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Posts posted by mjmiller2010

  1. At 45 years old, 2x Wrestler of the Year, former IWGP Heavyweight Champion, Dan Severn has finally hit time decline. I won't just instantly shaft him to losing matches, but for all intents and purposes, his singles career is nearly done and dusted, and he will be putting over the next generation. Though, Severn is special in this save, and worthy of another thank you tag title reign with Kazuo Yamazaki. Thank you Severn for giving my save game so much memories.


    In an old game of mine Bobby Roode announced his retirement in 3 months about 2 weeks into the game. I had him win the US title and immediately turn on Dolph

  2. Playing as modern day WWE, recently Brandi Rhodes and Bobby Roode both announced their retirements in 3 months.

    I signed Brandi and plan on pairing her with Cody following Hell in a Cell and having a retirement match at SummerSlam (same with Roode) then using her solely as a manager. Considering starting a stable led by the Rhodes, who should I pair with them? Also, who should her retirement match be with? I was leaning towards Cody and Brandi v. Rhea and Edge.


    The story for Roode will be him and Dolph slowly have tension build until Dolph attacks him leading to a loser leaves town match.

  3. Just began an AEW save starting in January 2022, kept the first week as close to real life as possible.

    With that being said, I ran Danielson-Page to open Dynamite in week 1, it got a solid rating BUT Adam Page tore his achilles and is out 11 months initially but I had the surgery done and he'll be back in 3 months.

    I have now set up a championship tournament to name a new champion in the interim: Danielson-Jericho and Miro-Moxley. Those matches will be held on the next Dynamite with the new champion being named at Beach Break.

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