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Everything posted by mrwright86

  1. I am actually still working on this, using Fleisch’s 1992 mod to get a list of wrestlers (and using the naming convention from that). It is a lot of work, but it’s kinda fun at the same time discovering that X wrestler had a random little run in Japan or something. Before I do release it, I want to at least get to the point where the ones I’ve got have full histories, which could be another few weeks. But yes, still going!
  2. I'm working on making this far more dynamic. My plan now is to update everything up to 31/03/2001, so effectively when WCW dies as I think that's the main cut off point for historical mods that people are looking for. The new sheet will have a filter to allow you to enter your database start date, so say it is 01/08/1996, you enter that date and then all the other sheets will update accordingly, hiding any title/employment histories that haven't started yet and changing their reign ended/employment ended fields to blank. There will be the smallest amount of manual work to delete the blank rows (see below), but that is easily do-able. I'd love for modders to use this or some part of it to make their live easier to and to make it so you nobody ever needs to manually work to fill in these title histories, work out who was working where when as it's all in one easy place.
  3. Added full histories for CWA (EUR), USWA, NJPW and AJPW. I've also added the PWI500 for 1991-1995. One thing that is quite nice is the ability to use aliases, so Kevin Nash is "(as Diesel)" in 1994 etc. I've linked as much as I can, I'm sure I've missed something but if anyone sees anything obvious, let me know and I'll update.
  4. Have added title histories for ECW, WCW and the main NWA titles.
  5. So when TEW 2020 was released, I converted over a WCW game I was playing using the Montreal Screwjob data, as I'd had gotten a few years into it by that point and wanted to keep going. In doing so, I realised there was plenty of data missing, such as companies and wrestlers, so I added those in by importing from other databases around the same time frame. One thing however that bugged me was the lack of employment histories. I get it, it is not fun to do. But because I am a mad person and like the completeness it gives when using organic bios, I went through and updated the histories of the WCW guys...then the WWF guys...then the NJPW guys and seen as I'd gone that far, damn it, I did pretty the vast majority of them. Took me ages. So that being said, I have converted that over to be used in TEW IX. The below Excel can be inserted into the Employment_History table in Access and then imported into a database. Obviously this can be useful for any scenario set before this date as you can just remove any records that start after the date you might use etc. August 1996 Excel Important to note There is a formula in column A that will automatically create the Record_Name. If column D (non-existent company) is populated it'll use that, otherwise it'll use the existing company from C. It'll also populate the employment years and if there is no end date, it'll replace it with a ? to denote ongoing The names are going to be different, but I've kept them as what I think are fairly sensible ones, likely those used outside of WWE/F in the first instant and then their most used gimmick. So for example, Kane is listed as Glen Jacobs and PN News is Cannonball Grizzly. For the most part, I have grouped the NWA territories together as simply NWA as a non-existent company. It seemed easier this way. Start and End Dates are set as being the beginning of the month to the end of the month. This will obviously be wrong in some cases and where possible I will fix these. I will keep updating this and I'd also love to do more, I have a feeling I also did something like this for Title Histories as well so if so, I'll add that in as well. If you see any errors, let me know and I'll update. If you have something to add, I'll happily add it in as well. Please feel free to use this in any database if you want, give credit or don't, really don't mind as I think doing something like this or the great work Astil is doing with the Real World General Information can only help make better databases to use.
  6. I'm a big fan of organic bios, but only really if the workers have got a proper job history on as it gives some more colour to them. Proper bios can get dated unless you update them regularly, which you're only really going to do on your own workers so organic seems better.
  7. Just one minor/random thing I wanted to check; Dwight Coppinger is set as white in the database but the picture that comes with it, he is black. Also just generally, I really like the idea of this as there is such a big space for additional workers in this universe. I've been mucking about with creating some AI images just for fun.
  8. Some more for the Alt CVerse. This is my first time really playing around with AI but more importantly, even looking at the Alt CVerse so these and the previous ones are based on descriptions and somewhat on the existing images in the first post of the topic for that mod. Alice Humpreys Dani Lloyd Dorian Robinson Primrose Darlington Yvonne "Taboo" Nsonwu The Morrigan Savannah McCormick
  9. I had a look at the Alternative CVerse wrestlers, and wanted to see what I'd get by doing some of the British women for that mod, and I think they came out ok. Aoife Quinn Billie Porter The Myla Moss Experience
  10. I love the angle news. Having to either make one big, long angle to try and cover every aspect of what is happening or having to use multiple angles, which then risks getting poor ratings because of how short they were was a pain. Continuing, linked angles sounds brilliant and honestly is my favourite thing revealed so far (apart from real calendars of course!)
  11. Kinda related to this, has there ever been something like a C-Verse wiki or something that might cover major events? I'm intent on playing a C-Verse game this time around, but would love to delve into a bit of history before it's out.
  12. Would someone be able to make a GIF stable logo for Serena Deeb's Deeb's Dojo? Thanks in advance!
  13. I'm looking for a new name for a reunited and now heel Cryme Tyme. This is in mid-2011, after Shad's heel turn and subsequent release with Shad now back in WWE on Raw playing the same serious, bad ass type character he had before the release while JTG is still the loudmouth heel he became after turning heel on NXT. I'm also considering a group with R-Truth (2011 conspiracy version!), and really like the name House of Truth for the stable, but that's obviously been used in ROH, so I'm thinking simply "Nothing But The Truth".
  14. I do like this, definitely want to put an enforcer type in the group. Was considering Eugene, renouncing the character and claiming her put it all on to make it WWE
  15. I'm looking for a new name for Scotty 2 Hotty to fit an alliance with Gregory Helms in 2006. Helms has just turned to Gregory Helms and he's convinced Scotty to reject the fans and denounce his fun loving past and become a serious competitor like him. Was thinking of just using his real name, and I might, I think I want to at least keep "Scott" as a part of it Also potentially a tag team name for the duo/group?
  16. Any thoughts on individuals names for Booker T and Stevie Ray in 1992 WWF? They’re going to be managed by Slick, who is also managing Ice Train (I’ve gone with the genius name of “Ice Train Jones” here) and will all be babyfaces. I quite like the idea of keeping the Harlem Heat name, but am open to suggestions!
  17. WCW THUNDER FEBRUARY 1ST, 2001 HEARNES CENTER - COLUMBIA, MISSOURI Tony Schiavone, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes and "Macho Man" Randy Savage were on hand to welcome everyone to this historic edition of Thunder! They hyped the kick off of Thunder's qualifiers for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament with Owen Hart taking on Shane Douglas, Billy Kidman against Rob Van Dam and in the main event, Abyss against the eleven-time champion Ric Flair! VS. NWA WORLDS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT QUALIFIER: Owen Hart defeated Shane Douglas (11:58) - One of the men Thunder General Manager Hulk Hogan singled out for praise, Owen Hart put himself right on track as he successfully qualified for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament with a victory over Shane Douglas. Tony Schiavone reminded everyone that Owen made his in-ring WCW debut in 1999 in a match with Douglas, a match that Owen won, if only by disqualification. This time it was an even affair, but the result had no question marks thanks to a submission with the Sharpshooter Following a commercial break, Owen Hart met General Manager Hulk Hogan in the backstage area. Hogan congratulated Owen on his victory and told him that this was exactly what he expected when he talked him up a couple of weeks ago. Owen thanked him and said that it was long overdue for him to get this type of opportunity, saying he wants to wear a World Heavyweight title ""that I respect"". Hogan said that Owen doesn't need him telling him what to do, but just know that he has all the tools to win the tournament. Hulk Hogan then walked off but was stopped when Queen's Court approached! Sherri Martel asked Hogan if he had seen what Joanie Lee did at Souled Out, because as a reminder; Lee destroyed Lita. Hogan said that wasn't exactly how he saw it, but there was no doubting that Lee was damned impressive. Martel then wanted to know why Lee is having to defend the WCW Women's World title again tonight against Faby Apache, to which Hogan explained that tonight is a big night and while he agrees that Lee is impressive, she's only defended her title once since winning it at Starrcade so he thinks another defence tonight would be good for Lee and good for the women's division. It was clear that Martel wasn't going to change Hogan's mind, so she ushered for Madusa and Lee to follow her but Lee turned back, got right in Hogan's face and told him not to mess with her! VS. Taz defeated Stevie Richards (1:11) - Richards was clearly concerned and he had every reason to be when he rushed right into a t-bone suplex, followed up immediately with the Tazmission for the dominant victory The victorious Taz was joined in the ring by Erazo, Low Ki and Little Jeanne, following the formation of their union at Souled Out. Taz spoke first, saying he'll let Erazo do the talking, but suffice to say, this group of people made an impact at Souled Out. He handed over to Erazo who was more colourful in his words and attitude, saying they all share the same home, the same attitude and the same fight! He said that Taz is the man in charge and that ten months ago, he and Low Ki approached him in ECW and Taz slapped the taste out of their mouths! They tried to speak, but he did again, this time harder but when they came back a third time, that's when they realised they had earned some respect and from then on, they've been waiting for the right moment. He then introduced "The Brooklyn Bitch", Little Jeanne who said that she was done being called "Little", saying people looked at Taz and if they called him "Little", he put them to sleep! She revealed that she was trained by the same man who trained Taz, a man who didn't give a damn about size and taught her to fight for what she wants, so she's honouring that man by taking the name of Jeanne Rodz, "and yeah, you can call me the Brooklyn Bitch". Taz then addressed the Hardy Boyz and Lita, saying they took the opportunities from them, so what happened at Souled Out is just a taste. He said that Lita felt first hand what Jeanne will do, saying Jeanne is now free to be her true-self and told Lita to watch and understand what she has coming" VS. Jeanne Rodz defeated Estrellita (9:47) - The former Little Jeanne has always been an impressive athlete, but the new attitude gave her a newfound edge. Her opponent Estrellita however is no slouch, going toe-to-toe with WCW Women's World champion Joanie Lee in "The Glamazon's" debut match at World War 3, lasting nearly ten minutes and so when Rodz locked her in and made her submit to a scissored armbar, it will have certainly made people notice Backstage, Jeremy Borash was standing by with Chuck Palumbo & David Flair. Borash noted that next week, Palumbo will get the opportunity to qualify for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament when he takes on The American Nightmare, a man who Palumbo came up short against a couple of weeks ago. Palumbo said that match was in the past and sure, he wishes he had won but know he has the experience of being in the ring with Dustin so he can take it forward and do better this time. Borash then asked David about his absence from the tournament, but David said that he would have liked to be in it, but he understands why and honestly, he's looking forward to supporting Chuck in his efforts because he believes that he can do it. Suddenly, Palumbo & Flair tensed up as The Nightmare Family approached. Dustin told them not to worry, they aren't here for violence, only to send a message to Palumbo; ""impress me"". With that, the trio walked off! That was until Daffney returned, waved and in a girly voice said "hi David" before giggling and walking off again! "Impress me, what's that about" asked Palumbo, but David wasn't paying attention VS. NWA WORLDS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT QUALIFIER: Rob Van Dam defeated Billy Kidman (14:36) - Both men had tough matches at Souled Out, but the fact that RVD was even walking after being on the receiving end of a piledriver through the table in his match with Rhino spoke volumes. Just a matter of weeks ago, they were teaming together against TSE but you wouldn't have guessed it tonight as they threw everything at each other, with both men looking to advance into the tournament, breaking out breathtaking moves with a highlight being Kidman landing his patended Shooting Star Press from the top rope, right onto RVD on the outside! In the end, despite and even, back-and-forth contest, it was RVD who was able to land the Five Star Frog Splash to win the match Following the hard fought match, Rob Van Dam helped Billy Kidman to his feet and the two men shook hands, showing their respect for one another before Kidman and Torrie Wilson left the ring to allow RVD his moment The second hour of Thunder began with the arrival of Rey Mysterio Jr. The man who challenged for Kurt Angle's WCW World Heavyweight title walked out with a slight limp, but he appeared to be in good spirits. He thanked the fans for their support and immediately accepted that despite losing at Souled Out and honestly feeling pretty down about it the last couple of days, the words of praise and support he had received made him realise that he made a lot of people proud and inspired a lot of people as well. He recounted a story about meeting a young fan at the airport earlier today who told him that he wants to be just like him and how he loved watching him at Souled Out and that the parents had told him that he hasn't stopped talking about him because it showed that size doesn't matter, it's what's in your heart that counts. As the fans were showing their appreciation, suddenly Sonny Siaki walked out along with Miss Gorgeous George and he wasn't impressed. He told Rey that no, he was a failure because despite all of his effort, the fact is that he lost! And how has Hulk Hogan reacted to that; by rewarding him with a bye into the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament while he has been completely overlooked! He said it makes him sick because he should have been in that tournament because he would win it! Rey told Siaki that he actually agrees with him, he shouldn't have been given a bye and he told Hogan that, but the General Manager overruled him, so if he has a problem, he needs to take it up with Hulk. Siaki smirked and told Rey not to worry because he plans to, but right now, he wants to deal with Rey first! Sonny Siaki started walking down to the ring, removing his shirt as he went while in the ring, Rey Mysterio Jr. prepared for a fight. Siaki stopped short just outside the ring, but suddenly two men hit the ring and attacked Rey Mysterio Jr. from behind! Rey fought valiantly, but both men were over six foot tall and towered over the already injured Mysterio and he had absolutely no chance against the two monsters. A smirking Siaki by now had made it onto the apron to watch up close as they both lifted him up high by the throat before dropping him in a double STO! Siaki entered the ring and knelt down to get face-to-face with Rey, telling him that he has just had the pleasure of meeting the newest members of Evolution; Apolo & Ricky Banderas! Siaki then jumped up and ordered them to "do it again", which is exactly what they did, leaving Rey destroyed in the middle of the ring VS. WCW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Joanie Lee © defeated Faby Apache (6:15) - Both Mari & Faby Apache have picked up wins on WCW Saturday Night over the last couple of weeks, which is perhaps why Hulk Hogan decided to grant Faby this match. The younger of the sisters gave it her all but wasn't able to topple the bigger and more powerful Joanie Lee and a powerbomb from Lee ultimately saw finished the contest Madusa got in the ring and got in the fallen Faby Apache's face, yelling that she never deserved the opportunity that she had. This then prompted Mari Apache to rush into the ring and shove Madusa away before standing guard. While this was going on, Joanie Lee was showing zero interest and had already left the ring, leaving Sherri Martel to hold Madusa back Footage was shown from Souled Out following the WCW Worlds Trios match that saw X-Factor defend the titles against Steven Regal, Fit Finlay & Lance Storm, winning via disqualificiation when Regal snapped and refused to respond to the referee. Exclusive footage from the backstage area saw Jeremy Borash approach the defeated trio where Regal first of all he apologised to his teammates for his actions before getting a sadistic look on his face, saying they weren't done, "not by a bloody longshot", adding that what they did to X-Factor after the match got his blood flowing, he enjoyed the "triangle of torture" that happened and warned X-Pac that they would be back In the back, Gene Okerlund was standing by with Ric Flair who, in tonight's main event will face Abyss for the right to enter the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament. Flair said that he doesn't need to go over old ground about the history of the title and Ric Flair, but he will say that the thought had never crossed his mind that he wouldn't qualify, let alone win the whole damn thing! Flair said that Abyss is a monster, noting that he's been in the ring with him before and has the bruises to prove it! But he is Ric Flair, this is for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title and he can promise you that when the tournament starts in two weeks, Ric Flair will be a part of it! VS. Booker T defeated Mark Jindrak (5:47) - Fresh off of his victory at Souled Out, Booker T was looking to continue his positive momentum heading into the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament. His opponent, Mark Jindrak is a name those who regular watch WCW Saturday Night would be familiar with as Tony Schiavone listed him as a gruadate of WCW's Power Plant training facility and former GCW National champion. Despite his best efforts, it was Booker T who picked up the win after a Book End Goldberg was with Jeremy Borash with Borash noting that Goldberg had requested this interview time. The WCW United States Heavyweight champion praised Diamond Dallas Page for pushing him to his limit and proving that he is a different man than the one DDP faced at Starrcade. He wants to go one further and make it crystal clear to everyone that Goldberg is a fighting champion, a man who will take on all comers, which is why next week and every week thereafter he is issuing an open challenge for anyone to face him for the title! He said that he doesn't care who they are or where they come from, next week he will be standing in the ring, ready for a fight and he expects someone to step up and answer the question of "who's next!" With just the main event left to go, Tony Schiavone hyped the already announced card for next week which will see the remaining three NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament qualifiers taking place; Hector Garza vs. Steven Regal, The American Nightmare vs. Chuck Palumbo and Eddy Guerrero vs. Lex Luger. In addition to that, following their confrontation earlier tonight it'll be Mari Apache taking on Madusa while B.W.A. will be in action in a trios match plus Goldberg's open challenge will be answered VS. NWA WORLDS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT QUALIFIER: Ric Flair defeated Abyss (10:50) - When Flair spoke earlier tonight about Abyss being a huge hurdle that he would have to overcome, he wasn't exaggerating. Despite Flair impressive return to action recently, the power and intensity of The Nightmare Family's monster was almost too much for him. But Flair kept going and he worked to take out Abyss' base, but when he finally took Abyss to the ground and was setting up for the Figure Four Leglock, Daffney at ringside distracted him by jumping on the apron and screaming in his direction. This allowed Abyss to recover and connect with the Black Hole Slam, a move that would have finished Flair were it not for his foot getting on the rope at the last second. A giggling and yelling Daffney urged Abyss on, who looked for Shock Treatment, only for Flair to sneak out the back and roll-up Abyss for the win! Daffney let out a scream of fury, and Abyss was no happier as he turned to Ric Flair and laid him out with a huge clothesline. He then dragged Flair to his feet where this time he was able to connect with Shock Treatment, leaving Flair broken in a heap at Abyss' feet, but as Tony Schiavone pointed out; broken, but still in the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament WCW WORLDWIDE RESULTS Madusa defeated Princesa Sugey (7:10) via pinfall with the Germian Suplex During Thunder, Jeremy Borash had the opportunity to speak to Mark Jindrak after his impressive match against Booker T. Jindrak said he plans to be around for a long time and said that it's his mission to impress Hulk Hogan or Roddy Piper and get a spot on Thunder or Nitro The Dudley Boyz defeated Lance Cade & Blake Norton (6:50) when D-Von Dudley pinned Norton after a 3D British Bulldog defeated Devon Storm (5:59) via pinfall with the running powerslam
  18. Scott Hall update, Super X Cup kick-off January 30th, 2001 by Mave Deltzer Don't be surprised if you don't see Scott Hall in a WCW ring again. Hall turned up to last night's Nitro stinking of alcohol, stumbling around and cursing at everyone he saw. This isn't the first time he's turned up to shows with the smell of booze on him, but each time previously he has been absolutely fine to communicate and had been able to work safely, not impacting upon any of his storylines. However, last night was different and WCW management took action. We understand that Hall was given an ultimatum; go to rehab or go home. Apparently Hall argued and threw curses at management, including Eric Bischoff but they weren't changing their stance, especially in light of a similar incident with Perry Saturn and his drug issues a few weeks ago. While Saturn was apologetic and recognised his issues, Hall did not and he was taken back to his hotel by members of staff while slurring and cursing, even trying to fight the staff. It was only the intervention of Hall's friends Kevin Nash and Sean Waltman that made Hall finally agree to leave. It's not clear whether Hall will actually take up WCW's offer of rehab, but his contract is actually in less than three months so if Hall doesn't, he can simply stay at home, pick up his cheque and try and get another job once it's done, likely in Japan. But if he does enter rehab, there is a chance that his contract may be renewed, but there is a feeling in WCW that's Hall time has passed. Interestingly, Hall was set for a face-turn and his recent attempts to "play nice" were a part of this. He was booked to lose to Diamond Dallas Page last night, and after that he would have eventually turned face and turned over a new leaf. The Super X Cup kicked off last night on Nitro with three matches on the show and further two taped on Saturday Night. Christopher Daniels, TAKA Michinoku and Shane Helms advanced on Nitro with Hayabusa and the returning AJ Styles winning on Saturday Night. The final three qualifiers will take place on Nitro with Alex Wright taking on Perro Aguayo Jr. and Kaz Hayashi, Lenny facing Chris Candido and Shannon Moore and in the final match, young NJPW superstar Hiroshi Tanahashi facing Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Super Crazy. Tanahashi is someone New Japan have a lot of hopes for and his presence, along with AJPW's Minoru Tanaka show that WCW's relationship with both of Japan's major promotions continues to be strong, especially with WCW set to hold their August Wrestle War pay-per-view in Japan (now called WCW Japan Supershow) after taking place the last two years in Canada and then England.
  19. WCW NITRO JANUARY 29TH, 2001 FREEDOM HALL - LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY The first edition Monday Nitro since the brand extension began with an introduction by Joey Styles, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and "The Professor" Mike Tenay before topping it off with the arrival of Nitro General Manager "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. Piper talked about tonight being a historic night "for a number of reasons". He talked about Souled Out and how Rhino was successful in keeping the WCW World Television title on Nitro, and while Diamond Dallas Page came up short in his WCW United States Heavyweight title match, tonight he has the chance to qualify for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament in the main event. Unfortunately, his scheduled opponent tonight was set to be Scott Hall but due to circumstances beyond their control, Hall did not arrive at the arena tonight and as a result has been removed from the match and will be replaced by Curt Hennig. He then talked about SuperBrawl XI coming up next month and how a Nitro wrestler will challenge for the WCW World Heavyweight title at the pay-per-view and that he would name the challenger "in due course". Piper was then about to say something else when Buff Bagwell walked out! Bagwell told Piper to calm down because he wanted to be in the ring when Piper named him as Kurt Angle's next challenger! Piper then burst out laughing. He kept trying to talk but couldn't control himself as he just kept breaking down whenever trying to get a word out! Finally he composed himself and flatly said "no, sorry kid" but then told him that he hadn't decided on the challenger and if, "and it's a big if kiddo" he were to win his next match, he would consider him. Bagwell wanted to know who his opponent was, which then drew a look of confusion from Piper who asked if he watched Souled Out, if he had seen any of the press about tonight's show because the matches were all made public. Bagwell said that he hadn't because he had a "busy weekend with some of the finest ladies Kentucky has to offer...which isn't saying a lot", to which Piper replied with a smile and said "this was gonna be a lot of fun" as the lights went out, signalling the arrival of Bagwell's opponent; Sting! VS. NWA WORLDS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT QUALIFIER: Sting defeated Buff Bagwell (11:54) - After over a month's absence, Sting returned to his new home of Monday Nitro with a win to qualify for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament. Sting looked as though he used the time since Starrcade well as he looked just as good as ever, having put his against The American Nightmare at Starrcade behind him as he pinned Bagwell after a Scorpion Deathdrop Following his win, Sting then grabbed a microphone and said how great it was to be back! He accepted that last time the fans saw him, he let them down in his loss to The American Nightmare at Starrcade but now he's back and ready to go! He noted that just over ten years ago, his NWA Worlds Heavyweight title reign ended before adding that it seems like a pretty good time to become a two-time champion! After a commercial break, the newest member of Nitro's broadcast team Tylene Buck met Roddy Piper, still at ringside and asked him whether he was still out here for a reason? Piper said that it was funny she would ask that because yes, there is! Piper hyped the return after nearly four years of Clash of the Champions, specifically the one later this month; the Super X Cup. He reminded everyone that it was a tournament for the greatest Cruiserweights in the world and that the first one two years ago was won by Jushin Thunder Liger, while last year it was Rob Van Dam who won it. He said that the "big boys" have the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament to worry about, and starting tonight, the Super X Cup kicks off! 24 of the greatest Cruiserweights in the world competing in eight three way dances starting right now! VS. VS. WCW SUPER X CUP FIRST ROUND: Shane Helms defeated Dragon Kid and Jimmy Yang (9:22) - Helms made his WCW debut in this tournament last year and will be desperate to win it this time around, knowing that the winner received a WCW World Cruiserweight title opportunity at SuperBrawl XI. Meanwhile, the issues between the Yang and Dragon Kid flared up again, showing that despite TAKA Michinoku's win against Jushin Thunder Liger, their problems are still there. After a high-flying, death defying display, it was Helms who came out on top after connecting with the deadly Vertebreaker on Yang Fresh off of his big win just 24-hours ago at Souled Out, WCW World Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle arrived on Nitro and was met by Tylene Buck. When asked about his win, Angle said that it was never in doubt because he is an Olympic Gold Medalist and the best wrestler in the world. He said Rey Mysterio Jr. tried his hardest, but it just wasn't enough, just like how Sting, Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Eddy Guerrero, Steven Regal, Lex Luger and Bret Hart didn't have enough either. Buck asked Angle about his presence tonight on Nitro, Angle seemed offended and reminded him that as WCW World Heavyweight champion, he can go wherever he likes, the only man who can! He said that beyond that, he knows that he will defend against a wrestler from Nitro at SuperBrawl XI and he is here to check out the competition as well as speak to Roddy Piper about it VS. VS. WCW SUPER X CUP FIRST ROUND: TAKA Michinoku defeated Elix Skipper and Minoru Tanaka (11:23) - During the entrances, a video package aired on Minoru Tanaka, reminding everyone of his time in WCW from late 1998 to early 2000 where he was a two-time WCW World Cruiserweight champion and leader of TNR along with Kaz Hayashi, Jado & Gedo and of course Kristina. Now he reigns supreme as the World Junior Heavyweight champion in AJPW, a title he has held for four months now. Unfortunately for Tanaka, he was in the ring TAKA Michinoku, a man who outside of the WCW World Cruiserweight champion Ron Killings, probably has more momentum than anyone in the Cruiserweight division and proved it when he landed the Michinoku Driver on Skipper to win and advance Immediately after his win, TAKA Michinoku was joined by Dragon Kid, CIMA and Kristina who celebrated his victory with him. However, Minoru Tanaka was not happy with the outcome as he entered the ring and confronted The Jung Dragons! Tanaka and Michinoku came face-to-face, with Tanaka making his feelings clear only for Kristina to step between the two, focusing on her old flame Tanaka as she attempted to calm him down. However it was all just a ruse as with Tanaka distracted by Kristina, the Dragons attacked, putting the boots to Tanaka before TAKA dropped him with a Michinoku Driver! Backstage, Tylene Buck was standing by with the two men who, as a result of their victories at Souled Out were handed byes into the tournament stage of NWA Worlds Heavyweight championship tournament; Bret "The Hitman" Hart and "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett. She started talking to Bret first but Jarrett cut him off, saying that everyone has heard enough from Bret over his career and that it was time he was shown the proper respect! Bret smirked and told Jarrett to go ahead, and he went on to point out that he guaranteed victory at Souled Out and that he did just that and said that as a result of that, he deserves to be named challenger for the WCW World Heavyweight title but said he was sure that Roddy Piper would play favourites and give the match to one of his old friends like Bret instead. Waiting for Jarrett to finish, Bret said that he doesn't know who is going to be named challenger but suggested that he was more deserving of it than Jarrett because at least he beat his opponent fairly! This pissed Jarrett off and it looked as though the two were about to come to blows when Chris Benoit arrived and stepped in, prompting Jarrett to mock Benoit for coming to the rescue of the man who beat him, before Jarrett stormed off. Bret was about to speak, but Benoit cut him off and said that Bret is right, he did beat him and it was fair-and-square, but the truth is they both went into that match promising to make the other tap out, yet nobody tapped. Bret told Benoit that he was wrong because he went in to win, nothing more because he doesn't have anything to prove! Benoit asked if that was a dig, but Bret said no, it was just a fact before wishing Benoit the best of luck in his qualifying match with Rick Rude next week and walking off, leaving a clearly frustrated Benoit alone VS. NWA WORLDS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT QUALIFIER: Mike Awesome defeated Dean Malenko (5:58) - The fighting spirit of Dean Malenko couldn't be denied, but the sheer, brute power of Mike Awesome was just too much for him as despite a valiant effort, Malenko fell victim to the Awesome Bomb Shawn Stasiak, Mike Sanders and Chase Tatum joined their Evolution teammate in the ring and Stasiak hyped Awesome as the most powerful man in all of professional wrestling. He said that with Awesome's win, Evolution were one step closer to winning the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title before sending a warning to Juventud Guerrera ahead of their match next week. Stasiak then addressed Evolution's recent recruitment mission that has taken place over the last several weeks at live events, noting that his co-leader, Sonny Siaki on Thunder had announced that he had found his first members. Stasiak then revealed that he had done the same and that next week, we would meet the newest member of Evolution. He then turned his attention to the matter of Kurt Angle's challenger at SuperBrawl XI before reminding everyone that as a result of him winning the New Blood Rising tournament, he is guaranteed a one-on-one, pay-per-view main event match for the WCW World Heavyweight title, all he has to do is give one months notice. Which means if he were to stand here tonight and announce himself as Angle's opponent at SuperBrawl XI, well there would be nothing Roddy Piper could do about it! So the question is, will he do that? The answer is simply; no. He will take his match when he is good and ready for it, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't graciously accept Piper naming him as the number one contender, suggesting that he is the best placed to represent Nitro and WCW as champion. He knows Piper said he'd make his decision next week, so he'll wait and eagerly await the announcement Before the next match, a video aired that showed Steve Corino, The Shane Twins and their leader in The Prophecy; "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. Daniels reintroduced himself and his followers, reminding everyone of their run in ECW last year where he prophesied the end of that company and all of the "filth" that came with it, and now he arrives in WCW having seen that prophecy come to life. Now he has a new vision, one of he and his followers draped in gold on Monday Nitro, starting with him winning the Super X Cup and going on to win the WCW World Cruiserweight title at SuperBrawl XI VS. VS. WCW SUPER X CUP FIRST ROUND: Christopher Daniels defeated Ron Killings and Yoshihiro Tajiri (10:31) - The first shock of the tournament took place here as Christopher Daniels, making his first WCW appearance after a spell in ECW last year advanced to the next round, pinning the WCW World Cruiserweight champion Ron Killings in the process! Killings was clearly expecting to win this match and of course the whole tournament, in which case he wouldn't have to defend his title at SuperBrawl XI, but a swift buzzsaw kick from Tajiri put Killings down, but quick thinking from Daniels allowed him to toss Tajiri out of the ring and steal the win for himself The main event was moments away at Tylene Buck was with Curt Hennig and Rick Rude, and it was clear that Hennig especially was furious. Tylene attempted to talk about the big opportunity that Hennig had been handed, only for Rude to cut her off and rage that Hennig is a living legend and should have been in this tournament from the very beginning! Hennig asked Tylene if he was supposed to be happy about being a last minute replacement, because he wasn't! He said that it was a joke that the likes of Juventud Guerrera and Dean Malenko were in this tournament and yet he wasn't. He said that at least Piper got it right by putting Rick Rude in from the beginning, but now he's going to show Piper how big of a mistake he made by excluding him Backstage, in Roddy Piper's office, the General Manager was meeting with Tammy Sytch Enterprises, and he commended Rhino on successfully retaining the WCW World Television title and offered the same praise to Edge & Christian in their WCW World Tag Team title match. Tammy started to talk about how great her group is when Piper cut her off, noting that while he is happy to keep the gold on Nitro, everyone knows there was some "questionable" methods in them doing so. He then said that as a result of that, they will each defend their titles at SuperBrawl XI! Piper turned to Rhino and noted that while Billy Kidman is now on Thunder, his former partner Paul Wight is right here on Nitro so he will defend the title against him at the pay-per-view! Rhino looked ready to kill Roddy Piper, but the General Manager stood his ground, smiled and said that he liked the intensity before turning to Edge & Christian, who wanted to know who they would have to face. He said that he has given it some thought and admitted that the tag team division on Nitro is pretty light, so he's bringing in two brand new teams, four men who have never competed on Nitro or Thunder and next week they will have a match, the winning team will challenge for the WCW World Tag Team titles VS. NWA WORLDS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT QUALIFIER: Diamond Dallas Page defeated Curt Hennig (15:59) - The announcers recapped the storied history between both men, dating back to late 1997 and DDP's war with Hennig and the nWo. Hennig and DDP quickly renewed acquaintances with the much fresher Hennig looking to channel his frustration about being excluded from the tournament in the first place. It was clear though that DDP was looking to put his disappointment at losing to Goldberg at Souled Out behind him, but tonight he also had to contend with the presence at ringside of Rick Rude, who made numerous attempts to get involved. One moment of Rude's distraction provded decisive as he drew the referee's attention, allowing Hennig to remove the turnbuckle cover. But in the end, DDP was able to do what he couldn't against Goldberg last night as with Hennig attempting to toss him onto the exposed steel, he snuck out the back and connected with a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere to earn his place in the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament Both men were exhausted, but it was Diamond Dallas Page who got the win and got to his feet first. He had his arm raised by the referee in victory, but from nowhere came Rick Rude as he blasted him from behind! Rude stomped away at him as he ripped his shirt off and posed for the crowd. He then dragged DDP to his feet, only to be caught with the Diamond Cutter just like Curt Hennig was moments before! DDP once again had his arm raised in victory and he stood tall as Nitro went off the air WCW SATURDAY NIGHT RESULTS The Shane Twins defeated Ace Steel & Mike Lockwood (4:58) when Todd Shane pinned Lockwood with the H-Bomb WCW SUPER X CUP FIRST ROUND: AJ Styles defeated Psychosis and Blitzkrieg (11:25) when Styles pinned Psychosis with the Styles Clash After the match, Joey Matthews & Christian York joined AJ Styles in the ring to celebrate their leaders successful return from injury. However, Styles seemed to want to keep his distance from both men, telling them to settle down as he took the opportunity to celebrate on the turnbuckle alone, leaving Matthews & York confused WCW SUPER X CUP FIRST ROUND: Hayabusa defeated CIMA and Evan Karagias (10:26) when Hayabusa pinned Karagias after the Phoenix Splash
  20. WCW Souled Out news and fallout January 29th, 2001 by Mave Deltzer WCW's latest pay-per-view offering Souled Out went down well, although a number of matches failed to meet expectations with fans. The Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart and Scott Hall vs. Booker T matches especially failed to live up to the hype, with Hall/Booker especially considered at best average with neither men hitting the heights that they are capable of. The Benoit/Bret match was good, as it was back in December but with the calibre of both men, it was expected that they could steal the show. As it was, only the Booker/Hall match was ranked worst in a poll done on this website. The ending suggests that this story isn't done and that WCW were planning to run another match, whether the plans will now change as a result of the reaction remains to be seen. A lot of praise has been given towards Erazo & Low Ki and the Hardy Boyz for their match, as well as the addition of Taz and ultimately Little Jeanne to the group. The plan was to group Taz and B.W.A. back in ECW, where they teamed up once but it never came up. Now with three together on Thunder, it made sense to bring the plan back, especially as WCW are actively looking to build trios or stables to bulk up the division (currently they have X-Factor, Regal's group, the FBI, the Dudley Boyz and now B.W.A.). The addition of Little Jeanne is a new development, partly to have a rival for Lita. Jeanne is from Long Island, not Brooklyn but it's close enough for WCW. Expect a name change for her as a part of this. Rob Van Dam is fine after taking a piledriver through the table from Rhino in their match. WCW have signed Shop at Home Network's Don West to a full-time contract. No really. He's best known as the the host of a sports memorabilia show, Sports Collectibles where he has helped drive huge sales. It's expected that he will serve as colour commentator alongside Mike Tenay on Saturday Night, despite having zero wrestling experience. On the subject of Saturday Night, the historic show has been cut down in time to 45 minutes starting this week. But this is in addition to a new show coming on Sunday called WCW WorldWide. In a press release, it was confirmed that Saturday Night will serve as a supplementary show to Nitro while WorldWide will have the same function for Thunder. The announcers for WorldWide will be Scott Hudson and Larry Zbyszko. Ric Flair, Juventud Guerrera, WCW World Cruiserweight champion Ron Killings and Joey Matthews all signed long-term contract extensions with the company. Despite rumours to the contrary, there was no interest from the WWF in Flair or Juventud. Nitro sees the kick off of the brand extension and the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament. In addition to this, we understand that the build to the returning Clash of the Champions on February 17th will take place as well. As announced last month each of the three shows this year will be themed with February's offering will be the Super X Cup, so expect Nitro to be pretty stacked with the main event of Scott Hall vs. Diamond Dallas Page announced as a qualifier for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title tournament. Thanks to everyone who has read and made predictions, I really appreciate it. DHK1989: 7/10 (given the point for Bret/Benoit as it was my mistake) Old School Fan: 7/10 Satyr24: 6/10 Bigelow Cartwheel: 6/10
  21. WCW SOULED OUT JANUARY 28TH, 2001 CONSECO FIELDHOUSE - INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA The underdog story of Rey Mysterio Jr. was highlighted, showing his rise from his debut as undersized even for a Cruiserweight in 1996 up to his victory at Starrcade last month over the Kevin Nash to now challenging for the the biggest prize in all of professional wrestling, live on pay-per-view tonight at Souled Out. After an impressive pyrotechnic display, Tony Schiavone, Joey Styles and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes welcomed everyone to Souled Out! They hyped the card, promising six huge championship matches as well as four other high-profile contests. VS. WCW WORLD TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIPS - EXTREME RULES: "The Man Beast" Rhino © defeated Rob Van Dam (11:38) - Both men have their roots in ECW, with Rob Van Dam spending the majority of his career there while Rhino invaded ECW after WCW purchased the company around this time last year, going on to win the ECW World Heavyweight title along the way. In fact, these two men crossed paths on the final ever ECW Hardcore TV back in August, on a night dubbed the "Night of Champions" with Rhino successfully defending his title against RVD before both men shook hands in a sign of mutual respect. Those days are long, long gone now as both men held nothing back in a match that saw steel chairs and tables brought into play. RVD thought he had won the match after a steel chair assisted spinning wheel kick, only for Rhino to kick out at the very last second. Rhino himself looked to brutalise RVD when he set up a table in the corner and lined up for a Gore, only for RVD to move out of the way at the very last second, sending Rhino crashing through the table himself! RVD followed up immediately with a jumping side kick off the second rope, but the big, decisive moment came seconds later when RVD headed to the top rope for the Five Star Frog Splash, only for Chris Candido to appear from nowhere and smash a steel chair across RVD's back! Rhino recovered and with Candido's help, managed to set up a table before climbing to the top rope, where RVD was still perched and to the shock and horror of the announcers and everyone inside the Conseco Fieldhouse, proceeded to piledrive RVD from the second rope, through the table! The result was in no doubt now as Rhino retained the WCW World Television title and ensured it remained on Nitro and in Tammy Sytch Enterprises! Medics immediately rushed to the ring to check on Rob Van Dam, who hadn't moved after being driven through the table. While they were arriving, Chris Candido was celebrating Rhino's win as if it were actually him that beat RVD. After all of the clear disappointment Tammy Sytch had felt towards Candido ever since Starrcade, she finally looked as though he had done something right Earlier today, Jeremy Borash caught Kurt Angle arriving at the arena and tried to get him to answer how being pinned by Rey Mysterio Jr. again on Thunder effected his preparation for this match. Angle stopped, glared at Borash but didn't answer and slowly walked away, but when Borash asked him whether he would still use the ankle lock tonight, Angle stopped once again and yelled to Borash that both of Rey's wins were flukes and promised to prove it to everyone by beating Rey when it counted! VS. B.W.A. defeated The Hardy Boyz (11:05) - The issues between these two teams date back to the unification match at the WCW vs. ECW special that saw WCW World Tag Team champions the Hardy Boyz defeat Erazo & Low Ki, who only won the ECW World Tag Team titles three days prior. Ever since then, B.W.A. have held a grudge, seemingly taking issue with what happened to their careers ever since that day as after that, they spent time in Osaka Pro Wrestling, going on to have a successful time as they won and held the Osaka Pro Tag Team titles for almost four months, but that didn't compare to the Hardy Boyz, who took part in the big War Games match at Fall Brawl as well as two epic three matches at World War 3 and Starrcade for the WCW World Tag Team titles, opportunities that Erazo & Low Ki believe should have been theirs. After B.W.A.'s attack on Matt & Jeff recently, the Hardyz started off hot and a brawl erupted immediately, taking place inside the ring before spreading to the outside. Eventually things calmed down and the Hardyz took control, showing their experience advantage that saw them beat B.W.A. in their only previous encounter. It was an even match, but it was clear that the advantage was more so with Matt & Jeff Hardy, so much so though that the when Jeff & Matt had both Erazo & Low Ki set up for stereo Twists of Fate, the announcers were ready to call it. However, before they could land the move, the lights suddenly went out! The arena was completely dark for around ten seconds as Tony Schiavone apologised to the viewers at home until when they did come back on, there was suddenly another man in the ring...Taz! The arrival of the Human Suplex Machine saw Matt & Jeff stunned, but B.W.A. took immediate advantage of the situation with Ki laying out Matt with a brutal roundhouse kick to the side and Erazo with a stiff clothesline from behind to Jeff before both men followed up with the Brooklyn Stomp, all while Taz remained motionless as Low Ki made the pin and picked up the huge victory! Erazo & Low Ki celebrated their big victory, but Taz simply stood by looking down at the laid out form of Jeff Hardy. Then from the otherside of the ring, Matt Hardy staggered in and it was then that Taz struck. Tossing aside the towel from his head, he spun Matt around and locked him in the brutal Tazmission! Matt struggled, but the gruelling match coupled with the deadly hold saw Matt pass out within a matter of seconds. Taz tossed Matt aside before standing between Erazo & Low Ki! VS. "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett defeated Eddy Guerrero (11:52) - The announcers noted that this is Jarrett's biggest match on pay-per-view for quite some time, something Jarrett himself was surely keenly aware of. While it may have been Jarrett who has something to prove, it was Eddy who wanted to lay down a marker and set the tone for the rest of the pay-per-view and for Rey Mysterio Jr. in the main event. Unfortunately, things didn't go to plan as with Jarrett looking down and out, Eddy went for the Frog Splash only for Jarrett to get his knees up at the last second. Both men eventually struggled to their feet and Eddy set himself up for a German suplex, but Jarrett managed to sneak a low blow, using his body to cover the cheating and this allowed Jarrett to then go behind Eddy and land The Stroke for the victory. Up next was the WCW Worlds Trios championship match, but before that, the champions X-Factor were with Gene Okerlund. X-Pac, Jerry Lynn & Justin Credible were all looking pretty smug as Gene put it to them that Steven Regal, Fit Finlay & Lance Storm would be looking for payback after what happened on Nitro. Credible asked Gene if they looked worried before asking both Lynn & X-Pac, both of which replied that they weren't. X-Pac then baulked at the suggestion that Regal had him beat on Nitro, but before they could say anything else, Regal, Finlay & Storm attacked them! Gene ran for cover as the X-Factor were on the receiving end of a beating from their upcoming opponents! Regal, Finlay & Storm continued the fight, chasing X-Factor through the curtain onto the entrance ramp and down to the ringside area! The brawl continued with Regal chasing X-Pac into the ring, where suddenly a referee appeared and called for the bell to start the title match! VS. WCW WORLDS TRIOS CHAMPIONSHIPS: X-Factor © defeated Steven Regal, Fit Finlay & Lance Storm (7:25) by disqualification - X-Pac was on the defensive from the get go as Regal didn't let up at the sound of the bell to start the match. Eventually things seemed to settle down into a regular match, but it was clear that Regal, Finlay & Storm were seething about X-Factor's attack on Nitro and eventually they allowed their emotions to get the better of them. It was Regal and X-Pac in the ring and after an exchange of blows, X-Pac showed complete and utter disrespect by spitting in Regal's face! This enraged Regal, who then reigned down brutal blows one after the other, completely ignoring the referee's demands for him to stop, then ignoring the five count, leading to Regal's team being disqualified! But the disqualification didn't stop Steven Regal as he continued plowing X-Pac's face with forearm shots and European uppercuts until Jerry Lynn & Justin Credible intervened. But this then led to Fit Finlay & Lance Storm coming in to even the odds, leading to once again a big six-man brawl in the ring! X-Factor might be an incredible trio of wrestlers, but in terms of brawling, they don't match up and so it proved when Finlay, Storm & Regal had the WCW World Trios champions on the floor, all locked in submissions! Storm had Credible in a single legged crab, Finlay locked Lynn in a modified Indian deathlock while Regal stretched X-Pac with the Regal Stretch with all three members of X-Factor tapping out! Referee's and staff hit the ring to bring it up, which they were ultimately successful in doing, but it's pretty obvious that the issues here are a long way from over With her match against Joanie Lee for the WCW Women's World title coming later tonight, Lita joined Gene Okerlund in the interview area. When asked about her thoughts on facing "The Glamazon" later tonight, Lita first said that she saw what happened with Erazo, Low Ki and Taz earlier tonight and she doesn't know what their relationship is, but she warned them that Matt & Jeff Hardy would get revenge. She then said that she knows the challenge she has in store against Lee, but she wants the title more than anything and assured Lee that she would be in for the biggest fight of her life! VS. Bret "The Hitman" Hart defeated Chris Benoit (21:59) - While these two have met once before with Bret emerging victorious, that match took place under different circumstances with Chris Jericho, preparing for his match with Bret at Starrcade attemtping to manipulate Benoit into calling for the match. However, that loss was obviously playing on Benoit's mind as he looked to set the record straight and even the scores, promising to make Bret submit in the process. For his part, Bret had said the same as well and the match certainly started under friendly circumstances, with a show of respect before the match and classic, top quality wrestling match following. Benoit's focus as clear as he worked over Bret's arm, looking to weaken it for the Crippler Crossface while Bret, who had claimed that he would make Benoit tap out was seemingly far more content with just winning the match. As usual, his gameplan tends to focus on the legs anyway in preparation for the Sharpshooter, but he looked for the pin on a number of occasions with one coming close after a second rope elbow drop. Benoit's failure to lock in the Crossface was beginning to frustrate him, leading to a fatal mistake when he decided to go beyond the usual triple German suplexes, going for a fourth and then a fifth, but when he went for the sixth, Bret managed to roll forward, tuck under Benoit and roll him for a surprise victory! Chris Benoit was in shock, considering how in control he was at the decisive point of the match. With Bret Hart exhausted on the mat, Benoit confronted the referee to question the outcome before accepting the loss, albeit with nothing but irritation. He looked at Bret, who by now was on his feet and having his hand raised by the referee before rolling out of the ring and storming up the ramp, only stopping at the top of the ramp to take a quick glance back towards the ring before he headed through the curtain VS. WCW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: "The Glamazon" Joanie Lee © defeated Lita (8:02) - Just like she has done with every woman she has faced, from Estrellita in her debut at World War 3 to her title victory at Starrcade against Manami Toyota, Joanie Lee towered over and completely out-powered her opponent Lita. But Lita had the far superior speed advantage and speedy shots, followed up with quick movement looked to serve Lita well. But it didn't take too long for Lee's power to properly come into play, and once it did, Lita had no chance as a big boot almost decapitated her and the big powerbomb finished her off for good Sherri Martel and Madusa joined Joanie Lee in the ring to celebrate her victory and first official WCW Women's World title defence. Martel got in Lita's face and yelled that Joanie Lee is the champion and would be champion forever! Queen's Court then left the ring, leaving Lita alone as she struggled to her feet. Suddenly Lita was then attacked from behind by someone! Initially the announcers thought it was a fan, but Joey Styles quickly identified the woman as Little Jeanne! She brutally assaulted Lita, who lay prone on the mat before Jeanne went to the top rope and jumped off, connecting with a big knee to the back! With the damage done, Jeanne left the ring and backed up the ramp with a sadistic smile on her face. But the shock wasn't over yet as when she reached the top of the ramp, she was met by Erazo, Low Ki and Taz! VS. Booker T defeated Scott Hall (14:36) - Both men had disappointing Starrcade's. While Hall's saw his best friend Kevin Nash shaved at the hands of Rey Mysterio Jr., Booker's night didn't end how he wanted either with a loss in the biggest match of his career against Kurt Angle for the WCW World Heavyweight title. So this was a chance for both men to get back on track, with Hall's numerous little digs at Booker's failure having clearly gotten to last years World War 3 winner. Interestingly, despite everything Hall had said towards Booker, he wrestled a mostly fair match, reminding everyone that for all of his antics, he is still one of the finest wrestlers in WCW. This resulted in a hard fought contest that went in Booker's favour as he was able to land a perfect missile dropkick that he followed up with an Axe Kick to pick up the big win. Joey Styles praised both men, noting that Booker T will be able to head to Thunder this Thursday night with a victory while Scott Hall goes to Nitro off the back of a big loss. Booker celebrated his win, but to his and everyone else's surprise, Hall approached him and offered his hand! Booker considered, looking to the crowd seemingly for guidance, but this delay saw Hall pull back his hand in frustration and storm out of the ring! VS. WCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS: Edge & Christian © defeated "The Giant" Paul Wight & Billy Kidman (11:39) - The announcers talked about how Wight & Kidman, having teamed together for over a year now, would be wrestling their final match as a team if they lose tonight, with Kidman drafted to Thunder and Wight to Nitro. The unlikely duo wrestled with this in mind with Kidman taking high risks and Wight looking to dominate whenever he was in the ring. Unfortunately for Kidman, he was rarely able to make the tag, leaving him isolated for long periods with the champions. With Tammy Sytch at ringside, barking encouragement and the knowledge of their TSE teammate Rhino's victory earlier tonight, Edge & Christian were looking for a clean sweep. And they did just that, although it wasn't a clean victory as just like earlier tonight, Chris Candido played an instrumental role in the result. This time it was more indirect though as he attempted to attack Kidman, only for Wight to grab him and to the delight of the fans chokeslammed him off of the apron onto the hard floor below! But this worked as a distraction, allowing Sytch to slide one of the title belts to Christian, allowing him to blast Kidman between the eyes and get the victory The sound of Edge & Christian's music told Paul Wight all he needed to know, as he rushed into the ring, sending the champions scurrying up the ramp where they reunited with Tammy Sytch. Chris Candido was still laid out, but in the ring Wight checked on his partner Kidman, helped him to his feet and the two shared an emotional embrace before taking in the applause from the appreciative fans, knowing this would be the last time they would be seen together for a long time, if ever again The main event was almost upon us, with just one match before it and at this time, Gene Okerlund introduced his guest as the man who will challenge for Kurt Angle's WCW World Heavyweight title; Rey Mysterio Jr.! Gene put it to Rey that this was the biggest match of Rey's career and Rey agreed but said that fact he is here, getting ready to wrestle in the main event of a pay-per-view like Souled Out shows that this is exactly where he deserves to be. Gene suggested that Rey has Angle's number, having pinned him twice in the past month but Rey admitted that he knows that just because he's pinned him twice doesn't mean he'll do it again tonight, but he knows the simple fact that he has beaten him will play on Angle's mind throughout, which will make Angle second guess what to do next and that will be to his advantage. VS. WCW UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Goldberg © defeated Diamond Dallas Page (12:18) - The conventional wisdom going in was that Goldberg was by far the favourite as his power and speed would be too much for DDP. However, were DDP to connect with the Diamond Cutter, that would be the decisive factor and we would see a new champion crowned. Despite the recent issues, both men showed their respect to each other with a handshake before the bell, but after that, all bets were off. DDP seemed to know that this was a different Goldberg than the one he defeated at Starrcade 1999 to win the WCW World Heavyweight title, a more intense and focused one and DDP wrestled smarter, getting close the edge of what he could get away with without ever crossing the line, attempting to frustrate Goldberg and get him to make a mistake. That mistake came when Goldberg hoisted DDP high in the air, but instead of slamming him down, he took his time, allowing DDP to drop out the back, land on his feet, spin Goldberg around and go for the Diamond Cutter! But it didn't all go to the plan as Goldberg blocked it, shoved DDP away and charged, crushing his opponent with a huge spear! The intensity of Goldberg only grew as he dragged DDP to his feet, hoisted him up and drilled him down hard with the Jackhammer for the victory. Diamond Dallas Page didn't move as Goldberg got to his feet and was handed his WCW United States Heavyweight title. The referee raised his arm in victory, and by that point, DDP had used the ropes to help him up to one knee, at which point Goldberg spotted him and walked over before offering him his hand! DDP considered for a moment before deciding to accept, taking Goldberg's hand and allowing the champion to help him to his feet. DDP then shared a moment with Goldberg, saying something to him that Goldberg seemed to appreciate before vacating the ring to allow the champion to have his moment in the ring The main event was just a short time away, but before then it was time to hear from the Nitro and Thunder General Managers, Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan regarding the qualifying matches for the upcoming tournament for the NWA Worlds Heavyweight champion. In the back, Gene Okerlund was with both Hogan and Piper and Hogan revealed that they had discussions earlier today and decided that despite the original plan of a six-person block, there is far too much talent and so the groups have been expanded by two, creating two eight-man blocks on Thunder and Nitro. Piper then said that as a result of their victories tonight, both Jeff Jarrett and Bret Hart have received byes into the tournament with Hogan revealing that Booker T and the loser of the WCW World Heavyweight title match would also receive byes on the Thunder side. Piper then introduced the qualifying matches to take place over the next two weeks of Thunder and Nitro: Nitro: Mike Awesome vs. Dean Malenko Chris Benoit vs. Rick Rude Scott Steiner vs. Juventud Guerrera Shawn Stasiak vs. Paul Wight Diamond Dallas Page vs. Scott Hall Buff Bagwell vs. Sting Thunder: Rob Van Dam vs. Billy Kidman Owen Hart vs. Shane Douglas The American Nightmare vs. Chuck Palumbo Ric Flair vs. Abyss Hector Garza vs. Steven Regal Eddy Guerrero vs. Lex Luger Gene hyped the calibre of matches we can expect over the next two weeks just for the right to qualify for the tournament, let alone once it gets underway! He then handed over to Hogan to hype the main event, with The Hulkster promising that the winner will do Thunder proud It's main event time! Backstage, just before Rey Mysterio Jr. was about to head through the curtain he was met by not just Eddy Guerrero, but by Konnan, Lizmark Jr., Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr., La Parka and Averno. They all fired him up with Konnan telling him to do this for "the people" and to make everyone proud while Juvi told Rey that "you've got this" as Rey hugged and fist bumped each man before heading to the ring ahead of his greatest challenge VS. WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Kurt Angle © defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. (17:53) - The story of the match was Kurt Angle's reluctance to use the ankle lock, despite being given a number of opportunities to do so as a result of being pinned twice when Rey reversed it into a roll-up. Angle caught Rey off a springboard dropkick and considered the submission, only to decided against it and go for a German suplex and also when he had Rey down on the mat, he pulled down his straps and once again considered it but ultimately chose not to. This clear concern, or at least indecision almost cost Angle as Rey had no such qualms in his offense, bringing everything that brought him this far in his effort to become the first ever hispanic WCW World Heavyweight champion. Ultimately, Angle's frustration took over as when Rey kicked out of an Olympic Slam, Angle decided that enough was enough and locked in the ankle lock. However, just like Rey has done twice before, he countered the hold and rolled Angle up. But unlike on those two previous occasions, this time Angle was able to kick out, even if it was at the very last milisecond, so close that everyone thought it was over! Eventually, Angle went for another Olympic Slam but this time Rey landed behind Angle and dropkicked him into the ropes, where he then followed up with a tiger feint kick, only for Angle to grab Rey by the legs and lock in the ankle lock! This time however, Angle gave Rey no opportunity to reverse as he dropped down to the mat and grapevined the leg, giving Rey nowhere to go and no alternative but to tap out!
  22. Aiming to post Souled Out tomorrow or Sunday (or maybe Monday!) so last call for predictions if anyone wants to join in
  23. I really like the idea of Technical Torture Triangle, but just "Torture Triangle" sounds cleaner. It works really well considering how I see them and their use. Thanks to everyone for the ideas.
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