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Everything posted by tana

  1. If doing that make sure you're using date modified and not created which is the default in windows explorer as you'll miss out on 99% of new images.
  2. ** New Update ** https://www.mediafire.com/file/l8ceweymghb6bv9/SAMPP+GIF+24.1.7z/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/ehvox4bm4858cu0/SAMPP+JPG+24.1.7z/file
  3. Small collection of updates I've posted recently in the RWC discord - Some people updates - Sukeban logo + stable gif logos - New generic stable logos - Acclaimed Trios belt https://www.mediafire.com/file/jhyw3pmfjggod2v/Nov+10.7z/file
  4. There are templates in the pack with the filenames starting with underscores in the people & belt folders
  5. https://www.mediafire.com/file/k5sxqr6by332jy0/SAMPP+JPG+23.10.7z/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/t43u0buy3ruh9ra/SAMPP+GIF+23.10.7z/file
  6. ** New Update ** A full WWE & NXT update, long story short their website has stopped being frequently updated so I went through everyone and cut their most recent picture from match graphics. If you already downloaded the update from a few days ago download the file below for just the newest updates. If you didn't you can download from the first post and it'll be both updates. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ibtdno2u0u62ncm/SAMPP+
  7. Last call for any updates needed for the new update coming next week. You can also ask in the RWC discord. Already done for October update: - AEW - DDT - Ganbare - IMPACT - NJPW - BASARA - NOAH - Sendai Girls - TJPW - Stardom - WWE Not in October but should be in December: - Full Mexico update - US Indies update
  8. If you have photoshop use the action below If you don't have photoshop, you can use photopea in your browser. Run the action and it'll resize the image for you. How to use an action in Photopea : https://help.theluxelens.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406162373271-How-to-Install-Actions-for-Photopea-Photopea-com- Action download link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/d9lgd93gl59k97h/RWC_Actions.atn/file
  9. Here's a pack of 24 generic belts and trophies that will be in the next update https://www.mediafire.com/file/6cas1n1qj1ff8fh/New+Belts.7z/file
  10. ** New Update ** https://www.mediafire.com/file/spx895inc6i88dp/SAMPP+GIF+23.8.7z/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/dic3tl41uyl5656/SAMPP+JPG+23.8.7z/file
  11. In the url delete everything after the first .jpg or use this extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/imagus/immpkjjlgappgfkkfieppnmlhakdmaab
  12. Good news! AEW updated their website and some people like Emi have an updated picture for the first time in years. Will have update pics done sometime this week. Bad news! They changed the images from a blank background to a texture, still works but just extra work needed to cut those with hair. Good news! Here's a quick psd with color correction to fix the filter they added to all the images. You'll need to mess with them individually for best results. https://www.mediafire.com/file/z30u3hxghpis4p6/AEW_CC_2023.psd/file
  13. They get similar amount of downloads, right now this month has 648 GIF downloads & 604 JPG downloads.
  14. Be sure to use the file name given. or https://www.mediafire.com/file/avr6ri9gwdxx5yr/123.7z/file ' WWE World Heavyweight.jpg ' ' Smackdown Womens.jpg ' ' WWE Womens 2016.jpg ' ' ROH Television.jpg ' ' NJPW World TV.jpg ' ' DPW National.jpg ' ' DPW Women's.jpg ' ' DPW Worlds Heavyweight.jpg ' ' DPW Tag Team.jpg ' ' DPW Carolina Classic.jpg '
  15. There's a few days worth of pictures I did that were lost seeing those NJPW belts missing and some AEW pictures not updated. Harley Cameron doesn't have an updated picture and I remember doing that the same day I did the Strong Womens title. If you notice anything else please post and I'll get a mini update out this weekend.
  16. https://www.mediafire.com/file/zptlfwx1xvfg26w/RWC_Actions.atn/file I somehow saved it into the wrong folder when I made it, that's my bad. You can manually assign them, it'll take 20 minutes but worth it. Use 'WWE Universal.jpg' to have it replace the Undisputed title.
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