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Posts posted by The_CoC

  1. Official Prediction Card

    Dustin Rhodes vs. Randy Savage

    Comments: Rhodes has been a great champ but I think he is very transitional and will settle well in your upper midcard.


    The Road Warriors vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson

    Comments: I think Anderson takes the fall.


    Diamond Dallas Page, Barry Windham, Bam Bam Bigelow, and ??? vs. Roddy Piper, Jeff Jarrett, California Kip, and ???

    Comments: Only for Bam Bam


    Brian Pillman vs. Scott Hall

    Comments: By DQ, lets keep Pillman losing his mind.


    Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart

    Comments: If you want Steve Austin to take down the KoW give me a hell yeah!!!


    The Steiner Brothers vs. Unnamed KoW Members

    Comments: This is the time Scott attacks Rick and goes on a singles run.


    Rick Martel vs. Chris Jericho

    Comments: I wonder what the Y2J moment will be here in your diary for Jericho.


    Ron Simmons, Ricky Steamboat, and ??? vs. Johnny B. Badd and Harlem Heat



    Dean Malenko vs. Alex Wright



    Surge vs. The Willow

    Comments: **** Willow, stupid umbrella holding Willow. But he wins here.


    The Flying Spyder vs. The Annihilator

    Comments: Lets go Annihilator???


    Tiebreaker Questions

    1. What match is rated highest? Rhodes vs Savage

    2. What match will go on first? Pillman vs Hall

    3. Chris Candido defends his TV title against JPL on the Worldwide pre-show. Who will leave as champion? JPL!!!!

    4. Who are the KoW members taking on the Steiners? One point for each correct name. Scott Steiner and Vader

    5. How many turns will there be? 1, Scott

    6. How many matches will be determined by count out/DQ? 1

    7. How many titles will change hands? 2

  2. If we're eliminating the nomination process and going straight to voting (which I think is a good idea), would it be better to wait until early in the following month to start the voting process for the month we're actually voting on? We're currently voting for the best diaries for September when we're a little over halfway through the month itself.


    Yeah that always seemed odd, shouldn't we vote for the best diary for September on October the 1st? Also I agree with Moontie and BHK1978 in different ways. I agree that there shouldn't be a division with C-Verse and Real World, it should be the best diary on board if that's a C-Verse diary then so be it. As a 'Rookie' I don't want a separate award, I want to compete with Final Countdown and Lloyd and E-V etc. If I don't win the DOTM then I'll step my game up. But at the same time it is hard for a 'Rookie' to gain momentum because there are so many established writers. I don't think that is a bad thing, it is good that a lot of these diaries are well written and look awesome but as 'Rookie' it gets frustrating sometimes. I think I am going to take BHK's philosophy and just write to please myself if other people like it then cool.


    That was a lot of rambling and I apologise. :D:D:D It's good that we are discussing it though, that's what a community should do. :D

  3. Dustin Rhodes vs. Vader

    Comments: Can't have Rhodes lose here, build him strong for Savage.


    Barry Windham & Diamond Dallas Page vs. Roddy Piper & Randy Savage

    Comments: Number 1 contender can't lose here.


    Steve Austin & The Road Warriors vs. The Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson, Owen Hart, Eddy Guerrero)

    Comments: Anderson takes the pin for Austin.


    Cactus Jack & Brian Pillman vs. Scott Hall & Syxx

    Comments: Keep building Jack and Pillmania


    Meng vs. Paul Orndorff

    Comments: I think Meng can drop it to someone stronger.


    Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Current KoW Member

    Comments: BAM BAM is going to destroy the KoW baby.


    Rick Martel vs. The Warlord

    Comments: Jericho may be in trouble.


    The Dungeon of Doom (Biohazard, Rio the Renegade, & The Annihilator) vs. Surge, Flying Spyder, & ???

    Comments: Ahhh..... Hardyz? Ahhhh.....Lets go Flyning Spyder?

  4. <iframe width="150" height="63" src="

    https://www.youtube.com/embed/_D0ZQPqeJkk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>








    Before Darth Vader there was Anakin Skywalker




    Before The Batman there was Bruce Wayne




    Before Heisenberg there was Walter White




    Before Spider-Man there was Peter Parker




    Before World Wrestling Entertainment there was the World Wrestling Federation



    This is the Reign of 'The Immortal King', find out how we got to Legacy Wars



    The War before the Legacy Wars




    Coming Soon.......



    Let me know what you think, more information coming soon.

  5. <p>Berlyn vs. Evan Karagias vs. Chris Candido vs.<strong> Rey Mysterio</strong> vs. Essa Rios vs. Psicosis - Scramble Match for the number one contendership on WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

    Curt Hennig vs. <strong>Kanyon</strong> - Lumberjack Match for WCW World Television Championship</p><p>

    Jushin Liger vs. <strong>La Parka </strong>- Match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship</p><p>

    <strong>Los Guerreros (Eddie & Chavo)</strong> vs. The Revolution (Malenko & Saturn) vs. New World Order (Hall & Nash) - Feast or Fired Match for The WCW World Tag Team Championship, Losers Leave WCW</p>

  6. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=531357


    We helped another guy on the fence as well just about 2 days ago. This would be a really good thread to refrence and if you have any more questions it would not be a bad idea to put them here!


    I think that is a good idea and it would be great if it was stickied. Would be nice for it to be there where vetran writers can share their knowledge.


    Edit: Or am I being dumb and this is what it is for?

  7. <p>World Champion John Cena & Mr. Money in the Bank Big Show versus<strong> Mark Henry & Dolph Ziggler</strong></p><p>

    Non-Title: WWE Tag Team Champions <strong>The Uso’s</strong> versus Prime Time Players</p><p>

    Non-Title: <strong>WWE Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett</strong> versus Cody Rhodes</p><p>

    Christian versus<strong> Alberto Del Rio</strong></p><p>

    Goldust versus <strong>Damien Sandow</strong></p><p>

    <strong>Natalya</strong> versus Alicia Fox</p>

  8. <p>Non-Title: <strong>WWE Champion CM Punk</strong> versus Chris Jericho</p><p>

    Alexander Rusev and Marcus Owens versus <strong>Roman Reigns and William Regal</strong></p><p>

    Non-Title: WWE United States Champion Sheamus versus <strong>Randy Orton</strong></p><p>

    US Championship Number One Contenders Match: Zack Ryder versus<strong> Bray Wyatt</strong></p><p>

    Batista versus <strong>Dean Ambrose</strong></p><p>

    Non-Title: WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee versus<strong> Naomi</strong></p>

  9. <p><strong>Bret Hart (с)</strong> vs. Chris Benoit - WCW World Heavyweight Championship (60 Minutes Iron Man Match)</p><p>

    Jeff Jarrett © vs. <strong>Scott Steiner</strong> - WCW United States Championship</p><p>

    <strong>The Revolution ©</strong> (Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn) vs. Buffy T (Booker T and Buff Bagwell) - WCW World Tag Team Championship</p><p>

    Jushin Liger © vs. <strong>Chavo Guerrero Jr.</strong> - WCW Cruiserweight Championship (Two Out of Three Falls Match)</p><p>

    <strong>Bam Bam Bigelow</strong> vs. Kanyon - WCW Television Championship</p><p>

    Konnan vs. <strong>Eddie Guerrero</strong> (Pure Match)</p><p>

    Terry Funk and Sid Vicious vs.<strong> Hulk Hogan and Mike Awesome</strong> (Number One Contendership vs. Hardcore Title Match)</p>

  10. Donn't think I have ever commented here Beejus but damn you must have a stacked roster! Loving the development of all characters. I don't imagine Hulk coming back with the yellow and red but with Jimmy out of KoW my mind has changed. Hulk as a babyface may be the only thing to stop KoW.


    Austin is the second most interesting character in you series, I hope he gets a main event run similar to his real life one and perhaps him ending the KoW would be the perfect rub for him.


    Badd I never thought was good, but your writing for him has changed my mind a little, there are so many factions currently but that was what it was like in the 90s and it was fun to watch.


    I am interested to who your Franchise Players, Whos hot etc are.


    94 was great, 95 was better. 1996 should be awesome. Good work Beejus

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