 3 Count came out to stand by Estrellita’s side! Garza & Dumas then defeated Estrellita & Shane Helms, with a Lumberjack match being announced for Slamboree between the two women where in Estrellita wins, 3 Count get a shot at the WCW World Trios championships
    • After successfully retaining the WCW United States title against Chris Jericho, Eddy Guerrero took the unusual step of issuing a challenge to Rey Mysterio Jr. to be his next challenger! During what unsurprisingly turned out to be a fantastic match, Jeff Jarrett interjected himself and blasted Rey with his guitar to award Rey the match by disqualification. Jarrett wasn’t done however as he also laid out Eddy and posed with the title, making his intentions clear. Jarrett claimed that it was a joke that Rey received a title shot before him and boasted that Rey couldn’t even last 10 minutes with him, which prompted Rey to take up that challenge for Thunder, in a match that was ticking ever closer to the time limit before a desperate Jarrett delivered a low blow to allow him to steal the win. However Eddy immediately arrived and attacked Jarrett in retribution for being attacked the previous week before checking on Rey.
      Eddy then defended the title against Jarrett on Thunder, but despite this it was set to be a three-way at Slamboree, regardless of the outcome. Eddy was successful in his defence, but he perhaps owed a debt of gratitude to Rey for stopping Jarrett using his guitar. Eddy and Rey shared a respectful moment after the match, only for Jarrett to ultimately make use of the guitar by once again shattering it over the head of Rey!
    • A Battle Royal was announced for the WCW Cruiserweight title at the Nick Bockwinkel Tag Team Classic final with Juventud Guerrera defending his title. Shockingly, relative new-comer AJ Styles won the match and the title (13/05/00) before going on to claim that he is the greatest cruiserweight of all time already, saying nobody could do what he does! Juventud was then announced as taking his rematch live on pay-per-view at Slamboree
    • In ECW at Hardcore Heaven, Rhino successfully defended his ECW World Heavyweight title against Hayabusa while the X-Factor duo of Justin Credible & Jerry Lynn were successful in defending their ECW World Tag Team titles against B.W.A., Mikey Whipwreck & Yoshihiro Tajiri and former champions Chris Candido & Lance Storm. However the main story in that match was Candido viciously assaulting his partner Lance Storm, despite the two seemingly having overcome their differences. The ECW World Television title was also defended as Taz overcame Raven, while The Prophecy (Christopher Daniels & Steve Corino) continued their impressive run by defeating ECW originals Bam Bam Bigelow & Terry Funk








    The Great American Bash @ Baltimore, Maryland

    June 18th, 2000


    Kurt Angle defeated Bret Hart to win the WCW World Heavyweight championship after using a handful of tights to pin Bret

    Goldberg defeated Rick Rude

    The American Nightmare defeated Diamond Dallas Page in a Steel Cage match. After the match, Dustin told Dusty Rhodes to “check on your son”

    Evolution defeated The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Sting, Lex Luger & Randy Savage) in an Elimination match that saw Mike Awesome as the sole survivor

    Scott Steiner defeated Eddy Guerrero to win the WCW United States championship

    Chris Jericho defeated Owen Hart after Lenny J low blowed Owen

    Natural Selection (Sonny Siaki & Chuck Palumbo) defeated The Hardy Boyz to win the WCW World Tag Team championships after Luchadores Enojados attacked the Hardy Boyz

    Jeff Jarrett defeated Chris Benoit

    Estrellita defeated Madusa by disqualification when Rhonda Singh attacked Estrellita

    AJ Styles defeated Shark Boy to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship



    Major Incidents



    • The Monday Nitro following Slamboree kick started the road to The Great American Bash as Kurt Angle interrupted Bret Hart to declare that he was taking his WCW World Heavyweight title match at the pay-per-view. Bret said that he knew it was coming and praised Angle’s incredible ability and rise, admitting that he had been looking forward to facing Angle one day.
      Bret challenged Angle to find a partner to face him on Monday Nitro, with Bret revealing Diamond Dallas Page while Angle recruited DDP’s bitter, blood rival; The American Nightmare. Angle listed off the names of everyone he had beaten so far in just his first year in the business and vowed to cap off “the greatest rookie year in wrestling history” by winning the title. In the tag team main event, Angle pinned DDP after Dustin blasted his rival with a steel chair. Off the back of this on Thunder, DDP demanded to face Angle the following Thunder, just three days before The Great American Bash.
      Bret recognised the fact that this would be a dream match and admitted it was as much of one for him as well, accepting that it would be the fight of his life against the most natural wrestler he has ever seen. But Bret made clear that he wasn’t ready to give up the title, telling Angle to bring his absolute best
    • When Diamond Dallas Page returned at Slamboree, it was a different man than the one we had seen before. This DDP showed now hesitation in unloading on The American Nightmare and was clearly full of rage. In his first interview since the assault by his former friend, DDP said that he was done trying to fix things, now all that matters is getting revenge and demanded a match with Dustin at The Great American Bash…inside a steel cage! When Dustin answered the challenge, he thanked DDP for “no longer lying” about caring and accepted the challenge to destroy DDP at an event Dusty Rhodes holds dear.
      In the epic tag team main event that pitted DDP & Bret Hart against The American Nightmare & Kurt Angle, Dustin cost DDP that match with a steel chair, which resulted in DDP’s challenging Angle to face him on the Thunder just three days before the steel cage match. That match saw The American Nightmare once again attack his old friend, but this time as Dustin attempted to once again brutalise DDP with the screwdriver, Dusty Rhodes got involved and stood between both men! Dustin demanded that Dusty move but a tearful Dusty refused before slapping his son! This allowed DDP to recover and lay out his former friend with the Diamond Cutter and left Thunder standing tall and perhaps with the advantage heading into The Great American Bash
    • For the first time since Starrcade, former WCW World Heavyweight champion Goldberg appeared on WCW television. Returning to Monday Nitro, Goldberg received a mixed reaction that he admitted he deserved, accepted that the man he became after WrestleWar wasn’t the real Goldberg and vowed to earn back the respect of the fans. He was then interrupted by Rick Rude, Curt Hennig & Buff Bagwell who said nobody had missed him and ran him down verbally. This led to Goldberg taking out Hennig and then Bagwell with a spear and sending Rude running!
      Goldberg returned to the ring by defeating Curt Hennig, albeit by disqualification when Rude & Bagwell attacked. However Goldberg got revenge the next week, following a win for Bagwell, Goldberg struck and laid him out with a spear and Jackhammer right in front of Rude & Hennig, who could do nothing to stop him. This led to Rude & Hennig challenging Goldberg on Bagwell’s behalf for Thunder, in a match that saw Goldberg pick up his first official pinfall victory for over six months.
      There was still one man left to face, so after Hennig beat Konnan, Goldberg drilled him with a spear and challenged Rick Rude to face him in his pay-per-view return at The Great American Bash! Rude accepted the challenge and vowed to upset the fans once again
    • At Slamboree, Ric Flair & Sting defeated The Sons of Legacy but the issues were far from over between The Four Horsemen and Evolution, continuing just 24 hours later when David Flair’s bad luck continued when he lost his WCW World Television title to Billy Kidman thanks to his father’s distraction (22/05/00)! David took his rematch on Thunder and regained the title (25/05/00), thanks to interference from Natural Selection while Shawn Stasiak defeated Ric by count-out later that night when Chase Tatum attacked Ric outside the ring. That same night, Natural Selection made their intentions clear as they assaulted WCW World Tag Team champions, The Hardy Boyz backstage. After Ric submitted Chase Tatum in the main event of Monday Nitro the following a week, Stasiak challenged the Horsemen to an elimination match at The Great American Bash!
      After being granted a match for the titles, Chuck Palumbo & Sonny Siaki built up momentum with an impressive victory over Randy Savage & Lex Luger, albeit with the help of Mike Awesome. Following this win, Mike Sanders dubbed Siaki “The Main Man” and Palumbo “The Complete Package” but the following week in their title match, that interference came back to bite them as Luger & Savage attacked Siaki & Palumbo, causing a disqualification. On Thunder, Siaki added another big win to his resume by beating Savage one-on-one, again, thanks to outside distraction. This resulted in a rematch for the titles being set for The Great American Bash.
      Stasiak then gloated about Evolution being the superior unit but wanted to set the record straight by beating Sting following his loss back in February. But that wasn’t all as Stasiak proposed a gauntlet match for the loser on the Thunder before The Great American Bash with the loser having to run the gauntlet against the winners stable-mates. A fantastic main event was once again ruined by Evolution as David blasted Sting with his WCW World Television title to give Stasiak the win and force Sting to face Chase Tatum, David Flair and Mike Awesome in one night! Despite the odds, Sting beat Tatum in seconds and survived a gruelling match against Awesome before having to face David. With Sting distracted, David once again nailed Sting with his title, this time busting him open and drawing a brawl between Evolution and the other Horsemen. Sting insisted on competing, but his efforts and his injuries were too much as David picked up a huge victory over “The Icon” himself just days before the big elimination match
    • The main event of the Monday Nitro after Slamboree saw Scott Steiner become number one contender to Eddy Guerrero’s WCW United States title by defeated Shane Douglas, Chris Benoit and Steven Regal, earning a title match at The Great American Bash. Of course, Steiner’s ego saw him run down all three men as well as the champion after the result, saying the outcome was always going to see him win and end up as champion.
      Eddy was scheduled to face Scott’s brother Rick Steiner in a warm-up match on Nitro, but the champion was attacked on the ramp by Scott and destroyed with suplexes and the Steiner Recliner, meaning the match didn’t happen that night. However, three days later a not 100% recovered Guerrero did step in the ring with Rick and came out on top. The following week, The Steiner Brothers took revenge by attacking Eddy in the backstage area, showing no care whatsoever. This led to Eddy recruiting his nephew Chavo Jr., reuniting Los Guerreros to face the Steiners a week later, albeit in a losing effort.
    • After Chris Jericho’s poor form recently, he and Lenny J looked to get back on track with Lenny facing Owen Hart. Unfortunately for Lenny, he lost to Owen which prompted Jericho to berate Lenny for apparently embarrassing him. Owen refused to stand for this and shoved Jericho aside to stop the verbal assault. The following week, Jericho complained about Owen getting involved in his business while also criticising Lenny for his failure before giving him another chance to make things right by facing Owen again. This time, while the outcome was looking like being the same, Jericho attacked Owen and caused a disqualification and eventually locking him in the Liontamer, yelling that he was “nothing”.
      Jericho then complained about how the Hart’s have a habit of sticking their noses in other people’s business, telling Owen to stay out of his way as he would teach Lenny a lesson the following week. In that match, Lenny attempted to lay down for Y2J, but the offer was refused as Jericho beat Lenny by submission and refused to break the hold until Owen Hart ran out to make the save. Owen then challenged Jericho to face him at The Great American Bash
    • Thanks to Estrellita’s win at Slamboree, 3 Count earned a shot at Luchadores Enojados’ WCW World Trios titles the following night on Monday Nitro. However, thanks to a mistake by Amy Dumas that saw her hit a diving hurricanrana on Psychosis, new champions were crowned (22/05/00), much to the fury of Hector Garza & Psychosis.
      Dumas tried to fix her mistake the following week by helping Psychosis in his match with Averno, but her presence simply distracted him throughout. Fortunately, Psychosis won and when he began to yell at a clearly upset Dumas, Garza stepped in to calm things down. Once again, her mere presence seemed to anger Psychosis as he and Garza lost to the Dudley Boyz but this time, Garza immediately pulled her away, leaving Psychosis & Perro Aguayo Jr. furious in the ring.
      One week before The Great American Bash, Luchadores Enojados faced the number one contenders The Hardy Boyz in a losing effort. This time, Hector Garza was furious with Dumas and advanced on her in a menacing fashion, only for Matt & Jeff Hardy to intervene, resulting in a brawl between the Hardyz and the Luchadores that saw Matt & Jeff come out on top. Hector then defeated Jeff Hardy thanks partially due to the distraction of Psychosis & Aguayo Jr. attacking Matt outside the ring, but mostly due to Natural Selection delivering the Ace-Plex to Jeff as a result of the distraction
    • New WCW Cruiserweight champion AJ Styles arranged for a number one contenders battle royal that was surprisingly won by Shark Boy, who eliminated former champion Hector Garza last. However, Shark Boy’s celebrations were short lived as Styles revealed that their title match would take place right now, with Styles winning after taking advantage of the fact Shark Boy had just competed moments ago!
      Ron Killings spoke on behalf of Shark Boy (as he is a shark and sharks can’t talk) and complained about Styles changing the rules. This led to Killings facing Styles in a losing effort, but when Styles went to “teach Killings a lesson”, Sharky came to his partner’s rescue. True Sharks got some more revenge by costing Styles a match against Lizmark Jr. and a week later, Styles teamed with Jeff Jarrett to defeated Sharky and Chris Benoit on the Monday Nitro before The Great American Bash
    • Following Hardcore Heaven, ECW began the road to Heatwave taking place in July. Led by “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, The Prophecy set their sights on the two men who embody ECW; Rob Van Dam & Sabu. X-Pac declared himself the number one contender to Rhino’s ECW World Heavyweight title, a declaration that led to Rhino delivered a brutal Gore and accepting the X-Factor leaders challenge. Following their betrayal of Lance Storm, Tammy Sytch ran down ECW and announced that she and Chris Candido were in negotiations to bring Candido to “the big leagues” of WCW










    Bash at the Beach @ Tampa, Florida

    July 23rd, 2000


    Kurt Angle defeated Bret Hart in a 60 Minute Iron Man match (2-1) to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    David Flair defeated Ric Flair via referee stoppage to win the rights to the “Nature Boy” name

    Goldberg defeated Ravishing Perfection

    Paul Wight won the WCW United States championship and Booker T won the WCW World Television championship in a two-fall match that included Shawn Stasiak, Mike Awesome, Scott Steiner and Billy Kidman

    Eddy Guerrero defeated AJ Styles for the WCW Cruiserweight championship. Eddy was a replacement for the injured Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Owen Hart defeated Chris Jericho

    The Hardy Boyz defeated Luchadores Enojados after Amy Dumas finally had enough of Hector Garza’s misogyny and slapped him


    Major Incidents



    • The new WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle gloated about his incredible victory and about how one year ago he made his debut and won the WCW United States title in his very first match. Angle’s victory celebration was interrupted by a furious Bret Hart, who made a beeline for the new champion and attacked him! Angle escaped The Hitman’s attempt to lock him in the Sharpshooter but left his newly won title behind!
      The following week on a special 3-hour Monday Nitro, Bret pointed out that Angle had cheated to win and said his estimation of Angle as a man had dropped massively. Bret faced The American Nightmare in the main event but the hard fought match went Dustin’s way thanks to Angle responding to Bret’s attack with one of his own, leading to Dustin catching Bret unawares with the Dream Breaker.
      One week later, Bret demanded a rematch at Bash at the Beach but was interrupted by Edge & Christian, who claimed they were embarrassed to be from the same country as him due to his constant whining! Bret, not in a great mood challenged either of them to face him, winning the resulting match with Christian in fairly short order. On Thunder, Bret faced Edge, also defeating him before being attacked after the match by Kurt Angle! Angle snuck in and laid him out with the Olympic Slam before challenging him to an Iron Man match!
      Kurt Angle pointed out that Bret had made the match famous, but noted that Bret hadn’t actually won either of the two he had competed in! Angle claimed to have surpassed Bret already, but when Bret walked out to answer the challenge, he admitted that losing both matches played on his mind but he accepted the challenge and promised to win this one and put Angle in his place!
      In the week of the pay-per-view on Monday Nitro, Angle was shown deep in preparation for the gruelling Iron Man match while also claiming that he we more than ready for it. In the main event, Angle teamed with Chris Jericho to defeat Bret and his brother Owen Hart. On Thunder it was time for the contract signing and was conducted by Tony Schiavone. Both men vowed to win, with Bret even throwing huge praise on Angle by claiming he could well turn out to be the best he’s ever stepped in the ring with! But Bret said that Angle hadn’t surpassed him yet and the only way to do so would be to prove he can beat him clean at Bash at the Beach
    • After Evolution defeated the Four Horsemen in the elimination match, David Flair complained that his father Ric Flair wouldn’t acknowledge his superiority and vowed to take “everything” from him. The following week, David accused Ric of being more interested in himself than his son because he was never there for him growing up and demanded an answer. David then faced Billy Kidman in the former WCW World Television champion’s rematch that saw Kidman counter David’s Figure Four Leglock into a roll-up for another surprise victory and title change (26/06/00)!
      One week later, David finally got his answer when Ric Flair cost The Sons of Legacy their match with Kidman & Paul Wight. Ric then said that he knows that the time is long overdue for him to act like a father and teach his son a lesson! On Thunder, David claimed that this was the first time his father had ever done anything that he had wanted and vowed to take everything the fans love about Ric away from him.
      Ric Flair returned to the ring, making short work of Tetsuhiro Kuroda and right after that, David once again claimed that his father had given him nothing and that he was going to take it all by force. Ric then had enough and read some home truths to his son, claiming that David has no natural talent to be a wrestler but when he said he wanted to be one, Ric dedicated everything to helping him accomplish it. He made Evolution for David, he brought in Shawn Stasiak and Mike Awesome for David and said the biggest mistake he had ever made was not teaching David a lesson sooner!
      On the final Monday Nitro before Bash at the Beach, an emotional Ric Flair promised that he wouldn’t let anyone take away from him what he has worked for, let alone his son David before saying that once he beats him, he’ll be one step closer to “bringing David home”
    • Ravishing Perfection weren’t done with Goldberg, despite Rick Rude’s loss at The Great American Bash. He said Goldberg hadn’t beaten all of them yet but said he would get a chance if he accepted his challenge…to a three-on-one handicap match at Bash at the Beach! The following week, Goldberg decimated Van Hammer before accepted the challenge! Goldberg then went on to face Steven Regal on Thunder where despite Regal’s best efforts, Goldberg took home the win. But after the match Rude, Curt Hennig & Buff Bagwell all attacked Goldberg, with Bagwell blasting him in the back of the head with a steel chair with Rude & Hennig also taking out Regal.
      Goldberg vowed revenge and reluctantly teamed with Regal to face Rude & Hennig in a match that saw Rude pin Regal after a low blow from Bagwell. Ravishing Perfection then gloated about being responsible for Goldberg’s second ever defeat, ignoring the involvement of Bagwell in the decision. They were then attacked by an angry Steven Regal, who despite his heart found himself beaten down by all three men. On Thunder, Regal defeated Bagwell when Goldberg got involved by attacking Rude & Hennig outside the ring
    • Chris Jericho revealed that any issues between him and Lenny J were just a trick to lure in Owen Hart and that it had worked to perfection. Jericho then alluded to something happening in the past between him and Owen as he said that Owen was his favourite when growing up but something changed to want to slap the taste out of Owen’s mouth if he ever met him! Owen then went on to defeat Lenny J in a rematch the following week, after which he fought off an attacking Y2J and challenged him to a rematch at Bash at the Beach.
      However, Jericho refused Owen’s request unless he apologised in the ring for “what he had done”. Owen met Jericho but had no idea what his issue was, so Jericho explained that had enrolled in the Hart Brothers training camp but there were no Hart’s there, which was when he realised it and the Hart Dungeon were scams to fleece young, aspiring wrestlers of their money! He ran down Owen’s brothers Bret, Bruce and Ross but crossed the line by insulting their parents Stu and Helen Hart! This set off Owen as he attacked Jericho & Lenny, only for Lenny to distract Owen, allowing Jericho to blast him in the back of the head with a piece of the Monday Nitro set!
      The next week, Jericho claimed that the Hart’s only care about their own and brought out Teddy Hart and TJ Wilson, Hart family members by blood and association and said they prove his point because they have no talent, whereas he is the greatest Canadian export of all time and yet he was robbed! Jericho & Lenny defeated the young Hart’s in a surprisingly even match that led to a post-match attack, only stopped when Owen ran out to make the save. On Thunder, Owen faced Hector Garza in a match that Jericho involved himself in, costing Owen the match and giving a huge win to Garza. Owen’s brother Bret ran out to make the save but his rescue was cut short by the arrival of Bret’s Bash at the Beach opponent Kurt Angle. This led to the Hart Brothers reuniting to defeat Angle & Jericho on the final Nitro before the pay-per-view
    • The night after The Great American Bash, Billy Kidman made clear he wanted his rematch for the WCW World Television title. One week later, he won the title from David Flair via a roll-up but after the match, Shawn Stasiak attacked Kidman, only to feel the wrath of Kidman’s friend Paul Wight. But it was what happened next that would stick in the mind of everyone there that night as Mike Awesome attacked Wight and showed incredible power to lay him out with an Awesome Bomb!
      Meanwhile, Booker T defeated Evolution member Chase Tatum but then clashed with Tatum’s manager Mike Sanders, leading to a distracted Booker being dropped by Tatum from behind. The next week saw Awesome and Wight collide with Wight victorious, but only via disqualification as Evolution attacked and laid him out after the match. Later that night, Kidman successfully defended his title against Rick Steiner, but was jumped after the match by WCW United States champion Scott Steiner, who declared that he was the only true champion. But before Steiner could do any damage, Booker T ran out to make the save, noting his clash with Evolution the previous week, but more importantly he wanted a shot at Steiner’s title!
      The next week, Billy Kidman successfully defended his title once more, this time against Shawn Stasiak thanks to Booker T countering the interference of Chase Tatum. Later that night, Booker T got his WCW United States title match and was seemingly on the verge of victory when Mike Awesome attacked Booker, allowing Steiner to retain. Awesome continued his attack after the match, but this drew the ire of Steiner who confronted him with Stasiak attempting to act as peacemaker. This served as a distraction to allow Paul Wight & Billy Kidman to hit the ring and along with Booker T, they cleared house of Stasiak, Awesome and Steiner!
      As a result of this, a six-man double championship match was set for Bash at the Beach with both titles on the line! But before that match, a big six-man tag was set for the final Thunder before the pay-per-view with Wight, Booker & Kidman facing Steiner, Awesome & Stasiak in a match that saw Evolution cause a disqualification. After the match, Evolution and the Steiner Brothers beat down their opponents before Stasiak turned on Rick & Scott, resulting in Stasiak & Awesome standing tall, holding both championships aloft
    • The issues between Luchadores Enojados and the Hardy Boyz escalated when Hector Garza & Psychosis cost Matt & Jeff their WCW World Tag Team titles against Natural Selection at The Great American Bash. They looked for revenge the following night on Monday Nitro, attacking Perro Aguayo Jr. during his match with Lizmark Jr., but this led to a brawl between both teams that saw Amy Dumas put her body between Jeff and Garza, allowing Psychosis & Aguayo Jr. to take Matt & Jeff out.
      Despite Dumas’ actions, Garza wasn’t thankful to her. In fact, he scolded her for her recent failures. Matt & Jeff said they wouldn’t allow Garza’s mistreatment of Dumas continue, but Garza continued to degrade her, calling her “his property” on more than one occasion. During a match between the Hardyz and Aguayo Jr. & Psychosis, Super Crazy made his WCW return to align with his old friends one again that resulted in a disqualification, but a vicious beat down for Matt & Jeff.
      The following week, Matt & Jeff were victorious again, this time against Crazy & Aguayo Jr. However, this led to another beatdown, this time four-on-one but Garza noticed Dumas’ discomfort outside the ring and he forced her to deliver a moonsault to Matt & Jeff. Dumas was clearly reluctant, but Garza grabbed her hair, yelled at her and then she finally agreed, climbing to the top rope with tears in her eyes and once she had connected, she walked out alone.
      On Thunder, Garza dragged Dumas out during the Hardy Boyz match with the Dudley Boyz and cost Matt & Jeff the match by forcefully making out with her right in front of them. Later that night, Garza secured a huge, if not tainted victory over Owen Hart in the main event. Four days later on Nitro, Garza attempted to publicly humiliate Dumas by telling her that he would “send her back to where he found her” if she didn’t get on her knees and beg for his forgiveness. Fortunately the Hardy Boyz ran out with steel chairs to save Dumas from the degrading action with just six days until their big clash at Bash at the Beach
    • The quick rise to the top of the Cruiserweight division for AJ Styles has been nothing short of impressive. However, the WCW Cruiserweight champion decided to target perhaps the greatest champion of them all; Rey Mysterio Jr. He claimed that Rey believed he was too good for the Cruiserweight division, but that was fine because he was the standard bearer now and, according to him, better than Rey anyway!
      Rey opposed this idea that he had left the division behind and challenged Styles to defend the title against him at Bash at the Beach. Following a victory over Perro Aguayo Jr., Rey was attacked by Styles who then accepted the challenge!
    • For weeks, a mysterious blonde bombshell in a cowboy hat had been watching various women’s division matches but it was when she watched the match between Starla Green and Mari Apache that she was finally identified as Trish Stratus, the newest member of the women’s division! This followed Green’s fury at someone attempting to overshadow her in-ring ability as she demanded to know her identity before running her down as “lacking ability” and only being signed “for being blonde with big boobs”. Stratus won her debut match the following week by defeating Jacqueline Moore, with Green at commentary to see what talent she actually had.
      Trish accepted that her looks may have played a part in her getting hired, but said she was here to prove herself to everyone. Trish then went on to defeat Green in just her second match with a roll-up, which enraged Green, who said she was nothing more than a slut while complaining that she had kicked out!
    • With WrestleWar set to take place in London, England next month, Steven Regal was desperate to headline the event and challenge for the WCW World Heavyweight title in his home country. However, WCW President Eric Bischoff wasn’t especially interested, saying Regal “wasn’t a big enough name” for such a big event, noting he hasn’t got the best winning record recently. When Regal challenged Bischoff, it irritated Bischoff and he put Regal in a match with Goldberg the following week! Despite losing, Regal gave it his all but unfortunately, Bischoff still wasn’t impressed and wasn’t interested in giving Regal what he wanted. This prompted Regal to vow to prove Bischoff wrong and earn the title match he wants!
    • In ECW, Tammy Sytch continued building up Chris Candido ahead of his apparent move to WCW by manoeuvring him into the ECW World Television title match between champion Taz and Raven, which he shockingly went on to win! However, with Heat Wave just around the corner, Candido’s old friend and rival Lance Storm issues a challenge for the gold.
      Rhino’s issues with X-Factor continued and he found two unlikely allies in Ultimo Dragon & Hayabusa, the man he had recently defended his ECW World Heavyweight title against! X-Factor won a six-man tag team match on Hardcore TV, but at Heat Wave two championship matches were made; Jerry Lynn & Justin Credible will defend the ECW World Tag Team titles against Hayabusa & Ultimo Dragon while X-Pac will challenge Rhino for the ECW World Heavyweight title







    Wrestle War @ London, England

    August 20th, 2000


    Kurt Angle defeated Steven Regal to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Bret Hart defeated The British Bulldog

    Goldberg defeated Scott Steiner

    Mike Awesome defeated Paul Wight for the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    The American Nightmare defeated Owen Hart after Daffney accosting Martha Hart distracted Owen

    The Outsiders defeated Konnan, Juventud Guerrera & La Parka

    Trish Stratus defeated Starla Green

    The Sons of Legacy defeated Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page

    The Dudley Boyz defeated Natural Selection by disqualification in a match that had been for the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Chris Benoit defeated Jeff Jarrett in the final match of a Best of Seven Series

    Eddy Guerrero, AJ Styles, Rey Mysterio Jr. & Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Luchadores Enojados (Hector Garza, Super Crazy, Psychosis & Perro Aguayo Jr.







    WCW vs. ECW on TBS @ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    September 2nd, 2000


    Kurt Angle defeated Rhino to unify the WCW World Heavyweight and ECW World Heavyweight championships

    Rob Van Dam defeated Chris Jericho

    Diamond Dallas Page defeated Tommy Dreamer

    Goldberg defeated Taz

    The Hardy Boyz defeated B.W.A., Hayabusa & Ultimo Dragon and Natural Selection to unify the WCW World Tag Team and ECW World Tag Team championships

    Eddy Guerrero defeated Christopher Daniels

    Terry Funk, Sabu & The Sandman defeated The Revolution

    Chris Benoit defeated Lance Storm to unify the WCW World Television and ECW World Television championships


    Fall Brawl @ Greensboro, North Carolina

    September 17th, 2000


    Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, The Hardy Boyz & Steven Regal defeated Evolution in War Games

    Kurt Angle defeated Sting to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship. After the match, Angle attempted to destroy Sting’s ankle but was stopped when Ric Flair made his return!

    The Outsiders defeated Hayabusa & Ultimo Dragon

    WCW President Eric Bischoff announced a tournament to crown the first ever WCW Women’s World champion that would conclude at WCW Halloween Havoc

    Goldberg defeated Lenny J in a match that was originally set to be Chris Jericho’s open challenge, but at the sight of Goldberg, Jericho sent Lenny in his place

    The Nightmare Family (The American Nightmare & Abyss) defeated Owen Hart & British Bulldog

    The Jung Dragons (TAKA Michinoku, Kaz Hayashi & Jimmy Yang) defeated 3 Count for the WCW World Trios championships

    Eddy Guerrero defeated Hector Garza







    New Blood Rising @ Washington, D.C.

    October 14th, 2000


    Shawn Stasiak defeated Rob Van Dam to win New Blood Rising and earn a guaranteed pay-per-view match for the WCW World Heavyweight championship in the first six months of 2001

    Hayabusa won a twenty-man battle royal to become no.1 contender for the WCW Cruiserweight championship

    Rob Van Dam defeated The American Nightmare in a New Blood Rising semi-final match

    Shawn Stasiak defeated Billy Kidman in a New Blood Rising semi-final match after Mike Awesome attacked Kidman

    Rob Van Dam defeated Scott Steiner in a New Blood Rising quarter-final match

    Shawn Stasiak defeated Booker T in a New Blood Rising quarter-final match after shoving Booker into the exposed turnbuckle

    Billy Kidman defeated Chris Jericho in a New Blood Rising quarter-final match when Goldberg’s music distracted Jericho

    The American Nightmare defeated Steven Regal in a New Blood Rising quarter-final match


    Halloween Havoc @ Las Vegas, Nevada

    October 29th, 2000


    Kurt Angle defeated Ric Flair to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Goldberg defeated Chris Jericho via submission in a match that saw Goldberg banned from using any “power moves”

    Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Scott Hall. After the match, a furious Kevin Nash viciously assaulted Rey, culminating with a Jacknife Powerbomb

    Mike Awesome defeated Billy Kidman to retain the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Booker T & Rob Van Dam defeated Ravishing Perfection

    The Dudley Boyz defeated The Sons of Legacy for the WCW World Tag Team championships

    Manami Toyota defeated Starla Green to become the inaugural WCW Women’s World champion

    The American Nightmare defeated Chris Benoit for the WCW World Television championship

    Edge & Christian defeated The Hardy Boyz after Edge low blowed Jeff Hardy







    World War 3 @ Charlotte, North Carolina

    November 19th, 2000


    Kurt Angle defeated Ric Flair and Sting to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Booker T won the World War 3 match after eliminating Mike Awesome last

    Rob Van Dam defeated David Flair. After the match, Shawn Stasiak was revealed as the man who David saw Stacy Keibler cheating on him with. Stasiak viciously assaulted his one-time best friend

    Edge & Christian defeated The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz to win the WCW World Tag Team championships after Rhino returned to WCW and delivered a Gore to Bubba Ray Dudley

    Joanie Lee defeated Estrellita. After the match, WCW Women’s World champion Manami Toyota returned following her beatdown by the debuting Lee and sent Lee and Sherri Martel running

    Chris Candido defeated Ron Killings to retain the WCW Cruiserweight championship

    The American Nightmare defeated Lex Luger to retain the WCW World Television championship







    Starrcade @ Houston, Texas

    December 24th, 2000


    Kurt Angle defeated Booker T to retain the WCW World Heavyweight championship

    Goldberg defeated Mike Awesome for the WCW United States Heavyweight championship

    Vader was announced as the 2000 inductee to the WCW Hall of Fame

    Edge & Christian defeated The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz to retain the WCW World Tag Team championships in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match when Tammy Sytch sent Rhino to the ring to help Edge

    The return of Clash of the Champions to TBS for the first time since 1997 was announced as well as a change to the pay-per-view schedule, including Mayhem replacing World War 3 in November

    The American Nightmare defeated Sting

    Joanie Lee defeated Manami Toyota for the WCW Women’s World championship

    Bret Hart defeated Chris Jericho

    Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Kevin Nash in a Mask vs. Hair match, resulting in Nash having his head shaved

    Shawn Stasiak defeated David Flair

    Juventud Guerrera defeated Chris Candido to retain the WCW World Television championship and win the WCW Cruiserweight championship

    Rob Van Dam defeated Scott Steiner



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    DECEMBER 24TH, 2000





    BATTLE ROYAL TO DETERMINE THE NO.1 CONTENDER FOR THE WCW UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: Diamond Dallas Page eliminated Steven Regal last (17:02) - The favourite, of course was the biggest man in the match Paul Wight but his elimination occurred thanks to the combined efforts of Steven Regal, Lance Storm and Fit Finlay as they looked to establish themselves following their formation as a unit. One of the main stories of the match was the return to action of Chuck Palumbo following his excommunication from Evolution as he was desperate to get his hands on his former tag team partner Sonny Siaki. But despite getting some good blows in, Palumbo ultimately found himself eliminated by Buff Bagwell, but as Siaki gloated about that, Owen Hart appeared from behind and dumped Siaki! Palumbo immediately went after Siaki and the two brawled all the way up the ramp to the back! The field cleared down until it came down to the final four of Regal, Owen, Diamond Dallas Page and Chris Benoit. All four men were firm favourites with the fans and they would have been happy with any winner, so when Owen eliminated Benoit and Owen himself was dumped by DDP, they were split right down the middle between Regal and Page. The two went at it and Regal came close but a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere put paid to Regal's momentum and it was then academic as DDP picked Regal up and tossed him out of the ring, setting himself up for a shot at the WCW United States Heavyweight title!

    Full entrant list: Billy Kidman, British Bulldog, Buff Bagwell, Chris Benoit, Chuck Palumbo, Curt Hennig, Diamond Dallas Page, Eddy Guerrero, Fit Finlay, Jeff Jarrett, Konnan, Lance Storm, Owen Hart, Paul Wight, Perry Saturn, Rick Rude, Rick Steiner, Shane Douglas, Sonny Siaki, Steven Regal

    Diamond Dallas Page celebrated his big win, knowing he now has the opportunity to become a three time WCW United States Heavyweight champion nearly two years after his last reign. DDP's victory celebration was interrupted by the match runner-up Steven Regal and after a moment of tension, Regal extended his hand to DDP in a show of respect that Page returned by accepting it!

    Lex Luger spoke to Scott Hudson about his big match with Abyss later on WCW Main Event and said he was ready to fight! People like Kurt Angle have knocked him and others like him for being "old", well sometimes age really is just a number and he isn't here to just make up the numbers! He promised Abyss that his record doesn't intimidate him and that he is going to set the stage for Starrcade by beating Abyss, just like his buddy Sting is going to do to his boss The American Nightmare!



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    WCW WORLD TRIOS CHAMPIONSHIPS: X-Factor defeated Hayabusa, Ultimo Dragon & Yoshihiro Tajiri (11:56) - Ironic that these two groups are no strangers to each other with the duo of Hayabusa and Ultimo Dragon clashing :56with X-Factor in ECW and in fact ending the ECW World Tag Team title reign of Jerry Lynn and Justin Credible in the process. This time things were different as X-Factor used every dirty trick in the book to try and win, which eventually proved successful after X-Marks the Spot took Hayabusa out of the match, Lynn was able to roll-up a distracted Ultimo Dragon with a handful of tights to steal the titles.


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    "The Total Package" Lex Luger defeated "The Monster" Abyss (10:58) - Following The American Nightmare's brutal and bloody assault, Lex Luger was looking for revenge and stood by the side of his best friend Sting as he continued his battle with Dustin, including Luger taking Abyss out of the picture this past Thursday on Thunder during the main event. These two bulls locked horns and the battle could have gone either way and while Luger wasn't able to get Abyss up in the Torture Rack, he was able to deliver a big clothesline and follow up with a piledriver to get the win and gain some measure of revenge and perhaps prove a good omen for Sting's match later tonight

    The announcers did a final run down of the card and reminded anyone who hadn't yet purchased Starrcade that there was still time to do so before the pay-per-view starts in just a few moments, as in the ring Lex Luger posed and celebrated his big victory over Abyss


    Following a powerful video package hyping the matches and narrated by wrestling legends "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson, Harley Race and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Tony Schiavone welcomed everyone to "the biggest wrestling extravaganza of the year bar none, Starrcade 2000!" He was joined at ringside by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and the legendary Dusty Rhodes as they discussed how big of a night tonight would be, but now wasn't the time for talk as it was time for the first match!


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    Rob Van Dam defeated "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner (10:38) - When Scott Steiner lost to Rob Van Dam in the Quarter Final of the New Blood Rising tournament back in October, nobody could have expected that a month later Steiner would assault RVD after a match, claiming that he had "robbed him" of his victory in the tournament. But that was what happened and since that moment, Steiner has been a bane in RVD's side. Despite this, when the two locked up at Starrcade it led to match that saw RVD use his superior speed and flexibility to out outmaneuver the bigger Steiner, allowing him to finally escape the Steiner Recliner that Steiner had inflicted on him multiple times in recent weeks to finally connect with the Five Star Frog Splash for the huge victory in his very first Starrcade.


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    WCW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP & WCW WORLD TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP: Juventud Guerrera © defeated Chris Candido © (12:11) - Just two weeks ago, Juventud Guerrera wasn't in the picture for any titles, nor was it looking likely that he would appear at Starrcade. Fast forward to tonight, fresh off his shocking upset victory over The American Nightmare ten nights ago on Thunder for the WCW World Television title, Juvi is now a double-champion after adding Candido's WCW Cruiserweight title to his collection! Tammy Sytch did everything in her power to help her man win but nothing seemed to work and after a 450 splash, Juvi stood tall with all the gold

    Tammy Sytch couldn't believe what had happened as Juventud Guerrera raised both of his title belts in the air. Chris Candido had rolled out of the ring and tried to use Tammy to pull himself up, but Tammy was not happy and walked away, leaving Candido behind!


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    Shawn Stasiak defeated "The Nature Boy" David Flair (12:06) - The battle of the two former best friends was always going to be more of a fight than a technical contest, but even so, seeing the brutality that David Flair brought against the man he held championship gold and founded Evolution with was a sight to behold. Of course, all of that overlooks the utter betrayal from Stasiak as he carried on with David's then-girlfriend Stacy Keibler right behind his back, so it's not to say that Stasiak didn't deserve everything he got. But with David talking on Thunder about how important this match was, perhaps he put too much pressure on himself as he wanted to inflict punishment just as much, if not more so than win the actual match as he continued to look for the Figure Four Leglock rather than utilizing his Nature Fall diving inverted bulldog. And that ultimately cost him as during one such attempt, Stacy got up on the apron to yell and David, which led to him grabbing her hair, distracting him long enough to allow Stasiak to recover and when David turned around he walked right into the Stasiak Plant.

    David Flair wasn't moving as Stacy Keibler entered the ring with lust in her eyes as she headed over to her boyfriend, the victorious Shawn Stasiak and locked lips in a passionate, disrespectful display right over his body in an almost mirror image of World War 3 when their betrayal was laid bare for all to see


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    HAIR VS. MASK: Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Kevin Nash (13:31) - The underdog has shocked the world once again! Despite his record of overcoming the odds, including his victory against Scott Hall at Halloween Havoc, almost everyone saw this as a bridge too far for Rey Mysterio Jr. Even his opponent Kevin Nash wasn't overly worried, especially in the early going but when Rey scored a number of near falls, Nash's demeanor did change as it seemed to dawn on him exactly what was at stake. But Nash continued to survive all of Rey's offence, making the masked sensation himself question whether his time under the mask was coming to an end. But the decisive moment came just as it looked to be all over for Rey as Nash had countered a dive into a hard sidewalk slam and looked to follow up with the Jacknife Powerbomb, but with Rey hoisted up in the air, he reversed the momentum and brought Nash down with a hurricanrana and held the legs tight to secure the shocking victory, retain his mask and get the opportunity to shave Nash's hair!

    Kevin Nash was in shock. Scott Hall was in shock. Even Rey Mysterio Jr. was in shock, but he had done it! However The Outsiders were in no mood to honour the stipulations of the match as they launched a vicious attack on the victorious Mysterio! The two of them immediately targetted the mask and attempted to remove it until suddenly there was a lot of movement by the entrance way as Konnan, Eddy Guerrero, Juventud Guerrera, Hayabusa, Ultimo Dragon, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Chavo Guerrero Jr. and La Parka ran out to make the save! Clearly outnumbered, The Outsiders attempted to fight back but it was no good and they were quickly overwhelmed with Hall being locked in Ultimo's Dragon Sleeper and passing out, leaving Nash alone to be beaten down as he fell victim to a Frog Splash from Eddy Guerrero and a Phoenix Splash from Hayabusa! With Nash defenceless, the luchadores held Nash down as Konnan handed Rey the clippers, allowing him to sheer his long, luscious locks! Nash begged off but Rey kept going, cutting away until only a short buzz cut was left! Nash was devastated after being shown his hair in a mirror and stormed out of the ring in utter humiliation while Rey celebrated what must go down as being the biggest victory of his career!


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    Bret "The Hitman" Hart defeated "Y2J" Chris Jericho (20:32) - Sharpshooter vs. Liontamer. Of course the build-up for this match was about far more than this, what with Chris Jericho having eliminated Bret Hart from the World War 3 match after a low blow as well as Jericho's recent issues with Bret's brother Owen Hart. But Jericho was out to prove that he was better than Bret as a wrestler and to him, that meant making Bret submit to the Liontamer to prove it's superiority to Bret's own Sharpshooter. The match was a technical masterclass that showed everyone just how talented both men truly are and how they make them differently up in Canada. There was a collision between Bret and the referee that took him out of the match, but Bret continued on and thought he had the match won when he locked Jericho in the Sharpshooter and made him tap out, but with no referee present, it didn't count and this allowed Lenny J to walk out in an attempt to turn the match in his mentor's favour. However, Owen Hart was just feet behind him and he cut Lenny off and chased him to the back! But this did provide an opening for Jericho as Bret was distracted by the goings-on, Jericho delivered a low blow, just like at World War 3 and followed up by locking Bret in the Liontamer! The referee was back up and was ready to call for the bell if, or perhaps when Bret decided the pain was too much. But Bret didn't and he fought to the ropes and escaped! The frustration Jericho felt was clear for all to see as he pounded the mat, complained to the referee and complained to the camera before attempting a Lionsault, only to collide with Bret's knees! Both men got back to their feet and exchanged right hands before Bret ducked one and tricked Jericho up before locking him once again in the Sharpshooter! Jericho refused to give in, screaming in agony until Bret finally sat back deeper and Jericho had no choice but to tap out wildly!



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    WCW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: "The Glamazon" Joanie Lee defeated Manami Toyota © (13:09) - This was always going to be a battle between the superior power of Joanie Lee against the speed and experience of Manami Toyota. In Lee's three matches since joining WCW, she has remained unbeaten, but so had Toyota in her eight so something had to give here. With the veteran trio of Rhonda Singh, Madusa and Sherri Martel at ringside, "The Glamazon" had their wisdom and deviousness in support and their various distractions eventually led to the referee to eject them all from ringside within the first several minutes, meaning it came down to just Lee and Toyota. The champions experience showed, but when she was caught out by Lee the power advantage certainly turned the tide as the sheer brutality of the impact from Lee's assault took their toll on Toyota, leading the announcers to claim that the majority of pre-match predictions in Lee's favour would be proved right. However it seemed as if wasn't to be as in a moment eerily similar to the Kevin Nash/Rey Mysterio Jr. match earlier tonight, Lee took too long holding Toyota up for a powerbomb, allowing Toyota to roll-through the back and roll Lee up for what must have been one of the closest near falls in a long time! Toyota reacted quickest and went back on the offense, but Lee was able to end Toyota's fight back with a big boot right between the eyes! This created a gap that Lee immediately followed up by finally connecting with the powerbomb for the victory and the WCW Women's World title!

    The rest of Queen's Court headed to the ring to celebrate Joanie Lee's championship victory but as Sherri Martel, Madusa and Rhonda Singh applauded her and sung her praises, Lee herself simply looked as though it was always a foregone conclusion, despite the fact everyone saw how hard fought of a fight it truly was. After holding the WCW Women's World championship high in the air, Lee handed it to Martel who fixed it around her waist as Lee stood tall


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    The American Nightmare defeated "The Icon" Sting (17:51) - Only Daffney was at ringside to support the leader of The Nightmare Family, following Abyss' loss to Lex Luger on the live edition of Main Event right before the pay-per-view. The American Nightmare aimed several comments towards Dusty Rhodes at the announce booth throughout the match as his issues with his father seem to be never-ending and he took great pleasure in assaulting one of Dusty's "favourites", much like he had done to both Diamond Dallas Page and Lex Luger in the past. Sting fired back, building up a head of steam that saw a Stinger Splash followed up by the Scorpion Deathlock, only for Dustin to barely reach the ropes and survive. The match continued to be a gruelling affair with both men drawing blood, The American Nightmare crashing into the ring steps and Sting after colliding with the exposed steel turnbuckle after Daffney had removed the cover. But it was Dustin that emerged victorious, gaining a measure of revenge for Sting costing him the WCW World Television title when he countered the Scorpion Deathdrop into the Dream Breaker for another big victory.



    With 2001 right around the corner, Tony Schiavone announced the event schedule for the year with a major change being Mayhem replacing World War 3 in November, the return of Souled Out and Uncensored in January and March respectively and the return after a four year absence of Clash of the Champions live on TBS! Returning for it's third year will be the Super X Cup, the showcase of the cruiserweights of the world will air in February while the Nick Bockwinkel Tag Team Classic will take place for the second year in May. Finally in October, who will follow inaugural winner Kurt Angle and this years victor Shawn Stasiak in winning the New Blood Rising tournament to guarantee a pay-per-view main event match with the WCW World Heavyweight champion?

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    TABLES, LADDERS AND CHAIRS MATCH FOR THE WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS - Edge & Christian © defeated The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz (14:19) - The match between these three teams at World War 3 was incredible and perhaps stole the show as Edge & Christian won the gold for the first time in their careers. However with the introduction of tables, ladders and chairs for the first time ever, things went up to a whole other level. None of the six men left anything in the locker room as everyone went through a table at one time or the other and was blasted with a steel chair. Jeff Hardy must have shortened his career by several years with the risks he took, especially when he climbed to the top of a twenty foot ladder and delivered a Swanton Bomb to both Christian and D-Von Dudley, but not only that as after that he somehow recovered enough to come within inches of winning the match. But with his hands on the belts, Bubba Ray Dudley removed the ladder and Edge, who was perched atop of another ladder dove off and delivered a spear to send both men crashing down hard to the canvas below. With all six men in various states of wellness, attention turned to the entrance way as Tammy Sytch walked out followed by Rhino! She gave instructions to "The Man Beast" who hit the ring and tore Bubba Ray in half with a huge Gore and then hoisted the barely conscious Edge up on his shoulders and climbed the ladder, allowing Edge to retrieve and thus retain the WCW World Tag Team titles


    The announcers were still in shock at the appearance of Tammy Sytch as she grabbed both of the WCW World Tag Team titles, entered the ring and presented them herself to the exhausted champions Edge & Christian. She then stood between the two men and raised their arms in victory as Dusty Rhodes asked what this meant and questioned whether we had just seen the formation of a new alliance in WCW?


    Before the next match, Tony Schiavone was in the ring along with Harley Race to announce the latest wrestler to be honoured by being inducted into the WCW Hall of Fame. Noting last years posthumous induction of the legendary six-time AWA World Heavyweight champion and former WCW Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel, this year the inductee is a three-time WCW World Heavyweight champion as well as holding the WCW United States Heavyweight title and also made history by becoming the first non-Japanese wrestler to hold the IWGP Heavyweight championship, a title he would hold a further two times. He handed over introductions to Race, who revealed the 2000 Hall of Fame inductee as his former client and close friend; Vader! "The Mastadon" walked out wearing his classic red mask for the first time since his retirement match against Goldberg at Spring Stampede last year and soaked in the reaction, slapping hands with the fans as he passed them before entering the ring to shake hands with Schiavone and Race before pulling him in for a hug. A fellow Hall of Fame inductee, Race looked proud as Vader took in this moment before Race handed him his commemorative plaque




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    WCW UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Goldberg defeated Mike Awesome © (11:18) - Mike Awesome had made his entrance first and the big powerful champion refused to wait to allow Goldberg to go through his usual pre-match ritual as he went out to meet him on the entrance ramp! But Goldberg was more than ready and when the two big bulls collided, it was even and the fight (as it was more fight than wrestling match) begun! Awesome was more than a physical match for Goldberg with him perhaps being the toughest physical opponent Goldberg has met in his career to date, but the champion made one fatal mistake when he took too long to finish Goldberg off with the Awesome Bomb as it allowed Goldberg to slip out the back and when Awesome realised what had happened, Goldberg had set himself and delivered a crushing spear! Goldberg wasted no time then in picking Awesome up and delivering a devastating Jackhammer and three seconds later and for the first time in his career, Goldberg became the WCW United States Heavyweight champion


    Just before the main event the announcers wished everyone a Happy Christmas for tomorrow night and in the process reminded everyone that there would be a special edition of Tuesday Night taking place on Boxing Day. Schiavone then revealed that WCW President Eric Bischoff would be live on Monday Nitro the following week on New Year's Day where he will have a "huge" announcement to make!


    Gene Okerlund was standing by with the man who in just a couple of moments time will step into the ring for the biggest match of his career as Booker T looks set to challenge Kurt Angle for the WCW World Heavyweight championship. Booker told Gene that he knows what is at stake tonight, he knows the odds are against him but that it doesn't matter because from day one, that's how it has been for him. He made it here through hard work and yeah, he made mistakes along the way but tonight he is in the main event of Starrcade in front of this huge crowd competing for the WCW World Heavyweight title and nobody is going to take that away from him! Booker said that this means the world to him because if one little kid sees him out here tonight and says "that could be me", then he's done part of his job. The other part; beating Angle for the title! He knows Angle doesn't respect him and that's fine because he respects Angle in the ring and he knows what he is capable of. Is that enough? We'll find out but Booker says that he is bringing everyone to the table tonight and will not stop until he is the champion!

    It was main event time and in honour of such a huge moment the legendary Michael Buffer handled introductions for the challenger Booker T and the WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle, who made was accompanied by a live rendition of his entrance music performed by a local college brass band



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    WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Kurt Angle © defeated Booker T (22:19) - Despite all of the pre-match talk, it was clear that Angle was 100% focused on the task at hand and that his comments in the weeks building up to the match were all attempts at mind games. At least that is one argument that could be made. As the match progressed, it was easy to also interpret it as Angle realising very quickly that Booker T would be no joke as he came close to taking the title after a Book End early on! The match became a level playing field after that with neither man gaining too much of an advantage for too long at a time as Angle continuously looked for the ankle lock but as Booker had it scouted, a frustrated Angle was never able to lock it in. However he duck a Harlem Side Kick and followed up with an Olympic Slam that Angle and the announcers all believed would finish the match, only for Booker to kick out right at the last second! The match reset again and Booker connected again with the Book End but his exhaustion meant he didn't make the cover as quickly as he would have liked which allowed Angle to reverse the pin into a roll-up and when Booker kicked out, Angle was finally able to transition into the ankle lock! Booker was in agony and struggled to the ropes but Angle tightened his grip but to everyone's astonishment, Booker grabbed the bottom rope and forced a break! Once again Angle's frustration showed through but this time he took it too far and brought his title belt into the ring to use on Booker and despite the protestations of the referee Angle swung, only for Booker to duck it and once again connect with a Book End! This time he was able to capitalise quickly and made the cover for the 1...2...no, Angle kicked out! Booker went right back on the offensive and a few moments later after escaping another Olympic Slam attempt where he seemed to hurt his ankle again he kicked Angle in the gut and went for the Axe Kick. But as Booker's leg was coming down, Angle moved out of the way and caught the ankle once again and locked in the ankle lock! Angle twisted, yanked and pulled back as Booker was clearly in agony, but he wouldn't tap out! Booker crawled to the ropes and was inches away, only for Angle to pull him back and then grapevined the leg! Booker was in agony and despite his best efforts had absolutely no choice but to tap out, giving the victory to Angle!

    Despite giving absolutely everything, it just wasn't to be for Booker T. There was no shame in this loss as he came closer than almost anyone to handing Kurt Angle only his second every singles loss by pinfall or submission. The Olympic Gold Medallist looked absolutely spent, barely showing enough energy to celebrate his win after releasing the ankle lock but when he did finally get to his feet, he knew that he had been in a fight and whether he would ever publicly acknowledge that himself is a different question but it was clear to everyone watching. Tony Schiavone had the final word by thanking everyone for turning into "The Grandaddy of Them All" and making Starrcade 2000 a huge success for World Championship Wrestling as WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle posed with this title to close out a truly epic event!


  22. Is this a face group or a heel group? If you’re thinking they’ll be face, I would suggest “The Empowerment” as a name, since each of these three women has been greatly influential to American women’s wrestling. I also think you shouldn’t have Rhonda join the group. I think after Rhonda & Madusa split, Rhonda should easily beat Madusa, allowing Joanie Lee to step up on Madusa’s behalf. This is an easy way to give Joanie a winning start in WCW.


    It’s definitely a heel group. Sherri’s whole thing with Joanie is that she was essentially held back before joining WCW and prevented from showing what she is truly capable of and now she’s going to do it in the women’s division.

    With Madusa, she lost in the opening round of the WCW Women’s World title tournament to eventual winner Manami Toyota, who Joanie made her debut by attacking the following night. So that’s where the link comes in I guess! I do think dumping Rhonda is the right call as well, but I was considering keeping her around as the one to take the falls in any tag of six-person matches.

  23. <p>I’m looking for a faction name for Joanie Lee (Chyna) and Madusa managed by Sherri Martel. This is in 2000 WCW (Montreal Aftermath mod) after Chyna has spent all the time by the side of Triple H and DX. Martel has brought her in to WCW and claimed she has been held back. </p><p>

    Madusa has been kinda floundering, having Rhonda Singh as her bodyguard but she’s aligning with Martel now (undecided about whether Rhonda joins as well).</p><p>

    I haven’t really fleshed out the idea but the key thing is Joanie Lee is going to be the focal point of this group.</p>

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