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Everything posted by willr0ck

  1. Requests are closed at the moment but I have collected tons of trophies I've collected over the years so I'll take a look and see if something fits.
  2. Here's the first belt for @IlRosso's CWA, The CWA World Championship:
  3. Requests closed on Monday morning, but I will eventually start taking more requests sometime in the future and I always give several days notice. Yes, very much so. There are only so many insert color here Canvas Grappling companies I can do and still remain sane.
  4. Not to worry, the creative itch is back after working on OLLIE, so there will be more request opportunities I was thinking something animal themed but that's not bad at all
  5. Bryan Daneilson VS Takeshi Morishima - one of my favorite ROH World Title matches of all time.
  6. Kenta Kobashi VS Kensuke Sasaki - Just two dudes beating the hell out of each other and it's absolutely fantastic. I mean there is 4 1/2 minute chop exchange that has both of their chests purple.
  7. I had some free time @azzak so I went ahead and knocked out your request -
  8. While I search for some vectors and try to come up with some names etc. I figured I would go ahead and rebrand a promotion that's been requested afew times - OLLIE. So here's a new look for OLLIE:
  9. Meh, why not, I'll rebrand the COTT. Bingo Halls need nice things too I guess. We will call that number 6, and with that requests are closed.
  10. Wanted to get these in before heading into a meeting so I've got like 5 minutes, so this one's not as punny as usual: BOW Night Of Wrestling #11 Match Card: BOW Women's Championship Open Challenge: Thea Davis (C) vs Erin Grey Comments: Grey is assaulted before the match and replaced by Tommy Cornell. This is the week he finally debuts in the womens division, I can feel it. The referee clearly disqualifies him for being a dude, despite his argument that he is gender fluid. Stuart Wilson vs Stevie Stoat (w/ The Assassins' Guild) Comments: Wilson gets assassinated by Stoat here. He gets some help from his Guild, and Wilson is overpowered by his Stoat, and rugged offense. Hugh de Aske vs Walker van Cleer Comments: I can Cleerly see that that no good, goofy pirate has non chance here. Van Cleer stomps a mud hole in his candy ass and Walkers it dry. (see below for some Hugh de Aske fan art) Clubber Kohl (w/ Eva Berlin) vs local talent Comments: BOW fans witness the company's first ever in ring death as Clubber legally commits murder. (No pun needed here) Don Henderson (w/ Billy Robinson) vs Nigel Svensson (w/ Fink Finkleton and Pavel Vanzycha) Comments: I never bet against Svennson. He should tie Henderson into knots. (How the hell do you think of a pun for someone names Svennson) Good Friday Agreement vs School Of Wrestling Comments: It's a Good day for the GFA as they take the SOW back to school here. Christian Blithe vs Jason Dempsey Comments: It's the 9:30pm Women's segment on Dynamite - time for a bathroom break Cassie O'Peter vs Zofia Jankovic Comments: Cassie leaves Jankovic laying here, practiaclly Dublin' over in pain. Irish I could bet against the Irish lass here but I just can't. Hugh de Aske going for a relaxing swim
  11. Thanks for the kind words everyone! As I'm about to head into a meeting I just wanted to drop a quick reminder that requests open up at 9am EST, which is about 15 minutes from now. I'll start with 5 spots, as well as anyone who I previously promised a spot, you know who you are so just DM me if you still have a request you want filled.
  12. Reading this after posting, it looks like forgetting to put a coma after entirely makes this come as negative towards AI stuff. That was not a dig at AI content makers, or a negative perception toward AI images, or anythng like that. It was more of a "It takes me 10 hours to make a set of graphics, these guys can churn out hundreds in a few days, how the hell can I keep up with that" type of scenario. I mean I've used AI for some content on here as well so I'm not a hater by any means. I just wanted to make sure I clarified that, as I didn't want anyone to take that the wrong way.
  13. After seriously considering to retire alltogehter from making graphics/renders etc. entirely due to the influx of AI content on here, I have finally started to get that creative itch again so I'm going to open this thread up for requests. If I promised you a slot previously becuase you just missed the cut off or if you DM'ed me and I promised you a spot please message me and let me know. I'm not going to look back through this thread and find out if you want me to be honest. I'll start with 5 new spots, and of course the 2-3 people I had previously promised spots too. As always you get a logo, banner, main belt, secondary belt, and tag belt, and either a womens belt or trophy, whichever you choose. With that being said, let's open requests up at say, 9am EST on Monday. I may not be able to start on these until the weekend but hey, that gives you guys some time to think of something.
  14. Pick'em Card For Midsouth Mayhem Episode 7 below: Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match Deacon Darkhold W/The Dark Convenant VS Jerry Pepper W/Jay Silver Comments: Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match Wild Red Stallion VS Original Sinner W/The Dark Covenant Comments: Canadian Blondes VS Local Talent Comments: Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Juggernaut W/Playboy Jake Sawyer VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise Comments: Hardcore Rules Match Martyr VS Ben Williams Comments: Bob Casey VS "The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield Comments: GWC Junior Heavyweight Championship Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano Comments:
  15. The Cast And Characters Of OCW - An Inside Look At The Business In the chaotic world of OCW, self-proclaimed wrestling legend, Peter Valentine, was known more for his inflated ego than his wrestling prowess back in his in-ring days. To get a sense of what it was like to work under such a man, interviews were conducted with the wrestlers and staff of OCW, where they didn't hold back their colorful opinions. (Interview with Shane Sneer, the Booker and On-Screen Personality) Shane Sneer, a seasoned wrestling veteran, leaned back in his chair, rolling his eyes as he spoke about Peter. "Peter Valentine? That guy thinks he's the second coming of Jack Bruce. He's got an ego bigger than the ring. Half the time, I'm trying to book matches and angles without him trying to hog the spotlight, but he always finds a way to insert himself. Hell, I think that’s the only reason he took up the color commentator’s position. I mean besides writing checks that’s about all he contributes. I basically run the show here, I just like to let him think he’s in charge." (Cut to Peter Valentine) Peter sits in his closet/office, his legs kicked up on his desk as he reclines backward . "Oh, Shane, he's just envious of my charisma and wrestling skills. Can't blame him, really. I am the coolest boss ever. I bet he wakes up every morning thanking the heavens he gets to work with a star like me." (Interview with Extraordinario Jr, OCW wrestler) Extraordinario Jr., the exciting luchador, speaks passionately in Spanish, not caring if anyone can understand. "Ese Peter Valentine, es un payaso egocéntrico. Siempre quiere el centro de atención y no puede luchar para salvar su vida." (Cut to Peter Valentine) Peter, with an exaggerated nod, responded, "See, Extraordinario Jr. knows that I'm the greatest wrestler ever! He's just too shy to admit it in English." (Interview with Animal Harker) Animal Harker, the wild and unpredictable cornerstone of OCW, chuckles as he shares his thoughts. "Peter? He's crazier than a squirrel on a coffee binge. He once told me he tried to wrestle a bear at the county fair. Ain't no bear at the county fair, mind you. That guy’s so full of sh%t his eyes are brown!" (Cut to Peter Valentine) Peter laughed heartily. "Ah, Animal, he's such a character! He must have mistaken that bear for a fellow wrestling legend. Happens to the best of us you know." (Interview with Conner Threepwood, the current GWC World Heavyweight Champion) Conner Threepwood, the World Champion, and one of the faces of the company, sighs before speaking. "Peter Valentine? He's not a boss, he's a nuisance. I've been in the ring against the toughest opponents from all corners of the world, but dealing with Peter every other week? It's torture.I would rather wrestle Martyr in a deathmatch. Don’t tell Martyr I said that please." (Cut to Peter Valentine) Peter beamed, adjusting his pose to a more upward position. "Conner Threepwood, he knows that I'm the greatest wrestler he’s ever met! And he soaks up my knowledge like a sponge. Conner if you're seeing this, no need to be modest, you can tell the world how much I’ve helped you with your in ring work. I love giving back to the little people." (Interview with Martyr, OCW’s resident big scary bad guy) We catch up with Martyr at a camp off the beaten path in a town called Crystal Lake. Martyr is wading in the waters of Crystal Lake, when he suddenly reaches into the water and bare hand catches a massive catfish. He slams the catfish on some nearby rocks and starts to filet it with a machete. What a strange man this Martyr is. Martyr: "…………………………………………………………………." (Cut to Peter Valentine) Peter now sits upright at attention, as if he’s been startled by something. “Yeah that Martyr, he’s a man of few words. He’s not around here anywhere is he. Seriously, he left the building right !?!” As the interviews continued, it became abundantly clear that Peter's delusional self-image clashed dramatically with the reality faced by the OCW staff and wrestlers. In the world of professional wrestling, egos ran high, but Peter Valentine's was unmatched, leaving everyone around him with no choice but to roll their eyes and endure his over-the-top antics. (The following statement was made by Peter Valentine, who insisted that it be included. The producers in no way, shape, or form endorse this statement.) Peter Valentine, a leader, a teacher, a pillar of the community!
  16. Actually no, I wish I could take credit for that and not my stupid smart phone that apparently can't detect typos.
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