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Everything posted by Neon_Peon

  1. Prediction Scorecard Old School Fan- 11 Theheel-10 Lord Byron- 4 ColdBloodedSausageMaker-3 JANUARY SUPER SHOW PREDICTIONS AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship Mike Graham (C) VS. Steve Regal Grudge Match Baron Von Raschke VS. Tito Santana AWA World Tag Team Championships The High Flyers (Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell) (C) VS. The Sheiks (Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera) Curt Hennig's Open Challenge Curt Hennig VS. ??? Main Event Number One Contender's Match Winner Faces Nick Bockwinkel In February Loser Considered The Next Contender In Line For A Title Opportunity In March Hulk Hogan VS. Wahoo McDaniel
  2. Notable News: Stampede Wrestling has gone off the air after its TV deal came to an end and they are searching for a new broadcaster. Week 4, January, 1983 Introduction Gene Okerlund Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Gene Okerlund here, joined as always by my broadcast partner, Jim Ross and Jim? It's here, the end of the month is drawing near and soon? We'll be hosting our special event at the Madison Dane Colosseum and folks? You aren't going to want to miss it! Jim Ross That's right folks, if you don't have a ticket, you are gonna' miss it, it's as simple as that and we are gonna' see the culmination of many things that night, such as The Number One Contender's race! Gene Okerlund And I'll be speaking to the man that Number one Contender will be facing in February, AWA World Champion, Nick Bockwinkel! But the title race isn't the only thing of course! There's lotsof tension and drama rising in the AWA right now and a lot of it is looking to potentially culminate, or god help us, even continue depending how things go that fateful night at the Colosseum, but like Jim said folks, you gotta buy a ticket to see it! Now for the night ahead. Our Main Event? Is one you are not gonna' want to miss. It's David and Goliath if there ever was one as one of, if not the largest athlete in the AWA today, Jerry Blackwell faces off against the young up and comer, Curt Hennig! Jim Ross Curt's a second generation talent, Gene, and the kid's got heart! Blackwell might have the size but Hennig definitely has the spirit! But folks that's not all, we'll see if The Ruthless Russian, Boris Breznikoff can continue his winning streak this week as he faces off against the recent arrival, Brickhouse Brown! Gene Okerlund And Jim and I will be conducting interviews throughout the evening with talent lined up for that special Colosseum show at the end of the month! But first! Starting off with Light Heavyweight Action! We have Rock n Roll Buck Zumhofe facing off against a new arrival to the AWA. Steve Regal! Opening Match VS. Buck Zumhofe VS. Steve Regal We start things off with competitive Light Heavyweight action as Steve Regal makes his in ring AWA debut against Buck Zumhofe. It was an open match to start things off and both men had their chance to take a hold of the momentum. It looked, for example, like Buck Zumhofe might just be able to change his miserable fortunes around as he was mustering up a good series of offense against Regal. That moment of hope came to an end though when Regal was able to reverse, spin around Zumhofe and deliver a dropkick to Zumhofe's back which sent him reeling, to which Regal would roll him up with a quick pin and pick up the win over Rock N Roll Zumhofe to start off the night Rated: 43 VS. Brad Rheingans VS. Rene Goulet We follow the faster light heavyweight action, with more snug, mat based wrestling affair. A showcase in technical wrestling, which by no means had nothing flashy to write home about, but this is the AWA and the presentation is still very much a focus on legitimate sport being the aim of the game and right now with the roster, Brad Rheingans and Rene Goulet were great candidates that managed to draw decent heat doing just that. Goulet's age may have been against him but his size and weight advantage over Rheingans caused a struggle that Rheingans had to use his noted, legitimate strength to overcome and the back and forth struggle of Rheingans managing to fight out of Goulet's holds, only for Goulet to try and wear him down from another angle showed us traditional wrestling was still very much an aspect of the show. Rheingans ultimately would win after managing to hoist Goulet up, charge with him to the turnbuckle, than turn around and scoop slam him for the win. Rated: 51 Face Me Like A Man We come back from commercial to see Jim Ross in the interview area, microphone in hand and standing beside him. The man who has been facing the relentless onslaught of cowardly attacks from the villainous Baron Von Raschke, Tito Snatana. With a furroed brow and a sheer look of determination in his face. Fists clenched. Ready to make a statement... Jim Ross Ladies and gentlemen Jim Ross here joined by a man who has been an ongoing target of Baron Von Raschke for the past few weeks, Tito Santana! Tito this all began, according to the Baron at least because he views you as a sell out, a shill, if you will for America! Tito Santana Baron Von Raschke can not wrap his head around the idea that someone can be proud of their heritage AND embrace America, Jim! It's as simple as that! For the Baron? It's black and white. You either love America, or you hate it. You either stand for your country, or you stand against it. Yes Jim, it's no secret I've had to work a little harder to get where I am today, I've had to put in a little bit more effort, but all that effort has paid off! I'm here in the American Wrestling Association! I have the American people by my side and I wouldn't have had this opportunity in the first place if I hadn't taken the chances and the opportunities that this country provided me! The Baron can't comprehend the fact that I've managed to earn the respect of the American wrestling fans, Jim, because all he wants is their fear! Jim Ross Well sadly it seems in coming after you, you are not the only man that has been caught in his wake over the recent weeks, there has also been some back and forth involving Rick Martel, both of you facing attacks at the hand of the Baron and both of you coming to each other's aid, is there a potential future of you and Martel working together? Tito Santana Jim I won't rule anything out because one thing I've learned about this industry is you never say never. Rick Martel is a great athlete, but the Baron coming after him? It had nothing to do with his issue with me. It's because The Baron can't help himself, Jim! He remembers the days when he had this company in the grips of fear! He remembers the days when he was able to hold that Iron Claw on all of the AWA entirely, well those days are slipping away and what we have seen over the past weeks? Are the actions of a desperate man! Don't get me wrong. I am grateful for what Rick Martel did for me...and I hope and am sure he's grateful for what I did for him, but Baron? This is between you and me, nobody else. Stop acting like a coward and face me like a man at the Madison Dane Colosseum! Jim Ross You're laying down the challenge for the Colosseum? Tito Santa You're darn right I am Jim! Let's see if the Baron is willing to step into the ring against me like a man instead of running in from behind! Madison Dane Colosseum, Baron! I'll be there! Will you?! Rated: 49 Open Challenge *PREVIOUSLY RECORDED* We go to a previously recorded segment where we see the very arena we have seen for the night so far, only this time it is empty. The camera pans over to see only two men sitting in the stands right now, one being instantly recognizeable from his trademark "AWA Red" suit, Gene Okerlund and sitting next to him was the young, blue chip prospect and second generation wrestler, Curt Hennig. Gene Okerlund Ladies and gentlemen this is Gene Okerlund and folks, this is currently being recorded hours before show time, the arena is empty. Fans are probably getting their things together, hopping in their cars, heading here for an evening of sport and I am currently sat with one of the rising stars of the American Wrestling Association. Second generation star, Curt Hennig. Now Curt, you asked for this to happen before the show because you had a special announcement and you didn't want to risk not having the time to make it on air. So here we are... Curt Hennig Yes Gene, and I want to thank you for agreeing to have this moment with me. You know something Gene it is no secret to me some of the disparaging comments I hear being made about me in the locker room. President Gagne is a class act, he tries to keep us all seperated into favorable groups so that there's no conflict, but you still hear whispers, you still get wind of things. There are still...little birds, shall we say, flying around the locker room..and I know what they say about me Mean Gene. Gene Okerlund Curt you'll have to explain a little further, you're causing a little concern. I hear a lot from the locker rooms myself. You know a lot of people talk to me and I can say, with hand on my heart I haven't heard anything disparaging about you at all. Curt Hennig Oh they wouldn't have gone to you Gene, they don't have the guts to go public about it...but I've heard it...and I'm sure if we stop beating around the bush and get right to it. You'll know exactly what I mean when I say...it's in regards to my father. Gene Okerlund You mean to tell me what I think you're telling me, Curt? Curt Hennig That's right Gene...there are people in that locker room who think I'm only here, because I'm Larry Hennig's kid. They think I've had an easy ride, they think I haven't earned my stripes. They think I haven't...paid my dues... Gene Okerlund Well Curt, that's nonsense! You're as hard working as anybody else in that locker room! Curt Hennig Yeah and when I face Jerry Blackwell in the Main Event tonight I'm gonna' show everybody watching, just like I do every night, that what you said is exactly the case. I'm just as worthy of bein' here as anybody else. I trained in that barn in Minnesota too you know Gene? In the cold, harsh winters, luggin barrels of hay around on my back? Carrying trailers back and forth with my bare hands?! DOES THAT SOUND LIKE AN EASY RIDE TO YOU?! Gene Okerlund No it doesn't... Curt Hennig No it doesn't...but that's OK Gene...people are gonna' talk, no matter what I do...and I know in this industry the only way to put an end to those dissenting voices in the locker room? It ain't with words. It's with action. Which is why I'm putting it simple. If anybody in that locker room? Anybody at all thinks that Curt Hennig hasn't paid his dues. I'm issuing an open challenge to them, to face me at the Madison Dane Colosseum at the end of the month. One on one. Man to man...and let's see how you feel by the end of that match shall we? Gene Okerlund An open challenge? Do you think anybody is going to take you up on that? Curt Hennig They will if they aren't just full of hot air Mean Gene. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see won't we? You hear that boys?! The Colosseum! If you got the guts to say it behind my back! Get the guts and come say it to my face and fight me in the ring! Rated:64 VS. Boris Breznikoff VS. Brickhouse Brown The Ruthless Russian continues his streak of dominance, only this time there was a window of opportunity for the new arrival, Brickhouse Brown who debuted last week, to get an upset. It was a moment where Brown managed to duck under a charging Breznikoff and as Boris turned around he was met with a dropkick straight to the chin that sent him reeling to the floor and from there, Brickhouse was making an incredible underdog story seemingly come to life! That story was ruined however as when Brickhouse went running to the ropes,looking to keep Boris knocked down to the mat, he was tripped up by manager Jim Cornette, and Breznikoff regained control and took over from there. Breznikoff would continue his winning streak, with a little help from his new manager. Rated: 46 Etiquette of A Champion We come back from commercial to see Gene Okerlund in the Interview area and for the first time, we see the World Heavyweight Champion in a context where he is not making an unannounced appearence, interfering in the business of fan favorites. Instead he is here, championship in hand, as always, suited up as always, this time in a dark brown suit, buttoned up white shirt and brown loafers with his trademark, tan sunglasses, and, as always, he was joined by his weasel manager, Bobby Heenan... Gene Okerlund Ladies and gentlemen, Gene Okerlund here, joined by AWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Bockwinkel alongside manager, Bobby Heenan and Bockwinkel? These string of events have certainly worked out nicely for you haven't they? Bobby Heenan What are you trying to insinuate Mean Gene!? Nick Bockwinkel Bobby... Bobby Heenan Come on champ! You can't let him get away with this! It's disrespectful! It's insulting! He's trying to tarnish your good name! Nick Bockwinkel I understand what he's trying to do Bobby but it's futile to try and argue against an ignoramus such as Gene Okerlund. The man's job is to word his enquiries in a manner which the dregs of society can comprehend. In all honesty? We should feel sympathy for him, Bobby. It must be absolute torture. Imagine the untold stress such a profession must cause on a regular basis. Having to dumb yourself down so often for these people... Bobby Heenan No wonder he's losing his hair! Gene Okerlund If it wasn't for you interfering in the Number One Contender picture, you would have had to defend your belt and you know it! Nick Bockwinkel Is that so? Pray tell, Mean Gene, what rule states that I was obligated to defend my championship belt? It would be a pleasure to be enlightened by your...astute knowledge... Gene Okerlund If you hadn't made a big fuss about things, you would have had to face either Hulk Hogan, or Wahoo McDaniel, they were the clear fan favorites and the clear potential challengers to your belt! Nick Bockwinkel Which one would I have to defend my championship against, Gene? Gene Okerlund Excuse me?! Nick Bockwinkel Oh, forgive me, I was unaware that I would have to repeat your own words back to you. Correct me if I'm wrong Bobby, but did he not just say that if I had not stepped in and reminded everyone the circumstances regarding the number one contender, that I would be obligated to face either Hulk Hogan or Wahoo McDaniel? Bobby Heenan That's exactly what he said, champ! Are you sure he's not as stupid as the people you said he was pandering to? Nick Bockwinkel The more I hear from him, Bobby, the more that proposition propels itself to my frontal cortex. Well Gene, if I would be obligated to face one of them. Please, do tell me...which one would it have been? Gene Okerlund Well I don't...I don't know they were- Nick Bockwinkel Oh you don't know? You're not sure? You're uncertain? How unfortunate for you...what do we do in professional wrestling when we are uncertain, Bobby? Bobby Heenan WE SANCTION A MATCH! Nick Bockwinkel We sanction a match Gene...and you wish to paint me as the villain, for simply reminding you about that? Please, do forgive me for a moment, because I am being forced to question my sanity here, but are you quite familiar, Gene Okerlund, with what this is... Nick raises the AWA World Heavyweight Championship... and holds it in front of the camera, the silver gleaming with the arena lights shining down on it, the glimmers of gold beaming, the jewels sparkling. Nick carries it with immense pride, command, a presence that very few are able to pull. Say what you want about Bockwinkel. He knows how to carry himself as a champion. Gene Okerlund That's the AWA World Heavyweight Championship Nick Bockwinkel Apologies? Could you repeat that? I just want to ensure your perception skills are competent... Gene Okerlund ...The AWA World Heavyweight Championship Nick Bockwinkel Thank you! We can at least confirm that your eyes do not deceive you, Gene. We can rest easy knowing that you will not need to get yourself examined by a medical professional! Correct! This...is the AWA World Heavyweight Championship belt and that means, as champion? There is an etiquette which is established and which must be followed! And that? That is why men like Hulk Hogan and Wahoo McDaniel ultimately fail in the long run, Gene, besides the obvious superiority in wrestling ability that I hold over them. Because above all else mean Gene, above my skill, above my style, above my courage, above my adaptability, the greatest skill that I possess in my arsenal? Is my intelligence... Bobby Heenan He's the smartest man in wrestling today, Mean Gene! He's smarter than I could ever hope to be and they call me The Brain! Nick Bockwinkel And my intelligence, Gene...made me fully aware of the situation at hand, that the number one contender spot was at risk. It was at risk of devolving into what men like Hulk Hogan and Wahoo McDaniel aspire for it to be, a popularity contest and I apologise Gene, if my standards are too high for you! I apologise Gene, if I wish to ensure that good sport and competition thrives in this company, which I represent! I apologise to you Mean Gene...that I refuse to lower my standards for you...or for anybody else for that matter. This is wrestling...and what I carry is the World Heavyweight Championship of the American Wrestling Association...and if anybody in that locker room wishes to have an opportunity at winning it? They earn it! In a wrestling match! Can you comprehend that Gene? Do I have to continue repeating myself on this subject, or is it finally clarified for your sub par comprehension?! Gene Okerlund Loud and clear... Nick Bockwinkel Excellent...in which case I suggest all you nine to five lifer humanoids watching tonight to use whatever pathetic savings you have managed to scrimp aside and do what you do best, spend it all on indulging in fantasies, come to the Colosseum and witness two of your favorites fight to earn the right to face me...and don't worry...I'll be right there, with the best seat in the house, watching as well...good evening... And it was moments like this, as Bockwinkel and Heenan leave that fans hated the most. The moments where everybody knew Bockwinkel had a point, where everybody wished for him to be wrong, but deep down knew that in reality, he was right...and you hated him for it...because it just boosted that already incredibly inflated ego of his to new heights Rated: 76 Main Event VS. Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the main event of the evening and what a main event it was! The Big Man Jerry Blackwell with Sheik Adnan at ringside against the fan favorite, Curt Hennig and we start immediately with Blackwell making a dominant performance, wasting now time in using his superior size and stature to dictate to the pace of the match and try and make quick work or Curt Hennig! You see despite his size Blackwell can be quick when he wants to and he starts off the Main Event with some charging blows which absolutely look devastating to the young Hennig, and Blackwell looks to be enjoying every second of it, looking to punish Hennig here tonight as he throws him in to the corner, he takes a running charge, but this is where we see the fight in Hennig and he manages to roll out of the way and Blackwell meets turnbuckle and folks this showed us we had a competition on our hands as Hennig showcased his wrestling ability to work around a size advantage when it presented itself! Targetting the legs of Blackwell to wear the big man down, to weaken him and limit his abilties! And folks this back and forth would present itself in the match, each time Blackwell getitng more and more frustrated as he tried to take down the young star but Hennig showing us all the spirt and the fight within him! Doing his best to stay down! It looked like Hennig might actually pull of the upset after a series of running clotheline which sent the big man reeling, followed by a diving drop kick from the top rope which finally sent him falling over the match was suddenly brought to an end when... Ken Patera running in on behalf of his partner and delivering a devastating clothesline which sends Hennig folding like an accordion! The ref rings the bell and Hennig wins by disqualification, but The Sheiks don't care as Sheik Adnan steps in and starts dictating the situation! Somebody do something! Rated:56 The beatdown on Hennig continues as we see a repeat of the devastation The Sheiks have been causing in the AWA. This is exactly what the High Flyers had been warning us about! Patera picks Hennig up onto his shoulders and drives him down with a powerbomb! And oh God Blackwell raising his hand in the air as he takes a few steps back...he's readying himself for that BIG SPLASH... BUT IT'S THE HIGH FLYERS! THE HIGH FLYERS COMING TO MAKE THE SAVE! I'VE NEVER SEEN TWO MEN RUN SO FAST TO THE RING! AND A BRAWL IS ENSUING! Sheik Adnan running out of the ring in disbelief and all four men fighting amongst each other now! The High Flyers showing they can take the fight to the big men as Brunzell trips Blackwell up with a dropkick to the knee and Gagne manages to hook Patera and whip him over with an arm drag and as both men get up, Brunzell and Gagne both hit synchronized dropkicks to send both men tumbling over the top rope! We gotta go folks! We need to get security in on this! Rated:51 Overall: 58
  3. Got a lot of catching up to do with this dynasty, but as it's the only other AWA Dynasty I know of here I feel obliged to keep up to date with it. 😀 I'll probably hold off on predictions until Im caught up and maybe give occasional "catch up" posts as to where i am in the timeline
  4. Prediction Scorecard Theheel-7 Old School Fan- 7 ColdBloodedSausageMaker-3 ALL-STAR WRESTLING PREDICTIONS WEEK 4 Buck Zumhofe VS. Steve Regal (no not THAT Steve Regal. AWA Steve Regal) Brad Rheingans VS. Rene Goulet Boris Breznikoff VS. Brickhouse Brown Curt Hennig VS. Jerry Blackwell
  5. Notable News: Dump Matsumoto has quit All Japan Women's Pro Wrestling Barry Orton has walked out on the Continental Wrestling Association Introduction Gene Okerlund Welcome everyone to another edition of ALL-STAR WRESTLING, brought to you by the premier wrestling product in America today, the American Wrestling Association! Gene Okerlund here, joined as always by my broadcast partner, Jim Ross and Jim? A defining night for us here in the AWA to say the least. Jim Ross Absolutely folks, later on tonight we will be witness to the contract signing which will make the match between Hulk Hogan and Wahoo McDaniel official and the reward? The number one contendership to the AWA World Heavyweight Championship! Gene Okerlund It's been an interesting path to get to this point so far. Resiliency for both men involved out of fear that they are playing into the mind games of champion, Nick Bockwinkel. Both men are concerned this is ultimately a ploy on the part of the champion to turn them against one another and provide him with an advantage with their attention diverted away from him. They may have seemingly overcome that obstacle however after last week, asking AWA President Verne Gagne to include a stipulation that ensures the loser of their bout will be next in line for the championship once the victor has had their match. Jim Ross And it will all become official later tonight, but folks that's not all. Right after that contract signing. Tito Santana in singles action against Masa Saito. Santana and Baron Von Raschke have been going back and forth over the past couple weeks and you have to wonder if anything is going to happen once more. Gene Okerlund And Jim here will be getting us an interview with Tag Team Champions The High Flyers, regarding their situation with their upcoming challengers The Sheiks! But ladies and gentlemen we're about ready to get into the action as starting us off this evening Bobby Duncum will be kicking things off against a new face here in the AWA, Brickhouse Brown! Opening Match VS. Brickhouse Brown VS. Bobby Duncum It's the debut appearance of Brickhouse Brown in the AWA and the match was a clear opportunity for him to showcase his skills to the AWA faithful, but he certainly had no easy feat in doing it against Cowboy Bobby Duncum who made him fight every step of the way in the match. Brickhouse showcased a quick, fast paced style that made him able to work around Duncum's attempts to dictate the pace of the match and was able to wow the fans with a more, up tempo yet in your face showcasing of skills. However Duncum would be the one to get the win thanks to assistance from manager Bobby Heenan, after seeing his client was facing a potential upset. Good showing by the newcomer though in a decent opening bout which got more heat than expected for showcasing an unknown entity. Rated: 45 My Mother Is A Generous Lady... We go now to the AWA interview area stage where Mean Gene is standing, microphone in hand and next to him, a man who has been garnering hatred from the AWA fans recently. The Ruthless Russian, Boris Breznikoff, clad in his red USSR training gear and Soviet Union branded hat, snarling and growling at the camera as Gene introduces the segment... Gene Okerlund Ladies and Gentlemen, Gene Okerlund here currently joined by a man who has without question, been showcasing one dominating display after another in the AWA over the recent weeks. The man who my broadcast parnter Jim Ross has coined the nickname of "The Ruthless Russian", Boris Breznikoff! Now Boris you have been on a tear the past couple of weeks, you have another match coming up after this interview, will this be another display of dominance on your part and do you have any words for the rest of the AWA roster who mig- NOW HOLD ON A MINUTE! HOLD ON JUST A MINUTE! Gene's interview is interrupted before the first set of questions can truly be answered. A high pitched, southern voice yelling out which causes Gene to turn his head in confusion. boris merely smirks, as if he was expecting this to happen. Barging into the frame was a skinny man, clad in a white suit. His hair looking freshly combed, horn rimmed glasses on his face, a black handkerchief in his pocket and a face looking full of consternation...this man is unknown to the AWA fans, but he won't be soon enough... Jim Cornette Gene Okerlund why was I not informed about this interview?! Did you not get the memo? Did you not get the update? I didn't realize when I signed my contract last week that I was walkin' into a three ring circus! You ought to be a professional! You ought to know that from now on if you wanna speak to Boris Breznikoff? YOU SPEAK TO ME FIRST! "Mean" Gene Okerlund Excuse me sir, but who do you think you are interrupting this interview? Who the heck are YOU?! Jim Cornette Who the heck am I? WHO THE HECK AM I?! You watch your mouth spoutin' out disrespectful language like that Mean Gene or I'll make sure the taste gets slapped out of it before you can blink! Gimme that microphone! Cornette snatches the AWA Microphone out of Gene's hand, smirking to himself. Gene tries to get it back but Breznikoff steps in, merely growling, causing Gene to back away slightly, still staying in grame in the hopes he can regain some sort of control of what was supposed to be a one to one interview. Jim Cornette Now stay here and watch closely Gene, you may learn an important lesson in class and distinction! Ladies and gentlemen, you may not be familiar with this pretty little face on your television screen but you soon will be...because what you are laying witness to, is the fastest rising manager in professional wrestling today! My name, for those of you dim witted enough to be unaware of it. Is James E. Cornette. Some folks call me Jim but only my mother can call me Jimmy and speakin' of my mother Mean Gene? I wanna take this moment and personally THANK my mother for making this very moment here tonight possible! I couldn't have done it without ya' mama! "Mean" Gene Okerlund Your mother?! What in the world does she have to do with this? What are you even talkin' about Cornette! Despite Cornette being in control of the mic, Mean Gene couldn't help himself, maybe out of habit and a sense of duty, perhaps out of indignation that this little southern pipsqueak had taken over his interview without any prior knowledge or indication of his appearance. However he quickly would regret it as Breznikoff lunged and snarled at him, causing Gene to jump back but Cornette put his arm across. Simply smiling as he showcased the control he exhibited over his client as Breznikoff calmed down and straightened himself out. Jim Cornette First of all Gene, open your ears and listen it might do you some good once in a while! And second, but most important of all I'd be careful what ya' say about Mama Cornette! My mother is a lady of wealth and taste Mean Gene and she deserves to be treated with respect! My mother also happens to be a generous lady...because thanks to her, using some of that wealth and taste that she has, I find myself standing here today, in the American Wrestling Association, proud to announce to you all here and now...that I am the NEW MANAGER...of the one and only RUTHLESS RUSSIAN...Boris Breznikoff! "Mean" Gene Okerlund YOU'RE managing Breznikoff?! What are you a Soviet Sympathizer?! Jim Cornette ARE YOU CALLIN' ME A COMMIE MEAN GENE?! "Mean" Gene Okerlund N-n-no I was jus- Jim Cornette BECAUSE IT SURE DOES SOUND LIKE YOU WERE CALLIN' ME A COMMIE! YOU'RE ON THIN ICE GENE! ONE MORE WORD OUT OF YOU AND I'M AFRAID WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE EXTREME MEASURES! Cornette allows Breznikoff to step up and tower ver Mean Gene, who backs further and further away, until Boris grabs him by the scruff of the neck, hoisting him up and keeping him in frame of the camera so he can continue hearing the words from his new manager. Jim Cornette Now folks...the political leanings of my client are not necessarily the representation of my own...this man here is entitled to the right of freedom of speech just as we all are and if he chooses to use that right to represent his country of the Soviet Union...than God Bless America he should be able to do that! But what my good mother realized in all of her infinite wisdom was this...this man could do with...no I'm sorry...this man NEEDS an ambassador, someone who can represent him on the American stage, to the American people and she knew that I would be the perfect man for the job! She also understood Mean Gene...that this would be the perfect way to get my foot in the door! Gene just nods in response. He's got the message now. Perhaps on his own this little twig of a man would be easy to ignore...but he had a huge, domineering client by his side, who in turn also made him a figure to be careful and cautious around now. Jim Cornette You see folks! If you think Boris Breznikoff is going to be my ONLY client? You're wrong. There'll be more to come. Single's, tag teams I'm gonna do it all...because like I said. I am the fastest rising manager in professional wrestling today and by the time the year is out? Why I'd put good money on that being irrefutable fact! Come on Boris...you got a match to get to! Rated: 54 VS. Boris Breznikoff arguably faced his greatest fight here so far this year in the AWA, as he stood up against Light Heavyweight Champion, Mike Graham. Boris was looking to make this a total domination as he had been the past couple weeks but to his credit, Mike Graham put up a fight. He is, after all, the Light Heavyweight Champion and that brings with it an unwritten rule that you are expected to be a good representative of the company. You are not a push over and Mike, again credit to him, was no push over and gave Boris the best run for his money so far. Even managed to get Boris rolled up for a surprise pin attempt for a close upset. But Boris ultimately, managed to get the match in his favor in an all too similar scenario once he locked in The Russian Bear Hug and caused Graham to lose consciousness to bring the match to an end. Rated: 49 The Greatest Threat To The AWA We go to the interview area to Jim Ross, joined by the AWA World Tag Team Champions, The High Flyers, wearing faces of concern as last week, they were made examples of as the greatest threat to their titles so far, The Sheiks had laid them out and stood triumphant over them... Jim Ross Ladies and Gentlemen Jim Ross here joined by the AWA Tag Team Champions, Jim Brunzell and Greg Gagne, the High Flyers. Gentlemen. The challenge you face couldn't be clearer. The team which has been put together by Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie, Ken Patera and Jerry Blackwell are looking to make an impact here in the AWA and start what Sheik Adnan hopes to be a take over of some sorts of the company. Last week we saw a demonstration of the power these two men truly hold together against you. How are you feeling right now gentlemen, what are your thoughts. Greg Gagne Well Jim...I think it's fair to say we are concerned. We are concerned not only for our own sake but for the sake of the AWA. Sheik Adnan has made it clear. He has a vendetta against the AWA. He wants to destroy it from within...to make it his own...to take away everything American about the American Wrestling Association. So I think it's fair to say The Sheiks are not only the greatest threat to us as the Tag Team Champions, but also the Greatest threat to the AWA right now...Sheik Adnan isn't going to stop until he has control of every belt, so he has all the power, all the influence, and all the control in the AWA... Jim Brunzell That's right Jim and that is why it is important we put an end to this before it truly gets a chance to start, which is why come the end of the month? Ken Patera? Jerry Blackwell? You guys showed how good you can be when you get the drop on us, but in a fair and even competition? When you aren't taking cheap shots and you can't run rough shot? I wonder how strong you'll really look! Jim Ross So you two are going ahead, you're making it clear, right here and right now? This match is happening! Greg Gagne That's right Jim, it's gonna be happening, Madison Dane Colosseum, end of the month, boys? We're willing to put the titles on the line...we know what we need to do Jim Ross. We need to end this threat, here and now...before it gets any larger. Sheiks? We'll see you at the Colosseum Rated: 41 Contract Signing We see, for the second week in a row. A segment that is quite a rarity in the AWA. A big time segment like this? This was the starting signs of the changing attitudes within the AWA. Last week we got a view of President Verne Gagne's office. This week, a big, in ring contract signing between arguably, the two greatest heroes in the company. One on side, Hulk Hogan, the rising wave of popularity guiding him here tonight. The other, Wahoo McDaniel, the established veteran, the legend. The man looking for one last shot at greatness. This moment was bandied about thanks to Nick Bockwinkel using the rules of engagement to his advantage. But now, it was here, it was real and the magnitude of it all came here, tonight. And it was being introduced to us by none other than AWA President, Verne Gagne. Yes, this veered more towards the entertainment aspect of the business. But it still had an air of legitimacy. Say what you want about what they're showing in New York. In Minnesota? This was real. We begin the segment with AWA President Verne Gagne standing in front of a table, on either side a chair for each combatant. AWA President | Verne Gagne Ladies and Gentlemen. As the current, standing AWA President. It is my duty, but also my honor, to present to you this contract signing between two of the biggest names in our company today. This signing was brought about through...less than desired circumstances. However, I believe, thanks to communication with the stars themselves, we have managed to crate a contract which ensures what we here in the AWA strive to achieve, fair and athletic competition to be maintained. Both of these men will have their chance to say their peace before signing the contract for the match, which will take place at the Madison Dane Colosseum at the end of this calendar month. So, without further ado, I would like to ask both competitors to please, make their way out together in a show of good sportsmanship, so the signing can truly begin... Both men come out together to the adulation and appreciation of the crowd. The audience clearly unsure on who they support more. Wahoo, the veteran who they have supported through thick and thin. Or Hogan, the rising star who has captured the hearts of the fans in ways only seen once in a generation in Wrestling. In some essence a dream match was being made official right here and now but in others it is a match with heavy connotations around it...as both men enter the ring they shake hands before the crowd and AWA President, Verne Gagne and both choose to stand, instead of taking a seat. AWA President | Verne Gagne Gentlemen in my hand, is the contract that will make your match official, in it states the date and location, to be the end of this calendar month, at the Main Event in the Show taking place at the Madison Dane Colosseum. It states clearly that this match will have a thirty minute time limit, one fall will declare the victor and the victor...will be granted an opportunity at the AWA World Heavyweight Championship. The loser? Will be granted a championship opportunity of their own in February as long as there are no impeding circumstances. In the event of a draw due to time limit or other unforeseen circumstances. A rematch will be scheduled. Both men have been made aware of the stipulations of the match. I will now place the contract on the table and allow both men a moment to share their thoughts. Starting with you Hogan... Hulk Hogan WELL LEMME' TELL YA' SOMETHIN' WAHOO! I STILLT HINK IT'S A DAMN SHAME THAT THIS MATCH HAD TO HAPPEN BECAUSE BOCKWINKEL IS A COWARD DUDE! He can see the doubt that's clouding your mind, brother and this whole thing has been him playing on that doubt man, trying to turn us against one another, trying to weaken us both to make defending his belt easier, dude! But thanks to you, both of us no longer have to worry about Bockwinkel's games. We will both get our opportunity eventually and I gotta' be honest man. I HOPE YOU GET IT FIRST BROTHER! Because besides gettin' the belt myself? I can't think of anything better, than seeing you get the moment you have truly earned and deserved dude! Gettin' to carry that gold around with you every place you go! Seein' alll the smiles on all the little Wahoo fans across the country! Gettin' all the love and respect from the people who have followed you and supported you from the greatest heights to the lowest depths dude and I think i sepak for everyone watchin' tonight here in the audience and at home tonight...we all want you to have that moment dude. Now that doesn't mean I'm gonna lay down and let you win dude! Because just like you got all the people out there giving you the respect you deserve. I got all my Hulkamaniacs, puttin' their faith in me, puttin' their hope in me to bring change to the AWA and I gotta' listen to them too brother! So I guess all that's left to say...IS LET THE BEST MAN WIN BROTHER! Hogan leans over the table and signs the contract, before posing for the fans, putting his hand to his ear and leaning on the ropes, before pointing over to Wahoo and doing the same, indicating he wants his Hulkamaniacs to give the legend some love too. Wahoo simply cracks a small smile, as Hogan hands him the microphone... Wahoo McDaniel Hogan. Despite the circumstances. I'm glad this match is happening. Because yes. I have been having doubt cloud my mind...worries about my future. About my legacy...about whether or not I'll ever get to hold that AWA World Heavyweight Championship...well maybe? After hearing the fans give me their support, after seeing the respect you so clearly have...and how much you want me to have my opportunity. Maybe I CAN start putting those worries to rest. Because having this match? Against you? One of...if not THE most popular man in the locker room today? In a thirty minute time limit match? That's no joke. That requires skill. That requires stamina. That requires guts...and those were things I was doubtin' I had...and havin' this match with you Hogan? Maybe it's the beginnings of exactly what I needed to get me back on the straight and narrow. So thank you, first of all, for your respect. Thank you for your support...and thank you, for making sure you don't take it easy on me...because we both know what's up for grabs...and we both want to get the first taste of it. So I share your sentiments Hulk Hogan...May the best man win! Wahoo leans over and signs and as he does so the crowd erupts as the match is now official. Both men come together and shake hands but as they do. The festivities are interrupted, as heading towards the ring is none other than the Champion himself. Once more making his appearance known before the two top contenders to the absolute disdain from the audience at his arrival. he is clad in a tan suit and glasses, Bobby Heenan carrying the belt for him as the Champion and his manager head to the ring. Bobby climbs up the steps and holds open the rope for the champ and after Bockwinkel enters. Heenan hands the belt over to him and enters the ring himself. Both men waiting for the audience to die down. Bockwinkel saunters over to AWA President, Verne Gagne...these two have their history with one another and all Bockwinkel does is crack a smile at him and nod, before taking the microphone from Verne's hands...all the while the AWA fans unrelenting in their hatred for the AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Nick Bockwinkel Would you listen to these ungrateful humanoids, Bobby? It is thanks to our astute awareness of the circumstances regarding the number one contendership, that this very moment is happening before our very eyes. It is thanks to our abidance to the letter of the laws of this company, that an incredible match will be provided to all paying patrons who wish to see it...and what do they do, Bobby? They spit in our face. They act as if I do nothing for them... Bobby Heenan This is easily the most exciting thing this company will have seen in quite some time! And it's thanks to YOU, Champ! These people have no courtesy, no manners, no etiquette! They are nothing more than a bunch of ungrateful swine! They will never be able to truly appreciate your greatness! Nick Bockwinkel A tragedy if there ever was one, Bobby. Not for me, of course, but for the masses of people so, wilfully ignorant...that they will never be able to understand just what it is I do for them on a consistent basis. Nor will they ever be able to...fully comprehend the magnitude of an athlete and a champion, that I truly am. That is of course, until both of these men find themselves defeated...one...after...another... Bockwinkel saunters around the ring, eying down both potential contender over his horn rimmed glasses. Making sure both men get an up close and personal glance at the championship belt, reflecting the lights of the arena shining off of it... Nick Bockwinkel Perhaps it provides you both comfort to know that both of you will garner an opportunity at the championship in the long run. What are you hoping comes from this stipulation? That perhaps whoever wins this encounter between you, shall become the champion and you two can have a rematch against one another? How quaint. How admirable and dare I say it...how obviously unbelievable it truly is. Both men look at Bockwinkel in a mix of confusion and frustration. Bockwinkel has the uncanny ability to absolutely shred a person apart verbally, but do it in the most elegant and more importantly, eloquent matter that made everything sound so pompous and carried a sense of intelligence that made it seem like the Champion was always playing some sort of mind game that he liked being ahead of his opponents in playing... Nick Bockwinkel Neither of you will admit it, but I think it necessary to address the truth. Both of you are secretly hoping that if the other happens to win in your encounter? They will only go on to lose in their encounter against me. In idiotic terms, for those lacking the cognitive skills to understand. Both of these men are hoping that if they lose at the end of this month...the man they lost to will inevitably lose to me in February... Hulk Hogan YOU'RE A LIAR BOCKWINKEL! YOU CAN ACT LIKE YOU KNOW IT ALL, ALL YOU WANT BROTHER BUT AT THE END OF THE DAY YO- Bockwinkel does something very few are able to do...he cuts Hogan off mid sentence...to the shock of Hogan...and to the absolute madness of the fans watching. Nick Bockwinkel You can balk all you like at the prospect, Hogan, but I think you do protest too much at the prospect I am putting forward and why is that, do you think? Did I hit a nerve? Oh sure, I am sure that both of you are fully capable of playing the part of the righteous avenger in the unfortunate circumstance that your friend who managed to defeat you just...couldn't muster the skill to defeat the champion, Nick Bockwinkel...but you...you'll be different, am I right? Bobby Heenan OF COURSE HE'S RIGHT! HE KNOWS IT! I KNOW IT AND WETHER YOU WANNA ADMIT OR NOT HOGAN?! WHETHER YOU WANNA ADMIT IT WAHOO?! YOU BOTH KNOW IT TOO! Nick Bockwinkel Let me tell you what will really happen, to both of you, shall we? Starting with you Hogan...You have been riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave of popularity that seems to show no sign of crashing...only growing in size and stature and momentum...all I have heard since the moment you walked into this company that you were a man I needed to keep my eye on and keep an eye on you is exactly what I have done and thus far? Color me unimpressed sir. All sizzle...no steak...I think is the appropriate...and simple way of putting exactly what I think of you and your skill...or should I say lackthereof...into a turn of phrase. Eventually Hogan, that wave will come crashing down. The people will lose faith in you. Their love will begin to falter and when it does, you'll be left cold and alone...wishing you had listened to me. What you are Hogan is a symptom of these idiotic, unwashed, nine to five lifer humanoids clutching at the idea that they can find somebody who represents them to be their champion. You? You will just be another in a long list of failures they have placed their hope in...because in order to be champion? You need to be the best...better than everybody in the AWA...better than me...but most importantly of all Hogan...better than all those people who put their faith in you...and trust me when I tell you. They don't like people better than them. There will come a day when you realise that. Perhaps I'll be the one to teach you that life lesson... Bockwinkel cracks a smile at Hogan who is beet red and ready to explode but Wahoo reaches out and places a hand on Hogan's shoulder to try and calm him down, to reserve his energy for a more important moment, when all that energy inside of him could be used for a better, more career defining purpose...this causes Bockwinkel to turn his head and attention to Wahoo, and this caused his smile to grow wider... Nick Bockwinkel And then there is you Wahoo. I would like for you to know that what I am about to say. I say with complete adoration and respect for what you have done for this company and this industry. You are by no means an athlete whose contributions should be overlooked. But you sir...are not worthy of carrying this belt. Perhaps some day long ago in your prime it would be impossible for me to reach such a conclusion but here, today? Wrestling you? What I would do to you Wahoo...in my opinion would be an act of mercy. Putting you out of your misery, before you did something that embarrassed yourself! We are both men entering the greater years of our lives, but the difference between you and I Wahoo is somewhere along the way on your road? You started coasting...growing complacent with the lower standards these people hold and you just stopped...pushing yourself. Which means when age kicked in for you as it did for me? You felt it far differently than I did. Simply put Wahoo. I never stopped pushing. I never stopped training, I never stopped seeking to BETTER MYSELF...because bettering myself continues to keep me at a point where I can honestly say as a certified fact that I am better than everybody else in this company and everybody who watches this company. I could have taken your path too Wahoo. The path of the hero, who many believe has proven everything he needed to prove and can just coast on by with popularity and respect alone. But popularity and respect don't sign cheques Wahoo...popularity and respect don't bring with them prestige, they don't bring a champion's purse Wahoo. Things that you have NEVER experienced with the World Championship...and I guarantee you Wahoo...You never will either... With a clear and obvious statement, Bockwinkel takes an obnoxious bow to both his potential competitors, turning to his manager and signalling him it was time for them both to go...and as he does so, he leaves with final parting words to his potential opponents. Nick Bockwinkel I look forward to your match gentlemen...Good evening... Rated: 78 MAIN EVENT VS. The Main Event was a nice surprise as these two styles faced off against one another. Masa's more strong, hard hitting japanese style against Tito's fast, athletic pace. And considering the star power of Masa, who is not as popular as Tito is. The reaction and the heat this got from the crowd showed how well these two men came together. And showed that Masa Saito is no man to sleep on. He had control of this match from early on. managing to cut down Tito in the midst of him building momentum after a horrendous, horrifying chop to the throat. After that Masa showed he had good, mat wrestling basics in his arsenal and used them to create a strategy of keeping Tito to the center of the ring and on the mat. Occasionally taking his chance to deliver a hard elbow to an arm, a stiff kick to a leg, a cheap forearm across the cheek. He started going too far though and after attempting to gouge at Santana's eyes and the referee had to step in and after separating the two men. Tito made a come back. One running dropkick. Two running dropkicks. Three running dropkicks. Arm drag. Arm drag. Running crossbody! Tito with the comeback, he feels the fire! He heads to the top rope and he lands a diving crossbody from the top rope for the pin over Masa Saito! Santana winning the Main Event here tonight! Rated: 59 After The Match Santana is celebrating his victory when alkl of a sudden Baron Von Raschke, PEARL HARBORS Santana from behind, snarling and growling as he delivers a series of clubbing blows across the back and temple of Santana. Before his left arm begins to form that horrifying claw. It swings around seemingly uncontrollable before the Baron reaches down and applies the claw to Santana! He's looking to do some permanent nerve damage to Santana with that horrifying claw. It looks like it's bad for Santana as the show is close to coming to an end when all of a sudden... IT'S RICK MARTEL! MARTEL HERE TO MAKE THE SAVE AND RETURN THE FAVOR FROM LAST WEEK! As Martel charges into the arena the Baron high tails it out of the ring and leaves clutching at his claw arm as it tries to snap and grab at officials and members of the crowd. Snarling in frustration with a face of disbelief that this has happened to him once again. Martel standing protectively and helping the man who saved him back to his feet... Rated:44 Overall 58
  6. im gonna do a monthly roster round up which will have the roster up to date (except for any surprise signings) along with notable signings and releases made in the month that has passed
  7. Prediction Scorecard Theheel-7 Old School Fan- 7 ColdBloodedSausageMaker-3 ALL-STAR WRESTLING PREDICTIONS WEEK 3 Brickhouse Brown VS. Bobby Duncum Boris Breznikoff VS. Mike Graham Contract Signing Wahoo McDaniel & Hulk Hogan Main Event Tito Santana VS. Masa Saito
  8. Notable News: Georgia Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Federation have declared war on one another. Pacific Northwest Wrestling lost its television deal due to the broadcaster being unhappy. Maple Leaf Wrestling lost its television deal due to the broadcaster being unhappy. Week 2, January, 1983 Introduction Gene Okerlund Welcome everyone to another edition of ALL-STAR WRESTLING, brought to you by the premier wrestling product in America today, the American Wrestling Association! Gene Okerlund here joined once again by my broadcast partner Jim Ross and Jim? An interesting show ahead of us tat's for certain! Jim Ross Absolutely Gene, our Main Event this evening Baron Von Raschke will be facing off one on one against fan favorite, Rick Martel and questions certainly linger regarding the Baron's behavior LAST WEEK in the Main Event match where he distracted Tito Santana and caused him to lose his match against Bobby Duncum! Well folks, Gene here will be trying to get an explanation from The Baron here tonight as to his motivations behind his behavior and we hope we won't see any shenanigans again this week in the Main Event! Gene Okerlund We also hope to bring you developments regarding The World Heavyweight Championship. Last week we saw hopeful contender Hulk Hogan, sharing a moment of admiration, respect and friendship with veteran Wahoo McDaniel, who in a moment of doubt shared with us his concerns with the future of his career. Well hearing what Wahoo was saying offered Wahoo an open road to the World Heavyweight Championship and folks? Champion, Nick Bockwinkel presented a very interesting and concerning scenario for these two men who respect one another. He made it plain and simple and clear for all to hear, that with neither man wanting to stand in the other's way, a match needed to happen, or he would refuse to face either of them! Well tonight, Hulk Hogan and Wahoo McDaniel have told me they are going to get clarification from the AWA President himself, Verne Gagne! Jim Ross Also folks, keep an eye tonight on the Greg Gagne match we have coming up as one half of the tag team champions is in action. With a new, threatening and dare I say...BEHEMOTH challenge laid at the feet at The High Flyers last week, one has to wonder what mindset he may be in as he prepares for action later tonight. Gene Okerlund But ladies and gentlemen starting you off this evening, The Ruthless Russian, Boris Breznikoff, looking to continue making examples out of wrestlers across America starting the action off this week against Rock N' Roll, Buck Zumhofe. Opening Match VS. Boris Breznikoff VS. Buck Zumhofe Certainly a better match up to start off the evening than the previous Breznikoff bout against Milliman last week, but similar fare in that it was a clear showing of absolute dominance on the part of Boris Breznikoff. He absolutely dominated Buzk in what almost became a concerning display of strength as Boris suplexed and tossed Zumhofe all around the ring, hitting him over the back with hard, clubbing forearms, tossing him with a suplex which caused him to bound into the ropes and fold over himself like an accordion! It all came to an end with a tight grasped Russian Bear Hug from Breznikoff which caused Zumhofe to fall unconscious and the match to be called by the ref after dropping Zumhofe's arm three times! Breznikoff wins in dominating fashion six minutes in to the show. Rated: 42 Second Match VS. Curt Hennig VS. Rene Goulet A great showcase of skill for the second match which told a great story of the young up and comer facing off against the established veteran with years of experience. It was clear that Hennig had the speed and the athleticism behind him thanks to his youth and natural ability, but Goulet showed us that he still had it in him to meet an opponent where they were at and he managed to cut down Hennig's momentum off multiple times with sly tricks that showed his experience. A stomp to the boot which was followed by a snap suplex, an eye gouge followed by a quick, snappy forearm across the cheek so the referee couldn't tell what Goulet was doing. A running knee to the face of Hennig after being driven down into a seated position. Goulet certainly made Hennig work for it in this match and was no push over, but Hennig would manage to get the upper hand over Goulet, after delivering a running knee to the gut, he managed to get Goulet into position for a Hennig Plex, performed perfectly by the way, to pick up the win. Rated: 54 "Treue Zu Meinem Land" We cut to the interview area where Gene is standing in front of the AWA logo, microphone in hand, as entering the frame, clad in a long, red, hooded robe was the tall, lanky, skinny but imposing figure of none other than Baron Von Raschke, who pulls off the hood of the robe to reveal his bald head and gnarly face, snarling at the camera like a mad animal, running his tongue over his lips and laughing to himself Gene Okerlund Ladies Gene Okerlund here, joined right now by the man who certainly got some attention after his behaviour last week, Baron Von Raschke, and Baron, the people want to know what your issue with Tito Santana is!! Why did you do what you did last week in his match, showing your face, causing the distraction and costing him the victory?! Baron Von Raschke WHY SHOULDN'T I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH TITO SANTANA?! You tell me Gene? Why shouldn't the Baron have done what he did last week?! Gene Okerlund Well Tito hasn't done anything to you! Baron Von Raschke To me? Naturlich! Naturally he has not done anything to me! He should know better to do anything to The Baron! He would live to regret it for the rest of his days! But you ask me why I got involved in his match?! It's simple Mean Gene! It's because when I watch Tito Santana I AM DISGUSTED BY HIM AND WHAT HE STANDS FOR! Gene Okerlund What he stands for? What do you mean?! Baron Von Raschke HE IS A TRAITOR TO HIS COUNTRY! TO HIS CULTURE! TO HIS HERITAGE! TO EVERYTHING HE SHOULD BE PROUD OF! HE IS NOT SOME AMERICAN DUMMKOPF! For The Baron, that is a badge of pride to wear wherever you go! That is a badge of pride that Tito Santana should wear everywhere he goes! That he is nothing like the fat, lazy, selfish Americans, sitting in their seats, watching this very show right now this evening! Gene Okerlund You're telling me that because Tito is happy to call himself an American that you have an issue with him?! Baron Von Raschke ABSOLUTELY! TREUE ZU MEINEM LAND, GENE OKERLUND! I AM LOYAL TO MY COUNTRY! I KNOW WHERE I COME FROM! I KNOW MY COUNTRY, MY CULTURE, MY HERITAGE AND I KNOW IN EVERY WAY THAT I AM BETTER THAN LETTING MYSELF BE TAINTED BY AMERICA! Tito Santana does not have that same loyalty...he has allowed himself to be corrupted, he has allowed himself to sell every principle he has, just so that he can be accepted by the American people! Gene Okerlund He's shown himself to be an inspiration to the fans here in AWA, he is a testament to the American Dream, that it doesn't matter where you come from, you can find your home here in the Unit- Baron Von Raschke STOP SPREADING THESE FAIRY TALES! THESE ARE LIES, GENE OKERLUND AND YOU KNOW IT! These people will abandon you Tito and I will show you that! I will show you just how easily they are willing to drop you and switch you out for a new pet when it is fitting for them and when I do? You will come crawling to me, begging on your hands and knees for my forgiveness, and the sad truth for you Tito is then? It will be too late for you! HAHAHAHAHA! The Baron's hand seems to lose control and forms into a claw which almost shoots for Gene Okerlund who jumps back in shock, but the Baron grabs a hold of his arm with his other hand as his claw snakes around and aims for the camera, Baron then grabs a hold of it laughing as the camera man fights to pull the camera away, we fade to black to go to commercial with the commotion of officials running in trying to separate the Baron from the AWA Camera. Rated: 53 Third Match VS. Greg Gagne VS. Brad Rheingans It was classic, AWA athletic competition, which certainly still has it's place and got decent heat, but definitely didn't have the amazing reaction it did once upon a time. Maybe because of the players involved or maybe because of the tastes of the fans. But there was nothing to complain about. It was good, technically sound, solid basics, with good mat wrestling especially on display from Rheingans who was definitely able to hold his own against a champion in Greg Gagne, but it was also, nothing in particular to write home about. That was until... The Sheiks interfere and make quick work of absolutely devastating both men! Blackwell slammed Gagne to the ground and followed up with a crushing Body Splash and Patera hauled Rheingans to the turnbuckle and drove his face straight into the turnbuckle pad, sending him reeling back on to the mat! The ref calls for the bell and the match ends in a draw due to the interference from The Sheiks! Rated: 41 After The Match The Sheiks are looming over Gagne, looking to continue their brutal beatdown on one half of the tag team champions! Patera begins hoisting the reeling Gagne up to his feet when all of a sudden... Jim Brunzell comes rushing to the ring to aid his partner! Brunzell coming to make the save but the odds are against him with his parnter dazed and two absolute giants standing in his way and as Brunzell enters he rushes at Patera with a series of clubbing blows, he brings the fight but Blackwell gets his hands on him and throws Brunzell back, causing him to roll over backwards!He gets back up and makes a run for Blackwell but Blackwell knocks him down with a hard hitting clothesline! Blackwell brings Brunzell back to his feet and tosses him to Patera who brings Brunzell up and down with a powerbomb! Followed immediately by a devastating SPLASH from Blackwell and The Sheiks stand dominant over the AWA Tag Team Champions! Rated: 45 My Hands Are Tied... We go to something rare in the AWA, which might be a sign of the changing ethos going on behind the scenes. We are taken to a scene that we are not familar with. It certainly isn't in ring, and it certainly isn't in the interview area. No. We are seemingly in an office of some sort, with different pictures of scenes from AWA wrestling history strewn across. A Replica of the AWA World Heavyweight Championship on the mantle and sitting in two red leather chairs in front of an oak, wooden desk, were Hulk Hogan and Wahoo McDaniel, seemingly mid conversation... Hulk Hogan YOU'VE GOT TO BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS, MAN! It ain't right for Nick Bockwinkel to dictate terms like this when I'm willing to put my chase for the title on hold, so that Wahoo here can get the moment he truly deserves! Wahoo McDaniel And I can be patient and wait for my opportunity...and I need to earn it...Hogan here has earned it. It' only right for him to be number one contender for Bockwinkel! Hulk Hogan Come on Wahoo! Stop being lost in your own head like this brother! We've got to do this for you dude! Get your head cleared and get you back to realising and understanding how much you mean to the people! Gentlemen...please...if I may interject for a moment... The camera pans over to reveal who exactly it is the two are talking to, going over to the other side of the desk, sitting in a single, red leather chair himself, the Replica AWA Heavyweight Belt hanging framed above his head. It's none other than the AWA President himself, Verne Gagne. AWA President | Verne Gagne I understand where both of you are coming from. Hogan, you want Wahoo to have a moment that, I agree, he certainly deserves to have. He has given a lot to this company both in and out of the ring. Having him be the contender for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship would lead to a great match between him and Bockwinkel and I have no doubt in my mind. He would represent the company well as the champion, and it would certainly put any doubts he and anybody else out there may have to rest about his position in this business and what he has left to give. Hulk Hogan EXACTLY BROTHER! I knew you'd understand! See I told you Wahoo, we'd figure out a way to make this hap- AWA President | Verne Gagne However...I also understand Wahoo's point of view. Hogan, you have been having a meteoric rise. One quite unlike anything I have seen in wrestling. Usually it takes time for an athlete to integrate themselves in the company and become as beloved by the fans as you have managed to do within the short time you have been here. They are nearly demanding for you to get a shot at the belt...they want you to be the one to take the belt from Bockwinkel. You are the one they have chosen... Wahoo McDaniel And that is why I refuse to let you give up your opportunity... AWA President | Verne Gagne Unfortunately...because of the clear objections that Hogan has, albeit for objections that I admire, respect and understand. It pains me to say that Nick Bockwinkel has used his champions prerogative to his advantage. With a clear, official number one contender being unavailable. He has been able to refuseto fight either of you until one has been declared. This is, after all...an athletic competition gentlemen...and with the champion invoking his prerogative, I must ensure it is enforced. At this point, as much as I would like to declare either of you the challenger. Bockwinkel has used the rules to his advantage and now my hands are tied. He's correct...a Number one contender must be declared through athletic competition. Hulk Hogan So that means we have to face each other? AWA President | Verne Gagne Not necessarily...I could make an alternative match but...it would be one that did not garner as much fan adoration as the potential match we have before us with you two as the competitors... Wahoo McDaniel Is there anything you can do? A stipulation of some sorts? Hulk Hogan What are you talkin' about Wahoo?! You can't be thinkin' of actually going ahead with this dude, we'd be playing right into Bockwinkel's hands! Wahoo McDaniel No I'm playing Bockwinkel at his own game... Hulk Hogan What do you mean dude?! Wahoo McDaniel Verne...if Hogan and I have this number one contendership match...would you be able to add another stipulation to the match or not? AWA President | Verne Gagne Depends on the stipulation, Wahoo. What do you have in mind? Wahoo McDaniel That whoever loses the match, that person will be next in line for a championship opportunity after the Number one Contender has their shot. So if I beat Hogan in this contendership match...however the match between Bockwinkel and I would go. Hogan would have a title shot guaranteed to him next and if Hogan beats me... AWA President | Verne Gagne Than the same would be said for you...I mean it isn't normal for us to do something like that Wahoo, but I understand why you want to do it. There's nothing strictly in the rules that says we can't do that but...I'd need to put a contract together... Wahoo McDaniel Do it...I'm willing to sign it if Hogan is... Hulk Hogan I don't know Wahoo. I get you're trying to play Bockwinkel at his own game but this could end up blowing in our faces if we aren't careful, brother! Wahoo McDaniel If you can think of another alternative, go ahead. But this is the only way I can think of that makes sure we both get the opportunities we are looking for without pitting us against one another the way Bockwinkel wants. Hogan hesitates for a moment as he considers everything being put forward to him. He is scared that his friendship with Wahoo is at stake by playing this game that Bockwinkel has managed to put together by using the athletic rules of the AWA to his advantage. But it seems he has little choice left as the most coveted prize in the company, the World Heavyweight Championship, is ultimately at stake... Hulk Hogan Put the contract together, brother! Let's make it happen! Rated: 81 Main Event VS. The story in the Main Event was Martel having to try and escape the manic, scrambling rough and tumble style of the Baron. Who was trying his best to overwhelm Martel throughout the match to the point where Martel could not fight back and then the Baron could take advantage and do as he liked. There was this good ebb and flow to the match where the Baron would scramble manically, throwing a chaotic barrage at Martel, and then Martel might manage to get a headlock in and whip Baron over with a snapmare, or grab a hold of Baron's arm as the Baron tried to go for the claw and throw him over with an arm drag. In fact there were multiple times throughout the match where the Baron tried to seal the deal with a deadly claw and Rick managed to find a way to avoid it, like one occasion where he grabbed Baron's arm, wormed around him, let go of the Baron's arm and then delivered a beautiful, precise dropkick to the back of the Baron, sending him reeling towards the ropes. Martel would ultimately manage to pick up the win over the Baron in a hard fought, close encounter. Rated: 53 After The Match Martel is celebrating his victory but the celebrations don't last long,as once he comes to, sore loser Baron Von Raschke lunges at Martel with that viscious claw he had been trying to apply throughout the match and this time Martel wasn't able to dodge it. His arms swing wildly and he grabs a hold of the Baron's arm, trying to seperate himself from that claw before it does any serious damage but the Baron has it locked in with a tightening grasp that he isn't letting up on and slowly we begin to see Martel's energy fade and drain as he puts up less and less of a fight and starts to slip and drift away. All the while the Baron yelling and snarling and screaming as he keeps that tight grasp locked in! But here comes Tito Santana, coming to deliver a little karmic justice to the Baron and save Rick Martel in the process! Santana rushes the ring behind Baron and Baron has no idea that Santana's there! Santana delivers a clubbing forearm across the back of the Baron's head and the Baron's grasp on Martel is forced to be let go as The Baron tumbles to the ground and he starts scrambling as Santana chases after him in the ring, delivering a good couple blows over the back for good measure before the Baron rolls out and leaves in an absolute fury! Shocked at the audacity of Tito to have done anything to him! Completely delusional to have expected anything else. Tito being the good Samaritan turns his attention to Martel to make sure he's okay instead of chasing after the Baron as the show credits start to roll... Rated: 49 Overall: 58
  9. I'll never say never to any of these names showing up. But following the ethos of wrestling. I like to keep my booking ideas, especially new signings as secret as I can until I'm ready to debut them. I have, for example, already made a few signings but I am booking them strictly on the weekly AWA Tour shows for now for a few reasons. One to get them some exposure to the AWA base audience and gain them popularity. Two to see who they pair up well with and three. Get them ready for TV. The weekly events are essentially acting as my B Show right now until I get AWA to a point where they can ACTUALLY have a B Show. Part of why I'm not posting those cards is because it would spoil people I've signed. And also. Focusing one one show write up and monthly events is enough workload for me XD
  10. Prediction Scorecard Theheel-4 ColdBloodedSausageMaker-3 Old School Fan- 3 ALL-STAR WRESTLING PREDICTIONS WEEK 2 Boris Breznikoff VS. Buck Zumhofe Curt Hennig. VS. Rene Goulet Brad Rheingans VS. Greg Gagne MAIN EVENT Baron Von Raschke VS. Rick Martel
  11. Writers Note: Credit To OGpistolpete and their WCCW Diary for inspiring me to do the worker images the way they are presented here. Week 1, January, 1983. Introduction Gene Okerlund "Ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome to ALL STAR WRESTLING! The premier wrestling product, brought to you by the premier wrestling company, The American Wrestling Association and tonight ladies and gentlemen I am joined by my new broadcast colleague. Mr. Jim Ross." Jim Ross Pleasure to join you here tonight and hopefully many more nights to come Gene. Folks we got a great night ahead of us. Fan favourite Tito Santana in the Main Event this evening, facing off against The Cowboy Bobby Duncum you'll certainly want to stay tuned for that! Gene Okerlund We also have another favourite Rick Martel in single's action tonight and ladies and gentlemen, after that match Jim here will be interviewing Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey who wants to present to the AWA his clients who he says, will soon become the World Tag Team Champions! Jim Ross Mean Gene's also got a special segment coming up with AWA Veteran, Wahoo McDaniel who says he has got something very special he wants to announce to the fans watching across the country this evening. But folks up first, we have the Light Heavyweight Champion in action. Mike Graham, going one on one against "Rock N' Roll" Buck Zumhofe. Opening Match Non Title VS. Buck Zumhofe VS. Mike Graham We initiate the evening's action with a Light Heavyweight bout which saw decent wrestling, mostly carried by AWA Light Heavyweight Champion, Mike Graham. Which is a testament as to why it is Graham currently holds the belt in the first place. Buck seemed too preoccupied being "Rock N' Roll" while Mike was ready for wrestling and while the match lasted eight minutes due to Buck putting up a decent fight. It was really no surprise that Graham pulled out the win. Rated: 49 Second Match VS. Mike Boyette VS. Rick Martel The action ramps up as our second match gets underway, as fan fave Rick Martel faces off against the beastly Mike Boyette! This match surprisingly got more heat than expected as the two worked together pretty well. The story in the match was simple but effective. David VS. Goliath. A tale as old as time but it worked. Boyette had the clear size advantage in this match and perhaps that helped with the way these two men worked together as he started off with the momentum and heat in the match and more importantly, he looked as if he actually posed a threat to Martel with that manic look in his eyes as he stomped around the ring, throwing Martel around like a rag doll! Martel would manage to pull off the comeback however, and used his quick athleticism to whip around Boyette and wrestle him down to the mat! In true David and Goliath style. David beat Goliath and Martel beat Boyette at the ten minute mark! Rated: 57 Shaking The Foundations... We come back from commercial and Jim Ross is in the AWA interview area, joined by Sheik Adnan who has been on a crusade to Destroy the AWA from within! Desperately searching for AWA Competitors to corrupt into Sheik's of his own, that he can use as the new, rising dominant force to take the AWA by storm... Jim Ross Ladies and Gentlemen Jim Ross here, joined by Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie and folks, some of you may remember Sheik Adnan has been on a search- Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie A CRUSADE! Jim Ross A crusade...to find, to discover, to hone and to craft clients of his own to take the AWA by storm and he is joining me here this evening, I believe to announce that he has found said clients, is that correct Sheik Adnan? Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie THAT IS CORRECT JIM ROSS! I have made it NO SECRET! I am here to DESTROY THE AMERICAN WRESTLING ASSOCIATION FROM WITHIN! TO SHAKE THE AWA, AT IT'S VERY FOUNDATIONS! AND JIM ROSS I HAVE FOUND THE VERY MEN BIG ENOUGH AND STRONG ENOUGH TO DO IT! Jim Ross But why Sheik?! Why such dedication!? Why such commitment...why si it your mission to DESTROY the AWA, what has the AWA done to you?! Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie It isn't what the AWA has done to me Jim Ross...IT IS WHAT AMERICA HAS DONE TO ME! AMERICA HAS TREATED ME LIKE AN OUTSIDER FROM THE VERY BEGINNING! THEY CALL THIS PLACE THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY! THEY SAY NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, OR WHERE YOU COME FROM, YOU HAVE A CHANCE IN AMERICA BUT THIS IS ALL LIES JIM ROSS! The only thing America has done for me? IS CAUSE ME NOTHING BUT AGONY...and so I will make sure the American people has a share in my agony...and the only way to do that is to ruin the things they love...and what could the American people love more, Jim Ross...than the AMERICAN WRESTLING ASSOCIATION! THE AWA REPRESENTS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...But soon...very soon...it will represent ME...SHEIK ADNAN AND MY TWO NEW CLIENTS! At that moment Sheik's new clients come towering into the frame. Two of the biggest men on the roster and the fear in the audience is palpable! It's Big man Jerry Blackwell and The Strongest Man In The World Ken Patera! Some fans boo but others recoil in fear out of what these two men and Sheik Adnan might do if they go too far over the line in showing their hatred for these new clients of the Sheik! Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie LOOK AT THEM JIM ROSS! LOOK AT MY CLIENTS AND TREMBLE IN TERROR! THESE TWO ARE EASILY THE BIGGEST AND STRONGEST MEN IN THE ENTIRE AWA! THESE TWO MEN, JUST LIKE ME JIM ROSS...HAVE BEEN OVERLOOKED AND UNDER APPRECIATED! WELL NO LONGER! Jim Ross B-but why?! Especially you Ken? This is low even for YOU! YOU USED TO REPRESENT THIS COUNTRY! Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie AND WHAT DID THIS COUNTRY DO TO REWARD HIM FOR HIS SERVICES JIM ROSS?! NOTHING! Well The Sheik will reward him...The Sheik will reward him with Gold! THE SHEIK WILL REWARD BOTH OF THESE MEN WITH TAG TEAM GOLD! YOU HEAR ME HIGH FLYERS?! THE AWA WILL BECOME MINE AND I'M STARTING WITH YOU ME...AND MY SHEIKS! WE'RE COMING FOR YOU...WHETHER YOU LIKE IT NOT! COME ON BOYS WE'RE DONE HERE! Rated:48 Third Match VS. Boris Breznikoff VS. Jake Milliman Not really much to say about this match other than it was a clear and obvious dominating performance by Boris Breznikoff. "The Ruthless Russian" as Jim Ross had coined as a nickname for him certainly earned his name, but unfortunately it left the fans unimpressed, as despite the little time this match had, it seemed these two men did not even click at all and caused for a lack of interest. Rated: 30 One Last Shot At Greatness... We come from commercial to see Mean Gene in the AWA interview area, with the blue background and AWA logo behind him. Standing beside him is one of the wrestling legends of the company and the business entire. Wahoo McDaniel, clad in his Native American head dress and all. Wahoo's face looks forlorn, concerned, like an incredible weight is sitting upon him that he cannot lift. Gene Okerlund "Ladies and Gentlemen Gene Okerlund here, joined right now by a man who is a veteran of not only the AWA, but of the sport of wrestling entirely, a man we all know, love and respect...Wahoo McDaniel! Wahoo, from my understanding you've been thinking long and hard these past few weeks and you have some very strong...and maybe some very emotional thoughts to share with us here this evening is that right?" Wahoo McDaniel "That's right Gene I've had a lot on my mind...for quite a while if I'm honest with you. I've done a lot in my life so far Gene...from my days in the NFL with the Houston Oilers, New York Jets, Denver Broncos and Miami Dolphins, to travelling around the country wrestling against some of the greatest names this sport has ever seen, the likes of Superstar Billy Graham and Johnny Valentine...and I got to thinking how the fans of the AWA especially have had stood by my side through it all, through thick and thin. Through good and bad, the AWA fans have always had my back and I will forever be grateful for that. I want to give them everything I got...for however long I got left, but Gene I got to be honest with you. I'm worried...I'm concerned, I might not have much longer left with not much left to give in this sport...I'm forty four years old Gene...it gets a little harder to move around every now and then...a little pain in places I never used to get it...and I'm becoming more and more aware...and more and more worried...that the day I have to hang up my boots might be drawing nearer...and I really hope I'm wrong." Gene Okerlund "Wahoo what are you saying?! I understand time takes it's toll on all of us and yes that might cause worry, that might cause doubt but I think I speak for every fan in attendance, for all the fans watching at home! You still have plenty in the tank! You've got a lot more years left in you Wahoo! Don't let doubt cloud your mind!" Wahoo McDaniel "Well thank you Gene I appreciate your kind words and I do think you hit the nail on the head there, though I don't think you realised it...doubt is clouding my mind. That's true...and do you know why?" Gene Okerlund "Why Wahoo? What's brought all this to the surface?!" Wahoo McDaniel "In all my time in the AWA...I have never won the AWA World Heavyweight Championship. I've beaten the odds, I've faced down athletes of all shapes and sizes, I've passed on my wisdom to the next generation of wrestlers. I have all the achievements an athlete can be proud of EXCEPT...The AWA World Heavyweight Championship...that's why my mind is so clouded with doubt Gene. I just haven't been able to do it...and I'm afraid it might be too late!" Gene Okerlund "Wahoo I see no reason for you to take a shot at the Championship! You've got as much claim as anyone else does in that locker room, if not more BECAUSE of all you've done in this business!" Wahoo McDaniel "Yeah maybe I do...but I won't know for sure unless I try Gene. It's an unanswered question which keeps circling my mind...can I do it? Can I take one last shot at greatness? It's what I want Gene...it's what I need...more than anything else in the world. just an answer to that question...can I do it? When I know the answer to that question...then I'll know the answer to all the rest of 'em too..." Things get interrupted by the screams of the fans watching in the crowd, as out of frame of the camera, who suddenly comes into the frame, is rising superstar and arguably the biggest fan favorite in the company right now. The Incredible Hulk Hogan! He isn't out here grand standing and showboating like one might expect. No. No posing or placing his hand to his ear. He's holding his hands out to the crowd, trying to calm them down. He understands and appreciates their love for him, but for once. This isn't about him. Hulk Hogan "Wahoo I'm sorry brother, but I had to come out, because I just couldn't quite believe what I was hearin' backstage dude! What are you talkin' about man? Hangin' up the boots?! Doubtin' yourself like this? It ain't right dude! You're a LEGEND in this sport Wahoo! You're the REASON a lot of guys even got a shot in this business! I remember the cold days training with you in Minnesota Wahoo. I remember my arms shaking from the cold, askin' myself if I'd even be able to move 'em, let alone lift the weights brother! But having you as one of my mentor's havin' you there by my side, giving me the knowledge, giving me the motivation, sharing the experience...well all of a sudden those cold days didn't feel so cold any more dude! A day with Wahoo was a good day in my books man!" Wahoo McDaniel "Well thank you for the kind words Hogan...they certainly mean a lot coming from you. I remember you coming in as a young man and I remember those cold days in Minnesota just as well as you do. It wasn't the best place to train by any means, but it's what we had, so I did my best with it...and to see you standing here in front of me...knowing where you are, with all the people here, and many more watching at home supporting you, wanting you to be the number one contender..." Hulk Hogan "Don't you worry about me right now Wahoo! This ain't about me brother! This is about YOU! This is about gettin you out of your own head, this is about showing you just how great you really are...and if I have to put my championship dreams on hold in order to do that? So be it! Because it's the least I can do for you to pay you back for what you did for me brother! My time in the sun will come, I know it! And I think the fans will understand me putting that time off for a little while so we can give you yours, dude!" Wahoo McDaniel Hulk...I appreciate the offer. I really do...but I can't accept it. You've earned your position! I mean listen to how the fans react when you show up! They want YOU right now...I just don't have it in me to take away another wrestler's opportunity in order to have mine. So thank you for the offer...but no thank you. Hulk Hogan I'm not takin' no for an answer brother I'm tellin' you, right here, right now dude YOU ARE THE NUMBER ONE- Hulk is cut off as the fans in attendence suddenly ring out in a chorus of boos. What's this? The AWA Faithful, booing Hulk Hogan?! It can't be! IMPOSSIBLE! No! They aren't...it becomes quite clear exactly who it is drawing their ire as the camera pans over to see the two most hated men in the company. AWA World Heavyweight champion, Nick Bockwinkel, carrying the belt upon his shoulder and by his side, that little WEASEL manager of his, Bobby Heenan! Nick Bockwinkel "Well look what we have here Bobby...an incredibly fortuitous opportunity that these two have provided for us all here this evening! The unfortunate circumstance being that I don't think either of them quite fathom the reality of their scenario at this moment in time, do they?" Bobby Heenan "You think either of them realize exactly what they have gotten themselves into? Not for a moment! IT'S A SURPRISE THEY CAN EVEN LACE THEIR BOOTS WITHOUT TRIPPING OVER THEIR OWN FEET!" Nick Bockwinkel "I'm sure if we inspected their boots thoroughly we'd probably find their laces tucked in Bobby but that's besides the point at hand! Well gentlemen...I shall put it to you both simply, not only because I am more than fully cognizant of the fact that intellectually speaking, you are both incredibly incapable of comprehending the complexities of the situation that you find yourselves in...but please, do not be offended, because I'm also incredibly aware that right now we find ourselves on television and standing before an audience and when we compare their collective intellect to yours? Well they make you look like graduates of Harvard with honors...so do not concern yourselves about your comprehension skills...I will lower my standards of elocution, albeit momentarily, in order to make things completely comprehendible not only to yourselves, but for all of the...unwashed humanoids in attendance and watching at home this evening. You see gentlemen the situation is as simple as this...both of you can sit here and declare one another contenders for the World Heavyweight Championship as much as you like. Please, for my sake, waste weeks, even months doing it. It will save me the time and the effort having to wrestle either of you. Unfortunately that is a burden I accept that I may have to carry regardless, because the competition in this company? It's null and void...non existent...so if you two are truly that the best that the AWA have to offer at this moment in time...and neither of you seem to want to claim the, very much open position of number one contender out of some sense of...what is it? Loyalty? Friendship? Respect? Meaningless trinkets in the grand scheme of things but if those emotions truly restrict either of you from doing what...ultimately will need to be done and claiming the number one contendership...the way obviously seem to be...then the answer, I'm afraid...is quite simple...a number one contender's match is required..." Hulk Hogan "SEE I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING BEHIND YOU COMIN' OUT HERE BOCKWINKEL! You're just trying to pit me and Wahoo against one another instead! You're playing games Bockwinkel! Instead of facing one of us like the fightin' champ you claim to be!" Bobby "The Brain" Heenan "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO HIM LIKE THAT! THIS MAN IS YOUR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?! HE DESERVES TO BE SPOKEN TO WITH RESPECT! NOT SMEARED WITH THESE FALSE ACCUSATIONS!" Nick Bockwinkel "It's ok Bobby we shouldn't expect any more from such a hyperactive buffoon such as him. On the contrary Hogan...I am simply informing you of the rules of engagement. You have both made it crystal clear...here on television, in front of hundreds, if not thousands of witnesses, with thousands, if not hundreds of thousands more watching at home...neither of you wishes to claim the contender's spot out of some sense of...respect, decency, or friendship to the other. Rather droll, predictable behavior if you ask me Bobby." Bobby "The Brain" Heenan "You could see it happening in your sleep champ!" Nick Bockwinkel "Too true...but that leaves us with a very clear cut path from here...and if you don't believe me...then please, turn to our beloved AWA President...mister Verne Gagne and I think you'll soon find, that despite our differences? He WILL end up agreeing with me. At this point? A contender must be declared! In fact? After hearing what I've heard here tonight. I refuse to face either of you until a number one contender is officially declared, which at this point? Can only happen as a result of a competitive match." Hulk Hogan "IT'S NOT GONNA' HAPPEN BOCKWINKEL!" WahooMcDaniel "You can't make us fight one another!" Nick Bockwinkel "True I can't...in which case I suppose Mister Gagne will have to organize an alternative match to declare a contender...those are your choices gentlemen...either face one another...or forfeit your opportunities. I'd like to tell you I hate to be the bearer of bad news...but I'd be lying...think long and hard gentlemen and please, do try not to hurt yourselves doing it. I look forward to hearing your decision. Good evening." The two men leave smirking to another round of booing and jeering from the fans, leaving both Wahoo and Hogan absolutely gobsmacked as they look to each other hesitantly. In their moment of respect and admiration for each other. They have seemingly signed their own fate, at least according to the World Champion, which should be taken with a grain of salt. We're going to have to hear from AWA President Verne Gagne on this! Because if the champ is right! Then the options are as he stated. Either Hogan and Wahoo face each other...or an alternative must be found...and the fans certainly don't want either of these men to lose their opportunity... Rated: 81 Main Event VS. The Main Event saw the show being closed with a good bout of wrestling as Tito Santana and Bobby Duncum engaged in a back and forth contest. Which saw Manager Bobby heenan try to get involved early on in the match but the referee was having none of it and instead of calling for a DQ, he actually ejected Bobby from the match! Which caused celebrations from the crowd and meant for once, Bobby Heenan couldn't weasel his client to a victory! The match soon resumed and we saw that when on his own, Duncum could still hold up. He had the in ring ability and more importantly he had the power, to take control of the match and put Tito into a precarious position. But Tito would fight back! Using the support of the fans to fuel his fire! Delivering shots to the gut of Duncum from the corner, fighting his way out! Giving himself some space! But meanwhile, screams emerge from the crowd, as marching down towards the ring, holding on to his arm as his hand swings around, formed in a threatening claw... It's Baron Von Raschke! "What in the world is he doing here?! Someone get security! Get him out of here, he has no business being here!"- Jim Ross The ref turns his back to the action as he sees Baron trying to get in and he keeps pivoting about to try and stop him so the in ring action can continue, The Baron tries to get in and the ref even has the courage and the nerve to try and kick and stomp at the Baron's hands, causing the Baron to pull away and move around the ring to try and find another point of entrance, at which point, ring side security was gathering. meanwhile behind him Duncum takes advantage of the distraction happening outside! Delivering a low blow to Santana and rolling him up for a small package for the pin! Baron points to the in ring as he's getting dragged away by security and the referee turns, he sees the pin! But he didn't see the low blow! Duncum picks up the win, thanks the distraction of The Baron! What in the world was that all about?! We'll have to find out next time folks! We're all out of time here for this edition of All-Star Wrestling! Rated: 51 Overall: 56
  12. ALL-STAR WRESTLING WEEK 1 PREDICTION CARD Buck Zumhofe VS. Mike Graham Mike Boyette VS. Rick Martel Boris Breznikoff VS. Jake Milliman Bobby Duncum VS. Tito Santana
  13. CHAMPIONS ROLE CALL AWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION Nick Bockwinkel Current Reign- October 1982- Current Day The AWA World Heavyweight Championship might not carry the same prestige as the NWA counterpart does, but to ignore the importance of the belt is a foolish endeavor. The championship was created after all, along with the establishment of the AWA as a company, when Verne Gagne seperated from the NWA and decided to operate independently. The very first champion was Pat O' Connor, who had won the NWA World Championship the year prior. However after failing to defend the title within ninety days, the belt was awarded to AWA Patriarch, Verne Gagne. From then the belt has seen a rich history of professional wrestling legends hold the belt. Obviously Verne Gagne, already mentioned, who held the belt a grand total of nine times. but the belt has also been held by the likes of Fritz Von Erich, The Crusher, Dick The Bruiser, Mad Dog Vachon and now, for the second time...it is being held by "Predominantly the best athlete in the sport of professional wrestling today!"- Nick Bockwinkel. The man who holds the honour of retiring Verne Gagne and putting an end to his final title reign. Bockwinkel seemingly stands unopposed in the AWA for the time being. Despite the rumblings of a potential contender in Hulk Hogan, Bockwinkel has shown time and time again just why it is he holds the belt... AWA WORLD LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION Mike Graham Current Reign-June 1981 to Current Day The World Light Heavyweight Championship is still a young belt, especially in comparison to the Heavyweight counterpart. Established only two years ago and still being held to this day by the inaugural champion, Mike Graham. The hopes are that a Light Heavyweight division can truly grow as although there is a championship, there being a true division for both Light Heavyweight, and Heavyweight championships has not yet been established. Perhaps this can be achieved now as AWA is starting to change tact and a true division can be established to help keep the legitimate, athletic competition that Verne Gagne wishes to keep alive evolving into a more modern presentation. AWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS The High Flyers (Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell) Current Reign, June 1981- Current Date The AWA World Tag Team Championships, like the World Championship have been around since the establishment of the company since the 1960's and have seen many legendary teams hold the belts over those decades, Teams like Larry Hennig & Harley Race, The Crusher & Dick The Bruiser, Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens, and now the belts are currently owned and defended by Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell who have had a lengthy run with the belts. However danger is rising for the current champions, as their reign may be under threat by Sheik Adnan0AlKaissey and his clients, Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera...
  14. This will probably be my final attempt at a dynasty. Giving the AWA one final swing because out of all the booking scenarios I have tried. This one I have always loved the most...here's hoping we can stick to it... Introduction 1983 Pro Wrestling Illustrated Exclusive! (Kayfabe) The American Wrestling Association has officially announced a change in it's power structure as the New Year rolls in. Long running authority figure, Wally Karbo who has been with the company since its establishment in 1960 and in fact helped with the very founding of the company, has stepped down and allowed former AWA wrestler, established veteran and legend, Verne Gagne to take over the position as running the day to day operations of the company as what the company is now coining as the AWA "President". After all, America has a President running ITS day to day operations. It only makes sense the AMERICAN Wrestling Association has one as well. Gagne is already implementing changes to the show we will see in the weeks to come, vamping up the announce team, making some exciting signings and looking to capitalize on the momentum the company is gaining as the hot feud in the AWA right now is rising star Hulk Hogan, who looks to be setting his eyes on none other than the AWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Bockwinkel! Out of Kayfabe Verne has made the decision nobody in the company ever thought he would make. He's handing the reigns of power over to his son Greg. Greg had been groomed to run the company one day. But everyone knows Verne. He's stubborn, set in his ways. Greg probably wasn't going to get a hold on things until the old man had passed away. Yet here we are. It seems the decision caused the resignation of co-founder Wally Karbo, who saw this as writing on the wall that for better or for worse, things were going to change in the company. While Greg has always been supportive of his father's decisions in the running of the company, he has also been wanting to inject a little bit of life into the product. The AWA is home to some of the best talkers in the business. Bockwinkel, Hogan, Bobby Heenan, Heck even Mean Gene Okerlund as an announcer. But the in ring? Snooze fest outside of a couple matches here and there. Fans clearly get excited for Hogan...and Bockwinkel is such a great talent he could pull a great match if he was in ring against a mop..but everything is so old school. Verne books like it's still the 1960's. For a while that worked. It's gotten the AWA to where it is, here today after all...but it's clear if things don't change, and don't change soon. Tragedy could strike. If there was ever a time the AWA should shift gears and change the product. It's now. So maybe the old man came to his senses and saw that. Instead opting to take an on screen role. Acting as the authority figure while keeping the fact that Greg is actually running the show as personal, need to know business.
  15. I like these ideas. I can't promise they'll be implemented exactly as you want because I've already got my starting storylines set up but it gives me some cool things to work with going forward. I was just going to ignore Bartlett to be honest and have the third commentary man be Bobby Heenan but I might find a way to work Paul Heyman in either as commentary or a manager
  16. Giving doing a diary another try after having to get a new computer and losing all data I had for previous diaries. In 1993, WWF would introduce a new show to Monday Nights. This show would go on to be the longest running episodic television show in history. It would garner over one thousand episodes, run for nearly thirty years and to this day be the premiere show for the WWF/WWE. That show was of course, Monday Night Raw. But going back and actually watching Raw from the beginning, as it was presented is no easy feat. One has to wonder how exactly this show managed to last as long as it did. WWF is in the early stages of its New Generation. The Dark Ages as many fans would know it as are only a couple years away, but the signs of the WWF getting stale are already starting to show. Wrestlers are showing up with professions. Gimmicks in general are still being created using the eighties strategy that Vince expanded his company with, but it's a new decade. And with it a new audience needs to be catered to. Thankfully WCW is not looking any better. It isn't going to become the competitor we know it to be for a couple years. Which means this alternative timeline provides us a chance to make this period in WWF far more exciting than it actually was. Wrestlemania 9, what many consider to be the worst Wrestlemania of all time is only a couple months in our sights and between now and then, Raw needs to be the show that gives people a reason to buy our PPV's and tune in to our show and to continue to show the world why it is we are the best... Champions WWF Champion Bret Hart WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels WWF World Tag Team Champions Money Incorporated Starting Storylines: I'm basically using the first Raw as a way for me to start from scratch and do the stories I wan. There still may be incorporation of real stories at the time going forward but with slight tweaks for the alternate timeline, but overall the goal of this diary is quite simple. I want to book from the first Raw and just mainly have fun doing it and seeing what comes from it,
  17. AWA January Spectacular Match Card Opening Match AWA World Light Heavyweight Championship Mike Graham VS. "Macho Man" Randy Savage Grudge Match Curt Hennig VS. Jerry Lawler AWA World Tag Team Championships The High Flyers Open Challenge High Flyers set to defend their championship against any team willing to challenge them... Grudge Match Hulk Hogan VS. Baron Von Raschke AWA World Heavyweight Championship Nick Bockwinkel Vs. Tito Santana Post Show Feedback What segment did you enjoy the most? What segment didn't you care for? Anything to improve for the next episode? What are you looking forward to at the January Spectacular? ANYTHING ELSE
  18. Hello all, so, I owned the Bockwinkel account that originally wrote this diary. Sadly I lost access to the email associated with this account. So. Going forward I will be updating the diary with THIS account. In regards to why it took so long to uopdate? So. I never intended for this diary to be abandoned or forgotten. Life was getting crazy when we last left off. Changing jobs. Moving. Internet, as you can see with me doing my AEW one. I have some time again for diaries and I wanted to continue this one. Seeing as my AEW is more...surreal. This is more legit and grounded and set in real world. So...here we go. Returning to the AWA and hoping people will still be interested in reading it. Introduction Gordon Solie Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another exciting edition of All Star Wrestling, brought to you by the PREMIERE wrestling organization in all of the United States! The American Wrestling Association! I am Gordon Solie joined by my colleagues tonight Jim Ross and "Mean" Gene Okerlund, firstly on behalf of the AWA I would like to thank The Rolling Stones and their representatives for allowing us to use their song "Satisfaction" as the NEW introduction to the show! It certainly punctuates the atmosphere currently building in the AWA doesn't it gentlemen? Jim Ross It certainly does Gordon and if you want a reason to be excited folks? I can't think of a better example than the contract signing between the AWA World Heavyweight Champion and his challenger Tito Santana! Gordon will have the honor of being the one to host that segment and I must say I am a little concerned for your sake Gordon, because if anything happens between those two- Gordon Solie I doubt either man will want to put the match at risk Jim, they're aware of the repercussions for both of them if things devolve into chaos! Besides, AWA President, Verne Gagne will be in ring for the occasion also! But you talk about excitement? Perhaps excitement isn't the right word to use but I for one am certainly interested to see how things develop for our young rising star Curt Hennig, who has had a target on his back and the man aiming at that target? Is one of our newest signings, The King of Memphis, Jerry Lawler! Lawler's harsh words certainly must be in the mind of Hennig and you have to wonder how it will affect this youngster who feels as if he has something to prove! "Mean" Gene Okerlund Gentlemen need we forget the Main Event this evening? Hulk Hogan will be squaring off against Masa Saito tonight but he will need to have eyes in the back of his head because at any time, from anywhere could come Baron Von Raschke to take a cheap shot in his attempts to put an end to Hulkamania! Mike Graham VS. Buck Zumhofe VS. Mike Graham opened in a dominating performance which surprisingly got the crowd a little heated up, perhaps because they had seen Graham getting knocked down over the past couple of weeks by Randy Savage and seeing him come out on top was a much needed victory that was well deserved on the part of the Light Heavyweight Champion. Rated:46 After The Match Mike Graham's celebrations are cut short as one of the most recent signings, the fired up dynamo of energy, The Macho Man Randy Savage appears on stage with his manager, the weasel hated entire by the AWA fans. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan Randy Savage Mike Graham...unlike my esteemed manager, Mister Bobby "The Brain" Heenan...I just do not have it in me to applaud you...not even out of pity, I just can't muster the energy to even pretend to care FOR THAT ATROCIOUS PERFORMANCE YOU JUST DISPLAYED! You should be ashamed to call yourself a champion Mike, yeah....heck...YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED TO CALL YOURSELF A WRESTLER! And I'll tell you why Mike, yeah. I'll spell it out here for ya' REEEEAAAALLLL plain and simple, yeah... Bobby "The Brain" Heenan So simple Mike, that it should even get through YOUR thick skull! So open your ears and listen carefully to a REAL athlete! You MIGHT just learn something if you do! Randy Savage I have toiled away Mike. I have struggled to make a name for myself in this business. Oh yeah, it's true. I stayed and worked for a wrestling company that wasn't even recognised as "official" by the other big league organisations in this industry. "Outlaw" is what they called me! ME?! For tryin' to get started! For tryin' to help and feed and support my family! For doing what I LOVE! FOR DOING WHAT'S IN MY BLOOD! WHAT'S IN MY VEINS! FOR PUTTING EVERYTHING I HAVE INTO THE SPORT OF WRESTLING! And meanwhile? What do I see? Yeah....in one of the most prominent wrestling companies in the country? I see you...in some ways quite like me Mike...a product of this business. You grew up in it...yeah! From a young age you knew what you were gonna' be! Because just like me Mike it's in your family, it's in your heritage. You live it, you breathe it, you smell it, you eat it! IT'S THE ONLY THING YOU KNOW! Bobby "The Brain" Heenan And instead of facing the challenges that this man faced Mike? Instead of the struggle to just get his foot in the door? Randy Savage YOU GOT TO RIDE THE ROAD TO SUCCESS ON TRAINING WHEELS! Low effort...low struggle...low challenge...low skill. Yeah. You are a STAIN on your family's name Mike. You my friend are what we call...Garbage! COMPLETE....AND UTTER...GARBAGE! And what do you get when you put garbage in Mike? You get garbage out yeah and that is what has become with the sorry and sad state of affairs with that belt that you carry around your waist! Do you understand that? You're carryin' a championship, yeah....that should MEAN somethin' Mike...that should be PRESTIGIOUS...and instead...you're jerkin' the curtain! You're openin' the show against NOBODIES...who's gonna' come here when they see that as an example of what a rising star could achieve in this company? A company without exciting competition? A company where a champion gets to take the easy way out? NOT IN A COMPANY I WORK MIKE! NOT GONNA' HAPPEN! Because I've toiled...and I've struggled...and I've been an outlaw long enough...I'm here to show the wrestlin' business who they were turnin' their nose up at....and you...you're just the first example I'm going to make in this business....of why they should have been takin' me seriously from the very start! Bobby "The Brain" Heenan Hold on to your belt as tight as you can Mike! Because come the end of the month! You'll never be holding it again! Rated:45 Bobby Duncum VS. Rick Martel VS. Rick Martel and Bobby Duncum keep up the good momentum of the show with this back and forth encounter that saw Rick getting knocked down a few times by the brutishness of Duncum whenever Martel attempted to go for anything flashy. The opposing styles seemed to mesh well and led to an interesting battle, that eventually saw Martel manage to get in a diving clothesline which changed the tide of the match and turn the momentum in his favour, eventually picking up the win over Duncum with a flash pinfall. Rated:58 Curt Hennig VS. Boris Breznikoff VS. Curt struggles against the hard hits from The Soviet Hammer! But the young underdog has something to prove here tonight against the new thorn in his side and he does not intend to let Boris Breznikoff overpower him! With a mighty comeback Curt manages to overcome the odds against him and picks up the win with a hefty Hennig Plex that looked like it might not have happened due to the size difference Rated:49 Daddy Can't Get You Out Of This One... Jerry "The King" Lawler Wow Curt! Look at YOU! In the preliminary match before the Main Event?! I HATE to say it...but maybe...just maybe I was wrong Curt! Maybe you TRULY ARE...the rising star they claim you are around here? Then again...seeing you in this position? And I mean this with all due respect Curt...I can't help but wonder whose hands your father had to shake to make it happen? How many favours did he have to ask for? How many ears did he have to whisper in? Do you think he maybe had to resort to writing a cheque to someone? Not Larry?! No?! He couldn't have! He did something to get you where you are tonight though didn't he?! I'm sure of it! Jerry "The King" Lawler I'm sure of it Curt...because while even I have to admit that you have potential...that's all that it is. Potential. Something that, may, or may not happen. Not something that gets handed to you unopposed...you probably have been clueless this entire time haven't you? Thinking that you're standing here, right now, in this ring, where you are...because of hard work and dedication. Is that cluelessness? Or is it wilful, blind ignorance? Because you're scared? Because deep down you know...there's a shadow looming over you...cast over you like a black cloud and you have no idea whether or not you can escape from it, do you? No idea if you can get out from the cloud your father's shadow has cast over you...well I hate to be the bearer of bad news Curt Hennig ARE YOU FINISHED?! Curt Hennig You've only been here THREE WEEKS...and you already sound like a broken record! Strutting in here with that smirk thinking you're spouting off something I've never heard before in my life? Do you know how many fools like you have stepped in from the sidelines? How many whispers I've heard in the locker rooms? Mutterings under someone's breath? About my dad? How he's the only reason I'm here? I've heard it since I started training. When I was in Verne Gagne's barn, doing work out routines that you couldn't even IMAGINE! I was hearing it then, from entitled loud mouths just like you! Do you know what it's like Jerry? Doing pull ups in an open barn in the middle of a Minneapolis winter? Lugging barrels around through the snow instead of lifting weights in the gym, or at home? Sprinting up hill with the rain pouring on your face? Do you have ANY IDEA what that man put me through? Do you have any idea why he even put me through it?! Curt Hennig I'LL TELL YOU WHY! It's because Verne Gagne only trains those he sees potential in. Verne Gagne only trains those he thinks could BE something in this business...Verne Gagne does not waste his time...he invests it, to make sure that the people that could one day become stars in this business? Don't end up like you...over confident...arrogant...entitled...thinking that because you got just enough talent to cruise along and enough knowledge to know how to get an easy win when you need it...that you don't really need to put that hard work in! I saw guys like you in that training Jerry? Talkin' big...you know how long they usually lasted in that cold barn in Minneapolis Jerry? One day...some of them couldn’t even manage that long. How long would you have lasted I wonder? Would you even have shown up if you knew the road you would have had ahead of you? Curt Hennig All I want to do Jerry…is wrestle…it’s what I do best. I could have done anything I wanted to. Name a sport, chances are I not only tried it. I EXCELLED AT IT but none of them…NOT ONE OF THEM…held a candle to wrestling in my heart! That's the difference between me and you at the heart of it, isn't it? This is something I love. It's something I'm passionate about. It's something I've always wanted to do. You? You have some natural ability and a good head on your shoulders and you think because of that you're entitled to everything good this business can give you and damn anybody else for trying! Curt Hennig You come here and you make it personal with me from the moment you enter the door. Well consider this your opportunity Jerry, I’m challenging you to a match, at the end of the month show. I want to give you the opportunity to show everyone in that building who buys a ticket that you were right…and when that bell rings? I’m gonna’ prove you wrong. Like I’ve proven everyone just like you wrong. Time and time again! Jerry "The King" Lawler You want a match kid? You got it. It would be my pleasure, no...MY DUTY...to make it my PERSONAL responsibility to see to teaching you a painful lesson and what I have in store for you? This is something daddy won't be able to save you from! Rated: 55 *COMMERCIAL BREAK* Contract Signing We fade in from commercials, to the sight of Gordon Solie stood in the center of the ring, AWA branded microphone in hand, a black table in the ring with an assortment of papers and stationary upon it. The fans chant for two reasons, one they get to see Solie for this segment, the Dean of Wrestling himself, a beloved figure in all of the sport who commanded respect anywhere he went. Second, it was the signing of the contract that would make the Main Event of the AWA January Spectacular, The AWA World Heavyweight Championship Match between Nick Bockwinkel, and Tito Santana! Gordon Solie Ladies and gentlemen, this evening the AWA is proud to present to you the official signing of the AWA World Heavyweight Championship match. Without further ado, if you would all please join me in standing to welcome our AWA President, he is a wrestling veteran and co founder of the AWA...ladies and Gentlemen...MISTER VERNE GAGNE! "America The Beautiful" - Ray Charles As Verne comes out he is treated with such love and adulation that being in the arena would be the only true way to experience. Walking down in his black suit, was a man that most people in this audience would have grown up watching, perhaps with friends, perhaps with family, but there was a time when Verne Gagne WAS the AWA and now, here he was, for a signing between Tito Santana...and easily the man who many would call his greatest rival. As he enters the ring he is applauded by Solie, who hands him a microphone so that he can speak to his audience. AWA President Verne Gagne Ladies and gentlemen...boys and girls. When the AWA was founded, the World Heavyweight Championship was created along with it. Since its creation in 1960, the championship has come to represent the best the caliber of wrestling athletes the AWA has to offer to the sport of professional wrestling. This belt has been around the waists and shoulders of men such as Pat O'Connor, The Crusher, Mad Dog Vachon, Dick The Bruiser...and I was fortunate enough to hold the title a couple times myself... Verne lets out a soft chuckle as the fans cheer and applaud. Verne also had the distinct accomplishment of retiring while champion before the belt changed hands. Perhaps to a more modern audience, he is a symbol of the past, but to this Minneapolis crowd...he's still their hero. AWA President Verne Gagne Now that title lays in the hands of Nick Bockwinkel...a man whom...despite our differences, I must admit, has done extremely well at continuing the legacy of that belt and what it has come to represent. He has carried the responsibility of champion to the highest of his capabilities and that, is what we come to expect in this company and in this sport. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, please put aside your differences with the man and join me in welcoming our AWA World Heavyweight Champion. Nick Bockwinkel "Ode to Joy" - Beethoven There's only one man FULL ENOUGH of himself to have the music that plays him to the ring be "Ode to Joy", of course it is none other than Nick Bockwinkel, joined, unfortunately AS ALWAYS by his WEASEL manager Bobby Heenan. It's ahrd to admit, but Bockwinkel KNOWS how to present himself like a champion, coming out in a tan three piece suit and tinted shades, the championship belt held over his shoulder. He milks the magnificence of Beethoven's symphony as he can as he walks down the ramp, occasionally stopping to check the title and making sure it is spotless, at one point turning towards Heenan when they get to the middle of the ramp. Heenan in response? whips a handkerchief out of his pocket and polishes the belt up for the champion before the two continue. When Bockwinkel finally gets in the ring and the music fades out over the PA, there's an awkward moment of silence as he stares across at the man who, once upon a time was a great rival of his. There seems to be no bad feelings on the surface however as he is the one to initiate the handshake with AWA President, Verne Gagne. AWA President Verne Gagne A champion can only be judged however, by those he defends his championship belt against, and tonight Mr. Bockwinkel will come face to face with the man he is set to defend his title against. Tito Santana! Tito has risen through as a shining star in the AWA locker room, but more importantly, in the eyes of these fans. He has, in some ways become, a man of the people and he is a worthy challenger for the belt! Folks...please put your hands together for your challenger...Tito Santana! "Sultans of Swing" - Dire Straits Tito comes out all business himself, coming out in his wrestling trunks, unlike the suit that Bockwinkel is wearing. It causes Bockwinkel and Heenan to share a chuckle with each other but that is overshadowed by the loving response Tito receives. Signs with his name on them, girls trying to reach over the barricade just to get their hands on him, and maybe, if they are lucky, potentially a kiss! Unfortunately for those ladies that doesn't happen, but a few guys get high fives and kids get thumbs up along the way as Tito rolls into the ring to finally face down the man who has been evading him so far. Gordon Solie Now gentlemen, I know there are tensions between the both of you here this evening, but before we get started, Mr. Gagne would like to state something here for the both of you tonight. AWA President Verne Gagne Thank you Gordon. Gentlemen? I want to make one thing clear to the both of you. Perhaps in other wrestling organizations, events such as this? Descend into violence and chaos. However, as long as I have anything to say about it? This company will remain a legitimate and respectable presentation of the sport of professional wrestling and you two shall respect the rules of this being a natural occasion here tonight. You will both get your opportunity to showcase your in ring skills come the AWA Spectacular at the end of the month. Tonight? This is a contract signing, so you will both get an opportunity to say your piece. You will sign the contract...and then...like it or not...you will both shake hands. Am I clear? Tito hesitates for a moment. He is reluctant to answer. The insults from Bockwinkel over the previous weeks still circling his mind. Tito Santana Yes sir... Verne Gagne And you, Bockwinkel Nick Bockwinkel Crystal clear Mr. President. Bockwinkel flashes his pearly whites with a cheshire cat smile, his demeanor with Gagne was strange considering the history the two had with each other, but perhaps, now, since Verne was holding a position of power over Bockwinkel, our AWA Champion was just very good at playing a part he currently deems necessary to play whilst in Verne's presence... Verne Gagne I will remain present to ensure everything is above board with the signing, Mister Solie, if you would please continue as planned. Gordon Solie With pleasure Mister Gagne! Gentlemen! It's going to go like this. Bockwinkel? You are the champion so you will go first. You will say your piece, you will sign the contract. Mister Gagne will inspect the document to ensure it has been signed properly, then Mr. Santana will do the same, each of you will remain silent when the other speaks and after both men have signed, Mr. Gagne will sign the contract as the authorizing official and I will sign as a witness, thus making the match official, upon which, both of you will shake hands, and then, promptly leave the ring and head backstage! With the standards set, Mister Bockwinkel...the floor is yours. Nick Bockwinkel Firstly Mister Solie...I would like to personally thank you for agreeing to be here this evening. It is certainly enriching to know that this company respects the requests of their champion to have a proper sportscaster in the ring whenever I am involved in a situation such as this. Without your presence here, the quality of this show's broadcasting team would decline...so tremendously why I? I don't think I could ever agree to an interview from the two imbeciles you are unfortunate enough to call your colleagues... Gordon Solie Now Nick, I must stand up in def- Nick Bockwinkel I believe that silence is required when I speak Mr. Solie? Bobby "The Brain" Heenan You wouldn't want to put Tito's championship opportunity at jeopardy would you Solie?! Nick Bockwinkel Now Bobby, we must accept that it is Mister Solie's job to defend his work colleagues. It is respectable. I on the other hand, have no such restrictions upon me. Which leads me to you Mister Santana... Bockwinkel slowly removes his tinted shades, putting them in his jacket pcket so he can look Santana directly in the eyes... Nick Bockwinkel Now...there are some dissenting voices out there that say...I've been too harsh with you Mister Santana. That I have not given you the credit you have worked so feverously to deserve and to that I must admit...that could be a possibility...but I must emphasize...a possibility Mr Santana...not a certainty. You see...when you are dealing with thick headed, dim witted, low intelligence humanoids as often as I unfortunately do in my current position Mr. Santana, it leads to a sad decline in the lexicon you use on a regular basis. Do you understand? You might think when you hear me speak on a regular basis that "By GOD he is a genius!" to which, I must say, I am flattered. However, the sad reality is that even I must limit the true capabilities of my superior locution. Why you ask? Well...have you seen the sad example of filth we call an audience? The audience showers the champion with boos, they really didn't like that one. Not that it bothered Nick, he always flashed the slightest hint of a smirk hearing their reactions to him. He enjoyed getting under their skin, knowing that they could do absolutely nothing to even attempt to prove he was wrong. It was, in his case , the truth. He was better than all of them...and they knew it. Nick Bockwinkel Look at them Tito...dumb, limited, potentially inbred humanoids...it isn't entirely their fault that their education has been so dire I will admit. The fact that there are just so many of them is an extremely concerning indicator to me that the public education system is beyond broken if the majority of Americans turn out like the pathetic examples in the audience here tonight! What's the phraseology Tito? If you can't beat them...join them...isn't it? Well why on earth would I want to join that cess pit of filth? Because they're the majority? Because they're the ones putting money towards my ludicrous pay as World Heavyweight champion? I will not submit to joining them Tito. No sir. I was very much intent on BEATING them...and beat them I have in every aspect of the word! Name a category Tito! Strength, Athleticism, Speed, Dexterity, Elocution, I am, BETTER THAN THEM....and they know it! Because I remind them of it Tito. Every opportunity I get to do so. Why? Because I want to make it clear to everybody Tito...everybody watching at home, everybody who pays for a ticket, every other wrestler in that locker room, every other wrestler across the country and most importantly of all Tito? Every other wrestling company...in the world. I want to make it clear to all of them Tito...EXACTLY what a champion truly IS! Nick Bockwinkel See fools like you Tito, they want to be liked, they want to be popular, they want to be the cult of personality...they want to be like the heroes they read about as children or watch in old western films on television! They want to live out their fantasies! Well that right there, is why people like you will never reach their true potential Tito...because that is all your conceited idea of appeasing to these people truly is...a fantasy. I'm about to do something I hope doesn't boost your ego too much Tito...I say you're a good athlete...I say you're a damn good athlete and if you think for a single second that I'm coming in underestimating you? You're wrong...I know exactly what I'm stepping in the ring with. Because I've SEEN hundreds of wrestlers just like you boy...all that potential and no key to unlock it! Perhaps in some other company, things would be different. Perhaps the day I finally hang up my boots, things will be different, but until that day comes Tito? As long as there is room for Nick Bockwinkel in the American Wrestling Association...I will continue to be the World Heavyweight Champion. Why? Because when you look at me, you look at the reality of what being a champion truly requires! It requires you to work harder than everybody else, it requires you to train harder than everybody else, it requires you to study harder than everybody else...and most importantly of all...and this is the part where you should lean in and listen. It requires you not to care what these people think...what these people want...what these people desire. A champion? Does what they need to do...for their company...for their sport...and most importantly of all Tito...for the championship itself. Nick takes the belt off of his shoulders and hold it out for all to see, specifically, for Tito to see. The most prized accomplishment in the AWA, The World Heavyweight Championship. The symbol of absolute excellence within the company, and with a champion like Nick Bockwinkel, it could be argued one of the most prized possessions in all of wrestling. Nick Bockwinkel Do you know what this belt means Tito? Truly? It means I am the best wrestler in this company...and I would argue...the best wrestler in the world. Being the best wrestler in the world means...no time to concern yourselves with the meager opinions of these so called fans of this sport. It means ensuring that you are the absolute best in every field, every aspect, every minute detail you can possibly fathom...and simply put Tito? That is a burden, that, simply put Tito...you are not prepared to carry upon your shoulders. To the untrained mind it sounds like boasting, but I simply present to you the reality of the situation. Shall I tell you what will happen come the time of our match? I know...because time and time again, the story has been the same. The only thing that changes are the faces and the names. There you are...a young up and comer, the crowd behind you, rooting for you, clasping their hands together and praying to their...fictional man in the sky for you...you will walk in hearing them chant your name...and come the end of it all? Do you know what you'll hear? Bockwinkel leans in and lifts the mic right against his lips to emphasize his point. Nick Bockwinkel Silence...as you look up and see the inevitable...me...standing over you...your superior...your better...your...champion Bockwinkel hands the championship over to Heenan to hold while he leans over the table and signs the contract. The crowd are riled up with anger hearing the outright disrespect from the champion. As Verne looks over the contract once it is signed, Heenan hands the championship belt back to Bockwinkel, who slowly places his tinted glasses back on his brow, smirking as he nudges them over the bridge of his nose. Gordon Solie Well...Tito...now is your opportunity to res- Before Gordon can finish, Tito snatches the mic, his whole body tense with rage and frustration Tito Santana You think you are so unique don't you? I have had to listen to pampered, elitist rich boys like you all my life! You are all the same you know that?! Strutting around in your three piece suits, your flashy watches and diamond rings, taking any and every opportunity you have to showcase just how GOOD you have it! And boy oh boy do you all love to BRAG about just how hard you worked to get it all? When the truth of the matter is? It was thanks to mommy and daddy's money, buying your way to private schools, prestigious colleges, making sure your foot is in every door it can find a gap in so you can slip on through while people like me have to do the REAL work? Everything just comes so easily to you doesn't it? Because it's been MADE easy! Because you know nothing else except the taste of that silver spoon that's been in your mouth all these god damn years! Tito Santana All my life...I've heard I wasn't good enough by people like you...whether it was because of the money I didn't have...the way that I speak...where my family come from. All so eager to make me well aware just how inferior I am to THEM? Do you know what I did to them Bockwinkel? I proved them wrong! All of them! When they said a kid like me would struggle in school, I proved them wrong! When they said I would never make it to college! I proved them wrong! When they thought they could hold me down in sport I proved them wrong and when they said I'd never make it to the business? I proved them wrong and now I'm here standing in this ring, listening to another trumped up prep boy tell me it can't be done...well let me tell YOU something Bockwinkel... Tito Santana ...I look forward to proving you wrong! You are so eager to disrespect these people, the people that help pay your cheques! The people that, if they didn't come here...you wouldn't even GET to be World Champion here, because there would be NO AWA and there would be NO Nick Bockwinkel! Now while there being no Nick Bockwinkel sounds promising, I for one am THANKFUL for this company AND it's fans for the opportunities it has provided me, for the bills it has helped me pay...and for the lifestyle that I live! They overlooked the differences between me and them, they threw their support behind me and I swear as long as there is breath in my body and blood in my veins, I WILL NEVER LET THEM DOWN! Tito Santana And you? You ungrateful waste of talent. You could represent something GOOD in this sport. You could represent something right...you talk about the realism of being a champion, but the truth is you just can't help but take the EASY way out and if you don't do it, than that slimy little WEASEL that you call a manager will do it for you! Bobby "The Brain" Heenan WHAT! DID YOU HEAR THA- Tito Santana I DON'T THINK I'M FINISHED YET! SO STOP SQUEALING WEASEL! You act all high and mighty and you think with your impressive words and being well dressed, you can hide what's really underneath, but everyone can read you like a book Bockwinkel! You are nothing more than a frightened little...COWARD...a sheep...in wolf's clothing and come the AWA Spectacular? It will be my pleasure to expose who you really are once and for all! Tito drops the mic and immediately turns to sign the contract, the atmosphere in the ring is tense, Bockwinkel's arrogant smug is merely a memory now and instead replaced with gritted teeth frustration and eyes masked by his tinted glasses. Once Santana is signed, Verne inspects the document, then signs it himself, followed by Gordon solie as the witness to the event. Verne Gagne Well gentlemen...it is official...shake hands. Nick Bockwinkel The tension is at it's heights as the two men step towards one another in the center of the ring, Bockwinkel's belt positioned right in front of Tito's face so he can get a long, hard, glance at the belt Bockwinkel plans to keep out of his reach. The fans at a fever pitch, hoping to see just the tiniest hint of what is to come at the January Spectacular. But, true to the word of Verne, that is not what happens here tonight. Slowly, Bockwinkel reaches out his hand, stoic, emotionless, his glance aimed square at Tito's eyes. Tito doesn't break his stare, his hand slowly reaches out to without looking down and when the two clasp hands, it is done so with an added oompf as they pull each other face to face, exchanging aggressive words with one another. It looks like someone might have to step in before Bockwinkel seperates and pushes away, immediately leaving the ring with Bobby and heading towards the back. Mumbling god knows what along the way... Rated:70 Hulk Hogan VS. Masa Saito VS. It was the match of the night as the rising popularity of Hulkamania was becoming slowly more apparent it seemed. Hogan managed to keep the attention of the fans despite the hard to follow segment previous and got all the Hulkamaniacs on their feet in support against the Japanese Brute, Masa Saito. The match ended in the way you might come to expect a Hogan match to end, with an Atomic leg drop being the final blow that got the pin around ten minutes into the match Rated:62 After The Match Hogan gets PEARL HARBOR'D by Baron Von Raschke during his celebration. As Hogan climbed the turnbuckle to raise his arms, he instead got hit with a double axe handle to the back of the head that sent him tumbling down to the mat. Whilst Hogan was down, Raschke assists Saito up to his feet and the two double team the Hulkster, laying the boots into him! Raschke lets out a mighty, gurgling roar as Saito hoists Hogan up to his feet and....THE CLAW...THE CLAW! RASCHKE'S GOT THAT DESTRUCTIVE CLAW LOCKED ON TO HOGAN! The show fades to black with the image of the Hulkster writhing on the floor! Rated:66 Final Rating:61
  19. I believe I know what you are referring to. If it is the thing I think it is. Jim is referring to a method that...i think it was Verne Gagne of the AWA used during its prime? Definitely a territory booker that Jim remembers this method from. You have your top five guys who you build the company around and then the next five guys who you build up to replace them so you always have someone who can fit in the mix if the moment calls for it. A simple but effective way of booking your territory to make sure you always have stars that can draw
  20. AEW Announces Tournament Event To Debut All Elite Wrestling is starting off with quite the gamble before getting on TV. Whilst a broadcasting deal is almost certainly in the books for the company, what with the ties that owner Tony Khan has. The company has announced it will first be hosting a tournament to crown the inaugural AEW World Heavyweight Champion! The Tournament, dubbed "The Chase For The Ace", will see sixteen members of the roster, who were drawn at random face off against each other in singles competition in an elimination style tournament. This tournament will then take place, live via Pay-Per View and is likely to span multiple events over the month, Inside sources say that at least TWO events have been penciled in via Time Warner Cable who have agreed to host a minimum of 12 AEW events. The potential for a third event still on the table, depending on the development of the tournament. The question of being able to sell tickets for the chosen venue and pick up a decent buy rate looms over the company for what is both a commendable and certainly somewhat risky first move for the company to make. AEW was however happy to share the sixteen competitors and the way the matches were drawn, to help draw hype towards the event itself. The matches for the tournament, in no specific order will be... Chris Jericho VS. Pac Brian Pillman Jr. VS. Nick Aldis Cody Rhodes VS. Jake Hager Aaron Stevens VS. Matt Cross Kenny Omega VS. Sonjay Dutt Jay Lethal VS. Christopher Daniels Frankie Kazarian VS. Homicide Adam Page VS. Eddie Kingston The matches will be formatted from opening match to Main Event as what AEW are dubbing the "First Round" draws nearer
  21. Excerpt From Corny's Drive-Thru The Great Brian Last So Jim...while we still have a chance to speak regularly, how's the new job treating you? Jim Cornette Brian...I'm going to do my best to be as diplomatic as I can, so all I will say is it is far too early one way or another to make any kind of statement about the job. The Great Brian Last I'll admit the roster release brought me hope, showed me that at least there was some sense brought into the hiring practice there. Jim Cornette Well I was disappointed we couldn't get Punk. AEW could really use a name like that, a top draw, someone the fans are becoming desperate to see, even if it is just one more time. The Great Brian Last Why do you think you think Punk wouldn't sign? Jim Cornette Well, with the way his previous employers treated him, can you blame him?! Heck I been tryin' to stay out the wrestlin' business and it managed to pull MY ASS back in...so...never say never but...Punk ain't happenin' for now. The Great Brian Last Any other signings you wish you got? Jim Cornette Aside from the ones I wish I coulda gotten but knew we wouldn't coz they were under contract with the WWE? Yeah I think I can share this and Tony won't be mad at me for it. We were puttin' together the announce table and it seems pretty damn obvious to me that...if you wanna' put a sports based presentation together, what better voice than good ol' Jim Ross The Great Brian Last Jim, you're telling me you guys couldn't bring JR on board. Jim Cornette Sadly not. Whether he's got a bitter taste in his mouth after the WWE, whether he's happier callin' other sports or doin' his podcast. JR's exact words were "Jim. I just want to retire in peace." And honestly I think he deserves that Brian so....we won't be botherin' JR any more but...boy oh boy does that leave us with a struggle at the announce desk...
  22. AEW Initial Roster Please Note A Women's Division is Being Planned and will be built as the diary progresses. I've always done women's divisions like this in my diary. I like to pin down exactly what Im doing with the men first, otherwise I feel like Im juggling too many balls at once. Other additions and roster changes are likely to change, as, AEW is a new company. P;eople that were overlooked, people that turn out to be bad signings, the backstage dynamic between Corny and those he hates might influence other signings. We shall see. Aaron Stevens, Adam Page, Alexander Hammerstone, Austin Gunn, Austin Theory, Brandi Rhodes, Brian Pillman Jr., Chris Jericho, Christopher Daniels, Cody Rhodes Darby Allin, Eddie Kingston, Frankie Kazarian, Homicide, Jacob Fatu, Jake Hager, Jay Briscoe, Jay Lethal, Jungle Boy, Kenny Omega, Mark Briscoe, Matt Cross, Matt Jackson, Maxwell Jacob Friedman, Michael Nakazawa, Nick Aldis, Nick Jackson, Orange Cassidy, Pac, QT Marshall, Richard Holliday Sonjay Dutt, Wardlow
  23. Cornette's List Alexander HammerstoneCash Wheeler CM PunkDavid Michael HarwoodJacob FatuJay BriscoeJay LethalMark BriscoeMaxwell Jacob FriedmanRichard HollidayBackupsHomicideNick AldisQT Marshall
  24. Cody's List Austin Gunn Austin Theory Brandi Rhodes Brian Pillman Jr. Dustin Rhodes Jake Hagar Jon Moxley Matt Cardona Maxwell Jacob Friedman Wardlow Backups Aaron Stevens Kyle O'Reily Sonjay Dutt
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