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Everything posted by Dave_Scott

  1. Unless I've missed a news report, it hasn't been confirmed. But it looks like it's just for story to give Matt a chance to turn heel without Jeff coming out to stop him.
  2. I'm just gonna pull a Warhawk here and go full on TNA biased mode. LOVED last night's EP! I thought the Hardy/EC3 double turn thing was stupid at first, but the way it played out on TV, I loved it! Matt's subtle signs of turning heel was great. Some of the spots (especially the TOF with the chair on Carter's neck) were awesome! Matt is also an amazing promo as well so his angles should be great! I'm pulling for a Jeff/Matt WHC match in the near future. Only thing was no EY . Regardless, I feel this is arguably their best Impact on POP yet!
  3. Trolls who vote all of my diaries 1* before I've even posted a single show!!
  4. Dammit! Those guys had one job!!!!
  5. He cut a promo when he returned saying he talked to his granny about what he was doing at the time and after that he "found" his old self. It's very hard to like this company sometimes.
  6. I will say I did enjoy TNA. I've always loved Jeff so I'm glad to see him back. The Beer Bash was great as Storm & Roode are great entertainers IMO. It's good to see the KOTM belt off of Roode and onto EY 1. Because EY's a great character and deserves gold. 2. Now Beer Money can hopefully go after the tag belts. Bennett/Maria is promising. The opening promo was one of my favorite TNA segments since a few years ago. EC3 is gold on the mic and how he quietly sang that jobber's music and hyped him up pre-match was so good. The Mr. Anderson thing could've been better, but it wasn't horrific. The main event was a solid match with a sloppy ending. That Angle Slam from the top just didn't look right. I think Angle lost Drew about mid way so it wasn't pulled off as best as it could've been. But overall, another solid Impact. They're doing good things IMO.
  7. Wow. Yeah neither of them come across to me as jolly dudes lol.
  8. I've probably met a good 15-20 wrestlers at TNA house shows mainly back in 2012 and some in 2013. Damn those shows are still some of my favorites I've ever been too. So i totally get your point Jaysin. However I've been Kurt twice and both times he's been sort of a dick to me haha. One of my favorites in general was a show at the Tabernacle in Georgia. It was a very small venue but i had second row seats. The ringside seats to the left and right of the stage had about 5 rows of maybe 10 chairs and they were elevated up to the height of the ring. I tell you man it was an amazing view being able to see everything at that level. That show i met Doug Williams, Crimson, EY, Zema, Sonjay, Brooke, Mickie, Angle, Anderson, and Aries. I miss 2012 TNA man.
  9. I met Jessie once. I told him I was a big fan. He then proceeded to ask me why I had a Gunner shirt on. To which I replied because you don't have a shirt. Sick burn boiz.
  10. There you go again. Once again you prove no facts to back up your argument. He can't wrestle is an opinion. A very laughable one at that. I think he's a pretty good wrestler. He's only getting pushed because of his relation to the Rock. So just who from WWE creative team told you that? You have no conformation on that statement. Roman ruins the product. Another pointless opinion. WWE creative team is too dumb to push Ambrose. Yet ANOTHER opinion. Maybe their saving Ambrose for the right time. He has the IC belt right now and they can't exactly just sky rocket him to the top while he's doing something else right now. You prove no legit concrete information on to why you hate Reigns so much. You're free to hate as an OPINION. But don't treat it as a fact that Roman sucks and that we're all dumb for liking him.
  11. Solution: STOP WATCHING IT AND STOP WITH THE BLIND HATE FOR REIGNS!!! Jesus Warhawk its like you met the guy in person and he crapped in your cereal. What did Roman ever do to you that made you hate him so much?! He's not the best but he's definitely improving on the mic and definitely in ring! Back up on your statement of hate! You give no reason on why Reigns is so bad except for "he sucks" "he's bad in ring" "he's terrible on the mic" "he ruins the product" "did I say he sucks?" "He sucks". I know I'm probably wasting my time trying to argue with you but seriously man, cut it out with the blind hate!!
  12. Kijar don't read this man.... TNA has parted ways with Manik AKA TJ Perkins
  13. Oh God I know what the spoiler is without even having to read it....
  14. How about we give you none, Reigns wins again, BUT THIS TIME, we'll make sure his pyro works?! Ehh? Ehh?
  15. A bit harsh. I'm sure that's not ALL he does. The man has to eat, sh**, and sleep right? (Still love ya Smash )
  16. He tried to diss Bram for saying the wrong year when he ended up saying the wrong year himself.
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